COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ROORKEE LAB MANUAL ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LAB PEC 451 LIST OF EXPERIMENT ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LAB(PEC 451) 1. Study of operational amplifier as an Adder and Subtractor. 2. Study of operational amplifier as an Integrator and Diffrentiator. 3. Study of Low pass filter and high pass filter using op-amp. 4. Study of Band pass filter and notch pass filter using op-amp. 5. To study the performance of op-amp V-I converter. 6. To study the working of 741IC OP-AMP and to conduct following experiment. (a) To measure input offset current (b) To measure input bias current 7. To study a 4- bit R-2-R Ladder digital to analog converter. 8. To study the process of 4-bit analog to digital conversion by counter method . EXPERIMENT NO.1 AIM-:Study of operational amplifier as an Adder and Subtractor. APPRATUS REQUIRED-:Experimental kit, multimeter, connecting wires. THEORY-: Op-Amp as a SummerIn a given circuit, the feedback current if is a function of sums of input current i1+i2+ib. since ibis very small for close loop operation thus the relation becomes i1+i2= ib .the input currents are fraction of input voltages V1 and V2 and resistance R1+R2, since node (- input) accros voltage zero. Thus the above relation should be written as –v0/ Rf = V1/R1+V2/R2, the sign ahed of V0 inverting action if the resistance Rf= R1= R2=R, then the o/p written as ,-V0= Va+Vb( as summing relation). Op-Amp as a subtractor:The operational amplifier has two input which are designated as (-) inverting and (+) noninverting input. If the voltage of same polarity is fed through these inputs simultaneously then there will be no output assessing that common node rejection is infinite the property of op-amp is infinite for realization of subtracting op-amp is fed with two voltage source in to both inputs.the output voltage is a difference b/w input V2 and V1.since all resistance network is R a relation may be written for the operation as V0=V2-V1 ( asubtractor relation) CIRCUIT DIAGRAM:- PROCEDURE AS A SUMMER -:1. Connect the feedback resistance RF with the output as show in fig.1 note the value of input resistance connected with inverting input of op-amp .as show in fig.1 that are resistors are equal in value R1=R2=RF Neglect the non – inverting input resistance and it may be show as short circuit with ground. 2. Connect given voltmeter with the output as show in fig 1, with respective polarity. Note any deflection occurs (0). 3. Connect given another variable DC power supply (+2volt) as V2 with the another input resistance .adjust supply to obtain – 4volt at output measure the input voltage at V2 variable= +2 volt. Verify the relation 1, as 0-V0=V2+V1. 4. Change the polarity of V2 to other direction by mean of pot (-2volt) and note output voltage (0volt). Write again the relation and put values for verification. – V0=2+(0-2)=0 PROCEDURE AS A SUBSTRACTOR:-1.Remain the circuit as shown fig.2 note the values of all resistance in network. Note that only one of the input resistance should be accounted for inverting input and given R S=R. 2. Connect voltmeter with the polarity show in fig 2. Not any output voltage appears at output(0) 3. Connect supply V1 (+ 2volt) with the non-inverting input through R. note the output voltage (+ 2 volt). 4. Connect the supply V2 (adjust for +1 volt) with the inverting input note the output voltage as V0= V1-V2(=1 Volt). 5. Change the polarity of the non- inverting input supply. Note the output voltage .write the output relation as Vo= V1- (-V2). OBSERVATION TABLE:As a summer - S.NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. VA VB VO= VA-VB As a subtractorS.NO VA VB VO= VA+VB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Result:-Studied op-amp as a adder and subtractor is verified. PRECAUTIONS:- (1) All the connections should be right and tight. (2) Take the readings carefully. (3) Power supply should be switched off when not in use. VIVA QUESTIONS:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) What is an op amp? What are ideal characteristics of op amp? What is the function of adder? What is scaling amplifier? What are the applications of subtractor? What is the use of offset null compensating network in adder? EXPERIMENT NO.2 AIM-:Study of operational amplifier as an Integrator and Differentiator. APPRATUS REQUIRED-:Experimental kit, CRO, Function generator, connecting wires. THEORY-:Op-Amp as a integratorThe given circuit produces an output voltage waveform which is integral of the input voltage ( waveform) the charging current of capacitor is ic= c DVC/dt, the voltage at output and input ( across the capacitor is zero). Applying the input current through input resistance Rfrom a voltage voltage source Vin ,the following equation may be written Vin/R= C.d/dt (-vo) or output voltage. V0= - 1/Rc∫Vindt+ C Where ,C is called integration constant. Op-Amp as a differentiator:A differentiator circuit as the name implies this circuit perform mathematical operation of differentiation. Its output voltage (waveform) is the derivative of the input voltage (waveform) in the circuit the charge current IF. as stated earlier IF is a function of v0 and RF thus a relation may be written as C.dVin/dt= -VO/RF,or Vo=-R.C dVin/dt + V Where v is differentiation constant. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM:- PROCEDURE:-AS A INTEGRATOR 1. Connect the circuit as shown in fig 3 connect function generator output with the input resistor R, note the values of R (10K) and C(0.1µF). 2. Adjust generator output for 6 Vpp output at 250 Hz= 4msec.square wave, connect cro at input and measure the input as given. 3. Connect the CRO at output and note the waveform (triangular) and its amplitude in VPP. 4. Change the input frequency to 500Hz= 2msec .square wave of similar amplitude 6 Vpp at input . Note the output voltage amplitude in VPP. 5. Calculate integration constant from the results obtained from the observation. 6. Calculate the time constant R.C given values as: ʎ = R.C = (Vin/c ).f in. V0 in millisecond if R in ohm and c in µf. 7. Conclude the result. From observation it is shown that the output voltage is a function of input frequency, its amplitude and time constant RC. The output decrease with increase in frequency. PROCEDURE AS A DIFFERENTIATOR:1.Connect the circuit as fig 4. Connect function generator output with the input of capacitor C. note the values of R (10K) and C (0.1,µf). 2. Feed the triangular pulses of 250 Hz = 4msec of 6 Vpp at the input. Connect CRO at output and observe the output waveforms. Measure the output amplitude in vpp. 3. Change the input frequency to 500HZ = 2m sec of 6 VPP and observe the differentiated output waveforms in shape of square wave measure its amplitude in Vpp . Trace it upon the paper. 4. From experiment it is shown that the output of differentiator decrease with decrease in frequency. The width of the differentiated wave from depends upon input periodic time t and time constant of the circuit RC. RESULT:-Studied op-amp as an integrator and differentiator can be verified by observing the output waveforms. PRECAUTIONS:- (1)Connections should be tight and right. (2)switch off the power supply when not in use. VIVA QUESTIONS 1) What is a differentiator and integrator? 2) What is the effect of resistor Rf that is connected across the feedback capacitor in practical integrator? 3) If input of integrator is DC voltage, then which type of waveform will be obtained at the output. 4) Give the applications of a differentiator? 5) If input to differentiator is square wave, then what will be the output? EXPERIMENT NO.3 AIM:-Study of Low pass filter and high pass filter using op-amp. APPRATUS REQUIRED:-Experimental kit,a general purpose dual trace CRO, Function generator, connecting leads. THEORY:-LOW PASS FILTER A low pass filter has property to pass out low frequency band which should be below the cut-off frequency fc. These are many type of electrical circuit to construct these filter but buffer worth filter is common. In fig 1.(a) base low pass filter is shown in which R-C has finite is show cut-off characteristics which can be realized asV0= Vin /(1+2𝜋frc) The above expression is true if the output Vo is terminated at very high impedance. The filter cut of rate will be -3db octave since. It is a low pass filter .if two successive stage are combined then it will first order filter. The cut-off rate will be (3) + (-3)= -6db octave. The cut off frequency is solely depends upon the R-C. an unusual way is made while connecting C1 with the output of opamp rather than ground in practice the output signal is fed back to the node a with a phase difference produced by the network R2-C2 the phase cancellation effect the cut of rate which produce shaper slope of 12db/octave the gain of the amplifier is made 3db more higher then it is required at cut off frequency for buffer worth response. The cut off frequency of the filter is fc=1/2π√R1R2C1C2 the equation reduced to below if R1=R2 and C1=C2 fc= 1/2πRC AV = 1+R4/R3= 1.55 HIGH PASS FILTER:In active 2nd order high pass filter is shown. The cut off frequency solely depend upon the C-R AN unusual way is made while connecting R1with the output of op-amp rather than ground in practice the output signal is feedback to the node a, with a phase difference produced by the network C2-R2. The phase cancellation effect the cut-off rate which produce sharper slope of 12dboctave.the gain of the amplifier is made 3 db more higher then it is required at cut-off frequency. The cut-off frequency of the filter is fc=1/2π√R1R2C1C2 If R in kΩ and C in µf then f in KHZ Equation reduced to below if R1=R2 and C1=C2 fc = 1/2πRC the value of R3 and R4 should be to give +3 db gain at fc equal to Av= 1+R4/R3 = 1.55 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM:- PROCEDURE AS A LOW PASS FILTER_:-1. Switch on the power connect CRO channel A at the output connect channel B with the input of low pass filter .trigger CRO with channel B. 2. Adjust function generator for 100 HZ sine wave. Set amplitude control to display 6 vpp sine wave signal at channel B. 3. Increase frequency of the function generator in 100Hz steps and note the output voltage each time up to frequency of 10khz more. 4. Tabulate the observations. Plot the band pass band characteristics between input frequency and output voltage upon a semilog paper and calculate the gain. And find out cut-off frequency. 5. Compute the theoretical frequency and compare it with the obtained f0. PROCEDURE AS A HIGH PASS FILTER.1. Switch on the power. Connect CRO channel A the output. Connect channel B with the input of high pass filter .trigger CRO with channel B. 2. Adjust function generator for 10 khz Sine wave. Set amplitude control to display 6 V pp sine wave signal at channel B. 3. Decrease frequency of the function generator in 500 Hz steps and note the output voltage each time up to frequency of 1000 Hz take steps of 100 HZ after it up to 50HZ 4. Tabulate the observation. Plot the pass band characteristics between input frequency and output voltage upon a semilogpaper .calculate the gain. And find out cut- out frequency fc from the plot. 5. Compute the theoretical frequency and compare it with obtained fc. RESULT-Studied respective low pass and high pass filter. PRECAUTIONS:(1) All the connections should be right and tight. (2) Take the readings carefully. VIVA QUESTIONS 1. What is the function of the filter? 2. What are the different types of filters? 3. Define pass band and stop band of filters? 4. Define cut off frequency? 5. What is the difference between HPF&LPF? EXPERIMENT NO.4 AIM:- Study of Band pass filter and notch pass filter using op-amp. APPRATUS REQUIRED:- Experimental kit,a general purpose dual trace CRO, Function generator, connecting leads. THEORY:- Band PASS FILTER The pass band frequency is depend upon the C-R combination and Q of the filter. An unusual way is made while connecting C1and R3 with the output of op-amp. Rather than ground in practice the output signal is fed back to the node a and b, with a gain/ phase difference produced by the network C2- R2. The circuit is referred as multiple feedbacks. The result of this feedback is very sharp pass band within few hertz the fc1 and fc2 are depend upon another factor called Q of the filter which depends upon C2 and R3. The q of the filter will be Q= πfc C R3 fc is in KHZ, C in µf and R in kΩ the centre frequency fc is fc= Q /2π √R1R2( C1+ C2)/2 fc= Q /2π√ R1R2C If C1=C2 in µf,R in kΩ,then fc is in KHZ. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM:- THE ACTIVE NOTCH FILTER:In fig another R-C is show which has two paths for input signal. Actually it is passive filter, where one T has made up with two capacitors and resister and other T has two resistors and one capacitor. The R2=2R1 and C1=2C2 .when it is perfectly balanced it acts as a frequency depend attenuator that produce nearly zero output at its centre frequency f, a finite output at all other frequencies. The characteristics reject frequency of this filter is, f=1/2πRC Unfortunately the twin T network has a relatively low figure of merit, because of very tight component tolerance and difficult to adjust it is also used in fixed frequency applications such as notch filter or narrow band reject filter. PROCEDURE AS A BAND PASS FILTER-: 1.Switch on the power. Connect CRO channel A at the output connect channel B with the input of high pass filter. Trigger CRO with channel B . 2. Adjust function generator for 1 khz sine wave. 3. Decrease frequency of function generator in 50Hz steps and note the output voltage each time up to frequency of 10 Hz. 4. Increse input frequency beyond 12KHZ to khz in step note the output voltage in each step. 5. Tabulate the observation .plot the pass band chracterstics between input frequency and output voltage upon a semilog paper. Calculate the gain and find the frequency fc from the plot. PROCEDURE AS A NOTCH FILTER:- 1.Switch on the power. Connect CRO channel the output connect channel B with the input of notch filter. Trigger CRO with channel A. 2. Adjust function generator for 1 khz sine wave 3. Increase frequency of function generator in 100Hz steps and note the output voltage each time up to frequency of 10 Hz. 4. Tabulate the observation .plot the rejection chracterstics between input frequency and output voltage upon a semilog paper. Calculate the gain and find the frequency fn from the plot. RESULT- The respective Band Pass filter and notch filter waveforms are observed and drawn. PRECAUTIONS:(1) All the connections should be right and tight. (2) Switch off the power supply when not in use. VIVA QUESTIONS 1. What are the differences between active filters & passive filters? 2. Why are the active filters not preferred at higher frequencies? 3. What is the difference between filter, attenuator and equaliser? 4. What is meant by all pass filter? 5. Define Slew rate, SVRR, input bias current, input offset current, input offset voltage. EXPERIMENT NO.05 AIM:-To study the performance of op-amp V-I converter. APPRATUS REQUIRED :-Experimental kit ,connecting wires, multimeter. THEORY:-In circuit, the load is in form of milimeter is connected with ground at non-inverting terminal. The op-amp has two loops are around the inverting terminal as usual and another around the non inverting terminal. Assume input current I0 = 0, Then as KCL equation can be written as. At node B, Iin+I2 = IL (1) [( Vin- V2)/R]2 + [(Vb-V2)/R]=IL SO Vin+Vb-2V2= I1R But the op-amp is in non-inverting mode. Hence the gain is RF/R1=2 Then the o/p voltage will be V0= 2V2= Vin+V0-ILR Vin= IL R or IL= Vin/R→ (2) Eq.2 tells that the value of current through the load depends on input voltage Vin& R. in this case all RB should have equal values these type of circuit employed in photo process and exposure meters We know V= IR I= V/R I=V/2 V= 2I CIRCUIT DIAGRAM:- PROCEDURE:-1.Switch on the power. Keep care of polarity of meters and input DC source. 2. Keep D.C supply control at minimum switch ON the power . 3. IncreseDCsupply slowly in steps and note the corresponding current from the millimeter. Tabulate the readings. 4. Connect a patch cords across R1 AND RD points. ( R =1k) OBSERVATION TABLE-: S.NO VOLTAGE (V) CURRENT(mA) RESULT-Result is verified using op-amp V-I converter. PRECAUTION-(1).Connection should be right and tight. (2) Power supply should be switched of when not in use. (3) Readings should be taken carefully. VIVA QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. What are the applications of V-I converter? What do you mean by input biased current? What do you mean by voltage follower? What do you mean by an open loop configuration of an op-amp? EXPERIMENT NO.06 AIM- :-To study the working of 741IC OP-AMP and to conduct following experiment. (a)Input biasing current measurement. (b)Input offset current measurement. APPRATUS REQUIRED-:OP-AMP model-741,dc power supply(0-10v),connecting wire, THEORY-:An-op-amp is a high gain direct coupled amplifier having low o/p impedance and high input impedance. The first stage of an op-amp consists of a differential amplifier resulting in two inputs. They are characterized by (-ve)& (+ve) sign respectively. An op-amp operates from two power supply (+Vcc)&(-Vcc). Bias and offset current-:The two transistor of the first stage of an op-amp must draw source base current for a purpose of operating condition. if the non inverting terminal draw a base current for a proper operation of non inverting terminals draw a base current of Ib1 & (-ve) terminals draw a base current of Ib2to the i/p . I/p bias current = (Ib1+ Ib2)/2 Op-amp are designed in such a way that the input bias current is very small so that the input signal does not get loaded the theoretically because of the differential amplifier stage the two base current Ib1&Ib2 should be same. In practice, however there are never exactly identical this inspires that offset current is defined as input offset current I0 =Ib1-Ib2 This should always flow and would cause a non zero output voltage from amplifier without an input this applying a potential at any one of input or preferably by using internal offset balanced terminal. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM:- PROCEDURE INPUT BAIS CURRENT MEASUREMENT-:1.Switch off the offset null potentiometer. 2.Set R1=1 M ohm, connect 2 to ground and connect 1to 8 and sketch the resulting circuit diagram. 3. Switch on the power supply wait for 2 minutes and then read the output voltage eout. 4. Calculate the non inverting input bias current as Ib1= eout/31.3µA. 5. Repeat R2= 1 m ohm, connect 2 to ground and 3 to 8 and 9 to meter I/P. Ib2= eout/31.3µA. 6. Calculate the input bais current. Ib= Ib1+Ib2 /2 µA. PROCEDURE INPUT OFFSETCURRENT MEASUREMENT-:1.Switch off the offset null potentiometer. 2. Set R1=1 M ohm, R2= 1m ohm connect 2 to ground and connect 1to 8 and sketch the resulting circuit diagram. 3. Switch on the power supply wait for 2 minutes and then read the output voltage eout. 4. Calculate the input offset current as I0= eout/31.3µA. 5. Compare this value of I0 with the following. I0= (Ib1-Ib2)µA OBSERVATIONS :FOR Ib1:- EOUT = .862 Ib1 :- eout/31.3 = FOR Ib2:- EOUT = .281 Ib2= Eout/31.3 Offset current= Ib1 – Ib2 Bias current = Ib1+ Ib2 /2 RESULT-The value of input of bais current is………… The input offset current is……………. PRECAUTION- (1).Connection should be right and tight. (2) power supply should be switched of when not in use. (3)readings should be taken carefully. VIVA QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is OPAMP? Draw the pin configuration of IC741. List out the ideal characteristics of OPAMP? Mention some of the linear applications of op – amps? Mention some of the non – linear applications of op-amps? Define input offset current. EXPERIMENT NO.07 AIM:-To study a 4- bit R-2-R Ladder digital to analog converter. APPRATUS REQUIRED:-Experimental board on 8-bit R- 2R Digital to analog converter, digital voltmeter range 0-20 volt. THEORY-:A circuit which can convert a binary number in to a corresponding voltage/current is called D to A converter( D/A or DAC).the input to a DAC will be a N-bit digital word and its output is an analog voltage or current. The various o/p in a DAC are in terms of a full- scale o/p voltage V0 (Fs) .the highest of 4-bit word is 1111and the number next to this is 10000.The o/p voltage corresponding to the LSB input(…………….001) is V0 (LSB).similarly for MSB input ( 10000……..) it is Vo ( MSB) and for max input ( 1111…….) it is vo (max) V0( LSB) = VO(Fs)/1 V0( MSB) = VO(Fs)/2 V (max)= V0(Fs)-V0(LSB) If V0 (Fs)= 10V V0(LSB)= 10/16= 0.625 Volt Vo(MSB)= 10/2= 5 volt V(max)= 10-0.625 =9.375 The methods of D to A conversion are based on generating current proportional to the positional value of a bit in the binary word. If the bit is high the current is allowed to flow and if the bit is low –then the current is dissolved. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM-: PROCEDURE 4- BIT R-2R DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTOR:- 1. Switch on the supply and adjust the VREF= 10volt. 2. Connect VREF to T5 and digital voltmeter 0—20, volt between T5 –T6. 3.4-bit R-2R network with VREF=10 volt. 4. Now measure the voltage for each binary from 0000 to 1111 and verify the eqs.(1) to (3). You will find that the voltage 0.625 volt is added for each next binary digit. 5. Find out V0( LSB), V0(MSB) and V (max) theoretically and compare the results obtained practically. 6. Plot the observations for each binary no.and compare it with fig. and set any other value of VREF ( say 10.24 volt) and repeat steps. OBSERVATION:DIGITAL INPUT ANALOG OUTPUT(VOLT) RESULT-: Studied the 4-bit R-2R Ladder digital to analog converter. PRECAUTIONS-: (1).Switch off the power supply when not in use. (2)All the connections should be right and tight. (3)Reading Should be taken carefully by pressing the right key corresponding to specific binary number. VIVA QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is meant by resolution of DAC? What is meant by linearity of DAC? What is meant by accuracy of DAC? What are the applications of by DAC? What are the disadvantages of weighted resistor DAC? EXPERIMENT NO.8 AIM-:To study the process of 4-bit analog to digital conversion by counter method . APPRATUS REQUIRED-: A/D Converter kit, connecting wires. THEORY-:A/D Comparator are the power inter phase b/w digital and analog words ADC in values transition of analog information in to equivalent digital information(word), there are so many connection techniques in given band counter method is adopted. The band layout designed is blocks verify the whole process which is described as follows. (A)Comparator-: Its basic function is to compare I/p analog voltage in) with the binary ladder o/p voltage ( reference) o/p signal to reset the gate flip-flop. (B)Flip-flop_-:It is RS flip-flop which is called gate flip-flop. its instruction is to make count gate enables and disable, where it is set applying start signal. Its o/p goes logic 1 which allows count gate to pass I/P clock signal to the up-counter. (C)Up counter-: It is a 4- bit counter the o/p of which is a digital equivalent of analog I/P initiated by start pluse. (D)Binary ladder and switched-: There are the scent of 4- bit digital to analog converter. the up-counter signal switch guard analog switches b/w applied reference and and ground which produce the resultant o o/p is the form of reference o/p to the comparator. (E)Start and set mono- flops-: There are set of two mono – flops used to set the count gate flip-flop and to reset the counter. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM PROCEDURE ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTOR-: 1. Connect the given voltmeter across the analog voltage sockets and adjust input voltage to 1.00 volt with the given knob situated just under the voltmeter note the comparator status LED comes on disconnect the voltmeter from the analog input sockets and connect it with the ref –in socket. 2. Apply a brief push on start key . it will start the conversion which is indicated by another two LEDs fitted with the gate. Input and output. 3. Note the data output LEDs fitted at the top of the board. Also check the change of voltage in analog meter. OBSERVATION TABLE-: ANALOG INPUT(VOLT) REFERENCE VOLTAGE DIGITAL OUTPUT (VOLT) RESULT-:Studied the 4-bit analog to digital converter is verified. PRECAUTION-: (1).Switch off the power supply when not in use. (2).All the connections should be right and tight. (3)Reading Should be taken carefully . VIVA QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. List the broad classification of ADCs? List out some integrating type converters. What are the main advantages of integrating type ADCs? Define conversion time? Define resolution of a data converter?