4th Grade Thinking Like a 21st Century Scientist / Engineer: Team Building SAFETY ADVANCED PREPARATION Students should have adequate space to move freely. Copies of Dino Discovery handout Pencils Objective: Scientists often have to collect data and communicate the results to other scientists. Developing communication skills within a team and leading a team to present information is an important scientific skill. The objective of the following activity is to give students the opportunity to work with a random group on a team challenge. Students will need to rehearse and divide tasks for the dinosaur to function as a whole. Teams will need to work together to communicate three ideas to their classmates. The class will then discuss the challenges involved with teamwork and group presentations. What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing? Dino Discovery Dino Discovery Explain to students that this is a random grouping and they will need to listen to each other as well as communicate their thoughts. Part I Each participant gets a card that has one dinosaur picture and the sound the dinosaur makes. -Tyrannosaurs -Raptor -Pterodactyl -Triceratops -Brachiosaurus -Plesiosaur Part II Once a group is organized the second challenge begins. The challenge is to represent the movement of the dinosaur using each member of the group. One person could be the body, another the arms and a third could be the legs. Two and three headed dinosaurs are okay, but only ONE will be permitted to speak when called upon. Handout the Dino Discovery Team Build Handout and explain that they are acting out three characteristics of their dinosaur. Where the dinosaur lives… What the dinosaur eats… Speed of the dinosaur… Grouping Strategy: It is recommended that students are grouped at random. (Day 1) ACTIVITIES (1 day) Columbus City Schools Curriculum Leadership and Development Science Department June 2013 (Day 1) Part I 1. Individuals will make the sound of that dinosaur as they walk around until each member is found and the team is formed. 2. The team reveals their cards to make sure they have the correct group. Part II 3. Students will be asked to work as a team and act out “like charades” their team dinosaur. One member of the team may make the dinosaur call, but each member must be a part of the animal and move like the animal moves. For example, Pterodactyl’s have very long wings and may require two students for each arm! 4. Each group will have a few minutes to rehearse and then will perform for the class. 5. The rest of the class will silently make guesses about the dinosaur on their Dino Discovery Team Build Handout. 1 Name_______________________________________Date____________________________ Group #1 Dino Discovery Team Build Where it lives… What it eats… Speed… Dinosaur Name Group #3 Group #2 Where it lives… Where it lives… Group #4 Group #5 Meat Plants Fast Slow Water Air Meat Plants Fast Slow Water Air Meat Plants Fast Slow Land Speed… Water Air Meat Plants Fast Slow best guess: Land What it eats… Speed… Dinosaur Name Air best guess: What it eats… Where it lives… Water Land Speed… Dinosaur Name Slow best guess: What it eats… Where it lives… Fast Land Speed… Dinosaur Name Plants best guess: What it eats… Dinosaur Name Air Meat Land Speed… Dinosaur Name Water best guess: What it eats… Where it lives… Group #6 Land Water Air Meat Plants Fast Slow best guess: Columbus City Schools Curriculum Leadership and Development Science Department June 2013 2 Watch each group “act out” their dinosaurthen GUESS the name of the dinosaur. “Grrrr…Roar” “grunt…bubble bubble” “hiss…snap” “Caw, caw” “Hmmm…crunch” Thud, thud, moan…” Columbus City Schools Curriculum Leadership and Development Science Department June 2013 3