2013 18th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS) ! ! A Layout-aware X-Filling Approach for Dynamic Power Supply Noise Reduction in At-Speed Scan Testing Saman Kiamehr, Farshad Firouzi and Mehdi B. Tahoori Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany Email: {kiamehr, farshad.firouzi, mehdi.tahoori}@kit.edu Abstract—Power Supply Noise (PSN) has emerged as an important resilience issue in nano-scale CMOS technology. Due to simultaneous switching of various gates, the actual supply voltage seen by individual gates inside the circuit might be lower than the nominal supply voltage, leading to extra delays. Since in at-speed scan testing simultaneous switchings are higher than the functional mode, test invalidation due to excessive PSN can happen, which may impact yield loss. In this paper, we propose a Linear Programming-based X-filling approach to minimize PSN in at-speed scan test by assigning appropriate values to X-bits in partially specified test patterns. In this paper, spatial and transition time correlations due to circuit layout, power mesh, and netlist are taken into account to increase the accuracy of dynamic PSN estimation and for the first time the delay of the circuit is directly targeted to minimize the effect of PSN during the at-speed scan test. I. I NTRODUCTION In nanoscale VLSI circuits, the actual supply voltage level seen by individual devices is lower than the nominal voltage due to switching current. This phenomena which is called Power Supply Noise (PSN), causes the gate delay to increase and eventually reduces the system performance. By technology scaling, the supply voltage scales, however, the threshold voltage remains relatively constant [1]. As a result, the sensitivity of the gate delay to the PSN increases. A 10% voltage drop results in a 8% increase in the gate delay in 180nm technology [2], while, the delay variation for the same amount of voltage drop (10%) is around 30% for 130nm technology [3]. For 90nm technology, 4% gate delay variation is induced due to 1% variation in supply voltage [4]. Smaller feature sizes and higher operating frequencies have made timing-related defects one of the major sources of circuit failure in nano-scale digital circuits. At-speed scan testing is the most widely used strategy for delay testing to ensure that fabricated VLSI chips meet the timing requirements. PSN severely challenges the Launch Off Capture (LOC) at-speed scan testing due to the higher switching activity of the entire circuit during test mode in comparison with normal mode [5]. The PSN effect in test mode is 16% larger than normal mode based on the analysis of [6]. Thereby, test-induced yield loss occurs when functionally good chips fail under the test process due to timing failure induced by large PSN during test mode. This problem is referred to as supply noise induced yield loss [7]. The supply noise induced yield loss is getting worse and more costly as CMOS feature size scales and test-cycle decreases. There have been a number of techniques proposed to reduce 978-1-4673-6377-8/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE PSN-induced malfunction in at-speed scan testing. The main disadvantage of previous work is that, instead of directly minimizing PSN-induced delay, they try to minimize the effect of PSN by minimizing other metrics such as Weighted Switching Activity (WSA) [8], [9], [10] over the entire circuit. Moreover, most of the previous techniques do not consider the spatial and/or temporal correlation of switching activity of the nodes inside the circuit [11], [7] which results in an inaccuracy in PSN-induced delay estimation. In this paper, we propose a Linear Programming (LP) based X-filling method to minimize the PSN-induced delay increase during scan-test to avoid PSN-induced test yield loss. We accurately consider the temporal and spatial correlations among switching activity of nodes. Moreover, we try to minimize the effect of PSN on the circuit delay during the at-speed scan delay test by considering the delay itself as the optimization metric. Additionally, since our objective is to minimize the delay of paths sensitized by the test pattern, the sensitization criteria is also taken into account. Experimental results show that our proposed technique reduces PSN-induced delay during at-speed scan test (42% more than minimum transition xfilling) with reasonable runtime. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Related work is presented in Section II. Section III summarizes the overall flow as well as the motivation of our work. The proposed LP-based X-filling methodology is described in Section IV. Experimental results are demonstrated in Section V. Finally, Section VI concludes the paper. II. R ELATED WORK There have been several methods targeting the PSN induced yield loss in at-speed scan test. However, due to the space limitation we discuss only a few of them. a) Pattern generation and compaction: In [12], [13] an IR-drop tolerant transition delay fault test pattern generation method is proposed based on the Switching Cycle Average Power (SCAP). However, the spatial correlation of switching activity is not considered in this work. A layout-aware transition-delay fault pattern generation is proposed in [9] to minimize IR-drop during the test. In order to minimize IR-drop induced power supply noise, a delay test compaction method is proposed in [8] which considers the weighted switching activity as a metric to minimize IR-drop. b) X-filling method: Since a large portion of the test cube are don’t care (X) bits, X-filling can be used to minimize ! ! G4 TT-G3 G3 Voltage Voltage G1 G2 time TT-G4 Since Launch Off Capture (LOC) is the most common clocking scheme for at-speed test, we focus on LOC in this paper. The cycle between launch capture and capture response is called test cycle and it is equivalent to the functional operating frequency of the circuit. In this cycle, due to large launch switching activity, PSN severely challenges at-speed test. Therefore, PSN should be minimized in this cycle to avoid test-induced yield loss. In X-filling method, the don’t-care bits (X-bits) of test cube are assigned in a way that the PSN is minimized. As a result, for a partially-specified test cube with n don’t-care bits, 2n patterns need to be considered to find the best test cube in terms of PSN. Obviously, exhaustive search is infeasible for intermediate and large circuits with a large number of X-bits. The locality of switching activity is an important parameter which has to be considered in the PSN estimation. The switching nodes likely draw a majority of their current form the nearest power pad. Due to presence of parasitic elements between two switching nodes, if a switching occurs at a node A which is far from node B in circuit layout, it has minimum average TT-G2 III. OVERALL F LOW OF P ROPOSED T ECHNIQUE effect on the PSN which is seen by node B. In other words, even two simultaneous switching of nodes which are not close in the circuit layout, have minimum effects on each other. Moreover, the gates which are in the same power grid, share the same supply voltage profile (see Figure 1). These effects are referred to as spatial correlation of PSN in this paper. TT-G1 power supply noise. The key idea behind X-filling is to assign an appropriate value (0/1) to an X value in a partiallyspecified test cube in such a way that IR-drop is reduced [14]. A justification-probability-based fill (JP-fill) for X-filling is proposed in [11] to minimize IR-drop by means of minimizing launch induced switching activity. Authors in [10] proposed a critical path aware X-filling method to reduce IR-drop in atspeed scan test. The exploit metric in their method is WSA considering logical distances of the gates in critical paths. An X-filling-based technique is presented in [7] to generate test patterns with low launch cycle power supply noise in the linear decompressor-based test pattern compression environment. In order to reduce IR-drop, WSA is minimized by a layout-aware X-filling approach proposed in [15]. c) Other models and methods: A current-based dynamic method is proposed in [16] to estimate power supply noise. This model is then used to predict the effect of power supply noise on path delay. Although the method has a good accuracy, it suffers from high runtime which makes it infeasible to be used for estimation/minimizing power supply noise. Authors in [17], propose a method to reduce peak power supply noise during scan chain shifting by using a partitioning technique to reduce the flip-flop density belonging to the same test clock. A new metric which considers Transition Time Relation (TTR) is proposed in [18] for capture-safety checking. TTR metric, take the temporal correlation by considering transitions that only occur earlier than (not later than) any transition at each on path node. In this work, we directly target the delay of the sensitized path during at-speed scan test as the optimization metric as opposed to existing techniques which target other metrics such as WSA. Moreover, we consider both spatial and temporal correlation among switching activity of internal nodes unlike previous approaches which only partially consider them. time Fig. 1. Voltage profile seen by different gates: TT-Gi: Transition Time of Gi Additionally, the supply voltage which is seen by different gates in the same grid is different according to their transition times. To clarify this, consider the simple example shown in Figure 1. In this example, the voltage levels at the transition time of the gates G1 and G2 are different and lower than the average voltage of their power grid. As a result, if the average voltage is considered as their effective supply voltage, it causes an underestimation in their propagation delay. However, the supply voltage which is seen by G3 and G4 are higher than the average voltage value of their corresponding power grid. This means that, if the average supply voltage of the grid is considered as their effective voltage in the timing estimation, it leads to an overestimation in their delay calculation. Moreover, the transitions which occur later (much earlier) than the transition at a target node, have no (minimum) effect on the the supply voltage seen by the target node. These effects are referred to as temporal correlation of PSN in this paper. Moreover, minimizing PSN over the whole circuit or even over the critical paths does not necessarily reduce the test invalidation. For this purpose, the PSN has to be minimized over the sensitized paths during at-speed scan test. In this paper, both temporal and spatial correlations are considered in PSN estimation (dynamic PSN) in order to increase the accuracy of timing analysis used in our method. The objective is to minimize the PSN-induced delay increase of the sensitized paths by the test (pair) cube using an Xfilling method based on Linear Programming (LP) approach. Figure 2 shows the overall flow of this work. As shown in this figure, for each circuit, the library cell delays and leakage (for different load capacitance and supply voltages), gate level netlist, layout, and the delay test patterns and their Gate Delay & Leakage Gate Level Netlist Layout Delay test Patterns & Corresponding Sensitized Paths LP Generator LP Format Netlist LP Solver Optimized Test Vector For All Patterns Fig. 2. Overall flow of the proposed methodology ! ! corresponding sensitized paths are given to an LP generator. The LP generator, creates an LP formulation which is given to an LP solver. The library cell delays and gate level netlist are used to obtain possible transition times and dynamic current of the gates in order to consider temporal correlation among switching activity of the nodes. Moreover, the circuit layout is used to obtain the spatial correlations. This information, in addition to cell leakage, is used to obtain dynamic PSN. The output of the LP solver is an optimized assignment to don’t care bits for each test pattern which minimizes the maximum delay over all its sensitized paths. inputs of the CUT after the last shift clock. In the same way, IN P U T0 is the input of CUT at the Launch Capture and is composed of P I0 and P P I0 . It should be noted that, P P I0 is the output of Flip-Flops (FFs) after the Launch Capture and is a function of IN P U T−∞ = {P I−∞ , P P I−∞ }. Due to switching activity caused by changing the inputs of CUT from IN P U T−∞ to IN P U T0 , the actual supply voltage level seen by individual gates of CUT decreases. The objective is to minimize delay which can be expressed as follows: M inimize D = max D(Pi ) (2) IV. LP F ORMULATION In this section, we present the proposed LP formulation for obtaining X-filling to minimize PSN in LOC test. where Pi s are sensitized paths for the target test pattern. The output of the LP solver is a set of suitable values for don’t care bits of IN P U T−∞ and P I0 . A. Linear Programming C. LP Constraint Linear Programming is an optimization technique to find the minimum or maximum of a linear objective function subject to linear equality/inequality constraints. The LP problem can be expressed as follows: In this section, we present the process of obtaining all the necessary constraint for our LP problem. To demonstrate the LP-based methodology, all the following steps are explained for a simple circuit which is shown in Figure 4. For the sake of simplicity, in this example we assumed that the delay of inverters, NAND and NOR gates are equal to 1.5 ps, 2 ps and 2.5 ps, respectively. However, in general, the delay of the gates can be any real number. 1) Signals before test cycle (−∞): As mentioned before P P I0 is a function of IN P U T−∞ which is obtained by a set of constraint. For example, as shown in Figure 4(b), The signal value of node d at launch capture (Sd0 ) is equal to the signal value of node h at the last shift clock (Sh−∞ ). To obtain P P I0 as a function of IN P U T−∞ , the constraint of the signal in the first copy of the circuit (last shift clock) has to be obtained. According to Figure 4(b): M inimize : CT x Subject to : Ax ≥ b (1) where C x is the objective function and Ax ≥ b is the set of constraints. T B. Objective A sequential Circuit Under Test (CUT) example and its equivalent circuit model for extracting power supply noise is depicted in Figure 3. The first part of the unrolling version of the circuit represents the state of the circuit after the last shift clock. The second part, is a representative of the circuit at Launch Capture where PSN occurs. We define IN P U T−∞ as the combination of Primary Inputs (PIs) and Pseudo Primary Inputs (PPIs) which are the PI PPI Combinational Core PO PPO Scan FFs Pi Se−∞ = Sd−∞ Sf−∞ = (Sa−∞ ) (Sb−∞ ) Sg−∞ = (Sc−∞ ) (Se−∞ ) Sh−∞ = (Sf−∞ ) (Sg−∞ ) where represents the signal value of node in the last shift clock (first copy). However, all the constraints have to be represented in a linear form. In order to convert the constraints (a) A sequential CUT a b U2 c e U3 f U4 Last shift clock PI-∞ PPI-∞ Launch Response Capture Capture Power Supply Noise PI0 Test Combinational Combinational Response Copy1 Copy2 PPI0 INPUT-∞ = (PI-∞, PPI-∞) INPUT0 = (PI0, PPI0) PPI0 = f(PI-∞, PPI-∞) d U1 CUT and its unrolled version h g FF (a) A sequential running example Launch Capture a{-∞} b{-∞} U2 f{-∞} c{-∞} U3 U1 e{-∞} d{-∞} g{-∞} (b) Time-frame expansion of a Sequential Circuit to be used for LP-formulation Fig. 3. (3) −∞ Snode a{0} b{0} h{-∞} U4 d{0} c{0} U1 U2 U3 e{1.5} f{2} h{4.5,6} U4 g{2,3.5} (b) The unrolled version of the example Fig. 4. Example circuit and all possible transition times for each node ! ! D which are used in Equation (3) to a linear form, the constraint of Table I are used. Finally the constraint for P P I0 can be obtained: SET CLR Q Q Vdd D SET CLR D Q Q SET CLR Q Q D SET CLR Sd0 = Sh−∞ D (4) 2) Signals at test cycle: Before writing the constraints of all signals at the test cycle, the Possible Transition Times (PTT) of all internal nodes is extracted based on the gate delays. P T T (nodei ) = [t1nodei , t2nodei , ..., tm nodei ], tknodei ≤ tk+1 nodei (5) where tjnodei is the time at which node i may have a transition and can be obtained by static timing analysis. According to the Figure 4(b), node g may have transitions at times {2, 3.5} while node f may have a transition only at time {2}. After extracting all possible transition times for each node, the signals at possible transition times can be obtained by a set of equations as follows: Se1.5 = Sd0 Sf2 = (Sa0 ) (Sb0 ) Sg2 = (Sc0 ) (Se−∞ ) Sh6 = (Sf2 ) (Sg3.5 ) Fig. 5. (6) t is the signal value of node at transition time t. where Snode 3) Transitions at test cycle: After obtaining all signal constraints, a new set of binary variables is defined to represent the transition of internal node at transition times. = = tk−1 tk (Snode ) ∧ (Snode ) tk tk (T rnode ) ∨ (T fnode ) LP CONSTRAINTS FOR BASIC LOGIC OPERATIONS Function INV Logic operation b = N OT (a) NAND c = N AN D(a, b) NOR c = N OR(a, b) AND c = AN D(a, b) OR c = OR(a, b) Constraints [19] b+a=1 c≤2−a−b c≥1−a c≥1−b c ≥ 1 − (a + b) c≤1−b c≤1−a c ≥ −1 + a + b c≤a c≤b c≤1+a+b c≥a c≥b Q Q All power drawn from highlighted grid T imeSteps = [T S1 , T S2 , ..., T SNT ] T S1 = [0, T1 ) T Si = [Ti−1 , Ti ) T SNT = [TNT −1 , Tcycle ] (8) where Tcycle is the test cycle. Moreover, it is assumed that the circuit layout is divided into Mg power grids. P owerGrids = [grid1 , grid2 , ..., gridMg ] (9) For each grid at time step T Si the total current drawn from the grid can be calculated by: TS Gk Gk Igridj i = (Idyn (T Sj ) + Ileak ) (10) Gk where Gk ’s are all gates inside the power grid gridi . Ileak is the leakage current of the gates which is obtained by cell Gk characterization. Idyn (T Sj ) is the dynamic current of the gate Gk at time step T Sj which can be obtained by the following equation: 0 no P T T at T S Gk Idyn (T Sj ) = T rants · C · f · vdd t ∈ T Sj (11) L s j s T rantnode (7) k is a binary variable which shows node has where T rantnode tk a transition (= 1) at transition time tk or not (= 0). T fnode tk and T rnode are the corresponding variables for rise and fall transitions, respectively. 4) Constraints for Current: In order to obtain dynamic PSN, the test cycle is divided into NT equal time steps. TABLE I Q Equivalent circuit model of a power grid node t tk tk k−1 T rnode = (Snode ) ∧ (Snode ) tk T fnode k T rantnode Q Gk ∈gridi Sg3.5 = (Sc0 ) (Se1.5 ) Sh4.5 = (Sf2 ) (Sg2 ) SET CLR is the transition variable for the output where node of the gate Gk if it has a possible transition time at time step T Sj (Tj−1 ≤ ts ≤ Tj ). CL , f and vdd are the gate load capacitance, frequency and nominal supply voltage, respectively. CL is obtained from cell characterization and gate level netlist. 5) Constraints for PSN: In this paper, the power grid is modeled as an R-network distributed over the die (see Figure 5) [20]. The supply voltage which is seen by grids at each time step can be obtained by [21]: V T Si = G−1 I T Si (12) where V T Si and I T Si are the voltage and current matrix of the mesh network at time step T Si . G is the conductance matrix. Since in the R-network model the capacitance of the power network is ignored, it may lead to an inaccuracy in the dynamic PSN estimation. In other words, in the R-network model, the current drawn in one time step has no effect on the voltage of next time steps which is not accurate due to the capacitive characteristic of the power network. In order to increase the accuracy of the PSN estimation, a history parameter (h) is defined here which is a real number between 0 and 1. With the help of this parameter, Equation (12) can be rewritten as follows: V T Si = G−1 (I T Si + h1 · I T Si−1 + ... + h(i−1) · I 1 ) (13) ! ! This equation presents a linear solution to consider the capacitive characteristic of power network. By simulating of the power network, a suitable value can be obtained for h to increase the accuracy of the model. 6) Constraints for Delay: After obtaining the constraints for the grid voltages, the following linear constraints can be used for the delay of the gates inside the circuit. T Sk D(Gi ) = α · Vgrid + β · CL j (14) where D(Gi ) is the delay of gate Gi which is on a sensitized path for a given scan test pattern. gridj is the gate’s corresponding grid. T Sk is the time step which the output of T Sk the gate has a possible transition time in that step. Vgrid is j the supply voltage value of its corresponding grid (gridj ) and time step (T Sk ). The coefficient α/β are obtained from cell characterization using a regression method. The next step is to find the suitable constraint for all sensitized paths for special test pattern. D(Pi ) = D(Gk ) (15) Gk ∈Pi Finally the total delay which is our objective to be minimized can be obtained by the following equation: D = max D(Pi ) Pi (16) However max operation is not a linear operation. Since we try to minimize the delay (D), Equation (16) can be rewritten in the following linear format: ∀Pi D ≥ D(Pi ) (17) Since maximum is taken over the delay of all paths sensitized by the scan pattern (obtained from ATPG and timing analysis tools), the dynamic sensitization criteria is already met. Therefore, there is no need to explicitly add nonlinear constraints to obtain the sensitized paths along all critical paths. 7) Constraints to avoid test escape: Minimizing PSN during at-speed scan test is not necessarily a good objective as it may even become less than PSN in the functional mode of operation and may lead to test escapes. A more appropriate objective is to minimize PSN to a level comparable to that in functional mode. The proposed method can handle this case by introducing an extra linear constraint as the following: D ≥ D(f unctional) (18) where D(f unctional) is the delay of the circuit during its functional mode due to the margin added for PSN. V. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS Figure 6 shows the flow of the proposed LP-based X-filling approach to minimize the PSN during at-speed scan test. The flow is explained for path delay test, however, the same method can be applied for the transition delay test. The experiments are conducted on ISCAS’89 benchmark circuits using Nangate 45 nm library [22]. As shown in Figure 6, first, all standard cells in the library are characterized using accurate SPICE simulation to obtain the gate delay and leakage for different supply voltages and load capacitances. This information is stored in Look-Up Tables (LUTs). Moreover, a regression method is applied to these data to find the suitable coefficients (α and β) to be used in Equation (14). Next, the circuit is synthesized and the gate level netlist is generated using Synopsys Design Compiler. Afterwards, the gate level netlist is placed using Cadence SOC Encounter to obtain the layout. Besides, the critical paths are extracted using Synopsys PrimeTime. Then, gate level netlist and the list of critical paths are given to Synopsys Tetramax to obtain the path delay test patterns and their corresponding sensitized paths. In the next step, test patterns (with don’t care bits), their corresponding sensitized paths, the layout of the circuit and the delay/leakage LUTs are given to an LP generator to generate an LP format netlist based on the procedure explained in Section IV. The extracted LP netlist is given to an LP solver (CPLEX) to solve the problem [23]. The output of the LP solver is the X-filled test pattern resulting in a minimum PSN-induced delay to avoid yield loss. Table II shows the results of the proposed X-filling method in comparison with other methods. The columns 3-6 are the PSN-induced delay increase due to different X-filling method compared to the nominal delay (the delay when the PSN is totally neglected and nominal vdd is applied to obtain the delay). The second and third columns (min_MC and max_MC) are minimum and maximum PSN-induced delay increase which are obtained by Monte-Carlo random X-filling. For small circuits MC simulation is performed for 10,000 different randomly filled patterns while, 100,000 different vectors are simulated for larger circuits. The fifth column is the PSNinduced delay increase obtained by the Minimum Transition Random (MTR) X-filling method [24]. This method is a well known technique to reduce the amount of power dissipation during scan-based testing. As shown in this table, the proposed method can obtain the best X-filling to minimize the PSNinduced delay increase during at-speed scan path delay test while it provides suitable runtime. Here we present the results for only one test pattern. However, simulation results show that, although there are some minor differences from one to another test pattern, the overall trend of results in terms of both improvement and runtime is almost the same for different test patterns. According to the results, PSN-induced delay increase ranges from 12%-30% in average during the test cycle. Moreover, MC is less accurate compared to the LP-based method for larger circuits. Compared to MTR, the proposed techniques reduces PSN-induced delay increase by 42% in average. VI. C ONCLUSION Due to the large switching activities during at-speed scan test, PSN is a major challenge for delay testing which may result in yield loss. In this paper, we propose an X-filling technique to minimize the effect of PSN during scan test using a linear programming approach. Instead of targeting the switching activity, for the first time, the objective is to minimize the maximum delay of all paths which are sensitized by the targeted test vector. Additionally, we consider spatial ! ! Cell Characterization Circuit-level Simulation Layout Extraction Technology Circuit Library Place&Route Description (SOC encounter) Cell Synthesis Tool Characterization Layout (.def) (Design Compiler) (tcl, Hspice) Gate Delay & Leakage Gate Level Netlist Die Partitioning Critical Path Test Pattern Critical Path extraction (PrimeTime) Test Pattern Generator (Tetramax) List of Critical Paths Delay test Activated Patterns Paths (.wgl) LP Generator (C++) LP Solver (CPLEX) Optimized test vector Fig. 6. Benchmark Circuit s344 s349 s382 s386 s400 s420 s444 s510 s641 s713 s820 s838 s953 s1196 s1238 s1423 s1488 s5378 s9234 s13207 average The detailed flow of the proposed methodology # of X-filling ΔDelay Proposed Gates min_MC max_MC MTR Proposed runtime [s] 153 6.5% 26.4% 18.2% 6.5% 0.06 124 1.8% 20.9% 20.5% 1.8% 0.06 145 13.5% 23.6% 20.6% 13.5% 0.01 116 13.3% 22.2% 13.9% 13.3% 0.02 147 22.1% 43.2% 27.1% 22.1% 0.03 186 10.4% 18.9% 18.5% 10.4% 0.00 143 20.4% 33.7% 23.9% 20.3% 0.03 237 21.0% 24.8% 21.0% 21.0% 0.02 232 14.1% 44.9% 24.6% 14.1% 0.58 220 14.7% 23.7% 14.7% 14.7% 0.03 311 8.6% 26.6% 12.3% 8.6% 0.12 366 8.9% 13.1% 10.9% 8.9% 0.00 415 11.8% 29.0% 23.5% 11.8% 0.05 456 8.2% 38.3% 14.6% 8.2% 0.87 479 10.5% 61.8% 35.5% 8.7% 11.22 759 4.3% 25.9% 12.6% 4.3% 14.76 509 7.7% 25.3% 10.8% 7.7% 0.06 1282 12.0% 27.4% 15.6% 8.5% 0.81 1245 14.2% 37.3% 22.5% 9.9% 7.60 3251 15.4% 41.3% 26.2% 10.6% 5.89 12.0% 30.4% 19.4% 11.2% TABLE II PSN- INDUCED DELAY INCREASE DUE TO DIFFERENT X- FILLING [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] METHODS and temporal correlation of switchings due to layout and netlist of the circuit to increase the accuracy of PSN estimation. 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