

AACC TEACH Institute Teacher Dispositions Survey


The documents used in the AACC Teacher Dispositions initiative were created using the following publications, standards, and research:

Barth, R. (2007). The teacher leader. Uncovering teacher leaders, 9-36. As cited in

Ackerman, R. H., & Mackenzie, S. V. (Eds.). (2007). Uncovering teacher leadership:

Essays and voices from the field. Corwin Press.

Berg, A. C., Melaville, A., & Blank, M. J. (2006). Community & Family Engagement.

Principals Share What Works.

Coalition for Community Schools.

Brookfield, S. D., & Brookfield, S. (1995). Becoming a critically reflective teacher . San

Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Catlett, C., Maude, S. P., Nollsch, M., & Simon, S. (2014). From all to each and every: preparing professionals to support children of diverse abilities. Retrieved

Council of Chief State School Officers. (1996). Interstate School Leaders Licensure

Consortium standards for school leaders.

Washington, DC: Author. Available

Danielson, C. (2011). Enhancing professional practice: A framework for teaching.

Alexandra, VA: ASCD.

Darling-Hammond, L. (1997). The quality of teaching matters most. Journal of Staff

Development, 18 , 38-41.

Evans, K. A. (2011). Assessing Preservice Teachers' Dispositions in a UTPP:

Instrument Development as a Curricular Resource (Doctoral dissertation, The George

Washington University).

Friend, M. P. (2005). Special education: Contemporary perspectives for school professionals.


Gay, G., & Kirkland, K. (2003). Developing cultural critical consciousness and selfreflection in preservice teacher education. Theory into practice, 42 (3), 181-187.

AACC, TEACH Institute Rev. March 2015

Greenhill, V. (2010). 21st Century Knowledge and Skills in Educator Preparation.

Partnership for 21st Century Skills. White Paper, Retrieved

Hyson, M. (2003). Preparing early childhood professionals: NAEYC's standards for programs (Vol. 256). National Assn. for the Education of Young Children.

Iowa State University. Assessment of Dispositional Professional Qualities in Teacher

Education Program . Retrieved

Kirchner, S. (2011). First-year teachers' dispositions: exhibited and perception of being taught.

Dissertation. Kansas State. Retrieved

Kirkwood Community College. Assessment of Professional Dispositions and Behaviors.


McNergney, R. F., & McNergney, J. M. (2004). Foundations of education: The challenge of professional practice. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Missouri Western. Missouri Western Teacher Leadership Dispositions. Retrieved adership%20Dispositions.htm

National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2009a). Standards for early childhood professionalpreparation. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved


National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (2002). NCATE unit standards.

Retrieved July 13, 2004 from

National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (2006). Professional standards for the accreditation of schools, colleges, and departments of education.


DC: Author

National Council of Teachers of English. (2010). Supporting linguistically and culturally diverse learners in English Education . Retrieved

Orey, M. (2001). Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology .


Rinaldo, V. J., Denig, S. J., Sheeran, T. J., Cramer-Benjamin, R., Vermette, P. J.,

Foote, C. J., & Smith, R. M. (2009). Developing the intangible qualities of good teaching: A self-study. Education,130 (1), 4252.

AACC, TEACH Institute Rev. March 2015

Rushton, S., Morgan, J., & Richard, M. (2007). Teacher's Myers-Briggs personality profiles: Identifying effective teacher personality traits. Teaching and Teacher

Education, 23 (4), 432-441.

Samples, H. T. G. H. Q. A. Competency Models Series Part II: Competency Methods and Uses. Society for Resource Management.

Schulte, L., Edick, N, Edwards, S., & Mackiel, D. (2004). The development and validation of the teacher dispositions index. Essays in Education , 12.


, J., & Misco, T. (2010). “But how do I know about their attitudes and beliefs?”:

A four-step process for integrating and assessing dispositions in teacher education. The

Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 83 (1), 9-14.

Singh, D. D., & Stoloff, D. L. (2008). Assessment of teacher dispositions. College

Student Journal, 42 (4), 1169-1180.

Tolar, T. U. (2009). Addressing issues of teaching dispositions at Western New Mexico

University. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 75 (4), 14-18.

Wayda, V, & Lund, J. (2005). Assessing dispositions: An unresolved challenge in teacher education; Teacher candidates may know their subject, but are they suited for the job? The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance, 76 , p. 34.

AACC, TEACH Institute Rev. March 2015
