Chapter I Itrtroduction to Downside Risk h Arset pricing lJ.lrarqbbr 8lra.-.. dx.t$i 8ar 13 t -rtl (,|r.dr. r.r. r,a. ProbLs r4 8..F.f lr,I. l uL 8r.r....r 8tt l}del S.or. re lanic.l goq SartGhFdtld lLDb.Entd! h-q'*e r.l. btrodqctiotr A $ibbl. er pricirs ood.t for ! nek netcr ot a @urry hs b... & !h of !d ror rcs@hcB, rcldmi.ies, corpordc ,eag.u dd policyhakh ltit . 'rcEst PriDdily, asel priciq oodck sj.$ ns**ruh rt rioDshiD ,n o@r b msur vatB ,or dc srrk.hold.s in nMc hrt.L!. Thcy h.lp i. pricing sbr.s Dorc approprirr.ty .nd in dricip.tinS portfotio risk for i.v.nou. Ille. mod.ts *ptrjn rh. n.rtcr b.h.vior, itE Mtlc of in!.sbsl .nd M b. p,volli for o insriidlonlj dtud of 6m|M nock. Momv.r. d.linc.ring mn of c.pj(rt for thc Fpi1lt budg.tins i! ncce$iry lo iiMe tlEh ori 6El Dricina hod.k @,!ibr!. in $n @ bdinS ro $iEblc mod. of trMcins Thousb rhcrc dc norc lhs one 6$d p,icing mod.ts bul Capital A$el pricins Modd d.v.lop.d by Sh{rp. (196a) wih its foud.rion in Md(o*jEt 0912) Mod.n Ponfolio Tb@ry is lb. nosl wid.t, used ,$d lricins Dodelr. C&irat A$.r priciis Mod.l is r sinst. 6sct prici,a nFdct *,hich is simple i. @Mr ed ns Eal {,rd (vo applicrlions Hone (2002)). T}!. workr or Me*osilz (t952) Md Sh4e (t964) h*r prccup,.o In! otio'ality for D-y jD fnMtd ertd. MrkowiE (t952) trys founddion of 'tm(MpT) dd Shsp. 964) pEen6 Mod.n Ponfotio Th.ory prjcing 0 (CAPL0 a Mod.t ^.s.r rwo hlror p,.mjss offi€fl.s rl'e e sdl tc Ddtcri Ho@!er, lh,. e obs.BilioDs !bou! o.s. rh. arpliqtion d. 6ndci.l CaDnar ofMpl. rwo in lh6i.s ed honly, Eenr criricism c.lts for of vridcc by doM.idc risk $ s.mnd nohe.t h ns*-rctun @ly5is. Imldeion or dom.jde rjjt (DR) hc r,id fob&ad ror Posr-MPT od rcpraemcnl of CAPM by dowNid€ risk bd.d CAPM (!hon sr ar.(2003)1. E6 of MPI rurts whd Metdje cjd rhc ,orion dli pon,orio rhs, is onty aDpmr.d on bdinianion of rcrun He sgucs lh.l dE dcp.ndcnc. on filsl mo6.nt lerds io !h. 6. of no pEf.EE b.rwen (| 952) Dorrtotios Morcover, h. emphisias thd a|l risk..Dan fron '6nh!, -d H^q (2oor ) ad Bmw a,r' (2mo dd $ar sufurpds lrsLmric nsk, e. dNeuified swry. vri&e h add.d .s seond DoFent b i.tuh in hn fanous | Mv lhus l.yii! lh. fouddioi oi MPT. Ponfolio eldlion i on $. rdbd.tion of 6d No monats dd covride of a$c 6uxir8 in €6cid torid or F tfotic. Eo*d.r, d.tlmination of.pprcprhL podolios on FoDtis is ! Dnbt.n i. b. sdtved. Tobin (1958) sugs* an \is 2-F6d s.patuioh ?t @r rhal 4h int6tor hotds @tbinatior of risk-6e. ed rhky ss.t! for utility-ndimizin! portfolio Capttol nnke! /j,, (cML) which is llnslnt r,o.niciot nodi.r dclemir.s th. lDpmprilk ponrolios. ln rhi s.y- orc 2-6Dd $p&.ri6 rll.a .quililriw .onditiN. CML EDEsdr. !M of d.htld enslnprid od n* pEmi!f, for rbich M iir.stor is @hpcne&d. o'r ihcse dHr.lic.l gmunds, li6| tgg.iad !!sl pflcirg nod.l is d.lcloped by tolt cont ibuloB ird.Fnd.rtly. Thct frddorts e sihilu ud Esi on MrtNiE s MPI utd fohii's |-FuA szpnation ftuo..k CAPM n TE mr ,.d.p..d.nllt d.v.loD€d ( 1962). by Shrp. (t964). LinrB ll dc&minB Elarionship h.Nen risl .U usyslemotic risk h.s b..n .ficidtt (1965). Mo$i. rd Eon win $. (1966) sd condiiion rl$l div.dincd. h dofin.s nst,Elun Elliiomhip !s covli&G bci*c.r findci.l .$.ts and hdt.t portfolio. IG sinDljciry and$ ndd ir $p.rid ro b..h nuld.f.cbr od !bib8. nod.l!. This o b. Eflel€d by its D.Dulriiy bd Bg. oud the Clob. CAPM s b. e[phistty t.rr.s.ned lting reNny nulet ir)p (SML) which disph$ th. .rDectcd 6rc of rclurn of u individul *uity or porfolio in tcru of ris*-lr@ nl. .nd r.htit. nsk of ! suty or pordolio. SMI n sho* th.n .mpnid tun8tl R.s:rinA on iD*pliorl $d idal ebbds of elr! lhe a*t sound fot t st h.6 in (€d.ra (1007)). . cn 6!lgm.r.i pricing pDblm fiEcnl @nomdics y6 of iB Evolvins eu.d ssumprions?, CAPM, in inni.l bu on. contov.Eies eis to oajor nnl D.Bpetive whjch cobplecly rcj.cb CAPM tlcorerislly d well c ?mDni4lly Seold p.Bp..tiv. rlgus tlr pre*ncc ofooFdic! Rsullihs i. ctr.6ion of sinsl.-fa.ror CAPM into Duhnr&br CAPM llird n nFliv. G a kind of a $llrion p@vid.r by tddresiDs th.ordical shortcominss of CAPM inlo modill.d lcuions ofCAPM. Apd lom G.tu Srocl EichDg.,.vidcn€ iiom mdtets widely r.jccs CAPM whilc .mersins shtior nek rs Epon ods d.vclop.d nix.d EsuhJ. A po$ibl. F6p.ciiw is EpLcing wiie by DR. Elding @Ddition of ad mking singl. as.l pricina nodcl ll.xibl. r. &co6modd. rll typ6 of und.r $nd nomatiry CA?M pldicis li@ rel.tioNhip b.tscn nsk hd r.nh (ShaD. (1964)). lhlt slock rtontly cdvlry with h&tet dd .xnibir high rduhs Fudr*it llt, n t agn.d d[l ii ll inpli.s @nt nDo@eols signitsl .nd Dosnih nnU .mpnic.l .videM h onMrious dd nixcd ll is druh.d rh inlestot Dcriod! & tbis cl.taonsftip is indifr.Ht to upsi& $d douNid. nsk whilc did@ i3 F.r? sh.F ,tvcto6 rarlcts Th.y d. villin8 io D.y prcmilm for sak giviry dowid. tisl pDr.dior i. bdisfi 6ds. Mo6v.r. MPI ud CAPM asum. rha! inv.sloN e ist{v.E. ed li lc c& b. eid .boul nsl-wkins lnd ri,kmutd inwslou. Evide@ suss.ns lh.t inv.sb6 d b. nskavc6c, ndb.l or .v.n isk$*kinl (Erlo. er zt (2003)). DonEy difrcEnl bchivior dunrg bc& ond blll di$ibutd thDs a€ommodrlinl SrM.s dd emclio.s tunort e MPT md CAPM a$ube lh.l iock rcons rr. nomally ,i6t $! iom.ni5 orly: ns $d v{ida. nondu i! or mhrlily (Eslmdt (2002)) Thousn' idisriol tehniqE, b etu dr€ , addB thn pbbld bli ooifmins nomlir! !o .mpnid ena n nol dccisiv. rtth.!,1hi5 condnion Ms d..p inpotunr to be add.d d lhird cnd founh ihediel ftr.Krk oaMPI s n eD.s qunErh udlily ro dd.min. iiontis. MoEov.r, rw.fbnework dsrn.s lhat inv.nor displays lnrc. n.jor chrc&nsics: risk{v.jwri ronsialioi dd der6ing .b$l!r nsk .ve6io inro (DAR-A): Qu.drari. coDcsv. utiliry cupe d.picls invcsrof. b.halior but fclls shon or For d*jk sd Abbs . oi(10r rA) 6d lThdNumpljoB'o'ilEcoJein liEdy by rid so llmds onlt abh6 , or(:01 rB) c!r. trn! &jm uDon @hins bliss poi (Ehon .r d(2m3)). Wb difihnio. n &v.Ely .syn@rt, l.r8. d.FtuE ton mmdiry c.s MVcriLrion ro nil xd @ns.qu.Drly CAPM 6 wdl (Lr7 eol0)). DARA 6 qu.dntic inpond qwstio di$s wndh.. lo die..d CAPM! wndB ro ldd hish.r mlMts or !.dspr r.dron n irto r multi-fr.rr nodcl! A po$iblc s|[ion n Eplenot of unme by edivdim&, . speci.l c6e of domid. risl{, a inili.lly prcpos.d by Mqk@iE ( 1952, 1959). Dowrd. rGk liv.s under shldo* ot MPT ed u.til rMny, n n gaidns vid. @grnion @ng Mh.u TBinB b*k b dly finics MPT n pDpose! od n sill donitrr i.6.ld oflinD@ Likdis., norc lhd h.lf. c.nt!.y a!o, ef.iy-liEt conc.fl n aho popos.i bd k ov.rloolcd for F moy ycm Cons.q*nlly, An tsl Dricina ba!.d on Roy ( 1952) vdi.M @hI.Ed dcb.r4 $rt inv.sror @ for ro nFd.b b6!.! on dol[d. ri* e doM3i& nsk or si6plt, sar.ry rom popult distr a Ii$ supponi4.vid.E b.hind iq nrt6 sn$ od il @ Ed.,i.e McrlowiE s ond CAPM S.@nd ihpoitnt .nvohg. of SFjuL i tul ii do.! cAPMt aNnplion .$.ci.lly Tobit 'o1 l\gsE) 2-F td &pedion fleeh. SF-dl. i5 nol us.d in G*l pncing unlil Hogu ..d Wmn Epl@ vei.M wilh sniwir€ in CAPM in 1974. Th€y 8iv. $. ftn or.irl r.Fion of doMsid. risk b6cd CAPM (DCAPi4. s@nd brcattltrourn h hode by B!*a in l9?5 who uses stoch.slic domime io d.rdninc n!k, fmosr B!w! go.l. Royt s.f.ty Fid-ruI., (1975) dcv.lops prxy tor ndhnnic donin.Er (SD) s t s.r Prnill Monc dd hLr, Fishbm il97?) *&nds it inio unlini&d scope or LPM. Brwa-FishbDn LPM .ll cl6*s ot i.v6loB: tuk{v.6q n3k.gtins od rnt{eutal. (LPM) Inv.s!06 & nst+v.e 6.ol li.d ror lo$ !o condnion of id rh.y b@m. risk mmalily md k Udible ro wt E for sa.r. Addnion inclld.3k rnd llt, it kunosis a dr.L bl, d6 d cry on . ..d tr. .f djsibdi.i Frvi:0Encud{tdi*iblisfuc''m^niDvel u aod!, 4n*{!!l96dD 6.sDNvidusohhidIopMsd|tE.|y!.s 4ll. Momv.r. B.M.nd Lindcnb.B (19?7) tun$d drsd syrfi.ric mobcirs lo atynm.tric g.@.li4d @-LPM or CCLPM fd' ,n gd LPM 3r$oEs Mmodrir8 aynndic dittsibutians Hoseg, LPM b.kd CAPM is i rodel lnd ha b b€ r.scd to give P.ight io il. sl|a tl.r Ev' CAPM des nor hold in d.v.lop.d ndk.ts likc UniEd Wcsr.n Euope, cxcept for 5r,6 id Gms Slmt!. Howev.r, .Dergiry ma*els prcvid. mixd E.ul|3. Evid.d for dMsid. risk b iill inmclu,iv. fd &v.lop.n ruk r!whilcmqginsn.r*crs pbvidea morechrll.nsiD! srcundr Encrsins melas 4 D4E n.rr.l', hiShly vohrilc ltd infodcion rching ro slujn.s hd.n ir dK tukcts n oblain N.vdh?|.$, finecialhub3 oreocrging nelcis e enich pDvid. mEl ud opporoninjc ftu3 rc$1i.8 jr fci8n onen dimcuh d*n slet schsss 10 di@i invcsh.'r (FDI). An aDpbpria! aled pncrng Dodci b pivonl for dEs. 6dk.r! s n h.lps to d.v.lop deL achocps tthld wtuch inE.oE @ forae u inv.slhenl ii lon! run5 A p*llir of em.r8ins ntk rs is lh6t ln.$ d * n ro b. !todi.d individully a 4h 4.'3ing Dr*6 dcpicB r ltiqu. bch.vior Grnibsi and Morys (201 1.2. SisDifi€nce of Krnchi I)) Stock ExchrDS€-PtlisttD u .n.4in3 rork l pohicolly, siFlltumlly ond @rcoiolly. Th. e$by is o grt.*ay ro c..1nl Asi. utd lMtcd ar cftsGd of Middl. E6r, Ii ha oft of olddl civilndion of world t owt .s l.ds v.ll.y Civilbrid {ilh muli-lin8linic si.ry I is lh. vorld s sixth Dopulous @uDEy dd s.nty+r.nth iD Lhs of p@hding Dosct. P*ist n is d. foudinl ncnbs oa or8rizrtioi of hleic C@p.6rion (OlC), n.nt r of U.iLd Prkisli n !rcns th. coe4ihs msk.b Md is importinl NdioB. Comonwdlth of N.tiontsd G20 dev.loping mrions Th. colntt, is n.mber of lh. nucl.t chb of tne qorld. 7 . Prlilbn is *od( forcc r t2r0 billior @romt. tl hs rh. }!Dg6r popul.rim ri$ idth tdg.{ in *orld. lt n 6k n mons lop l.n ttgdl clccob rork ts in lhc wond R.d GDP sbss .t 2.4% win srceo in asmuttlE ldt i! E@it d c L2y.. Oulpul in !ffufetlrjng Flor i! 3% uhit. spis sior g'ous by 4.1%. pd @pila in@he rip froD $1073 in 2009-t0 !o $1254 in 2orGI, by 16.9.. Th. counLy h$ on. in6dtioMl socr dchdg. (KSE) &d No EgjoEl .rchds.s; tjl,orc sro.k Exchdg. od hbnab.d sioc* EichMg.l h foud.d in RSE 1947 dd n th. tujor, mosr tiquid od 6. onty inia,EtioMt slek .rch&!. ofP.kist.. O' Nov.Dh.r t. t991, KSEIOo is inroduc.! dd slil &res s bdhdrk inld for firmid rurcl. r\sE- lOO coDpris or nrjo, blq chips od n 6 b. safely a$mad lh.r rh.s. compqi.s fanty rcprcse $. toLl hdt.t. Io 1995. KSEAll Sl'& Ind.x is .t$ huch.d 6 e ,uiti..y io KSE_I00 indcx. pEscnttx kSE hc fou D.rt t indi6 neryi KSE-|OO. KSE-AI Shu. Index, KSE-tO.nd KMt_30. A ()r.l of65l €npdi.s e tist d wi0! mdk.r c.pibtianion of t35 bi ion oi Jutv lO. r hdsin! ndt l lhoeins qTiot ch.ndqinics of uriqncrc$, high r@w rd high prie voldit,ty. Due b so8 imriixios jrtc (SE, plribn.s (SE is .6no6y h6 b..n iiclud.d in four dqsinB ndt ls tisl by D.w Joncs TnG ti$ E E$nts dbs @noDi6 rh!,r @ dDe..d ro onribut ro stobrt sDdrr. Tt . shows di. €nfid.n . d.l innituiions tik KsE_prrnl.I havc nlrr . high ruDovs .nd high pricc vor..itiry dDnns ft. srdl 3i2. of O. m.rt.q n qFicnes hieh runov.. of 32t% Eo$rb porenlid KSE t$t d.cad.. D.spn $. c @mp.r€d !o IIYSE bmov.r 6t% in 2006 KsE.lOo rjs.s by 650% rom 20or ro 2005 whit. Dombrv (Mmblil Sret Elch&gr TSSEJO).rp.roes r n* of |lrr far Oc mc paoa; This na*.s KSE a miqe .hcrging ndkcl. hlviDg Sine it inc.plion io 1992, KSEroolnd.r shows sk3dy pric.s titt2OO2. Il is d.clftd 6 B.r PcrfminS st@r l of rn. wortd by BEi|E w4t in 2002. H.@ford, n sho*s ri* in pries n[ rid 2005, lhs a dm|ric f.]l only lo t@E le. Thc cxtl.n€ ol vol.tiliry in KSE is indiot d by 3,*inc .pied.s. Bullish $.Dd aDpds io d.v.lop.d from 20021o 200t ed it busLd in Mmh 2005. This rrcnd is EfleLd in bdth th. KSE-lm indd od tndins volb.s. Th! (SEr00 dp.i.Ms d uDecd.nlcd D6oh.r 31, 2ma b l0J0l d MEfi | 5, 2005, llons wirh rn im@. iD the valu. trrnd lbn mund 1300400 million ro t I -2 bittion Dc. d.y. Ii. mtk t tums negalive in lh. sccond half of Msch, 2005 dd th. ind* drps ro $ low is 6.939 m April 12. 2005, ! d.clir. or 32.? D!rccnt from ils 0..1. Fo€i8n hlng pt.vlils ris of 65rat non 6: iill 2006 &d I E on up ro JJ23 Mirrion KSE crc$cs 15,000 @rdirg b Si.b Br'r beicr IiBl tin. in or p*ist (SBp). ils hisrory in ADrit 2008. Hosever, iD Mly 2008, incrca$ r.t.3 ucxpelcdly io .ddre$ bish iDfl.tion, consguendy, KSE d+lin.s sh.rply wnn r om-thid dDp t. irs ind* ud jn Augus! 2(xB tu fl@r t h!h.d SBP An N.rd! r@v.c b.ding k .llor.d 2G25% of i8 dcclirc in r@h?s $35 billion by 12,000 poinri showinS Evi'Lnc. is z.ns io in rhiLbL illy B@ o i'dq 30,2010 rilt 2008 ud atwj'3tr, (SE 12,2m9, ToLl turk r c.pibtiarion D6.mbq t5, Meh dd in D.ember 2OlO, ind.x sLadics lrouhd unpell.l .nii!d. to*.rds volditiry nd runov.r. for CAPM in KSE pltitu wilh rnsl Mjor 3tudy by Ahnrd sd Th.y us. CARCH.M nodct ro rcst risk-rcM rctarionship dd co.clDd. stock r.tun fouowing cyclic.t rfld. Ahnad 6d e6im (2OO.r) olain l1!ll posirir. 1999. e DoE D@@unc.d cmpacd b n.g.rire ones for s. rurt.r lqb.l Dd Dtuls (200) Eport p,t$a of mti@ nst-tu cla,rioNhiD. ,avid .d Ahmd (2003) CAPM in erdniodr s.|li.8r Md dvcde us. or{ApM ihmkr cooptcd ta convcntional CAPM. R.c.ntty, lqbat ,.al(2010) enpe. jingt..f.cror CAIM witl Fm..Frcrch mutri-f..tor CAPM md @rclud. thar the ldLr ft 6oE ruk.r Hovry,.I of l[d do Dor .ddE$ issue of inv.nor3 pcf.E.e of dowi& risk $B eiding tudi6 o,ty io vsridc. 6 l@urc of @nvhc'n3 ror P.tisl& Tl'c lilentoa Evi.w rnd tne s6tur M nppop e ofKSE-p.tjs6 e o ch.rging mut.r 3!gg€sL! rlil livor.t fo, bringins (SE .r p, wirn .h.ryjnS .nd d.!.loped .qui9, oflh. *orld. Ar apprcpri.r 6sel pricine mod.t ensurcs a rlilbk 6sct pricing modct is d. irv.sbdc lt .te h.lF i, Dricing risk in . tuii.3 md n.L rh. n.turc of inv.shot Mod.h vo* consid.Ebty in slobt. while f.itin foEcrst for toD3 ondiliors, eks.nd bubbtes (SE_p.ljsLr is jnponDq siqu., rd its high vol.rili9 dd high tuhoy.. provid. a ch3l.n8ing grcmd to r.$ d .pproprate a$.l volatle 1.3. R€se.r.h Obj.ctiv. Mv-6an*ork dd CAPM hav. mnrjbut.d ro rle of $gr.6er pnc,.g nod.t! d. al$ th. Dost dislsd md diri.iud rEdcli m ,jn$c. (cr.iie od HF.y (200t) rd Broud ..ol (200a)). nark ts t&s.ty rcj6r conseque.rryi Ehdrjn! Dcrk.b e sti prl.d vilh $. use lnd how.ver, 0i.y rppepn.Ln.$ of O!. po.rfotio rrFry ,.d ssd pnci4 nod.ts Tfi.n chDcrf,ric of un,qu. r.atorcs md hrd votaitity tud runovs m.kes rj.n even rk.nd rbru €nsid.d. eturion Mo@v.r, vuue s . tluurc of rik hs 6n. jong a *!y borh i. Dortfolio rh6ry.nd .set pricirs, on rt. o6er hsd, is eos x and b b. addEscd .!d.nltt U.ds th.s circubsllnc.i cs..rcbeE srongty fcct b r.i a eibbl. Gs' pricins m.dct tom rh. .rinins Epository of nod4 ln.r add@s bhc rsucs pertaining lo price !, ss.r hd 6 fl.xibt. enoush lo ecohhodate nc.ds lhe Downsid. rtuk is a ,cncdy lhd hls ben proposcd m..s of I a iist (8.,! (t9?J)). Momv.i ssbprions ad ,! eics rct.r.d ro fi. condiljon ot nonaliry olmor b. ignord an N.r p,ici.g nod.t witiour retyin8 on rp.cinc fom oi difibution n mt imilabl. in rfiis .E of mod.6 €mpuids (Nawdki ( 99 I )) Th? preseN. of risk-n.ur6l od ,ik-*trin! in v.nor is r po$jb it,ty rh.l caDn.r t. rul.! out, rnd E$rjctingb dlk{ee inv.slor s no ooft. f6rbl. solurion | Abov. .rr, M ssr pricinS rod.l wilh !bov. ch.r&r.rj$ics n .maBng hd*cl lik KSD-P.listr. This s$dy rims b idcnlit a suihbt. tiaglc 6sl not r..rcd for in .xtiaordin..y pricing ood.l for ksE-pslisr.r To 4hi.v. rhk objdiv., 66rty, rhi! srudy popos Eptlmd of wiM. by dovmjd. risl G d o@!r. df risk n.n, thn sudt Equircs EsliDs th. doni@cc ot dowiridc ob wioe in @l lllqtoD &d r!s.r prici.S io rstc rh. sludy robusl. lr h.tps pricina t!. securirica ed a$cssi4 risk for st t.holde6 i.1h. slock hetet. Lslly, '. lh6 nudy lle pmD.$! io *nd aE dooin of invBror chtu..ijic! ud includ. .u nsk 9p.3 lnd l*cls oI inv.$o6 noh nsk-rv.e to risk{c.&ing. Addnioully, rh.' s !ddes$d. issu..f 1.4 Probleb StateD.rr Tlli! study crilic.lly quBtions th. Be ot vdiMe !s ncdurc ol tul and adlosl.s downside ris* s iB r?tllh6t in ss pncina. Low.,l MoD..( pbx, of downside risk dcvelopcd by Brsa (197t), n us.d !! a rcplac.D.nt. I h.s ipo mlin .,l'jbut Jt on ! +aific fom of dii.ibudon nDclo, M .gmodfud or.ll Ce*bl of, Thft $udy ains to lcsl h*cr pdi.l Moftd 6$r pncDS hod.t in M .m.rgin8 tu]{d oling KsE_palirlln s , bpt.. Tfiis nldy typcs felss oi reo mjd i$B nm.tx is hscd wilh KSE-P.tis&r, r.Dt&in8 lll@liodoonfolio oplimjaio! eDpirical This stody 6in*ork of i.. ! iingt. 6!d t sb di. nod?k bo$ of nom.rjiy fo, veisF by tur Errhs of downside rilk in .sel th.orcridl fi.D.Mrt .nd a&r pricing j.e prioins modcl. rh€djdl G sel .s mpiricat frMdork ro v.tidar. n ed ndc ih. fts@h mo4 bbln pEvious studid conenr.r. r$i4 th. hod.t eDpnislb {d do nol vi? io omp.r vdimc &d do,nsid. nsk b!s.d ,od.h $.orcid toc{o( fln comp&j$n of downjdc flsr is nad. with v..i&e tunddk in .ss. altdrjo,Jportotjo oprinianjon usirg.iiciot idri.6 I. in .mpnjcal 6m.worL dowhsid. ist dd veiMe bs.d s.l n. sr.ddicd dd c,rid a 10 wh.ilicr 6ce hord ot nol. Addnion ltt, ricn Ddfo'fue i .t$ .ppnilcd HDinelly Thc qkjioN !i!ug m: pri.ins 'eeh Do slocl rctobs lii.d *ith ksE d.picr .om.tity? If so rhen do.s il tc.d ro sig.iiot diff.Enes bdw6 v.rioE ed dohsid. risk ,odck? Dcs dMsid. ri l pcrfom stnifsrty b.rc' db Mv-tb.yort wh.n n is lDpli.d {o podolio oprimizlri.n fo' KsE-p.tishn? Co dosnside rilt b. .xthdcd rd ,U ItT.s of inv.sb4? Do$ doMsid. risk francwort p.rfom b.tur on .mpnic.t I,ounds for KSE- 1,4. S.op. of Study 'Ihis stldy'es s6p. ro dE* p&rd.r.u ot lh. rsrch 10 mk it noE'vc Thn snrdy @nffts b si.8L ss.l pricins mod.t aod das noi includ. nl|l;aelor nodcts. Ator s cnt dad of Albihg. pricinS Theoryr, rlt.v!it!bt. a$el pncins 6dd.h lisl CAPM\ b.L lnong pioory f.cron. Morsvcr, n..rty a of muhi-r&ror nodeh .E .xtcDsioDs of rirc sins,. ss.l bd.d CAPM. Thn study is tini&! ad s rni s1r|d! .dv@&s Eptchdr of vfjse wirh doMsidc nsl a a n6uE of risL Thn stody is n.xibt. ud o ldd noE flcrots or to sinsl. pricina mod.l 6rk it inEnemporil or cv.n cohditior.l DCAPM, if n€.dcd How.!.i, $is prcbt.n is not .ddr.$.d in lhis rcs.&ch dD. ro rlr priD.D feE on a sinste as.t nodel Additio lly, th. sp. of nudy rmtv.s mud ifiE roi. rss nd.ty: lhor?rist, cmpiri€l dd dab Th.s. ms ee di$ussd iD lh. fotto*irs suDstroDs 1,4.1, Theor€ti@l Scopc Th.oEtielly, rhis $dy anfir.s to nomahty. ryles of inv.sioE i {uc brjo' stadorn ns!.s M.ty: dd rcDhing vdimr *jth doM3idc rist 6 F,dorirrG Nllrkhr(r@r 20e) @ndirion a n..sur. ulysn in $G sludy .ncompGs.s nontlly dlL p'.vios ttldisr h.v. u!.d ir io eli'Llc $.n rcsulls &d to nrtc $n rcs.h liski s lhrcDghoul lhis period . Empnic.l conp.tibb wnh ih.n. Howfld, ro d* co.dnion of nomliry, rhk sody us.s d.ily ioFL. ba.d @np.ri.s s diil, &t.xnibit mm d.pdurc ftom @malily' od s.condly, lh.* top td vale b!.d €npdi.r &cour for t0% of thc ek l spiElidia. d KSE r d!1, fron 2005 !o 2010 for 1.5. StrfttrE ofTl..i8 Th.r e !t chrpt 6 ir rhis diss.dion .xcluding.btui iclions. Cbvrer I h Inrroduclion to Do*side Rist in jo@y of Eiw p.rbining to ioDic as doMsid. r.ll ri*. h Ast di*lsss !in5, limidions r! diss.rtdion Il is & sbdivid.n inro Prici.g en@npdsing .nd 6E ohpcr.ncics Lil.atlr R.vj* which t lcs up sD€ of disrion dd rplrop.i.cly di$lls tr. Ch.tcr III dats wilh i$u. of .o6.liry lnd irs D@ti€l si8rifi@cc Coclllid. appr@hes b.s.! on ar.litio of noorliry dd Elding lhis ondnion e lpplied t.) MzkoPiu podolio rist .&h is. !o which undcr oplim,alion b m..sure outc.he of dcvi.tion tron nomaUiy Chlplq lV lpDli.s dorDsid. risk lo podfolio 6s.s.m.nt ll diff.rcM in EsulB .tici..r iolti.r. uscs optiFiz*ion lo a$es b.rsa v{ie. $d dosid. ;s* a mduEs or ftk Tlri! rudy ft tunhd *end.d to includc risk-r.ter irorFtus sLw$ oDd 6ing icubll inv.nor mpet dificMe or podolio @nDo io. with Esp.ct !o ChlDkr V rppljes do@id. tisk in r$el pricing od ov.s .DDnial eM of nudy. lt dies*s ln€orshrl r'd cmpi.ic.l ksws in t iing CAPM rnd DCAPM .nd prcvid.s solurions lor lh.n. TiDc{.ri.s !s N.ll !s dos.nd .nd kuriosis .nd IThnrr'F.du:Wivlahieti5H .ddE$.d ftn nlB du. b n@ lvlillbiriry ; I orde .g ^hhrd rm. d Mr&b ( !9?l) znd FDa ad Fdrh ( r9?) td etu $e Iis. chd sd xhs ecs4). sd Qain l20s). rqbrl d B@r, ema rnt. Thh study asn s rik{r.& inv.srors. noNt|don rd d.cEaing rbsllt isk ov.nio. (DAM) *h.. il Bls doMrid. ri.k ba.d sset Dricing nodel Hov.rcr, tnis is i! testi.g rhe nod.l 10 validsl€ ir in .ohptui&n to its 6ut!a.n. ThG sody lko B.! tudrd risk-nlc Et. rollowi.s Fma ond Maadn 0973) I t.ns ah.n.tivc v6ieq b4cd md doMsid. ist b6c( by buildinS frontics for @b 6od.l li !$!h.s lht shon selling tu not allow.d dd dErc is no s$um.d only ulinilcd borowi.g sd l.rdir8 lollowin3 Hetow (,991). Tn. dDincrl mlysk is DriDdily in rhe sLsos i. lhis snldv: sl!8e I dicD$cs is$s in E$ina bolh dod.k, stg. ll u.rh fo'.sbblhhn.nt of nsk-Eluh El.rionship. lss6 of nmtlltron ty t r.5 U.obs.bility of tu. ndtcr .mr, h.!.Ds.d.nicity. lln@ftltrior hoti?.n td poffolio, llwl@ .qurucieh'^d pordolios d .ddts.d lr th. ld sriB., l''b Dd dMsid' b'r$ nod.h e. rd.i usiry Fs.-M&Bah (19?r) Dd Ans Cn'n !d Xhs (20s) nrth.dologi.s. The fom.r G ! @nvmtio l ud srnd.rd p'eduE ro tn ss ptcrl @ept!.j ud .mpirieal bbust6s Alog wilh cb$-sliodl d'lvsi: ordin ry l4n sq@, (OLs) od gq.t liz.n D.ihod of h@dls (GMM) is used 'n lin.*ri.s ro lll. .x?rolive hod.l. How.ta. lhis smdv rcBti's onL'dcd ti6 p'nfolis 6 fom" on ly .qBl-weignicd portf.lios and do nol fcs on v.lE w.igh'd rDd.k wnih tn. hrcr valid.Ls E!uh5 Thc elimarion sdples 6 i adoptd for *id' ob6ln€$ 6 detib.d it *indo* of inn b 2010 Dd tlo's nor slriv' tbr tdnSt! iodd i5 shon 84 lisLdsnpbies in (SE tE lrkd is sludv is hisbry of KsE_loO smpl.. Thn is du. to rcen lh.r tiis s I For dlrnb Fer rnd M&Edrt pEvious studicJ reTr). fiod u0o0 Esetrch solecc onlv thoe ooop'ni's which Fd!.nd r'6ch ll (1e92) !n r4 clln dn xnr8 (20'a) 're lii.d $oudout $n Fiodr. EmDind drtysn in |ItG study .nmnpascs nMtht &h s pr.vious .rudi€s': hdc uscd it io ih.n resuhs ud lo n *e ihis rcMch comp.tiblc *nh ln.n. Hoq*.r,lo rn tn. co tition ofnomltity, rhn $dy s.s d.ity d.r. fton 200s ro 20t0 for top-b v.tud b.s.d 6npsi6 s daity d.r! .xhibn n@ deFtorc non norulity' r.d .endlx th.* lop &D v.tu. bs.d mhpsics ecount rd 50% ofil* mdkel €pirllizlrion oh KSE a 1.5. Stncturc fi.E r. ofTtcli! di.&rblior .xcludina.bslr&r which e $bdivid.d ido sdrioB. ch.rb I is Intodetion ro Dosirlc tusk ir As$t Pricing dcohpssirg jomey of wilM b dosid. nsL I! di$us ritu, tinintiod ud @E @nFcnci6 p.dririnl lo bpic a w.rl6 diesqr.tion. cb.rld rr n LirdoE Rdi4 whi.h rltcs up ir 5ix chdpleN rhi5 eah issu. lnds srclc of dhs.fidion dd .pprcpriaLt discu$.s it. Cbrprs III d..h wilh isss of ronn liry lnd its D@risl sigrifH@. CoftLlior .ppMnc, b$d ot mtdnion of noorlity ud oprinalior cb,tt r Iv ditr*M to ftam Eldin! of thG @ndition dcvi*ioi tln e .pplid !o MltowiE Donfolio ris* non.tjiy. dolfuiL rirk ro Dortfolio lr u$r orriDizjrio! ro .ss in Buhr b.tu€n Eiry od dowid. rirk G m6ms or tut using .pplics efnci.nt fionds. Thn iudy i! finher dL.d.i md ircoDor.t* skcun $ .d 6mpes dif.rcDc? od tDrbsis to includ. n!t{!k r dd ncurot irvcsltr ol podolio enDosilion uth lo Mv-ftm.rorl. Chrp&r v rypliB domsid. n* i. asr ,ricid! 0d @v6 dpinol *na of rndy. lt dis@. dcotli@t lti .npincd i$kr in rning CAPM bd DCAPM dd pevidcs sohtions for lhon. Tin.€i.s s &ll 6 cru} I fin ry FlduE $Rivellir 6is Howv onPlehin.rydld.tdohp[j6i t or dd! ..g. ahnd d hvid sd ahmd (2m& d hb! 4,/ (?0r0). 'FDa dd M&B.rl, oex) rnd Fur -d F'd re). I Qdin (?004), rqb'r ad B'ook {20o), FitlE l l: SrhcrrE ofrtgi. t, sl'oMl ull6is G Co@lNior pbviding enid. bbs @tr. |@m.nd.toB for tuM EWIEE rrpli.d 1.6. Dirtlbctiv. Fatures Thn r!.eh !o mdcls !o provid. Lrn ch.pb is h$ file dnihguishiog f€tuEi t.rl.'iniDg 10 til€mrjrc rcvjcw 6d rlldng of ud €ndnion of @lity F r,,}] |his tudy mnDes. .xldirc m..tnlE di.e ud ecgori4s rrEpadv. whjch ir 6E mjo, siago,i.s: 6r,r CAPM |nacri..Iy 6 6 .optis y. Sao!.| Drcvious firdinss aDpl.r.V Ejaa FBp..ri* rgu.s pne@ ofdonali.s E uhtng in *resion of sir3t..f.cror caIM inb huhi-feior CAPM. Tlird* n hnd of sluijon prcvid., .ddrcsing tl.or.lical 3hon@nings of CAPM inlo oodi,jcd vcEions or CApM Th. tic,alu. Evi.* k 6mpr?h.,sir, inlom.ri!. Md !.iq* 6 Donc of @8on4d lir.nniE Evi.w in dis vry for rh. @ of lh. Eds prio, nudi.s hav€ i8lifi6e of Dom.|ny is n*u.d using flm.r.d (undn a tnion of mmliry) hd .xc..decc (Etqi.g .onri.ion ot nomlity) oftt.tion mdhodotosi* in M.rkowiEk poifolio optihi2rioD. Borh ot rh. 6r.ldion F€lhodotogi.s e pEs..l i. ,9&'r'rv. hlcraluEi how?v.r, rh.y e !s.d in MskowiE podotio oprioianion for fiur tim. ro ase$ din E@ b.iwden tot l, uFi& ud down,idc ,Gk md.. atl.hrtit.j ssumplions. ?7'tdt, rhb snidy nodines Dvo od AEhd (t968) mclhodolo$/ ro d.cmin. th. toifolio siz du. ro d.t tinidion. Aound .ighry-tor @Dpnics qutit rh. qicri! 5ct fd tid. Ponfolio siz is inportor for sumcj.m nDbcr of oM. wh.n cDsssrio',1 mtysis n p.rfom.d. So, lhn sudy EDov6 rh. short onii! of Ers md Arch.r (1963) ndhodotosy lo drlmine p.nfolio sik. This modiliotion of Evin snd Arch.r (1968) rcthodotos/ h d innov.riv. f.arurc offiis aodnl. dowsid. nst is l€si.d bolh lheoreriely dd mpincltvr \t.n icning ti* tn.octielly, ript.{ort d portrotio,.rc usd to sn od stcrne$ ed .fr*r of hiSh conl.rid b.Nq vdidc. .nd doMsid. nsk Tript.*on d downsid. oi st*n.$, vriu@ od dow.sid. rbk .E !!.d ,or ,nn rh. in building ?ticiot tionli.6 for vlrisc. od doMsid. rit bs.d fEh.worts. Addniomllt lh@rclic.t issu.s tit3 bull.rny ctre! odosd.ry and choq of Dodolios son€d artrcpnr. slgorirhDs 4 in lh. conndcrion of .fiicjcnr 6onti.u. Th.k i$u.s a io hrt lh. Esuts hoE bbcr This rechniqe h.tDs in cohp&n8 doMsid. nsk on th. fid ldiMcc b$?d iiroewod( j! ponfotio .epinel sid., co.vcnlio..t prcc.durc of Frro_MsBd dong vnh A.g, Cho ed Xine mdhodoloB, n.nopc.i. Ho*do, pordolio ening b borh rb. Dd.n@s h difr.rc.l from origin.t nudi.s An!. Chen od xi.e n.$odolog/ 6 adopled lo D.lG rnn stud, od $B Fbrsr Thn ody us.s OLs wilh Nd.y_wcsl ud Whjre .niDrto6 .nd rcbu$ CMM apporch to c.rq for hd!rcst.ds$rcrry .nd .urMtr.rction 14rlr lli. rnldy a'rmnr dri ir is fid of iB tird for KsE_p.tjtu o dosnlde nd i. es.t phcrng prev,ous studjcj nov. focu!.d on w nll fo. KSE-P.tisb ard d|.nd.d lh.n !o inctud. nuni,h.ior od tl,e or. of in Howcver, rhis stody priDeity focus.s on doqrsidc lisk a$l pdcug f@dork for KsE_p.ljrur. 6 @dniodt nod.k m@uE o, ,isk in a 3inet.