a Evaluation Board AD976/AD976A 16-Bit,100/200 kSPS ADC EVAL-AD976/AD976ACB Preliminary Technical Data FEATURES Versatile Analog Signal Conditioning Circuitry Jumper Selectable Analog Input Ranges Analog and Digital Prototyping Area Flexible Power and Grounding Schemes On-Board Reference and Buffers 16-Bit Parallel Buffered Outputs Ideal For DSP and Data Acquisition Card Interfaces EVAL-CONTROL BOARD Compatibility PC Software for Control and Data Analysis The EVAL-AD976/AD976ACB is ideal for use as either a stand-alone evaluation board to interface with customer application, or with the EVAL-CONTROL BOARD, also available from Analog Devices. The design offers the flexibility of applying external control signals and is capable of generating 16-bit conversion results as parallel buffered outputs. On-board components include an AD780, a +2.5V ultra high precision bandgap reference, an AD845 signal conditioning op-amp, and digital buffers. The board interfaces with a 96-way connector for the EVAL-CONGENERAL DESCRIPTION The EVAL-AD976/AD976ACB is an evaluation board for TROL BOARD, and a 40-pin IDC connector for parallel the AD976/AD976A 16-bit ADC. The AD976/AD976A is output data. BNC connector is provided for the low noise capable of a 100/200 ksps throughput rate, operates from a analog signal source and BNC connector is provided for an external read/convert input. single +5V supply and uses a parallel interface. The AD976/AD976A evaluation board is designed to demonstrate the ADC's performances and to provide an easy to understand interface for a variety of system applications. A full description of the AD976/AD976A is available in the AD976/AD976A data sheet and should be consulted when utilizing this evaluation board. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM + /-5 V A IN S IG N A L C O N D IT IO N IN G AD 8 4 5 V IN S E L E C T A BL E S U P PL Y D0 . . D15 AD976/ AD976A + /-1 2 V VCC DA T A BU F F E R 40 P IN CONN 96 P IN C ONN BUSY RE F 2 . 5 V A D 78 0 RE F R/ C B U F F E R S BY T E CS PRELIM. F Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood. MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 617/329-4700 Fax: 617/326-8703 EVAL - AD976/AD976ACB OPERATING THE EVAL-AD976/AD976ACB The EVAL-AD976/AD976ACB is a four-layer board carefully laid out and tested to demonstrate the specific high accuracy performance of the device. Figure 2 shows the schematics of the evaluation board. Figure 3 shows the component side silk-screen. The layouts of the board are given in : Component layer - Figure 4 Power layer - Figure 5 Ground layer - Figure 6 Circuit side layer - Figure 7. The EVAL-AD976/AD976ACB is a flexible design that enables the user to choose among many different board configurations. The available test points are listed in Table I and a description of each selectable jumper is listed in Table II. The evaluation board schematic shows the factory installed jumper selections. The EVAL-AD976/AD976ACB is configured to be powered through the EVAL-CONTROL BOARD, the AD780 external reference applied to the REF pin, the signal conditioning op-amp set with a gain of -2 and on-board R/C generation used. Conversion data is available at the outputs of two 8-bit registers, U4 and U5 for parallel transfer via the 40-pin IDC connector, P5 or the 96-pin DIN connector, P4. The AD976/ AD976A conversion control inputs, R/C and CS, are configured to provide continuous conversions with the CS input is set low and the R/C input connected to the output of the counter, U7. AN ALO G PO W E R SU P P LIE S + 1 5 V G N D -1 5 V + V C C A G N D -V E E P3 P4 D IG IT A L S Y S T E M P O W ER +5V GN D +5V GN D VA NA A G N D P1 P2 V D IG D G N D Figure 1. Power Connection Diagram Assembly Options The AD976 and AD976A on the evaluation board is configured for offset adjust and operation with the AD780 external reference. Remove the header shunt from JP4 to operate the AD976/AD976A with its internal reference. Connecting the header shunt to position A of JP4 allows trim adjusment of the AD976/AD976A gain error. Offset adjustment is provided with the resistor, R6, connected as shown in the evaluation board schematic, and in Figure 7 of the datasheet. To operate the AD976 without offset adjustment remove the 33.2 kΩ resistor, R6, and install it into the open location for resistor, R5. To operate the AD976A without offset adjustment remove the 33.2 kΩ resistor, R6, and connect 66.4 kΩ resistor between VIN, pin 1, and VANA, pin 27 of the AD976A. The EVAL-AD976CB and EVAL-AD976ACB differ only by the frequency of the oscillator U8 which is respectively 1MHz and 2MHz for the AD976 and the AD976A. TABLE I. EVAL-AD976CB/AD976ACB Test Points Test Point TP1 TP2 TP3 TP4 TP5 TP6 TP7 TP8 TP9 TP10 TP11 TP12 TP13 Power Supplies and Grounding The EVAL-AD976/AD976ACB power supply connectors and ground planes are configured to provide the multiple power and grounding configurations used in most system applications. The evaluation board ground plane is separated into two sections: a plane for the digital interface circuitry and an analog plane for the AD976/AD976A and its analog input and external reference circuitry. To attain high resolution performance the board was designed to ensure that all digital ground return paths do not cross the analog ground return paths. Available Signal VANA AGND +VS -VS VDIG SYSTEM DGND AIN GND VIN CAP AGND2 DGND BUSY R/C GND The EVAL-AD976/AD976ACB has three power supply blocks: a single 5V supply for the AD976/AD976A V ANA and VDIG power pins (P1), a 5V supply for the digital interface circuitry (P2), and a +/-12V supply for the analog signal conditioning circuitry (P3). All supplies are decoupled to ground with 10 µF tantalum and 0.1 µF ceramic capacitors. Figure 1 shows the recommended power connection diagram. 2 PRELIM. F PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATA EVAL - AD976/AD976ACB EVAL-CONTROL BOARD Interface The EVAL-AD976/AD976ACB interfaces to the EVALCONTROL BOARD through the 96-way connector. RUNNING THE EVAL-AD974CB SOFTWARE Software Description The EVAL-AD976/AD976ACB comes with software for analyzing the AD976/AD976A. Through the EVALCONTROL BOARD one can perform a histogram to determine code transition noise, and Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT's) to determine the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Signal-to-Noise-plus-Distortion (SNRD) and Total-Harmonic-Distortion (THD). The front-end PC software has three screens as shown in Figure 8, 9 and 10. Figure 8 is the Setup Screen where sample rate, number of samples are selected. Figure 9 is the Histogram Screen, which allows to display the code distribution for DC input and computes the mean and standard deviation. Figure 10 is the FFT Screen, which performs an FFT on the captured data, computes the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Signal-to-Noise-plus-Distortion (SNRD) and Total-Harmonic-Distortion (THD). Software Installation The EVAL-AD976/AD976ACB software runs under DOS 4.0 or higher. It requires a minimum of 386-based machine, with 500kB of base RAM and 500kB of free hard disk space and uses the COM1 serial port. It may be necessary to disable some TSR's ( network TSR's for example) or load them into high memory, to ensure that adequate base memory is available. Operation under Windows 3.x is not recommended since the Windows COM interrupt can interfere with communication between the PC and the EVAL-CONTROL BOARD. For PC running under Windows 95, it is recommended to shutdown it using the option restart the computer in MS-DOS mode. The EVAL-AD976/AD976ACB software installation process is: - Create a new directory on the main PC drive and label this "AD976". - Copy into this directory all files contained in the disk which accompanies the EVAL-AD976/AD976ACB. - The software can be started typing "AD976". Note that the Mouse Driver on the PC should be enabled before running the software. If this has not been loaded then the program will not run. PRELIM. F 3 EVAL - AD976/AD976ACB TABLE II. JUMPER DESCRIPTION Jumper Designation Function JP1,2 These two jumpers are used to select the configuration of the op amp, U2. To configure the op-amp as an inverter install the header shunt of JP1 to position A and JP2 to position B. To configure the op-amp as a follower install the header shunt of JP2 to position A, and JP1 to position B. JP3 The position of JP3 determines the source of the analog signal for the AD976/AD976A. To apply the AD976/AD976A analog input signal directly from the BNC connector, J1; set JP3 to position A. To select the output of the op-amp set JP3 to position B. JP4 With JP4 set to position A, the AD976/AD976A uses its own internal reference but allows for an external gain adjustment through R8. Placing JP4 in position B selects the AD780 for use as an external reference. To use the AD976/AD976A internal reference without gain adjustment remove the shunt header of JP4. JP5 The R/C control input to the AD976/AD976A can be driven from either an external source or an onboard clock source. With JP7 set to position A; JP5 selects the control input for the R/C pin of the AD976/AD976A. Set JP5 to position A to use the on-board square wave from the 74HC190 or set JP5 to position B to select an external R/C waveform from the BNC connector, J2. JP6 Install JP6 to set the AD976/AD976A CS input to a logic low. Remove this jumper to allow an external CS input to be applied. JP7 JP7 selects either one of the two external R/C control inputs from JP5 or the R/C output from the EVAL-CONTROL BOARD. JP8 Install the header shunt of JP8 to position A to set the AD976/AD976A BYTE input to a logic low. Select position B to control the BYTE input to the AD976/AD976A by the EVAL-CONTROL BOARD. JP9 The header shunt for JP9 should be installed when the power to the EVAL-AD976CB/AD976ACB is supplied from the EVAL-CONTROL BOARD or when a single power supply is applied to the EVALAD976/976ACB. Otherwise the shunt header should be left unconnected. JP11 JP11 selects the digital power source for the AD976/AD976A. Install the shunt header to provide power from a +5 V supply (VANA) from the power block, P1. Remove the shunt header to apply a separate external +5 V supply for the VDIG pin of the AD976/AD976A or to monitor the current to the ADC. JP12 JP12 is used to connect the +5V analog power plane, VANA, to the power plane for the digital interface circuitry, VDIG. Install the jumper to provide a single+5V external supply to all of the on-board components. Removal of this header shunt seperates the power supply for the AD976/AD976A from the supply of the digital interface circuitry. When used in conjunction with the EVAL-CONTROL BOARD, JP12 must be unconnected; VANA is the analog power, +5V, and VDIG is digital interface circuitry power, VCC, provided seperately from the EVAL-CONTROL BOARD. JP14 The header shunt for JP14 connects the ground plane of the AD976/AD976A to the digital interface circuitry ground plane. Connect the header shunt on JP14 only when JP12 is installed. JP15 JP15 selects the analog power source for the AD976/AD976A. Install the shunt header to provide power from a +5V supply (VANA) from the power block, P1. Remove the shunt header to apply a seperate external +5V supply for the VANA pin of the AD976/AD976A or to monitor the current to the ADC. JP16,17 JP16 and JP17 select the power source for the analog amplifier. Position B allows an external bipolar power supply to be connected to the 3-pin power block P3. Position A selects the +/-12 V supply provided at the 96-pin connector, P4. 4 PRELIM. F PRELIM. F TP7 J1 Figure 2. Schematic 5 VANA 50k Ω C5 0.1 µ F B B 4 3 2 1 NC 500Ω R3 1k Ω R2 TP1 U3 6 5 TR IM 7 VOUT NC 8 3 2 VCC U6 TP9 74 HC 24 0 C22 0.1µ F -V S + VS R5 2.2 µ F C2 R6 B A + VS 10µ F C9 D5 17 12 D9 14 DGND U1 D4 18 1 1 D 10 D7 15 D6 16 D3 19 1 0 D 11 13 D8 D2 20 D1 21 D0 22 23 R/C 24 BYT E AD976 26 CS 25 BUS Y V AN A 2 7 V DIG 2 8 0.1µ F C17 B 9 D 12 8 D 13 7 D 14 6 D15(M S B) 5 AG N D 2 4 C AP 3 RE F 10µ F C8 TP4 0.1µ F C16 VANA JP11 TP3 B CS JP6 TP12 -V S A JP15 JP17 P3 + VC C A G N D -V E E JP16 2 AG N D 1 1 V IN TP8 R4 + 1 2V TP11 20 0 Ω TP10 JP3 A TP6 P2 V D IG D G N D 33.2k Ω 10µ F C11 10µ F C10 0.1µ F C15 2.2 µ F C1 (10,1,19) 14 V D IG C3 100 µ F B A 0.1µ F C12 6 0.1µ F C13 VANA 50k Ω R7 4 7 R1 C6 2kΩ 2n F 10µ F C18 V D IG U2 A D 8 45 TP5 JP4 JP14 JP12 O /P S E LE C T R9 576 k Ω AD780 GND TE M P + V IN VANA JP2 JP1 C7 C14 R8 A A 1 0 µF VANA +5V 0.1µ F P1 A D9 76/A D 97 6A R ev. B E valuation B oard S chem atic D iag ram 1µ F C4 A IN TP2 A G N D VAN A R 13 10 k Ω -1 2 V 2 QD GND 7 8 CLK R /C D C LO AD M X /M N RCO CLK A 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 B Y TE 16 6 14 U6 VANA 12 11 U6 9 13 JP8 JP7 GND B B U8 X TA L * OUT +V VANA A A *1 M Hz for A D 9 76 *2 M H z for A D 9 76A JP5 B C23 C21 A 0.1µ F 0.1µ F VANA U6 U6 7 R 10 39 40 2 49.9Ω R 11 50kΩ J2 R 12 50kΩ P4 R /C V D IG AG ND JP9 TP13 (C -19 ) (C -18 ) (B -18) (A -18) (B -17) (B -15) (B -14) (B -13) (B -11) (B -10) (B -9) (B -7) (B -6) (B -5) (B -3) (B -2) VCC -1 2 V (A ,B ,C -8 ) (A -30) + 1 2V (C -30 ) A V D D (A ,B ,C -3 2 ) D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 (C -10 ) (B -1) (A -17) 9 6-P IN D IN C O N N . F L1 F L0 IR Q 2 (C -17 ) CS AG ND (A,B ,C-2 1 ,2 2,2 3,24 , 2 5,2 6 ,2 9 B -27 ,28 ,3 0 DGND DGND (A ,B ,C-4 ,1 2 ,16 ,20 ) VCC -1 2 V + 1 2V +5V 4 0-P IN ID C C O N N . P5 BUSY D0 D2 D3 D4 D14 D15 D5 D6 D12 D13 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D10 D9 D11 D12 D13 D1 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0.1µ F D15 1 D14 7 4H C 5 7 4 CLK Y8 Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 D8 C20 V D IG D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 C19 0.1µ F U4 GND A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 20 11 O U T_ EN V C C VCC U6 U7 4 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 74 HC 19 0 QC D /U C TE N QA QB B 18 6 5 4 3 2 1 U6 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 U5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Y8 Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 7 4H C 5 7 4 GND 10 A7 A6 A8 8 D6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 O U T_ EN V C C 9 7 D5 D7 6 5 4 3 2 1 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 V D IG PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATA EVAL - AD976/AD976ACB EVAL - AD976/AD976ACB Figure 3. Component side silkscreen ( Not to Scale). Figure 5. Power Layer ( Not to Scale). Figure 4. Component side ( Not to Scale). Figure 7. Circuit Side ( Not to Scale). Figure 6. Ground layer ( Not to Scale). 6 PRELIM. F PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATA EVAL - AD976/AD976ACB Figure 8. Setup screen. Figure 9. Histogram screen. PRELIM. F 7 EVAL - AD976/AD976ACB Figure 10. FFT screen. 8 PRELIM. F