Method Addresses Noise of QiCompliant Wireless Chargers Radiation emission (dB+V/m) 60 I Noise Problems Fig. 1 shows the wireless frequency bands used by smartphones. Noise related to radiation emissions and receiver sensitivity for wireless communications have been confirmed in some frequency bands. There are cases where electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations of every country cannot be complied with regarding radiation emission. For example, the acceptable limits of radiation emission in 30MHz or higher frequency bands are defined by the international standard CISPR22, which is the base of EMC regulations for information technology equipment in each High radiation emission 40 Without noise suppression measures Without charging CISPR22 max 46dB+V/m 30 20 10 0 10 100 Without noise suppression measures Without charging 15 10 5 Deterioration of maximum 14dB 0 920 930 940 950 960 600 800 1000 (b) Receiver sensitivity of audio/data transmission country. When a noise suppression measure is not provided, peaks*2 exceeding the CISPR22 limits can be observed in the several tens of megahertz band, as shown in Fig. 2-(a). Regarding receiver sensitivity for wireless communications, sensitivity suppression of the receiver takes place and communications or receiving of incoming calls is disabled during charging in some cases. For example, many types of wireless communications are used in Japan, such as multimedia broadcasting (200MHz band), TV broadcasting (400 Audio/data transmission 1200 5 Deterioration of maximum18dB 0 500 600 700 800 (c) Receiver sensitivity of TV broadcasting Fig. 2: Noise problems occurring in wireless charger Audio/data transmission 400 10 Frequency (MHz) Frequency 200 Without noise suppression measures Without charging 15 400 Frequency (MHz) TV broadcasting 0 20 Sensitivity suppression of the receiver (dB) 20 Sensitivity suppression of the receiver Multimedia broadcasting 1000 Frequency (MHz) (a) Radiation emission – Vertical polarization/peak strength Sensitivity suppression of the receiver (dB) n recent years, products supporting wireless power supply are increasing, led by smartphones. Wireless power supplies have a number of advantages, for example, easy charging and convenience due to a waterproof and dustproof design. On the other hand, concerns about noise problems are present, like noise produced when DC power is converted into high-frequency power or leaking of electromagnetic waves because the power has to be transmitted between coils that are set apart. There are a number of wireless chargers compliant with Qi (inductive power standard)*1 already available in the market. This article from Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. introduces the noise suppression method of the Q1-compliant wireless charger. 50 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 [MHz] Fig. 1: Wireless frequencies used by smartphones and noise problems of wireless chargers to 700MHz band), and audio/data transmission (700 to 900MHz band and 1800 to 2100MHz band). If noise suppression measures are not provided, noise generated in a wireless charger overlaps the wireless communication frequency bands and a considerably high sensitivity suppression of the receiver (more than 10dB)*3 for audio/data transmission and TV broadcasting using 900MHz band or lower becomes present. Noise Interference Mechanism Fig. 3 shows the approximated noise interference mechanism of a wireless charger based on results of investigating the noise source and radio wave propagation route. The noise source is an inverter that generates the high-frequency power used for power transmission. Although the power transmission frequency (=switching frequency of inverter) is about 100kHz, this harmonic component is present in frequencies up to the several hundred megahertz band and causes noise problems, such as sensitivity supAEI February 2014 Copyright©2014 Dempa Publications, Inc. 39 Power supply cable Circuit board Power transmission coil Inverter Affects receiver Affects receiver sensitivity sensitivity Causes radiation emission Noise Power transmission coil Wireless charger Receiver side (smartphone, etc.) Fig. 3: Noise interference mechanism of wireless charger Power supply cable Inverter Circuit board Power transmission coil Y capacitor CMCC X capacitor Power transmission coil CMCC Y capacitor Fig. 4: Noise suppression method for wireless charger Noise Suppression Method Fig. 4 shows an example of the noise suppression method for a wireless charger. The effective suppression measures of this method can be provided by installing the common mode choke coil (CMCC) and across-the-line (X) and line-bypass (Y) capacitors. For radiation emission, the effective countermeasures can be provided by 40 AEI February 2014 Copyright©2014 Dempa Publications, Inc. installing CMCC (Murata DLW5BTM142SQ2) at the base of a power supply cable. Effective countermeasures against sensitivity suppression of the receiver for wireless communications can be provided by installing CMCC (Murata DLW5BTM251SQ2) and low-electrostatic inductance (ESL) type X capacitor (Murata LLL185R71H222MA01) in the circuit immediately following an inverter. If CMCC cannot be installed 10000 DLW5BTM142SQ2 Common-mode Impedance(ohm) pression of the receiver for wireless communications and radiation emission. Noise observed as radiation emission is emitted mainly from a power supply cable. The dominant cause of the noise that affects receiver sensitivity for wireless communications is radiation from power transmission coils, but there are cases where noise is emitted from circuit boards. When the noise emitted from these sources is received by a smartphone antenna, sensitivity suppression of the receiver takes place. Both normal-mode noise and common-mode noise are present as noise modes. Therefore, noise suppression measures are required for both normalmode noise and common-mode noise. in the circuit immediately following an inverter, noise could emit from a circuit board. If the inverter and CMCC cannot be placed close together due to the layout of a charger, this problem can be resolved by simply adding a Y capacitor (Murata LLL185R71H222MA01) in the circuit immediately following the inverter. The DLW5BTM142SQ2 recommended for radiation emission suppression is a very small (5 × 5mm) and low profile (t=0.235mm) device. Despite its small size, this CMCC provides extremely high noise reduction performance in frequency bands that require radiation emission suppression measures. As shown in Fig. 5, the common-mode impedances of this CMCC are 530Ω and 1,650Ω at 30MHz and 100MHz, respectively. The DLW5BTM251SQ2 recommended for countermeasures against sensitivity suppression of the receiver for wireless communications is also a very small (5 × 5mm) and low-profile (t=0.235mm) device. Similarly, despite its small size, this CMCC achieves a high rated current (5A) and at the same time provides a high noise reduction performance in all frequency bands that require countermeasures against sensitivity suppression of the receiver. As shown in Fig. 5, the common-mode impedances of this CMCC are 400Ω and 200Ω at 200MHz and 1000MHz, respectively. The LLL185R71H222MA01 recommended for countermeasures against sensitivity suppression of the receiver for wireless communications is a lowESL type capacitor called the LW reverse capacitor. Although this capacitor is very small (0.8 × 1.6mm) and low profile (t=0.5mm), it maintains a low- DLW5BTM102SQ2 1000 DLW5BTM501SQ2 DLW5BTM251SQ2 DLW5BTM101SQ2 100 10 Frequency bands that require radiation emission suppression measures 1 1 10 100 Frequency (MHz) Fig. 5: DLW5BT Series Frequency bands that require countermeasures against sensitivity suppression of the receiver 1000 Conclusion As described in this article, the society is faced with noise problems with wireless chargers related to radiation emission and receiver sensitivity for wireless communication, and Murata’s CMCC and X and Y capacitors are very effective as noise suppression measures for wireless chargers. Murata believes that these noise suppression measures can be applied to electromagnetic induction type wireless chargers that transmit power at about 100kHz band such as PMA-compliant*4 chargers besides Qicompliant chargers. Radiation emission (dB+V/m) 50 40 30 Without noise suppression measures After providing noise suppression measures Without charging CISPR22 Improvement of maximum 21dB 20 10 0 10 100 1000 Frequency (MHz) Without noise suppression measures After providing noise suppression measures Without charging 15 10 5 0 920 Improvement of maximum 13dB 930 940 950 960 Frequency (MHz) (b) Receiver sensitivity of audio/data transmission 20 Sensitivity suppression of the receiver (dB) 20 Without noise suppression measures After providing noise suppression measures Without charging 15 10 5 0 400 Improvement of maximum 17dB 500 600 700 800 Frequency (MHz) (c) Evaluation result of receiver sensitivity of TV broadcasting Fig. 7: Effects of noise suppression measures In the coming years, Murata intends to develop noise suppression technologies for wireless power supplies that comply with the A4WP standard*5 as well as the Qi Mid Power standard*6 and new noise suppression solutions will be proposed. Footnotes: *1 : One of the interface standards developed by the Wireless Power Consortium for electromagnetic induction type wireless power supply. The power to be supplied is up to 5W. Qi-compliant products are available worldwide. *2 : The limit value of CISPR22 is a quasi-peak value and the measurement 100 Common-mode Impedance(ohm) 60 (a) Radiation emission – Vertical polarization/peak strength Sensitivity suppression of the receiver (dB) impedance characteristic up to high frequencies and provides a high noise reduction performance in all frequency bands that require countermeasures against sensitivity suppression of the receiver. As shown in Fig. 6, the common mode impedances of this capacitor are 0.30Ω and 0.55Ω at 200MHz and 1000MHz, respectively. The effects of the above noise suppression measures are summarized in Fig. 7. It has been confirmed that the peak strength of radiation emission is reduced by up to 21dB and the peak strength value can be suppressed to less than the limit value of CISPR22 Class B. Moreover, an improved receiver sensitivity of audio/data transmission by up to 13dB has been confirmed and it is possible to achieve receiver sensitivity equal to the level as when charging is not performed. Similarly, the receiver sensitivity of TV broadcasting is improved by up to 17dB and it is possible to achieve receiver sensitivity equal to the level as when charging is not performed. Frequency bands that require countermeasures against sensitivity suppression of the receiver 10 1 result is the peak value. *3 : Although this information is not mentioned here, we have confirmed that receiver sensitivity is suppressed in the same way for audio/data transmission at 800MHz band. On the other hand, we did not confirm any significant sensitivity suppression of the receiver in frequency bands higher than 1800MHz. *4 : Electromagnetic induction type wireless power supply adopted by the Power Matters Alliance. PMA-compliant products are sold mainly in North America. *5 : Magnetic resonance type wireless power supply adopted by the Alliance for Wireless Power. As of October 23, 2013, no A4WP-compliant products have been released. *6 : The standard of electromagnetic induction type wireless power supply developed by the Wireless Power Consortium. The Qi Mid Power standard products can supply power of up to 15W. As of October 23, 2013, no Qi Mid Powercompliant products have been released. 0.1 0.01 1 10 100 Frequency (MHz) Fig. 6: LLL185R71H222MA01 1000 About This Article: The author, Hiroyuki Takatsuji, is from the Application Engineering Section, Product Promotion Department, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. AEI February 2014 Copyright©2014 Dempa Publications, Inc. 41