11/8/2013 10:15 AM PLO Gap Analysis Report Lone Star College System Student Learning Outcomes Workforce Programs Physical Therapist Assistant MC-PLO1 Campus: Montgomery Person reporting data: Curriculum Team Facilitator (Pruitt, Renee), Director (Pruitt, Renee) Program name: Physical Therapist Assistant Semester start date for PLO: 9/1/2012 Semester end date for PLO: 8/31/2013 Program learning outcome statement The student will be able to implement a treatment under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist. Level of Assessment: Program level (ex. portfolio, capstone project, exit exam) Provide course name if assessment is embedded at course level.: Type of Assessment: Direct measure (ex. student work - essays, exams, projects) Method of Assessment (A) - Measure: Student Work/Performance Mastery of clinical skills at entry level. Method of Assessment (B) - Instructor's Evaluation Method Manual for the assessment of clinical skills (PTA MACS) Section III Criteria - What defines successfully meeting PLO for each student? The students will receive a Checkmark which indicates that they are treating at entry level under the supervision of the PT. Target Outcome - Expected group success rate Threshold: 90% of students will show approval with no challenges in Section III of PTA MACS at final review. Total # of Students Eligible for PLO Assessment: 39 Total # of students assessed: 39 Total # of students meeting success criteria: 39 % of assessed students who met success criteria: 100% Actual Results: Was the program learning outcome met? Threshold was met for the two of the three years under this cycle. One more graduating class will be monitored for statistically valid results. Interpretation of results The data demonstrated that graduating students were achieving entry level skill at treating a patient within the plan of care. Recommendations for improvements Because this skill is critical to the professional success of a PTA, the monitor was unchanged on the mastery of clinical skills. However, the curriculum team decided to review practical testing for wording that relates to supervision of a physical therapist when proceeding with treatment. Report on implementation (in UEP or other activities) Wording in PTHA 1305 practicals was changed to included the words under the direction of the physical therapist and within the Plan of Care. The curriculum team felt that the change might promote an earlier understanding of this skill. This monitor has 1 more cohort to measure prior to reassessing how this outcome is measured. Confidential - For Internal Use Only Page 1 of 6 11/8/2013 10:15 AM Document library for supporting documents MC-PLO2 Campus: Montgomery Person reporting data: Curriculum Team Facilitator (Pruitt, Renee), Director (Pruitt, Renee) Program name: Physical Therapist Assistant Semester start date for PLO: 9/1/2012 Semester end date for PLO: 8/31/2013 Program learning outcome statement The student will perform data collection and measurement techniques selected by a physical therapist Level of Assessment: Program level (ex. portfolio, capstone project, exit exam) Provide course name if assessment is embedded at course level.: Type of Assessment: Direct measure (ex. student work - essays, exams, projects) Method of Assessment (A) - Measure: Student Work/Performance Student clinical skills as measured in terminal clinicals PTHA 2461, PTHA 2462 and PTHA 2563 Method of Assessment (B) - Instructor's Evaluation Method Manual for the assessment of clinical skills (PTA MACS) Criteria - What defines successfully meeting PLO for each student? The student will receive a check mark in the skills relating to data collection. Target Outcome - Expected group success rate Threshold: 90% of students will show approval with no challenges in Section II of PTA MACS at final review. Total # of Students Eligible for PLO Assessment: 39 Total # of students assessed: 39 Total # of students meeting success criteria: 39 % of assessed students who met success criteria: 100% Actual Results: Was the program learning outcome met? 100% of the students met this learning outcome. Interpretation of results The coursework leading up to this outcome appears to be sufficient to satisfy an entry skill level of the program's students. The curriculum team felt that as new data collection tools are added to the curriculum, this monitor should be kept in order to make sure more information is not decreasing the entry level skill of our students. Recommendations for improvements This skill will be monitored for 1 more cohort group so that it is statistically relevant. The curriculum team felt that a review of employer surveys on data collection should be the next step following the final cohort. Report on implementation (in UEP or other activities) This skill was monitored for 1 more cohort group to get more data for statistical significance. The curriculum team continued to discuss the use of employer surveys to measure students' competency on data collection. Document library for supporting documents MC-PLO3 Campus: Montgomery Person reporting data: Curriculum Team Facilitator (Pruitt, Renee), Director (Pruitt, Renee) Program name: Physical Therapist Assistant Semester start date for PLO: 9/1/2012 Confidential - For Internal Use Only Page 2 of 6 11/8/2013 10:15 AM Semester end date for PLO: 8/31/2013 Program learning outcome statement The student will devise solutions to clinical problems and adopt treatment based on the plan of care established by a physical therapist. Level of Assessment: Program level (ex. portfolio, capstone project, exit exam) Provide course name if assessment is embedded at course level.: Type of Assessment: Direct measure (ex. student work - essays, exams, projects) Method of Assessment (A) - Measure: Student Work/Performance Mastery of clinical skills. Method of Assessment (B) - Instructor's Evaluation Method Manual for the assessment of clinical skills (PTA MACS) section III.15 Criteria - What defines successfully meeting PLO for each student? The student will receive a checkmark signifying completion at the entry level. Target Outcome - Expected group success rate Threshold: 90% of students will show approval with no challenges in Section III.15 of PTA MACS at final review. Total # of Students Eligible for PLO Assessment: 39 Total # of students assessed: 39 Total # of students meeting success criteria: 39 % of assessed students who met success criteria: 100% Actual Results: Was the program learning outcome met? The program learning outcome was met by all graduates in the cohort. Interpretation of results The students were able to solve clinical problems and use skills within their scope of practice and the plan of care at an entry level by the time they graduated. Recommendations for improvements While the students demonstrated that they were at entry level, the curriculum team felt that students were still having a hard time with solving clinical problems initially because of the lack of exposure within the program. The curriculum team discussed adding more video of actual patient care within PTHA 1201 and PTHA 2435 which might improve the experience. In addition, PTHA 2250 utilizes a simulation which might be expanded in the next cohort. Report on implementation (in UEP or other activities) While this outcome monitor still has one more cohort to analyze prior to a reassessment of the monitoring tool, the curriculum team felt that the steps discussed in PTHA 1201 could be adopted because of the new LMS. Document library for supporting documents MC-PLO4 Campus: Montgomery Person reporting data: Curriculum Team Facilitator (Pruitt, Renee), Director (Pruitt, Renee) Program name: Physical Therapist Assistant Semester start date for PLO: 9/1/2012 Semester end date for PLO: 8/31/2013 Program learning outcome statement The student will be able to demonstrate professional behaviors when working with patients, families, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals. Level of Assessment: Program level (ex. portfolio, capstone project, exit exam) Provide course name if assessment is embedded at course level.: Confidential - For Internal Use Only Page 3 of 6 11/8/2013 10:15 AM Type of Assessment: Direct measure (ex. student work - essays, exams, projects) Method of Assessment (A) - Measure: Student Work/Performance Mastery of student skills at entry level. Method of Assessment (B) - Instructor's Evaluation Method Manual for the assessment of clinical skills (PTA MACS) Criteria - What defines successfully meeting PLO for each student? The student will earn a checkmark on the skills in section 1 signifying at entry level. Target Outcome - Expected group success rate 90% of student will show approval with no challenges in Section 1.2,3,4,5,7 Total # of Students Eligible for PLO Assessment: 39 Total # of students assessed: 39 Total # of students meeting success criteria: 39 % of assessed students who met success criteria: 100% Actual Results: Was the program learning outcome met? Yes, the learning outcome was met for this monitor by the final affiliation. Interpretation of results This monitor demonstrated that the students were at entry level by the first terminal clinical in PTHA 2461. Recommendations for improvements The curriculum team felt that this entry level skill was progressing well, but the APTA has just released a professional modules that models the APTA core values and ethical behavior standards for the PTA. So, the curriculum team felt that prior to the terminal affiliations or as the student transition into the professional environment, they should complete the APTA modules as a self study. Report on implementation (in UEP or other activities) APTA modules were required for self-study. We will test the APTA site for professionalism, and we will measure one more cohort. Document library for supporting documents MC-PLO5 Campus: Montgomery Person reporting data: Curriculum Team Facilitator (Pruitt, Renee), Director (Pruitt, Renee) Program name: Physical Therapist Assistant Semester start date for PLO: 9/1/2012 Semester end date for PLO: 8/31/2013 Program learning outcome statement The student will provide treatment in an ethical, legal, safe, and effective manner under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist. Level of Assessment: Program level (ex. portfolio, capstone project, exit exam) Provide course name if assessment is embedded at course level.: Type of Assessment: Direct measure (ex. student work - essays, exams, projects) Method of Assessment (A) - Measure: Student Work/Performance Confidential - For Internal Use Only Page 4 of 6 11/8/2013 10:15 AM Mastery of clinical skills by the student. Method of Assessment (B) - Instructor's Evaluation Method Manual for the assessment of clinical skills (PTA MACS) Criteria - What defines successfully meeting PLO for each student? The student will receive a checkmark signifying entry level on 1.11 and 1.7 Target Outcome - Expected group success rate 90% of students will show approval with no challenges in Section 1.7 and 1.11 of the PTA MACS at final review. Total # of Students Eligible for PLO Assessment: 39 Total # of students assessed: 39 Total # of students meeting success criteria: 39 % of assessed students who met success criteria: 100% Actual Results: Was the program learning outcome met? This learning outcome was met at 100% and has one more cohort to measure. Interpretation of results This monitor includes education of the patient as well as other health care professionals. While the monitor is showing good results, one more cohort needs to be measured so that it is statistically significant. Recommendations for improvements The curriculum team felt that program should continue monitoring the new affordable care act for changes made to the PTA scope. In addition, the program has no advocate at the student level representing the voice of the PTA. The recommendation was to forward a name of a potential student delegate that would represent the future PTA voice in the national debate on reimbursement models in the affordable care act. Report on implementation (in UEP or other activities) Student delegate representation and 1st and 2nd year class participation in the student assembly for 2013-2014 occured on 10/26/13. Document library for supporting documents MC-PLO6 Campus: Montgomery Person reporting data: Curriculum Team Facilitator (Pruitt, Renee), Director (Pruitt, Renee) Program name: Physical Therapist Assistant Semester start date for PLO: 9/1/2012 Semester end date for PLO: 8/31/2013 Program learning outcome statement The student will express habits that indicate the capability required to sustain professional development which supports the PTA profession. Level of Assessment: Program level (ex. portfolio, capstone project, exit exam) Provide course name if assessment is embedded at course level.: Type of Assessment: Direct measure (ex. student work - essays, exams, projects) Method of Assessment (A) - Measure: Student Work/Performance Preparation of a professional portfolio. Method of Assessment (B) - Instructor's Evaluation Method Review and assessment of the professional portfolio by a completion of all required elements. Confidential - For Internal Use Only Page 5 of 6 11/8/2013 10:15 AM Criteria - What defines successfully meeting PLO for each student? Completion of the following elements in the professional portfolio. The elements are: resume cover letter EBJC presentation Clinical Inservice 5 service learning reflections covering volunteerism, health and wellness, diversity, cross cultural awareness and promotion of the physical therapy profession Target Outcome - Expected group success rate 75% of the students will include all the items recommended by the curriculum team in their professional portfolio. Total # of Students Eligible for PLO Assessment: 39 Total # of students assessed: 39 Total # of students meeting success criteria: 20 % of assessed students who met success criteria: 50% Actual Results: Was the program learning outcome met? No, Only 50% of the students completed the portfolio with all the required elements. Interpretation of results 100% of the students turned in the professional portfolio, but components were missing. In addition, the online portfolio is in Angel and D2L will not support it. So, this item was taken to the program meetings to resolve. Recommendations for improvements During the curriculum team meeting, the curriculum team decided to place this outcome as a project within the final capstone course for grading for AY14. In addition, during the program meeting, the program decided to not have the student submit the portfolio online, instead it will be turned in by paper format AY13. Report on implementation (in UEP or other activities) Implementation completed for AY13 -- Portfolios were submitted in paper format, and we will monitor one more cohort. Document library for supporting documents Confidential - For Internal Use Only Page 6 of 6