Junior Roller Derby Conference Minutes – April 2016

Conference Facilitator: Caitlin Grigsby – SV Consultant, Full Circle HR & Governance Services.
Minute Taker: Caitlin Grigsby
Meeting Opened: 10.24 AM
In total, 19 individual members were present as recorded in the attendance register and
comprised of the following;
(Full Circle Consultancy
– SV)
Skate Victoria,
Ballarat Roller Derby
Bruisers Roller Derby
Canberra Roller Derby
East Vic / South Seas
Hobart Junior Roller
Lil Adelaide ‘olle s
Newcastle Junior Roller
Rockabellas Roller Derby
Tweed Valley Rollers
Victorian Roller Derby
Westside Derby Dollz
Caitlin Grigsby
Representative 2
(Apology, Gloria
Hawken EO of Skate
Cat Murray
Bec Franklin
Meredith Ramsay
Brett Wilbe
Sharon Grant
Jo-deelee Robinson
Gemma Duncan
Hannah Smith
Samantha Burgess
Brett Duguid
Nicole Micallef
Emily Schloithe
Adrian Orchard
Julz Holland
Anna Byrne
Sadie Mason
Rae Gardiner
Tanya Telford
Apologies: Gloria Hawken (Executive Officer, Skate Victoria). Maryborough Roller Derby, Coffs
Coast Derby Dolls, Varsity Derby League.
MINUTES – Skate Victoria Junior Roller Derby Conference – April 9th 2016
Full Circle HR & Governance Services
2. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION - Chair – Caitlin Grigsby
a. Welcome and introduction of services
Welcome to all of our members and introduction to Chair (Facilitator). Caitlin Grigsby is a
consultant engaged by Skate Victoria as part of membership benefits to support members and
member clubs in their efforts toward better governance, procedures and policy, including
grievance and disciplinary procedures.
This role is provided for within the Incorporated Associations Act as an independent party to
refer to in the event that clubs experience difficulty in the course of their operations,
compliance and management. Caitlin is an NMAS Accredited Mediator, and engaged in
training with the Australian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission to provide
services of the Membership Information Protection Officer for Skate Victoria – under Skate
Vi to ia s Me e ship P ote tio Poli .
This service is provided by Skate Victoria under no obligation, but to bring about better
governance in sport, a theme of focus for the Department of Sport and Recreation and like
government departments across Australia. Clarification provided that this service is not legal
advisory nor tribunal, and the normal recourses are available to clubs through their relevant
state and legislation (e.g. Disputes Settlement Centre in Victoria) and that this is offered as an
additional feature of your Skate Victoria membership at no additional cost to members where
we are able and resourced to assist.
b. Meeting etiquette, timelines and objectives
This conference has been brought about to facilitate the collective growth of junior roller
derby in Australia. Thanks and apologies offered on behalf of Gloria Hawken who could not
attend on this occasion. Clarification that we would proceed through agenda items with an
open forum and I would call on Cat Murray for clarification on policy and junior roller derby
o te t. Cla ifi atio of Cat s ole as de elope of poli ies a d la s i o ju tio
Skate Victoria. Her input invited from a personal roller derby experience and in capacity of
Skate Victoria Executive member.
3. Update on SV Roller Derby Bylaw requirements for Juniors
Introduction of the Skate Victoria Roller Derby Bylaw requirements for Juniors, provided to all
members electronically. Cat Murray invited to speak to the Juniors Bylaw document.
Introduction of Cat Murray – newly appointed member of the Skate Victoria Executive
Committee, not club affiliated, and developer of the bylaws and applicable policies in
conjunction with Skate Victoria.
3.1 Speaks to Bylaws and Junior Roller Derby policies (Cat Murray speaks to policy)
Welcome and acknowledgement of junior derby groups and members present
 We are bringing about new policies and bylaws relevant to junior and roller derby in
general to keep our kids safe above all else.
MINUTES – Skate Victoria Junior Roller Derby Conference – April 9th 2016
Full Circle HR & Governance Services
The Bylaws and policies have come about as we had minimal juniors to begin with but we
have started to grow as we have seen in the early days of adult roller derby. We want to
bring about greater interaction between clubs involved in junior roller derby. We want to
bring about a change in junior derby activities – growth, more interaction, safety and
injury prevention. Safety in mind and opportunities for all, cross club consultation for the
benefit of the sport.
Age requirement for participation with Seniors – 16+ and above to skate with any form of
adult – including scrimmage and training. It is expected that juniors will otherwise train
completely separately even if on the same track. We used to be able to have children with
beginner adults – this is no longer acceptable in any way.
Compliance/Risk Management – Skate Victoria will be providing a template policy
document for all member clubs with the expectation that your policy should be equivalent
or of a higher standard than the Skate Victoria Policy.
Dispensations – still possible. We still have kids in rural locations or without a club that has
junior activities or programs. We ask that you consult with Skate Victoria EO, Gloria
Ha ke , pe the o al p o ess. We a e t goi g to e essa il de o de li e thei
involvement, but we will insist on conditions on their participation on a case by case basis.
Clu s ust ha e a Ju io s “kate s Pa ti ipati g i Adult ‘olle De
A ti ities poli
Skill Assessment - WFTDA minimum skills graded at an adult level for all juniors is
mandatory for any interaction with adult skaters.
Skate Victoria policies are free to members and accessible – you can edit or amend as long
as edits or amendments are equivalent to or of a higher standard than the Skate Victoria
Full disclosure – if you have a junior skater participating in adult activities, it must be
disclosed to other participants. In the event that even one adult opposes, a junior skater
cannot engage in skating with adults in any form. It is unfortunate but cannot be forced,
skating with adults must be viewed as a privilege not an assumed right to junior skaters.
Skate Victoria welcomes your input into strategies to retain and develop juniors.
3.2 Group discussion: (Cat M, Caitlin G co-facilitating)
 The conference and Junior Roller Derby Nationals event has come about as a result of
member input and feedback.
 Junior Roller Derby Nationals event – a success before we started – we had an expectation
of about 40 participants and ended up with 76 and arrivals at the door requesting
participation – an indication of the momentum in junior roller derby.
 Discussion around measure of suitability for dispensation or suitability to skate with
o Maturity as important as technical skills.
o The culture of our sport needs to change alongside and better than mainstream
sports – toward good governance, management and operations at the club level.
o Concerns remain about young people being appropriate for adult, high contact
play - clubs need to exercise a duty of care and discretion no matter how good
the junior skater, conduct, attitude and maturity must be of equal importance we
must balance between the adult skater experience and the safety of the junior
skater at this level.
o Suitability to play is both tangible and intangible – emotional maturity is as critical
to these decisions as is minimum skill levels.
MINUTES – Skate Victoria Junior Roller Derby Conference – April 9th 2016
Full Circle HR & Governance Services
Behaviour and conduct assessment could be incorporated into the skill
assessment for suitability to skate with adults. (Cat to integrate into the standards
at a later date with member club input).
Discussion needs to take place prior to any transfer from junior skater to adult
skater status.
Resources are available to all members on the Skate Victoria Junior Hub.
We e o
e d that ju io skate s ei g assessed o t a sfe ed i to adult
skati g a ti ities e o ito ed th oughout a p o atio a
e ie pe iod to
monitor their suitability to participate with adults – whether it be skill suitability
or conduct/attitude, being reasonable grounds for reversion to junior activities.
Behaviour standards are applicable to all members – see your code of conduct or
applicable Skate Victoria policies and member procedures for references.
4. Developing sustainable stronger junior clubs
 Clubs working together to develop competition opportunities
Cat Murray:
 Skate Victoria will help facilitate white lightening mash up/pot luck type of bouts, mixed
club teams, mentoring, training opportunities. We want to see you train your juniors as
you see fit, but where ever possible we encourage you to engage other junior groups and
 Common standardised skills testing to ensure evenly matched competitions –
Standardised skills assessments, coaching resources and handbooks provided by Skate
Victoria to avoid language and level confusion. Your skills assessments need to be
equivalent or of a higher standard.
 We need to collectively focus on the attraction, recruitment and retention of referees and
non skating officials – becoming harder to find so we need to integrate their development
within our skater and club activities.
 Sharing of resources and knowledge – Skate Victoria are in the process of developing a
program for in-house training, ideally to bouting and developing skaters to learn the
referee roles. This is not intended to be like the WTFDA referee training accreditation, but
rather an alternate route to upskill referee resources from within the bouting and skater
pool that can also be an inclusion in general skills assessment – this should bring about
better game and rules knowledge, and a confidence and resourcing within the skater pool
not currently utilised for referee roles, and hopefully reduce our reliance on the small pool
of dedicated referees who now have similar bouting opportunities in co-ed competition.
 Ideally, we could look toward including referee, rules and officials training in the Level 3,
bouting assessments. There is no need for a dedicated NSO program as the WFTDA rules
are there as guide enough.
4.1 Group Discussion
 Ideas for inclusion of members include; social memberships for parents and a condition of
sig up as N“O fo hild pa ti ipatio . A g eat a to e gage a d esou e N“O s f o the
existing resources within the club – usi g pa e ts ho ha e u i th ough thei hild s
 E.g. $20 covers voting membership of parent (child is a non voting member). This $20 is
currently used at clubs with this in place for a $10 Skate Vic membership and a $10 NSO
MINUTES – Skate Victoria Junior Roller Derby Conference – April 9th 2016
Full Circle HR & Governance Services
Bringing about consistency with parent requirements that come with mainstream sports –
participation as volunteer as part of their child's participation.
Other ideas – clubs present discussed sharing the duty of care for play – safety, conduct
a d ge e al a age e t a a e ess a oss olu tee s a d the pa e tal g oup as N“O s,
might bring about a better level of conduct in their children and in the sport.
Running rules and off skates skills as a normal training session to increase rules awareness
and officials/refs within the skater pool.
State-wide officials forums – encouraging clubs to pursue bouting opportunities (as
spectators) and to discuss rule changes and officials opportunities.
5. 2017 Nationals (Cat Murray)
On the back of this successful event, we are determined to be bigger and better next year .
Host in 2017 will be New South Wales, and no one club will host as this is too big an ask for a
single club to organise, cover costs and resource this event.
- Keeping the event to the same time of year.
- April 15 + 16 at Niagara Park, NSW Central Coast.
- G eat e ue, dou le the size, 4 ou ts a d de
ith t a k.
- Pot luck game type will remain the preference to equalise the
opportunities and standards of play with skaters representing themselves
and not their club. Giving individual skaters the opportunity to see how
they rank among other juniors skater in Australia.
- Ma also p o ide fo
hole tea s to pla as a outi g g oup.
- Allowing for varying levels of skill throughout the 2 days.
Cat: “kate Vi to ia ill e looki g fo
International Coaches.
igge , ette e e
ea . We ill e ai i g fo
5.1 Group Discussion:
 VRDL Representatives suggestion that – ou ju io s do t k o
ho these ig sta s
are overseas. We have the best team in the world and we should be resourcing
locally first. All the benefits, and without the cost of the travel, accommodation and so
forth of an international coach who may be unknown and not as relevant to juniors as
local stars who are more relatable and accessible than international coaching
resources. Agreed by members present. Bigger and better a great idea, but getting
this right on the smaller scale and in a financially responsible way accessible to
families, and drawing on local talent first is paramount – Caitlin.
 VRDL representative feedback – our juniors did not participate as the skaters felt
unclear and islead the a e of the e e t a d did ot feel the e e at a atio al
le el . No
la ified, it ill e easie to i fo
ju io s goi g fo a d. Me e
information statement would be beneficial. (Advised group about the upcoming
launch of Skater Connect – see below in Gloria update).
 G eat feed a k f o the g oup a out la ifi atio of the e e t s pu pose. The e as
so e o fusio f o ju io lu s a ou d the Natio al Co fe e e te i olog ith
participants assuming that the skating development opportunities may not be for all
levels, and therefore members may not have engaged in the opportunity this time
MINUTES – Skate Victoria Junior Roller Derby Conference – April 9th 2016
Full Circle HR & Governance Services
Action: We will endeavour to provide clarified communications and advertising in the
lead up to the next event. This may include a participant guidelines one-pager for
pa e ts to o side thei hild s suita ilit a d lu s a sha e this f o a i fo ed
Communications from Skate Victoria – Posters are good, but content explaining this a
little further would be beneficial.
Minutes – request from the group that the minutes of this meeting be shared and
available to the Junior Development Facebook Group, Webpage (Skate Victoria) and
Emailed to members present and absent.
Clarification from Skate Victoria (Gloria):
Coaches - Our preference will always remain that we source from our local Australia roller
derby resources, particularly when cost efficiency is paramount to our ability to deliver
services to members, and as rightly pointed out, we have one of the best teams in the world
right here in our back yard.
Communications – As Caitlin shared at this conference, we are excited to announce a
quarterly or bi-a ual o
u i atio s to “kate Vi to ia e e s alled “kate Co e t
acknowledging events, development and services related to our members. This will include
further information and better communication around events and services for Skate Victoria
members. We hope to share issue 1 in the coming weeks.
Minutes – Minutes will be made available in all of the requested forums as soon as possible.
We welcome your feedback from the conference and any input into the initiatives and events
discussed going forward.
<Break – 45 minutes) 12.30 PM - lunch break>
6. National Calendar and Skate Victoria tools
6.1 Online database, Central Calendar, Activity Sheet
To avoid clashes in competitions and development Activities – We are bringing about
a number of tools to make the facilitation of Junior Roller Derby competitions and
development activities easier for all involved.
o Skate Victoria Calendar – a centralised hub – already successful in adult roller
derby competition to provide clubs ability to check against other events
throughout the year.
o Online database and activity sheets – Skate Victoria moving toward an online
database – a significant investment to improve our member experience.
o It is important that clubs complete activity sheets to ensure ongoing
compliance with insurance requirements.
o This online database and activity sheet facility will feature an improved option
which will allow us all to incorporate events and activities into this centralised
events calendar. It will be a junior and adult combined calendar by the type of
roller sport and aid us all greatly in avoidable clashes and resource sharing.
6.2 Promotion of Junior Roller Derby
Cat Murray – We want to encourage clubs to change their thinking and the format of their
events to include junior roller derby events Juniors get bums on seats as there are more
people attached to children participating than conventional adult competition.
A few reminders for all roller derby clubs;
MINUTES – Skate Victoria Junior Roller Derby Conference – April 9th 2016
Full Circle HR & Governance Services
Al ohol o su ptio is a sig ifi a t o side atio i hild e s e e ts i pa ti ula
– Good Sports and like initiatives encourage safe and responsible service of
alcohol. RSA certification and liquor licensing where it is required, is a compliance
Duty of care – ensure that your events are appropriate, family friendly, and
Regulatory compliance – Do t fo get to pla
the ules
Food handling certificates – an increasing incidence of clubs serving food items
without appropriate food handling (gloves) or food safety standards – a concern
to Skate Victoria. With relevant information on our webpage to guidelines e.g.
https://streatrader.health.vic.gov.au/public_site for Victorian Clubs.
Other compliance considerations – Recommendation that all clubs include annual
compliance checks with annual reporting requirements. When submitting annual
reports, check the status of Working With Children Checks, National Name Checks,
First Aid Qualifications and other club compliance measures.
Double check forms and hold adults accountable. Check junior membership forms
are compliant and encompass all your club's requirements for junior activities.
Feedback from members – engage with your local PCYC – these Poli e a d
Citize s Youth Clu s a d YMCAs a e all a out suppo ti g those ho suppo t thei
community and make a great partnership for roller derby clubs and especially
those with juniors.
We encourage all Skate Victoria affiliated clubs and members to share
promotional ideas for junior roller derby – market stalls, poster drops (not on
cars), engaging with schools (e.g. East Vic demo – footage and basic skills etc, to
P.E. students in consultation with local high schools).
International Events
We introduce the draft policy – circulated to the group before hand and open to the group for
questions. The policy covers sanctioning and compliance efforts. No questions put forward from
present members.
 Upcoming events – None tabled
 SV Sanctioning Requirements
a) Junior National Team Selection
b) Junior National Selection Guidelines. – No questions raised. Feedback positive
from the collective group. Encouraged to speak with Cat or Gloria with
7.1 Group Discussion
Questions for Gloria:
 Can Juniors Coach? Or Assist Coaches? Discussion centred around age
appropriateness to coach more than technical skills – acceptable behaviours and
conduct, management of members in the session and so forth.
 What standards must we meet? (J‘DA e isted fi st, o “kate Vi to ia s o i g
in to play – which would comply). Group discussed that the requirement is
ge e all “kate Vi e ui ale t o of a highe sta da d G oup dis ussed
information sharing is best to the public junior development forum. Specific
queries can be put to Skate Victoria where relating to individual clubs and
compliance queries.
MINUTES – Skate Victoria Junior Roller Derby Conference – April 9th 2016
Full Circle HR & Governance Services
Queries relating to juniors – Who are members best to contact – Cat/ Skate
Victoria/ Gloria / JRDA?
Do you require a skater rep for youth/juniors on committee – what are the
issues here? Group discussed age appropriateness and inability to vote under age
– Caitlin to research and advise the group regarding minors inclusion in committee
discussion. Caitlin advised that duty of care to minors extends to this setting and
the appropriateness of discussions and consent.
What age can they coach or vote – Caitlin and Gloria to respond to the group
from a coaching and voting perspective.
In closing, Caitlin announced that alongside the new communication for members, we would also
e lau hi g ou Good Go e a e P og a fo “kate Vi to ia e e s – a proactive program
for the benefit of our members and in alignment with our Member Protection Policy – and
subsidised or sponsored services to support clubs in good governance initiatives. A great response
from members present, initiatives discussed at the opening of the meeting were discussed further
and clubs invited to utilise these resources and services – from policy templates to complaints
handling in times of difficulty. Facilitator opened time at the closure of the meeting for members
to discuss matters in confidence.
Facilitator congratulated all those participating in the Junior Roller Derby Nationals event on their
contribution and involvement in this inaugural event and committed to response on queries for
Gloria Hawken, with the sharing of the minutes in the coming fortnight.
Meeting Closed: 1.23 PM
Post Meeting Clarifications from Skate Victoria
As requested by members present, Skate Victoria offers further clarification on final discussion
points in relation to junior coaches, standards and committee representation.
Can Juniors Coach? Or Assist Coaches? - Skate Victoria Coaching formal accreditation is
applicable from 16 years of age, though dispensation can be sought to attend the Skate
Victoria Coaching Accreditation Course prior to 16 years, the accreditation is not formal until
the participant turn 16 years of age. Skate Victoria accredited junior coaches can lead a
training session from 16 years of age provided they have an accredited adult coach supervising
them during the session. This is not just a duty of care issue but also has legal implications if
an accident or injury occurs. Suitably skilled junior skaters can assist coaches, provided they
are supervised at all times and are not running skills or drills without supervision of an
accredited coach.
What standards must we meet? – Skate Victoria requires that clubs use either the Skate
Victoria junior skill levels, equivalent level, or level skills of a higher standard. What this means
is that the skater level program your club is using has the equivalent to the Skate Victoria skill
level requirement for each skater level or of a higher standard.
MINUTES – Skate Victoria Junior Roller Derby Conference – April 9th 2016
Full Circle HR & Governance Services
So similar skills can replace ones in the Skate Victoria junior levels or you can require your
skaters to pass additional skills for each level (higher standard). This is not only for safety and
injury prevention but also with the goal of producing a higher level of skater in the long term.
It also enable clubs Australia wide to organise bouts and other junior events with the peace of
mind that skaters know what level of competition they are participating in.
Queries relating to juniors – Who are members best to contact – Cat/Skate Victoria/ Gloria /
In the first instance leagues to contact the Skate Victoria office via phone or email.
G. Hawken will then determine who is the relevant person within the organisation to
deal with their inquiry.
Do you require a skater rep for youth/juniors on committee? –
Clu s ill eed to he k the legal uli g u de thei “tate s I o po atio Asso iatio A t if
juniors can be an Executive member and have voting rights.
A range of information can be accessed from the Non-For-Profit Law Information Hub
One option could be to form a sub-committee who will report to the Club Executive
What age can they coach or vote? – See first question above regarding juniors coaching.
Please efe to ou “tate s I o po atio Asso iatio A t o oti g ights of Ju io s.
MINUTES – Skate Victoria Junior Roller Derby Conference – April 9th 2016
Full Circle HR & Governance Services