Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 The Brazilian System for Conformity Assessment Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies The Brazilian Program for Biological Resource Centers and the Interfaces with the Global Network July, 1st and 2nd 2008 Ricardo Nóbrega e Elizabeth Cavalcanti Inmetro Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 certification/accreditation of quality management environment for Biological Resource Centre with common policies and principles to areas (biosecurity, etc.), ownership and management of intellectual property through Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) with other relevant projects and initiatives Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 What are we looking for? Police Implementation of a mechanism for third party independent assessment of BRCs Principle CONFIDENCE along BRC How to reach it? through CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 CONFIDENCE CHAIN Harmonised standards, rules and regulations Nationals BRC Global BRC Network • Link between biological data to biological materials across BRCs and upon common technological frameworks Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 Brazilian System for Conformity Assessment - Sinmetro Council (Conmetro) PLENARY (8 MINISTERS, CNI, ABNT and IDEC) Policies 5 Committees open to the society Advisory INMETRO Executive Secretariat Accreditor Manager of Programs Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 Conmetro’s Committees Conmetro Brazilian Conformity Assessment Committee Brazilian Stdzation Committee Brazilian Regulation Committee Brazilian Metrology Committee Inmetro Committee for Codex Alimentarius the Agreement on Technical Committee Barriers to Brazil Trade/ WTO Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 Inmetro is the accreditation body recognized by the Brazilian Government At Inmetro, the accreditation function is provided by the General Coordination for Accreditation - Cgcre. TO ACCREDIT IS NOT TO DELEGATE COMPETENCE when Inmetro accredits, it does not mean that someone is carrying out this activity on behalf of Inmetro. Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION AGREEMENTS ILAC IAF - Signed between accreditation bodies - Aims to promote credibility in using results and certificates IAAC EA - Makes International Commerce easy, instead of multiplicity Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 ACCREDITATION TYPES Reference Materials Calibration and Reference Materials Test Producers ABNT ISO Guia 34 + NBR ISO/IEC 17025 ISO/IEC 17025 Inspection Bodies Inspection ISO/IEC 17020 Laboratories Good Laboratory Practices Clinical Laboratories NIT-DICLA-028 and 034 NIT-DICLA-083 (ISO 15189) Certification Bodies Management Systems (ABNT ISO/IEC Guides 62 and 66) NBR ISO/IEC 17021 Persons Products NBR ISO/IEC 17024 ABNT ISO/IEC Guide 65 Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 ACCREDITED BODIES Modality Type Calibration Testing (17025) Laboratories Monitoring Labs Testing (GLP) Testing (Clinical Lab.) Number 228 248 18 3 Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 INSPECTION BODIES Modality INSPECTION Type Number VEHICLE SAVETY INSPECTION 248 DANGEROUS GOODS 31 NON DESTRUCTIVE TEST 1* *in final process of accreditation Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 ACCREDITED BODIES Modality Type Products 52 Quality Management System 35 19 4 4 16 1 2 6 Environmental MS Aerospace MS Certification Bodies Number Forest Management System PBQP-h MS (construction) HAZAP MS (food) Social Responsibility MS Persons Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 IAF International Accreditation Forum Accreditation Body Cgcre/Inmetro Int´l Recognition Chain Peer evaluation according to ISO 17011 Recognizes the competence Certification Body Certifies that the organization (BRCs applicants) attends to certification standards and rules BRC Assessment according to ISO/IEC Guide 62/NBR ISO/IEC 17021 Assessment according to OECD requirements, ISO 9001 and specific accreditation requirements certification goods Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 IAF International Accreditation Forum Accreditation Body Cgcre/Inmetro Recognizes the competence Certification Body Certifies that the organization (BRCs applicants) attends to certification standards and rules BRC Confidence Chain Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 Zone 2 – “Hygienics”: there are characteristics that are important to the customer but which, once a certain threshold has been achieved, have little relatively effect on satisfaction. As in the previous case, the organization can consider reducing investment in these characteristics. However, the performance of these characteristics should not fall below acceptable level, as that may have a negative impact on overall satisfaction. Zone 3 – “Motivators”: these are characteristics that are important to customers, and which have a significant effect on overall satisfaction. These are obvious areas of focus. The level of performance in these areas should be maintained, or further improved if this is found to be cost-effective. Zone 1 – “Infrastructure”: these are characteristics for which the customer expresses a low level of importance and which, if they were improved, would have little impact on overall satisfaction. Therefore, the organization can consider eliminating or reducing investment in them, to reduce costs or provide greater value to the customer. Zone 4 – “Hidden opportunities”: these are characteristics that are currently not recognized or deemed important by the customer, but which if improved will significantly increase overall satisfaction. Such characteristics offer the highest potential for improvement of satisfaction. Brazilian Scheme for the Accreditation of BRCs Conformity Assessment Bodies July, 2nd 2008 Thanks Elizabeth Cavalcanti 55-21-2563.5533 Ricardo Nóbrega 55-21-2563.2843