HINDUSTAN COPPER LIMITED (A Govt. of India Enterprise) Khetri Copper Complex Khetri Nagar Jhunjhunu District - 333504 Tel No.: 91(0) 1593 220065 Fax No.: 91(0) 1593 220038 e-mail: hcl_kcc@hindustancopper.com To, M/s PURCHASE ENQUIRY Enquiry No. : 4386 Date: 30-JUL-13 Last Date & Time for Tender Submission: 27-AUG-2013 14:30:00 Date & Time of Tender Opening : 27-AUG-2013 15:00:00 E.M.D. : Nil SECURITY DEPOSIT: Nil PBG: Nil Warranty: ADEQUATE BELT WEIGHING SERVICES 94G,REGENT ESTATE,, P.O.REGENT ESTATE JADAVPUR,, KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL-700092, KOLKATA Email : Phone: Fax: Note to Supplier: Please refer our enquiry no. PUR/13/INST/07/RFQ4386 dated 30.07.2013 with due date of opening 27.08.2013 on your offer. Offer can be submitted through Fax/e-mail in single part bid. That is Basic rates & other taxes and levies if any. Please provide duly signed tender docs as a token of acceptance of all general terms & condition of NIT. Dear Sirs, You are requested to submit your offer in sealed envelope duly super-scribing above Enquiry No. , date and opening date, for the following item(s) conforming to stipulated description and specification as per terms & conditions attached herewith : S N Material Description of Material Unit Qty Ship to Need By Date Code with Specification/Part No./Make,etc Location 1 316000070 BALL FORK GUIDE WHEELS NUMBER 2 KCC 30-SEP-13 (Sprs&Cons) Store 2 316000067 INTEGRATOR ROLLER GEAR I117 NUMBER 2 KCC 30-SEP-13 (Sprs&Cons) Store 3 316000066 PLANNET WHEEL I36 NUMBER 4 KCC 30-SEP-13 (Sprs&Cons) Store 4 316000065 SUM PINION I366 NUMBER 2 KCC 30-SEP-13 (Sprs&Cons) Store 5 316000064 15 TEETH PINION I365 NUMBER 2 KCC 30-SEP-13 (Sprs&Cons) Store 6 316000062 C.I.RUBBER TYRED WHEELS WD85 NUMBER 2 KCC 30-SEP-13 (Sprs&Cons) Store 7 316000060 INTEGRATOR BALL 112 NUMBER 2 KCC 30-SEP-13 (Sprs&Cons) Store 8 316000054 CHAIN MA23 METRE 6 KCC 30-SEP-13 (Sprs&Cons) Store 9 316000048 KNIFE EDGE 3/4X1/8 MA68 NUMBER 4 KCC 30-SEP-13 (Sprs&Cons) Store 10 316000047 KNIFE EDGE 1X1/8 MA66 NUMBER 8 KCC 30-SEP-13 (Sprs&Cons) Store 11 316000058 INTEGRATOR+GEAR BOX BALL BRG S1165 NUMBER 4 KCC 30-SEP-13 (Sprs&Cons) Store 12 316000194 21T SPROCKET WITH ADOPTER SET 1 KCC 30-SEP-13 (Sprs&Cons) Store 1 PURCHASE ENQUIRY 13 316000293 BALL BEARING INTEGRATOR S105/1 NUMBER 4 14 316000353 SPROCKET WITH ADOPTER WD 86 B NUMBER 1 15 316000407 INTEGRATOR BALL BEARING S 132/2 NUMBER 4 16 316000408 INTEGRATOR BALL BEARING S 115/3 NUMBER 4 KCC (Sprs&Cons) Store KCC (Sprs&Cons) Store KCC (Sprs&Cons) Store KCC (Sprs&Cons) Store 30-SEP-13 30-SEP-13 30-SEP-13 30-SEP-13 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS : Bidders must refer to following a) Special Terms and Conditions b) General Terms and Conditions c) Detail Technical Specification d) Drawing e) Any Other For Hindustan Copper Limited 2 PURCHASE ENQUIRY HINDUSTAN COPPER LIMITED (A Govt of India Enterprise) KHETRI COPPER COMPLEX, KHETRI NAGAR – 333 504 DISTRICT JHUNJHUNU (Rajasthan) INDIA E-Mail : usman_md@hindustancopper.com FAX : +91-01593-220038 , TEL : +91-1593-220065,220006 TENDER DOCUMENT No. HCL/KCC/PUR/13/INST/07/RFQ-4386 Dated : 30.07.2013 Last date and time of submission of Techno-Commercial offer: 27.08.2013 by 2.30 p.m. Date and time of opening of techno commercial bid: 27.08.2013 after 2.30 p.m. To Please note that your quotation should consist of the following basic information: 1. Validity 2. Applicable Tax (VAT/CST) & Excise Duty 3. Delivery Period 4. Payment terms Sub: Procurement of Spares for Gillander's make Belt weightometer Dear Sirs, Offer is invited from M/s Adequate Belt Weighing Services only for supply of Spares for Gillander's make Belt weightometer to our Khetri Copper Complex Unit, Khetrinagar, Distt. Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan). You are requested to submit your offer in through Fax/e-mail in single part bid for the following items conforming to stipulated description and specification as per terms & conditions attached herewith: Scope of Supply:S No Materials Code Material Description Unit QTY 1 316000047 KNIFE EDGE 1X1/8 MA66 Nos 8 2 316000048 KNIFE EDGE 3/4X1/8 MA68 Nos 4 3 316000054 CHAIN MA23 Metre 6 4 316000058 INTEGRATOR+GEAR BOX BALL BRG S1165 Nos 4 5 316000060 INTEGRATOR BALL 112 Nos 2 6 316000062 C.I.RUBBER TYRED WHEELS WD85 Nos 2 7 316000064 15 TEETH PINION I365 Nos 2 8 316000065 SUM PINION I366 Nos 2 3 PURCHASE ENQUIRY 9 316000066 PLANNET WHEEL I36 Nos 4 10 316000067 INTEGRATOR ROLLER GEAR I117 Nos 2 11 316000070 BALL FORK GUIDE WHEELS Nos 2 12 316000194 21T SPROCKET WITH ADOPTER Set 1 13 316000293 BALL BEARING INTEGRATOR S105/1 Nos 4 14 316000353 SPROCKET WITH ADOPTER WD 86 B Nos 1 15 316000407 INTEGRATOR BALL BEARING S 132/2 Nos 4 16 316000408 INTEGRATOR BALL BEARING S 115/3 Nos 4 Pre-qualification criteria:- The bidder should be M/s Adequate Belt Weighing Services. Submission of offer:- You are requested to submit your offer through Fax/e-mail in single part bid i.e. Basic rates & other taxes and levies if any. Please provide duly signed tender docs as a token of acceptance of all general terms & condition of NIT. Delivery: Please quote your Ex-stock basis OR shortest firm delivery schedule. Sr. Manager (Metallurgy) 4 PURCHASE ENQUIRY General Terms & Conditions ANNEXURE-I Instructions for Bidders, who wish to respond to our Enquiry for supply of Material to KCC. ANY ORDER RESULTING FROM THIS ENQUIRY SHALL BE GOVERNED BY THE FOLLOWING STANDARD TERMS & CONDITIONS IN ADDITION TO THOSE MENTIONED IN THE ENQUIRY:1 This is an Enquiry and must not be treated as an order. 2 Quotations are called in accordance with the drawing, specifications or pattern and the quotation so submitted shall be deemed to be an acknowledgement by the seller that he has fully understood the details thereof. 3 No quotation will be considered which is received after the Due date & Time. The time of receipt of tenders is latest by 2.30 PM on the due date and the said tender will be opened immediately thereafter. Late / delayed tenders shall not be considered. 4 All entries in the quotations should either be typed or written legibly in ink without any ambiguity and should be free from corrections and erasers. 5 If required, free samples should be submitted by the seller at his expense pre-paid, along with the tender. 6. "HCL" reserves the right to reject any or all the offers and award in part or in whole the contract at its sole discretion without assigning any reasons thereof. 7. Delivery: The delivery period shall be deemed to be an essence of the Contract. We may take delivery of material in phased manner as per our requirement. 8. The price by the seller shall in no case exceed the controlled Price, if any, fixed by the Government or the price permissible under the law. In case, the rates quoted are as per DGS & D rate contract / Govt. rates, bidders should submit documentary evidence along with their offer. 9. Prices: a) b) d) e) The rates quoted should be on F.O.R. Khetri Nagar (Rajasthan) basis and should be inclusive of packing, forwarding, freight and insurance. Cash/Trade/Quantity discount, if any, should be shown separately. Similarly, duties & taxes, if any, should also be shown separately. Material quoted should be dispatched by Road transport only. To avail CENVAT on excisable items quoted, please show Excise duty separately and provide your Excise registration details in your offer. 10. Terms of Payment: Our usual terms of payment are 45 days interest free credit / 30 days credit for SSI / NSIC registered units, after receipt and acceptance of material. The bidder accepting our usual terms will be given due weightage while comparing their prices with those of the other bidders offering payment terms different from our usual payment terms. More favorable terms of payment than our usual terms of payment will be given suitable additional weightage. Consideration of your quotation will, therefore, depend on the terms of payment stipulated by you. If you do not agree with our standard payment clause, you may indicate the mode of payment agreeable to you. 11. The prices quoted by the seller will remain firm during the validity of the contract and no increase whatsoever will be considered. 12. Packing The material should be securely and properly packed and marked to avoid loss or damage in transit. Any goods shipped short or damaged due to faulty packing shall be replaced by the seller and the cost of such replacement including the cost of delivery to site shall be borne by the seller. 13. Inspection: The material shall be normally inspected on receipt at our end only or otherwise as specified in the special terms & conditions. 14. Rejection and Removal of Rejected goods:- If testing and inspection reveals that the goods donot comply with the specifications and requirement, it will be rejected. The rejected goods will have to be collected by the supplier at his own cost within one month on receipt of rejection advice from HCL/KCC. The rejected goods shall be lying at the risk & cost of the supplier at our end. HCL/KCC reserves the right to impose ground rent at its discretion, if goods are not removed within one month. 15. Liquidated Damages: Failure to effect supplies by the specified date will make the seller liable to liquidated damages at the rate of 1/2% per week or part thereof of the value of the un-delivered quantity subject to a maximum of 5% of the value of purchase order. The buyer will also have the option to purchase the goods elsewhere with due notice to the supplier at the supplier's risk and cost. In this re-purchase, the seller will be liable to pay any loss, if sustained by the buyer. 16. Risk Purchase: Whenever seller fails to supply as per contract, HCL will be at liberty to buy the product from other source at suppliers cost and risk. 17. Termination/Cancellation: HCL reserves the right to cancel/terminate the order either in full or in part any time, other than when the material is under processing stage at your end, at its sole discretion without assigning any reason whatsoever by giving one month notice in writing. The supplier will have no claim on HCL due to such termination of the contract. 18. Validity: The Quotation should be valid for 90 days from the date of opening of offer. 19. In case your firm is an SSI unit registered with NSIC, please confirm the same with documentary evidence along with the offer. 20. We do not pay overdue interest. Further, all bank charges will be to your account. 5 PURCHASE ENQUIRY 21. Recovery of Sum Due: Whenever any claim against the supplier for payment of any sum of money arises out of or under the order HCL/KCC Khetri Nagar shall be entitled to recover such sums from any sum when due or which at any time thereafter may become due from the vendor under this or any other order with HCL and should this sum be not sufficient to cover the recoverable amount, the supplier shall pay to HCL/KCC Khetri Nagar on demand the balance remaining due immediately. 22. Force Majeure Clause: Neither HCL nor the supplier shall be held responsible or considered to be in default, if the execution of the work is delayed/ interrupted due to cause (s) such as act of God, Natural Calamities, War, Major Civil Commotion, Fire, Storms, Floods, Strike or Lock Outs and Bundhs or any other causes which in the absolute discretion of HCL authorities is beyond the supplier’s control. In such an event, either party shall not compensate the other for the loss that might accrue or might have accrued because of the effect of such event up on the execution of the order. 23. Arbitration: All questions disputes or difference of any kind whatsoever arising out of or relating to the contract shall be referred within two months of dispute by the parties to this contract for decision to a Sole Arbitrator who shall be Project Head of KCC or any office of HCL, nominated by the said Project Head in this behalf. In the event of such an Arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred, is transferred or vacates his office by resignation or otherwise refuses to act or is incapable of acting for any reasons whatsoever the Project Head shall appoint another person to act as Arbitrator in his place in accordance with the terms of this contract. Such persons shall be entitled to proceed from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor. There shall be no objection to any such appointment that the Arbitrator appointed is an officer of the Company or that he had hand to deal with the matter to which this contract relates or that in the course of his duty as such officer he has expressed views on all or any of the matters in dispute or difference. No person other than the Project Head or his nominee can act as Arbitrator. The venue of Arbitration shall be at KCC, Khetri Nagar (Rajasthan). The award of the Arbitrator shall final and binding on the parties of this Agreement. Subject to above, the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and of all the Rules there under and all statutory modifications thereof shall govern such Arbitration proceedings and shall be deemed to apply to and be incorporated in this contract. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Jurisdiction of Courts: Any cause of action arising out of this contract will be subject to the Jurisdiction of Khetri, District – Jhunjhunu only. Please submit a copy of tender document duly signed and stamped as a token of acceptance of all terms and condition of the tender. In case, a tenderer submits their quotation without tendered documents, it will be deemed as confirmed / in agreement with the above terms & conditions. Please mention your Tax Identification No. (TIN) in your quotation. In case you do not quote, please send your regret letter else your name may be deleted from the mailing list. All changes in the NIT including the extension of the date of opening etc, if any, would be posted only on the website of the company i.e. www.hindustancopper.com and the prospective bidders should keep in touch with the company’s website for updates before submitting their bids. 29. You shall have observed all the State & Central Govt. Rules, Regulations & Acts wherever applicable. 30. The work during its progress can also be inspected by the Chief Technical Engineer/Technical Examiner of Central Vigilance or by an officer of Vigilance Cell of HCL independently ab initio/on behalf of the Engineer-in-Charge. 6 PURCHASE ENQUIRY ANNEXURE – ‘III’ PART-II RFQ No. HCL/KCC/PUR/13/INST/07/RFQ-0000 Date : 00.00.2013 BIDDERS ARE REQUIRED TO FILL THE PRICE BID ON FOR DOOR DELIVERY AT OUR CENTRAL STORES BASIS). PRICE BID NAME & AND ADDRESS OF THE PARTY:………………………………………………………………. QUOTATION NO. & DATE…………………………………………………………………………………. Sl. Materials Material Description Unit QTY Basic Total Rate Code Rate (Rs) {Qty x No (Rs.) Basic Rate} KNIFE EDGE 1X1/8 MA66 316000047 1 Nos 8 2 316000048 KNIFE EDGE 3/4X1/8 MA68 Nos 4 3 316000054 CHAIN MA23 Mtre 6 4 316000058 INTEGRATOR+GEAR S1165 Nos 4 5 316000060 INTEGRATOR BALL 112 Nos 2 6 316000062 C.I.RUBBER TYRED WHEELS WD85 Nos 2 7 316000064 15 TEETH PINION I365 Nos 2 8 316000065 SUM PINION I366 Nos 2 9 316000066 PLANNET WHEEL I36 Nos 4 10 316000067 INTEGRATOR ROLLER GEAR I117 Nos 2 11 316000070 BALL FORK GUIDE WHEELS Nos 2 12 316000194 21T SPROCKET WITH ADOPTER Set 1 13 316000293 BALL BEARING INTEGRATOR S105/1 Nos 4 14 316000353 SPROCKET WITH ADOPTER WD 86 B Nos 1 15 316000407 INTEGRATOR BALL BEARING S 132/2 Nos 4 16 316000408 INTEGRATOR BALL BEARING S 115/3 Nos 4 BOX BALL BRG Total Basic Rate_____________________ 1. 2. Excise duty (Rs.) Sales Tax/VAT (Rs.) Freight + Transit Insurance (Rs.) Any other (Rs.) 3. 4. Total FOR destination Price Note : 1) : : : : : ………………………………………….. Lowest bidder will be calculated on individual item wise L-1 (lowest bid) basis. 7 PURCHASE ENQUIRY 2) 3) 4) be 5) Please submit your price bid in sealed cover strictly as per the format given above. It may be noted that no other charges / amount shall be payable by HCL unless clearly stipulated in the Price – Bid. If the rates / charges under any column are inclusive in the basic price, the same should clearly mentioned as ‘included’ or ‘free of charge’. The price bid preferably to be submitted clean and neatly by typing. No cutting & overwriting is allowed, otherwise if found your offer is liable for rejection. SIGNATURE OF TENDERER WITH NAME, DESIGNATION & OFFICIAL STAMP. 8