Maps and Data by Sector Climate Change Vulnerability in Sri Lanka Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Data Book Development Team: Mahakumarage Nandana - GIS Specialist, Nayana Mawilmada - Team Leader/Strategic Planning Specialist, Sithara Atapattu - Deputy Team Leader/Coastal Ecologist, Jinie Dela Environmental Specialist, Aloka Bellanawithana - Project Assistant. Acknowledgements The team appreciates and would like to acknowledge all the support provided by the Climate Change Secretariat, Ministry of Environment and the Asian Development Bank on this initiative. The team would also like to extend their sincere gratitude to all the stakeholders who have worked with, guided, and encouraged them over the past months. Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Ministry of Environment, Sri Lanka January 2011 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Contents Page Table of Contents i Abbreviations and Acronyms iii Introduction 1 Mapping Methodology 3 Limitations Maps and Data by Sector Information Included in the Data Book Data Sources Urban Development, Human Settlements and Economic Infrastructure Human Settlements Transport Infrastructure Tourism Water for Domestic Needs and Irrigation 4 5 5 6 7 7 33 51 61 Drinking Water 61 Irrigation Water Agriculture and Fisheries 79 87 Paddy Plantations Fisheries Livestock Health Vulnerability to Dengue Vulnerability to Dysentery Vulnerability to Leptospirosis Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Appendices Appendix A – Exposure Maps Appendix B – District Data Tables 87 105 119 135 151 152 158 164 171 179 180 184 i Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Abbreviations & Acronyms ADB Asian Development Bank CC Climate Change CCS Climate Change Secretariat DMC Disaster Management Center DSD Divisional Secretariat Divisions GDP Gross Domestic Product GN Grama Niladari GIS Geographic Information Systems GOSL Government of Sri Lanka IEC Information, Education and Communication IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IWMI International Water Management Institute MOH Medical Office for Health NCCAS National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy SLTDA Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority SVP Sector Vulnerability Profile TA Technical Assistance iii Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book INTRODUCTION In 2009, responding to a request from the Government of Sri Lank (GOSL), the Asian Development Bank (ADB) initiated a technical assistance (TA) project titled “Strengthening Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation”. The TA was implemented through the Climate Change Secretariat (CCS) of the Ministry of Environment. Working with and through the CCS, the project aimed to increase Sri Lanka’s resilience to climate change impacts, whilst pursuing sustainable economic development and natural environment conservation. It also was expected to stimulate improved effectiveness and better organization of stakeholders to address climate change adaptation in Sri Lanka. The primary goal of the TA was to support the GOSL initiative to adapt key sectors in the economy and safeguard Sri Lanka’s national interest against climate change threats. The primary outputs of the TA were Sector Vulnerability Profiles (SVPs), the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (NCCAS), and the Information Education and Communications (IEC) Strategy. One of the key components of the SVPs, which forms much of the background for the NCCAS, was a GIS vulnerability mapping exercise, carried out to get a sense of the scale and spatial distribution of potential climate change vulnerabilities in the country. Vulnerability mapping was carried out for the five key sector groupings considered critical for national development: Urban Development, Human Settlements and Economic Infrastructure Water Agriculture and Fisheries Health Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Each sub-sector’s vulnerability to expected increases in floods, droughts, landslides as well as sea level rise have been considered in the mapping process. The mapping methodology and indices used are discussed in detail later on. The purpose of this data book is to make the data collected and processed for this exercise readily available to all interested. It is also expected that such data availability will encourage interested parties to refine the findings and methodology further, and also to ensure that there is a base line for future comparisons. 1 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book MAPPING METHODOLOGY According to the IPCC, vulnerability is the degree to which a system is susceptible to, or unable to cope with adverse effects of climate change. Vulnerability is a function of the character, magnitude and rate of climate variation and its effects to which a system is exposed, its sensitivity, and its adaptive capacity. Exposure means the nature and degree to which a system is exposed to significant climatic variations. Sensitivity is the degree to which a system is affected either adversely or beneficially by climate related stimuli. Adaptive capacity is the ability of the system to adjust to climate change to moderate potential damages, to take advantage of new opportunities or to cope with the consequences The vulnerability mapping exercise undertaken1 as part of NCCAS development process builds on this IPCC assertion and definition of vulnerability. The analysis is intended for use as a macro level planning tool, to illustrate where sector-specific vulnerability is high, in relative terms, across the nation, and to guide decisions on prioritization and targeting of potential climate change adaptation responses The basic methodology involved in the GIS mapping was to develop indices for exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity relevant to each given sector. These three indices were then combined to create a composite sector-specific vulnerability index. The analysis is largely based on publicly available data sources. Areas where complete and comparable data sets of relevant indicators could not be obtained (such as the North and East where census data is not available) were not analyzed, and will need to be evaluated at a future stage, perhaps after the 2011 census is complete. The mapping process involved several key steps: 1. Developing Common Exposure Indices: Separate Exposure Indices for flood, drought, and landslide exposure up to a DS division level of detail were developed based on historic data on the frequency and scale of disaster events (assessed in terms of number of people affected) from the Disaster Management Centre (DMC). Available data ranging from 1974 to 2008 were used. The Exposure Index for sea level rise was based on a ratio of the area of land within 2M above sea level as a percentage of total land area within 5km from the coastline in each DS Division. Topography data for the index was obtained from the ASTER 30M Digital Elevation Model. The above Exposure Indices are common across all sectors. (see Appendix A) 2. Developing Sector-specific Sensitivity and Adaptive Capacity Indices While exposure levels to hazards (i.e. floods, landslides, droughts and sea level rise) are common to all sectors, sensitivity and adaptive capacity vary substantially. The Sensitivity and Adaptive Capacity Indices are unique to each sector and the indicators used in their formulation are given in the following pages along with the vulnerability maps. The primary challenge in developing the sector specific Sensitivity and Adaptive Capacity Indices was obtaining complete and comparable datasets of relevant indicators that covered the entire nation at the required level of detail. Most of the demographic data used in developing these indices was extracted from the 2001 National Census—in which no data were available for the North and East of the country. No viable and reliable alternative source of comparable demographic data exists. Therefore, vulnerability of the North and East could not be clearly assessed in some sectors. 3. Deriving the Vulnerability Indices As IPCC asserts, vulnerability is a combination of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity. Therefore, to arrive at sector-specific assessments of vulnerability to various exposure types, the three relevant indices were combined by taking their averages. For example, to understand vulnerability of the drinking water sector to drought exposure, the following indices were combined: Drought Exposure Index, Drinking Water Sensitivity Index, and Drinking Water Adaptive Capacity Index. 1 IWMI’s CC Vulnerability Index as in Eriyagama et. al., 2010 was used as a starting point and substantially refined for finer grain and sector specific analysis.19 3 Certain exposure types (i.e. landslides, floods, droughts, and sea level rise) do not substantially impact some sectors. Therefore, only exposure types relevant to each sector were analyzed and illustrated. 4. Filtering and Refining the Indices The raw indices include distortions. Some DSDs have little or no exposure to certain hazards, while others have little or no sensitivity. For example, some DSDs did not have any incidence of landslides historically, and hence had a zero value for exposure. Similar instances apply to sensitivity. For example, a DSDs with no hotel or guest house rooms will have a zero value in its Sensitivity Index, while a DSD with just 10 rooms will be negligible in terms of its sensitivity. Yet when values from all indices for such a DSD are combined, some level of vulnerability is indicated. To remedy this distortion, the datasets were filtered. All DSDs with either exposure or sensitivity falling within the lowest 5th percentile were removed. The Vulnerability Indices were then recomputed. So DSDs with negligible levels of sensitivity or exposure were excluded from the refined Vulnerability Indices. 5. Classification and Data Mining Once Vulnerability Indices for specific sectors to specific exposure types were established, each index was then ranked and DS divisions classified into four categories based on natural breaks in the index values. These were then mapped geographically, to illustrate rather clearly, the geographic distribution of vulnerability across key sectors. Besides being able to visually illustrate the distribution of vulnerability, the mapping exercise also enables us to unlock a wealth of data about the scale of vulnerability in given sectors. For example, once we know which DSDs have transport sectors highly vulnerable to flood exposure—we can then, through simple assessment of public data sets, uncover how many kilometres of roads and railroads are in those DSDs, understand the demographics of the underlying communities, etc. Limitations As with most similar initiatives, this mapping exercise is limited in scope and should be refined on an ongoing basis, based on detailed data which may become available from various agencies. The DSDlevel analysis performed for most sectors, is useful as a macro-level planning tool. However, it is not finegrain enough to do local-level planning or detailed assessments. Demographic data was from the 2001 National Census, the best source available at the time of the study, but lacked effective coverage of the North and East (due to the conflict). It was not possible to get DSD level data for the health and biodiversity sectors. The Ministry of Health collects data by what it calls “MOH Areas”, boundaries of which are poorly defined and not congruent with DSD boundaries. Therefore, the District level—where data were available—was used as the unit of analysis. Biodiversity data was also very limited, and again analysis was only performed up to a district level, where data were available. It is noted that relevant agencies are carrying out detailed hazard mapping at the national and regional levels.2 Also, more up-to-date demographic and other information, covering the entire country will be available when the 2011 is complete. It is strongly recommended, therefore, that the vulnerability mapping exercise is repeated in a few years. 2 For example, the Disaster Management Centre is currently coordinating a detailed risk profiling exercise for the major disaster types, at a much higher level of detail, in collaboration with the Coast Conservation Department, Irrigation Department, the National Building Research Organization, and several others. The maps generated through the DMC exercise would provide much finer grain information for exposure indices. 4 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book MAPS AND DATA BY SECTOR INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THE DATABOOK This databook is intended as a resource for researchers and planners involved in understanding and developing responses to climate change in Sri Lanka. It includes the complete set of climate change vulnerability maps and pertinent data produced by the ADB-financed consulting team as part of Sri Lanka’s NCCAS development process. The following pages are organized into several sections, in line with the Sector Vulnerability Profiles, also produced as part of the NCCAS process: Urban Development, Human Settlements and Economic Infrastructure R R R Human Settlements Transport Tourism Water R R Drinking Water Irrigation Agriculture and Fisheries R R R R Paddy Plantations Fishery Livestock Health R R R Dengue Dysentary Leptospirosis Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Each subsection starts with a very brief introduction to the sector concerned. This is followed by the indicators used in the Sensitivity and Adaptive Capacity Indices used, as well as some key findings from analysis of the map on each facing page. The data table following each map lists rankings and classifications of the DSDs as illustrated. A range of comparable data on physical characteristics, demographics, and sector-specific indicators for each DSD are also provided. A wealth of additional data on the characteristics of specific DSDs can be found in the statistics released by the Department of Census and Statistics. District level data for all indicators included in this databook are available in Appendix B to allow for easy comparisons as required. It must be noted that each map illustrates the potential vulnerability of one given sub-sector, to one particular exposure-type (i.e. sea level rise, floods, droughts, or landslides) based purely on historical data. Only exposure types considered relevant to a particular sub-sector are analyzed and illustrated. Areas in white indicate that adequate comparable data was not available to perform the analysis to establish levels of vulnerability. Areas indicated as (no vulnerability) are DSDs eliminated from the indices either because they had insignificant exposure (historically) to the type of exposure concerned, or had minimal sensitivity to impacts on the sector being mapped (refer to methodology for further explanation). 5 DATA SOURCES: The raw data sources used for the mapping exercise are given below and will be indicated by the respective letter in the data tables. a - Calculated by the TA team b - Census of Population and Housing -2001, Department of Census and Statistics c - Household Income and Expenditure Survey - 2006/07 Department of Census and Statistics, http:// d - Census of Agriculture, 2002, Department of Census & Statistics e - 1:50,000 Topographic Maps – Department of Survey f - Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority g - Asweddumized Extent of Paddy by Mode of Irrigation and DS Division 2005/06 Maha, http://www. Department of Census and Statistics h - Department of Coast Conservation i - Estimated Mid-year Population by Sex and District - 2010, Department of Census and Statistics, h - Statistical Abstract – 2009, Department of Census & Statistics abstract2009/chapters/Chap1/AB1-1.pdf j - Ministry of Health k - Epidemiology Unit l - Red List of Threatened Fauna and Flora of Sri Lanka , 2007 m - World Health Organization Note: Some maps and statistics in this data book are different from those published in the Sector Vulnerability Profiles as some data have been updated. 6 URBAN DEVELOPMENT, HUMAN SETTLEMENTS AND ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE Human Settlements As Sri Lanka moves into a trajectory of aggressive development, evaluating climate change vulnerability becomes important to identify potential threats to slated development goals. By doing so, any risks could be addressed early, ensuring that development targets can be achieved in a timely and sustainable manner. Increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters will have immense socio-economic impacts on urban areas and human settlements. This makes climate change vulnerability a rather serious concern to be addressed in the development process. As 70% of Sri Lanka’s population is expected to reside in urban settlements by 2030, it is crucial to ensure that such developments are adequately climate-proofed to ensure long term sustainability. The main vulnerabilities associated with sea level rise on human settlements include inundation of land, saltwater intrusion, and increased frequency of storm surges along the coastal belt. Land, settlements, and coastal infrastructure including housing, roads, tourism infrastructure, etc, may be affected with substantial loss/damage of assets, disruption of economic opportunities and threats to the physical and social wellbeing of coastal communities, especially since the coastal zone accounts for about 43% of the nations GDP. Salt water intrusion will reduce the availability of fresh water for both drinking and irrigation, again undermining the viability of settlements in certain coastal areas and some downstream human settlements (including urban areas), well beyond the coastal zone. With rising temperature, the need for adequate ventilation and cooling in residential and commercial buildings will increase. This can increase the energy demand at the national level and increase energy costs at the household level too. Health concerns in settlements are also expected to worsen. Some of the implications associated with changes in rainfall regimes include increased frequency and duration of droughts, floods and increased rainfall intensity. Future urban development and planned expansion of human settlements could be highly vulnerable to drought, particularly if local economies are sustained by industries highly sensitive such as agriculture. Flood conditions will cause erosion and physical damage to infrastructure and public utilities imposing significant burdens on both individual households and the national economy. More frequent and severe flooding from flood prone rivers will exacerbate problems already faced by many communities in low-lying areas, especially where natural drainage paths and flood retention areas have been blocked or reclaimed. Increase in rainfall intensity may overwhelm urban storm-water drainage systems, resulting in more frequent flooding and damage to household and community level assets and infrastructure. The quantity and quality of water available for domestic use will also be affected. The incidence of landslides caused by heavy and continuous rain is on the rise, and the resultant loss/ damage to housing and related infrastructure, livelihoods and lives need to be anticipated. The central hill region of the country would be particularly affected by this hazard. Communities highly vulnerable to landslide risks may seek to relocate. The economic costs and social issues related to such potential migration could be significant. 7 Human Settlements Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Housing and Urban Development Sector Vulnerability to Drought Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =\]bYNaV\[QR[`Vaf ;bZOR_\SU\b`V[Tb[Va` \SU\b`V[Tb[Va`PYN``V·RQN`aRZ]\_N_f`a_bPab_R` ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRNO\cRaUR]\cR_afYV[R ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRdU\UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ`RP\[QN_f RQbPNaV\[ Raw data source: 2001 National Census Some of the key findings include: Vulnerability of housing and human settlements to drought is widespread in the island, but more concentrated in the North-central and Southern regions of the country. 19 DS Divisions (DSDs) emerge as having settlements highly sensitive to drought. These DSDs combined, have: R R R A total population of 871,830 people, of whom 33.8% are below the poverty line. A total housing stock of 219,231 housing units, of which 107,440 (49%) are of temporary construction. 67.59% of their population (or 148,174 households) using wells and another 8.27% (18,138 households) using tube wells as their primary source of water. The three most vulnerable DSDs are Embilipitiya (Ratnapura District), Siyambalanduwa (Moneragala District), and Kalpitiya (Puttalam District). R R R R Siyambalanduwa and Kalpitiya are highly sensitive as 68% of the housing stock in those DSD’s comprise of temporary structures, while in Embilipitiya this figure is 38%. Siyambalanduwa and Kalpitiya also have very high incidence of poverty (50% and 44%) among areas historically exposed to droughts. Populations in Kalpitiya and Siyambalanduwa are heavily dependent on groundwater, with over 89% of the respective populations using wells or tube wells as their primary source of water. Embilipitiya emerges as highly vulnerable because it has a relatively high population of 119,563, and a substantial volume of housing --29,027-- of which 11,000 are temporary structures. Embilipitiya is also among the DSDs that have historically recorded the highest exposure to droughts; 54% of the population at Embilipitiya depend on groundwater. A further 32 DSDs are in the moderately vulnerable category. They have: R R 8 A total population of about 1,494,810 people, of whom 388,416 are below the poverty line. A total of 371,327 housing units of which 159,967 are of temporary construction. 9 Human Settlements Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Housing and Urban Development Sector Vulnerability to Drought Exposure High Rank District Name Moderate DSD Name Low Minimal Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. Total km)a Populationb Demographics Population No. of Density Householdsb (Per Sq. km)a Urban Rural Estate Populationb Populationb Populationb % in Povertyc % Completed Secondary Educationa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Rathnapura Moneragala Puttalam Hambantota Badulla Kurunegala Puttalam Hambantota Puttalam Puttalam Moneragala Badulla Puttalam Hambantota Anuradhapura Hambantota Kurunegala Hambantota Badulla Embilipitiya 383.4799 Siyambalanduwa 1065.6754 Kalpitiya 158.7548 Suriyawewa 189.7447 Rideemaliyadda 438.2808 Polpithigama 417.5552 Anamaduwa 259.0095 Ambalantota 211.3413 Mundalama 241.4497 Arachchikattuwa 162.6380 Thanamalwila 661.4470 Meegahakivula 108.7195 Vanathavilluwa 736.5317 Lunugamvehera 300.3473 Padaviya 242.5157 Katuwana 103.7065 Kuliyapitiya West 163.9366 Angunukolapeles 174.0781 Kandaketiya 152.6207 119563 47438 81780 35529 45759 67263 33302 64361 56294 38092 23172 18650 16460 25226 21146 41392 71483 42426 22494 312 45 515 187 104 161 129 305 233 234 35 172 22 84 87 399 436 244 147 29126 10808 18185 9031 10681 18926 9039 15334 13534 9912 5893 4558 4024 6922 5452 10025 18666 10394 5425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6290 0 0 119490 47438 81627 35529 45582 67263 33302 63426 56294 37402 23172 16316 16410 25226 21146 62344 65102 42426 21428 73 0 153 0 177 0 0 935 0 690 0 2334 50 0 0 0 91 0 1066 31.60 51.80 45.34 34.80 51.15 30.00 16.77 33.30 41.08 21.82 35.80 46.50 40.31 33.50 34.33 34.30 16.62 33.00 46.10 21.16 13.52 13.63 17.37 14.89 18.13 22.53 21.36 14.73 16.64 14.18 12.52 12.25 17.85 14.43 17.11 32.77 16.83 14.56 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Rathnapura Puttalam Rathnapura Hambantota Moneragala Rathnapura Puttalam 43693 20225 69123 60982 28358 29099 239 40 444 78 39 143 10661 5550 16962 14829 6678 7690 0 0 0 0 0 0 38930 20225 57669 60486 28358 28720 4763 0 11454 496 0 379 37.70 23.77 38.20 32.20 40.70 39.20 14.65 14.80 20.31 22.31 19.44 19.60 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Polonnaruwa Badulla Anuradhapura Kurunegala Hambantota Kurunegala Moneragala Kurunegala Badulla Ampara Nuwara Eliya Anuradhapura Kurunegala Anuradhapura Matale Anuradhapura 16905 57899 67301 31604 36812 46757 76344 50768 47844 76524 15971 203717 40469 69888 29642 12399 96 102 112 104 250 138 348 87 175 557 41 418 82 323 35 33 4686 15189 16499 8230 9830 10945 19589 12698 12759 19213 3642 47145 10338 18130 7578 3305 0 0 0 0 0 11134 0 0 0 0 0 14204 0 0 0 0 16905 57899 67301 31592 36770 35623 75913 50768 47844 65809 15971 47474 40469 69888 29642 12055 0 0 0 12 42 0 431 0 0 10715 0 142039 0 0 0 344 28.65 13.37 38.57 20.57 23.20 31.30 24.30 24.90 25.70 33.35 22.90 21.34 18.90 24.95 34.60 15.18 14.73 20.02 19.54 22.57 23.32 26.50 17.79 22.00 19.52 11.66 16.74 24.09 28.69 14.78 19.05 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Hambantota Moneragala Kurunegala Anuradhapura Badulla Puttalam Puttalam Kurunegala Anuradhapura Kolonna 183.0319 Karuwalagaswewa 503.9380 Godakawela 155.7512 Tissamaharama 783.8008 Madulla 722.5206 Weligepola 203.5279 Mahakumbuk kadawala 175.8432 Medirigiriya 570.3679 Mahiyanganaya 598.4674 Rambewa 303.6555 Ganewatta 147.1195 Hambantota 338.9857 Ibbagamuwa 219.4878 Wellawaya 585.9537 Galgamuwa 273.2962 Uva Paranagama 137.2816 Padiyathalawa 386.8510 Ambagamuwa 487.9105 Medawachchiya 492.1070 Panduwasnuwara 216.0387 Horowpothana 845.8179 Laggala-Pallegama 373.8370 Nuwaragam Palatha Central 389.4952 Weeraketiya 115.4094 Medagama 241.1373 Giribawa 207.1489 Kebithigollewa 611.9821 Haldummulla 414.9996 Nawagattegama 171.9949 Puttalam 178.4049 Mahawa 260.6953 Maha Vilachchiya 624.8276 53665 37401 32467 28093 19457 38223 12956 71091 50576 18557 138 324 135 136 32 92 75 398 194 30 13055 9208 7664 7831 4903 9855 3519 15898 13674 4630 11598 0 0 0 0 0 0 41761 0 0 42067 55459 32467 28093 19457 23207 12956 29330 50576 18557 0 0 0 0 0 15016 0 0 0 0 20.14 32.50 30.20 24.00 27.74 31.65 26.44 25.08 20.90 31.16 20.32 21.20 14.89 19.56 18.03 18.09 13.19 21.59 21.83 17.85 10 Accessibility Main Roads (km) a & e Secondary Roads (km) a & e Housing Characteristics Other Roads (km) a & e Permanent b SemiPermanentb b DSD Name Improvised Not Classifiedb Total Housing Unitsb ** Rank 70 52 39 0 50 36 42 31 30 26 21 18 0 29 0 18 37 0 14 130 23 13 105 82 63 27 182 46 42 54 18 35 54 38 31 68 149 42 476 551 177 209 414 469 321 287 291 294 256 136 417 296 235 128 288 272 181 18027 3382 5722 4117 4187 7349 4968 9743 6464 5834 2574 1985 1405 2886 2761 8455 13850 5328 2754 10755 7282 8845 4768 6390 11135 3898 5250 5356 3324 3246 2497 2307 3891 2425 6525 4264 4936 2508 45 43 3091 26 6 104 47 49 1289 637 11 7 237 37 182 13 289 13 2 200 50 225 80 70 154 64 59 186 68 40 25 36 66 40 107 137 56 47 29027 10757 17883 8991 10653 18742 8977 15101 13295 9863 5871 4514 3985 6880 5408 15100 18540 10333 5311 Embilipitiya Siyambalanduwa Kalpitiya Suriyawewa Rideemaliyadda Polpithigama Anamaduwa Ambalantota Mundalama Arachchikattuwa Thanamalwila Meegahakivula Vanathavilluwa Lunugamvehera Padaviya Katuwana Kuliyapitiya West Angunukolapeles Kandaketiya 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 47 36 45 53 32 20 42 31 45 60 46 27 161 343 175 622 226 162 5068 2572 8831 9789 2751 3484 5430 2789 7753 4625 3844 4069 10 79 26 156 15 23 49 44 121 94 45 58 10557 5484 16731 14664 6655 7634 20 21 22 23 24 25 7 0 57 23 25 26 40 58 41 17 23 167 72 37 48 26 22 32 102 30 38 106 75 15 70 55 6 70 8 56 43 36 251 713 602 461 198 397 250 321 423 301 198 1149 550 414 548 255 2075 8771 8972 3876 5394 7614 11022 6369 6542 10830 1088 33627 4811 12480 3604 1535 2427 6223 7254 4120 4208 3083 8026 6072 5846 7438 2513 11560 5037 5193 3663 1680 159 49 31 26 86 83 209 65 63 13 19 81 28 322 33 15 7 95 154 28 44 52 105 92 122 206 10 883 114 77 73 17 4668 15138 16411 8050 9732 10832 19362 12598 12573 18487 3630 46151 9990 18072 7373 3247 28 18 21 0 55 50 22 38 34 90 61 42 46 10 56 21 18 74 537 179 144 349 600 321 167 210 337 7532 7136 3820 3451 1926 5544 1680 9305 7561 5216 6120 3718 4214 2762 4075 1751 4989 5856 57 37 20 31 25 37 13 1107 43 114 41 53 31 55 59 32 244 32 12919 13334 7611 7727 4768 9715 3476 15645 13492 Kolonna Karuwalagaswewa Godakawela Tissamaharama Madulla Weligepola Mahakumbuk kadawala Medirigiriya Mahiyanganaya Rambewa Ganewatta Hambantota Ibbagamuwa Wellawaya Galgamuwa Uva Paranagama Padiyathalawa Ambagamuwa Medawachchiya Panduwasnuwara Horowpothana Laggala-Pallegama Nuwaragam Palatha Central Weeraketiya Medagama Giribawa Kebithigollewa Haldummulla Nawagattegama Puttalam Mahawa 0 40 410 2300 2235 15 51 4601 Maha Vilachchiya 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 11 Human Settlements Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Rank District DSD Name Name Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. Total km)a Populationb 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Moneragala Badulla Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Hambantota Kurunegala Kurunegala Anuradhapura Moneragala Moneragala Kurunegala Kurunegala Badulla Anuradhapura Rathnapura Hambantota Anuradhapura Moneragala Kurunegala Kurunegala Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Hambantota Moneragala Anuradhapura Puttalam Rideegama 222.5431 Bingiriya 195.2943 Kobeigane 130.8780 Moneragala 292.5414 Soranathota 80.8879 Palagala 226.9676 Thalawa 220.5999 Kahatagasdigiliya 366.6055 Okewela 41.9560 Wariyapola 201.7589 Nikaweratiya 152.4124 Nochchiyagama 843.5736 Buttala 735.5660 Sewanagala 191.9569 Rasnayakapura 125.8909 Kotawehera 182.1192 Ella 109.3657 Galnewa 140.2283 Balangoda 274.1594 Tangalle 152.5016 Galenbidunuwawe 288.1528 Badalkumbura 235.9900 Pannala 284.9191 Ambanpola 142.5265 Thambuttegama 111.4855 Thirappane 278.9562 Beliatta 102.5034 Katharagama 536.3836 Ipalogama 142.4270 Chilaw 93.6034 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Kurunegala Kandy Kurunegala Kurunegala Anuradhapura Matale Kurunegala Badulla Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Anuradhapura Polgahawela Pathahewaheta Kuliyapitiya East Narammala Mihintale Ukuwela Mawathagama Haputhale Udubaddawa Mallawapitiya Kurunegala Weerambugedara Nuwaragam Palatha East Population No. of Density Householdsb a (Per Sq. km) Urban Rural Estate Populationb Populationb Populationb % in Povertyc % Completed Secondary Educationa 80473 55763 32230 42457 22760 29837 50919 33572 18247 56880 36370 41601 47324 36820 18814 19273 42894 30344 77303 62800 40888 36784 114438 19964 36524 23378 52283 16297 32933 59890 362 286 246 145 281 131 231 92 435 282 239 49 64 192 149 106 392 216 282 412 142 156 402 140 328 84 510 30 231 640 21118 15223 8581 10071 5667 8196 13375 8619 4266 15207 9549 11239 11843 9221 5071 5323 10775 8165 18720 14981 10454 9030 29467 5488 9448 6143 12630 3875 8730 14448 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11402 10437 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23533 78808 55613 32230 39112 18160 29837 50919 33572 18247 56832 36370 41601 47324 35739 18678 19273 29156 30344 58032 52363 40888 32733 113726 19964 36524 23378 52283 16297 31992 36357 1665 150 0 3345 4600 0 0 0 0 48 0 0 0 1081 136 0 13738 0 7869 0 0 4051 712 0 0 0 0 0 941 0 32.76 16.80 19.10 29.30 34.24 23.83 19.44 19.63 34.10 18.90 19.40 16.98 21.20 19.30 23.00 21.70 28.04 18.46 27.30 27.10 18.56 27.90 17.80 23.10 19.05 18.59 28.30 19.80 17.41 20.11 26.28 24.53 24.70 23.23 17.35 21.98 22.25 20.03 25.51 29.42 24.93 19.61 22.01 20.35 20.46 26.07 21.90 20.55 27.22 30.04 21.42 23.53 31.16 23.46 22.52 23.27 36.26 19.56 25.86 21.74 97.3861 83.5016 113.2748 108.3197 234.9169 77.9074 109.6233 70.3267 117.5985 79.9307 111.0680 91.3110 58762 53843 46966 51244 26786 61568 56820 50735 48800 46575 88944 30311 603 645 415 473 114 790 518 721 415 583 801 332 14506 13229 11728 13092 6657 14856 14191 11565 12669 11574 20292 8085 0 0 0 0 1523 977 0 3235 0 0 28401 0 57940 51531 46839 51244 25263 54983 55013 29372 48742 46240 60369 30311 822 2312 127 0 0 5608 1807 18128 58 335 174 0 22.91 26.60 20.32 21.40 18.97 21.40 24.92 24.42 17.70 19.50 14.70 20.11 35.64 30.92 27.57 33.36 29.03 29.55 33.95 29.37 29.43 33.19 44.87 39.05 90.6614 65671 724 14504 40030 25641 0 11.97 44.47 ** except cart tracks and foot paths 12 Demographics Accessibility Housing Characteristics Main Roads (km) a & e Secondary Roads (km) a & e Other Roads (km) a & e 38 21 14 29 10 24 32 53 9 43 28 32 65 19 3 10 46 20 39 36 16 44 38 24 34 25 26 18 25 25 63 71 38 31 44 46 28 34 14 31 32 69 4 65 29 45 29 29 84 102 51 28 175 30 7 38 40 24 40 28 27 24 15 34 33 37 34 21 28 20 33 20 32 b b DSD Name Rank Permanent SemiPermanentb Improvised Not Classifiedb Total Housing Unitsb 317 336 270 161 138 216 402 409 48 366 248 657 319 217 226 194 172 208 261 208 460 227 503 182 272 321 114 177 154 112 12899 9921 5708 4946 3456 3301 6324 4522 2302 9407 5775 5934 6223 4363 2709 2543 6834 3555 11711 10394 5441 5210 21502 2970 4447 2733 7956 2563 4626 9210 7736 4783 2701 4927 2009 4618 6725 3918 1921 5478 3565 5020 5397 4784 2200 2578 3503 4474 6589 4002 4756 3682 7004 2406 4819 3291 4246 1193 3879 4076 97 437 98 48 7 81 39 21 5 140 39 39 71 18 41 11 9 21 15 108 12 7 686 17 53 19 63 47 37 951 118 64 44 73 53 49 72 42 10 57 29 76 40 35 64 48 115 19 133 63 69 48 161 17 80 29 57 45 34 60 20850 15205 8551 9994 5525 8049 13160 8503 4238 15082 9408 11069 11731 9200 5014 5180 10461 8069 18448 14567 10278 8947 29353 5410 9399 6072 12322 3848 8576 14297 Rideegama Bingiriya Kobeigane Moneragala Soranathota Palagala Thalawa Kahatagasdigiliya Okewela Wariyapola Nikaweratiya Nochchiyagama Buttala Sewanagala Rasnayakapura Kotawehera Ella Galnewa Balangoda Tangalle Galenbidunuwawe Badalkumbura Pannala Ambanpola Thambuttegama Thirappane Beliatta Katharagama Ipalogama Chilaw 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 52 67 46 26 25 45 16 53 41 40 61 30 94 102 185 177 311 99 171 134 179 83 142 122 10591 9031 8318 8909 4011 9825 10298 8370 9244 8226 15191 5490 3571 3811 3092 3834 2411 4512 3558 2616 2961 2994 4242 2317 122 27 192 222 40 12 70 10 345 65 183 109 76 98 61 41 79 92 100 268 65 80 329 42 14360 12967 11663 13006 6541 14441 14026 11264 12615 11365 19945 7958 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 41 177 11744 2326 25 196 14291 Polgahawela Pathahewaheta Kuliyapitiya East Narammala Mihintale Ukuwela Mawathagama Haputhale Udubaddawa Mallawapitiya Kurunegala Weerambugedara Nuwaragam Palatha East ** 94 13 Human Settlements Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Housing and Urban Development Sector Vulnerability to Flood Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =\]bYNaV\[QR[`Vaf ;bZOR_\SU\b`V[Tb[Va` \SU\b`V[Tb[Va`PYN``V·RQN`aRZ]\_N_f`a_bPab_R` A composite of data (at DSD level) on: ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRNO\cRaUR]\cR_afYV[R ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRdU\UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ`RP\[QN_f RQbPNaV\[ Raw data source: 2001 National Census Some of the key findings include: Vulnerability of housing and human settlements to the expected increase in floods appears to be concentrated in the Western region of the country, although smaller pockets of high vulnerability are also seen elsewhere. 7 DSDs emerge as having settlements highly vulnerable to flood exposure. These DSDs combined have: R R R A population of 1,034,944, with poverty incidence of 13.3%, which is lower than the national average. 214,473 housing units of which almost a quarter (53,330) are temporary structures. 37% of their population (81,775 households) using wells as their primary source of water. Colombo (Colombo District) and Katana (Gampaha District) emerge as the two most vulnerable DSDs. These DSDs are home to 603,629 people living in 113,848 housing units. Colombo, the most vulnerable DSD, has the highest population density in the country. 21 additional DSDs emerge as having settlements that are moderately vulnerable to flood exposure. These DSDs combined have a population of 1,168,658 living in 276,442 housing units, over a third of which are temporary structures. 57.7% of these households use wells as their primary source of water. 14 15 Human Settlements Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Housing and Urban Development Sector Vulnerability to Flood Exposure High Rank District Moderate DSD Name Name Low Minimal Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. Total km)a Populationb Demographics Population No. of Density Householdsb (Per Sq. km)a Urban Rural Estate Populationb Populationb Populationb % in Povertyc % Completed Secondary Educationa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Colombo Gampaha Polonnaruwa Rathnapura Puttalam Rathnapura Gampaha Colombo Katana Dimbulagala Elapatha Mundalama Rathnapura Wattala 17.8538 124.9577 552.3964 86.8547 241.4497 326.7894 57.6911 380946 222683 63349 36322 56294 115223 160127 21337 1782 115 418 233 353 2776 70735 50765 16757 8828 13534 26549 36368 380946 73318 0 0 0 45623 28740 0 149365 63339 34219 56294 53219 131387 0 0 10 2103 0 16381 0 12.10 7.70 22.59 40.10 41.08 21.90 6.10 32.53 41.14 18.60 22.39 14.73 30.01 40.21 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Rathnapura Rathnapura Matara Gampaha Rathnapura Ampara Rathnapura Ampara Rathnapura Kalutara Hambantota Colombo Polonnaruwa Galle Kalutara Matale Matara Ampara Ampara Badulla Galle Ayagama Kalawana Mulatiyana Dompe Nivithigala Pothuvil Pelmadulla Lahugala Kuruwita Bulathsinhala Ambalantota Kolonnawa Elahera Thawalama Palindanuwara Dambulla Hakmana Thirukkovil Addalachchenai Ella Nagoda 157.6893 384.7488 119.4139 182.1586 157.9051 271.8310 144.8430 923.3049 174.6734 209.4387 211.3413 26.0388 353.1772 174.1470 283.2330 455.1342 49.6219 187.0859 56.9586 109.3657 174.6178 28637 48669 46066 130021 59092 28480 84966 7623 85882 59787 64361 161247 39908 31803 45911 60976 30201 23700 36020 42894 52414 182 126 386 714 374 105 587 8 492 285 305 6193 113 183 162 134 609 127 632 392 300 7357 11905 11169 31962 13989 6693 19906 1888 20460 15611 15334 35803 10446 7710 11597 15285 7190 5427 7640 10775 13028 0 0 0 0 0 0 560 0 0 0 0 56396 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25160 44632 45501 130021 47942 28480 73480 7623 80326 53331 63426 104851 39908 30789 40298 60959 30201 23700 36020 29156 46707 3477 4037 565 0 11150 0 10926 0 5556 6456 935 0 0 1014 5613 17 0 0 0 13738 5707 33.70 36.40 30.90 21.10 32.80 21.37 23.93 21.41 31.48 17.57 13.45 26.35 15.57 23.57 22.09 21.36 35.95 17.46 19.99 22.88 23.88 29.15 20.88 17.64 21.90 23.04 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Ampara Rathnapura Ampara Matara Gampaha Polonnaruwa Gampaha Puttalam Matara Ampara Kalutara Gampaha Ampara Hambantota Kalutara Gampaha Matara Kalutara Ampara Galle Ampara Gampaha Kurunegala Alayadiwembu Kiriella Ninthavur Akuressa Kelaniya Lankapura Negombo Chilaw Malimbada Eragama Beruwala Biyagama Sainthamarathu Tangalle Mathugama Gampaha Athuraliya Dodangoda Akkaraipattu Baddegama Samanthurai Ja-Ela Udubaddawa 82.5912 79.5653 36.3016 148.6167 21.9313 200.7756 46.1424 93.6034 47.9781 66.6480 71.6785 60.2668 3.0272 152.5016 134.3624 90.6959 65.9339 112.8241 60.4089 114.4507 123.0101 61.4202 117.5985 22627 30881 24625 49806 134364 33676 144274 59890 31524 11344 144733 161300 24114 62800 73269 171040 30179 55052 34939 68634 51510 184666 48800 274 388 678 335 6127 168 3127 640 657 170 2019 2676 7966 412 545 1886 458 488 578 600 419 3007 415 4956 7666 6235 11825 30272 8611 31915 14448 7577 2632 29635 36655 5144 14981 17604 41357 7039 13646 7649 16761 11729 42975 12669 0 0 0 0 29820 0 121413 23533 0 0 33096 0 24114 10437 0 9284 0 0 0 0 0 30791 0 22627 29748 24625 48508 104544 33676 22861 36357 31384 11344 111637 161300 0 52363 66781 161756 29380 47970 34939 66249 51510 153875 48742 0 1133 0 1298 0 0 0 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 6488 0 799 7082 0 2385 0 0 58 16 30.20 28.90 27.40 33.30 8.20 18.45 29.50 30.70 19.90 32.00 28.04 28.70 25.60 21.90 6.90 14.54 7.10 20.11 24.30 22.10 11.30 27.10 29.40 9.90 27.80 21.20 21.70 7.80 17.70 22.67 26.58 22.78 24.28 41.85 19.42 30.04 21.74 31.38 13.35 28.20 41.68 21.81 30.04 28.65 43.27 26.77 27.42 26.00 30.17 20.13 44.60 29.43 Accessibility Secondary Roads(km) a & e Housing Characteristics Other Roads (km) a & e Permanent b SemiPermanentb b Improvised DSD Name Not Classifiedb ** Rank Total Housing Unitsb 105 116 34 54 46 52 94 0 203 455 77 291 350 47 54588 40211 6694 5614 6464 18283 29289 8459 6295 9738 2992 5356 7606 5548 41 901 105 18 1289 37 180 1930 1423 132 68 186 326 700 65018 48830 16669 8692 13295 26252 35717 Colombo Katana Dimbulagala Elapatha Mundalama Rathnapura Wattala 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 44 21 36 162 52 13 37 14 71 101 182 76 26 33 44 66 13 11 30 29 43 142 240 143 222 163 114 210 321 237 242 287 21 312 99 273 397 53 155 71 172 300 4013 6603 7737 24870 8155 3468 12187 613 14014 10686 9743 27611 5381 4620 7465 7092 4297 2618 5693 6834 9087 3242 5128 3330 6214 5540 2282 7230 1119 6029 4446 5250 6307 4880 3000 3924 7761 2746 1774 1154 3503 3711 20 17 4 351 14 485 27 52 58 45 49 125 29 7 17 171 19 904 409 9 27 35 116 46 175 72 82 242 4 99 164 59 406 59 51 99 99 27 47 99 115 150 7310 11864 11117 31610 13781 6317 19686 1788 20200 15341 15101 34449 10349 7678 11505 15123 7089 5343 7355 10461 12975 Ayagama Kalawana Mulatiyana Dompe Nivithigala Pothuvil Pelmadulla Lahugala Kuruwita Bulathsinhala Ambalantota Kolonnawa Elahera Thawalama Palindanuwara Dambulla Hakmana Thirukkovil Addalachchenai Ella Nagoda 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 12 31 41 24 74 37 57 28 30 13 88 132 2 102 66 87 28 69 5 39 21 116 41 88 70 20 154 23 201 52 112 53 108 125 69 4 208 172 141 88 159 102 230 159 107 179 3106 4842 4962 8269 23196 6153 26910 9210 5722 1708 22392 29276 4651 10394 12860 32735 4796 9969 6414 12021 9279 35929 9244 953 2671 433 3386 4926 2219 3558 4076 1734 605 5516 4501 193 4002 4230 7491 2129 3380 599 4449 1395 4735 2961 677 23 199 32 69 98 417 951 32 74 238 175 41 108 55 179 33 40 228 79 126 186 345 80 42 76 44 431 82 333 60 23 29 374 803 33 63 130 238 21 78 56 109 171 1013 65 4816 7578 5670 11731 28622 8552 31218 14297 7511 2416 28520 34755 4918 14567 17275 40643 6979 13467 7297 16658 10971 41863 12615 Alayadiwembu Kiriella Ninthavur Akuressa Kelaniya Lankapura Negombo Chilaw Malimbada Eragama Beruwala Biyagama Sainthamarathu Tangalle Mathugama Gampaha Athuraliya Dodangoda Akkaraipattu Baddegama Samanthurai Ja-Ela Udubaddawa 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 17 Human Settlements Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Rank District DSD Name Name 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Matara Gampaha Ampara Matara Gampaha Polonnaruwa Kalutara Colombo Ampara Kalutara Kalutara Kalutara Matara 18 Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. Total km)a Populationb Kaburupitiya Minuwangoda Ampara Thihagoda Attanagalla Thamankaduwa Millaniya Kaduwela Karativu Kaluthara Madurawala Bandaragama Matara 59.7187 133.2225 139.2692 50.9425 154.3057 465.7376 82.0638 87.7537 8.9392 77.6779 62.9158 57.4085 56.1514 37347 151661 38166 30909 154967 74224 44476 209251 16365 141829 29750 86886 108238 Demographics Population No. of Density Householdsb a (Per Sq. km) 625 1138 274 607 1004 159 542 2385 1831 1826 473 1513 1928 9079 37683 8713 7529 36838 17920 11035 48849 3641 31857 7552 20579 23705 Urban Rural Estate Populationb Populationb Populationb 0 7567 17957 0 0 0 0 0 0 37451 0 0 42663 37347 144084 20209 30909 154821 73956 43110 209251 16365 104378 27129 86886 65575 0 10 0 0 146 268 1366 0 0 0 2621 0 0 % in Povertyc % Completed Secondary Educationa 24.90 12.50 31.28 38.36 30.45 30.07 39.55 28.23 30.71 48.78 28.99 38.35 34.30 37.31 42.45 27.20 15.40 14.15 16.90 6.00 12.50 18.60 8.20 16.90 Accessibility Secondary Roads(km) a & e Housing Characteristics Other Roads (km) a & e Permanent b b DSD Name SemiPermanentb Improvised Not Classifiedb Total Housing Unitsb 1890 7913 2758 1748 7974 3948 2446 4327 236 5009 1454 2459 3237 23 498 21 21 339 75 64 172 110 206 28 71 222 52 236 71 34 274 199 59 758 21 322 31 178 106 8991 37171 8668 7404 36433 17729 10910 47904 3412 31144 7458 20075 23009 ** 17 109 28 11 98 61 64 165 18 83 65 36 76 46 232 262 52 201 351 129 106 8 126 58 115 59 7026 28524 5818 5601 27846 13507 8341 42647 3045 25607 5945 17367 19444 Kaburupitiya Minuwangoda Ampara Thihagoda Attanagalla Thamankaduwa Millaniya Kaduwela Karativu Kaluthara Madurawala Bandaragama Matara Rank 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 19 Human Settlements Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Housing and Urban Development Sector Vulnerability to Landslide Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =\]bYNaV\[QR[`Vaf ;bZOR_\SU\b`V[Tb[Va` \SU\b`V[Tb[Va`PYN``V·RQN`aRZ]\_N_f`a_bPab_R` ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRNO\cRaUR]\cR_afYV[R ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRdU\UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ`RP\[QN_f RQbPNaV\[ Raw data source: 2001 National Census Some of the key findings include: Vulnerability of housing and human settlements to the expected increase in landslides due to climate change is concentrated in the central hills of Sri Lanka. Walapane and Hanguranketha DSDs (both in the Nuwara Eliya District) emerge as having highly sensitive settlements to landslide exposure on their human settlements. These 2 DSDs have: R R R A total population of 194,194 people, of whom 29.4% are below the poverty line. A total housing stock of 47,693 housing units, of which 19,715 (41.3%) are of temporary construction. The highest exposure to landslides, historically in terms of frequency and people affected. A further 15 DSDs are expected to be moderately vulnerable to landslides as a result of climate change. These DSDs combined have: R R 20 A population of 969,660, of whom 275,276 (28.4%) are below the poverty line. 235,667 housing units of which 36.5% are temporary structures. Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 21 Housing and Urban Development Sector Vulnerability to Landslide Exposure High Rank District Moderate DSD Name Name Low Minimal Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. Total km)a Populationb Demographics Population No. of Density Householdsb (Per Sq. km)a Urban Rural Estate Populationb Populationb Populationb % in Povertyc % Completed Secondary Educationa 1 2 Nuwara Eliya Nuwara Eliya Walapane Hanguranketha 321.5229 228.6220 106434 87760 331 384 26645 22524 0 0 66727 74355 39707 13405 26.50 34.60 15.66 19.18 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Badulla Badulla Rathnapura Badulla Kegalle Kegalle Badulla Rathnapura Nuwara Eliya Nuwara Eliya Badulla Rathnapura Hambantota Kandy Badulla Kandaketiya Lunugala Elapatha Haldummulla Aranayaka Deraniyagala Uva Paranagama Kolonna Ambagamuwa Nuwara Eliya Bandarawela Weligepola Katuwana Udadumbara Ella 152.6207 141.8095 86.8547 414.9996 124.4190 222.0806 137.2816 183.0319 487.9105 483.5716 70.0596 203.5279 103.7065 277.0667 109.3657 22494 33079 36322 38223 66198 44735 76524 43693 203717 208190 60269 29099 41392 22831 42894 147 233 418 92 532 201 557 239 418 431 860 143 399 82 392 5425 8260 8828 9855 16850 11336 19213 10661 47145 49385 14379 7690 10025 6001 10775 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14204 28869 7296 0 0 0 0 21428 14585 34219 23207 64894 34377 65809 38930 47474 36922 44049 28720 62344 21322 29156 1066 18494 2103 15016 1304 10358 10715 4763 142039 142399 8924 379 0 1509 13738 46.10 38.82 40.10 31.65 36.10 33.60 33.35 37.70 22.90 21.90 21.61 39.20 34.30 37.50 28.04 14.56 13.78 22.39 18.09 29.31 19.57 19.52 14.65 16.74 18.93 32.66 19.60 17.11 17.35 21.90 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Badulla Kegalle Rathnapura Badulla Badulla Matara Rathnapura Nuwara Eliya Kurunegala Kegalle Rathnapura Badulla Rathnapura Kegalle Matale Kalutara Kegalle Rathnapura Kurunegala Kandy Passara Bulathkohupitiya Imbulpe Soranathota Hali Ela Kotapola Ayagama Kothmale Rideegama Dehiovita Rathnapura Welimada Pelmadulla Yatiyanthota Rattota Palindanuwara Warakapola Balangoda Ibbagamuwa Doluwa 135.9205 127.2471 255.2644 80.8879 170.1437 179.3289 157.6893 223.7228 222.5431 193.2396 326.7894 193.9032 144.8430 178.0749 105.2255 283.2330 195.5200 274.1594 219.4878 100.1685 49190 45573 55546 22760 87476 64012 28637 97509 80473 73991 115223 94399 84966 57239 49382 45911 106038 77303 76344 45270 362 358 218 281 514 357 182 436 362 383 353 487 587 321 469 162 542 282 348 452 12245 11729 14086 5667 21835 15073 7357 23841 21118 18460 26549 22838 19906 14197 13068 11597 26503 18720 19589 11651 0 0 660 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45623 0 560 0 0 0 0 11402 0 0 29457 37396 46388 18160 58715 51875 25160 58181 78808 62883 53219 84180 73480 45071 40015 40298 103087 58032 75913 37392 19733 8177 8498 4600 28761 12137 3477 39328 1665 11108 16381 10219 10926 12168 9367 5613 2951 7869 431 7878 31.88 32.50 32.00 34.24 34.58 22.60 33.70 22.30 32.76 29.30 21.90 29.19 30.20 30.10 23.40 30.70 26.00 27.30 24.30 26.50 19.27 22.74 24.58 17.35 24.29 15.42 21.37 19.01 26.28 24.21 30.01 28.14 26.35 23.81 25.32 22.88 30.93 27.22 26.50 21.04 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Kegalle Rathnapura Kegalle Rathnapura Badulla Kandy Kalutara Kandy Kegalle Eheliyagoda Ruwanwella Kiriella Haputhale Udapalatha Agalawatta Gangawata Korale 109.0590 141.9292 138.6165 79.5653 70.3267 90.6003 89.7814 58.6941 87637 63870 58892 30881 50735 86145 33962 160630 804 450 425 388 721 951 378 2737 21327 15566 14461 7666 11565 19936 8423 33196 17139 0 0 0 3235 24116 0 104252 68733 61593 54679 29748 29372 48242 32768 54472 1765 2277 4213 1133 18128 13787 1194 1906 26.70 26.90 28.50 25.60 24.42 21.40 26.40 10.10 37.80 26.60 28.11 26.58 29.37 29.35 33.03 48.49 ** Included all other road types without Rail roads (Cart track, Foot path etc) 22 Accessibility Main Roads (km) a & e Secondary Roads (km) a & e Housing Characteristics Other Roads (km) a & e b Permanent SemiPermanentb b Improvised Not Classifiedb Total Housing Unitsb ** DSD Name Rank 81 49 88 84 604 337 14602 13376 10815 8350 59 28 237 226 25713 21980 Walapane Hanguranketha 1 2 14 31 0 50 23 17 17 47 167 143 35 20 18 17 46 42 72 54 56 51 99 55 42 70 124 35 27 31 68 29 181 111 77 321 183 326 301 161 1149 1128 143 162 128 206 172 2754 5048 5614 5544 11064 6533 10830 5068 33627 30512 11274 3484 8455 2939 6834 2508 2987 2992 4075 5379 4494 7438 5430 11560 15571 2381 4069 6525 2933 3503 2 4 18 37 30 103 13 10 81 76 3 23 13 1 9 47 55 68 59 107 67 206 49 883 1638 305 58 107 55 115 5311 8094 8692 9715 16580 11197 18487 10557 46151 47797 13963 7634 15100 5928 10461 Kandaketiya Lunugala Elapatha Haldummulla Aranayaka Deraniyagala Uva Paranagama Kolonna Ambagamuwa Nuwara Eliya Bandarawela Weligepola Katuwana Udadumbara Ella 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 48 31 44 10 49 32 0 90 38 40 58 70 28 48 41 24 45 39 40 39 55 33 48 44 66 50 44 86 63 68 52 67 37 40 52 44 97 84 75 28 173 184 329 138 456 126 142 548 317 311 350 243 210 251 164 273 223 261 250 225 8019 7708 8363 3456 15154 9574 4013 14649 12899 12314 18283 15433 12187 9512 7462 7465 17655 11711 11022 7702 3735 3883 5317 2009 5794 5258 3242 8322 7736 5726 7606 6454 7230 4336 5252 3924 8139 6589 8026 3664 10 25 12 7 19 15 20 56 97 117 37 15 27 90 5 17 206 15 209 4 112 44 84 53 192 97 35 218 118 161 326 282 242 113 85 99 258 133 105 75 11876 11660 13776 5525 21159 14944 7310 23245 20850 18318 26252 22184 19686 14051 12804 11505 26258 18448 19362 11445 Passara Bulathkohupitiya Imbulpe Soranathota Hali Ela Kotapola Ayagama Kothmale Rideegama Dehiovita Rathnapura Welimada Pelmadulla Yatiyanthota Rattota Palindanuwara Warakapola Balangoda Ibbagamuwa Doluwa 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 36 26 42 24 21 47 6 44 74 60 69 31 53 50 40 100 105 164 155 70 134 204 86 44 15325 10969 10402 4842 8370 14423 6612 28340 5452 4319 3802 2671 2616 4793 1627 3395 86 45 99 23 10 23 13 16 176 61 57 42 268 203 64 496 21039 15394 14360 7578 11264 19442 8316 32247 Kegalle Eheliyagoda Ruwanwella Kiriella Haputhale Udapalatha Agalawatta Gangawata Korale 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 23 Human Settlements Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Housing and Urban Development Sector Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =\]bYNaV\[QR[`Vaf ;bZOR_\SU\b`V[Tb[Va` \SU\b`V[Tb[Va`PYN``V·RQN`aRZ]\_N_f`a_bPab_R` ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRNO\cRaUR]\cR_afYV[R ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRdU\UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ`RP\[QN_f RQbPNaV\[ Raw data source: 2001 National Census Some of the key findings include: Vulnerability of housing and human settlements to sea level rise exposure appears to be highest in the Western and Southern regions of the island. Although “exposure” was high in the North and East, detailed vulnerability assessment of this region could not be done because of the lack of census data. Among the DSDs where data was available and could be mapped, Colombo (Colombo District), and Kalpitiya and Mundalama (both Puttalam District) show high levels of vulnerability. These 3 DSDs have: R R A population of 519,020 people, of which almost a 100,000 are below the poverty line. 96,196 housing units of which 29,422 are temporary structures. The housing stock in Kalpitiya and Mundalama comprise primarily of temporary structures (68% and 51% respectively). This is the worst situation among all coastal DSDs where data were available. These two DSDs are also heavily dependent on groundwater, as over 87% of their populations use wells or tube wells as their primary source of water. A further 10 DSDs emerge as being moderately vulnerable to sea level rise exposure. These DSDs have a total population of 822,814 living in 183,867 housing units. 28% of these homes are temporary structures. 24 25 Human Settlements Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Housing and Urban Development Sector Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise Exposure High Rank District Moderate DSD Name Name Low Minimal Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. Total km)a Populationb Demographics Population No. of Density Householdsb (Per Sq. km)a Urban Rural Estate Populationb Populationb Populationb % in Povertyc % Completed Secondary Educationa 1 2 3 Puttalam Colombo Puttalam Kalpitiya Colombo Mundalama 158.7548 17.8538 241.4497 81780 380946 56294 515 21337 233 18185 70735 13534 0 380946 0 81627 0 56294 153 0 0 45.34 12.10 41.08 13.63 32.53 14.73 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Puttalam Hambantota Hambantota Galle Puttalam Matara Galle Galle Colombo Kalutara Puttalam Hambantota Ambalantota Habaraduwa Arachchikattuwa Weligama Karandeniya Hikkaduwa Moratuwa Beruwala 178.4049 338.9857 211.3413 49.5183 162.6380 43.1469 88.0055 66.0971 19.2051 71.6785 71091 46757 64361 59041 38092 66459 56128 98589 177563 144733 398 138 305 1192 234 1540 638 1492 9246 2019 15898 10945 15334 13567 9912 14825 14913 22820 41282 29635 41761 11134 0 0 0 21698 0 0 177563 33096 29330 35623 63426 59041 37402 44761 56128 98539 0 111637 0 0 935 0 690 0 0 50 0 0 25.08 31.30 33.30 28.70 21.82 21.50 21.90 24.90 10.30 22.10 21.59 23.32 21.36 29.53 16.64 30.48 20.63 33.61 40.58 28.20 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Matara Matara Gampaha Hambantota Galle Galle Galle Galle Matara Ampara Galle Matara Malimbada 47.9781 Devinuwara 37.6183 Negombo 46.1424 Tangalle 152.5016 Galle Four Gravets 23.7565 Akmeemana 65.4509 Ambalangoda 70.2467 Balapitiya 54.5727 Thihagoda 50.9425 Kalmunai 19.6568 Bentota 72.3358 Dickwella 50.9687 31524 44199 144274 62800 103246 63881 71047 65346 30909 70465 46442 51314 657 1175 3127 412 4346 976 1011 1197 607 3585 642 1007 7577 9988 31915 14981 19425 15110 17122 15054 7529 15821 11015 11592 0 0 121413 10437 90270 0 39302 0 0 70465 0 0 31384 44199 22861 52363 12976 63239 51396 65346 30909 0 46442 51314 140 0 0 0 0 642 0 0 0 0 0 0 24.30 20.90 7.10 27.10 19.30 22.00 20.30 22.00 27.20 31.38 26.80 30.04 30.04 39.96 32.21 32.73 27.89 30.07 28.44 31.14 31.87 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Ampara Ampara Kalutara Ampara Colombo Galle Matara Gampaha Kalutara Colombo Ninthavur Akkaraipattu Kaluthara Karativu Thimbirigasyaya Bope-Poddala Matara Wattala Panadura Rathmalana 24625 34939 141829 16365 266154 41612 108238 160127 163492 108716 678 578 1826 1831 11895 1426 1928 2776 3631 8269 6235 7649 31857 3641 52397 9732 23705 36368 37245 25013 0 0 37451 0 266154 0 42663 28740 33514 108716 24625 34939 104378 16365 0 41461 65575 131387 129978 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 0 0 0 0 ** except cart track and foot paths 26 36.3016 60.4089 77.6779 8.9392 22.3754 29.1730 56.1514 57.6911 45.0310 13.1472 22.30 22.70 12.50 4.40 18.10 16.90 6.10 7.40 4.20 22.78 26.00 38.35 28.99 49.35 42.27 42.45 40.21 40.07 47.88 Accessibility Main Roads (km) a & e Secondary Roads (km) a & e Housing Characteristics Other Roads (km) a & e b b Permanent SemiPermanentb Improvised DSD Name Not Classifiedb ** Rank Total Housing Unitsb 39 11 30 13 105 46 177 0 291 5722 54588 6464 8845 8459 5356 3091 41 1289 225 1930 186 17883 65018 13295 Kalpitiya Colombo Mundalama 1 2 3 38 26 31 21 26 18 23 32 17 19 18 106 182 62 42 48 32 60 73 88 210 397 287 66 294 53 219 80 2 125 9305 7614 9743 9472 5834 10957 10614 16527 30170 22392 4989 3083 5250 3308 3324 2942 4134 5211 8344 5516 1107 83 49 384 637 329 27 322 175 238 244 52 59 72 68 94 64 185 575 374 15645 10832 15101 13236 9863 14322 14839 22245 39264 28520 Puttalam Hambantota Ambalantota Habaraduwa Arachchikattuwa Weligama Karandeniya Hikkaduwa Moratuwa Beruwala 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 14 34 36 26 19 21 20 16 7 19 17 30 17 57 102 55 57 50 32 11 51 51 31 53 52 52 208 27 112 121 95 52 43 102 58 5722 7756 26910 10394 15798 10578 12441 10961 5601 11813 7295 8668 1734 1826 3558 4002 2619 4067 4274 3385 1748 1815 3339 2428 32 110 417 108 131 179 66 165 21 472 144 108 23 36 333 63 210 63 92 120 34 186 34 47 7511 9728 31218 14567 18758 14887 16873 14631 7404 14286 10812 11251 Malimbada Devinuwara Negombo Tangalle Galle Four Gravets Akmeemana Ambalangoda Balapitiya Thihagoda Kalmunai Bentota Dickwella 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7 14 48 6 19 12 26 21 22 5 41 5 83 18 131 30 76 94 85 65 20 102 126 8 2 47 59 47 83 2 4962 6414 25607 3045 43115 7768 19444 29289 30644 20677 433 599 5009 236 4604 1674 3237 5548 4763 2675 199 228 206 110 24 66 222 180 150 43 76 56 322 21 1793 37 106 700 488 439 5670 7297 31144 3412 49536 9545 23009 35717 36045 23834 Ninthavur Akkaraipattu Kaluthara Karativu Thimbirigasyaya Bope-Poddala Matara Wattala Panadura Rathmalana 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 27 Human Settlements Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 28 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 29 30 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 31 32 Transport Infrastructure The main transport infrastructure in Sri Lanka consisting of roads, railways, airports and sea ports are vulnerable to some impact of climate change, especially as most have not been designed to accommodate the consequences. There is a high probability that the island’s coastal zone will be affected by sea level rise and will have to face associated inundation of land, saltwater intrusion, and increased frequency of storm surges. The coastal region (i.e. DSDs with a coastal boundary) contains nearly 20% of the island’s Class A and B roads, and 33.3% of its railroads. This infrastructure is particularly vulnerable to sea level rise. Already, the railway lines from Colombo to the South have been affected by coastal erosion at some places. Sea level rise and more frequent and intense storm surges may also impact harbours and ports, and consequently on the service facilities they offer. The main roads in the country are generally surfaced with pre-mix bitumen or asphalt. Increased ambient temperatures could cause surface flow of asphalt, distortion of road markings, and bleeding of bitumen making old road surfaces brittle. This may necessitate heavy investment on repair and maintenance. Similarly, increased rainfall intensity as a result of climate change could exacerbate flooding of roadways, particularly as many canals and drainage outfalls are already in disrepair or have been planned for lower rates of flow. Increased levels of damage to land-transportation infrastructure will cause direct costs for repair and rehabilitation, and also result in substantial losses across many other sectors that are dependent on the road and rail network. More details on the transport sector including information on vulnerability enhancing factors are provided in Section 1, Part II, SVP on Urban Development, Human Settlements and Economic Infrastructure. For the purpose of the mapping exercise, only roads and railroads were considered for transport infrastructure vulnerability. 33 Transport Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Vulnerability of the Transport Sector to Flood Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: 9R[TaU\SZNV[_\NQ` 9R[TaU\S`RP\[QN_f_\NQ` 9R[TaU\S_NVY ?\NQQR[`VafYR[TaU\SZNV[_\NQ``RP\[QN_f_\NQ` N[Q_NVY_\NQ`]R_`^bN_RXVY\ZRa_RV[RNPU1@1 Sources of data: 1:50,000 map sheets from Survey Dept. of Sri Lanka Some of the key findings include: Vulnerability of transport infrastructure to the expected increase in frequency and intensity of floods due to climate change is widespread and prevalent in many parts of the country. 5 DSDs emerge as being highly vulnerable in this regard to flood exposure. These DSDs combined have 235 km of main roads, 531 km of secondary roads and 33 km of railroads. A further 43 DSDs emerge as moderately vulnerable. These DSDs have 1,381 km of main roads, 2,906 km of secondary roads, and 278 km of railroads. Of the 13 DSDs in Gampaha District, 3 emerge as highly vulnerable, and another 7 emerge as moderately vulnerable, making this the most vulnerable district in this regard. Gampaha District has a population of 2,063,684 and a total of 475,847 housing units. 34 35 Transport Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Transport Sector Vulnerability to Flood Exposure High Vulnerability Rank District Name Moderate Vulnerability DSD Name Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a 1 2 3 4 5 Gampaha Kilinochchi Gampaha Gampaha Rathnapura Katana Karachchi Dompe Wattala Rathnapura 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Hambantota Gampaha Gampaha Jaffna Colombo Mannar Gampaha Batticaloa Jaffna Batticaloa 16 17 18 19 Gampaha Gampaha Polonnaruwa Batticaloa 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Polonnaruwa Kalutara Hambantota Matale Rathnapura Trincomalee Jaffna Mulattivu 28 29 30 Rathnapura Rathnapura Batticaloa 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Jaffna Matara Hambantota Jaffna Gampaha Mannar Puttalam Batticaloa 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Polonnaruwa Kalutara Rathnapura Colombo Gampaha Rathnapura Kegalle Kalutara Galle Mulattivu Ambalantota 211.3413 Minuwangoda 133.2225 Gampaha 90.6959 Chavakachcheri 222.1802 Kaduwela 87.7537 Mannar Town 207.1215 Attanagalla 154.3057 Eravur Pattu 612.3070 Sandilipay 48.1604 Koralai Pattu (Valach.) 593.7964 Ja-Ela 61.4202 Biyagama 60.2668 Dimbulagala 552.3964 Manmunai S. and Eruvilpattu 59.7398 Thamankaduwa 465.7376 Bulathsinhala 209.4387 Tangalle 152.5016 Dambulla 455.1342 Elapatha 86.8547 Town & Gravets 132.1348 Tellipallai 61.1745 Pudukudi yirippu 1002.7885 Kuruwita 174.6734 Kalawana 384.7488 Manmunai South - West 150.8018 Kopay 102.0337 Mulatiyana 119.4139 Tissamaharama 783.8008 Nallur 34.4074 Mahara 94.2988 Manthai West 609.4103 Mundalama 241.4497 Manmunai North 66.4719 Lankapura 200.7756 Horana 112.7795 Pelmadulla 144.8430 Hanwella 145.8825 Negombo 46.1424 Ayagama 157.6893 Dehiovita 193.2396 Dodangoda 112.8241 Nagoda 174.6178 Maritimepattu 756.2531 36 Low Vulnerability 124.9577 621.6203 182.1586 57.6911 326.7894 Total Populationb Minimal Vulnerability Demographics No. of Householdsb Urban Populationb Rural Populationb 222683 50765 73318 149365 130021 160127 115223 31962 36368 26549 0 28740 45623 64361 151661 171040 15334 37683 41357 209251 Estate Populationb % in Povertyc % Completed Secondary Educationa 0 7.70 41.14 130021 131387 53219 0 0 16381 21.10 6.10 21.90 31.48 40.21 30.01 0 7567 9284 63426 144084 161756 935 10 0 33.30 12.50 9.90 21.36 38.36 43.27 48849 0 209251 0 6.00 48.78 154967 36838 0 154821 146 15.40 39.55 184666 161300 63349 42975 36655 16757 30791 0 0 153875 161300 63339 0 0 10 7.80 11.30 22.59 44.60 41.68 18.60 74224 59787 62800 60976 36322 17920 15611 14981 15285 8828 0 0 10437 0 0 73956 53331 52363 60959 34219 268 6456 0 17 2103 14.15 27.40 27.10 19.90 40.10 28.23 22.09 30.04 23.88 22.39 85882 48669 20460 11905 0 0 80326 44632 5556 4037 28.90 36.40 23.57 23.93 46066 60982 11169 14829 0 0 45501 60486 565 496 30.90 32.20 21.41 22.31 176870 41639 0 176870 0 12.10 37.86 56294 13534 0 56294 0 41.08 14.73 33676 90690 84966 94001 144274 28637 73991 55052 52414 8611 22048 19906 22689 31915 7357 18460 13646 13028 0 9127 560 21601 121413 0 0 0 0 33676 80042 73480 66446 22861 25160 62883 47970 46707 0 1521 10926 5954 0 3477 11108 7082 5707 14.54 8.40 30.20 14.20 7.10 33.70 29.30 21.20 28.70 19.42 42.98 26.35 34.61 30.04 21.37 24.21 27.42 23.04 Land Use Agriculture Land Area (Acres)d Forest Land (Acres)d Sector Specific Data Other Land Uses (Acres)a Main Roadse Secondary Roadse Rail Roadse DSD Name Other Roads (km)e Rank Road Densitya ** 6612 17720 20538 1498 13687 81 419 421 140 1504 24184.605 135466.100 24053.187 12617.728 65560.086 63.23 48.20 43.80 21.48 57.85 115.73 107.34 162.09 93.98 51.82 8.82 22.88 0.00 1.57 0.00 203.11 1082.67 221.70 47.46 349.72 1.50 0.29 1.13 2.03 0.34 Katana Karachchi Dompe Wattala Rathnapura 1 2 3 4 5 19232 16148 8491 9385 3569 3295 15028 17962 2626 487 192 77 452 116 162 362 192 6 32504.363 16579.853 13843.352 45064.714 17999.317 47723.622 22739.604 133149.753 9268.638 31.20 75.76 49.33 73.43 13.71 53.93 70.85 49.86 16.13 181.67 108.82 87.43 97.03 164.97 45.15 97.53 33.55 59.79 0.00 0.00 9.34 24.22 0.00 39.41 9.57 10.98 0.00 286.51 232.25 140.96 735.30 106.49 232.93 200.87 556.28 120.95 1.01 1.39 1.61 0.88 2.04 0.67 1.15 0.15 1.58 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9983 2368 4743 35644 36 43 143 1737 136710.706 12766.210 10006.193 99118.583 22.81 23.02 15.31 6.04 36.09 116.36 131.69 33.73 26.32 16.19 0.00 6.17 491.98 107.31 69.28 454.70 0.14 2.53 2.44 0.08 1807 18061 16292 15465 22407 6328 305 986 11749 17 831 1202 1846 2218 529 18 0 132 12937.966 96193.798 34259.229 20372.810 87840.666 14605.175 32328.078 14130.499 235912.454 19.28 33.55 0.00 36.36 40.15 0.00 41.39 25.07 77.96 1.97 61.08 100.96 102.18 65.96 54.37 55.10 56.49 16.43 0.00 16.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.00 7.62 24.22 157.75 350.91 241.60 207.50 396.85 77.08 292.57 176.84 1041.45 0.36 0.24 0.48 0.91 0.23 0.63 0.86 1.46 0.12 10758 15589 8508 678 2853 12 31726.570 76631.119 28743.799 19.07 57.06 10.93 70.77 20.86 30.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 237.14 239.91 203.58 0.51 0.20 0.28 3396 14610 17224 339 9971 4821 10154 728 115 774 1145 1 157 168 1183 1 21701.987 14123.700 175311.632 8162.207 13173.644 145598.950 48326.270 15696.499 28.40 23.12 52.84 16.84 36.05 37.64 29.71 13.42 65.17 35.64 59.53 55.56 128.84 74.55 45.67 31.91 0.16 0.00 0.00 9.90 1.76 0.00 23.70 6.61 250.91 143.30 622.12 122.07 117.17 341.19 291.05 106.38 0.92 0.49 0.14 2.39 1.77 0.18 0.41 0.78 15584 10552 10329 8158 889 9520 10718 5882 17297 7826 449 227 619 544 17 1255 947 207 585 99 33579.526 17089.315 24843.341 27346.217 10495.985 28190.717 36085.352 21790.339 25266.828 178948.455 14.69 24.82 28.00 46.08 33.87 0.00 39.69 21.56 38.88 33.16 36.80 108.12 36.72 51.38 56.62 44.31 68.35 68.90 43.22 64.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.01 11.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.75 146.15 209.80 218.07 51.57 142.38 310.71 158.91 300.05 794.53 0.26 1.18 0.45 0.78 2.21 0.28 0.56 0.80 0.47 0.13 Ambalantota Minuwangoda Gampaha Chavakachcheri Kaduwela Mannar Town Attanagalla Eravur Pattu Sandilipay Koralai Pattu (Valach.) Ja-Ela Biyagama Dimbulagala Manmunai S. and Eruvilpattu Thamankaduwa Bulathsinhala Tangalle Dambulla Elapatha Town & Gravets Tellipallai Pudukudi yirippu Kuruwita Kalawana Manmunai South - West Kopay Mulatiyana Tissamaharama Nallur Mahara Manthai West Mundalama Manmunai North Lankapura Horana Pelmadulla Hanwella Negombo Ayagama Dehiovita Dodangoda Nagoda Maritimepattu 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 37 Transport Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Rank District Name DSD Name Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Kaluthara 77.6779 Kinniya 151.4995 Baddegama 114.4507 Pothuvil 271.8310 Mathugama 134.3624 Udubaddawa 117.5985 Suriyawewa 189.7447 Palindanuwara 283.2330 Kayts 55.2340 Bibila 483.5204 Akuressa 148.6167 Ella 109.3657 Walallawita 213.2047 Kahatagas digiliya 366.6055 63 Kalutara Beruwala 71.6785 64 Rathnapura Nivithigala 157.9051 65 Kalutara Millaniya 82.0638 66 Ampara Ampara 139.2692 67 Kilinochchi Poonakary 558.4683 68 Matara Malimbada 47.9781 69 Ampara Ninthavur 36.3016 70 Kalutara Bandaragama 57.4085 71 Rathnapura Eheliyagoda 141.9292 72 Galle Thawalama 174.1470 73 Ampara Addalachchenai 56.9586 74 Rathnapura Kiriella 79.5653 75 Jaffna Karaveddy 90.6898 76 Puttalam Puttalam 178.4049 77 Ampara Lahugala 923.3049 78 Galle Elpitiya 151.2593 79 Ampara Thirukkovil 187.0859 80 Polonnaruwa Elahera 353.1772 81 Ampara Samanthurai 123.0101 82 Colombo Kolonnawa 26.0388 83 Puttalam Chilaw 93.6034 84 Matara Matara 56.1514 85 Batticaloa Porativu Pattu 174.9570 86 Kalutara Madurawala 62.9158 87 Matara Hakmana 49.6219 88 Hambantota Walasmulla 109.0750 89 Matara Kaburupitiya 59.7187 90 Puttalam Kalpitiya 158.7548 91 Puttalam Nattandiya 75.3430 92 Anuradhapura Thambuttegama 111.4855 93 Puttalam Mahawewa 75.3055 94 Mannar Nanaddan 147.6092 95 Kalutara Ingiriya 94.0498 96 Polonnaruwa Medirigiriya 570.3679 97 Kalutara Agalawatta 89.7814 98 Jaffna Chankanai 48.0547 99 Koralai P.W. (Oddamavadi) 39.1499 100 Matara Athuraliya 65.9339 101 Ampara Eragama 66.6480 102 Gampaha Kelaniya 21.9313 103 Jaffna Uduvil 32.3749 104 Galle Neluwa 152.2868 38 Kalutara Trincomalee Galle Ampara Kalutara Kurunegala Hambantota Kalutara Jaffna Moneragala Matara Badulla Kalutara Anuradhapura Total Populationb Demographics No. of Householdsb Urban Populationb Rural Populationb 141829 31857 37451 104378 68634 28480 73269 48800 35529 45911 16761 6693 17604 12669 9031 11597 0 0 0 0 0 0 35490 49806 42894 50676 8817 11825 10775 12793 33572 144733 59092 44476 38166 Estate Populationb % in Povertyc % Completed Secondary Educationa 0 12.50 38.35 66249 28480 66781 48742 35529 40298 2385 0 6488 58 0 5613 21.70 29.40 17.70 34.80 30.70 30.17 13.45 28.65 29.43 17.37 22.88 0 0 0 0 34818 48508 29156 47579 672 1298 13738 3097 26.00 21.90 28.04 31.40 17.05 24.28 21.90 25.28 8619 29635 13989 11035 8713 0 33096 0 0 17957 33572 111637 47942 43110 20209 0 0 11150 1366 0 19.63 22.10 32.80 16.90 20.03 28.20 17.57 30.71 30.45 31524 24625 86886 63870 31803 36020 30881 7577 6235 20579 15566 7710 7640 7666 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31384 24625 86886 61593 30789 36020 29748 140 0 0 2277 1014 0 1133 24.30 31.38 22.78 37.31 26.60 19.99 17.64 26.58 71091 7623 60292 23700 39908 51510 161247 59890 108238 15898 1888 15049 5427 10446 11729 35803 14448 23705 41761 0 0 0 0 0 56396 23533 42663 29330 7623 58153 23700 39908 51510 104851 36357 65575 0 0 2139 0 0 0 0 0 0 29750 30201 39010 37347 81780 57686 36524 48861 7552 7190 9443 9079 18185 14528 9448 12600 0 0 27129 30201 2621 0 0 0 0 0 0 37347 81627 57535 36524 48405 45726 57899 33962 11314 15189 8423 0 0 0 30179 11344 134364 7039 2632 30272 27501 6445 8.20 26.90 29.50 25.60 25.08 8.20 20.11 16.90 21.59 15.57 26.49 20.88 17.46 20.13 35.95 21.74 42.45 0 153 151 0 456 18.60 32.00 33.40 24.90 45.34 15.54 19.05 14.78 34.30 29.15 23.96 31.28 13.63 28.96 22.52 26.88 43590 57899 32768 2136 0 1194 17.40 13.37 26.40 26.56 14.73 33.03 0 0 29820 29380 11344 104544 799 0 0 27.80 6.90 26.77 13.35 41.85 0 27251 250 33.40 16.54 22.70 18.45 Land Use Agriculture Forest Land Area Land (Acres)d (Acres)d Sector Specific Data DSD Name Other Land Uses (Acres)a Main Roads Secondary Roadse Rail Roadse Other Roads (km)e Road Densitya ** 5288 2380 15827 3781 8883 12883 17182 15808 2177 13890 11959 3924 18416 16808 235 26 690 51 619 173 1105 2009 1 1322 593 524 1700 1198 13671.544 35030.188 11764.261 63338.632 23699.538 16003.109 28599.743 52171.122 11470.561 104268.005 24171.836 22576.736 32567.808 72583.820 48.12 15.25 46.49 28.18 38.53 27.98 0.00 24.30 10.85 45.73 26.20 45.96 32.11 53.29 82.86 7.39 38.74 13.13 65.72 41.10 105.24 43.94 51.68 38.14 23.61 28.57 54.42 34.14 12.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.24 0.00 0.08 125.56 288.57 229.68 114.07 172.38 178.57 208.99 272.90 205.44 235.22 153.91 171.56 239.56 408.95 1.85 0.15 0.74 0.15 0.78 0.59 0.55 0.24 1.13 0.17 0.34 0.80 0.41 0.24 6334 8266 7087 7808 8314 5631 4650 4220 10422 15974 4981 7472 2868 5189 4668 18602 3218 16695 11201 770 7252 3948 9812 4409 8445 15179 8089 8480 7597 13844 5354 8591 6464 25240 8113 2405 2018 377 855 226 800 254 135 1 150 639 1032 30 483 16 965 234 1040 4 938 2 32 316 133 59 274 196 631 223 265 71 240 56 64 552 1544 716 2 2 11001.073 29898.032 12965.324 25806.026 129431.960 6089.610 4319.288 9815.890 24010.328 26026.489 9063.721 11705.932 19525.858 37930.636 223250.691 17734.834 43007.751 69638.639 19193.342 5632.309 15561.806 9794.253 33361.652 10863.781 3620.786 11142.899 6444.750 30484.011 10949.595 13464.567 13198.323 27819.887 16224.130 114156.408 13356.368 9467.527 7654.124 18.87 20.80 5.60 40.70 53.24 11.54 7.34 22.58 26.32 34.91 8.22 24.37 25.27 38.46 19.50 30.76 20.43 6.05 27.26 8.98 24.88 26.38 20.23 0.00 23.43 14.62 20.99 38.53 22.56 34.43 15.00 12.02 21.97 0.00 6.12 21.75 7.23 88.49 52.45 64.00 28.38 5.54 30.04 41.07 36.41 59.66 32.90 29.90 30.63 48.44 17.79 13.58 46.66 11.45 26.09 20.52 75.75 28.40 75.77 17.78 64.64 12.62 49.30 16.95 12.62 58.39 7.14 55.51 14.14 32.86 32.23 39.88 31.71 21.79 13.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.70 13.29 4.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.42 14.56 5.10 18.99 0.00 7.22 0.00 0.00 8.38 125.38 163.10 129.33 262.10 693.10 52.51 20.46 115.02 164.22 98.89 70.64 69.61 135.45 209.65 321.23 225.02 155.45 312.27 158.81 21.33 111.79 59.07 354.83 57.52 53.02 122.45 46.37 177.43 150.60 272.48 123.92 166.95 129.62 712.58 86.36 134.16 29.50 1.69 0.46 0.85 0.50 0.11 0.87 1.33 1.03 0.61 0.39 0.67 0.69 0.81 0.42 0.04 0.51 0.17 0.09 0.39 3.47 0.71 1.90 0.22 1.03 0.73 0.59 0.64 0.32 1.17 0.50 1.00 0.31 0.58 0.07 0.51 1.11 0.54 6707 2878 472 1356 15570 382 2 17 1 886 9203.549 13589.023 4930.320 6642.972 21174.734 8.52 21.54 14.79 8.69 17.68 28.26 12.66 73.91 37.16 14.46 0.00 0.00 5.21 4.47 0.00 87.76 107.55 22.90 96.52 99.04 0.56 0.51 4.28 1.55 0.21 Kaluthara Kinniya Baddegama Pothuvil Mathugama Udubaddawa Suriyawewa Palindanuwara Kayts Bibila Akuressa Ella Walallawita Kahatagas digiliya Beruwala Nivithigala Millaniya Ampara Poonakary Malimbada Ninthavur Bandaragama Eheliyagoda Thawalama Addalachchenai Kiriella Karaveddy Puttalam Lahugala Elpitiya Thirukkovil Elahera Samanthurai Kolonnawa Chilaw Matara Porativu Pattu Madurawala Hakmana Walasmulla Kaburupitiya Kalpitiya Nattandiya Thambuttegama Mahawewa Nanaddan Ingiriya Medirigiriya Agalawatta Chankanai Koralai P.W. (Oddamavadi) Athuraliya Eragama Kelaniya Uduvil Neluwa Rank 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 39 Transport Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Rank District Name DSD Name Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 No. of Householdsb Urban Populationb Rural Populationb Estate Populationb % in Povertyc % Completed Secondary Educationa Panadura 45.0310 Thihagoda 50.9425 Rasnayakapura 125.8909 Delft 47.4332 Point Pedro 36.9669 Wennappuwa 40.9400 WelivitiyaDivithura 54.9823 163492 30909 18814 37245 7529 5071 33514 0 0 129978 30909 18678 0 0 136 7.40 27.20 23.00 40.07 30.07 20.46 70817 18180 0 70487 330 14.88 25.79 26599 6622 0 25059 1540 25.50 23.29 19.6568 8.9392 17.8538 70465 16365 380946 15821 3641 70735 70465 0 380946 0 16365 0 0 0 0 12.10 28.44 28.99 32.53 116 Colombo Kalmunai Karativu Colombo Sri Jayawardana pura Kotte Moratuwa 16.5150 19.2051 116366 177563 25822 41282 116366 177563 0 0 0 0 2.70 10.30 55.07 40.58 117 Colombo 118 Colombo 119 Jaffna Thimbirigasyaya 22.3754 Rathmalana 13.1472 Jaffna 10.6967 266154 108716 52397 25013 266154 108716 0 0 0 0 4.40 4.20 49.35 47.88 112 113 114 115 Kalutara Matara Kurunegala Jaffna Jaffna Puttalam Galle Total Populationb Demographics Ampara Ampara Colombo Colombo ** except cart tracks and foot paths 40 Land Use Agriculture Forest Land Area Land (Acres)d (Acres)d 2001 6608 9723 614 1111 2494 7271 68 118 2099 35 6 39 306 Sector Specific Data Other Land Uses (Acres)a 9058.369 5862.125 19286.197 11071.946 8017.695 7583.446 6009.376 Main Roads e Secondary Roads e 21.56 15.94 3.48 0.00 18.93 13.84 8.90 84.84 10.96 29.43 37.11 28.42 58.14 26.45 Rail Roads e 8.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.82 0.00 DSD Name Other Roads (km) e Road Density a ** 82.70 52.46 226.36 107.61 94.57 93.56 133.71 2.54 0.53 0.26 0.78 1.28 2.02 0.64 Rank Panadura Thihagoda Rasnayakapura Delft Point Pedro Wennappuwa WelivitiyaDivithura 105 106 107 108 109 110 112 113 114 117 118 119 0 796 0 0 0 2 0 0 4857.293 1410.914 4411.760 4080.936 6.86 5.54 11.45 4.63 50.62 17.57 105.21 72.65 0.00 0.00 21.00 3.42 43.02 7.79 0.18 1.48 2.92 2.59 7.71 4.89 0 26 4719.672 17.05 72.98 10.69 2.21 5.24 Kalmunai Karativu Colombo Sri Jayawardanapura Kotte Moratuwa 0 0 65 0 0 12 5529.063 3248.735 2566.207 18.55 5.00 12.04 131.50 65.36 59.60 14.36 7.94 4.84 1.97 1.98 23.64 7.35 5.96 7.15 Thimbirigasyaya Rathmalana Jaffna 111 115 116 41 Transport Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Vulnerability of the Transport Sector to Landslide Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: 9R[TaU\SZNV[_\NQ` 9R[TaU\S`RP\[QN_f_\NQ` 9R[TaU\S_NVY ?\NQQR[`VafYR[TaU\SZNV[_\NQ``RP\[QN_f_\NQ` N[Q_NVY_\NQ`]R_`^bN_RXVY\ZRa_RV[RNPU1@1 Sources of data: 1:50,000 map sheets from Survey Dept. of Sri Lanka Some of the key findings include: Vulnerability of transport infrastructure to landslides is expected increase in frequency and intensity and is focused mainly in the central hills. The four highly vulnerable DSDs that emerge from the analysis in this regard are all in the Nuwara Eliya District. These DSDs have 439 km of main roads, 366 km of secondary roads, and 66 km of railroads. Within the Nuwara Eliya District, the Nuwara Eliya DSD alone has 46.7 km of railroads. 9 DSDs fall into the moderately vulnerable category, and collectively have 419 km of main roads, 615 km of secondary roads, and 28 km of railroads. 42 43 Transport Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Transport Sector Vulnerability to Landslide Exposure High Vulnerability Rank District Name Moderate Vulnerability DSD Name Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 1 2 3 4 Nuwara Eliya Nuwara Eliya Nuwara Eliya Nuwara Eliya Walapane Nuwara Eliya Ambagamuwa Hanguranketha 321.5229 483.5716 487.9105 228.6220 106434 208190 203717 87760 331 431 418 384 26645 49385 47145 22524 0 28869 14204 0 66727 36922 47474 74355 39707 142399 142039 13405 26.50 21.90 22.90 34.60 15.66 18.93 16.74 19.18 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Badulla Badulla Badulla Kegalle Nuwara Eliya Rathnapura Badulla Kegalle Kegalle Haldummulla Bandarawela Lunugala Deraniyagala Kothmale Rathnapura Welimada Aranayaka Warakapola 414.9996 70.0596 141.8095 222.0806 223.7228 326.7894 193.9032 124.4190 195.5200 38223 60269 33079 44735 97509 115223 94399 66198 106038 92 860 233 201 436 353 487 532 542 9855 14379 8260 11336 23841 26549 22838 16850 26503 0 7296 0 0 0 45623 0 0 0 23207 44049 14585 34377 58181 53219 84180 64894 103087 15016 8924 18494 10358 39328 16381 10219 1304 2951 31.65 21.61 38.82 33.60 22.30 21.90 29.19 36.10 26.00 18.09 32.66 13.78 19.57 19.01 30.01 28.14 29.31 30.93 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Rathnapura Badulla Badulla Rathnapura Kegalle Badulla Rathnapura Kegalle Badulla Badulla Kurunegala Kurunegala Kegalle Kegalle Matara Kegalle Matale Kandy Kandy Rathnapura Elapatha Ella Hali Ela Balangoda Kegalle Passara Imbulpe Dehiovita Kandaketiya Uva Paranagama Ibbagamuwa Rideegama Ruwanwella Yatiyanthota Kotapola Bulathkohupitiya Rattota Gangawata Korale Udadumbara Kolonna 86.8547 109.3657 170.1437 274.1594 109.0590 135.9205 255.2644 193.2396 152.6207 137.2816 219.4878 222.5431 138.6165 178.0749 179.3289 127.2471 105.2255 58.6941 277.0667 183.0319 36322 42894 87476 77303 87637 49190 55546 73991 22494 76524 76344 80473 58892 57239 64012 45573 49382 160630 22831 43693 418 392 514 282 804 362 218 383 147 557 348 362 425 321 357 358 469 2737 82 239 8828 10775 21835 18720 21327 12245 14086 18460 5425 19213 19589 21118 14461 14197 15073 11729 13068 33196 6001 10661 0 0 0 11402 17139 0 660 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 104252 0 0 34219 29156 58715 58032 68733 29457 46388 62883 21428 65809 75913 78808 54679 45071 51875 37396 40015 54472 21322 38930 2103 13738 28761 7869 1765 19733 8498 11108 1066 10715 431 1665 4213 12168 12137 8177 9367 1906 1509 4763 40.10 28.04 34.58 27.30 26.70 31.88 32.00 29.30 46.10 33.35 24.30 32.76 28.50 30.10 22.60 32.50 23.40 10.10 37.50 37.70 22.39 21.90 24.29 27.22 37.80 19.27 24.58 24.21 14.56 19.52 26.50 26.28 28.11 23.81 15.42 22.74 25.32 48.49 17.35 14.65 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Rathnapura Kandy Kalutara Badulla Rathnapura Hambantota Rathnapura Kandy Badulla Rathnapura Kalutara Eheliyagoda Udapalatha Palindanuwara Haputhale Pelmadulla Katuwana Weligepola Doluwa Soranathota Ayagama Agalawatta 141.9292 90.6003 283.2330 70.3267 144.8430 103.7065 203.5279 100.1685 80.8879 157.6893 89.7814 63870 86145 45911 50735 84966 41392 29099 45270 22760 28637 33962 450 951 162 721 587 399 143 452 281 182 378 15566 19936 11597 11565 19906 10025 7690 11651 5667 7357 8423 0 24116 0 3235 560 0 0 0 0 0 0 61593 48242 40298 29372 73480 62344 28720 37392 18160 25160 32768 2277 13787 5613 18128 10926 0 379 7878 4600 3477 1194 26.90 21.40 30.70 24.42 30.20 34.30 39.20 26.50 34.24 33.70 26.40 26.60 29.35 22.88 29.37 26.35 17.11 19.60 21.04 17.35 21.37 33.03 45 Rathnapura Kiriella 79.5653 30881 388 7666 0 29748 1133 25.60 26.58 ** Not considering other roads 44 Land Use Agriculture Land Area (Acres)d Sector Specific Data Forest Land (Acres)d Other Land Uses (Acres)a Main Roadse Secondary Roadse 14588 3201 6636 15713 1800 58 785 1063 63061.710 116233.668 113143.835 39717.508 80.71 142.53 167.25 48.51 87.65 124.28 69.72 83.90 7817 3397 3286 9068 10275 13687 13340 12715 19215 2144 347 609 1172 894 1504 205 310 608 92587.227 13568.033 31146.756 44637.099 44113.894 65560.086 34369.327 17719.472 28490.839 49.72 34.72 31.41 17.48 90.02 57.85 69.89 23.29 44.93 6328 3924 8278 13208 11129 5303 10523 10718 6757 13010 21146 23601 12004 7957 11602 7532 6670 2190 9919 13366 529 524 814 1569 321 889 1663 947 981 322 516 860 725 818 312 497 364 222 1867 2560 14605.175 22576.736 32951.244 52968.986 15498.956 27394.565 50890.955 36085.352 29975.243 20590.887 32574.410 30530.380 21523.745 35228.090 32398.968 23414.313 18967.687 12091.582 56678.392 29301.996 10422 5485 15808 2120 10329 13335 12565 5796 3999 9520 8113 7472 639 347 2009 198 619 938 1232 907 746 1255 716 483 24010.328 16555.725 52171.122 15060.030 24843.341 11353.332 36495.627 18049.082 15242.744 28190.717 13356.368 11705.932 Rail Roadse DSD Name Rank Other Roads (km)e Road Densitya ** 0.00 46.69 19.61 0.00 603.54 1128.37 1148.92 336.82 0.52 0.65 0.53 0.58 Walapane Nuwara Eliya Ambagamuwa Hanguranketha 56.43 35.27 72.02 98.77 85.76 51.82 67.07 51.45 96.65 0.00 10.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.84 0.00 0.00 321.31 143.18 111.47 326.11 547.92 349.72 243.47 182.66 223.46 0.26 1.15 0.73 0.52 0.79 0.34 0.80 0.60 0.72 Haldummulla Bandarawela Lunugala Deraniyagala Kothmale Rathnapura Welimada Aranayaka Warakapola 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0.00 45.96 48.91 38.78 35.59 47.54 43.53 39.69 13.97 17.45 40.44 38.46 41.63 47.70 31.72 31.21 40.52 43.71 16.68 46.73 54.37 28.57 65.88 83.62 73.68 54.79 47.57 68.35 42.24 54.90 75.41 63.02 68.78 40.16 49.95 33.10 51.80 100.48 68.12 41.51 0.00 13.24 11.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.81 0.00 0.00 77.08 171.56 456.20 260.98 104.81 173.29 328.90 310.71 180.78 301.20 249.93 317.44 154.97 250.65 125.74 183.85 164.37 44.06 205.86 161.37 0.63 0.80 0.74 0.45 1.00 0.75 0.36 0.56 0.37 0.53 0.53 0.46 0.80 0.49 0.46 0.51 0.88 2.66 0.31 0.48 Elapatha Ella Hali Ela Balangoda Kegalle Passara Imbulpe Dehiovita Kandaketiya Uva Paranagama Ibbagamuwa Rideegama Ruwanwella Yatiyanthota Kotapola Bulathkohupitiya Rattota Gangawata Korale Udadumbara Kolonna 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 26.32 47.24 24.30 21.37 28.00 18.48 20.22 39.01 10.22 0.00 6.12 24.37 59.66 50.35 43.94 52.60 36.72 30.54 27.27 28.21 43.91 44.31 39.88 30.63 0.00 5.51 0.00 13.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 164.22 204.49 272.90 133.91 209.80 127.78 162.44 224.91 137.70 142.38 86.36 69.61 0.61 1.14 0.24 1.24 0.45 0.47 0.23 0.67 0.67 0.28 0.51 0.69 Eheliyagoda Udapalatha Palindanuwara Haputhale Pelmadulla Katuwana Weligepola Doluwa Soranathota Ayagama Agalawatta Kiriella 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 1 2 3 4 45 Transport Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Vulnerability of the Transport Sector to Sea Level Rise Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: 9R[TaU\SZNV[_\NQ`dVaUV["ZS_\Z`U\_RYV[R 9R[TaU\S`RP\[QN_f_\NQ`dVaUV["Z\S`U\_RYV[R 9R[TaU\S_NVY_\NQ`dVaUV["Z\S`U\_RYV[R ?\NQQR[`VafYR[TaU\SZNV[_\NQ``RP\[QN_f_\NQ` N[Q_NVY_\NQ`]R_`^bN_RXVY\ZRa_RV[RNPU1@1 Sources of data: 1:50,000 map sheets from Survey Dept. of Sri Lanka Some of the key findings include: Vulnerability of the transport sector to sea level rise impacts due to climate change is highest in the Northern and South-western coastal region of the island. The impact of sea level rise could be critical to national development as a substantial segment of our national transportation network runs parallel to the coastline. 8 DSDs emerge as being highly vulnerable based on the analysis. These DSDs combined have 117 km of main roads, 183 km of secondary roads, and 38 km of railroads all within 500 m from the coastline. The 10 DSDs that fall in the moderately vulnerable category together have another 75 km of main roads, 143 km of secondary roads, and 24 km of railroads, again within 500 m from the coastline. Of the 14 DSDs in Jaffna District, 4 are highly vulnerable, while another 4 are moderately vulnerable making it one of the most vulnerable districts overall. Jaffna is an area where substantial investments are expected to be expended over the next few years. 46 47 Transport Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Transport Sector Vulnerability to Sealevel Rise Exposure High Vulnerability Rank District Name Moderate Vulnerability DSD Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Jaffna Trincomalee Jaffna Jaffna Mannar Jaffna Galle Puttalam Velanai Town & Gravets Delft Kayts Mannar Town Maruthnkerny Hikkaduwa Kalpitiya 85.4797 132.1348 47.4332 55.2340 207.1215 135.0921 66.0971 158.7548 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Trincomalee Jaffna Galle Matara Jaffna Jaffna Gampaha Jaffna Hambantota Mannar Kuchaveli Jaffna Habaraduwa Weligama Chankanai Chavakachcheri Negombo Nallur Tangalle Musalai 434.4600 10.6967 49.5183 43.1469 48.0547 222.1802 46.1424 34.4074 152.5016 478.8201 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Kalutara Hambantota Kalutara Jaffna Puttalam Jaffna Galle Matara Mulattivu Gampaha Puttalam Galle Galle Batticaloa Trincomalee Matara Colombo Galle Matara Mannar Kalutara Jaffna Ampara Ampara Kaluthara Hambantota Beruwala Point Pedro Puttalam Tellipallai Balapitiya Devinuwara Maritimepattu Wattala Mundalama Bentota Galle Four Gravets Koralai Pattu (Valach.) Muttur Matara Moratuwa Ambalangoda Dickwella Nanaddan Panadura Sandilipay Ninthavur Kalmunai 43 44 45 46 Ampara Colombo Colombo Colombo Karativu Colombo Rathmalana Thimbirigasyaya 48 Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a ** Not considering other roads Low Vulnerability Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 98589 81780 1492 515 22820 18185 0 0 98539 81627 50 153 24.90 45.34 33.61 13.63 59041 66459 1192 1540 13567 14825 0 21698 59041 44761 0 0 28.70 21.50 29.53 30.48 144274 3127 31915 121413 22861 0 7.10 30.04 62800 412 14981 10437 52363 0 27.10 30.04 77.6779 338.9857 71.6785 36.9669 178.4049 61.1745 54.5727 37.6183 756.2531 57.6911 241.4497 72.3358 23.7565 593.7964 194.6406 56.1514 19.2051 70.2467 50.9687 147.6092 45.0310 48.1604 36.3016 19.6568 141829 46757 144733 1826 138 2019 31857 10945 29635 37451 11134 33096 104378 35623 111637 0 0 0 12.50 31.30 22.10 38.35 23.32 28.20 71091 398 15898 41761 29330 0 25.08 21.59 65346 44199 1197 1175 15054 9988 0 0 65346 44199 0 0 22.00 20.90 27.89 26.80 160127 56294 46442 103246 2776 233 642 4346 36368 13534 11015 19425 28740 0 0 90270 131387 56294 46442 12976 0 0 0 0 6.10 41.08 22.30 19.30 40.21 14.73 31.14 39.96 108238 177563 71047 51314 1928 9246 1011 1007 23705 41282 17122 11592 42663 177563 39302 0 65575 0 51396 51314 0 0 0 0 16.90 10.30 20.30 22.70 42.45 40.58 32.73 31.87 163492 3631 37245 33514 129978 0 7.40 40.07 24625 70465 678 3585 6235 15821 0 70465 24625 0 0 0 8.9392 17.8538 13.1472 22.3754 16365 380946 108716 266154 1831 21337 8269 11895 3641 70735 25013 52397 0 380946 108716 266154 16365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22.78 28.44 12.10 4.20 4.40 28.99 32.53 47.88 49.35 Land Use Agriculture Land Area (Acres)d Sector Specific Data Forest Land (Acres)d Other Land Uses (Acres)a Main Roadse Secondary Roadse 893 305 614 2177 3295 770 6512 8480 10 18 35 1 162 15 300 265 20219.397 32328.078 11071.946 11470.561 47723.622 32596.854 9520.874 30484.011 21.94 17.70 0.00 5.92 19.04 0.00 25.57 27.25 26.88 42.98 14.19 23.60 13.00 50.60 7.81 4.10 1399 65 6562 4315 2405 9385 889 339 15465 358 6 12 209 111 2 452 17 1 1846 45 105951.968 2566.207 5465.181 6235.785 9467.527 45064.714 10495.985 8162.207 20372.810 117915.553 0.00 5.94 16.75 16.43 7.18 9.73 12.09 1.38 5.99 0.00 5288 9087 6334 1111 5189 986 7227 3860 7826 1498 10154 8597 1564 9983 5562 3948 0 10933 6411 8591 2001 2626 4650 0 235 1059 377 6 965 0 93 153 99 140 1183 240 71 36 23 133 26 128 260 64 68 6 1 0 13671.544 73618.859 11001.073 8017.695 37930.636 14130.499 6165.164 5282.647 178948.455 12617.728 48326.270 9037.489 4235.335 136710.706 42511.549 9794.253 4719.672 6297.275 5923.599 27819.887 9058.369 9268.638 4319.288 4857.293 2 0 0 0 1410.914 4411.760 3248.735 5529.063 796 0 0 0 Rail Roadse DSD Name Rank Other Roads (km)e Road Densitya ** 0.00 8.43 0.00 0.00 5.69 0.00 23.88 0.00 157.30 98.75 34.87 94.43 52.53 63.09 11.30 67.53 0.98 0.86 0.78 1.13 0.67 0.49 1.76 0.32 Velanai Town & Gravets Delft Kayts Mannar Town Maruthnkerny Hikkaduwa Kalpitiya 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 34.60 26.02 12.37 8.35 2.16 9.45 18.91 3.64 20.46 7.13 0.00 0.56 14.71 7.75 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.88 0.00 0.00 121.82 9.94 15.39 13.94 20.87 95.40 12.44 20.46 14.56 12.01 0.17 7.15 2.03 1.89 1.11 0.88 2.21 2.39 0.91 0.10 Kuchaveli Jaffna Habaraduwa Weligama Chankanai Chavakachcheri Negombo Nallur Tangalle Musalai 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 5.95 8.12 8.54 12.64 3.97 15.83 11.70 4.04 0.00 5.31 0.00 7.18 12.58 0.00 2.66 7.04 12.32 3.36 7.71 0.00 6.99 5.77 0.00 0.00 11.41 2.95 10.49 6.48 5.03 4.33 3.84 6.15 9.86 19.89 11.07 2.91 12.59 4.59 4.05 10.78 18.38 2.32 1.48 0.78 7.77 1.56 9.87 20.13 11.55 0.00 6.94 0.00 2.32 1.68 5.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.27 3.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.92 0.91 0.00 3.44 7.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.57 18.17 14.36 23.78 11.46 14.81 13.70 3.29 81.11 2.86 6.88 3.56 5.17 10.12 39.24 7.20 1.96 1.56 8.90 12.14 13.85 9.79 0.10 8.51 1.85 0.39 1.69 1.28 0.42 1.46 1.21 0.84 0.13 2.03 0.41 1.08 3.83 0.14 0.25 1.90 5.24 1.03 0.96 0.31 2.54 1.58 1.33 2.92 Kaluthara Hambantota Beruwala Point Pedro Puttalam Tellipallai Balapitiya Devinuwara Maritimepattu Wattala Mundalama Bentota Galle Four Gravets Koralai Pattu (Valach.) Muttur Matara Moratuwa Ambalangoda Dickwella Nanaddan Panadura Sandilipay Ninthavur Kalmunai 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 0.00 3.76 1.63 7.06 6.60 30.99 16.97 22.18 0.00 5.79 6.58 6.56 2.59 7.71 5.96 7.35 Karativu Colombo Rathmalana Thimbirigasyaya 43 44 45 46 49 Transport Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 50 Tourism Tourism has been recognized as a high priority area capable of effectively driving the country’s economic development. The Government’s vision is to make Sri Lanka the most sought after tourist destination in South Asia. Tourism development in Sri Lanka has occurred in pockets throughout the country over the last several decades, but over 62% of the tourist hotels and about 41% of guesthouses/hotel rooms in the country are in the coastal zone. The main tourist areas on the coast were located in the Colombo City and Greater Colombo, the South-west coast, and the East coast. The country’s positioning as a tourist destination, however, over the last decade has been shifting to a more diversified product base, with increasing emphasis on nature and cultural tourism inland. Nevertheless, the coastline will remain the focus of most major planned tourism developments in the foreseeable future, particularly considering the unexploited potential of the North and East which were effectively not marketed for the last 30 years. The tourist industry in the coastal region would be heavily exposed to potential risks from sea level rise, storm surges and related coastal flooding. In these areas, tourist hotels are concentrated along the beach, where setbacks may not be adequate to address sea level rise, or are not adequately enforced to ensure safety from storms and hurricanes. Left unaddressed, this could result in loss of assets, tourism revenue, and employment opportunities as climate change impacts worsen. The impacts of more frequent storms can accelerate coastal erosion and cause flooding and loss of prime land too. Areas with a concentration of tourism related infrastructure at present, as well as other areas projected for tourism development, are vulnerable. Rising ocean temperatures and changing weather patterns could have substantial impacts on Sri Lanka’s coastal habitats that underpin Sri Lanka’s tourism product. Changing temperatures may negatively impact terrestrial forest cover, and the flora and fauna they contain, diminishing Sri Lanka’s appeal to ecotourists as a biodiversity hotspot. Energy consumption in the tourist industry may increase, as cooling requirements will increase with rising ambient temperatures. Other climate change related natural disasters affecting the tourism industry include floods and landslides. Disruption of transportation networks due to these natural disasters can significantly impact the tourism sector when mobility is reduced periodically. In addition, areas affected by natural hazards frequently may be avoided by tourists. More details on climate change vulnerabilities to the tourism sector including vulnerability enhancing issues are provided in Section 2, Part II, SVP on Urban Development, Human Settlements and Economic Infrastructure. 51 Tourism Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Vulnerability of the Tourism Sector to Flood Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =R_PR[aNTR\SYVcRYVU\\Q`QR]R[QR[a\[a\b_V`Z A\aNY[bZOR_\STbR`a_\\Z`V[U\aRY`TbR`aU\b`R` A composite of data (at DSD level) on: ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRRZ]Y\fRQV[`RPa\_`\aUR_aUN[ a\b_V`Z ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRdU\UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ`RP\[QN_f education ;bZOR_\SU\aRY`TbR`aU\b`R`dVaU\cR_"_\\Z capacity Data sources: 2001 National Census and SLTDA Some key findings include: Vulnerability of the tourism sector to the expected increase of floods due to climate change is generally focused in the Western region of the country, although pockets of moderate vulnerability can be found in several other areas. 5 DSDs are highly vulnerable. These 5 DSDs have: R R 4,466 hotel rooms and 713 guest house rooms (30.5% and 12.6% of capacity in each category respectively). 386,449 livelihoods of which 14,876 are directly dependent on tourism. Colombo DSD (Colombo District) is the most vulnerable, followed by Beruwala DSD (Kalutara District). 10 DSDs emerge as moderately vulnerable to flood exposure. These DSDs have: R R 52 2,652 hotel rooms and 853 guest rooms (18.2% and 15.1% of total capacity in each category). 13,699 jobs directly dependent on tourism. 53 Tourism Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Tourism Sector Vulnerability to Flood Exposure High Vulnerability Rank District Name Moderate Vulnerability DSD Name Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 1 2 3 4 5 Colombo Kalutara Gampaha Gampaha Gampaha Colombo Beruwala Katana Negombo Wattala 17.8538 71.6785 124.9577 46.1424 57.6911 380946 144733 222683 144274 160127 21337 2019 1782 3127 2776 70735 29635 50765 31915 36368 380946 33096 73318 121413 28740 0 111637 149365 22861 131387 0 0 0 0 0 12.10 22.10 7.70 7.10 6.10 32.53 28.20 41.14 30.04 40.21 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Matale Colombo Rathnapura Gampaha Kalutara Ampara Colombo Colombo Gampaha Gampaha Dambulla Thimbirigasyaya Rathnapura Kelaniya Kaluthara Pothuvil Kolonnawa Rathmalana Dompe Gampaha 455.1342 22.3754 326.7894 21.9313 77.6779 271.8310 26.0388 13.1472 182.1586 90.6959 60976 266154 115223 134364 141829 28480 161247 108716 130021 171040 134 11895 353 6127 1826 105 6193 8269 714 1886 15285 52397 26549 30272 31857 6693 35803 25013 31962 41357 0 266154 45623 29820 37451 0 56396 108716 0 9284 60959 0 53219 104544 104378 28480 104851 0 130021 161756 17 0 16381 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19.90 4.40 21.90 6.90 12.50 8.20 4.20 21.10 9.90 23.88 49.35 30.01 41.85 38.35 13.45 35.95 47.88 31.48 43.27 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Gampaha Kalutara Gampaha Puttalam Kalutara Hambantota Hambantota Polonnaruwa Badulla Kalutara Puttalam Puttalam Colombo Matara Gampaha Biyagama Panadura Ja-Ela Wennappuwa Bulathsinhala Tangalle Tissamaharama Thamankaduwa Ella Mathugama Chilaw Mahawewa Kaduwela Matara Minuwangoda 60.2668 45.0310 61.4202 40.9400 209.4387 152.5016 783.8008 465.7376 109.3657 134.3624 93.6034 75.3055 87.7537 56.1514 133.2225 161300 163492 184666 70817 59787 62800 60982 74224 42894 73269 59890 48861 209251 108238 151661 2676 3631 3007 1730 285 412 78 159 392 545 640 649 2385 1928 1138 36655 37245 42975 18180 15611 14981 14829 17920 10775 17604 14448 12600 48849 23705 37683 0 33514 30791 0 0 10437 0 0 0 0 23533 0 0 42663 7567 161300 129978 153875 70487 53331 52363 60486 73956 29156 66781 36357 48405 209251 65575 144084 0 0 0 330 6456 0 496 268 13738 6488 0 456 0 0 10 11.30 7.40 7.80 14.88 27.40 27.10 32.20 14.15 28.04 29.40 20.11 14.78 6.00 16.90 12.50 41.68 40.07 44.60 25.79 22.09 30.04 22.31 28.23 21.90 28.65 21.74 26.88 48.78 42.45 38.36 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Gampaha Colombo Kalutara Puttalam Matara Ampara Rathnapura Galle Kegalle Kalutara Colombo Kalutara Colombo Attanagalla Hanwella Bandaragama Puttalam Kaburupitiya Kalmunai Eheliyagoda Elpitiya Dehiovita Walallawita Moratuwa Horana Sri Jayawardanapura Kotte 154.3057 145.8825 57.4085 178.4049 59.7187 19.6568 141.9292 151.2593 193.2396 213.2047 19.2051 112.7795 16.5150 154967 94001 86886 71091 37347 70465 63870 60292 73991 50676 177563 90690 116366 1004 644 1513 398 625 3585 450 399 383 238 9246 804 7046 36838 22689 20579 15898 9079 15821 15566 15049 18460 12793 41282 22048 25822 0 21601 0 41761 0 70465 0 0 0 0 177563 9127 116366 154821 66446 86886 29330 37347 0 61593 58153 62883 47579 0 80042 0 146 5954 0 0 0 0 2277 2139 11108 3097 0 1521 0 15.40 14.20 8.20 25.08 24.90 39.55 34.61 37.31 21.59 31.28 28.44 26.60 26.49 24.21 25.28 40.58 42.98 55.07 54 26.90 22.70 29.30 31.40 10.30 8.40 2.70 Land Use Agriculture Land Area (Acres)d Forest Land (Acres)d Sector Specific Data Other Land Uses (Acres)a Livelihoods Dependent on Tourismb % of No. of Livelihoods Hotel Rooms Dependent on in DSf and a Tourisma DSD Name No. Guest House Rooms Rank Total Roomsa f and a 0 6334 6612 889 1498 0 377 81 17 140 4411.760 11001.073 24184.605 10495.985 12617.728 6480 2651 1992 2151 1602 4.71 6.44 1.92 4.59 2.80 1969 1095 471 665 266 120 209 67 253 64 2089 1304 538 918 330 Colombo Beruwala Katana Negombo Wattala 1 2 3 4 5 22407 0 13687 472 5288 3781 770 0 20538 8491 2218 0 1504 17 235 51 32 0 421 77 87840.666 5529.063 65560.086 4930.320 13671.544 63338.632 5632.309 3248.735 24053.187 13843.352 1161 4157 732 1334 1607 146 1250 1694 485 1133 4.41 3.87 1.62 2.57 3.63 2.48 2.19 3.69 1.12 1.89 560 1082 53 40 613 23 0 260 21 0 88 195 25 116 70 25 10 215 20 89 648 1277 78 156 683 48 10 475 41 89 Dambulla Thimbirigasyaya Rathnapura Kelaniya Kaluthara Pothuvil Kolonnawa Rathmalana Dompe Gampaha 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4743 2001 2368 2494 16292 15465 17224 18061 3924 8883 7252 5354 3569 3948 16148 143 68 43 39 1202 1846 1145 831 524 619 316 56 116 133 192 10006.193 9058.369 12766.210 7583.446 34259.229 20372.810 175311.632 96193.798 22576.736 23699.538 15561.806 13198.323 17999.317 9794.253 16579.853 1007 1456 1356 547 264 401 490 515 227 664 390 384 1398 624 845 1.60 2.64 2.02 2.27 1.16 2.04 2.53 2.00 1.42 2.89 2.02 2.37 1.80 2.01 1.55 153 304 0 240 64 79 64 162 40 0 15 191 10 56 57 25 133 56 52 17 64 64 56 25 10 0 31 16 71 33 178 437 56 292 81 143 128 218 65 10 15 222 26 127 90 Biyagama Panadura Ja-Ela Wennappuwa Bulathsinhala Tangalle Tissamaharama Thamankaduwa Ella Mathugama Chilaw Mahawewa Kaduwela Matara Minuwangoda 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 15028 8158 4220 5189 8089 0 10422 18602 10718 18416 0 10552 0 362 544 150 965 223 0 639 1040 947 1700 26 227 0 22739.604 27346.217 9815.890 37930.636 6444.750 4857.293 24010.328 17734.834 36085.352 32567.808 4719.672 17089.315 4080.936 1000 826 381 338 98 274 343 298 360 248 1306 452 1066 1.97 2.37 1.33 1.85 0.96 1.75 1.51 1.44 1.38 1.48 1.94 1.38 2.44 12 14 0 0 57 0 0 0 10 0 45 0 0 35 57 9 10 23 15 22 19 0 4 64 36 20 47 71 9 10 80 15 22 19 10 4 109 36 20 Attanagalla Hanwella Bandaragama Puttalam Kaburupitiya Kalmunai Eheliyagoda Elpitiya Dehiovita Walallawita Moratuwa Horana Sri Jayawardanapura Kotte 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 55 Tourism Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Vulnerability of the Tourism Sector to Sea Level Rise Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =R_PR[aNTR\SYVcRYVU\\Q`QR]R[QR[a\[a\b_V`Z A\aNY[bZOR_\STbR`a_\\Z`V[U\aRY`TbR`aU\b`R` A composite of data (at DSD level) on: ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRRZ]Y\fRQV[`RPa\_`\aUR_aUN[ a\b_V`Z ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRdU\UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ`RP\[QN_f education ;bZOR_\SU\aRY`TbR`aU\b`R`dVaU\cR_"_\\Z capacity Data sources: 2001 National Census and SLTDA Some key findings include: The tourism sector’s vulnerability is concentrated along the Western and South-western coastline of Colombo, reflecting the concentration of tourism activities in these areas. 5 DSDs emerge as being highly vulnerable to potential sea level rise exposure. These 5 DSDs R 4,960 hotel rooms and 895 guest rooms (34% and 15.8% of national capacity in each category. R have 13,810 jobs directly dependent on tourism. A further 6 DSDs emerge as moderately vulnerable. These DSDs have: R 2,928 hotel rooms and 808 guest rooms (20% and 14.3% of the total capacity in each category respectively). R 9,715 livelihoods directly dependent on tourism. Complete and comparable data was not available for the North and East. The distribution of hotel rooms is likely to change substantially with planned new tourism developments in Kalpitiya (Puttalam District) and along the Eastern coastline. A planning scenario simulating 1,500 hotel rooms in Kalpitiya raised it to be one of the DSDs with its tourism sector most vulnerable to sea level rise exposure. 56 57 Tourism Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Tourism Sector Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise Exposure High Vulnerability Rank District Name Moderate Vulnerability DSD Name Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 1 2 3 4 5 Galle Kalutara Galle Gampaha Colombo Bentota Beruwala Habaraduwa Negombo Colombo 72.3358 71.6785 49.5183 46.1424 17.8538 46442 144733 59041 144274 380946 642 2019 1192 3127 21337 11015 29635 13567 31915 70735 0 33096 0 121413 380946 46442 111637 59041 22861 0 0 0 0 0 0 22.30 22.10 28.70 7.10 12.10 31.14 28.20 29.53 30.04 32.53 6 7 8 9 10 11 Galle Colombo Matara Colombo Kalutara Galle Hikkaduwa Thimbirigasyaya Weligama Rathmalana Kaluthara Balapitiya 66.0971 22.3754 43.1469 13.1472 77.6779 54.5727 98589 266154 66459 108716 141829 65346 1492 11895 1540 8269 1826 1197 22820 52397 14825 25013 31857 15054 0 266154 21698 108716 37451 0 98539 0 44761 0 104378 65346 50 0 0 0 0 0 24.90 4.40 21.50 4.20 12.50 22.00 33.61 49.35 30.48 47.88 38.35 27.89 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Kalutara Galle Hambantota Gampaha Colombo Hambantota Puttalam Panadura Galle Four Gravets Hambantota Wattala Moratuwa Tangalle Puttalam 45.0310 23.7565 338.9857 57.6911 19.2051 152.5016 178.4049 163492 103246 46757 160127 177563 62800 71091 3631 4346 138 2776 9246 412 398 37245 19425 10945 36368 41282 14981 15898 33514 90270 11134 28740 177563 10437 41761 129978 12976 35623 131387 0 52363 29330 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.40 19.30 31.30 6.10 10.30 27.10 25.08 40.07 39.96 23.32 40.21 40.58 30.04 21.59 19 20 21 22 23 Matara Galle Matara Ampara Matara Devinuwara Ambalangoda Matara Kalmunai Dickwella 37.6183 70.2467 56.1514 19.6568 50.9687 44199 71047 108238 70465 51314 1175 1011 1928 3585 1007 9988 17122 23705 15821 11592 0 39302 42663 70465 0 44199 51396 65575 0 51314 0 0 0 0 0 20.90 20.30 16.90 26.80 32.73 42.45 28.44 31.87 58 22.70 Land Use Agriculture Land Area (Acres)d Forest Land (Acres)d Sector Specific Data Other Land Uses (Acres)a Livelihoods Dependent on Tourismb % of No. of Livelihoods Hotel Rooms Dependent on in DSf and a Tourisma DSD Name No. Guest House Rooms Rank Total Roomsa f and a 8597 6334 6562 889 0 240 377 209 17 0 9037.489 11001.073 5465.181 10495.985 4411.760 1601 2651 927 2151 6480 12.00 6.44 5.08 4.59 4.71 766 1095 465 665 1969 90 209 223 253 120 856 1304 688 918 2089 Bentota Beruwala Habaraduwa Negombo Colombo 1 2 3 4 5 6512 0 4315 0 5288 7227 300 0 111 0 235 93 9520.874 5529.063 6235.785 3248.735 13671.544 6165.164 1051 4157 413 1694 1607 793 3.92 3.87 2.33 3.69 3.63 4.48 625 1082 120 260 613 228 148 195 153 215 70 27 773 1277 273 475 683 255 Hikkaduwa Thimbirigasyaya Weligama Rathmalana Kaluthara Balapitiya 6 7 8 9 10 11 2001 1564 9087 1498 0 15465 5189 68 71 1059 140 26 1846 965 9058.369 4235.335 73618.859 12617.728 4719.672 20372.810 37930.636 1456 847 353 1602 1306 401 338 2.64 2.86 2.35 2.80 1.94 2.04 1.85 304 78 161 266 45 79 0 133 45 7 64 64 64 10 437 123 168 330 109 143 10 Panadura Galle Four Gravets Hambantota Wattala Moratuwa Tangalle Puttalam 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3860 10933 3948 0 6411 153 128 133 0 260 5282.647 6297.275 9794.253 4857.293 5923.599 157 405 624 274 242 1.35 1.97 2.01 1.75 1.83 32 24 56 0 71 0 27 71 15 0 32 51 127 15 71 Devinuwara Ambalangoda Matara Kalmunai Dickwella 19 20 21 22 23 59 Tourism Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 60 Water Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Water for Domestic Needs and Irrigation Water satisfies a basic human need, and is a vital resource for the proper functioning of all sectors of Sri Lanka’s economy, be it agriculture, health, energy, supply of water for drinking and sanitation and industry. Sri Lanka is frequently subjected to several natural hazards, mainly floods, landslides, and droughts. The frequency and intensity of these hazards are expected to increase with climate change. Sea level rise, coastal flooding, coastal erosions, changes in rainfall regimes and the rise in ambient temperature are also expected. These concerns will be exacerbated by various anthropogenic factors that already threaten freshwater resources in the island and have resulted in many socio-economic and environmental problems. Drinking Water Sri Lanka depends on its surface and groundwater resources for domestic use. At the time Sri Lanka received independence in 1948 only a segment of the urban population in Colombo and Kandy had piped water, while the main sources of drinking water at the time were unprotected wells, rivers, tanks and canals. The share of water used by the urban population in Sri Lanka is projected to increase to 45% by 2015 and to 65% by 2030, which is bound to increase the pressure to meet the national targets for drinking water. Currently, 35.5% of the entire population in the island have access to pipe-borne water, but rural populations continue to rely considerably on wells for their drinking, culinary needs, washing, bathing and laundering requirements, while others use water from tanks and reservoirs for these needs. Although around 84.8% of the population has access to safe drinking water, the water sector faces considerable challenges to meet its target of providing an uninterrupted supply of water to all in the medium-term due to rising demand. The analysis of climate data for Sri Lanka clearly indicates changes in rainfall and temperature throughout the country. As climate change is expected to change the pattern and quantity of rainfall, evapo-transpiration, surface run-off and soil moisture storage, changes in water availability for irrigated agriculture and public use could well be anticipated. Drinking water availability in terms of quantity and quality, in the country is already under threat due to anthropogenic stresses. These, with the added implications of climate change will bring about further risk to resource availability. For example, sea level rise is expected to cause saline intrusion which can seriously affect freshwater availability. Salt water intrusion can affect coastal aquifers upon which people are heavily dependent, especially with the country’s population concentrated on the coastal belt. More frequent and prolonged drought conditions will seriously affect the availability of freshwater resources further inland, which will impede meeting the targets for providing drinking water for all. Freshwater availability problems are expected to worsen especially in the Dry Zone. 61 Drinking Water Sector Vulnerability to Drought Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =R_PR[aNTR\S4_NZN;VYNQN_V1VcV`V\[`dVaU more than 2 types of water sources =R_PR[aNTR\SU\b`RU\YQ`dVaU]_VZN_fdNaR_ source within premises 6[PVQR[PR\SdNaR_O\_[RQV`RN`R =\]bYNaV\[QR[`Vaf A composite of data (at DSD level) on: ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRNO\cRaURTY\ONYYfNPPR]aRQ poverty line ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRdU\UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ secondary education Source of raw data: Population and Housing Census,2001 Some of the key findings include: Vulnerability is widespread, but the south/south-central, north-western and north-central regions of the country are particularly vulnerable. 13 DSDs emerge as highly vulnerable to the impacts of drought. These DSDs have: R R R a population of 575,287. 143,036 housing units. 194,950 people below the poverty line. In the highly vulnerable DSDs R 71.6% of the population depend on groundwater (i.e. 63.5% depend on either protected/ unprotected wells and 8.1% depend on tube wells). R 18.1% of the population have access to pipe-borne water. R 9.2% of households depend on rivers, streams and tanks as their primary source of water; only 28.2% of households have their primary source of water within their own premises. Embilipitiya (Ratnapura District), Rideemaliyadda (Badulla District) and Siyambalanduwa (Moneragala District) emerge as the 3 DSDs most vulnerable to impacts of drought on their drinking water supply. R R R R R In the Embilipitiya DSD, 54% of the housing units used groundwater as their primary source of drinking water. In the Rideemaliyadda DSD, 89.3% of the 10,681 households use groundwater as their primary source of water. In the Siyambalanduwa DSD, 90.9% of the households used groundwater as the primary water source. All three of these DSDs have very high levels of poverty and low education levels (especially Rideemaliyadda and Siyambalanduwa DSDs). Embilipitiya and Rideemaliyadda have high incidences of water borne diseases. Another 35 DSDs emerged as having moderate vulnerability of their drinking water to drought exposure. They have: R R R 62 15.2% of households with access to pipe-borne water. 75.1% of households that use groundwater as their primary source of water. 8.3% of households that use water from rivers, streams and other sources only 32.3% of households with their primary source of water within their own premises. 63 Drinking Water Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Drinking Water Sector Vulnerability to Drought Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Area (Sq. km)a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Rathnapura Badulla Moneragala Puttalam Badulla Ampara Badulla Moneragala Hambantota Kurunegala Hambantota Puttalam Rathnapura Embilipitiya Rideemaliyadda Siyambalanduwa Anamaduwa Kandaketiya Padiyathalawa Meegahakivula Thanamalwila Suriyawewa Polpithigama Ambalantota Arachchikattuwa Kolonna 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Badulla Kurunegala Rathnapura Rathnapura Puttalam Anuradhapura Puttalam Hambantota Hambantota Moneragala Badulla Badulla Puttalam Puttalam Kurunegala Badulla Hambantota Puttalam 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 383.4799 438.2808 1065.6754 259.0095 152.6207 386.8510 108.7195 661.4470 189.7447 417.5552 211.3413 162.6380 183.0319 119563 45759 47438 33302 22494 15971 18650 23172 35529 67263 64361 38092 43693 312 104 45 129 147 41 172 35 187 161 305 234 239 29126 10681 10808 9039 5425 3642 4558 5893 9031 18926 15334 9912 10661 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 119490 45582 47438 33302 21428 15971 16316 23172 35529 67263 63426 37402 38930 73 177 0 0 1066 0 2334 0 0 0 935 690 4763 31.60 51.15 51.80 16.77 46.10 46.50 35.80 34.80 30.00 33.30 21.82 37.70 21.16 14.89 13.52 22.53 14.56 11.66 12.52 14.18 17.37 18.13 21.36 16.64 14.65 137.2816 163.9366 155.7512 203.5279 241.4497 242.5157 158.7548 300.3473 174.0781 722.5206 80.8879 598.4674 503.9380 736.5317 147.1195 414.9996 103.7065 76524 71483 69123 29099 56294 21146 81780 25226 42426 28358 22760 67301 20225 16460 36812 38223 41392 557 436 444 143 233 87 515 84 244 39 281 112 40 22 250 92 399 19213 18666 16962 7690 13534 5452 18185 6922 10394 6678 5667 16499 5550 4024 9830 9855 10025 0 6290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65809 65102 57669 28720 56294 21146 81627 25226 42426 28358 18160 67301 20225 16410 36770 23207 62344 10715 91 11454 379 0 0 153 0 0 0 4600 0 0 50 42 15016 0 33.35 16.62 38.20 39.20 41.08 34.33 45.34 33.50 33.00 40.70 34.24 38.57 23.77 40.31 23.20 31.65 34.30 19.52 32.77 20.31 19.60 14.73 14.43 13.63 17.85 16.83 19.44 17.35 20.02 14.80 12.25 22.57 18.09 17.11 Moneragala Kurunegala Badulla Kurunegala Anuradhapura Kurunegala Kurunegala Matale Hambantota Polonnaruwa Moneragala Kurunegala Puttalam Hambantota Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Uva Paranagama Kuliyapitiya West Godakawela Weligepola Mundalama Padaviya Kalpitiya Lunugamvehera Angunukolapeles Madulla Soranathota Mahiyanganaya Karuwalagaswewa Vanathavilluwa Ganewatta Haldummulla Katuwana Mahakumbuk kadawala Wellawaya Galgamuwa Ella Panduwasnuwara Rambewa Kobeigane Kotawehera Laggala-Pallegama Hambantota Medirigiriya Medagama Ibbagamuwa Nawagattegama Tissamaharama Mahawa Giribawa Rasnayakapura 175.8432 585.9537 273.2962 109.3657 216.0387 303.6555 130.8780 182.1192 373.8370 338.9857 570.3679 241.1373 219.4878 171.9949 783.8008 260.6953 207.1489 125.8909 16905 50768 47844 42894 69888 31604 32230 19273 12399 46757 57899 32467 76344 12956 60982 50576 28093 18814 96 87 175 392 323 104 246 106 33 138 102 135 348 75 78 194 136 149 4686 12698 12759 10775 18130 8230 8581 5323 3305 10945 15189 7664 19589 3519 14829 13674 7831 5071 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16905 50768 47844 29156 69888 31592 32230 19273 12055 35623 57899 32467 75913 12956 60486 50576 28093 18678 0 0 0 13738 0 12 0 0 344 0 0 0 431 0 496 0 0 136 28.65 24.90 25.70 28.04 18.90 20.57 19.10 21.70 34.60 31.30 13.37 30.20 24.30 26.44 32.20 20.90 24.00 23.00 15.18 17.79 22.00 21.90 28.69 19.54 24.70 26.07 19.05 23.32 14.73 14.89 26.50 13.19 22.31 21.83 19.56 20.46 Anuradhapura Kurunegala Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Moneragala Horowpothana Nikaweratiya Medawachchiya Kebithigollewa Moneragala 845.8179 152.4124 492.1070 611.9821 292.5414 29642 36370 40469 19457 42457 35 239 82 32 145 7578 9549 10338 4903 10071 0 0 0 0 0 29642 36370 40469 19457 39112 0 0 0 0 3345 24.95 19.40 21.34 27.74 29.30 14.78 24.93 24.09 18.03 23.23 64 Primary Water Source Wellsb Tubewellsb Tapb Otherb Wells and Taps within Premisesb DSD Name Rank Wells and Taps outside Premisesb 13235 8838 9098 7072 2284 2588 1749 2775 5948 16971 8054 7358 4860 2528 697 723 1386 462 601 262 1279 406 982 1028 987 278 10436 262 41 410 1258 36 1893 1103 1448 266 5810 758 2183 2627 772 875 75 1342 399 602 673 1111 487 354 700 3208 10577 2876 2126 1958 903 540 1330 1284 1848 5644 5968 3545 1702 9994 3748 2952 5177 2110 791 1964 1514 3625 8251 6238 4458 3275 Embilipitiya Rideemaliyadda Siyambalanduwa Anamaduwa Kandaketiya Padiyathalawa Meegahakivula Thanamalwila Suriyawewa Polpithigama Ambalantota Arachchikattuwa Kolonna 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10964 17236 6858 5146 10213 4252 13889 851 7997 5338 1870 13240 3978 1850 9344 1133 8504 3534 804 224 247 151 1222 520 1747 103 1221 361 114 747 1350 804 153 151 1557 975 3167 887 4124 841 223 414 1103 5760 1065 325 2280 1531 31 606 107 6158 2612 86 3671 95 5519 1457 1575 216 818 108 31 592 1320 734 122 678 143 2267 2316 79 2962 10419 3836 1476 4952 1292 8347 1488 2148 2620 1179 6613 624 681 4427 3285 3491 793 7741 5370 5313 3147 4778 1337 5920 5021 4790 2308 2398 5728 2689 1293 4223 3606 2757 2393 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5768 10145 3162 17364 6951 8072 4489 1525 3016 12514 5985 18167 1111 1802 259 317 1007 210 747 436 78 1300 311 288 2043 577 5252 276 27 159 16 386 7370 889 378 641 3597 60 1887 57 173 56 8 939 378 319 880 289 2716 3036 2722 9614 2190 3975 1173 592 5482 2420 1720 9059 2878 5741 4725 7353 3883 3980 3130 954 4664 4231 2745 8134 Uva Paranagama Kuliyapitiya West Godakawela Weligepola Mundalama Padaviya Kalpitiya Lunugamvehera Angunukolapeles Madulla Soranathota Mahiyanganaya Karuwalagaswewa Vanathavilluwa Ganewatta Haldummulla Katuwana Mahakumbuk kadawala Wellawaya Galgamuwa Ella Panduwasnuwara Rambewa Kobeigane Kotawehera Laggala-Pallegama Hambantota Medirigiriya Medagama Ibbagamuwa 2243 6098 12782 6274 4623 1098 1071 594 1332 296 118 7108 176 47 26 15 394 49 140 45 540 6400 5503 1391 1330 1499 6309 6218 3296 3025 Nawagattegama Tissamaharama Mahawa Giribawa Rasnayakapura 44 45 46 47 48 6132 8047 7988 3863 5721 1079 969 1654 560 818 117 415 409 226 2087 158 67 68 151 1341 1962 3041 3167 1071 3139 3400 4915 3843 1932 2903 Horowpothana Nikaweratiya Medawachchiya Kebithigollewa Moneragala 49 50 51 52 53 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 65 Drinking Water Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Rank District Name DSD Name Area (Sq. km)a 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Hambantota Kurunegala Rathnapura Anuradhapura Hambantota Moneragala Moneragala Anuradhapura 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Kurunegala Kurunegala Nuwara Eliya Anuradhapura Kurunegala Moneragala Puttalam Anuradhapura Moneragala Badulla Anuradhapura Kurunegala Hambantota Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Kandy Hambantota Kurunegala Kurunegala Anuradhapura Kurunegala 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Anuradhapura Puttalam Kurunegala Matale Anuradhapura Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Anuradhapura 66 Weeraketiya Bingiriya Balangoda Maha Vilachchiya Okewela Sewanagala Badalkumbura Nuwaragam Palatha Central Wariyapola Rideegama Ambagamuwa Kahatagasdigiliya Ambanpola Buttala Puttalam Thalawa Katharagama Haputhale Galenbidunuwawe Polgahawela Tangalle Thirappane Nochchiyagama Palagala Galnewa Pathahewaheta Beliatta Kuliyapitiya East Pannala Ipalogama Narammala Thambuttegama Chilaw Mawathagama Ukuwela Mihintale Udubaddawa Mallawapitiya Weerambugedara Kurunegala Nuwaragam Palatha East Physical Characteristics Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 115.4094 195.2943 274.1594 624.8276 41.9560 191.9569 235.9900 37401 55763 77303 18557 18247 36820 36784 324 286 282 30 435 192 156 9208 15223 18720 4630 4266 9221 9030 0 0 11402 0 0 0 0 55459 55613 58032 18557 18247 35739 32733 0 150 7869 0 0 1081 4051 32.50 16.80 27.30 31.16 34.10 19.30 27.90 21.20 24.53 27.22 17.85 25.51 20.35 23.53 389.4952 201.7589 222.5431 487.9105 366.6055 142.5265 735.5660 178.4049 220.5999 536.3836 70.3267 288.1528 97.3861 152.5016 278.9562 843.5736 226.9676 140.2283 83.5016 102.5034 113.2748 284.9191 142.4270 108.3197 53665 56880 80473 203717 33572 19964 47324 71091 50919 16297 50735 40888 58762 62800 23378 41601 29837 30344 53843 52283 46966 114438 32933 51244 138 282 362 418 92 140 64 398 231 30 721 142 603 412 84 49 131 216 645 510 415 402 231 473 13055 15207 21118 47145 8619 5488 11843 15898 13375 3875 11565 10454 14506 14981 6143 11239 8196 8165 13229 12630 11728 29467 8730 13092 11598 0 0 14204 0 0 0 41761 0 0 3235 0 0 10437 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42067 56832 78808 47474 33572 19964 47324 29330 50919 16297 29372 40888 57940 52363 23378 41601 29837 30344 51531 52283 46839 113726 31992 51244 0 48 1665 142039 0 0 0 0 0 0 18128 0 822 0 0 0 0 0 2312 0 127 712 941 0 20.14 18.90 32.76 22.90 19.63 23.10 21.20 25.08 19.44 19.80 24.42 18.56 22.91 27.10 18.59 16.98 23.83 18.46 26.60 28.30 20.32 17.80 17.41 21.40 20.32 29.42 26.28 16.74 20.03 23.46 22.01 21.59 22.25 19.56 29.37 21.42 35.64 30.04 23.27 19.61 21.98 20.55 30.92 36.26 27.57 31.16 25.86 33.36 111.4855 93.6034 109.6233 77.9074 234.9169 117.5985 79.9307 91.3110 111.0680 36524 59890 56820 61568 26786 48800 46575 30311 88944 328 640 518 790 114 415 583 332 801 9448 14448 14191 14856 6657 12669 11574 8085 20292 0 23533 0 977 1523 0 0 0 28401 36524 36357 55013 54983 25263 48742 46240 30311 60369 0 0 1807 5608 0 58 335 0 174 19.05 20.11 24.92 21.40 18.97 17.70 19.50 20.11 14.70 22.52 21.74 33.95 29.55 29.03 29.43 33.19 39.05 44.87 90.6614 65671 724 14504 40030 25641 0 11.97 44.47 Primary Water Source b Wells Tubewells b b Tap DSD Name b Other Wells and Taps within Premisesb Rank Wells and Taps outside Premisesb 10838 14361 8372 3084 3985 5852 4904 7755 1533 526 91 1303 161 558 581 2528 782 170 6801 55 55 503 1070 2280 275 70 3188 101 49 2178 2385 254 3559 7704 5736 1064 1404 1074 1566 4230 4399 5936 7168 1687 1727 3235 2996 4949 14379 15626 4996 7019 4275 7043 8081 11715 331 2526 8811 13132 5415 4717 8841 6070 6658 5861 10122 11310 27873 7006 12458 300 546 1679 814 834 1216 1443 979 49 187 1162 280 455 1227 1343 1362 1259 1863 312 77 243 1222 220 331 2887 28970 638 259 1877 5207 170 3235 6548 152 916 8699 21 729 199 95 4363 1995 172 837 379 267 86 1845 9840 61 82 1636 681 383 191 1951 186 46 326 115 189 435 110 1000 65 183 87 48 7346 7217 14791 2621 1416 3838 5780 3328 1991 3917 2467 7049 6255 1073 2742 1726 1574 2064 5075 5754 14896 1815 6286 6553 9121 17703 4359 2696 3525 7182 5925 1546 4396 4968 5067 7096 3193 5465 3345 3628 6751 5703 4188 4928 4005 3561 7543 7886 12283 5776 3851 12003 10063 7785 16326 3495 764 774 399 848 1763 332 380 85 562 1275 892 5331 854 6644 862 168 590 83 2943 9274 130 357 520 1349 32 70 403 42 54 140 2368 7252 6403 4856 2278 7019 5778 4400 11674 9352 4533 5801 5482 6691 2102 2997 3838 2281 6855 3025 Weeraketiya Bingiriya Balangoda Maha Vilachchiya Okewela Sewanagala Badalkumbura Nuwaragam Palatha Central Wariyapola Rideegama Ambagamuwa Kahatagasdigiliya Ambanpola Buttala Puttalam Thalawa Katharagama Haputhale Galenbidunuwawe Polgahawela Tangalle Thirappane Nochchiyagama Palagala Galnewa Pathahewaheta Beliatta Kuliyapitiya East Pannala Ipalogama Narammala 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Thambuttegama Chilaw Mawathagama Ukuwela Mihintale Udubaddawa Mallawapitiya Weerambugedara Kurunegala Nuwaragam Palatha East 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 94 67 Drinking Water Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Drinking Water Sector Vulnerability to Flood Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =R_PR[aNTR\S4_NZN;VYNQN_V1VcV`V\[`dVaU more than 2 types of water sources =R_PR[aNTR\SU\b`RU\YQ`dVaU]_VZN_fdNaR_ source within premises 6[PVQR[PR\SdNaR_O\_[RQV`RN`R =\]bYNaV\[QR[`Vaf A composite of data (at DSD level) on: ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRNO\cRaURTY\ONYYf accepted poverty line ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRdU\UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ secondary education Source of raw data: Population and Housing Census,2001 Some of the key findings include: Vulnerability is widespread, and is prevalent in many areas of the country. 26 DSDs emerge as highly vulnerable to the impacts of floods. These DSDs have: R R R a population of 1.84 million. 412,886 housing units. 364,364 people below the poverty line. These highly vulnerable DSDs have R R R R 53.4% of the population depend on groundwater (i.e. 48% depend on either protected/ unprotected wells and 5% depend on tube wells) only 33% of the population have access to pipe-borne water. 11% of households depend on rivers, streams, and tanks as their primary source of water. only 42.8% of households have their primary source of water within their own premises. Elapaatha (Ratnapura District), Addalachchenai and Pottuvil (both in the Ampara District) emerge as the 3 DSDs most vulnerable to floods in terms of the drinking water. R All 3 DSDs have limited access to pipe-borne water and rely heavily on groundwater and people in Elapatha also rely significantly on other sources such as streams and rivers (on average dependency on groundwater is 78.7%). All 3 of these DSDs show high incidence of water-borne diseases. Another 26 DSDs emerged as having moderate vulnerability of their drinking water to floods. They have: R R R R 68 22.8% of households with access to pipe-borne water. 69.1% of households that use groundwater as their primary source of water. 6.8% of households that use water from rivers, streams, and other sources. only 43.2% of their households with their primary source of water within their own premises. 69 Drinking Water Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Drinking Water Sector Vulnerability to Flood Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Rathnapura Ampara Ampara Colombo Rathnapura Rathnapura Gampaha Ampara Ampara Ampara Rathnapura Ampara Ampara Ampara Polonnaruwa Rathnapura Ampara Rathnapura Ampara Matara Rathnapura Puttalam Badulla Puttalam Gampaha Kalutara Elapatha Addalachchenai Pothuvil Colombo Rathnapura Ayagama Katana Sainthamarathu Alayadiwembu Lahugala Kalawana Akkaraipattu Eragama Thirukkovil Dimbulagala Nivithigala Samanthurai Kuruwita Ninthavur Mulatiyana Pelmadulla Mundalama Ella Kalpitiya Wattala Bulathsinhala 86.8547 56.9586 271.8310 17.8538 326.7894 157.6893 124.9577 3.0272 82.5912 923.3049 384.7488 60.4089 66.6480 187.0859 552.3964 157.9051 123.0101 174.6734 36.3016 119.4139 144.8430 241.4497 109.3657 158.7548 57.6911 209.4387 36322 36020 28480 380946 115223 28637 222683 24114 22627 7623 48669 34939 11344 23700 63349 59092 51510 85882 24625 46066 84966 56294 42894 81780 160127 59787 418 632 105 21337 353 182 1782 7966 274 8 126 578 170 127 115 374 419 492 678 386 587 233 392 515 2776 285 8828 7640 6693 70735 26549 7357 50765 5144 4956 1888 11905 7649 2632 5427 16757 13989 11729 20460 6235 11169 19906 13534 10775 18185 36368 15611 0 0 0 380946 45623 0 73318 24114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 560 0 0 0 28740 0 34219 36020 28480 0 53219 25160 149365 0 22627 7623 44632 34939 11344 23700 63339 47942 51510 80326 24625 45501 73480 56294 29156 81627 131387 53331 2103 0 0 0 16381 3477 0 0 0 0 4037 0 0 0 10 11150 0 5556 0 565 10926 0 13738 153 0 6456 40.10 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Gampaha Kalutara Rathnapura Moneragala Matara Ampara Galle Ampara Galle Kalutara Rathnapura Hambantota Hambantota Ampara Kalutara Kurunegala Kalutara Galle Matara Polonnaruwa Kegalle Matara Polonnaruwa Colombo Kalutara Matale Dompe Palindanuwara Kiriella Bibila Hakmana Karativu Neluwa Ampara Thawalama Walallawita Eheliyagoda Suriyawewa Ambalantota Kalmunai Mathugama Rasnayakapura Dodangoda Nagoda Malimbada Lankapura Dehiovita Akuressa Elahera Kolonnawa Beruwala Dambulla 182.1586 283.2330 79.5653 483.5204 49.6219 8.9392 152.2868 139.2692 174.1470 213.2047 141.9292 189.7447 211.3413 19.6568 134.3624 125.8909 112.8241 174.6178 47.9781 200.7756 193.2396 148.6167 353.1772 26.0388 71.6785 455.1342 130021 45911 30881 35490 30201 16365 27501 38166 31803 50676 63870 35529 64361 70465 73269 18814 55052 52414 31524 33676 73991 49806 39908 161247 144733 60976 714 162 388 73 609 1831 181 274 183 238 450 187 305 3585 545 149 488 300 657 168 383 335 113 6193 2019 134 31962 11597 7666 8817 7190 3641 6445 8713 7710 12793 15566 9031 15334 15821 17604 5071 13646 13028 7577 8611 18460 11825 10446 35803 29635 15285 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17957 0 0 0 0 0 70465 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56396 33096 0 130021 40298 29748 34818 30201 16365 27251 20209 30789 47579 61593 35529 63426 0 66781 18678 47970 46707 31384 33676 62883 48508 39908 104851 111637 60959 0 5613 1133 672 0 0 250 0 1014 3097 2277 0 935 0 6488 136 7082 5707 140 0 11108 1298 0 0 0 17 21.10 30.70 25.60 26.00 32.00 29.40 23.00 21.20 28.70 24.30 14.54 29.30 21.90 18.45 8.20 22.10 19.90 31.48 22.88 26.58 17.05 29.15 28.99 16.54 30.45 19.99 25.28 26.60 17.37 21.36 28.44 28.65 20.46 27.42 23.04 31.38 19.42 24.21 24.28 17.46 35.95 28.20 23.88 65.9339 82.0638 30179 44476 458 542 7039 11035 0 0 29380 43110 799 1366 27.80 16.90 26.77 30.71 53 Matara 54 Kalutara 70 Athuraliya Millaniya 12.10 21.90 33.70 7.70 36.40 22.59 32.80 28.90 30.90 30.20 41.08 28.04 45.34 6.10 27.40 33.40 29.50 31.40 26.90 34.80 33.30 22.39 17.64 13.45 32.53 30.01 21.37 41.14 21.81 22.67 15.57 23.93 26.00 13.35 20.88 18.60 17.57 20.13 23.57 22.78 21.41 26.35 14.73 21.90 13.63 40.21 22.09 Primary Water Source DSD Name Rank Wellsb Tubewellsb Tapb Otherb Wells and Taps within Premisesb Wells and Taps outside Premisesb 4766 7021 6295 3149 7822 1247 30278 5057 4746 1687 2616 7202 2055 5156 13521 3918 6607 12477 5725 8897 8230 10213 3162 13889 12026 12205 38 7 103 866 105 4 10703 11 12 107 27 1 36 2 700 45 313 75 25 250 131 1222 259 1747 3132 591 1083 32 26 63741 9603 2456 8072 15 19 18 2388 20 34 24 1138 3106 4016 2281 289 567 9247 223 5252 1103 20038 1328 2812 409 92 327 8461 3470 233 14 36 65 6539 278 447 60 1158 6769 403 5388 40 1361 1933 1575 1887 818 204 1215 1902 6033 3507 34959 7219 1212 27170 4607 3521 608 2098 6483 914 3736 1919 1851 5768 5870 5640 4048 5942 4952 2722 8347 20928 4863 2958 831 2555 31841 8969 1920 9747 444 1161 1004 1874 646 985 1277 7279 3261 4222 6363 330 2869 9334 4778 4725 5920 10959 5284 Elapatha Addalachchenai Pothuvil Colombo Rathnapura Ayagama Katana Sainthamarathu Alayadiwembu Lahugala Kalawana Akkaraipattu Eragama Thirukkovil Dimbulagala Nivithigala Samanthurai Kuruwita Ninthavur Mulatiyana Pelmadulla Mundalama Ella Kalpitiya Wattala Bulathsinhala 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 29479 8042 4318 6388 6091 3319 3025 4240 3393 10777 9896 5948 8054 12931 15310 4623 12419 9850 6349 7164 9456 8333 6805 5570 16223 9777 207 60 13 479 146 7 28 61 77 142 79 406 1028 120 207 296 110 1034 120 813 77 107 2739 330 424 4429 1866 794 3031 810 876 226 936 3957 2078 724 2299 1448 5810 2179 1530 26 766 1089 974 236 3849 1461 470 29216 12226 685 169 2497 215 1054 34 57 2381 293 2060 902 3214 1111 354 249 253 45 216 868 70 290 4796 1743 304 128 205 230 20042 2611 3350 2200 3050 2887 1414 4340 2167 4725 4585 1848 5968 12489 7787 1330 5409 4168 4708 1629 4954 4516 1455 24703 14874 3639 7667 2654 3300 2916 2980 634 1508 2945 2103 3093 5449 3625 6238 2422 6293 3025 5503 3410 1912 2696 6220 3001 2720 9891 10492 4065 Dompe Palindanuwara Kiriella Bibila Hakmana Karativu Neluwa Ampara Thawalama Walallawita Eheliyagoda Suriyawewa Ambalantota Kalmunai Mathugama Rasnayakapura Dodangoda Nagoda Malimbada Lankapura Dehiovita Akuressa Elahera Kolonnawa Beruwala Dambulla 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 5979 10469 48 122 549 267 440 50 3312 4693 1906 4602 Athuraliya Millaniya 53 54 71 Drinking Water Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Rank District Name DSD Name Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 59890 640 14448 23533 36357 0 20.11 21.74 37347 625 9079 0 37347 0 24.90 31.28 48800 415 12669 0 48742 58 17.70 29.43 30909 607 7529 0 30909 0 27.20 30.07 62800 412 14981 10437 52363 0 27.10 30.04 33572 92 8619 0 33572 0 19.63 20.03 144274 3127 31915 121413 22861 0 7.10 30.04 71091 398 15898 41761 29330 0 25.08 21.59 33962 378 8423 0 32768 1194 26.40 33.03 60982 78 14829 0 60486 496 32.20 22.31 29750 473 7552 0 27129 2621 18.60 34.30 57899 102 15189 0 57899 0 13.37 14.73 36524 328 9448 0 36524 0 19.05 22.52 26599 484 6622 0 25059 1540 25.50 23.29 134364 6127 30272 29820 104544 0 6.90 41.85 45726 486 11314 0 43590 2136 17.40 26.56 68634 600 16761 0 66249 2385 21.70 30.17 161300 2676 36655 0 161300 0 11.30 41.68 60292 399 15049 0 58153 2139 22.70 26.49 86886 1513 20579 0 86886 0 8.20 37.31 74224 159 17920 0 73956 268 14.15 28.23 171040 1886 41357 9284 161756 0 9.90 43.27 70817 1730 18180 0 70487 330 14.88 25.79 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Puttalam Matara Kurunegala Matara Hambantota Anuradhapura Gampaha Puttalam Kalutara Hambantota Kalutara Polonnaruwa Anuradhapura Galle Gampaha Kalutara Galle Gampaha Galle Kalutara Polonnaruwa Gampaha Puttalam Chilaw Kaburupitiya Udubaddawa Thihagoda Tangalle Kahatagasdigiliya Negombo Puttalam Agalawatta Tissamaharama Madurawala Medirigiriya Thambuttegama Welivitiya-Divithura Kelaniya Ingiriya Baddegama Biyagama Elpitiya Bandaragama Thamankaduwa Gampaha Wennappuwa 93.6034 59.7187 117.5985 50.9425 152.5016 366.6055 46.1424 178.4049 89.7814 783.8008 62.9158 570.3679 111.4855 54.9823 21.9313 94.0498 114.4507 60.2668 151.2593 57.4085 465.7376 90.6959 40.9400 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Gampaha Gampaha Colombo Puttalam Kalutara Gampaha Puttalam Matara Colombo Colombo Kalutara Gampaha Colombo Kalutara Colombo Colombo Attanagalla Ja-Ela Hanwella Mahawewa Kaluthara Minuwangoda Nattandiya Matara Moratuwa Kaduwela Panadura Mahara Thimbirigasyaya Horana Rathmalana Sri Jayawardanapura Kotte 154.3057 61.4202 145.8825 75.3055 77.6779 133.2225 75.3430 56.1514 19.2051 87.7537 45.0310 94.2988 22.3754 112.7795 13.1472 154967 184666 94001 48861 141829 151661 57686 108238 177563 209251 163492 176870 266154 90690 108716 1004 3007 644 649 1826 1138 766 1928 9246 2385 3631 1876 11895 804 8269 36838 42975 22689 12600 31857 37683 14528 23705 41282 48849 37245 41639 52397 22048 25013 0 30791 21601 0 37451 7567 0 42663 177563 0 33514 0 266154 9127 108716 154821 153875 66446 48405 104378 144084 57535 65575 0 209251 129978 176870 0 80042 0 146 0 5954 456 0 10 151 0 0 0 0 0 0 1521 0 15.40 7.80 14.20 14.78 12.50 12.50 15.54 16.90 10.30 6.00 7.40 12.10 4.40 8.40 4.20 39.55 44.60 34.61 26.88 38.35 38.36 28.96 42.45 40.58 48.78 40.07 37.86 49.35 42.98 47.88 16.5150 116366 7046 25822 116366 0 0 2.70 55.07 72 Primary Water Source Wellsb Tubewellsb Tapb Otherb DSD Name Wells and Taps within Premisesb Wells and Taps outside Premisesb Rank 7886 7589 12003 6934 5415 7019 6093 8081 7080 6098 6898 12514 7543 5618 7662 8991 14421 26312 13247 18890 10813 37241 10883 774 141 332 110 455 814 3984 1443 104 1071 66 1300 764 634 448 242 1082 554 428 206 1569 511 4615 5331 1143 168 379 8699 638 20986 5207 495 7108 367 889 892 216 21468 1488 901 8795 890 1119 4895 3182 2255 357 145 70 35 326 61 325 681 636 394 148 319 130 108 66 477 192 95 337 81 338 107 128 7252 5278 7019 4471 6255 2621 16316 5780 2879 6400 3520 2420 2368 2606 19776 4730 7821 24415 6450 13324 7534 30472 9146 5801 2278 2997 2045 7096 4359 10694 7182 2820 6309 2882 4231 4533 1689 9125 4408 4933 9589 4282 5588 5013 7811 3400 Chilaw Kaburupitiya Udubaddawa Thihagoda Tangalle Kahatagasdigiliya Negombo Puttalam Agalawatta Tissamaharama Madurawala Medirigiriya Thambuttegama Welivitiya-Divithura Kelaniya Ingiriya Baddegama Biyagama Elpitiya Bandaragama Thamankaduwa Gampaha Wennappuwa 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 32115 31686 17734 8605 19067 33791 10640 7067 1858 30566 21028 31335 1184 18724 1440 1799 169 4141 110 2169 2519 685 2757 112 775 345 2021 291 616 458 50 71 3946 5452 3520 1511 9515 2561 841 16139 37862 16916 13401 9266 48175 2475 22901 23286 160 289 1134 148 259 161 138 157 88 101 153 163 246 131 80 76 24539 27693 11216 6219 17472 26684 8124 17355 29404 33113 23432 29439 29446 13333 20045 20698 8332 8737 7891 3670 9734 6228 2741 5176 10214 13140 10382 9005 19860 6113 4265 4296 Attanagalla Ja-Ela Hanwella Mahawewa Kaluthara Minuwangoda Nattandiya Matara Moratuwa Kaduwela Panadura Mahara Thimbirigasyaya Horana Rathmalana Sri Jayawardanapura Kotte 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 73 Drinking Water Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Drinking Water Sector Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =R_PR[aNTR\SGrama Niladari1VcV`V\[`dVaU more than 2 types of water sources =R_PR[aNTR\SU\b`RU\YQ`dVaU]_VZN_fdNaR_ source within premises 6[PVQR[PR\SdNaR_O\_[RQV`RN`R =\]bYNaV\[QR[`Vaf A composite of data (at DSD level) on: ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRNO\cRaURTY\ONYYfNPPR]aRQ poverty line ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRdU\UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ secondary education Source of raw data: Population and Housing Census, 2001 Some of the key findings include: The drinking water in the north-west and the southern regions emerge as the most vulnerable to sea level rise in the current analysis. Kalpitiya DSD in the Puttalam District displays the highest vulnerability. It has: R R A population of 81,780 of which 44.3% of persons are below the poverty line. A high dependence of 86% on various forms of groundwater as their primary source of water. Drinking water in a further 17 DSDs showed moderate vulnerability to sea level rise. They had: R R a total population of 1,304,608. 54% household dependency on groundwater. 4 of the 17 moderately vulnerable DSDs with the highest incidence of water-borne disease, such as dysentery, are in the Ampara District where education levels are also relatively low. It is suspected that vulnerability will be high in the northern and eastern provinces, due to high levels of exposure to sea level rise, but adequate and comparable data sets were not available to perform vulnerability analysis, so that these areas are not included in this analysis. 74 75 Drinking Water Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Drinking Water Sector Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 1 Puttalam Kalpitiya 158.7548 81780 515 18185 0 81627 153 45.34 13.63 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Puttalam Ampara Colombo Ampara Galle Ampara Hambantota Matara Ampara Hambantota Puttalam Matara Kalutara Puttalam Galle Galle Matara Mundalama Akkaraipattu Colombo Karativu Habaraduwa Kalmunai Hambantota Weligama Ninthavur Ambalantota Puttalam Malimbada Beruwala Arachchikattuwa Hikkaduwa Karandeniya Devinuwara 241.4497 60.4089 17.8538 8.9392 49.5183 19.6568 338.9857 43.1469 36.3016 211.3413 178.4049 47.9781 71.6785 162.6380 66.0971 88.0055 37.6183 56294 34939 380946 16365 59041 70465 46757 66459 24625 64361 71091 31524 144733 38092 98589 56128 44199 233 578 21337 1831 1192 3585 138 1540 678 305 398 657 2019 234 1492 638 1175 13534 7649 70735 3641 13567 15821 10945 14825 6235 15334 15898 7577 29635 9912 22820 14913 9988 0 0 380946 0 0 70465 11134 21698 0 0 41761 0 33096 0 0 0 0 56294 34939 0 16365 59041 0 35623 44761 24625 63426 29330 31384 111637 37402 98539 56128 44199 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 935 0 140 0 690 50 0 0 41.08 33.30 25.08 24.30 22.10 21.82 24.90 21.90 20.90 14.73 26.00 32.53 28.99 29.53 28.44 23.32 30.48 22.78 21.36 21.59 31.38 28.20 16.64 33.61 20.63 26.80 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Matara Galle Hambantota Galle Galle Gampaha Galle Galle Matara Colombo Galle Thihagoda Galle Four Gravets Tangalle Akmeemana Balapitiya Negombo Bentota Ambalangoda Dickwella Moratuwa Bope-Poddala 50.9425 23.7565 152.5016 65.4509 54.5727 46.1424 72.3358 70.2467 50.9687 19.2051 29.1730 30909 103246 62800 63881 65346 144274 46442 71047 51314 177563 41612 607 4346 412 976 1197 3127 642 1011 1007 9246 1426 7529 19425 14981 15110 15054 31915 11015 17122 11592 41282 9732 0 90270 10437 0 0 121413 0 39302 0 177563 0 30909 12976 52363 63239 65346 22861 46442 51396 51314 0 41461 0 0 0 642 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 27.20 19.30 27.10 22.00 22.00 7.10 22.30 20.30 22.70 10.30 18.10 30.07 39.96 30.04 32.21 27.89 30.04 31.14 32.73 31.87 40.58 42.27 30 31 32 33 34 35 Kalutara Matara Kalutara Colombo Gampaha Colombo Kaluthara Matara Panadura Thimbirigasyaya Wattala Rathmalana 77.6779 56.1514 45.0310 22.3754 57.6911 13.1472 141829 108238 163492 266154 160127 108716 1826 1928 3631 11895 2776 8269 31857 23705 37245 52397 36368 25013 37451 42663 33514 266154 28740 108716 104378 65575 129978 0 131387 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.50 16.90 7.40 4.40 6.10 4.20 38.35 42.45 40.07 49.35 40.21 47.88 76 12.10 28.70 31.30 21.50 Primary Water Source Wellsb Tubewellsb Tapb Otherb DSD Name Wells and Taps within Premisesb Rank Wells and Taps outside Premisesb 13889 1747 1103 818 8347 5920 Kalpitiya 1 10213 7202 3149 3319 12052 12931 3016 8555 5725 8054 8081 6349 16223 7358 14516 13931 4590 1222 1 866 7 80 120 78 73 25 1028 1443 120 424 987 443 220 42 223 20 63741 226 1133 2179 7370 5912 289 5810 5207 974 12226 758 7334 453 5131 1575 278 327 57 170 249 378 113 40 354 681 70 205 700 146 173 134 4952 6483 34959 2887 5054 12489 5482 8209 5640 5968 5780 4708 14874 3545 9808 7386 6975 4778 646 31841 634 7065 2422 4664 5179 330 6238 7182 1912 10492 4458 10947 3509 2210 Mundalama Akkaraipattu Colombo Karativu Habaraduwa Kalmunai Hambantota Weligama Ninthavur Ambalantota Puttalam Malimbada Beruwala Arachchikattuwa Hikkaduwa Karandeniya Devinuwara 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 6934 4532 5415 13500 9913 6093 9020 12497 4910 1858 7482 110 137 455 184 111 3984 105 260 54 775 283 379 14326 8699 1123 4646 20986 1781 4158 6442 37862 1872 35 70 326 156 102 325 27 56 85 88 19 4471 12932 6255 7642 8013 16316 5173 9707 7502 29404 5212 2045 5653 7096 4956 5601 10694 3944 5340 3365 10214 3449 Thihagoda Galle Four Gravets Tangalle Akmeemana Balapitiya Negombo Bentota Ambalangoda Dickwella Moratuwa Bope-Poddala 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 19067 7067 21028 1184 12026 1440 2519 112 2021 616 3132 50 9515 16139 13401 48175 20038 22901 259 157 153 246 204 80 17472 17355 23432 29446 20928 20045 9734 5176 10382 19860 10959 4265 Kaluthara Matara Panadura Thimbirigasyaya Wattala Rathmalana 30 31 32 33 34 35 77 Drinking Water Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 78 Irrigation Water Sri Lanka’s inland waters are the most important supply of water for agriculture where irrigation waters are vital for enhancing productivity of the sector. Agriculture and food production contributes about 16% to the national economy. Agriculture in the Wet Zone is mainly rain-fed, due to the considerable reliability and intensity of rainfall regimes in this region and conversely, in the Dry and Intermediate Zones where rainfall is limited, water collected in numerous surface reservoirs is the vital source of water, which supplements water received from the north-east monsoon and inter-monsoonal rains. The implications of changes in rainfall patterns are numerous, including possible shifts in the demarcation between the Dry and Wet Zones with a reduction in the latter. High intensity rainfall often leads to significant erosion and runoff reducing retention and re-charge as well as creating higher probability of landslides especially in the hills. Unusual flash floods can also damage headworks of irrigation schemes and canal structures which can hinder a reliable water supply. Reduced rainfall on the other hand can affect seasonal flows of the rivers that originate and flow entirely in the Dry Zone. Prolonged droughts will exacerbate already existing water deficiency issues in these areas. This will, in turn, affect food production significantly as 70% of paddy grown in the country is in the Dry Zone, relying on irrigation. Lowered water levels during low rainfall periods will also have implications on power production as well as water availability for multiple uses in both the Wet and the Dry Zones. The main issue associated with sea level rise is saline intrusion into freshwater bodies especially along the Southern and Eastern coasts of the country. Reduction of river water flows can increase the risk of saltwater intrusion. The impacts of temperature increase on water availability include increased rates of evaporation and evapo-transpiration. Thus, during drought periods water availability for irrigation will be affected due to high evaporation rates – this is especially true for the Dry Zone tanks and rivers. Increased evaporation and transpiration can also reduce soil moisture, stream flow and groundwater re-charge, thus reducing water available for food production, and increasing the irrigation requirement. Salinization of soil is another potential risk where intensified evaporation coupled with less rain leads to increased salt accumulation in the soil. 79 Irrigation Water Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Irrigation Sector Vulnerability to Drought Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: [bZOR_\SaN[X` N_RN\SaN[X` a\aNY]\]bYNaV\[QR[`Vaf A composite of data (at DSD level) on: ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRNO\cRaUR]\cR_afYV[R ]R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRdU\UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ`RP\[QN_f RQbPNaV\[ ]R_PR[aNTR[\[NT_VPbYab_NYRZ]Y\fZR[a Sources of raw data: Survey Department 1:50,000 topographic maps, Population and Housing Census, 2001 Some of the key findings include: Vulnerability of irrigation to expected increases in drought are widespread in the island, but more concentrated in the Dry Zone where there is high dependency on irrigation for agriculture. 9 DS Divisions (DSDs) appear to be highly vulnerable in this regard. These DSDs have: R 2,375 tanks covering a total area of 240 km2. R a total population of 448,440 people, of whom nearly 25% are below the poverty line R about 97,570 people engaged in jobs related to agriculture. The 3 most vulnerable DSDs are Thanamalwila, (Moneragala District), Anamaduwa (Puttalam District) and Horowpothana (Anuradhapura District). R Historically, the population in these three DSDs are highly vulnerable due to high poverty levels and high exposure to drought. The dependency on agriculture in these DSDs ranges from 28% to 24% of the population. R Thanamalwila alone has 464 tanks (the second highest number in the nation per DSD) covering 27.6 km2. A further 18 DSDs are in the moderately vulnerable category. They have: R R 80 a total population of 789,115 people. 145,880 people with agriculture-based jobs. 81 Irrigation Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Irrigation Sector Vulnerability to Drought Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Moneragala Puttalam Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Kurunegala Polonnaruwa Hambantota Rathnapura Anuradhapura Thanamalwila Anamaduwa Horowpothana Nochchiyagama Polpithigama Medirigiriya Suriyawewa Embilipitiya Medawachchiya 661.4470 259.0095 845.8179 843.5736 417.5552 570.3679 189.7447 383.4799 492.1070 23172 33302 29642 41601 67263 57899 35529 119563 40469 35 129 35 49 161 102 187 312 82 5893 9039 7578 11239 18926 15189 9031 29126 10338 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23172 33302 29642 41601 67263 57899 35529 119490 40469 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 0 35.80 16.77 24.95 16.98 30.00 13.37 34.80 31.60 21.34 14.18 22.53 14.78 19.61 18.13 14.73 17.37 21.16 24.09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Hambantota Anuradhapura Kurunegala Moneragala Hambantota Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Kurunegala Badulla Puttalam Hambantota Anuradhapura Kurunegala Hambantota Anuradhapura Anuradhapura 64361 33572 69888 47438 60982 31604 21146 50576 45759 20225 42426 40888 47844 25226 19457 305 92 323 45 78 104 87 194 104 40 244 142 175 84 32 15334 8619 18130 10808 14829 8230 5452 13674 10681 5550 10394 10454 12759 6922 4903 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63426 33572 69888 47438 60486 31592 21146 50576 45582 20225 42426 40888 47844 25226 19457 935 0 0 0 496 12 0 0 177 0 0 0 0 0 0 33.30 19.63 18.90 51.80 32.20 20.57 34.33 20.90 51.15 23.77 33.00 18.56 25.70 33.50 27.74 21.36 20.03 28.69 13.52 22.31 19.54 14.43 21.83 14.89 14.80 16.83 21.42 22.00 17.85 18.03 26 Badulla 27 Hambantota Ambalantota 211.3413 Kahatagasdigiliya 366.6055 Panduwasnuwara 216.0387 Siyambalanduwa 1065.6754 Tissamaharama 783.8008 Rambewa 303.6555 Padaviya 242.5157 Mahawa 260.6953 Rideemaliyadda 438.2808 Karuwalagaswewa 503.9380 Angunukolapeles 174.0781 Galenbidunuwawe 288.1528 Galgamuwa 273.2962 Lunugamvehera 300.3473 Kebithigollewa 611.9821 Nuwaragam Palatha Central 389.4952 Mahiyanganaya 598.4674 Hambantota 338.9857 53665 67301 46757 138 112 138 13055 16499 10945 11598 0 11134 42067 67301 35623 0 20.1420.32 0 38.57 0 31.30 20.02 23.32 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Puttalam Kurunegala Kurunegala Moneragala Kurunegala Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Kurunegala Anuradhapura Badulla Kurunegala Moneragala Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Anuradhapura Puttalam Arachchikattuwa Kuliyapitiya West Giribawa Wellawaya Kotawehera Thalawa Maha Vilachchiya Wariyapola Palagala Kandaketiya Kobeigane Buttala Ibbagamuwa Ganewatta Nikaweratiya Thirappane Nawagattegama 38092 71483 28093 50768 19273 50919 18557 56880 29837 22494 32230 47324 76344 36812 36370 23378 12956 234 436 136 87 106 231 30 282 131 147 246 64 348 250 239 84 75 9912 18666 7831 12698 5323 13375 4630 15207 8196 5425 8581 11843 19589 9830 9549 6143 3519 0 6290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37402 65102 28093 50768 19273 50919 18557 56832 29837 21428 32230 47324 75913 36770 36370 23378 12956 690 91 0 0 0 0 0 48 0 1066 0 0 431 42 0 0 0 21.82 16.62 24.00 24.90 21.70 19.44 31.16 18.90 23.83 46.10 19.10 21.20 24.30 23.20 19.40 18.59 26.44 16.64 32.77 19.56 17.79 26.07 22.25 17.85 29.42 21.98 14.56 24.70 22.01 26.50 22.57 24.93 23.27 13.19 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Puttalam Kurunegala Kurunegala Anuradhapura Badulla Matale Kurunegala Anuradhapura Mahakumbukkadawala175.8432 Bingiriya 195.2943 Ambanpola 142.5265 Galnewa 140.2283 Haldummulla 414.9996 Laggala-Pallegama 373.8370 Rasnayakapura 125.8909 Mihintale 234.9169 16905 55763 19964 30344 38223 12399 18814 26786 96 286 140 216 92 33 149 114 4686 15223 5488 8165 9855 3305 5071 6657 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1523 16905 55613 19964 30344 23207 12055 18678 25263 0 150 0 0 15016 344 136 0 28.65 16.80 23.10 18.46 31.65 34.60 23.00 18.97 15.18 24.53 23.46 20.55 18.09 19.05 20.46 29.03 82 162.6380 163.9366 207.1489 585.9537 182.1192 220.5999 624.8276 201.7589 226.9676 152.6207 130.8780 735.5660 219.4878 147.1195 152.4124 278.9562 171.9949 Sector Specific Data Area of Tanks (Sq. km)a Agriculture Employmentb DSD Name % Agri. Employmenta Rank No of Tanksa Irrigation Paddy Area (Acres)g Rainfed Paddy Area (Acres)g HH with Agri. as Primary Source of Incomed and a 27.61 16.62 49.61 50.26 12.57 33.41 6.39 5.95 37.35 464 303 383 401 316 70 95 18 325 5085 8414 14587 13470 12276 22062 7875 3163 13929 146 180 3452 0 4804 1947 47 119 722 6399 5029 7078 11806 16728 15957 9155 18476 6942 71.65 42.23 67.17 65.34 63.17 63.87 66.46 44.61 45.31 90.47 53.90 66.38 61.10 64.82 65.74 91.26 59.45 56.96 Thanamalwila Anamaduwa Horowpothana Nochchiyagama Polpithigama Medirigiriya Suriyawewa Embilipitiya Medawachchiya 11.43 36.93 11.83 13.11 30.41 25.84 31.71 14.13 6.27 20.01 4.00 30.76 25.02 10.35 26.75 32.23 49 263 457 80 139 189 45 476 37 170 99 175 180 118 277 196 9719 13344 8560 5533 11893 13843 8189 8476 8604 7075 14498 14527 8943 11278 10672 10808 0 1433 1139 4438 79 946 578 3210 3306 86 40 744 1038 20 383 40 8618 7335 8305 12160 7508 5825 3504 9748 14647 4418 8646 12235 7860 4659 4377 6161 42.08 61.07 34.17 71.93 38.82 54.27 52.30 48.32 75.27 53.91 62.15 71.60 48.13 56.17 56.58 30.23 65.72 65.34 49.50 72.51 75.66 60.45 72.81 45.30 73.06 57.82 65.13 67.98 61.39 72.23 70.38 50.32 16.88 13.27 57 115 17698 18184 3230 0 15925 3949 60.46 26.25 73.06 65.72 Ambalantota Kahatagasdigiliya Panduwasnuwara Siyambalanduwa Tissamaharama Rambewa Padaviya Mahawa Rideemaliyadda Karuwalagaswewa Angunukolapeles Galenbidunuwawe Galgamuwa Lunugamvehera Kebithigollewa Nuwaragam Palatha Central Mahiyanganaya Hambantota 25 26 27 9.68 2.36 17.17 13.64 11.15 18.73 23.60 8.21 14.97 0.19 5.94 17.88 7.38 2.81 11.00 24.32 6.11 41 76 122 129 270 106 129 352 90 6 221 182 111 130 200 167 93 2916 2676 9098 4085 5671 12533 5303 5678 10719 3558 3324 7996 6395 4742 7683 6818 5036 801 2696 111 20 1124 35 47 2580 633 84 722 516 3333 1273 620 544 25 2954 5408 7598 11478 5077 12371 4617 7233 8831 6095 4575 9228 11965 5631 5508 5981 3347 23.69 22.19 67.89 59.13 64.23 61.56 61.54 35.08 72.81 72.27 40.87 55.00 41.49 42.10 41.48 60.77 66.19 36.39 39.13 82.07 69.07 51.27 68.55 63.99 42.13 75.20 88.42 51.98 70.86 48.68 49.57 51.05 60.37 76.12 Arachchikattuwa Kuliyapitiya West Giribawa Wellawaya Kotawehera Thalawa Maha Vilachchiya Wariyapola Palagala Kandaketiya Kobeigane Buttala Ibbagamuwa Ganewatta Nikaweratiya Thirappane Nawagattegama 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 11.67 5.79 8.54 7.64 1.33 0.20 5.52 28.40 95 164 200 56 28 5 112 151 4166 3269 5063 12756 2073 2916 3684 4910 351 2493 591 10 0 171 840 213 1846 5029 3979 7530 8982 3708 3416 3483 34.49 27.37 52.47 61.92 61.86 66.71 53.49 38.67 48.68 38.13 59.67 61.35 56.56 64.89 53.26 52.67 Mahakumbukkadawala Bingiriya Ambanpola Galnewa Haldummulla Laggala-Pallegama Rasnayakapura Mihintale 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 83 Irrigation Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Rank District Name DSD Name Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a 53 54 55 56 57 58 Hambantota Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Hambantota Kurunegala Hambantota 84 Weeraketiya Ipalogama Thambuttegama Tangalle Rideegama Beliatta 115.4094 142.4270 111.4855 152.5016 222.5431 102.5034 Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 37401 32933 36524 62800 80473 52283 324 231 328 412 362 510 9208 8730 9448 14981 21118 12630 0 0 0 10437 0 0 55459 31992 36524 52363 78808 52283 0 941 0 0 1665 0 32.50 17.41 19.05 27.10 32.76 28.30 21.20 25.86 22.52 30.04 26.28 36.26 Area of Tanks (Sq. km)a 3.75 9.37 5.54 2.92 0.48 0.75 No of Tanksa 63 69 41 90 23 33 Sector Specific Data Irrigation Rainfed Agriculture Paddy Paddy Employmentb Area Area (Acres)g (Acres)g 4001 8584 7687 4547 2844 2409 82 215 0 7 4386 1117 4818 6284 9073 4235 8311 2703 DSD Name % Agri. Employmenta 42.74 52.10 58.46 21.52 31.92 19.03 Rank HH with Agri. as Primary Source of Incomed and a 61.13 56.24 75.39 45.96 46.08 50.75 Weeraketiya Ipalogama Thambuttegama Tangalle Rideegama Beliatta 53 54 55 56 57 58 85 Irrigation Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 86 Agriculture and Fisheries Agriculture and livestock are important sectors for the national development of Sri Lanka. The government developmental policies envisage an agricultural renaissance, with special attention on the paddy farmer. The aim is to achieve self sufficiency in food crops and milk for the people, and also to generate agricultural crops and livestock for the export market. The fishery sector on the other hand, earns valuable foreign exchange through the export of marine and aquaculture products, and provides direct employment to 208,731 people island wide, while sustaining over 2.5 million people. The fishery sector is important as a livelihood source as well as a source of protein for the people of Sri Lanka. Paddy The gross total extent of paddy land cultivation in 2009 was approximately 980,000 ha for the whole country during both Yala and Maha seasons. Sri Lanka’s paddy fields are both rainfed and irrigated where paddies in the Dry Zone are rain-fed from the North-East monsoon during the Maha season and irrigated in the Yala season. Paddy fields in the Wet Zone are mostly rainfed. The national paddy production is currently adequate to satisfy the country’s domestic requirements. However, a reduction in the production in of rice (by 5.8%) was observed in 2009 compared to the highest ever production of 3.87 million MT in 2008. This was mainly due to insufficient water for cultivation during the Yala season due to delayed monsoon rains. There is already recognition that the country needs to adapt or prepare itself for the implications of future climate change. Very high genetic variation among indigenous rice varieties is an indicator of excellent potential for varietal improvement for adaptation. The need for development of different age groups of paddy (short term and long term varieties) to suit unpredictable rainfall regimes is also recognized by the Department of Agriculture. Already several New Improved Varieties with varying yield times have been developed. Overall, the extent of paddy lands has increased since the establishment of peace, due to the re-use of a large extent of abandoned paddy lands in the Northern and Eastern Provinces. Saline intrusion due to sea level rise and storm surges are bound to exacerbate with lowered river flows during drought which are expected to increase with climate change. In coastal areas, surface and groundwater will be affected, restricting freshwater availability for farming communities and agricultural activities leading to reduced agricultural productivity. Salt water intrusion may be felt up to considerable distances inland along rivers discharging to the sea, and could degrade arable coastal land, particularly paddy fields, causing them to be abandoned. Paddy lands in Kalutara, Batticaloa and the northern peninsula are expected to be most at risk. The higher variability of rainfall due to climate change will adversely affect some agro-ecological regions, and hence affect rice production – especially rainfed paddy comprising over 30% of all rice paddies in the country. The Dry Zone, where nearly 70% of the paddy is cultivated in Sri Lanka, is already showing an increasing number of consecutive dry days due to rainfall variability. Further incidences of drought and variability in rainfall is bound to adversely affect paddy yields. This may cause serious socioeconomic impacts and imperil the future food security of the country. Similarly, high intensity rainfall and prolonged floods can also cause destruction to paddy. 87 Agriculture and Fisheries Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Paddy Sector Vulnerability to Drought Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index Data (at DSD level) on: ._RN\S]NQQfPbYaVcNaV\[.`cRQQbZVgRQ]NQQf A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRRZ]Y\fRQV[NT_VPbYab_RdVaU education below O/L =R_PR[aNTR\SYN[QYR``]NQQfSN_ZR_` =R_PR[aNTRNT_VPbYab_R`UN_RV[V[P\ZRNZ\[TaU\`R employed in agriculture) =R_PR[aNTR\S]NQQfYN[Q[\aSRQOfZNW\_V__VTNaV\[ Raw data sources: Census of Agriculture 2002, Department of Census and Statistics Some of the key findings include: Vulnerability to the increase in droughts expected due to climate change is widespread throughout the country and is concentrated in the Dry and Intermediate Zones. 16 DSDs emerge as highly vulnerable to drought exposure. These DSDs have: R R R 100,317 households with agriculture as primary source of income. 400,973 ac of agricultural lands of which 176,852 ac (44.1%) are cultivated with paddy. 3153 tanks covering a total area of 88,395 ac. Anamaduwa (Puttalam District), Ambalantota (Hambantota District), and Polpithigama (Kurunegala District) emerge as the DSDs most vulnerable. R In these DSDs farmers, on average, earn 63% of their income from agriculture. A further 23 DSDs emerge as moderately vulnerable to drought exposure. These DSDs have: R R R 88 195,573 agricultural operators. 174,839 ac of paddy lands. 3,901 tanks covering a total area of 80,675 ac. 89 Paddy Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Paddy Sector Vulnerability to Drought Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Puttalam Hambantota Kurunegala Rathnapura Polonnaruwa Kurunegala Anuradhapura Batticaloa Hambantota Kurunegala Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Hambantota Anuradhapura Kurunegala Anuradhapura Anamaduwa Ambalantota Polpithigama Embilipitiya Medirigiriya Kuliyapitiya West Thalawa Eravur Pattu Suriyawewa Panduwasnuwara Nochchiyagama Horowpothana Tissamaharama Medawachchiya Galgamuwa Rambewa 259.0095 211.3413 417.5552 383.4799 570.3679 163.9366 220.5999 612.3070 189.7447 216.0387 843.5736 845.8179 783.8008 492.1070 273.2962 303.6555 33302 64361 67263 119563 57899 71483 50919 129 305 161 312 102 436 231 9039 15334 18926 29126 15189 18666 13375 0 0 0 0 0 6290 0 33302 63426 67263 119490 57899 65102 50919 0 935 0 73 0 91 0 16.77 33.30 30.00 31.60 13.37 16.62 19.44 22.53 21.36 18.13 21.16 14.73 32.77 22.25 35529 69888 41601 29642 60982 40469 47844 31604 187 323 49 35 78 82 175 104 9031 18130 11239 7578 14829 10338 12759 8230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35529 69888 41601 29642 60486 40469 47844 31592 0 0 0 0 496 0 0 12 34.80 18.90 16.98 24.95 32.20 21.34 25.70 20.57 17.37 28.69 19.61 14.78 22.31 24.09 22.00 19.54 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Badulla Hambantota Moneragala Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Kurunegala Anuradhapura Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Anuradhapura Kurunegala Badulla Kurunegala Kurunegala Kilinochchi Puttalam Puttalam Kilinochchi Anuradhapura 67301 42426 47438 40888 33572 56880 30344 76344 50576 36370 32230 29837 28093 45759 55763 19273 112 244 45 142 92 282 216 348 194 239 246 131 136 104 286 106 16499 10394 10808 10454 8619 15207 8165 19589 13674 9549 8581 8196 7831 10681 15223 5323 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67301 42426 47438 40888 33572 56832 30344 75913 50576 36370 32230 29837 28093 45582 55613 19273 0 0 0 0 0 48 0 431 0 0 0 0 0 177 150 0 38.57 33.00 51.80 18.56 19.63 18.90 18.46 24.30 20.90 19.40 19.10 23.83 24.00 51.15 16.80 21.70 20.02 16.83 13.52 21.42 20.03 29.42 20.55 26.50 21.83 24.93 24.70 21.98 19.56 14.89 24.53 26.07 38092 20225 234 40 9912 5550 0 0 37402 20225 690 0 21.82 23.77 16.64 14.80 38 Kurunegala 39 Moneragala Mahiyanganaya 598.4674 Angunukolapeles 174.0781 Siyambalanduwa 1065.6754 Galenbidunuwawe 288.1528 Kahatagasdigiliya 366.6055 Wariyapola 201.7589 Galnewa 140.2283 Ibbagamuwa 219.4878 Mahawa 260.6953 Nikaweratiya 152.4124 Kobeigane 130.8780 Palagala 226.9676 Giribawa 207.1489 Rideemaliyadda 438.2808 Bingiriya 195.2943 Kotawehera 182.1192 Poonakary 558.4683 Arachchikattuwa 162.6380 Karuwalagaswewa 503.9380 Karachchi 621.6203 Nuwaragam Palatha Central 389.4952 Pannala 284.9191 Thanamalwila 661.4470 53665 114438 23172 138 402 35 13055 29467 5893 11598 0 0 42067 113726 23172 0 712 0 20.14 17.80 35.80 20.32 31.16 14.18 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Lunugamvehera Hambantota Ganewatta Kebithigollewa Madulla Godakawela Rideegama Padaviya Haldummulla Wellawaya Thambuttegama Weeraketiya Rasnayakapura 25226 46757 36812 19457 28358 69123 80473 21146 38223 50768 36524 37401 18814 84 138 250 32 39 444 362 87 92 87 328 324 149 6922 10945 9830 4903 6678 16962 21118 5452 9855 12698 9448 9208 5071 0 11134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25226 35623 36770 19457 28358 57669 78808 21146 23207 50768 36524 55459 18678 0 0 42 0 0 11454 1665 0 15016 0 0 0 136 33.50 31.30 23.20 27.74 40.70 38.20 32.76 34.33 31.65 24.90 19.05 32.50 23.00 17.85 23.32 22.57 18.03 19.44 20.31 26.28 14.43 18.09 17.79 22.52 21.20 20.46 Hambantota Hambantota Kurunegala Anuradhapura Moneragala Rathnapura Kurunegala Anuradhapura Badulla Moneragala Anuradhapura Hambantota Kurunegala 90 300.3473 338.9857 147.1195 611.9821 722.5206 155.7512 222.5431 242.5157 414.9996 585.9537 111.4855 115.4094 125.8909 Land Utilization within Agricultural Holdings Sector Specific Data DSD Name Rank Total Aswed- Temp. Perm. Forest Other Extent dumized Crops Crops Land Land of Paddy other than (Acres)d (Acres)d (Acres)d Holdings (Acres)d Aswed(Acres)d dumized Paddy (Acres)d Rainfed Irrigated Non Total Total Paddy Paddy Paddy Population Agri. (Acres)g (Acres)g Temp. of Agri. hh Operators d Crops (5 ac - le (Acres)d than 10 Acres)d 19439 21017 39693 41930 29714 19648 25927 18955 19629 28170 23135 22207 19398 23828 27216 21067 7347 12198 14325 8551 17124 3955 16434 14352 5970 7642 12180 14557 9526 10674 10496 11521 2231 2162 5177 7968 1313 327 1518 2420 8671 299 4081 2079 4094 4492 4503 2556 6221 4872 15404 18816 6803 13803 5055 1190 2541 18435 3603 2848 3604 4543 5420 3285 2310 487 2423 3544 1544 306 1134 192 1105 175 1230 1345 1145 1650 5274 1869 1330 1298 2364 3051 2930 1257 1786 801 1342 1619 2041 1378 1029 2469 1523 1836 180 0 4804 119 1947 2696 35 21735 47 1139 0 3452 79 722 1038 946 8414 9719 12276 3163 22062 2676 4030 12484 2137 8560 4569 14587 11893 13929 8943 13843 2231 2162 5177 7968 1313 327 1518 2420 8671 299 4081 2079 4094 4492 4503 2556 3001 3126 5520 5028 531 2346 3091 4444 3738 3465 3041 4971 3214 4187 4564 4850 7445 8966 16447 20930 13352 11354 11281 3580 7383 12558 9310 7054 8302 9215 10553 6575 3993 5898 10625 12435 6945 4442 7668 2894 6587 6308 5763 4673 6359 5252 6499 3976 Anamaduwa Ambalantota Polpithigama Embilipitiya Medirigiriya Kuliyapitiya West Thalawa Eravur Pattu Suriyawewa Panduwasnuwara Nochchiyagama Horowpothana Tissamaharama Medawachchiya Galgamuwa Rambewa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 30387 20551 38422 25773 19794 24713 14837 23214 30696 20070 15533 15762 16632 30443 22151 17991 8795 13234 12040 19741 19849 17054 10185 8283 13205 9691 6362 8887 8071 8370 7036 3322 8706 7581 10010 4228 5523 4729 2651 5002 9284 6771 4433 2450 15734 4173 3697 721 1166 435 4699 2228 754 1883 2002 7997 254 2511 1805 395 960 3413 4027 5967 5781 8557 4899 3420 15298 2664 12640 12250 6215 9834 3423 3714 8344 15339 3784 1780 7448 3103 5023 4281 1501 1164 3505 1163 1198 1175 630 516 2950 3141 641 675 2147 2486 756 5523 254 1361 1735 419 1341 1432 971 2343 2333 1788 1157 1490 1552 2427 1450 982 1075 1188 1606 1574 650 227 1379 1240 1602 3429 3230 40 4438 744 1433 2580 10 3333 3210 620 722 633 111 3306 2493 1124 10065 801 86 3635 40 17698 4433 5478 2450 5533 15734 14527 4173 13344 3697 5678 721 2083 1166 6395 435 8476 4699 7683 2228 3324 754 5192 1883 9098 2002 8604 7997 3269 254 5671 2511 1359 1805 2916 395 7075 960 17755 3413 10808 4027 2231 3292 11625 4082 3115 3234 1334 2067 4805 3032 2021 1599 2704 6119 2102 3806 2475 1802 1942 5102 2589 12698 8740 10293 9726 8240 11060 6943 12336 11949 7759 6736 6993 6404 10178 11983 5031 2388 5904 4143 7544 8773 9390 5662 7417 6569 5370 4687 4289 6030 5423 3917 3498 5251 5121 7405 4556 2556 2013 2146 2404 5707 4393 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 28284 17167 5721 4167 334 19461 6306 4227 493 989 2275 1478 6736 146 334 6306 3183 2598 14161 5591 6066 5097 Mahiyanganaya Angunukolapeles Siyambalanduwa Galenbidunuwawe Kahatagasdigiliya Wariyapola Galnewa Ibbagamuwa Mahawa Nikaweratiya Kobeigane Palagala Giribawa Rideemaliyadda Bingiriya Kotawehera Poonakary Arachchikattuwa Karuwalagaswewa Karachchi Nuwaragam Palatha Central Pannala Thanamalwila 37 38 39 17071 11482 15663 12461 24796 13977 26197 13577 11094 26611 14783 17631 12430 9384 5179 4921 8231 3021 1648 5572 7117 1834 3143 11040 3603 3066 3363 1401 2757 1151 789 7694 333 2678 6804 9961 175 10209 256 17773 1286 2630 808 5175 11708 7443 79 2725 1226 11507 1524 5133 2391 1059 622 693 3466 1116 860 1529 2144 1473 240 567 2099 532 1336 1637 526 1544 829 1736 1015 1133 2844 699 728 608 20 0 1273 383 2308 578 4386 578 0 20 0 937 840 11278 3363 7337 2757 4742 789 10672 333 1065 6804 1727 175 2844 256 8189 1286 2073 808 4085 11708 0 79 1918 1226 3684 1524 1715 2073 2127 2102 7763 1360 2865 4677 1245 3943 1059 2346 2420 6199 4728 6875 4412 6232 8053 13473 4355 4867 10885 6592 7868 4400 4289 3070 3368 3118 5041 4561 6174 3186 2734 7636 5025 4664 2309 Lunugamvehera Hambantota Ganewatta Kebithigollewa Madulla Godakawela Rideegama Padaviya Haldummulla Wellawaya Thambuttegama Weeraketiya Rasnayakapura 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1527 5085 HH with Agri. as Primary Source of Incomed 91 Paddy Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Rank District Name DSD Name Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Badulla Moneragala Kurunegala Anuradhapura Hambantota Puttalam Rathnapura Anuradhapura Uva Paranagama Medagama Polgahawela Thirappane Beliatta Nawagattegama Balangoda Ipalogama 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Anuradhapura Kurunegala Anuradhapura Hambantota Moneragala Badulla Matale Kurunegala Puttalam Kurunegala Kurunegala Moneragala Moneragala Kandy Kurunegala Moneragala Kurunegala Trincomalee Kurunegala Puttalam Kurunegala Mihintale 234.9169 Kurunegala 111.0680 Maha Vilachchiya 624.8276 Tangalle 152.5016 Buttala 735.5660 Kandaketiya 152.6207 Laggala-Pallegama 373.8370 Ambanpola 142.5265 Mahakumbukkadawala175.8432 Kuliyapitiya East 113.2748 Narammala 108.3197 Badalkumbura 235.9900 Sewanagala 191.9569 Pathahewaheta 83.5016 Mawathagama 109.6233 Moneragala 292.5414 Weerambugedara 91.3110 Thampalakamam 267.0782 Mallawapitiya 79.9307 Chilaw 93.6034 Udubaddawa 117.5985 92 137.2816 241.1373 97.3861 278.9562 102.5034 171.9949 274.1594 142.4270 Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 76524 32467 58762 23378 52283 12956 77303 32933 557 135 603 84 510 75 282 231 19213 7664 14506 6143 12630 3519 18720 8730 0 0 0 0 0 0 11402 0 65809 32467 57940 23378 52283 12956 58032 31992 10715 0 822 0 0 0 7869 941 33.35 30.20 22.91 18.59 28.30 26.44 27.30 17.41 19.52 14.89 35.64 23.27 36.26 13.19 27.22 25.86 26786 88944 18557 62800 47324 22494 12399 19964 16905 46966 51244 36784 36820 53843 56820 42457 30311 114 801 30 412 64 147 33 140 96 415 473 156 192 645 518 145 332 6657 20292 4630 14981 11843 5425 3305 5488 4686 11728 13092 9030 9221 13229 14191 10071 8085 1523 28401 0 10437 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25263 60369 18557 52363 47324 21428 12055 19964 16905 46839 51244 32733 35739 51531 55013 39112 30311 0 174 0 0 0 1066 344 0 0 127 0 4051 1081 2312 1807 3345 0 18.97 14.70 31.16 27.10 21.20 46.10 34.60 23.10 28.65 20.32 21.40 27.90 19.30 26.60 24.92 29.30 20.11 29.03 44.87 17.85 30.04 22.01 14.56 19.05 23.46 15.18 27.57 33.36 23.53 20.35 30.92 33.95 23.23 39.05 46575 59890 48800 583 640 415 11574 14448 12669 0 23533 0 46240 36357 48742 335 0 58 19.50 20.11 17.70 33.19 21.74 29.43 Land Utilization within Agricultural Holdings Total Aswed- Temp. Perm. Forest Other Extent dumized Crops Crops Land Land of Paddy other than (Acres)d (Acres)d (Acres)d Holdings (Acres)d Aswed(Acres)d dumized Paddy (Acres)d Sector Specific Data DSD Name Rainfed Irrigated Non Total Total Paddy Paddy Paddy Population Agri. (Acres)g (Acres)g Temp. of Agri. hh Operators d crops (5 ac - le (Acres)d than 10 Acres)d Rank HH with Agri. as Primary Source of Incomed 14085 16651 12562 14577 17204 8997 16543 13323 3627 3619 3901 5747 3048 4601 3312 6996 6531 2852 1459 9107 87 7784 3599 2562 237 12539 759 1577 1441 8455 986 3160 322 1518 208 1942 433 1581 1569 1182 753 948 582 727 947 479 1766 999 156 2748 4801 544 1117 25 670 215 3805 1789 413 6818 2409 5036 3655 8584 6531 1459 87 3599 237 759 1441 986 845 1916 1532 2292 2691 1042 1284 1692 11379 7157 7042 5472 7353 3200 9813 6007 8683 4789 3080 3315 3713 2435 6643 3350 Uva Paranagama Medagama Polgahawela Thirappane Beliatta Nawagattegama Balangoda Ipalogama 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 12435 11182 13869 19264 24273 8204 7179 12224 15837 13572 13216 17567 20748 8610 11687 18742 11477 4281 8328 8185 13974 4175 3746 4070 3547 4498 3749 2825 3757 2774 4006 3426 1615 3883 1732 2878 1693 3303 3062 2217 1775 2401 2539 2966 93 6361 5595 2532 3667 8251 4518 10146 578 2430 349 2049 2344 3003 1157 6127 73 8712 94 8399 1987 10035 3578 8687 1745 3843 103 7484 5256 7137 55 7461 148 650 72 5323 493 4984 74 10408 1177 184 329 1846 1947 981 1263 2551 4285 124 216 2223 2974 543 376 1332 143 116 157 316 173 1578 798 1343 1953 3164 466 693 569 1494 657 1081 1707 1626 747 846 3324 515 305 559 617 918 213 3450 47 7 516 84 171 591 351 3435 3899 297 20 42 3823 1302 3810 1552 2918 759 1416 4910 1500 5303 4547 7996 3558 2916 5063 4166 1745 561 1774 1265 2217 413 969 430 5540 269 1539 1856 2539 93 5595 3667 4518 578 349 2344 1157 73 94 1987 3578 1745 103 5256 55 148 72 493 74 2304 1342 3246 2945 6500 627 667 2047 3297 1639 1400 2100 2 635 1258 4172 1484 1412 1055 1019 1645 4877 5415 4385 8228 8719 3983 2868 4421 4195 6453 7445 7637 7566 5769 6280 6972 5273 1236 4986 3731 7392 2517 1845 2813 3786 6013 3544 1861 2645 2025 2805 2196 5098 6223 3262 2003 3873 1891 936 1431 1524 2482 Mihintale 61 Kurunegala 62 Maha Vilachchiya 63 Tangalle 64 Buttala 65 Kandaketiya 66 Laggala-Pallegama 67 Ambanpola 68 Mahakumbukkadawala 69 Kuliyapitiya East 70 Narammala 71 Badalkumbura 72 Sewanagala 73 Pathahewaheta 74 Mawathagama 75 Moneragala 76 Weerambugedara 77 Thampalakamam 78 Mallawapitiya 79 Chilaw 80 Udubaddawa 81 93 Paddy Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Paddy Sector Vulnerability to Flood Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index Data (at DSD level) on: ._RN\S]NQQfPbYaVcNaV\[.`cRQQbZVgRQ]NQQf A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRRZ]Y\fRQV[NT_VPbYab_RdVaU education below O/L =R_PR[aNTR\SYN[QYR``]NQQfSN_ZR_` =R_PR[aNTRNT_VPbYab_R`UN_RV[V[P\ZRNZ\[TaU\`R employed in agriculture) =R_PR[aNTR\S]NQQfYN[Q[\aSRQOfZNW\_V__VTNaV\[ Raw data sources: Census of Agriculture 2002, Department of Census and Statistics Some of the key findings include: 6 DSDs emerge as highly vulnerable to the increase in floods expected due to climate change. These DSDs have: R R R 114,555 ac of agricultural lands of which 81,890 ac (71.5%) are cultivated with paddy. 27,557 households with agriculture as primary source of income. 283 tanks covering an area of 16,717 ac. A further 25 DSDs emerge as moderately vulnerable to flood exposure. These DSDs have R R 94 156,650 ac of paddy lands, and 109,052 households with agriculture as primary source of income. 95 Paddy Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Paddy Sector Vulnerability to Flood Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Area (Sq. km)a 1 2 3 4 5 6 Polonnaruwa Batticaloa Kilinochchi Batticaloa Batticaloa Polonnaruwa Dimbulagala 552.3964 Eravur Pattu 612.3070 Karachchi 621.6203 Manmunai South - West150.8018 Koralai Pattu (Valach.)593.7964 Lankapura 200.7756 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Matara Matara Polonnaruwa Rathnapura Polonnaruwa Hambantota Gampaha Polonnaruwa Matale Trincomalee Rathnapura Matara Rathnapura Jaffna Kalutara Hambantota Anuradhapura Galle Kilinochchi Batticaloa Kalutara Matara Hambantota Anuradhapura Mannar Mulatiyana Akuressa Thamankaduwa Pelmadulla Medirigiriya Ambalantota Dompe Elahera Dambulla Kinniya Kalawana Malimbada Kuruwita Sandilipay Bulathsinhala Tissamaharama Kahatagasdigiliya Baddegama Poonakary Porativu Pattu Palindanuwara Athuraliya Suriyawewa Thambuttegama Nanaddan 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Ampara Matara Ampara Mannar Ampara Kalutara Ampara Rathnapura Matara Mulattivu Mulattivu Kurunegala Ampara Kalutara Moneragala Galle Kalutara Ampara Hambantota Ampara Matara Kurunegala Samanthurai Hakmana Alayadiwembu Manthai West Pothuvil Walallawita Thirukkovil Eheliyagoda Kaburupitiya Pudukudiyirippu Maritimepattu Rasnayakapura Lahugala Millaniya Bibila Nagoda Dodangoda Ampara Tangalle Addalachchenai Thihagoda Udubaddawa 96 Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 63349 115 16757 0 63339 10 22.59 18.60 33676 168 8611 0 33676 0 14.54 19.42 119.4139 148.6167 465.7376 144.8430 570.3679 211.3413 182.1586 353.1772 455.1342 151.4995 384.7488 47.9781 174.6734 48.1604 209.4387 783.8008 366.6055 114.4507 558.4683 174.9570 283.2330 65.9339 189.7447 111.4855 147.6092 46066 49806 74224 84966 57899 64361 130021 39908 60976 386 335 159 587 102 305 714 113 134 11169 11825 17920 19906 15189 15334 31962 10446 15285 0 0 0 560 0 0 0 0 0 45501 48508 73956 73480 57899 63426 130021 39908 60959 565 1298 268 10926 0 935 0 0 17 30.90 21.90 14.15 30.20 13.37 33.30 21.10 18.45 19.90 21.41 24.28 28.23 26.35 14.73 21.36 31.48 17.46 23.88 48669 31524 85882 126 657 492 11905 7577 20460 0 0 0 44632 31384 80326 4037 140 5556 36.40 24.30 28.90 23.93 31.38 23.57 59787 60982 33572 68634 285 78 92 600 15611 14829 8619 16761 0 0 0 0 53331 60486 33572 66249 6456 496 0 2385 27.40 32.20 19.63 21.70 22.09 22.31 20.03 30.17 45911 30179 35529 36524 162 458 187 328 11597 7039 9031 9448 0 0 0 0 40298 29380 35529 36524 5613 799 0 0 30.70 27.80 34.80 19.05 22.88 26.77 17.37 22.52 123.0101 49.6219 82.5912 609.4103 271.8310 213.2047 187.0859 141.9292 59.7187 1002.7885 756.2531 125.8909 923.3049 82.0638 483.5204 174.6178 112.8241 139.2692 152.5016 56.9586 50.9425 117.5985 51510 30201 22627 419 609 274 11729 7190 4956 0 0 0 51510 30201 22627 0 0 0 32.00 20.13 29.15 22.67 28480 50676 23700 63870 37347 105 238 127 450 625 6693 12793 5427 15566 9079 0 0 0 0 0 28480 47579 23700 61593 37347 0 3097 0 2277 0 18814 7623 44476 35490 52414 55052 38166 62800 36020 30909 48800 149 8 542 73 300 488 274 412 632 607 415 5071 1888 11035 8817 13028 13646 8713 14981 7640 7529 12669 0 0 0 0 0 0 17957 10437 0 0 0 18678 7623 43110 34818 46707 47970 20209 52363 36020 30909 48742 136 0 1366 672 5707 7082 0 0 0 0 58 31.40 26.90 24.90 23.00 16.90 26.00 28.70 21.20 27.10 27.20 17.70 13.45 25.28 20.88 26.60 31.28 20.46 15.57 30.71 17.05 23.04 27.42 30.45 30.04 17.64 30.07 29.43 Land Utilization within Agricultural Holdings Sector Specific Data DSD Name Rank Total Aswed- Temp. Perm. Forest Other Extent dumized Crops Crops Land Land of Paddy other than (Acres)d (Acres)d (Acres)d Holdings (Acres)d Aswed(Acres)d dumized Paddy (Acres)d Rainfed Irrigated Non Total Total Paddy Paddy Paddy population Agri. (Acres)g (Acres)g Temp. of Agri. hh Operators d crops (5 ac - le (Acres)d than 10 Acres)d HH with Agri. as Primary Source of Incomed 39611 18955 19741 8612 10216 17420 29574 14352 9284 7828 7914 12938 923 2420 3413 453 1387 440 5147 1190 5023 227 682 2206 1737 192 419 12 36 449 2230 801 1602 92 197 1387 0 21735 3635 8849 0 247 33515 12484 17755 6652 57 14629 923 2420 3413 453 1387 440 356 4444 5102 1874 2020 579 7230 3580 7544 2314 2394 5537 10198 2894 5707 2178 1892 4688 16471 13970 20085 12035 29714 21017 22102 20168 25755 2502 19905 6462 12810 2822 18827 19398 19794 13506 8795 10142 19411 7839 19629 14783 9131 2755 3170 13660 1886 17124 12198 3984 12708 9287 1750 2140 2770 1798 1671 3384 9526 9691 4143 4729 8144 2755 2713 5970 11040 7654 314 325 761 144 1313 2162 1028 736 6624 377 134 57 403 325 712 4094 3697 189 1805 1007 345 104 8671 79 322 11541 8464 3640 8299 6803 4872 15526 3251 6496 253 13315 2804 8557 630 12196 3604 3420 11495 1780 661 12708 3890 2541 2725 615 774 593 831 619 1544 487 421 938 2218 26 2853 135 678 6 1202 1145 1198 690 254 59 2009 382 1105 240 64 1087 1418 1193 1087 2930 1298 1143 2535 1130 96 1463 696 1374 190 1333 1029 1788 1235 227 271 1594 750 1342 699 476 2004 2674 138 803 1947 0 3899 460 815 2807 1848 2128 1834 0 4203 79 1433 4910 10065 8169 2854 1161 47 0 0 1043 1451 16781 1804 22062 9719 877 14559 10386 3319 1290 724 2273 0 346 11893 13344 0 1359 14273 618 1999 2137 0 11051 314 325 761 144 1313 2162 1028 736 6624 377 134 57 403 325 712 4094 3697 189 1805 1007 345 104 8671 79 322 428 253 547 1040 531 3126 2451 193 3680 463 2705 141 1015 71 2115 3214 3115 1339 2475 1230 2136 153 3738 1059 1797 8690 8036 6799 8321 13352 8966 12061 10584 10295 1254 8389 3995 7983 2660 8938 8302 8240 9296 2388 3507 7951 4620 7383 6592 2078 4414 5426 4698 4873 6945 5898 4120 5410 6251 1011 6556 1258 4494 1657 4490 6359 5370 3996 2013 2542 5738 2197 6587 5025 1724 Mulatiyana Akuressa Thamankaduwa Pelmadulla Medirigiriya Ambalantota Dompe Elahera Dambulla Kinniya Kalawana Malimbada Kuruwita Sandilipay Bulathsinhala Tissamaharama Kahatagasdigiliya Baddegama Poonakary Porativu Pattu Palindanuwara Athuraliya Suriyawewa Thambuttegama Nanaddan 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 11331 9322 6310 5343 3875 21882 3260 11761 9051 12353 8473 12430 5107 7966 16988 14097 6716 9208 19264 5081 7192 13974 10933 2360 5947 3660 3688 4525 2706 1754 2874 3567 4421 3066 2901 2849 3750 2915 2297 5294 3547 4445 3835 2401 77 191 81 6004 32 138 558 603 10 83 254 13637 122 390 798 7870 30 5185 3694 4488 1157 2248 1524 5133 1116 651 226 4012 1886 8254 86 14296 201 3384 734 1780 3667 8251 174 362 68 2705 74 10408 2 196 78 168 51 1700 4 639 223 132 99 2099 234 226 1322 585 207 800 1846 30 118 173 128 681 115 354 43 1766 38 700 739 472 548 608 205 653 1776 1493 627 600 1953 70 466 918 662 1485 1688 25 7416 4226 6084 902 1559 2375 3917 840 811 2847 1110 3116 2978 304 7 1181 1011 1416 21602 1203 14031 6635 8883 282 5105 1357 2172 2721 5108 3684 3012 437 2970 284 141 5471 4547 9103 4015 1856 77 81 32 558 10 254 122 798 30 3694 1157 1524 1116 226 1886 86 201 734 3667 174 68 74 2221 349 825 1094 1121 2663 545 843 262 2598 1840 2420 1115 1035 2245 1064 804 1643 2945 1004 189 1645 2250 4387 984 1488 797 9560 812 6739 5283 4541 2299 4400 1289 4034 7370 1856 3619 3575 8228 1258 3904 7392 1685 1779 770 1357 521 4821 565 1825 1325 3959 1829 2309 870 1512 4355 6354 758 2283 3786 894 1340 2482 Samanthurai Hakmana Alayadiwembu Manthai West Pothuvil Walallawita Thirukkovil Eheliyagoda Kaburupitiya Pudukudiyirippu Maritimepattu Rasnayakapura Lahugala Millaniya Bibila Nagoda Dodangoda Ampara Tangalle Addalachchenai Thihagoda Udubaddawa 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Dimbulagala Eravur Pattu Karachchi Manmunai South-West Koralai Pattu (Valach.) Lankapura 1 2 3 4 5 6 97 Paddy Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Rank District Name DSD Name Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a 54 55 56 57 58 Kalutara Trincomalee Kalutara Kalutara Hambantota Mathugama Seruvila Agalawatta Beruwala Walasmulla 134.3624 270.3615 89.7814 71.6785 109.0750 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Gampaha Gampaha Ampara Kalutara Ampara Puttalam Gampaha Kalutara Ampara Jaffna Gampaha Galle Jaffna Jaffna Batticaloa Minuwangoda Gampaha Akkaraipattu Horana Ninthavur Chilaw Attanagalla Kaluthara Eragama Chavakachcheri Mahara Elpitiya Chankanai Karaveddy Koralai P.W. (Oddamavadi) 133.2225 90.6959 60.4089 112.7795 36.3016 93.6034 154.3057 77.6779 66.6480 222.1802 94.2988 151.2593 48.0547 90.6898 98 39.1499 Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 73269 545 17604 0 66781 6488 29.40 28.65 33962 144733 39010 378 2019 358 8423 29635 9443 0 33096 32768 111637 1194 0 26.40 22.10 33.40 33.03 28.20 23.96 151661 171040 34939 90690 24625 59890 154967 141829 11344 1138 1886 578 804 678 640 1004 1826 170 37683 41357 7649 22048 6235 14448 36838 31857 2632 7567 9284 0 9127 0 23533 0 37451 0 144084 161756 34939 80042 24625 36357 154821 104378 11344 10 0 0 1521 0 0 146 0 0 12.50 9.90 38.36 43.27 26.00 42.98 22.78 21.74 39.55 38.35 13.35 176870 60292 1876 399 41639 15049 0 0 176870 58153 0 2139 12.10 22.70 8.40 20.11 15.40 12.50 37.86 26.49 Land Utilization within Agricultural Holdings Total Aswed- Temp. Perm. Forest Other Extent dumized Crops Crops Land Land of Paddy other than (Acres)d (Acres)d (Acres)d Holdings (Acres)d Aswed(Acres)d dumized Paddy (Acres)d Sector Specific Data DSD Name Rainfed Irrigated Non Total Total Paddy Paddy Paddy population Agri. g g (Acres) (Acres) Temp. of Agri. hh Operators d Crops (5 ac - le (Acres)d than 10 Acres)d Rank HH with Agri. as Primary Source of Incomed 10764 4652 9712 7898 16836 3593 2990 2354 2245 2349 239 5051 202 750 223 5536 363 3726 333 12497 619 370 716 377 631 1262 340 883 1187 1026 3291 1236 1930 1569 82 603 5980 882 136 4001 239 202 223 363 333 1060 693 921 777 2216 6193 1667 4866 5611 7513 1563 1368 2090 984 4666 Mathugama Seruvila Agalawatta Beruwala Walasmulla 54 55 56 57 58 18244 9476 6461 11716 4693 8185 16611 6180 2958 10518 11556 3096 2737 6170 3506 4376 1775 3170 2279 2585 4694 2340 133 12919 98 5656 23 187 314 6732 12 262 493 4984 355 11503 234 2775 17 276 1048 3643 301 7330 192 77 9 227 1 316 362 235 2 452 157 1904 908 72 937 42 617 1221 657 78 681 1428 3042 1107 163 3608 0 759 3267 1206 494 0 2884 892 2165 11293 1008 0 1539 717 37 5340 0 306 133 98 23 314 12 493 355 234 17 1048 301 2144 809 2281 997 676 1019 1797 689 531 970 1406 10860 7107 2117 7063 915 3731 9911 3731 606 6442 6534 2526 1759 1162 2027 641 1524 2614 703 361 4237 1718 Minuwangoda Gampaha Akkaraipattu Horana Ninthavur Chilaw Attanagalla Kaluthara Eragama Chavakachcheri Mahara 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 15855 2540 3110 2056 4368 1858 1920 1979 317 13917 128 419 546 402 12 27 1040 2 16 2 1354 133 226 36 0 0 0 91 0 0 0 3324 317 128 546 12 1413 52 104 1543 5418 1799 2372 654 4544 894 1291 397 Elpitiya Chankanai Karaveddy Koralai P.W. (Oddamavadi) 70 71 72 73 99 Paddy Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Paddy Sector Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index Data (at DSD level) on: ._RN\S]NQQfPbYaVcNaV\[.`cRQQbZVgRQ]NQQf within 5km from the coast line A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =R_PR[aNTR\S]R\]YRRZ]Y\fRQV[NT_VPbYab_RdVaU education below O/L =R_PR[aNTR\SYN[QYR``]NQQfSN_ZR_` =R_PR[aNTRNT_VPbYab_R`UN_RV[V[P\ZR (among those employed in agriculture) =R_PR[aNTR\S]NQQfYN[Q[\aSRQOfZNW\_V__VTNaV\[ Raw data sources: Census of Agriculture 2002, Department of Census and Statistics Some of the key findings include: The highest levels of paddy sector vulnerability to sea level rise exposure appear to be concentrated in the North/Northeast of the island. 4 DSDs emerge highly vulnerable to sea level rise, all of which are in the Northern part of the country. These 4 DSDs have: R A total paddy cultivation area of 5,898 ac of which 16.4% are located within 5 km from the coastline and below 2m. A further 6 DSDs, also in the Northern part of the country, emerge as having moderate vulnerability. These 6 DSDs have: R A total paddy cultivation area of 730 ac of which 1.8% are located within 5 km from the coastline and below 2m. R 4,394 jobs in agriculture. 100 101 Paddy Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Paddy Sector Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Area (Sq. km)a 1 2 3 4 Trincomalee Jaffna Jaffna Kilinochchi Kuchaveli Velanai Kayts Poonakary 434.4600 85.4797 55.2340 558.4683 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jaffna Mannar Mulattivu Trincomalee Jaffna Mannar Chavakachcheri Mannar Town Maritimepattu Muttur Chankanai Musalai 222.1802 207.1215 756.2531 194.6406 48.0547 478.8201 211.3413 11 Hambantota 12 Batticaloa 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Trincomalee Hambantota Matara Galle Mannar Hambantota Galle Galle Galle Kalutara Galle Galle Kalutara Galle Trincomalee Puttalam Jaffna Trincomalee Matara Batticaloa Jaffna Matara Jaffna Ampara Ambalantota Manmunai S. and Eruvilpattu Eachchilampattai Hambantota Weligama Hikkaduwa Nanaddan Tangalle Bentota Ambalangoda Balapitiya Beruwala Akmeemana Habaraduwa Kaluthara Bope-Poddala Seruvila Arachchikattuwa Sandilipay Town & Gravets Matara Manmunai North Tellipallai Thihagoda Maruthnkerny Ninthavur 37 38 39 40 41 42 Matara Gampaha Jaffna Kalutara Ampara Ampara Dickwella Wattala Point Pedro Panadura Kalmunai Akkaraipattu 43 Ampara 102 Karativu Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 64361 305 15334 0 63426 935 33.30 21.36 46757 66459 98589 138 1540 1492 10945 14825 22820 11134 21698 0 35623 44761 98539 0 0 50 31.30 21.50 24.90 23.32 30.48 33.61 62800 46442 71047 65346 144733 63881 59041 141829 41612 412 642 1011 1197 2019 976 1192 1826 1426 14981 11015 17122 15054 29635 15110 13567 31857 9732 10437 0 39302 0 33096 0 0 37451 0 52363 46442 51396 65346 111637 63239 59041 104378 41461 0 0 0 0 0 642 0 0 151 27.10 22.30 20.30 22.00 22.10 22.00 28.70 12.50 18.10 30.04 31.14 32.73 27.89 28.20 32.21 29.53 38.35 42.27 38092 234 9912 0 37402 690 21.82 16.64 108238 1928 23705 42663 65575 0 16.90 42.45 30909 607 7529 0 30909 0 27.20 30.07 24625 678 6235 0 24625 0 50.9687 57.6911 36.9669 45.0310 19.6568 60.4089 51314 160127 1007 2776 11592 36368 0 28740 51314 131387 0 0 22.70 6.10 31.87 40.21 163492 70465 34939 3631 3585 578 37245 15821 7649 33514 70465 0 129978 0 34939 0 0 0 7.40 40.07 28.44 26.00 8.9392 16365 1831 3641 0 16365 0 59.7398 100.2010 338.9857 43.1469 66.0971 147.6092 152.5016 72.3358 70.2467 54.5727 71.6785 65.4509 49.5183 77.6779 29.1730 270.3615 162.6380 48.1604 132.1348 56.1514 66.4719 61.1745 50.9425 135.0921 36.3016 22.78 28.99 Land Utilization within Agricultural Holdings Total AswedTemp. Perm. Extent dumized Crops Crops of Paddy other than (Acres)d Holdings (Acres)d Aswed(Acres)d dumized Paddy (Acres)d Sector Specific Data Forest Other Land Land (Acres)d (Acres)d Paddy Areas Below 2m within 5km from Coast Line (Acres)a Paddy Areas Belonging to 5km from Coast Line (Acres)a DSD Name Rank Total Paddy Area in DS (Acres)a 1446 995 2320 8795 702 135 951 4729 543 309 382 1805 154 449 844 1780 6 10 1 254 41 92 142 227 3988 784 317 809 17786 4539 3438 10258 22150 4539 3438 13424 Kuchaveli Velanai Kayts Poonakary 10518 3624 8473 5801 2540 421 4694 1441 4421 4747 1858 282 1048 57 1157 356 128 4 3643 1797 2248 459 419 72 452 162 99 23 2 45 160 167 548 217 133 18 114 34 187 12 319 64 11060 4978 7302 7899 3548 4703 11761 8537 16082 16846 3555 6430 Chavakachcheri Mannar Town Maritimepattu Muttur Chankanai Musalai 5 6 7 8 9 10 21017 1869 12198 918 2162 261 4872 628 487 17 1298 45 16 0 5161 1684 15251 1684 11 3051 11482 2348 5179 508 2757 190 1151 1 1059 3 1336 0 2 2150 3750 2482 7636 Ambalantota Manmunai S. and Eruvilpattu Eachchilampattai Hambantota 12 13 14 4892 5720 9131 19264 6930 8602 5698 7898 8242 5675 6180 3558 4652 13234 2822 344 4641 839 1067 7192 843 4693 1283 1232 7654 3547 1666 1893 862 2245 2023 1567 2279 1453 2990 2651 1671 98 974 378 344 3835 404 4376 99 109 322 3667 72 98 154 363 84 75 234 57 202 395 325 25 57 15 381 68 190 12 2933 5171 615 8251 6859 8942 6211 3726 7669 4920 2775 2406 750 7448 630 182 2917 335 261 2705 176 262 111 300 64 1846 240 128 93 377 275 209 235 130 370 1361 6 18 133 1 466 817 476 1953 624 843 671 1187 1024 720 657 402 352 1379 190 22 559 110 81 464 20 42 180 51 36 19 192 323 0 89 211 60 32 232 10 356 101 282 124 0 61 136 2 14 2011 2415 3970 4539 2806 2308 1335 3162 1296 1649 3767 944 2008 3622 3009 2376 2881 2059 1544 1403 2407 6289 2011 2415 12421 6715 5881 3722 1587 3465 2407 6520 Weligama Hikkaduwa Nanaddan Tangalle Bentota Ambalangoda Balapitiya Beruwala Akmeemana Habaraduwa Kaluthara Bope-Poddala Seruvila Arachchikattuwa Sandilipay Town & Gravets Matara Manmunai North Tellipallai Thihagoda Maruthnkerny Ninthavur 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 7578 2065 1257 2448 1157 6461 1308 168 358 446 951 6170 61 81 412 81 20 23 5042 1249 341 1474 144 187 260 140 6 68 9 907 680 140 379 42 72 122 0 3 0 0 0 1113 2510 1316 1822 979 1351 1136 2957 1316 1949 979 6813 Dickwella Wattala Point Pedro Panadura Kalmunai Akkaraipattu 37 38 39 40 41 42 815 736 3 57 2 17 0 1146 1146 Karativu 43 118 15 1 1649 5462 7423 6827 3065 2557 3099 2387 1556 1 2 3 4 103 Paddy Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 104 Plantations The plantation sector in Sri Lanla comprises tea, rubber, coconut and sugarcane, which together with other minor export crops such as coffee, cocoa, spices, cashew and arecanut are important for export earnings. Sri Lanka has around 709,000 ha under tea, rubber and coconut cultivation, 7320 ha under sugarcane, and 119,862 ha under other crops such as coffee, cocoa, spices, cashew, arecanut and betel leaves. About 300,000 small scale growers are involved with the cultivation of export crops. Tea and rubber plantations are concentrated in the Central and Sabragamuwa Provinces whereas coconut plantations are mainly located in the Kurunegala, Puttalam and Gampaha Districts. Research carried out at the respective Tea, Rubber and Coconut Research Institutions, as well as selection by growers, has resulted in considerable diversification of cash crops from the originally introduced germplasm. This has served to produce high-yielding varieties that are also resistant to pests and disease and adverse climatic conditions. The main concerns to the plantations sector regarding climate change revolve around floods, droughts and landslides which are expected to increase in incidence. These disaster incidences are all linked to changes in anticipated and already felt rainfall patterns in the country. The higher variability of rainfall due to climate change will adversely affect some agro-ecological regions, and hence affect the crops that they usually support. For example, high intensity rainfall will affect harvesting and soil erosion in tea lands and reduce the days suitable for rubber tapping. Associated severe soil erosion and loss of plant nutrients due to heavy surface run-off in agricultural lands located on steep slopes will affect production levels. Reduced annual rainfall leading to drought conditions could increase evapo-transpiration from the soil and plants, and deplete soil moisture reserves. This will be more apparent in the Dry Zone and the coastal areas. Changes in rainfall regimes could cause changes in the length of growing seasons for particular crops. 105 Plantations Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Plantation Sector Vulnerability to Drought Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: N_RN\SaRN_bOOR_N[QP\P\[baYN[Q` R`aNaR]\]bYNaV\[ A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =R_PR[aNTR\SSRZNYR`dU\UNcR[\aP\Z]YRaRQ4_NQR" NZ\[TaU\`RRZ]Y\fRQV[NT_VPbYab_R =R_PR[aNTR\S]\]bYNaV\[dVaUYR``aUN[<9RQbPNaV\[ (among those employed in agriculture) =R_PR[aNTRNT_VPbYab_R`UN_R\SV[P\ZR (among those employed in agriculture) Raw data sources: Census of Agriculture 2002, Department of Census and Statistics Some of the key findings include: 5 DSDs emerge as highly vulnerable to drought exposure. These DSDs have: R 88,069 ac of coconut cultivations, and negligible amounts of tea and rubber cultivations. R A total population of 354,789 of whom 77,656 are below the poverty line. R 40,172 jobs in agriculture. 7 additional DSDs are moderately vulnerable. These DSDs have: R R 108,340 ac of coconut, 54,230 ac of tea and very minimal rubber. A total of 10,522 jobs in agriculture, and an estate population of 143,272 . Of the 12 DSDs with high or moderate vulnerability to drought, 9 are in Kurunegala District. Plantations in these DSDs are primarily for coconut cultivation. 106 107 Plantations Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Plantation Sector Vulnerability to Drought Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 1 2 3 4 5 Kurunegala Kurunegala Rathnapura Puttalam Kurunegala Kuliyapitiya West Panduwasnuwara Embilipitiya Arachchikattuwa Bingiriya 163.9366 216.0387 383.4799 162.6380 195.2943 71483 69888 119563 38092 55763 436 323 312 234 286 18666 18130 29126 9912 15223 6290 0 0 0 0 65102 69888 119490 37402 55613 91 0 73 690 150 16.62 18.90 31.60 21.82 16.80 32.77 28.69 21.16 16.64 24.53 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Kurunegala Nuwara Eliya Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Polpithigama Ambagamuwa Pannala Wariyapola Ibbagamuwa Kobeigane Ganewatta 417.5552 487.9105 284.9191 201.7589 219.4878 130.8780 147.1195 67263 203717 114438 56880 76344 32230 36812 161 418 402 282 348 246 250 18926 47145 29467 15207 19589 8581 9830 0 14204 0 0 0 0 0 67263 47474 113726 56832 75913 32230 36770 0 142039 712 48 431 0 42 30.00 22.90 17.80 18.90 24.30 19.10 23.20 18.13 16.74 31.16 29.42 26.50 24.70 22.57 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Kurunegala Puttalam Hambantota Puttalam Rathnapura Hambantota Puttalam Kurunegala Kurunegala Rathnapura Rathnapura Rideegama Mundalama Weeraketiya Puttalam Weligepola Beliatta Kalpitiya Mahawa Rasnayakapura Godakawela Balangoda 222.5431 241.4497 115.4094 178.4049 203.5279 102.5034 158.7548 260.6953 125.8909 155.7512 274.1594 80473 56294 37401 71091 29099 52283 81780 50576 18814 69123 77303 362 233 324 398 143 510 515 194 149 444 282 21118 13534 9208 15898 7690 12630 18185 13674 5071 16962 18720 0 0 0 41761 0 0 0 0 0 0 11402 78808 56294 55459 29330 28720 52283 81627 50576 18678 57669 58032 1665 0 0 0 379 0 153 0 136 11454 7869 32.76 41.08 32.50 25.08 39.20 28.30 45.34 20.90 23.00 38.20 27.30 26.28 14.73 21.20 21.59 19.60 36.26 13.63 21.83 20.46 20.31 27.22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Puttalam Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Kuliyapitiya East Udubaddawa Polgahawela Chilaw Kurunegala Narammala Weerambugedara Mawathagama Mallawapitiya 113.2748 117.5985 97.3861 93.6034 111.0680 108.3197 91.3110 109.6233 79.9307 46966 48800 58762 59890 88944 51244 30311 56820 46575 415 415 603 640 801 473 332 518 583 11728 12669 14506 14448 20292 13092 8085 14191 11574 0 0 0 23533 28401 0 0 0 0 46839 48742 57940 36357 60369 51244 30311 55013 46240 127 58 822 0 174 0 0 1807 335 20.32 17.70 22.91 20.11 14.70 21.40 20.11 24.92 19.50 27.57 29.43 35.64 21.74 44.87 33.36 39.05 33.95 33.19 108 Land Utilization within Agricultural Holdings Sector Specific Data DSD Name Rank Total Aswed- Temp. Perm. Forest Other Tea Rubber Coconut Land Area Educational Attainment Extent dumized Crops Crops Land Land (Acres)g (Acres)g (Acres)d <= 1/4 Acre of Agri. Operators of Paddy other than (Acres)d (Acres)d (Acres)d Tea Rubber % Less % Female Holdings (Acres)d Aswed(Acres)d (Acres)d than OLd Passed G 5 (Acres)d dumized or belowd Paddy (Acres)d 19648 28170 41930 13234 22151 3955 7642 8551 2651 4228 327 299 7968 395 254 13803 18435 18816 7448 15339 306 175 3544 1361 756 1257 1619 3051 1379 1574 39693 8420 28284 24713 23214 15533 15663 14325 294 5721 6362 8071 3322 4921 5177 227 334 721 435 754 789 15404 6115 19461 15298 12640 9834 7694 2423 785 493 1175 516 641 622 2364 999 2275 1157 1552 982 1637 26197 11838 17631 6734 14658 17204 9503 30696 12430 13977 16543 5572 821 3603 242 1556 3048 11 8370 3066 1648 3312 256 344 1226 54 2017 237 4018 4699 1524 175 1441 17773 8989 11507 4893 8992 12539 4451 12250 5133 10209 8455 860 1183 567 965 1232 433 265 2950 2099 1116 1569 1736 501 728 580 861 947 758 2427 608 829 1766 13572 13974 12562 8185 11182 13216 11477 11687 8328 4006 2401 3901 1775 3746 3426 3303 2878 2217 73 74 87 493 93 94 55 103 72 8712 10408 7784 4984 6361 8399 7461 7484 5323 124 173 208 316 184 216 143 376 157 657 918 582 617 798 1081 515 846 559 28 3 54230 62 301 218 101 1159 1436 252 33 5946 7981 2516 51 278 292 101 33 2955 730 19787 22070 6937 13945 25330 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 65.10 68.50 85.20 78.00 72.80 7.52 8.36 7.57 10.04 9.46 Kuliyapitiya West Panduwasnuwara Embilipitiya Arachchikattuwa Bingiriya 1 2 3 4 5 14507 557 30157 19466 18559 12488 12606 0 2727 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 96 0 7 0 0 81.10 72.40 65.40 73.20 71.30 75.10 76.70 9.08 11.73 6.50 10.37 8.72 8.98 9.51 Polpithigama Ambagamuwa Pannala Wariyapola Ibbagamuwa Kobeigane Ganewatta 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18043 17879 8565 8970 5803 10084 8270 8668 6008 5194 2574 77 0 0 0 1170 0 0 0 0 2855 4621 172 0 0 0 252 28 0 0 0 776 1 72.10 81.40 80.30 79.70 83.60 64.50 83.00 72.40 81.40 76.50 74.40 10.89 8.68 12.52 11.35 7.86 10.36 6.33 8.97 10.48 6.69 6.26 Rideegama Mundalama Weeraketiya Puttalam Weligepola Beliatta Kalpitiya Mahawa Rasnayakapura Godakawela Balangoda 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 12326 13190 6903 6454 9062 9715 10006 7611 7906 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 204 0 46 33 21 678 27 65.00 62.40 55.50 69.40 50.90 64.60 59.00 62.00 61.20 6.38 7.55 5.68 9.76 5.48 6.51 6.88 6.94 6.72 Kuliyapitiya East Udubaddawa Polgahawela Chilaw Kurunegala Narammala Weerambugedara Mawathagama Mallawapitiya 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 109 Plantations Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Plantation Sector Vulnerability to Flood Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: N_RN\SaRN_bOOR_N[QP\P\[baYN[Q` R`aNaR]\]bYNaV\[ A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =R_PR[aNTR\SSRZNYR`dU\UNcR[\aP\Z]YRaRQ4_NQR" NZ\[TaU\`RRZ]Y\fRQV[NT_VPbYab_R =R_PR[aNTR\S]\]bYNaV\[dVaUYR``aUN[<9RQbPNaV\[ (among those employed in agriculture) =R_PR[aNTRNT_VPbYab_R`UN_R\SV[P\ZR (among those employed in agriculture) Raw data sources: Census of Agriculture 2002, Department of Census and Statistics Some of the key findings include: 3 DSDs emerge as highly vulnerable to flood exposure. These DSDs have: R R R R 13,303 ac of tea cultivation, 2,640 ac of rubber, and 14,170 ac of coconut (36.7%, 6.5%, and 56.9% of total plantation area respectively). A total population of 401,255 of whom 51,521 are below the poverty line. 35,875 jobs in agriculture. An estate population of 16,391. 14 additional DSDs are moderately vulnerable. These DSDs have: R R 110 71,547 ac of tea, 64,084 ac of rubber, and 49,339 ac of coconut plantations. A total of 117,982 jobs in agriculture, and an estate population of 54,580. 111 Plantations Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Plantation Sector Vulnerability to Flood Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 1 2 3 Rathnapura Gampaha Polonnaruwa Rathnapura Katana Dimbulagala 326.7894 124.9577 552.3964 115223 222683 63349 353 1782 115 26549 50765 16757 45623 73318 0 53219 149365 63339 16381 0 10 21.90 7.70 22.59 30.01 41.14 18.60 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Rathnapura Kalutara Matara Galle Galle Kalutara Rathnapura Gampaha Matara Rathnapura Puttalam Rathnapura Rathnapura Rathnapura Kalawana Bulathsinhala Mulatiyana Thawalama Baddegama Palindanuwara Ayagama Dompe Akuressa Pelmadulla Mundalama Nivithigala Kuruwita Elapatha 384.7488 209.4387 119.4139 174.1470 114.4507 283.2330 157.6893 182.1586 148.6167 144.8430 241.4497 157.9051 174.6734 86.8547 48669 59787 46066 31803 68634 45911 28637 130021 49806 84966 56294 59092 85882 36322 126 285 386 183 600 162 182 714 335 587 233 374 492 418 11905 15611 11169 7710 16761 11597 7357 31962 11825 19906 13534 13989 20460 8828 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 560 0 0 0 0 44632 53331 45501 30789 66249 40298 25160 130021 48508 73480 56294 47942 80326 34219 4037 6456 565 1014 2385 5613 3477 0 1298 10926 0 11150 5556 2103 36.40 27.40 30.90 29.50 21.70 30.70 33.70 21.10 21.90 30.20 41.08 32.80 28.90 40.10 23.93 22.09 21.41 19.99 30.17 22.88 21.37 31.48 24.28 26.35 14.73 17.57 23.57 22.39 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Kurunegala Badulla Matale Matara Hambantota Hambantota Puttalam Matara Galle Udubaddawa Ella Dambulla Hakmana Tangalle Ambalantota Chilaw Athuraliya Nagoda 117.5985 109.3657 455.1342 49.6219 152.5016 211.3413 93.6034 65.9339 174.6178 48800 42894 60976 30201 62800 64361 59890 30179 52414 415 392 134 609 412 305 640 458 300 12669 10775 15285 7190 14981 15334 14448 7039 13028 0 0 0 0 10437 0 23533 0 0 48742 29156 60959 30201 52363 63426 36357 29380 46707 58 13738 17 0 0 935 0 799 5707 17.70 28.04 19.90 32.00 27.10 33.30 20.11 27.80 28.70 29.43 21.90 23.88 29.15 30.04 21.36 21.74 26.77 23.04 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Gampaha Rathnapura Kalutara Gampaha Gampaha Kalutara Kalutara Gampaha Kalutara Matara Kalutara Minuwangoda Kiriella Millaniya Attanagalla Gampaha Mathugama Dodangoda Biyagama Beruwala Matara Kaluthara 133.2225 79.5653 82.0638 154.3057 90.6959 134.3624 112.8241 60.2668 71.6785 56.1514 77.6779 151661 30881 44476 154967 171040 73269 55052 161300 144733 108238 141829 1138 388 542 1004 1886 545 488 2676 2019 1928 1826 37683 7666 11035 36838 41357 17604 13646 36655 29635 23705 31857 7567 0 0 0 9284 0 0 0 33096 42663 37451 144084 29748 43110 154821 161756 66781 47970 161300 111637 65575 104378 10 1133 1366 146 0 6488 7082 0 0 0 0 12.50 25.60 16.90 15.40 9.90 29.40 21.20 11.30 22.10 16.90 12.50 38.36 26.58 30.71 39.55 43.27 28.65 27.42 41.68 28.20 42.45 38.35 112 Land Utilization within Agricultural Holdings Sector Specific Data DSD Name Rank Rathnapura Katana Dimbulagala 1 2 3 Total Aswed- Temp. Perm. Forest Other Tea Rubber Coconut Land Area Educational Attainment Extent dumized Crops Crops Land Land (Acres)g (Acres)g (Acres)d <= 1/4 Acre of Agri. Operators of Paddy other than (Acres)d (Acres)d (Acres)d Tea Rubber % Less % Female Holdings (Acres)d Aswed(Acres)d (Acres)d than OLd Passed G 5 (Acres)d dumized or Belowd Paddy (Acres)d 17045 7608 39611 1180 893 29574 161 97 923 12346 5622 5147 1504 81 1737 1854 915 2230 13303 2619 21 1781 8002 4387 9130 0 0 1587 21 0 73.00 40.80 83.10 7.74 3.27 8.48 19905 18827 16471 12981 13506 19411 11403 22102 13970 12035 11838 10294 12810 7588 2140 3384 2755 1583 4143 2755 549 3984 3170 1886 821 1025 1798 1206 134 712 314 136 189 345 21 1028 325 144 344 216 403 88 13315 12196 11541 14255 11495 12708 8950 15526 8464 8299 8989 7025 8557 5034 2853 1202 774 1032 690 2009 1255 421 593 619 1183 855 678 529 1463 1333 1087 1239 1235 1594 628 1143 1418 1087 501 1173 1374 731 11728 1337 3554 14515 3403 1423 8896 331 6231 1461 4878 10173 3861 5542 3496 7007 1071 8294 4973 1476 2162 2147 1251 2427 1398 876 11710 1635 2228 17879 1531 1702 917 9528 2325 2878 8393 4945 4590 2816 0 6005 5868 0 4919 4225 1850 1034 7163 954 258 214 4960 3835 3348 472 1344 0 1484 2985 2254 74.90 76.40 77.00 75.10 81.20 75.80 77.00 56.90 76.50 75.10 81.40 79.00 73.70 72.00 6.34 9.52 11.25 9.60 14.71 8.63 7.56 3.81 8.31 5.94 8.68 6.64 5.44 4.55 Kalawana Bulathsinhala Mulatiyana Thawalama Baddegama Palindanuwara Ayagama Dompe Akuressa Pelmadulla Mundalama Nivithigala Kuruwita Elapatha 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13974 5015 25755 9322 19264 21017 8185 7839 14097 2401 1100 9287 2360 3547 12198 1775 2713 2915 74 726 6624 81 3667 2162 493 104 86 10408 2098 6496 6004 8251 4872 4984 3890 14296 173 524 2218 196 1846 487 316 382 585 918 567 1130 681 1953 1298 617 750 1493 0 1491 0 27 0 0 0 2158 7911 0 0 6 59 0 0 0 406 339 62.40 73.00 81.50 66.80 70.30 75.30 69.40 72.90 31.10 7.55 6.42 5.39 10.10 8.87 6.34 9.76 8.51 2.37 Udubaddawa Ella Dambulla Hakmana Tangalle Ambalantota Chilaw Athuraliya Nagoda 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18244 8750 7966 16611 9476 10764 6716 5480 7898 4641 6180 3096 1461 2849 3170 2737 3593 2297 1290 2245 974 2279 133 248 226 355 98 239 201 87 363 57 234 12919 5763 4012 11503 5656 5051 3384 3366 3726 2917 2775 192 483 226 362 77 619 207 143 377 133 235 1904 795 653 1221 908 1262 627 594 1187 560 657 0 993 25 30 0 975 83 0 8 0 14 239 3188 2000 1030 238 2023 1641 130 1031 29 542 48.60 71.80 61.40 50.40 38.90 64.50 61.80 37.80 57.40 47.10 43.80 3.23 5.34 5.23 3.70 2.28 6.41 5.50 2.36 6.56 5.38 3.81 Minuwangoda Kiriella Millaniya Attanagalla Gampaha Mathugama Dodangoda Biyagama Beruwala Matara Kaluthara 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 5828 5566 2301 7518 7772 4472 27 74 60 2856 9726 1717 4329 13190 120 3774 3315 5032 3153 6454 1220 1804 405 4328 3644 1451 286 9214 8683 130 2613 28 1125 13816 959 1602 11147 6284 1955 1459 3607 2991 3016 2879 8063 1379 34 30 1201 105 10 14 113 Plantations Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Plantation Sector Vulnerability to Landslide Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: N_RN\SaRN_bOOR_N[QP\P\[baYN[Q` R`aNaR]\]bYNaV\[ A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =R_PR[aNTR\SSRZNYR`dU\UNcR[\aP\Z]YRaRQ4_NQR" NZ\[TaU\`RRZ]Y\fRQV[NT_VPbYab_R =R_PR[aNTR\S]\]bYNaV\[dVaUYR``aUN[<9RQbPNaV\[ (among those employed in agriculture) =R_PR[aNTRNT_VPbYab_R`UN_R\SV[P\ZR (among those employed in agriculture) Raw data sources: Census of Agriculture 2002, Department of Census and Statistics Some of the key findings include: 3 DSDs, all in the Nuwara Eliya District, emerge as highly vulnerable to landslide exposure. These DSDs have: R R R R 68,296 ac of tea plantations, and 2,383 ac of coconut plantations, while rubber lands are negligible. A total population of 397,911 of whom 102,470 are below the poverty line. 100,942 jobs in agriculture. An estate population of 195,151. 14 additional DSDs are moderately vulnerable in this regard. These DSDs have: R R R 114 118,936 ac of tea, 51,810 ac of coconut, and 26,226 ac of rubber plantations. A total population of 993,467 and an estate population of 257,175 (25.9%). 196,292 jobs in agriculture. 115 Plantations Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Plantation Sector Vulnerability to Landslide Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 1 2 3 Nuwara Eliya Nuwara Eliya Nuwara Eliya Walapane Ambagamuwa Hanguranketha 321.5229 487.9105 228.6220 106434 203717 87760 331 418 384 26645 47145 22524 0 14204 0 66727 47474 74355 39707 142039 13405 26.50 22.90 34.60 15.66 16.74 19.18 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Rathnapura Badulla Nuwara Eliya Kegalle Matara Badulla Badulla Kurunegala Kegalle Hambantota Kalutara Badulla Badulla Kurunegala Rathnapura Bandarawela Nuwara Eliya Deraniyagala Kotapola Haldummulla Lunugala Rideegama Aranayaka Katuwana Palindanuwara Ella Uva Paranagama Ibbagamuwa 326.7894 70.0596 483.5716 222.0806 179.3289 414.9996 141.8095 222.5431 124.4190 103.7065 283.2330 109.3657 137.2816 219.4878 115223 60269 208190 44735 64012 38223 33079 80473 66198 41392 45911 42894 76524 76344 353 860 431 201 357 92 233 362 532 399 162 392 557 348 26549 14379 49385 11336 15073 9855 8260 21118 16850 10025 11597 10775 19213 19589 45623 7296 28869 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53219 44049 36922 34377 51875 23207 14585 78808 64894 62344 40298 29156 65809 75913 16381 8924 142399 10358 12137 15016 18494 1665 1304 0 5613 13738 10715 431 21.90 21.61 21.90 33.60 22.60 31.65 38.82 32.76 36.10 34.30 30.70 28.04 33.35 24.30 30.01 32.66 18.93 19.57 15.42 18.09 13.78 26.28 29.31 17.11 22.88 21.90 19.52 26.50 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Rathnapura Nuwara Eliya Rathnapura Rathnapura Badulla Rathnapura Rathnapura Rathnapura Rathnapura Badulla Badulla Kegalle Kegalle Kegalle Weligepola Kothmale Elapatha Imbulpe Welimada Kolonna Pelmadulla Balangoda Ayagama Passara Hali Ela Bulathkohupitiya Dehiovita Yatiyanthota 203.5279 223.7228 86.8547 255.2644 193.9032 183.0319 144.8430 274.1594 157.6893 135.9205 170.1437 127.2471 193.2396 178.0749 29099 97509 36322 55546 94399 43693 84966 77303 28637 49190 87476 45573 73991 57239 143 436 418 218 487 239 587 282 182 362 514 358 383 321 7690 23841 8828 14086 22838 10661 19906 18720 7357 12245 21835 11729 18460 14197 0 0 0 660 0 0 560 11402 0 0 0 0 0 0 28720 58181 34219 46388 84180 38930 73480 58032 25160 29457 58715 37396 62883 45071 379 39328 2103 8498 10219 4763 10926 7869 3477 19733 28761 8177 11108 12168 39.20 22.30 40.10 32.00 29.19 37.70 30.20 27.30 33.70 31.88 34.58 32.50 29.30 30.10 19.60 19.01 22.39 24.58 28.14 14.65 26.35 27.22 21.37 19.27 24.29 22.74 24.21 23.81 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Kegalle Kegalle Kegalle Kandy Matale Kalutara Badulla Rathnapura Kandy Rathnapura Warakapola Ruwanwella Kegalle Doluwa Rattota Agalawatta Haputhale Eheliyagoda Udapalatha Kiriella 195.5200 138.6165 109.0590 100.1685 105.2255 89.7814 70.3267 141.9292 90.6003 79.5653 106038 58892 87637 45270 49382 33962 50735 63870 86145 30881 542 425 804 452 469 378 721 450 951 388 26503 14461 21327 11651 13068 8423 11565 15566 19936 7666 0 0 17139 0 0 0 3235 0 24116 0 103087 54679 68733 37392 40015 32768 29372 61593 48242 29748 2951 4213 1765 7878 9367 1194 18128 2277 13787 1133 26.00 28.50 26.70 26.50 23.40 26.40 24.42 26.90 21.40 25.60 30.93 28.11 37.80 21.04 25.32 33.03 29.37 26.60 29.35 26.58 116 Land Utilization within Agricultural Holdings Sector Specific Data DSD Name Rank Total Aswed- Temp. Perm. Forest Other Tea Rubber Coconut Land Area Educational Attainment extent dumized Crops Crops Land Land (Acres)g (Acres)g (Acres)d <= 1/4 Acre of Agri. Operators of Paddy other than (Acres)d (Acres)d (Acres)d Tea Rubber % Less % Female Holdings (Acres)d Aswed(Acres)d (Acres)d than OLd Passed G 5 (Acres)d dumized or belowd Paddy (Acres)d 17933 8420 18229 6344 294 6099 3667 227 5322 4577 6115 4292 1800 785 1063 1545 999 1453 9202 54230 4864 62 621 557 1205 633 2727 807 0 19 0 78.20 72.40 76.60 7.75 11.73 6.61 Walapane Ambagamuwa Hanguranketha 1 2 3 17045 4190 3590 12159 13240 11094 4622 26197 13996 15519 19411 5015 14085 23214 1180 1198 22 198 1826 1834 881 5572 2506 574 2755 1100 3627 8071 161 732 2919 135 164 808 195 256 247 489 345 726 6531 435 12346 1467 260 8735 9612 5175 2210 17773 9962 12272 12708 2098 2852 12640 1504 347 58 1172 312 2144 609 860 310 938 2009 524 322 516 1854 446 331 1919 1326 1133 727 1736 971 1246 1594 567 753 1552 13303 2619 5259 44013 6047 7370 15984 68 5211 597 9148 249 101 1159 1432 3712 184 61 4878 10173 8063 5313 218 1781 28 0 1686 1482 543 251 18043 2469 5241 1398 120 209 18559 9130 1285 153 4076 8849 370 508 77 892 184 4590 1491 1569 0 1587 0 0 2261 14 109 45 172 2799 61 4960 0 0 7 73.00 57.50 52.10 75.80 76.70 75.00 76.10 72.10 69.30 86.90 75.80 73.00 76.10 71.30 7.74 6.31 4.57 9.10 8.20 7.93 8.93 10.89 7.26 13.80 8.63 6.42 7.02 8.72 Rathnapura Bandarawela Nuwara Eliya Deraniyagala Kotapola Haldummulla Lunugala Rideegama Aranayaka Katuwana Palindanuwara Ella Uva Paranagama Ibbagamuwa 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 14658 12102 7588 13328 14422 17284 12035 16543 11403 7264 10387 8778 12660 9467 1556 1134 1206 2420 3562 1460 1886 3312 549 1208 2542 542 572 339 2017 1238 88 485 6708 614 144 1441 21 407 1222 260 695 434 8992 7903 5034 7618 3070 11292 8299 8455 8950 3688 4514 6730 9451 7184 1232 894 529 1663 205 2560 619 1569 1255 889 814 497 947 818 861 933 731 1142 877 1358 1087 1766 628 1072 1295 749 995 692 1436 252 11899 19 2301 4472 10244 4 7690 4667 44 8294 4973 7981 51 3861 5542 7492 1 13081 3895 5714 2790 17388 3703 8613 5803 194 917 1159 33 2184 2228 2574 876 306 275 1542 2333 1451 1170 5674 1850 5008 2596 2753 5868 4621 2816 1513 2702 1954 1561 2009 252 57 2254 4 0 10 1344 1 3835 1 0 2284 4929 1710 83.60 68.80 72.00 75.60 73.90 82.80 75.10 74.40 77.00 67.20 64.80 67.50 66.60 73.60 7.86 8.53 4.55 5.91 6.02 7.19 5.94 6.26 7.56 8.21 6.85 7.22 8.63 9.21 Weligepola Kothmale Elapatha Imbulpe Welimada Kolonna Pelmadulla Balangoda Ayagama Passara Hali Ela Bulathkohupitiya Dehiovita Yatiyanthota 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 21469 13863 12577 7387 7434 9712 2728 11761 6424 8750 2723 1074 2124 982 1449 2354 596 1754 935 1461 1273 398 177 240 71 223 453 798 218 248 15219 10532 8828 4574 5150 5536 1071 7870 4332 5763 608 725 321 907 364 716 198 639 347 483 1646 1134 1127 684 400 883 410 700 592 795 72 12439 201 13711 449 4549 6078 5115 1498 934 3882 6222 1482 9480 6412 9 1379 4328 6779 3170 3259 443 1310 1089 11 1580 491 959 69 156 245 2451 332 929 948 1170 2156 993 6825 5524 2894 0 94 2693 0 4644 9 3188 62.10 67.20 59.40 74.20 68.90 66.40 56.10 70.70 65.00 71.80 5.21 7.88 6.81 10.15 8.35 7.83 5.95 7.02 7.98 5.34 Warakapola Ruwanwella Kegalle Doluwa Rattota Agalawatta Haputhale Eheliyagoda Udapalatha Kiriella 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 117 Plantations Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 118 Fisheries The fishery sector in Sri Lanka consists mainly of coastal fisheries, offshore fisheries, inland capture fisheries, and aquaculture and shrimp farming. This sector earns valuable foreign exchange through the export of marine and aquaculture products, and provides direct employment to 208,731 island wide, while sustaining over 2.5 million people. Fishery constitutes the major economic activity in the coastal region which is home to 25% of the island’s population. Fish also provides about 70% of animal protein consumed in the country. Due to its importance as a livelihood of a considerable segment of Sri Lanka’s population, and importance as a source of protein for the people of this country, the fishery sector has received much attention in the national development agenda. Since fisheries is heavily dependent on conducive environmental conditions for sustainability and productivity, it is critically important that development of the fishery sector should take into account the ramifications of climate change, including sea level rise, and take steps to strategically adopt appropriate adaptation measures to ensure the continued sustainability of the fishery industry. There are about 45 major estuaries and 89 lagoons along the island’s coastline that are also important components of the coastal fishery. While much of the current fish production is from the coastal subsector, the fishery potential in the offshore/deep sea and international waters, and inland fisheries and aquaculture, is increasingly recognized as important for enhancing the total fishery production in the future. Sri Lanka’s inland surface waters, including freshwater bodies, perennial reservoirs, seasonal tanks and villus, which cover about 520,000 ha, offer considerable potential for the inland freshwater fishery. Opportunities also exist for brackish water aquaculture in a total extent of around 6,000 ha. The potential risks of sea level rise on fisheries includes the loss or change of coastal habitats and species distribution. For example, landward migration of coastal wetlands would result in the loss of freshwater and brackish water habitats (such as mangroves and coral reefs) important for the coastal and marine fishery. Loss of beach areas will affect coastal communities such as those dependent on beach seine fishery due to beach accessibility issues. Sea level rise should be taken into account in the construction of new fishery harbours - several anchorages and 14 more fishery harbours are to be constructed according to national development plans, which may be adversely affected by storm surges, flooding and inundation due to sea level rise. The possible impacts of changes in rainfall regimes and prolonged drought on fisheries can have varied implications affecting mainly inland fisheries. It is expected that in the Dry and Arid Zones, this would lead to increased evaporation which would impact the inland fishery including lowered yields in seasonal tanks. On the other hand, flooding will affect inland aquaculture and capture fishery due to pollution, sedimentation and any adverse changes in water quality parameters of surface water bodies. These would all have serious implications on rural nutrition and incomes for dependent communities. Increase in temperatures will also have significant implications on coastal, marine and inland fisheries as well as on aquaculture. Coastal habitats, such as coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangroves, which support fisheries will be affected and in turn will affect the distribution and composition of marine and coastal species affecting fish stocks. Inland wetlands important for the food fishery may be adversely affected by temperature anomalies with resultant changes in water quality that for example could cause fish kills. More details on the impacts and already existing anthropogenic factors that can exacerbate the problems associated with climate change can be found in the SVP on Agriculture and Fisheries. 119 Fisheries Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Inland and Brackish Water Fishery Sector Vulnerability to Drought Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =R_PR[aNTR\SRZ]Y\fZR[aV[·`UR_VR`dVaUV[ 4;QVcV`V\[`dVaU[\P\N`aNYS_\[aNTR .cR_NTRV[YN[QO_NPXV`UdNaR_·`UR_VR`fVRYQ over the last four years N_RN\SdNaR_O\QVR`aN[X`YNXR`YNT\\[` mangroves) A composite of data (at DSD level) on: ]R_PR[aNTR\S]\]bYNaV\[NO\cRaUR]\cR_afYV[R ]R_PR[aNTR\S]\]bYNaV\[dU\UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ `RP\[QN_fRQbPNaV\[ Raw data sources: Population & Housing Census, 2001; Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Some of the key findings include: Vulnerability to drought exposure in the inland and brackish water fishery sector is widespread, particularly in the Dry and Intermediate zones. All 5 DSDs that fall within the highly vulnerable category in this regard are in the Puttalam District. These 5 DSDs have: R R 104,162 ac of lagoons and 7,101 ac of tanks. 9,453 people employed in the inland fishery. 23 additional DSDs fall within the moderately vulnerable category. These DSDs have: R R 18,142 ac of lagoons and 106,102 ac of tanks. 6,597 people employed in inland fisheries. With 5 DSDs as highly vulnerable, and another 5 DSDs within the moderately vulnerable category, Puttalam is clearly the district most vulnerable to drought exposure with regard to the inland/brackish water fishery. 120 121 Fisheries Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Inland and Brackish Water Fishery Sector Vulnerability to Drought Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 1 2 3 4 5 Puttalam Puttalam Puttalam Puttalam Puttalam Kalpitiya Vanathavilluwa Arachchikattuwa Mundalama Anamaduwa 158.7548 736.5317 162.6380 241.4497 259.0095 81780 16460 38092 56294 33302 515 22 234 233 129 18185 4024 9912 13534 9039 0 0 0 0 0 81627 16410 37402 56294 33302 153 50 690 0 0 45.34 40.31 21.82 41.08 16.77 13.63 12.25 16.64 14.73 22.53 6 7 8 9 10 Anuradhapura Puttalam Puttalam Hambantota Puttalam 21146 20225 71091 64361 87 40 398 305 5452 5550 15898 15334 0 0 41761 0 21146 20225 29330 63426 0 0 0 935 34.33 23.77 25.08 33.30 14.43 14.80 21.59 21.36 11 12 13 14 15 16 Moneragala Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Polonnaruwa Puttalam Anuradhapura 16905 47438 31604 29642 57899 59890 96 45 104 35 102 640 4686 10808 8230 7578 15189 14448 0 0 0 0 0 23533 16905 47438 31592 29642 57899 36357 0 0 12 0 0 0 28.65 51.80 20.57 24.95 13.37 20.11 15.18 13.52 19.54 14.78 14.73 21.74 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Anuradhapura Puttalam Kurunegala Anuradhapura Kurunegala Moneragala Hambantota Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Hambantota Anuradhapura Hambantota Padaviya 242.5157 Karuwalagaswewa 503.9380 Puttalam 178.4049 Ambalantota 211.3413 Mahakumbuk kadawala 175.8432 Siyambalanduwa 1065.6754 Rambewa 303.6555 Horowpothana 845.8179 Medirigiriya 570.3679 Chilaw 93.6034 Nuwaragam Palatha Central 389.4952 Medawachchiya 492.1070 Nawagattegama 171.9949 Kuliyapitiya West 163.9366 Maha Vilachchiya 624.8276 Polpithigama 417.5552 Thanamalwila 661.4470 Tissamaharama 783.8008 Kebithigollewa 611.9821 Kahatagasdigiliya 366.6055 Hambantota 338.9857 Nochchiyagama 843.5736 Lunugamvehera 300.3473 53665 40469 12956 71483 18557 67263 23172 60982 19457 33572 46757 41601 25226 138 82 75 436 30 161 35 78 32 92 138 49 84 13055 10338 3519 18666 4630 18926 5893 14829 4903 8619 10945 11239 6922 11598 0 0 6290 0 0 0 0 0 0 11134 0 0 42067 40469 12956 65102 18557 67263 23172 60486 19457 33572 35623 41601 25226 0 0 0 91 0 0 0 496 0 0 0 0 0 20.14 21.34 26.44 16.62 31.16 30.00 35.80 32.20 27.74 19.63 31.30 16.98 33.50 20.32 24.09 13.19 32.77 17.85 18.13 14.18 22.31 18.03 20.03 23.32 19.61 17.85 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Kurunegala Kurunegala Anuradhapura Moneragala Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Hambantota Kurunegala Ampara Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Thalawa Palagala Galenbidunuwawe Ganewatta Galgamuwa Panduwasnuwara Galnewa Thirappane Kobeigane Ibbagamuwa Ipalogama Wellawaya Thambuttegama Mihintale Giribawa Bingiriya Mahawa Tangalle Nikaweratiya Padiyathalawa Rideegama Rasnayakapura Wariyapola 50919 29837 40888 36812 47844 69888 30344 23378 32230 76344 32933 50768 36524 26786 28093 55763 50576 62800 36370 15971 80473 18814 56880 231 131 142 250 175 323 216 84 246 348 231 87 328 114 136 286 194 412 239 41 362 149 282 13375 8196 10454 9830 12759 18130 8165 6143 8581 19589 8730 12698 9448 6657 7831 15223 13674 14981 9549 3642 21118 5071 15207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1523 0 0 0 10437 0 0 0 0 0 50919 29837 40888 36770 47844 69888 30344 23378 32230 75913 31992 50768 36524 25263 28093 55613 50576 52363 36370 15971 78808 18678 56832 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 431 941 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 1665 136 48 19.44 23.83 18.56 23.20 25.70 18.90 18.46 18.59 19.10 24.30 17.41 24.90 19.05 18.97 24.00 16.80 20.90 27.10 19.40 22.25 21.98 21.42 22.57 22.00 28.69 20.55 23.27 24.70 26.50 25.86 17.79 22.52 29.03 19.56 24.53 21.83 30.04 24.93 11.66 26.28 20.46 29.42 122 220.5999 226.9676 288.1528 147.1195 273.2962 216.0387 140.2283 278.9562 130.8780 219.4878 142.4270 585.9537 111.4855 234.9169 207.1489 195.2943 260.6953 152.5016 152.4124 386.8510 222.5431 125.8909 201.7589 32.76 23.00 18.90 Sector Specific Data Lagoons (Acres)a DSD Name # Employed in Inland Fishinga Inland Fishing as % of Total Jobsa Tanks (Acres)a 5623 693 1436 1681 20 24.40 13.27 11.51 10.57 0.17 59800.1 43076.8 48.5 1237.1 0.0 23.4 443.4 2281.8 553.6 3798.8 340.8 0.0 61.1 7447.4 0.0 236 111 1159 362 0 3.52 1.35 6.36 1.77 0.00 0.0 0.0 14914.6 1876.5 0.0 7415.9 3404.1 560.4 2815.5 2941.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 42 0 60 219 2670 51 0.25 0.00 0.57 0.88 13.83 0.25 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3940.8 6527.9 9506.9 7293.5 1523.7 7349.5 34.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 1795.9 0.0 13 35 23 79 41 52 619 23 0 596 0 206 0.08 0.69 0.09 1.05 0.15 0.58 3.20 0.30 0.00 3.96 0.00 2.48 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 474.2 0.0 0.0 731.6 0.0 144.9 9013.2 1349.9 575.6 4035.2 3204.3 4405.1 3758.5 5645.4 8923.7 2569.5 7762.0 1580.1 70 63 64 0 152 0 20 49 7 72 102 45 150 84 91 28 13 969 60 77 13 8 6 0.35 0.52 0.37 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.16 0.50 0.06 0.25 0.85 0.23 0.97 0.93 0.81 0.15 0.06 4.92 0.45 1.31 0.05 0.13 0.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1017.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4712.6 3581.2 7553.6 738.9 6161.6 2951.9 1869.1 6188.8 1484.1 1820.3 2344.9 1353.3 1406.8 6914.8 4217.2 1453.0 3776.4 707.5 2839.4 136.9 119.6 1536.2 2054.2 Rank Lakes and Reservoirs (Acres)a Kalpitiya Vanathavilluwa Arachchikattuwa Mundalama Anamaduwa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.0 660.0 0.0 0.0 958.5 5411.9 57.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Padaviya Karuwalagaswewa Puttalam Ambalantota Mahakumbuk kadawala Siyambalanduwa Rambewa Horowpothana Medirigiriya Chilaw Nuwaragam Palatha Central Medawachchiya Nawagattegama Kuliyapitiya West Maha Vilachchiya Polpithigama Thanamalwila Tissamaharama Kebithigollewa Kahatagasdigiliya Hambantota Nochchiyagama Lunugamvehera 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1405.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3516.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Thalawa Palagala Galenbidunuwawe Ganewatta Galgamuwa Panduwasnuwara Galnewa Thirappane Kobeigane Ibbagamuwa Ipalogama Wellawaya Thambuttegama Mihintale Giribawa Bingiriya Mahawa Tangalle Nikaweratiya Padiyathalawa Rideegama Rasnayakapura Wariyapola 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 10 11 12 13 14 15 123 Fisheries Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Rank District Name DSD Name Area (Sq. km)a Physical Characteristics Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 52 Kurunegala 53 Kurunegala Kotawehera Ambanpola 182.1192 142.5265 19273 19964 106 140 5323 5488 0 0 19273 19964 0 0 21.70 23.10 26.07 23.46 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Buttala Sewanagala Pannala Polgahawela Kuliyapitiya East Narammala Mawathagama Udubaddawa Mallawapitiya Nuwaragam Palatha East Kurunegala Weerambugedara 735.5660 191.9569 284.9191 97.3861 113.2748 108.3197 109.6233 117.5985 79.9307 47324 36820 114438 58762 46966 51244 56820 48800 46575 64 192 402 603 415 473 518 415 583 11843 9221 29467 14506 11728 13092 14191 12669 11574 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47324 35739 113726 57940 46839 51244 55013 48742 46240 0 1081 712 822 127 0 1807 58 335 21.20 19.30 17.80 22.91 20.32 21.40 24.92 17.70 19.50 22.01 20.35 31.16 35.64 27.57 33.36 33.95 29.43 33.19 90.6614 111.0680 91.3110 65671 88944 30311 724 801 332 14504 20292 8085 40030 28401 0 25641 60369 30311 0 174 0 11.97 14.70 20.11 44.47 44.87 39.05 Moneragala Moneragala Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Kurunegala Anuradhapura 64 Kurunegala 65 Kurunegala 124 # Employed in Inland Fishing a Inland Fishing as % of Total Jobs a Sector Specific Data Lagoons Tanks (Acres) a (Acres) a DSD Name Rank Kotawehera Ambanpola 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Lakes and Reservoirs (Acres) a 25 45 0.32 0.59 0.0 0.0 2882.1 2193.9 1137.6 1715.0 3 51 0 7 3 31 0 0 0 102 0.02 0.38 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 455.8 2112.7 224.3 35.8 922.9 65.1 86.0 93.2 224.2 3592.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18 0.06 0.0 289.9 0.0 Buttala Sewanagala Pannala Polgahawela Kuliyapitiya East Narammala Mawathagama Udubaddawa Mallawapitiya Nuwaragam Palatha East Kurunegala 0 0.00 0.0 89.8 0.0 Weerambugedara 125 Fisheries Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Inland and Brackish Water Fishery Sector Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: =R_PR[aNTR\SRZ]Y\fZR[aV[·`UR_VR`dVaUV[4; QVcV`V\[`dVaU[\P\N`aNYS_\[aNTR .cR_NTRV[YN[QO_NPXV`UdNaR_·`UR_VR`fVRYQ\cR_aUR last four years N_RN\SdNaR_O\QVR`aN[X`YNXR`YNT\\[`ZN[T_\cR` A composite of data (at DSD level) on: ]R_PR[aNTR\S]\]bYNaV\[NO\cRaUR]\cR_afYV[R ]R_PR[aNTR\S]\]bYNaV\[dU\UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ `RP\[QN_fRQbPNaV\[ Raw data sources: Population & Housing Census, 2001; Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Some of the key findings include: Vulnerability to sea level rise exposure of the inland and brackish water fishery sector is highest primarily in the Puttalam District, with a pocket of low vulnerably in the Hambantota District. All 4 DSDs that are either highly or moderately vulnerable in this regard are in the Puttalam District. These 4 DSDs have: R R 126 76,000 ac of lagoons. 9,899 people employed in the inland/brackish water fishery sector. 127 Fisheries Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Inland and Brackish Water Fishery Sector Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 1 Puttalam Kalpitiya 158.7548 81780 515 18185 0 81627 153 45.34 13.63 2 3 4 Puttalam Puttalam Puttalam Mundalama Puttalam Arachchikattuwa 241.4497 178.4049 162.6380 56294 71091 38092 233 398 234 13534 15898 9912 0 41761 0 56294 29330 37402 0 0 690 41.08 25.08 21.82 14.73 21.59 16.64 5 6 Hambantota Hambantota Hambantota Ambalantota 338.9857 211.3413 46757 64361 138 305 10945 15334 11134 0 35623 63426 0 935 31.30 33.30 23.32 21.36 7 8 9 10 11 Ampara Hambantota Ampara Gampaha Ampara Karativu Tangalle Ninthavur Negombo Kalmunai 8.9392 152.5016 36.3016 46.1424 19.6568 16365 62800 24625 144274 70465 1831 412 678 3127 3585 3641 14981 6235 31915 15821 0 10437 0 121413 70465 16365 52363 24625 22861 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 27.10 7.10 28.99 30.04 22.78 30.04 28.44 Sector Specific Data # Employed in Inland Fishinga Inland Fishing as % of Total Jobsa Lagoons (Acres)a DSD Name Tanks (Acres)a Rank Lakes and Reservoirs (Acres)a 5623 24.40 59800.1 23.4 340.8 1681 1159 1436 10.57 6.36 11.51 1237.1 14914.6 48.5 553.6 560.4 2281.8 7447.4 0.0 61.1 Kalpitiya 1 Mundalama Puttalam Arachchikattuwa 2 3 4 596 362 3.96 1.77 731.6 1876.5 2569.5 2815.5 0.0 0.0 Hambantota Ambalantota 5 6 477 969 122 3252 303 11.13 4.92 2.15 6.95 1.94 110.8 1017.2 95.2 4235.2 396.8 4.0 707.5 0.0 0.0 975.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Karativu Tangalle Ninthavur Negombo Kalmunai 7 8 9 10 11 129 Fisheries Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Marine Fishery Sector Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: [bZOR_\S·`UR_VR`YN[QV[T`VaR` ]R_PR[aNTR\SYVcRYVU\\Q`QR]R[QR[a\[·`UR_VR` NcR_NTR·`UV[TfVRYQ\cR_aURYN`aS\b_fRN_` A composite of data (at DSD level) on: ]R_PR[aNTR\S]\]bYNaV\[NO\cRaUR]\cR_afYV[R ]R_PR[aNTR\S]\]bYNaV\[dU\UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ `RP\[QN_fRQbPNaV\[ ]R_PR[aNTRRZ]Y\fRQV[`RPa\_`\aUR_aUN[·`UR_VR` Raw data sources: Population & Housing Census, 2001; Department of Coast Conservation; Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Some of the key findings include: Kalpitiya (Puttalam District) emerges as the DSD that is highly vulnerable to sea level rise exposure in this regard. Kalpitiya has: R 5,938 jobs in the fisheries sector, which is more than 25% of its total employment. R 43 fisheries landing sites. An additional 5 DSDs are moderately vulnerable. These DSDs have: R R 130 10,408 jobs in fisheries. 115 fisheries landing sites. 131 Fisheries Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Marine Fishery Sector Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 1 Puttalam Kalpitiya 158.7548 81780 515 18185 0 81627 153 45.34 13.63 2 3 4 5 6 Puttalam Gampaha Matara Puttalam Matara Mundalama Negombo Devinuwara Puttalam Weligama 241.4497 46.1424 37.6183 178.4049 43.1469 56294 144274 44199 71091 66459 233 3127 1175 398 1540 13534 31915 9988 15898 14825 0 121413 0 41761 21698 56294 22861 44199 29330 44761 0 0 0 0 0 41.08 7.10 20.90 25.08 21.50 14.73 30.04 26.80 21.59 30.48 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Puttalam Hambantota Hambantota Matara Galle Galle Ampara Kalutara Ampara Hambantota Arachchikattuwa Tangalle Hambantota Dickwella Habaraduwa Hikkaduwa Karativu Beruwala Kalmunai Ambalantota 162.6380 152.5016 338.9857 50.9687 49.5183 66.0971 8.9392 71.6785 19.6568 211.3413 38092 62800 46757 51314 59041 98589 16365 144733 70465 64361 234 412 138 1007 1192 1492 1831 2019 3585 305 9912 14981 10945 11592 13567 22820 3641 29635 15821 15334 0 10437 11134 0 0 0 0 33096 70465 0 37402 52363 35623 51314 59041 98539 16365 111637 0 63426 690 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 935 21.82 27.10 31.30 22.70 28.70 24.90 16.64 30.04 23.32 31.87 29.53 33.61 28.99 28.20 28.44 21.36 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Galle Galle Ampara Galle Matara Gampaha Kalutara Galle Ampara Kalutara Balapitiya Galle Four Gravets Ninthavur Ambalangoda Matara Wattala Kaluthara Bentota Akkaraipattu Panadura 54.5727 23.7565 36.3016 70.2467 56.1514 57.6911 77.6779 72.3358 60.4089 45.0310 65346 103246 24625 71047 108238 160127 141829 46442 34939 163492 1197 4346 678 1011 1928 2776 1826 642 578 3631 15054 19425 6235 17122 23705 36368 31857 11015 7649 37245 0 90270 0 39302 42663 28740 37451 0 0 33514 65346 12976 24625 51396 65575 131387 104378 46442 34939 129978 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22.00 19.30 132 22.10 33.30 20.30 16.90 6.10 12.50 22.30 7.40 27.89 39.96 22.78 32.73 42.45 40.21 38.35 31.14 26.00 40.07 Sector Specific Data No. of Landing Sitesh Total Employed Popb Fishery Sector Jobsb DSD Name # Emplyed in Marine Fishinga Rank % of Marine Fishing from Total Jobsa 43 23049 5995 5938 25.76 Kalpitiya 1 9 84 7 6 9 15911 46825 11666 18228 17734 2809 6752 2124 1159 1987 1969 4295 1702 1057 1385 12.38 9.17 14.59 5.80 7.81 Mundalama Negombo Devinuwara Puttalam Weligama 2 3 4 5 6 5 25 11 9 33 25 19 15 31 5 12471 19678 15041 13250 18237 26796 4287 41163 15649 20478 1436 2365 906 1249 521 1554 519 1476 1072 449 711 1823 727 1033 326 1091 379 972 781 295 5.70 9.26 4.83 7.80 1.79 4.07 8.84 2.36 4.99 1.44 Arachchikattuwa Tangalle Hambantota Dickwella Habaraduwa Hikkaduwa Karativu Beruwala Kalmunai Ambalantota 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 7 6 4 4 21 10 7 4 12 17683 29596 5674 20528 31072 57168 44308 13339 9026 55126 646 416 340 419 395 1013 698 78 117 368 448 326 292 280 275 676 591 54 83 238 2.53 1.10 5.15 1.36 0.89 1.18 1.33 0.40 0.92 0.43 Balapitiya Galle Four Gravets Ninthavur Ambalangoda Matara Wattala Kaluthara Bentota Akkaraipattu Panadura 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 133 Fisheries Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 134 Livestock Livestock is an important component of the agricultural sector in Sri Lanka. At present there are about 1,136,860 neat cattle, 371,790 buffalo, 377,460 goats, 8,000 sheep, 81,310 pigs, 13,615,290 chickens and 15,244 ducks country wide. Most of the livestock comprise imported high yielding breeds promoted to address the increase in livestock production. Sri Lanka also has several local breeds that are well adapted to the local environment and harsh conditions, but are relatively low yielding. The livestock sector is potentially at risk from the impacts of climate change due to its vulnerability to floods, droughts and sea level rise due to the geographic distribution of the different types of livestock in the country. Increase in the intensity and frequency of water related disasters such as floods and landslides will adversely affect livestock production in areas that are naturally prone to these disasters. This will adversely affect the dependent farming communities and also affect the nutritional security of the country. Sea level rise and storm surges could affect livestock situated along the coastal belt of the country due to flooding and face issues of water accessibility due to saline intrusion. Increase in temperature and prolonged drought situations will give rise to increased heat stress for livestock thereby affecting their production levels. This will further increase water requirements during drought conditions as well. 135 Livestock Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Livestock Sector Vulnerability to Drought Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: [bZOR_\SYN[QU\YQV[T`dVaUPNaaYRObSSNY\ [bZOR_\SYN[QU\YQV[T`dVaUT\Na`N[Q`dV[R [bZOR_\S]\bYa_f[bZOR_\SOV_Q` A composite of data (at DSD level) on: ]R_PR[aNTR\S]\]bYNaV\[RZ]Y\fRQV[NT_VPbYab_RdU\ UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ`RP\[QN_fRQbPNaV\[ [bZOR_\SYN[QU\YQV[T`)NP_R \SSRZNYR`dVaURQbPNaV\[NO\cR4_NQR" (from among the population employed in agriculture) =R_PR[aNTR\SU\b`RU\YQ`dVaUNT_VPbYab_RN` primary source of income. Raw data sources: Census of Agriculture 2002, Department of Census and Statistics Some of the key findings include: 10 DSDs emerge as highly vulnerable to drought exposure. These DSDs have: R 127,350 heads of cattle and buffalo, and 47,085 heads of goats and swine. R Over 2.5 million heads of poultry. 12 additional DSDs emerge as moderately vulnerable. These DSDs have: R R 136 146,811 heads of cattle and buffalo, and 70,878 heads of goats and swine. Over a million heads of poultry. 137 Livestock Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Livestock Sector Vulnerability to Drought Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Kurunegala Puttalam Batticaloa Kurunegala Puttalam Kurunegala Rathnapura Kilinochchi Anuradhapura Hambantota Panduwasnuwara Anamaduwa Eravur Pattu Kuliyapitiya West Arachchikattuwa Bingiriya Embilipitiya Karachchi Rambewa Suriyawewa 216.0387 259.0095 69888 33302 323 129 18130 9039 0 0 69888 33302 0 0 18.90 16.77 28.69 22.53 163.9366 162.6380 195.2943 383.4799 71483 38092 55763 119563 436 234 286 312 18666 9912 15223 29126 6290 0 0 0 65102 37402 55613 119490 91 690 150 73 16.62 21.82 16.80 31.60 32.77 16.64 24.53 21.16 303.6555 189.7447 31604 35529 104 187 8230 9031 0 0 31592 35529 12 0 20.57 34.80 19.54 17.37 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Kurunegala Kurunegala Hambantota Hambantota Kurunegala Anuradhapura Kurunegala Nuwara Eliya Kurunegala Polonnaruwa Hambantota Moneragala Polpithigama Kobeigane Ambalantota Tissamaharama Wariyapola Padaviya Ibbagamuwa Ambagamuwa Galgamuwa Medirigiriya Hambantota Siyambalanduwa 417.5552 130.8780 211.3413 783.8008 201.7589 242.5157 219.4878 487.9105 273.2962 570.3679 338.9857 1065.6754 67263 32230 64361 60982 56880 21146 76344 203717 47844 57899 46757 47438 161 246 305 78 282 87 348 418 175 102 138 45 18926 8581 15334 14829 15207 5452 19589 47145 12759 15189 10945 10808 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14204 0 0 11134 0 67263 32230 63426 60486 56832 21146 75913 47474 47844 57899 35623 47438 0 0 935 496 48 0 431 142039 0 0 0 0 30.00 19.10 33.30 32.20 18.90 34.33 24.30 22.90 25.70 13.37 31.30 51.80 18.13 24.70 21.36 22.31 29.42 14.43 26.50 16.74 22.00 14.73 23.32 13.52 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Kurunegala Badulla Kilinochchi Moneragala Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Kurunegala Puttalam Anuradhapura 147.1195 598.4674 36812 67301 250 112 9830 16499 0 0 36770 67301 42 0 23.20 38.57 22.57 20.02 661.4470 492.1070 845.8179 284.9191 178.4049 23172 40469 29642 114438 71091 35 82 35 402 398 5893 10338 7578 29467 15898 0 0 0 0 41761 23172 40469 29642 113726 29330 0 0 0 712 0 35.80 21.34 24.95 17.80 25.08 14.18 24.09 14.78 31.16 21.59 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Moneragala Puttalam Kurunegala Anuradhapura Hambantota Badulla Kurunegala Puttalam Kurunegala Kurunegala Puttalam 389.4952 585.9537 503.9380 152.4124 366.6055 300.3473 438.2808 260.6953 158.7548 207.1489 182.1192 53665 50768 20225 36370 33572 25226 45759 50576 81780 28093 19273 138 87 40 239 92 84 104 194 515 136 106 13055 12698 5550 9549 8619 6922 10681 13674 18185 7831 5323 11598 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42067 50768 20225 36370 33572 25226 45582 50576 81627 28093 19273 0 0 0 0 0 0 177 0 153 0 0 20.14 24.90 23.77 19.40 19.63 33.50 51.15 20.90 45.34 24.00 21.70 20.32 17.79 14.80 24.93 20.03 17.85 14.89 21.83 13.63 19.56 26.07 43 44 45 46 47 Puttalam Hambantota Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Ganewatta Mahiyanganaya Poonakary Thanamalwila Medawachchiya Horowpothana Pannala Puttalam Nuwaragam Palatha Central Wellawaya Karuwalagaswewa Nikaweratiya Kahatagasdigiliya Lunugamvehera Rideemaliyadda Mahawa Kalpitiya Giribawa Kotawehera Mahakumbuk kadawala Mundalama Angunukolapeles Galenbidunuwawe Nochchiyagama Thalawa 175.8432 241.4497 174.0781 288.1528 843.5736 220.5999 16905 56294 42426 40888 41601 50919 96 233 244 142 49 231 4686 13534 10394 10454 11239 13375 0 0 0 0 0 0 16905 56294 42426 40888 41601 50919 0 0 0 0 0 0 28.65 41.08 33.00 18.56 16.98 19.44 15.18 14.73 16.83 21.42 19.61 22.25 48 49 50 51 Kurunegala Kurunegala Puttalam Kurunegala Rideegama Rasnayakapura Nawagattegama Udubaddawa 222.5431 125.8909 171.9949 117.5985 80473 18814 12956 48800 362 149 75 415 21118 5071 3519 12669 0 0 0 0 78808 18678 12956 48742 1665 136 0 58 32.76 23.00 26.44 17.70 26.28 20.46 13.19 29.43 138 Sector Specific Data Total Heads of poultryd DSD Name Rank No. of Cattle & Buffalod No. of Goats & Swined Livestock Landholdings <= 1/4 Acred 10183 13020 26965 7508 7027 11497 8283 20023 13208 9636 1677 4028 7220 1566 5834 6210 664 11685 4544 3657 756263 92835 31213 320962 316964 544377 14844 116560 374983 5888 8155 558 21357 4757 9631 1336 626 13620 1435 94 Panduwasnuwara Anamaduwa Eravur Pattu Kuliyapitiya West Arachchikattuwa Bingiriya Embilipitiya Karachchi Rambewa Suriyawewa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 18510 7248 12228 15496 11027 9729 14330 5462 13267 8149 9467 21898 2326 1697 2475 1748 1527 1034 51301 4143 1473 3000 154 36935 410247 8229 17281 261608 10264 105528 51301 33750 21600 48344 11075 1708 764 523 772 904 17 6353 2043 1282 1035 3017 82 Polpithigama Kobeigane Ambalantota Tissamaharama Wariyapola Padaviya Ibbagamuwa Ambagamuwa Galgamuwa Medirigiriya Hambantota Siyambalanduwa 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2122 2202 14645 36 410 180 10597 20167 1479 Ganewatta Mahiyanganaya Poonakary Thanamalwila Medawachchiya Horowpothana Pannala Puttalam Nuwaragam Palatha Central Wellawaya Karuwalagaswewa Nikaweratiya Kahatagasdigiliya Lunugamvehera Rideemaliyadda Mahawa Kalpitiya Giribawa Kotawehera Mahakumbuk kadawala Mundalama Angunukolapeles Galenbidunuwawe Nochchiyagama Thalawa 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Rideegama Rasnayakapura Nawagattegama Udubaddawa 48 49 50 51 10328 20146 9984 9513 10546 18436 12701 2929 9675 829 1949 5471 278 3058 2080 3897 3814 32299 37354 25771 3096 19473 11983 235613 111976 47370 11990 10004 8999 14464 8446 14068 13584 2233 8742 13914 9162 584 2396 1821 3204 2170 1529 2343 9866 4851 3545 4465 24645 9621 129735 44905 26068 28618 87952 47450 10267 91880 111609 222 167 857 352 169 2708 1512 20368 520 15 189 7527 10270 15440 10133 7820 5589 152 2788 4456 2680 73888 3632 11197 12719 109810 16914 148 80 760 2859 11496 7523 6984 6675 2282 2827 2954 4195 62409 67476 18966 462428 5935 1002 235 5275 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 139 Livestock Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Rank District Name DSD Name Area (Sq. km)a 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Moneragala Anuradhapura Moneragala Anuradhapura Kurunegala Badulla Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Anuradhapura Puttalam Kurunegala 140 Medagama Maha Vilachchiya Madulla Palagala Ambanpola Uva Paranagama Thirappane Kebithigollewa Galnewa Mihintale Chilaw Kuliyapitiya East 241.1373 624.8276 722.5206 226.9676 142.5265 137.2816 278.9562 611.9821 140.2283 234.9169 93.6034 113.2748 Physical Characteristics Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 32467 18557 28358 29837 19964 76524 23378 19457 30344 26786 59890 46966 135 30 39 131 140 557 84 32 216 114 640 415 7664 4630 6678 8196 5488 19213 6143 4903 8165 6657 14448 11728 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1523 23533 0 32467 18557 28358 29837 19964 65809 23378 19457 30344 25263 36357 46839 0 0 0 0 0 10715 0 0 0 0 0 127 30.20 31.16 40.70 23.83 23.10 33.35 18.59 27.74 18.46 18.97 20.11 20.32 14.89 17.85 19.44 21.98 23.46 19.52 23.27 18.03 20.55 29.03 21.74 27.57 Sector Specific Data DSD Name No. of Cattle & Buffalod No. of Goats & Swined Total Heads of Poultryd Livestock Landholdings <= 1/4 acred 10721 7911 10591 8018 7523 7290 9480 6897 5703 8201 4441 6236 1146 3403 425 1502 1466 1174 3528 557 1117 1845 2874 10281 5771 10320 71800 69731 19973 16612 42200 68576 9325 113164 78879 3032 111 628 918 393 5006 975 38 439 313 7344 6484 Medagama Maha Vilachchiya Madulla Palagala Ambanpola Uva Paranagama Thirappane Kebithigollewa Galnewa Mihintale Chilaw Kuliyapitiya East Rank 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 141 Livestock Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Livestock Sector Vulnerability to Flood Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: a\aNYURNQ`\SPNaaYRObSSNY\ a\aNYURNQ`\ST\Na`N[Q`dV[R [bZOR_\S]\bYa_f[bZOR_\SOV_Q` A composite of data (at DSD level) on: ]R_PR[aNTR\S]\]bYNaV\[RZ]Y\fRQV[NT_VPbYab_R dU\UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ`RP\[QN_fRQbPNaV\[ [bZOR_\SYN[QU\YQV[T`)NP_R \SSRZNYR`dVaURQbPNaV\[NO\cR4_NQR" (from among the population employed in agriculture) =R_PR[aNTR\SU\b`RU\YQ`dVaUNT_VPbYab_RN`]_VZN_f source of income Raw data sources: Census of Agriculture 2002, Department of Census and Statistics Some of the key findings include: Vulnerability to flood exposure in the livestock sector is clustered primarily in the North and East. 2 DSDs emerge as highly vulnerable and 4 more as moderately vulnerable to flood exposure. These 6 DSDs combined have: R R 142 83,826 heads of cattle and buffalo, and 41,906 heads of goats and swine. Almost 285,127 heads of poultry. 143 Livestock Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Livestock Sector Vulnerability to Flood Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Area (Sq. km)a 1 2 Kilinochchi Batticaloa Karachchi Eravur Pattu 3 4 5 6 Polonnaruwa Batticaloa Batticaloa Jaffna Dimbulagala 552.3964 Koralai Pattu (Valach.) Manmunai South - West Kopay 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Gampaha Kurunegala Kalutara Kilinochchi Jaffna Jaffna Polonnaruwa Batticaloa Dompe Udubaddawa Bulathsinhala Poonakary Uduvil Karaveddy Elahera Porativu Pattu 15 16 17 18 19 Puttalam Matale Hambantota Puttalam Kalutara Mundalama Dambulla Ambalantota Chilaw Beruwala 144 Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 63349 115 16757 0 63339 10 22.59 18.60 182.1586 117.5985 209.4387 130021 48800 59787 714 415 285 31962 12669 15611 0 0 0 130021 48742 53331 0 58 6456 21.10 17.70 27.40 31.48 29.43 22.09 353.1772 39908 113 10446 0 39908 0 18.45 17.46 241.4497 455.1342 211.3413 93.6034 71.6785 56294 60976 64361 59890 144733 233 134 305 640 2019 13534 15285 15334 14448 29635 0 0 0 23533 33096 56294 60959 63426 36357 111637 0 17 935 0 0 41.08 19.90 33.30 20.11 22.10 14.73 23.88 21.36 21.74 28.20 Sector Specific Data DSD Name Rank No. of Cattle & Buffalod No. of Goats & Swined Total Heads of Poultryd Livestock Landholdings <= 1/4 Acred 20023 26965 11685 7220 116560 31213 13620 21357 Karachchi Eravur Pattu 1 2 16320 5667 7285 7566 4419 5459 2274 10849 21495 63700 10841 41328 878 19894 7373 28891 Dimbulagala Koralai Pattu (Valach.) Manmunai South - West Kopay 3 4 5 6 7052 6675 3473 9984 3045 6173 8833 6579 2083 4195 482 5471 7213 8403 560 1854 249930 462428 283390 25771 56740 46167 59791 41771 8715 5275 1513 14645 33484 36780 729 5494 Dompe Udubaddawa Bulathsinhala Poonakary Uduvil Karaveddy Elahera Porativu Pattu 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 7527 8874 12228 4441 1849 5589 1592 1697 2874 4114 73888 77151 8229 113164 312760 16914 889 523 7344 9387 Mundalama Dambulla Ambalantota Chilaw Beruwala 15 16 17 18 19 145 Livestock Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Livestock Sector Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise Exposure The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: a\aNYURNQ`\SPNaaYRObSSNY\ a\aNYURNQ`\ST\Na`N[Q`dV[R [bZOR_\S]\bYa_f[bZOR_\SOV_Q` A composite of data (at DSD level) on: ]R_PR[aNTR\S]\]bYNaV\[RZ]Y\fRQV[NT_VPbYab_R dU\UNcRP\Z]YRaRQ`RP\[QN_fRQbPNaV\[ [bZOR_\SYN[QU\YQV[T`)NP_R \SSRZNYR`dVaURQbPNaV\[NO\cR4_NQR" (from among the population employed in agriculture) =R_PR[aNTR\SU\b`RU\YQ`dVaUNT_VPbYab_RN`]_VZN_f source of income Raw data sources: Census of Agriculture 2002, Department of Census and Statistics Some of the key findings include: Livestock sector vulnerability to sea level rise exposure appears to be generally low, and localized in a very few areas. 2 DSDs emerge as highly vulnerable in this regard, and 6 more as moderately vulnerable to sea level rise exposure. These 8 DSDs combined have: R R 146 52,381 total heads of cattle and buffalo, and 41,241 total heads of goats and swine. Slightly over 701,410 heads of poultry. 147 Livestock Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Livestock Sector Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise Exposure High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name DSD Name Low Vulnerability Minimal Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Demographics Total Population No. of Urban Rural Estate % % Populationb Density Households Population Population Population in Poverty Completed b b b b c (Per Sq. km)a Secondary Educationa 1 2 Puttalam Kilinochchi Kalpitiya Poonakary 158.7548 81780 515 18185 0 81627 153 45.34 13.63 3 4 5 6 7 8 Batticaloa Jaffna Trincomalee Puttalam Puttalam Hambantota Koralai Pattu (Valach.) Chavakachcheri Muttur Puttalam 178.4049 Arachchikattuwa 162.6380 Hambantota 338.9857 71091 38092 46757 398 234 138 15898 9912 10945 41761 0 11134 29330 37402 35623 0 690 0 25.08 21.82 31.30 21.59 16.64 23.32 9 10 11 12 Mulattivu Mannar Puttalam Hambantota Maritimepattu Nanaddan Mundalama Ambalantota 241.4497 211.3413 56294 64361 233 305 13534 15334 0 0 56294 63426 0 935 41.08 33.30 14.73 21.36 71.6785 144733 2019 29635 33096 111637 0 22.10 28.20 13 Kalutara 148 Beruwala Sector Specific Data Total Heads of Poultryd DSD Name Rank No. of Cattle & Buffalod No. of Goats & Swined Livestock Landholdings <= 1/4 Acred 2233 9984 9866 5471 47450 25771 20368 14645 Kalpitiya Poonakary 1 2 5667 7478 7596 2929 7027 9467 5459 5618 2096 3897 5834 3000 63700 43461 43744 111976 316964 48344 19894 18221 28558 20167 9631 3017 Koralai Pattu (Valach.) Chavakachcheri Muttur Puttalam Arachchikattuwa Hambantota 3 4 5 6 7 8 5956 8482 7527 12228 3045 1437 5589 1697 38855 30926 73888 8229 17099 6344 16914 523 Maritimepattu Nanaddan Mundalama Ambalantota 9 10 11 12 1849 4114 312760 9387 Beruwala 13 149 Livestock Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 150 Health Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Health Good health is a necessity for intellectual, physical and spiritual growth, and one of the driving forces behind economic and social development of the country. Sri Lanka has one of the leading healthcare systems among developing countries. However, with the looming presence of climate change, Sri Lanka’s health sector will have to step up and play a pivotal role in assessing vulnerability and adapting to respond to its potential impacts. Climate change impacts are expected to be significant in the areas of vector borne diseases (essentially mosquito borne), rodent borne diseases, food and water borne diseases, nutritional status, and other environment related disorders. Mosquito vector borne diseases have emerged as a serious public health problem in Sri Lanka, particularly dengue fever. Dengue is spreading rapidly to newer areas, with outbreaks occurring more frequently and explosively. The prevailing climatic conditions, environmental pollution, rapid urbanization, over-crowding of cities and careless human practices are proving conducive for the rapid breeding of the mosquito vector and the spread of this infection. According to data for 2009, Colombo still remains with the highest incidence rate for dengue followed by Trincomalee and Matara districts. 2009 data showed an incidence rate of 1,420 per 100,000 population. The main rodent borne disease in Sri Lanka is leptospirosis. This is the second major communicable disease in the country, is currently on the rise, and is expected to further increase due to climate change. The incidence rate for leptospirosis has been in the range of 14 to 20 cases per 100,000 population barring epidemic years of 2003 (with 24/100,000) and 2008 (37/100,000). The main food and water borne illnesses are typhoid, dysentery, cholera (not reported since 1993), diarrhoea, hepatitis A & B, and polio. Of these, dysentery is the most prevalent in Sri Lanka though its incidence has been declining since 2000. Incidence ranged from 14.2 to 59.8 cases per 100,000 population with the case fatality rate being less than 1%, except in 2005 when it was 1.6%. Extreme conditions resulting from climate change induced impacts (floods, land-slides and droughts) are expected to cause more water and food borne diseases. The main vulnerabilities associated with climate change on the health sector are discussed in detail in the Health SVP and is not detailed here as the mapping exercise did not take into account the exposure indices for the health sectors for reasons described in the Methodology section of this book. 151 Vulnerability to Dengue The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index .cR_NTRV[PVQR[PR_NaRS\_QR[TbRSRcR_!­% P\Z]YRaRQ`RP\[QN_fRQbPNaV\[ NO\cR]\cR_afYV[R \SU\`]VaNYORQ` \SU\`]VaNY` Raw data sources: Population and Housing Census, 2001; Department of Census and Statistics (2010); Epidemiology Unit; Ministry of Health, provided for preparation of this report, 2010 Some of the key findings include: Matale, Kandy, Kalutara, Kegalle and Puttalam Districts show high vulnerability to dengue. R They support a population of 4,660,000 of whom 9% are urban and 86% are rural. R Combined, this area has 229 hospitals and 14,385 hospital beds. A further 4 Districts show moderate vulnerability to dengue. R They support a population of 6,694,000 of whom 27% are urban and 75% are rural. R Combined, this area has 202 hospitals and 22,231 hospital beds. 152 153 Health Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Vulnerability to Dengue High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name Low Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Minimal Vulnerability Demographics Area % Total No. of No. of Total Population Urbanb Ruralb Estateb # % Pop. % in (Sq. km)i Forest Extent House- Occupied Population Density Completed Completed Below Poverty Landl of Agri. holdsb Housing 2010 (Per Sq. km)Secondary SecondaryPoverty (HCI)c (Acers)d Unitsb (‘000)i 2010a Educationb Educationa Line 1 2 3 4 5 Puttalam Kalutara Matale Kegalle Kandy 3072 1598 1993 1693 1940 25 13 41 10 17 159647 141805 122391 149476 150007 176544 250939 110886 195853 299870 6 7 8 9 Ratnapura Colombo Matara Gampaha 3275 699 1283 1387 20 3 16 0 243003 41513 156547 143495 245743 493085 177613 487184 10 11 12 13 Hambantota Moneragala Polonnaruwa Badulla 2609 5639 3293 2861 14 15 16 17 18 Kurunegala Nuwara Eliya Ampara Galle Anuradhapura 4816 1741 4415 1652 7179 154 291454 779 1135 497 818 1431 254 710 249 483 738 242882 473045 174712 475847 1125 2553 839 2177 344 3652 654 1570 21 41 38 19 202304 128008 126362 225218 96598 95966 163800 91718 90999 156800 189925 185268 571 440 410 886 219 78 125 310 5 25 38 13 35 534464 60274 172001 167401 364816 1563 761 644 1084 830 325 437 146 656 116 380213 169540 137741 233027 189699 174737 245784 108566 376352 164886 132371 229521 186697 65294 642210 113188 915477 36103 383468 17139 712914 155987 1030172 133288 314334 99867 209434 368009 21.39 33.03 25.23 29.71 32.17 104 149 89 175 230 13.10 13.00 18.90 21.00 17.00 58245 855178 102384 214927 1229572 1014388 7314 888246 64361 676499 20510 191971 300933 1762028 723 714378 23.43 44.28 28.00 38.46 292 125 119 196 26.60 5.40 14.70 8.70 503412 1431 110566 388226 9149 66552 358679 305 67828 567178 161269 160203 23.37 18.81 21.23 23.36 73 150 50 197 12.70 33.20 12.70 23.70 34691 1418882 6642 383985 43073 283659 376878 108874 112536 480461 0 111701 109921 863309 17257 263578 53151 691573 969 156644 29.12 17.84 21.58 29.65 23.61 238 254 64 146 118 15.40 33.80 10.90 13.70 14.90 21571 0 0 51536 2173 37574 21757 55471 92869 Sector Specific Data # of Hospitals District Name Rank # of Hospital Bedsj Average Dengue Incidence Rate (2004-2008) k and a 40 28 36 41 84 1676 2658 1522 2229 6300 51.63 65.73 49.06 50.41 77.08 50 51 37 64 3136 11175 2259 5661 41.06 102.96 42.94 75.79 32 28 46 52 1644 1350 2746 3202 21.35 10.67 27.52 13.31 Hambantota Moneragala Polonnaruwa Badulla 10 11 12 13 98 45 51 48 122 5296 1804 2536 3511 6676 37.79 5.50 12.91 16.13 29.84 Kurunegala Nuwara Eliya Ampara Galle Anuradhapura 14 15 16 17 18 m and a Puttalam Kalutara Matale Kegalle Kandy 1 2 3 4 5 Ratnapura Colombo Matara Gampaha 6 7 8 9 155 Health Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 156 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 157 Vulnerability to Dysentery The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index .cR_NTRV[PVQR[PR_NaRS\_QR[TbRSRcR_!­% P\Z]YRaRQ`RP\[QN_fRQbPNaV\[ NO\cR]\cR_afYV[R \SU\`]VaNYORQ` \SU\`]VaNY` Raw data sources: Population and Housing Census, 2001; Epidemiology Unit; Ministry of Health, provided for preparation of this report, 2010 Some of the key findings include: Moneragla, Badulla and Matale Districts show high vulnerability to dysentery. R They support a population of 1,823,000 of whom 5.4% are urban and 82.7% are rural. R Combined, this area has 116 hospitals and 6,074 hospital beds. Further 8 Districts show moderate vulnerability. R They support a population of 6,243,000 of whom 7.5% are urban and 82.5% are rural. R Combined, this area has 333 hospitals and 18,429 hospital beds. 158 159 Health Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Vulnerability to Dysentery High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name Low Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Minimal Vulnerability Demographics Area % Total No. of No. of Total Population Urbanb Ruralb Estateb # % Pop. % in (Sq. km)i Forest Extent House- Occupied Population Density Completed Completed Below Poverty Landl of Agri. holdsb Housing 2010 (Per Sq. km)Secondary SecondaryPoverty (HCI)c (Acers)d Unitsb (‘000)i 2010a Educationb Educationa Line 1 2 3 Moneragala Badulla Matale 5639 40.50 2861 19.00 1993 40.50 225218 96598 95966 156800 189925 185268 122391 110886 108566 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ampara Ratnapura Hambantota Nuwara Eliya Puttalam Kegalle Polonnaruwa Kalutara 4415 3275 2609 1741 3072 1693 3293 1598 37.50 20.00 20.50 24.50 25.00 9.50 38.00 13.00 172001 243003 202304 60274 159647 149476 163800 141805 137741 245743 128008 169540 176544 195853 91718 250939 12 13 14 15 16 Matara Kurunegala Anuradhapura Galle Kandy 1283 4816 7179 1652 1940 16.00 5.00 35.00 13.00 17.00 156547 534464 364816 167401 150007 177613 380213 189699 233027 299870 17 18 Gampaha Colombo 1387 699 0.30 2.80 160 440 886 497 78 310 249 0 388226 9149 66552 51536 567178 161269 160203 36103 383468 21757 99867 132371 242882 126362 164886 174737 193578 90999 245784 644 1125 571 761 779 818 410 1135 146 344 219 437 254 483 125 710 112536 58245 21571 43073 65294 17139 0 113188 174712 376352 186697 229521 291454 839 1563 830 1084 1431 654 325 116 656 738 64361 676499 34691 1418882 53151 691573 109921 863309 155987 1030172 143495 487184 475847 41513 493085 473045 2177 2553 1570 3652 300933 1762028 1229572 1014388 18.81 23.36 25.23 150 197 89 33.20 23.70 18.90 21.58 23.43 23.37 17.84 21.39 29.71 21.23 33.03 64 292 73 254 104 175 50 149 10.90 26.60 12.70 33.80 13.10 21.00 12.70 13.00 191971 383985 156644 263578 368009 28.00 29.12 23.61 29.65 32.17 119 238 118 146 230 14.70 15.40 14.90 13.70 17.00 723 714378 7314 888246 38.46 44.28 196 125 8.70 5.40 480461 0 111701 855178 102384 214927 503412 1431 110566 283659 376878 108874 642210 2173 133288 712914 55471 209434 358679 305 67828 915477 37574 314334 20510 6642 969 17257 92869 Sector Specific Data # of Hospitals District Name Rank # of Hospital Bedsj Average Dysentery Incidence Rate (2004-2008) k and a 28 52 36 1350 3202 1522 81.56 85.64 85.81 Moneragala Badulla Matale 51 50 32 45 40 41 46 28 2536 3136 1644 1804 1676 2229 2746 2658 60.76 52.19 39.54 37.94 35.05 39.00 39.05 41.00 Ampara Ratnapura Hambantota Nuwara Eliya Puttalam Kegalle Polonnaruwa Kalutara 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 37 98 122 48 84 2259 5296 6676 3511 6300 22.68 35.51 36.19 16.99 26.75 Matara Kurunegala Anuradhapura Galle Kandy 12 13 14 15 16 64 51 5661 11175 13.16 11.60 Gampaha Colombo 17 18 m and a 1 2 3 161 Health Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 162 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 163 Vulnerability to Leptospirosis The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index .cR_NTRV[PVQR[PR_NaRS\_QR[TbRSRcR_!­% P\Z]YRaRQ`RP\[QN_fRQbPNaV\[ NO\cR]\cR_afYV[R \SU\`]VaNYORQ` \SU\`]VaNY` Raw data sources: Population and Housing Census, 2001; Epidemiology Unit; Ministry of Health, provided for preparation of this report, 2010 Some of the key findings include: Matara, Kegalle and Matale Districts show high vulnerability to Leptospirosis. R They support a population of 2,154,000 of whom 5.9% are urban and 89% are rural. R Combined, this area has 114 hospitals and 6,010 hospital beds. A Further 6 Districts show moderate vulnerability to Leptospirosis. R They support a population of 4,765,000 of whom 7% are urban and 89% are rural. R Combined, this area has 232 hospitals and 15,045 hospital beds. 164 165 Health Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Vulnerability to Leptospirosis High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name Low Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Minimal Vulnerability Demographics Area % Total No. of No. of Total Population Urbanb Ruralb Estateb # % Pop. % in (Sq. km)i Forest Extent House- Occupied Population Density Completed Completed Below Poverty Landl of Agri. holdsb Housing 2010 (Per Sq. km)Secondary SecondaryPoverty (HCI)c (Acers)d Unitsb (‘000)i 2010a Educationb Educationa Line 1 2 3 Matale Kegalle Matara 1993 40.50 1693 9.50 1283 16.00 122391 110886 108566 149476 195853 193578 156547 177613 174712 4 5 6 7 8 9 Moneragala Kalutara Hambantota Ratnapura Polonnaruwa Galle 5639 1598 2609 3275 3293 1652 40.50 13.00 20.50 20.00 38.00 13.00 225218 141805 202304 243003 163800 167401 96598 250939 128008 245743 91718 233027 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Badulla Puttalam Nuwara Eliya Kurunegala Kandy Ampara Gampaha 2861 3072 1741 4816 1940 4415 1387 19.00 25.00 24.50 5.00 17.00 37.50 0.30 156800 159647 60274 534464 150007 172001 143495 189925 176544 169540 380213 299870 137741 487184 17 18 Anuradhapura 7179 35.00 Colombo 699 2.80 166 497 818 839 249 483 654 95966 245784 126362 242882 90999 229521 440 1135 571 1125 410 1084 78 710 219 344 125 656 185268 174737 164886 376352 291454 132371 475847 886 779 761 1563 1431 644 2177 310 254 437 325 738 146 1570 364816 189699 186697 41513 493085 473045 830 2553 116 3652 36103 383468 17139 712914 64361 676499 21757 99867 55471 209434 20510 191971 25.23 29.71 28.00 89 175 119 18.90 21.00 14.70 388226 9149 66552 915477 37574 314334 503412 1431 110566 855178 102384 214927 358679 305 67828 863309 17257 263578 18.81 33.03 23.37 23.43 21.23 29.65 150 149 73 292 50 146 33.20 13.00 12.70 26.60 12.70 13.70 51536 567178 161269 160203 65294 642210 2173 133288 43073 283659 376878 108874 34691 1418882 6642 383985 155987 1030172 92869 368009 112536 480461 0 111701 300933 1762028 723 714378 23.36 21.39 17.84 29.12 32.17 21.58 38.46 197 104 254 238 230 64 196 23.70 13.10 33.80 15.40 17.00 10.90 8.70 23.61 44.28 118 125 14.90 5.40 0 113188 21571 58245 0 109921 53151 691573 1229572 1014388 969 156644 7314 888246 Sector Specific Data # of Hospitals District Name Rank # of Hospital Bedsj Average Leptospirosis Incidence Rate (2004-2008) k and a 36 41 37 1522 2229 2259 49.13 37.25 31.30 Matale Kegalle Matara 1 2 3 28 28 32 50 46 48 1350 2658 1644 3136 2746 3511 16.04 24.18 12.49 11.78 12.64 16.71 Moneragala Kalutara Hambantota Ratnapura Polonnaruwa Galle 4 5 6 7 8 9 52 40 45 98 84 51 64 3202 1676 1804 5296 6300 2536 5661 6.29 4.12 3.59 12.34 13.21 2.76 15.95 Badulla Puttalam Nuwara Eliya Kurunegala Kandy Ampara Gampaha 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 122 51 6676 11175 5.68 13.54 Anuradhapura Colombo 17 18 m and a 167 Health Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 168 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 169 170 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Biodiversity underlies the goods and services that are crucial for human survival and wellbeing due to a host of vital supporting, regulating, provisioning and cultural ecosystem services. Biodiversity is determined by many factors, including mean climate and climate variability, as well as disturbance regimes caused by changes of tectonic, climatic, biological, anthropogenic and other origin. It is now generally accepted that global biodiversity will be significantly affected by climate change, although its precise impacts are still unsure. Components of biodiversity provide us with freshwater for domestic and industrial uses, and underpin the socio-economically vital areas of agriculture and livestock production, fishery, forestry, tourism, traditional medicine and several important manufacturing industries. Therefore, the value of conserving the country’s biodiversity has been recognized and incorporated into national planning. While the current and probable future impacts of climate change on agro-biodiversity are being addressed, the possible impacts of climate change on wild biodiversity are mostly speculative. Nonetheless, the socio-economic and ecological implications of biodiversity loss in Sri Lanka will be considerable and wide ranging, because of probable changes in forests and other terrestrial systems, inland wetlands and coastal and marine systems and the species they contain. These changes will have inevitable impacts on national food security; rural livelihoods, nutrition and health; and overall economic development, particularly in the fields of tourism and external trade. Although all impacts of climate change on biodiversity may not be preventable, it is recognized that genetically diverse populations of species, and species rich ecosystems, have much greater potential to adapt to climate change. Conservation of biodiversity and maintenance of ecosystem structure and function may, therefore, be one of the most practical climate change adaptation strategies that Sri Lanka can adopt to conserve the country’s natural heritage, and to ensure an uninterrupted flow of ecosystem services and bio-resources that are essential for national development. The various issues associated with climate change such as changing rainfall patters, increased temperatures, drought, flood and landslides on the different ecosystems both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are discussed in detail in the SVP on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. 171 Potential Vulnerability of Biodiversity by District The indicators used for the Sensitivity Index and the Adaptive Capacity Index are: The Sensitivity Index The Adaptive Capacity Index A composite of data (at DSD level) on: [bZOR_\SaU_RNaR[RQObaaR_¸f`]RPVR`]R_QV`a_VPa 6B0;N[Q:<2;?$$ [bZOR_\SaU_RNaR[RQcR_aRO_NaR`]RPVR`]R_QV`a_VPa$ (IUCN and MOENR, 2007) [bZOR_\SaU_RNaR[RQ¸\dR_V[T]YN[a`]R_QV`a_VPa (IUCN and MOENR, 2007)27 A composite of data (at DSD level) on: 3\_R`aP\cR_UN]R_QV`a_VPa$PR[`b`QNaN 5bZN[]\]bYNaV\[QR[`Vaf]R_QV`a_VPa$PR[`b`QNaN 5\ZRTN_QR[`VgR]R_QV`a_VPaPNYPbYNaRQb`V[TaUR 1:50,000 land use map to obtain home garden area ]R_QV`a_VPaN[QaUR[bZOR_\SU\b`V[Tb[Va`]R_ district from the 2001 Census) (These three groups have been taken as representative groups that could be expected to be affected by climate change) Some of the key findings include: Six districts appear to be highly vulnerable in terms of biodiversity. These districts are Galle, Kalutara, Colombo, Ratnapura, Nuwara Eliya and Kandy. They have: R R R R R a total human population of 7,306,445, of whom nearly 16.4% are below the poverty lin.e 2,181 km2 of forests. 1,583 (57.8% of all currently listed) nationally threatened species. an average home garden size of 52.6 perches per household unit. Most of the biodiversity rich lowland and montane wet zone forests. Historically, Ratnapura, Kalutara, Galle, Colombo districts are also highly vulnerable to floods and Nuwara Eliya and Rathnapura Districts are highly vulnerable to landslides. A further 5 Districts (Matara, Badulla, Gampaha, Kegalle and Kurunegala are in the moderately vulnerable category. They have: R R R 172 a total population of 5,850,776. a total forest cover of 248 km2. 562 (18.03%) of all currently listed nationally threatened species. 173 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Biodiversity Sector Vulnerability High Vulnerability Moderate Vulnerability Rank District Name Low Vulnerability Physical Characteristics Area Total (Sq. km)i Population 2010 (‘000)i Minimal Vulnerability Demographics Total Population No of No of PopuDensity House- Occupied lation (Per Sq. km) holdsb Housing 2001b 2010a Unitb Urban Populationb Rural Estate Popu- Populationb lationb # % Pop. % in Completed Completed Below Poverty Secondary Secondary Poverty (HCI)c Educationb Educationa Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ratnapura Kandy Colombo Galle Kalutara Nuwara Eliya 3275 1940 699 1652 1598 1741 1125 1431 2553 1084 1135 761 1015807 1279028 2251274 990487 1066239 703610 344 738 3652 656 710 437 245743 299870 493085 233027 250939 169540 242882 58245 855178 102384 291454 155987 1030172 92869 473045 1229572 1014388 7314 229521 109921 863309 17257 245784 113188 915477 37574 164886 43073 283659 376878 214927 368009 888246 263578 314334 108874 23.43 32.17 44.28 29.65 33.03 17.84 292 230 125 146 149 254 26.60 17.00 5.40 13.70 13.00 33.80 7 8 9 10 11 Gampaha Kegalle Badulla Matara Kurunegala 1387 1693 2861 1283 4816 2177 818 886 839 1563 2063684 785524 779983 761370 1460215 1570 483 310 654 325 487184 195853 189925 177613 380213 475847 193578 185268 174712 376352 714378 209434 160203 191971 383985 38.46 29.71 23.36 28.00 29.12 196 175 197 119 238 8.70 21.00 23.70 14.70 15.40 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Puttalam Jaffna Hambantota Matale Batticaloa Anuradhapura Ampara Polonnaruwa Trincomalee 3072 1025 2609 1993 2854 7179 4415 3293 2727 779 611 571 497 543 830 644 410 374 709677 254 596 219 249 190 116 146 125 137 176544 0 128008 110886 174737 65294 642210 2173 133288 21.39 104 13.10 126362 108566 21571 503412 1431 36103 383468 21757 110566 99867 23.37 25.23 73 89 12.70 18.90 189699 137741 91718 186697 132371 90999 53151 691573 112536 480461 0 358679 969 0 305 156644 111701 67828 23.61 21.58 21.23 118 64 50 14.90 10.90 12.70 21 22 23 24 Moneragala Mannar Vavuniya Mulattivu 5639 1996 1967 2617 440 104 174 148 96598 95966 0 388226 9149 66552 18.81 150 33.20 174 526414 441328 745693 592997 358984 397375 78 52 88 57 300933 17139 51536 64361 34691 1762028 723 712914 55471 567178 161269 676499 20510 1418882 6642 Sector Specific Data % Forest Land1 District Name Rank Ratnapura Kandy Colombo Galle Kalutara Nuwara Eliya 1 2 3 4 5 6 Recorded Threatened Vertebrates1 Recorded Threatened Flora1 Recorded Threatened Butterflies1 Average Home Garden Size (perch)a 20.0 17.0 2.8 13.0 13.0 24.5 116 90 28 76 59 79 264 310 22 187 126 150 38 10 3 6 14 5 76 68 19 62 44 47 0.3 9.5 19.0 16.0 5.0 26 51 67 37 21 10 98 90 101 44 1 3 7 3 3 37 69 100 87 89 Gampaha Kegalle Badulla Matara Kurunegala 7 8 9 10 11 25.0 1.1 20.5 40.5 21.0 35.0 37.5 38.0 48.0 15 8 38 57 2 25 18 15 11 21 7 32 71 9 68 15 26 10 8 0 5 3 0 1 0 0 1 54 90 125 131 44 123 110 117 76 Puttalam Jaffna Hambantota Matale Batticaloa Anuradhapura Ampara Polonnaruwa Trincomalee 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 40.5 60.0 51.0 60.0 35 6 9 8 56 5 1 0 5 4 0 0 234 114 166 131 Moneragala Mannar Vavuniya Mulattivu 21 22 23 24 175 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 176 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 177 178 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Appendices 179 APPENDIX A Exposure Maps 180 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 181 182 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book 183 APPENDIX B District Data Tables District Name Physical Characteristics Area (Sq. km)a Ampara Anuradhapura Badulla Batticaloa Colombo Galle Gampaha Hambantota Jaffna Kalutara Kandy Kegalle Kilinochchi Kurunegala Mannar Matale Matara Moneragala Mulattivu Nuwara Eliya Polonnaruwa Puttalam Ratnapura Trincomalee Vavuniya 184 4415 7179 2861 2854 699 1652 1387 2609 1025 1598 1940 1693 1279 4816 1996 1993 1283 5639 2617 1741 3293 3072 3275 2727 1967 Estimated Total Population Mid-year population Density (2010), Population (2001)c (2010)b (per Sq. (‘000) km)d 644 830 886 543 2553 1084 2177 571 611 1135 1431 818 156 1563 104 497 839 440 148 761 410 779 1125 374 174 592997 745693 779983 2251274 990487 2063684 526414 1066239 1279028 785524 1460215 441328 761370 397375 703610 358984 709677 1015807 146 116 310 190 3652 656 1570 219 596 710 738 483 122 325 52 249 654 78 57 437 125 254 344 137 88 Demographics No. of Householdsc Urban Populationc Rural Populationc Estate Populationc 137741 189699 189925 480461 691573 567178 480461 691573 567178 0 969 161269 493085 233027 487184 128008 1014388 863309 1762028 503412 1014388 863309 1762028 503412 250939 299870 195853 915477 1030172 712914 380213 % % in Povertye Completed Secondary Education 21.58 23.61 23.36 7314 17257 723 1431 10.9 14.9 23.7 10.7 5.4 13.7 8.7 12.7 915477 1030172 712914 37574 92869 55471 13 17 21.1 33.03 32.17 29.71 1418882 1418882 6642 15.4 29.12 110886 177613 96598 383468 676499 388226 383468 676499 388226 21757 20510 9149 18.9 14.7 33.2 25.23 28.00 18.81 169540 91718 176544 245743 283659 358679 642210 855178 283659 358679 642210 855178 376878 305 2173 102384 33.8 12.7 13.1 26.6 17.84 21.23 21.39 23.43 44.28 29.65 38.46 23.37 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Housing Characteristics Perma- SemiPermanentc nentc Improvisedc Not Classifiedc Transport Total Housing Unitsc Main Roads Secondary Roads Rail Roads f&d f&d f&d Track and Foot Path (km) f&d 87347 39806 99710 84703 120557 62426 3917 853 194 1301 1431 2091 132371 186697 185268 408473 166119 380985 75720 54234 60304 83351 49367 1293 1722 5251 590 9045 1376 6260 685 473045 229521 475847 126362 193973 48347 211576 76634 133244 57960 1094 430 980 2370 2814 1394 245784 291454 193578 241602 127978 4493 2279 376352 61990 45588 126683 46118 46691 48327 461 1096 380 527 815 568 108566 174712 95966 106766 54193 107965 148266 300 431 9908 406 3202 809 1601 1797 164886 90999 174737 242882 54618 35566 55263 92413 374.5900 647.3000 533.2800 202.7600 203.1700 429.8000 638.3900 262.3700 282.9200 286.1600 563.5700 390.6100 122.2400 760.1900 112.2700 285.8500 336.2200 404.7200 111.1300 529.0200 190.5900 393.1400 514.3000 157.2800 163.5600 427.1100 792.9600 818.7700 223.5800 1280.6500 735.7000 1337.5700 952.2300 741.7600 936.0600 1096.0700 718.9000 139.7700 1491.6000 243.0100 431.5800 528.2700 370.2300 128.4100 451.3000 291.7200 583.8700 830.8000 221.4100 137.8900 0.0000 136.6900 67.7900 54.3400 110.4200 75.6000 84.1400 0.0000 50.9600 34.4900 78.0200 22.6100 43.0500 147.2100 67.2100 10.5200 20.1200 0.0000 24.2200 66.3100 108.8300 122.4000 0.0000 46.7200 81.9000 3568.5800 7641.2500 3698.3000 2811.8000 691.5700 2332.0900 2005.9900 2881.1700 2639.1600 2082.9900 2539.9500 2114.6700 2132.0200 7245.9200 1298.3000 2078.9400 1327.0400 2834.2600 2521.3900 3765.5700 2615.3100 3521.2300 3419.6100 3190.3200 1886.9100 Roads within 500 m from coastline Main Secondary Rail Track Roadsd Roadsd Roadsd and Foot Path (km)d 10.9940 46.5880 13.0780 9.9270 26.5310 94.4610 77.1200 41.8330 18.5420 37.6600 16.4270 27.2300 88.3030 168.3900 21.5080 29.6710 65.4810 30.1380 55.5310 3.4790 26.1790 100.4300 1.9600 50.6730 15.3010 48.3550 562.5610 35.7780 0.7450 2.7750 102.1390 19.3000 20.5170 7.3450 87.7110 35.2670 25.7630 7.4230 33.3340 9.8600 81.1050 31.2820 53.8050 2.9610 151.9050 28.0610 84.8980 8.4350 302.5630 185 Tourism Source of Drinking Water (No. of Households) livelihoods % of No of No. Guest Total Dependent Livelihoods Hotel House Roomsd on Dependent Rooms Rooms g and d g and d Tourismc on Tourismd 1617 3258 2914 1.0 1.1 1.0 23 486 168 23823 7587 15483 2095 2.8 2.4 2.0 1.3 3702 2186 1840 450 8909 9879 4346 2.5 2.4 1.7 2012 1358 74 85 146 311 37 888 608 705 211 112 536 387 125 5946 1.2 45 242 3210 2748 1345 2.1 1.1 0.9 559 279 145 168 295 125 3704 1518 3387 3803 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.0 448 343 176 117 238 156 124 138 135 82 24 186 108 632 479 37 4590 2794 2545 661 112 2548 1745 199 0 287 0 727 574 270 0 604 467 314 252 320 24 Wellsc Tubewellsc Tapc Otherc Wells and Taps within Premisesc Wells and Taps Outside Premisesc 114229 138729 76362 2898 26630 6174 13439 18137 71667 4359 3538 31737 72229 53761 55509 42542 77174 71709 167675 172707 342265 70828 3930 6036 25489 7925 307322 44334 108422 42704 2876 7336 2432 5342 328951 108134 307287 43118 138071 75113 112656 55715 186123 132393 130458 7272 23512 909 46495 115022 35637 7223 23791 26140 123652 102864 65512 79848 117981 68918 342354 13802 14795 5422 168354 140958 58853 107534 59203 18125 1762 7486 24830 49703 13472 8072 16474 15402 29945 86229 24274 41179 49511 29518 38713 64893 124003 105930 4622 10235 23831 3868 85585 10000 19899 68415 35258 5236 5756 63798 42828 30362 75736 64455 67628 28444 59758 82386 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Irrigation Water Total Agricultural Operatorsi Area No of Rainfed Irrig. Agri. % HH with of Tanksd Paddy paddy and Agri. Agri. as Tanks Area Area Forestry and Primary (Acres)h (Acres)h sector Forestry Source of (Sq. km)d Employ- Sector Income i and d mentc employmentd 108.18 387 547.00 3375 24.99 142 71.72 246 0.30 6 0.52 26 89.23 855 10.47 144 0.66 7 2.20 52 0.05 10 27.60 269 175.07 4057 113.66 463 25.59 249 2.91 19 96.75 1055 118.21 591 0.60 39 130.87 315 89.94 959 6.30 26 118.33 682 113.00 921 9802 4189 3266 26401 4144 15559 10682 1443 709 12939 4907 6734 6185 30186 24 3971 10163 5228 2902 174 1234 1842 4844 7495 1402 62536 66665 21349 20046 1526 196 3085 25043 0 2147 10761 2254 7735 47504 9958 13726 7308 13560 7582 6275 55849 16870 10570 22413 14917 65523 147745 164492 40.4 51.7 55.9 17958 93428 31393 65905 2.1 29.3 4.2 40.0 54873 89081 64066 15.4 21.9 24.7 170200 33.1 61436 85197 87643 39.3 35.2 60.6 173404 68804 41485 164996 61.6 50.2 18.1 44.0 39267 91595 60872 15257 7300 55371 22112 54060 16041 28294 41793 30658 8059 112743 4180 33591 46680 56684 8154 27694 40985 27116 79804 13387 7382 54416 147664 89270 20645 27003 103562 87212 86271 25011 75235 104008 82667 13385 245424 5136 63880 89908 80368 11679 46105 57842 67064 133242 18650 12694 Land Utilization within Agricultural Holdings Total Extent of Holdings (Acres)i AswedTemp. Permanent Forest Other dumized Crops Crops Land Land Paddy other than (Acres)i (Acres)i (Acres)i (Acres)i Asweddumized Paddy (Acres)i 172001 364816 156800 74335 41513 167401 143495 202304 31895 141805 150007 149476 38472 534464 20967 122391 156547 225218 39230 60274 163800 159647 243003 50797 32824 115996 189614 50386 59215 9944 37256 26075 67007 13405 34850 36356 18778 19282 154245 14387 37603 36232 38243 17874 13893 112619 32563 33672 33863 14682 17221 49826 33167 7098 1782 2309 2856 29522 6350 3669 6737 4662 6673 32351 1559 14608 2175 60680 10593 13373 5298 11135 15245 3927 9918 23625 71360 48247 5448 21920 162462 97830 80779 9236 81230 73479 106516 9382 278166 3305 51831 98915 84195 8088 23147 24825 85337 151970 7800 3434 7056 23938 12706 506 1447 8341 2728 12024 672 8562 8171 6778 811 35600 505 9127 5635 21094 528 4600 8036 18146 22290 2152 1844 8103 30078 12294 2068 6420 -42967 14006 12972 2232 13494 25264 12742 2324 34102 1211 9222 13590 21006 2147 5261 13022 12466 19826 3055 2946 187 Paddy Statistics Related to Sea Rise Exposure Plantation Sector Inland Fishing Paddy Areas Below 2m Within 5km from Coastline (Acres)d Paddy Area Within 500m from Coastline (Acres)d Tea (Acres)i Rubber (Acres)i Coconut (Acres)i # Employed in Inland Fishingd Inland Fishing as % of Total Jobsd Lagoons Area (Acres)d Tanks Area (Acres)d Lakes and Reservoirs Area (Acres)d 34 38449 0 0 18190 2587 15121 5745 17865 44747 10300 0 0 27159 0 21609 0 10912 0 8458 0 0 11189 0 45131 0 0 0 75709 0 380 63330 30 1088 0 17717 55842 18922 0 101 0 12676 58573 2279 0 124208 0 0 94767 0 0 0 0 1068 0 17450 16497 7605 175 0 73764 3040 87902 0 7055 0 4626 9219 4608 0 81 0 0 54725 0 0 12310 34497 6708 8739 18024 30999 106572 51234 8535 27864 19490 38080 6114 331057 2249 25450 35578 26444 6562 2577 16408 113896 39461 5209 1921 2104 1576 290 1.30 0.55 0.10 819 1307 3691 1470 0.10 0.41 0.49 0.89 994 182 78 0.28 0.04 0.03 772 0.15 124 1434 277 0.08 0.59 0.19 88 1423 4232 203 0.03 1.04 1.84 0.05 15585 0 0 26076 0 62 8409 4244 6237 15 0 0 21955 0 5048 0 95 0 13887 0 0 119077 0 2117 0 23461 124102 6465 17536 74 0 161 15464 2679 142 485 10 6290 45051 20007 6255 713 29109 23251 90 30054 19568 7227 22305 19902 19192 0 10061 662 615 3326 0 58 0 753 5255 0 0 5216 0 1847 0 5823 0 7062 361 10338 333 442 32 273 16 3446 87 40 1871 643 809 52 392 988 187 2 616 4961 a - Statistical Abstract – 2009, Department of Census & Statistics Chap1/AB1-1.pdf b - Estimated Mid-year Population by Sex and District - 2010, Department of Census and Statistics, http://www. c - Census of Population and Housing -2001, Department of Census and Statistics d - Calculated by the TA Team e - Household Income and Expenditure Survey - 2006/07 Department of Census and Statistics, http://www.statistics. f - 1:50,000 Topographic Maps – Department of Survey g - Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority h - Asweddumized Extent of Paddy by Mode of Irrigation and DS Division 2005/06 Maha, agriculture/Paddy%20Statistics/PaddyStats.htm Department of Census and Statistics i - Census of Agriculture, 2002, Department of Census & Statistics j - Department of Coast Conservation k - Ministry of Health 188 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Marine Fishery No. of Employed Fishery # Landing Population Sector Employed Sitesj Aged 10 Jobsc in Marine Years and Fishingd Overc 121 Livestock % of Marine Fishing from Total Jobsd 162322 285806 294223 5877 1576 290 3773 3.62 0.55 0.10 26 92 105 44 855142 318680 756186 164923 2434 3832 8662 4937 1615 2525 4971 3467 0.28 1.20 1.15 2.99 37 356837 407554 258980 2795 182 78 1801 0.78 0.04 0.03 514553 772 156179 242175 144600 124 5829 277 281546 137078 229425 375365 88 1423 20712 203 29 127 0.15 4395 16480 0.08 2.41 0.19 0.03 1.04 9.03 0.05 Health No. No. Total Livestock # of # of Average Average Average of Cattle of Goats Heads Land Hospitalsk Hospital Dengue Dysentery Leptospirosis and and of Holdings Bedsk Incidence Incidence Incidence Buffaloi Swinei Poultryi <= 1/4 Rate (2004 Rate (2004 Rate (2004 – Acrei – 2008) – 2008) 2008) 9847 13174 18211 5030 2117 3694 8710 4273 14905 3603 10566 5158 27074 1986 5911 3501 11568 8273 3947 9434 3070 6053 3226 1889 2614 2558 4287 626 907 4342 543 19876 1400 3798 2095 0 5861 612 1965 532 481 0 2465 1286 7696 1074 1801 1120 4534 67778 9696 26351 6628 38733 6692 78897 2137 143495 3936 85243 12334 245819 2210 26309 9081 66526 4999 122692 9250 88723 4963 77202 0 4174 17598 90104 2352 9478 5454 21154 2550 61073 4718 8603 0 6349 6811 17768 4186 12319 14099 65515 3812 56617 8617 33333 4918 8649 51 122 52 37 51 48 64 32 44 28 84 41 15 98 16 36 37 28 9 45 46 40 50 29 11 2536 6676 3202 1489 11175 3511 5661 1644 2355 2658 6300 2229 408 5296 441 1522 2259 1350 497 1804 2746 1676 3136 1111 435 k and a k and a 12.91 29.84 13.31 12.87 102.96 16.13 75.79 21.35 16.69 65.73 77.08 50.41 1.28 37.79 9.82 49.06 42.94 10.67 0.68 5.50 27.52 51.63 41.06 34.19 19.70 60.76 36.19 85.64 33.94 11.60 16.99 13.16 39.54 28.09 41.00 26.75 39.00 38.90 35.51 41.55 85.81 22.68 81.56 17.60 37.94 39.05 35.05 52.19 83.91 83.64 k and a 2.76 5.68 6.29 0.82 13.54 16.71 15.95 12.49 0.32 24.18 13.21 37.25 0.41 12.34 0.72 49.13 31.30 16.04 0.00 3.59 12.64 4.12 11.78 3.37 1.46 189 Documents in this series: National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Sri Lanka (NCCAS) 2011-2016 (Sinhala, Tamil and English versions) Information, Education and Communications Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation in Sri Lanka NCCAS Brochures (Sinhala, Tamil and English versions) Sector Vulnerability Profiles (SVPs): Urban Development, Human Settlements and Economic Infrastructure Agriculture and Fisheries Water Health Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Survey on Public Perceptions of Climate Change in Sri Lanka 2010 Climate Change Vulnerability Data Book Prepared with assistance from ADB TA 7326 (SRI) Strengthening Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation Implemented by: Climate Change Secretariat Ministry of Environment Sri Lanka