Electric potential and capacitors February 10, 2014 Physics for Scientists & Engineers 2, Chapter 24 1 Electric Potential Energy ! For a conservative force, the work is path-independent ! Electric potential energy, U, is defined in terms of the work done by the electric field, We, when the system changes its configuration from some initial configuration to some final configuration • The change in the electric potential energy is the negative of the work done by the electric field ΔU = U f − U i = −We U i is the initial electric potential energy U f is the final electric potential energy ! The work done on a charge q in an electric field is We = ∫ 2/10/14 f i ! ! f ! ! qE ⋅ds = q ∫ E ⋅ds i Physics for Scientists & Engineers 2, Chapter 23 2 Equipotential surfaces ! A constant electric field has straight, equally spaced, and parallel field lines, which produces equipotential surfaces in the form of parallel planes 2/10/14 Physics for Scientists & Engineers 2, Chapter 23 4 Single Point Charge ! The electric field lines for point charges are radial ! The equipotential surfaces are concentric spheres in 3D ! The equipotential lines take the form of concentric circles in 2D Positive charge 2/10/14 Negative charge Physics for Scientists & Engineers 2, Chapter 23 5 Electric Potential Difference ΔV ! The electric potential difference between an initial point i and final point f is U f U i ΔU ΔV = Vf −Vi = − = q q q ! Work and potential are related through We ΔV = − q ! The units of electric potential are 1J 1V= 1C ! We express the electric field as [F] N J/m V [E]= = = = [q] C C m 2/10/14 Physics for Scientists & Engineers 2, Chapter 23 6 Graphical Extraction of the Electric Field ! Calculate the magnitude of the electric field at point P. ! To perform this task, we draw a line through point P perpendicular to the equipotential line reaching from the next line down to the next line up in potential. ! Measure the length Δs of this line. ! The magnitude of the electric field can be approximated as ES = − 2/10/14 ΔV Δs Chapter 23 7 System of Point Charges ! We calculate the electric potential from a system of n point charges by adding the potential functions from each charge kqi V = ∑Vi = ∑ i=1 i=1 ri n n ! This summation produces an electric potential at all points in space – a scalar function ! Calculating the electric potential from a group of point charges is usually much simpler than calculating the electric field • It’s a scalar 2/10/14 Physics for Scientists & Engineers 2, Chapter 23 9 Electric Potential Energy for a System of Particles ! Now we consider a system of point charges that produce the electric potential themselves. ! We begin with a system of charges that are infinitely far apart, U = 0, by convention. ! To bring these charges into proximity with each other, we must do work on the charges, which changes the electric potential energy of the system. ! We then bring in point charge q1. Because there is no electric field and no corresponding electric force, this action requires no work to be done on the charge. ! Keeping this charge (q1) stationary, we bring the second point charge (q2) in from infinity to a distance r from q1. ! This requires work q2V1(r). ! We then bring in all other charges ! The total energy of a system of 3 charges is U123 = U12 +U13 +U 23 2/10/14 k U123 = (q1q2 + q1q3 + q2 q3 ) d Chapter 23 10 Review: Capacitance ! The definition of capacitance is • Capacitance is a property of the capacitor q C= V ! The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor depends on the plate area and the plate separation and is given by • A is the area of each plate ε0 A • d is the distance between the plates C= Physics for Scientists & Engineers 2 d 11 Cylindrical and spherical capacitor ! The capacitance of a cylindrical capacitor with length L, inner radius r1 and outer radius r2 is 2πε 0 L C= ln ( r2 / r1 ) ! The capacitance of a spherical capactitor with inner radius r1 and outer radius r2 is rr C = 4πε 0 1 2 r2 − r1 ! The capacitance of an isolated sphere is C = 4πε 0 R February 10, 2014 Physics for Scientists & Engineers 2, Chapter 24 12 Review ! The electric potential energy stored in a capacitor is given by 1 U = CV 2 2 ! The field energy density stored in a parallel plate capacitor is given by 1 ⎛V ⎞ u = ε0 ⎜ ⎟ 2 ⎝d⎠ 2 ! The field energy density in general is 1 u = ε0E2 2 September 17, 2008 Physics for Scientists & Engineers 2, Lecture 14 13 Dielectric ! Inserting a dielectric between the capacitor plates tends to partially cancel the original electric field Eair q q E= = = κ κε 0 A ε A ! The capacitance goes up qd ΔV = Ed = κε 0 A February 10, 2014 q κε 0 A C= = ΔV d C = κ Cair Physics for Scientists & Engineers 2, Chapter 24 14 Circuit Symbols ! Circuit elements are represented by commonly used symbols. February 10, 2014 Chapter 24 15 Capacitors in series and in parallel ! The equivalent capacitance for n capacitors in parallel is n Ceq = ∑ Ci = i=1 ! The equivalent capacitance for n capacitors in series is n 1 1 =∑ Ceq i=1 Ci = ! For two capacitors in series: C1C2 Ceq = C1 + C2 2/10/14 Physics for Scientists & Engineers 2, Chapter 23 16 Supercapacitor / Ultracapacitor ! Supercapacitors (ultracapacitors) are made using a material with a very large surface area between the capacitor plates ! Two layers of activated charcoal are given opposite charge and are separated by an insulating material ! This produces a capacitor with capacitance millions of times larger than ordinary capacitors ! However, the potential difference can only be 2 to 3 V February 10, 2014 Physics for Scientists & Engineers 2, Chapter 24 19