OHRL NEW YORK CITY 2 0 1 6 – 2 0 1 7 P A C E U N I V E R S I T Y H O U S I N G A G R E E M E N T You have been assigned housing for the 2016-2017 Academic Year. Please complete, sign and return this Agreement. Upon receipt of this signed University Housing Agreement to Pace University, it establishes a legal, binding Agreement between the student, parent or guardian (if applicable), and Pace Unive rsity. Non-payment of tuition and fees will result in forfeiture of housing. 1) AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This Agreement is for a space in the University Housing system, and covers the 2016-2017 academic year (both Fall an d Sp r in g semesters), or any portion of the academic year remaining at the time this Agreement is signed. All freshmen (students with 0 to 32 credits) in resi de nc e o n t he NYC campus will be required to participate in the BRONZE supplemental meal plan for the fall and spring semesters. All sophomores (student with bet w een 3 3 c r edi ts o r greater) in residence in on the NYC campus will be required to select the BLUE supplemental meal plan (or larger plan). Graduate students i n r e sid en ce o n t h e NYC campus will be required to participate in the GRAD AND LAW supplemental meal plan (or larger plan). This Agreement is subject to early termination (see Paragraph 8 ). University Housing is closed between semesters and, thus, housing between semesters is not included in the terms of this Agreement. The student will be assessed a l l fees for the Agreement term if the Student enrolls, but does not occupy the assigned space and has not cancelled this Agreement pursuant to Paragraph 7. Su m me r session is not included in this Agreement. 2) PAYMENT OF FEES: The pre-payment of $400 is non-refundable (except as noted in Paragraph 7 of this Agreement) and is applied to the respective semester room fe es. The Student agrees to accept the assigned space in University Housing and pay housing fees on or before the published payment dates. Invoices are not sent t o n ot ify the Student of housing fee payment dates. Students who receive financial aid awards are required to pay all housing costs no t covered by their award (after tuition an d fees are paid), prior to checking into the assigned space. Financial aid may not be used to pay Agreement pre-payment. All rates ar e e st im at es a nd ar e s u bj ect t o adjustment by Pace University. The rates listed below represent a range for a one-semester charge per Residence Hall. Variation in room type and occu pa nc y i m pac t the actual rate for the assigned space. Meal plan rates are not included in below estimates. Maria’s Tower $7000/semester double $7000/semester temporary triple less $800 rebate (rebate is posted after a student moves in to a temporary triple; students “de-tripled” prior to move in will not receive a rebate) $8400/semester medical single 55 John Street Residence $8770/semester double $8770/semester triple 33 Beekman $9700/semester - single $8770/semester- double $8770/semester- triple 182 Broadway $7880/ semester doubles $7750/semester triples $7750/semester temporary quad less $800 rebate (rebate is posted after a student moves in to a temporary quad; students “de-quaded” prior to move in will not receive a rebate) 3) SECURITY DEPOSIT: Student shall, together with the delivery of the Housing Assignment Application, deposit with the University the sum of $100.00 as a security deposit for the faithful performance and observance by the student of the terms, provisions and condition s of this Agreement and against damages, fines, or p e nal ty fe es fo r which the student may be responsible. The security deposit shall not be considered prepaid rent, nor shall damages to which t he University is entitled be limited t o t h e balance of the deposit. The cost of damages caused by the student shall be paid upon the assessment to insure that the security deposit remains at a constant l evel o f $100.00. The security deposit shall be returned to the student after the date fixed as the end of this Agreement and after the residency of the student is terminated, a ll of the student's possessions have been removed from the premises and the damage appeals process has been completed. 4) ELIGIBILITY FOR RESIDENCE: A person must be enrolled as a full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate or graduate student to be eligible for University Housing. Applications for University Housing from students enrolled in other PACE University schools and programs will be considered on a space-available basis. A resident m ay be required to depart from University Housing if enrolled credit hours drop below full-time status, at the discretion of the Director of Housing or their d es ign ee. Th e Director of Housing, or their designee, has the discretion to make exceptions regarding eligibility for housing depending on documented academic circumstances. 5) OCCUPANCY PERIOD: The room rate covers the cost of academic semesters that the student has selected on the Housing Assignment Application. The period covered in this Agreement for the Fall semester is September 5, 2016, the official first day of fall classes, through 24 hours after the student’s la st fi n al ex am o f t he P AC E Fall semester or 12:00 noon on December 22, 2016, whichever comes first. The room rate will again be applied to the spring semester residency from J anu ar y 23 , 2 01 7, through 24 hours after the student’s last final exam for the PACE Spring semester or 12:00 PM on May 16, 2017, whichever comes first. 6) BREAK HOUSING: A. Pace University Housing is closed during the following Break Periods: i. between the Fall and Spring semesters (“Winter Break”), ii. between the Spring and Summer sessions; and iii. between the Summer and Fall sessions B. Pace University students in need of Winter Break Housing must submit a separate application for housing during that period. Students wishing t o r em ain i n o n campus housing during the winter break must: i. Complete an approved Winter Break Registration Form by the given deadline (as listed in the Resident Student Handbook); ii. Satisfy one or more of the following criteria: distance from home, job or internship that requires such student’s presence in Pace University housing duri ng a Winter Break, winter break Pace class, financial hardship, other approved circumstances ; iii. Pay in advance for Winter Break housing (the fee for Winter Break will be a flat rate of $1000, applied as a charge to the st udent’s account, regardless o f t h e residence hall to which a student is assigned for the Winter Break period). C. Pace students who have not applied for and been granted winter break housing are not permitted in the residence halls (regardless of b u i ld i n g) d u r in g W in te r Break, except as expressly permitted by the director of housing for their campus. D. The Winter Break housing process may require students to be relocated as deemed appropriate by the University Director of Housing. Students on the Pleasantville campus will always be relocated to temporary accommodations in the New York City residence halls. Students in Maria’s Tower will be relo cat ed t o temporary accommodations elsewhere on the New York City campus. Students in all other New York City residence halls are subject to temporary r el oc at io n as determined by the University Director of Housing. E. The University reserves in its sole and exclusive discretion the right to exclude from Pace University Housing any pers on w h om i n i t s j ud gme nt h as vi o lat ed applicable University policies, including, but not limited to, the University Code of Conduct and Pace University Security policies. 7) AGREEMENT RELEASE: This Agreement is in force as long as the student is enrolled as a full-time student during the academic year, as outlined in paragraph 4, provi de d the student remains in good standing in terms of behavior and conduct (see Paragraph 13). If the student is denied admission to the University, there shall be no release fee and a full refund of any payments will be made. A student meeting the eligibility criteria for residence may request release from this Agreeme nt b y su b mit ti ng a Housing Cancellation Form at least 5 business days prior to vacating the premises. Cancellation refunds will be based upon the date that both the cancellat io n fo r m is received and (if the student has moved in to the residence hall) the date the student checks out of the building with a staff member. Once the academic year begins, the student who cancel and move out of housing shall not be released from this Agreement due to lack of financial resources (inc lu d in g l ack o f fi n an ci al a id ), vo id ed registration, dissatisfaction with assigned space, or to reside with parents or legal guardians. All cancellations will be subject to the below fee schedule: OHLR NYC Housing Agreement 2016-17 Circumstances of Cancellation Cancelling for both FALL AND SPRING semesters PRIOR TO MOVEIN DAY FOR FALL SEMESTER Penalties based on time agreement release is submitted No loss of principal, but housing prepayment (deposit) is forfeited in full, with the exception of returning students who par ticipated in the Room Selection Process during the previous spring semester. Returning students who participated in the Room Selection Process during the previous spring s emester are entitled to a refund of their prepayment as follows: agreement release received by 6/1 – 100%; received by 7/1 - 75%; received by 8/1 -50 %; received by 9/1 - 25%; received after 9/1 – 0%. Cancelling for both FALL AND SPRING semesters AFTER MOVING IN FOR FALL, and prior to the END of FALL semester Housing Cancellation Form Housing Cancellation Form submitted and student moved out submitted and student moved out by end of second week of classes – by end of third week of classes – student will receive 70% refund of student will receive 25% refund of principal principal Housing Cancellation Form Housing Cancellation Form submitted between10/1 and submitted between 11/1 and 10/31 – student will be charged 11/30 – student will be charged $200 cancellation fee (applied to $300 cancellation fee (applied to fall billing account) fall billing account) No loss of principal, but housing prepayment (deposit) is forfeited in full Housing Cancellation Form submitted and student moved out by end of fourth week of classes – student will receive 20% refund of principal Housing Cancellation Form submitted between 12/1 and 12/31 – student will be charged $400 cancellation fee (applied to fall billing account) Housing Cancellation Form submitted and student moved out after end of fourth week of classes – student will receive NO refund of principal Housing Cancellation Form submitted and student moved out by end of second week of classes – student will receive 70% refund of principal Housing Cancellation Form submitted and student moved out by end of fourth week of classes – student will receive 20% refund of principal Housing Cancellation Form submitted and student moved out after end of fourth week of classes – student will receive NO refund of principal Cancelling for SPRING semester DURING THE FALL SEMESTER (students living in the residence halls during the complete fall semester) Cancelling for SPRING semester PRIOR TO THE END OF FALL SEMESTER (students not living in the residence halls during the fall semester) Cancelling for SPRING semester AFTER MOVING IN FOR SPRING, and prior to the END of SPRING semester Housing Cancellation Form submitted and student moved out by end of third week of classes – student will receive 25% refund of principal Housing Cancellation Form submitted after 1/1 – student will be charged $1000 cancellation fee (applied to fall billing account) 8) AGREEMENT MODIFICATION OR TERMINATION: This Agreement may be modified or terminated at the discretion of the Director of Housing and Residential L ife, o r an authorized designee of the Director. Reasons for modification or termination include, but are not limited to: failure of the undersigned to comply with the terms of t h is Agreement; the student does not meet the eligibility criteria set forth in paragraph 4; or the student violates the behavior and conduct provisions outlined in paragr aph 13. If the Agreement is terminated for any of the a bove reasons, the student will be required to pay the remainder of the Agreement b alan ce . Mo d i fi cat io n o f th e Agreement may include, but is not limited to, moving the student to another University Housing facility or restricting the st udent’s access to h o usi ng fa c il it ies . Th e student will be given notice and an opportunity to appeal to the Director or an authorized designee of the Director the basis for any proposed modification or termination of the Agreement. 9) ASSIGNMENT OF HOUSING: The University is strongly committed to maintaining working and learning atmosphere that is free from unlawful discrimination, harassmen t and retaliation. The University is also an equal opportunity employer that is strongly committed to making all personnel deci sions without regard to actual or perce ived sex, gender or gender identity; race; color; national origin; religion; creed; age; disability; citizenship; marital or domestic partnership s tat u s; se xu al o r i ent at io n o r affectional status; genetic predisposition or carrier status; military or veteran status; status as a victim of domestic violence, sex offe ns es o r st al ki ng; o r a ny o th er characteristic protected by law federal, state or local law, rule or regulation. The University offers housing in the form of a room or s uite occupied b y p e rs on s o f t h e same gender. There are no married or family housing assignments offered by the University. All Gender housing is offered on the New York City campus, and r eq ui re s an additional application process. 10) USE OF ASSIGNED SPACE: Occupancy of space is permitted only to students to whom the space is assigned. Space may not be sublet to another person(s). The st ud en t may not share assigned space with any other individual(s) not officially assigned by the University. The student ma y not refuse or prevent another assigned student from residing in a shared space (bedroom or suite). If the student refuses or prevents a new occupant from residing in a shared space, disciplinary action (including removal ), single room rental fees, or both, may be imposed on the student. Guests are permitted in University Housing facilities as provided for in the guide policy, outlined in the Resident Student Handbook. Hosts must have the consent of all roommates and suit mates in order to host a guest at any time. 11) CHANGES IN ASSIGNMENTS: Room transfers may only be made after receiving written approval from an authorized staff member of the Office of Housing a nd Residential Life. Failure to follow established room change procedures, as outlined in the Resident Student Handbook, will constitute breach of this Agreement and may be grounds for Agreement modification or termination (see paragraph 8) or removal, charges for occupying a second room, disci plinary action or any of the fo re goi ng. The University reserves the right to reassign a resident due to unforeseen events, including, but not limited to, enrollment fluctua ti on s, fac il it y p ro b lem s, n at ur al disasters, war/terrorist activities, or staff changes. 12) CONSOLIDATION OPTION: Consolidation may be necessary and require the moving together of residents who are assigned to a room where one or more vacan t b e d i s present. See the Resident Student Handbook for specific consolidation guidelines and policy information. 13) BEHAVIOR AND CONDUCT: The student is responsible for knowing and observing University regulations and procedures as set forth in the PACE Housing and Resi dential Life Resident Student Handbook, the Guiding Principles of Conduct set forth in the Student Handbook, and other applicable University policies. Students who violate any of the above may be subject to removal from University housing. The University reserves the right at any time and without pr ior notice to make other policies, rules and regulations as in its judgment may be necessary for the safety, care, and cleanliness of the premises and for the preservation of safety and order within its comm u ni ty. The student agrees to abide by all additional policies, rules and regulations that are adopted. Violation of established pol icies, rules, regulations an d p ro ce du re s w il l constitute a breach of this Agreement and may result in a disciplinary action resulting in sanctions up to and including removal, as well as submission to the Universi ty's disciplinary process. In addition, the Office of Housing and Residential Life reserves the right to terminate or modify terms of this Agr e em en t w h en t h e D ir ec to r o f Housing and Residential Life or an authorized designee of the Director learns the student has been charged or convicted of a crime or crimes against persons or property involving conduct that may threaten the safety or security of other residents. 14) RIGHT TO ENTER STUDENT ROOMS: The University reserves the unconditional right to enter the room occupied by the student pur su ant t o t h i s Agr ee me nt i n t h e interest of health, safety, and conduct as outlined in the Resident Student Handbook. Authorized University personnel may enter a student’s r o o m fo r a ny o f t h ese purposes whether or not the occupants are present and may confiscate any unauthorized, suspicious, or illegal items that they may find in the room during entry. 15) CARE OF FACILITIES: The student is responsible for care of their room or suite, furnishings and equipment in University Housing. The student is responsible for ke ep i n g the assigned unit in a clean and sanitary manner. The University provides supplemental custodial service for common areas at least once per week. The student is jointly liable with roommates/suitemates for assessed charges due to damage of the room, suite, or community common area of the residence hall, unl ess t he r e sp on sib le individual is identified. 16) REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE: The University reserves the right to have authorized University staff or designees enter any room, suite or apartment at reasonable t im es to inspect, maintain, and repair the premises and furnishings. Students are expected to promptly report damages and necessary repairs, in accordance with establishe d and published procedures. 17) KEYS AND SECURITY: The student agrees not to duplicate any keys, key cards, access fobs, etc. assigned, or to transfer their use to another person, and will be subject t o disciplinary action if this occurs. If keys, key cards, access fobs, etc. are not returned at checkout, or if keys, key cards, access fobs, etc. are lost or sto le n, t he st ud en t OHLR NYC Housing Agreement 2016-17 agrees to pay for all lock changes and key, key card or fob replacements. The student is responsible for securin g t h e as sign ed u ni t a t a ll t im es a nd t akin g s uc h precautions as are necessary for personal and property protection. 18) LIMITATION OF UNIVERSITY LIABILITY: The University is not liable for damage to or loss of personal property, or failure or interruption of u t il it ies . Th e Un iv e rsi ty's insurance provides liability coverage for damages or injuries caused by negligence by the University or its employees while working within the scope of their employment. The University will not reimburse students for losses created by unforeseen events, accidents, injuries or theft that may occur. Students are enco u ra ged to review their family homeowner’s insurance policy or to carry personal renter’s insurance. 19) LICENSE: This Agreement constitutes a license for use of University Housing and not a lease. 20) STUDENT INFORMATION RELEASE: In accordance with the provisions of the Buckley Amendment or FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy A ct ), t h e Offi ce o f Housing and Residential Life cannot release certain information contained in education records, except that which is designat ed Directory Information (refer to Stu den t Handbook). The following release authorizes the Office of Housing and Residential Life to discuss or release specific studen t account information, as ap pr o ved b y t h e resident (and/or parent or guardian if the student is less than 18 years of age when the Agreement is signed). This release does not conflic t w i t h t h e P AC E P are nt al Notification Policy for Drug and/or Alcohol Violations. Please visit http://www.pace.edu/osa/student-records/pace-university-ferpa-policy for more information. I have read, fully understand, and agree to the terms, conditions, and policies as stated on the front and back of this Agreement. I understand that I must complete and return the signed copy of this Agreement. I am aware that I will forfeit my Housing if I do not pay my first installment. Date Neatly Print Name Student U# Required – Signature of Student (must be in ink) Date Signature of Parent/Guardian (Required if student is less than 18 years of age) Staff initials verifying receipt of signed contract Office Use Only DATE, ROOM ASSIGNMENT AND ROOM RATE AT CHECK IN Note that room rate and billing will change based on reassignment due to consolidation, student requested transfer, or reassignment by the housing staff Date Hall/Room/Bed Sem. Rate OHLR NYC Housing Agreement 2016-17