LiDAR Bathymetry for Nautical Charting Sub Theme : Coastal and Marine Mapping Cdr. Sanjeev Sharma, IN (Retd.) Head Hydrography IIC Technologies Ltd, Hyderabad, AP – 500 034 (India) E-mail – sanjeev.sharma@iictechnologies .com Abstract - Safety Of Life at Sea (SOLAS) is the overarching principle for all offshore operations and one of the major contributing factors to SOLAS is quality navigational charts that are comprehensive and adhere to International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) established standards of accuracy. However, a chart is only as good as the data that is used to compile it and one of the more challenging areas for hydrographic surveyors is the coastal/shallow areas where it can be very time consuming, difficult and sometimes impossible to obtain data using traditional acoustic techniques. The main weapon in the hydrographer’s toolbox is the sonar, whether it is a multibeam, singlebeam or sidescan. Even with these tools we cannot always get data in the shoalest area due to a variety of factors including the vessel’s draught, dangerous terrain etc. scanning, pulsed laser beam operated from an aircraft. It is also known as Airborne LiDAR Hydrography (ALH) when used primarily for nautical charting. It not only provides the capability to survey faster but also enables the hydrographer to reach dangerous areas inaccessible by boat. Though not considered a replacement for acoustic surveys, ALB can be used in conjunction with traditional acoustic surveys for better area coverage and charting the unreachable areas. The paper discusses LiDAR bathymetry concept, its advantages and limitations, operational methodologies, meeting the accuracy challenges with reference to a combined acoustic and LiDAR survey that IIC Technologies has recently undertaken. I. INTRODUCTION. Advancement and development in laser technology, electronics and computing systems over the past few decades has resulted in development of systems capable of conducting bathymetric surveys using platforms other than traditional boats/ ships. Airborne Laser (or LiDAR) Bathymetry (ALB) is a technique for measuring the depths of relatively shallow, coastal waters using a Airborne Laser (or LiDAR) Bathymetry (ALB) is a technique for measuring the depths of relatively shallow, coastal waters using a scanning, pulsed laser beam operated from an aircraft. It is also known as Airborne LiDAR Hydrography (ALH) when used primarily for nautical charting. It can be effectively used for varied hydrographic applications such as nautical charting, repetitive port and harbour surveys, rivers/ lakes/ canals/ inland waterways charting surveys, coastal zone management and environmental assessment surveys. Apart from providing the capability to survey faster it also enables the surveyor to reach inaccessible areas by traditional boats and simultaneous coverage of land and sea areas. II. HISTORY OF LIDAR. Airborne Laser Hydrography (ALH) concept grew out of efforts in mid-sixties to use the Laser technology, primarily for Submarine detection. The seminal paper confirming the ability to perform near shore bathymetry was written by Hickmann and Hogg based on work done at the Syracuse University Research Center, USA. The first generation airborne hydrographic LiDAR systems were successfully tested by US, Canada and Australia in early 1970s. Joint efforts by NASA, NOAA and US Navy led to production of a scanning Airborne Oceanographic LiDAR (AOL) for hydrography. Successful testing of AOL was conducted in 1977. In 1980 the experience with the AOL led to the HALS (Hydrographic Airborne Laser Sounder) program sponsored by the US Navy, the Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) and NASA. Other second generation systems were built and tested in Canada, Australia and in Soviet Union. In 1986, the LARSEN 500 system was built by Optech, sponsored by the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) and based on the surveys performed in Northwest territories, it became the world‟s first operational ALH system. Successful testing of Australian WRELEADS II in 1980s lead to construction of its operational version called LADS for the Royal Australian Navy. In 1990s, systems that became operational were LADS for Royal Australian Navy, SHOALS (Scanning Hydrographic Operational Airborne LiDAR Survey) for US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Hawkeye ALH system in Sweden. LADS is flown in a dedicated Fokker F-27 fixed wing aircraft, SHOALS is operated from NOAA Bell 212 helicopters and various recent platforms, the Hawkeye systems operated from different types of helicopters, whilst the Canadian LARSEN-500 system continued to perform in several fixed wing aircrafts. Few new systems in development/ validation stages, worth mentioning, are CZMIL (Coastal Zone Mapping and Imaging LiDAR) presently in validation phase and Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper (ALTM) Aquarius, both from Optech and Chiroptera from Airborne Hydrography AB (AHAB) for very shallow applications (< 10m) III. ALB CONCEPT The general technique of laser bathymetry involves use of a pulsed laser transmitter with green and Infrared (IR) beams. The green laser is used for bottom detection since this wavelength can penetrate typical coastal waters with least attenuation. The IR laser penetrates very little and is used for sea surface detection. Depending on the system design, IR beam may be nearly collimated and scanned collinearly with the green beam, or it may be broader and constrained at nadir. Red energy generated in the water from green-excited Raman backscatter (the incident 532 nm green laser frequency is altered at the air/water interface, shifting it to red spectrum) immediately beneath the air/ water interface may also be used as a surface return when its arrival time is properly corrected to the interface. The transmitted laser pulses are partially reflected from the water surface and from the sea bottom back to the airborne receiver. In effect, distances to the sea surface and bottom can be calculated by measuring the times of flight of the pulses to those locations and knowing the speed of light in air and water. Water depths are determined from the resulting time differences and corrected for known errors such as electronic and atmospheric delays. The receiver consists of a telescope, various optical filters and field-of-view controls, light detectors, amplifiers, analog surface detection logic, and analog-to-digital converters (a digitizer). The receiver, system control logic and tape storage are all operated under computer command. Because of the complexity of the environment and of the interactions of the LiDAR beam with the environment, it has not been possible to calculate all depths with high accuracy and reliability in real time. Approximate depths are calculated in the air for quality control, but precise depths, involving more-detailed calculations and a limited amount of manual intervention for difficult cases, are determined via post-flight processing of stored waveforms. A schematic representation of the ALB concept is depicted in Fig. 1. crystal) pulsed dual frequency laser to output simultaneous pulses at 532 nm (green beam) and 1064 nm (IR beam). As discussed earlier, the IR beam is used to detect the water surface whilst the green beam penetrates water and is used to detect the seafloor. A moving average window is used to create a mean water surface, in order to remove the wave action and heave so that tides can be applied. Distances to the sea surface and seafloor are calculated from the times of the laser pulses, using the speed of light in air and water. System orientation while airborne is typically provided by the Applanix POS AV Inertial Movement Unit (IMU) or equivalent. The bathymetric LiDAR system also incorporates digital RGB cameras which acquire one 24-bit or better colour photo per second. The POS AV, combined with and the relatively low flying heights, helps the camera to produce a pixel resolution of 8-30cm (depending upon flying height and actual system). This digital camera imagery forms an important QC tool as it is used during processing to detect elements interfering with the laser (vessel traffic, Sun glint, turbidity etc.) and to assist in the identification of bathymetric features and aids to navigation. IV. ALB ADVANTAGES. The reasons for pursuing such an innovative and expensive technology, arise form the following requirements:- Fig.. 1. The LiDAR bathymetry concept (Photo courtesy - Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS)) All systems use a solid state Nd-YAG (Neodymium doped – Yytrium Aluminum Garnet 1) Perform surveys within small operational window 2) To complete survey quickly 3) Rapid mobility 4) Fairly large survey areas 5) Survey where it would be difficult or impossible to use traditional water borne techniques of surveying. 6) Mobility to perform rapid assessments of seasonal change. 7) Better swath coverage. LiDAR systems with relatively fixed swaths independent of depth are efficient for surveying in shallow waters to IHO Order 1 accuracy. MBES systems, whose swath widths are reducing with a decrease in depth, are more efficient in deeper waters and areas where higher order of accuracies are envisaged. Fig. 2 represents a graphic comparison of LiDAR and sonar operations in shallow waters. altitude. Larger scanner nadir angles would mean unacceptably larger timing errors in the surface and bottom returns due to extreme geometry. A typical survey flight mission is of about 5 – 6 hrs depending on the type of aircraft in use and the weather conditions. For a 6 hour mission with a 65% online fraction, about 70 km2 can be surveyed. Higher coverage rates can also be achieved by having a wider swath width coupled with a faster air craft speed, this would have an adverse effect on the sounding density. VI. LIMITATIONS Fig.. 2. A comparative depiction of LiDAR and Multi-beam swath coverage. (Photo courtesy – IIC Academy) 8) Simultaneously survey water and terrestrial areas. ALB provides unique survey opportunities and capabilities in shallow waters and across the land/water boundary which are worth even if they are expensive. A few examples could be beach gradient and coastal engineering surveys. V. AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Most of the aircrafts operate at an altitude of 300 – 500 m with an average speed over ground of 130 kn. The maximum scanner nadir angles are up to 20° which corresponds to survey swaths with widths roughly equal to one half of aircraft A. Water Clarity. It is the most significant limitation for Airborne Laser bathymetry systems. For a typical eyesafe operation, the max surveyable depths range from 50 m in very clean waters to less than 10 m in very murky near shore waters. Surveying may not be possible for extreme murky waters (due to turbidity, water discharge from industrial plants, muddy water, algal growth etc.). As a rule of thumb, successful operations can be expected for depths between 2 – 3 times the Secchi disk reading. However, it is a broad estimate and cannot be relied 100% for aircraft operations unless you run a test flight in the survey area. The Secchi depth is not a very good predictor of performance as the Secchi disk readings can vary daily at the same location. This is because its relationship to the proper optical parameter, the attenuation coefficient, varies with the scattering to absorption ratio. The water property which most nearly dictates the received bottom return pulse energy in an ALB system is the diffuse attenuation coefficient (K) at the Green laser wavelength (Fig. 3). altitude, the resultant reflections can reduce the quality of the surface and seabed return. In extreme shallow waters (less than 0.5 m), the shallow water algorithm does not work well and will drift in and out thus causing variation in the depths. This is due to the fact that surface and seabed return are so close on the waveform that it is beyond the system‟s ability to discriminate between the two returns. Fig. 3. Jerlov curves. Greater the K Value, dirtier is the water column. (Jerlov, N.G., 1976) B. Sun Glint. Sun glint is a known issue with bathymetric LiDAR and line direction is planned to reduce its impact. Sun glint increases the amount of noise in the data which becomes more significant with weak bottom returns from deeper areas combine with areas of high turbidity C. Small Object detection. Another limitation of ALB systems is that it cannot prove, beyond doubt, that a navigation channel is free of small objects of the order of 1 m3. The problem lies in the fact that it is almost impossible to resolve the small target return in the presence of the much stronger and immediately following bottom return. The detection probability for such small objects can be increased by increasing the survey density, but this would not be a fool proof method and is also not economically a viable option. In general, it can be said that, objects with larger surface areas and smaller heights are well detected, as are objects with smaller areas and larger heights. D. Detection in extreme Shallow waters.Very Shallow water can cause extreme glint even at low E. Operational limitations. Weather plays an important role in successful ALB data collection. It not only restricts the aircraft‟s operational window, but weather conditions such as low cloud, fog and rain can also severely affect the LiDAR performance. Another factor limiting the operational data collection window is the permissions and clearances from the Air Traffic Control (ATC) to operate the aircraft due to prevalent traffic at airports. F. Logistic considerations. One of the most important factor limiting ALB surveys is the plethora of logistic considerations and meticulous planning for aircraft operations. An aircraft not only needs daily permissions to fly, but also needs to carry out routine planned maintenance schedule, effective ground support infrastructure, daily refueling, restricted availability of power supply (all equipment has to be run on the aircraft generator supply, no additional generator can be installed) and above all aircrew rest as per FAA safety recommendations. VII. PLANNING AN ALB SURVEY A. Environmental Risk study. Climatology is an important criterion to choose the season of survey. Hence it is most important to conduct an environment risk study, even if it is a statistic figure and depends on the hazards of the weather. The risk can be minimized by extending work over large areas, presenting different weather patterns. The weather prediction reports must be exploited for the operation of the aircraft and the laser sensor. The important parameters to be checked are wind, sea state, precipitation, heat & humidity and cloud cover. Tidal predictions allow one to know not only the height and time of the High Water/ Low Water, It also gives an indication on the stream coefficients during Spring/ Neap tides and can help in decision making for surveying either during Low water or High water to get good coverage in very shallow waters. B. Line Planning. An ALB survey line planning, unlike MBES survey lines, is independent of the depth. The line spacing is of fixed width depending on the density and coverage requirements, something akin to single beam surveys. However, the line planning is guided by the topography and wind conditions in the survey area. It will be prudent to plan survey lines in the direction of wind and along the coastline. ALB survey lines should not be planned perpendicular to the depth contours if there is an abrupt change (steep change) in bathymetry, as the depth recording algorithms take some fractions of seconds for providing a depth solution from shallow to deep waters. C. Ground truthing. ALB ground truthing is akin to the calibration patch tests for MBES surveys. It goes up a notch further as an essential element in proving that the survey is not only progressing as per the required specifications but it also provides mechanism for monitoring and identifying system changes over a period of time. Ground truthing over water requires MBES support. For this, a suitable patch with flat seabed or gently shelving seabed is required. For an efficient sea control patch the MBES itself has to be calibrated and relied upon for accuracy compliance. The sea control patch site should not be chosen at the extreme limit of LiDAR depth. The calibration flights are then run daily over the chosen calibration patch to ensure system compliance and satisfactory performance. VIII. IIC EXPERIENCE IIC technologies along with its partner Pelydryn Ltd, UK, recently completed an ALB survey in the Red Sea for General Commission for Survey (GCS), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The survey was conducted using a Hawkeye IIb bathymetric LiDAR sensor (Fig. 4a) fitted on a Caravan aircraft (Cessna) operated by CAE Ltd (Fig. 4b) Fig. 4a. Hawkeye IIb LiDAR sensor Fig. 4a. Caravan Aircraft (Cessna) A. Survey planning. The requirement for LiDAR in this project, was to survey depths less than 30 m. Based on the initial assessment from existing nautical charts, the survey area (Fig. 5a) was divided into 8 blocks (Fig. 5b). Following an initial period of operations by the MBES, the potential for a large number of uncharted shoals was deemed to present a hazard to operations. Subsequently, an additional block was planned for survey to detect any uncharted shoal / reef (Fig. 5c) Fig. 5b. Survey Area Fig. 5a. Caravan Aircraft (Cessna) Fig. 5c. Additional Survey Block (In Red) B. Challenges during the conduct of survey. 1) Meteorological Impact. Weather during the early part of the year had little impact on operations with 3 ½ days being lost to sandstorms (figure 6) and inclement winds. The major problem was loss of visibility with 10km of visibility dropping to less than a km in minutes. 3) Extreme Shallow waters. Designed to operate across the land/sea interface the system generally can detect depths up to 0.5m. In most areas the range of tide allows either a deeper return at a higher state of tide or a topographic detection at low water. The tidal range experienced in survey area was no more than 0.5m during the survey, which meant that the shallow fringing reef plates (figure 8) would be difficult to survey. Fig. 6. Sandstorms Fig. 8. Extreme Shallow Waters 2) Sun Glint. Sun glint (Fig. 7) was a significant factor whilst surveying deeper areas later in the period, when the sun angle remained higher than 70 degrees for longer periods during the day. Subsequently, flying sorties were timed around the sun‟s elevation to reduce its impact. 4) Land Reclamation and Dredging activities. Dredgers working in and around Jeddah bay (Fig. 9a) undertaking land reclamation & channel clearance and vessels operating from the port (figure 9b) posed a serious block in the progress of LiDAR survey. Fig. 7. Sun Glint Fig. 9a. Dredgers operating for channel clearance The turbidity in water as a result of these activities, reduced depth penetration in the area already suffering from sediments and shipping activities. Such areas, though flown twice, had to be covered again by MBES. Fig. 11b. Sink Holes in waveform format This is a result of a number of reasons: Fig. 9b. Vessels operating in port 5) Coverage in deep reef pockets / sink holes. The reef structures consist mainly of limestone and this is prone to erosion and collapse and this evident in the large number of sink holes (Fig. 11a, 11b) that were encountered on the reefs. In a large number of cases no coverage of the seabed at the bottom of the sinkhole could be achieved. The seabed lies beyond the extinction depth of the system. ii) The sinkhole size and orientation is such that the system is unable to detect the seabed but can detect the steep sides due to masking from the shallower reef plate and shoals that may be within the sinkhole or channel (Fig. 11c). i) Fig. 11c. Graphic depicting seabed detection in sink holes Fig. 11a. Sink Holes 6) Complex Geomorphology. There are two recognised reef types present in the Red Sea. The first type called the fringing reef is generally connected to the coast or surrounds islands. This reef type is evident all along the coastline and on offlying islands. In between these reefs a second reef type is present. Called a Platform or patch reef they are scattered in the calm, shallow waters between the mainland and edge of the continental shelf often rising from great depths to form isolated coral pinnacles. They often tend to be more broken up and do not always present a defined barrier to the sea and these have been encountered in the area surveyed covering extensive areas. Fig. 12. Complex Geomorphology The reef structures are complicated (figure 12) and provide unique challenges for hydrography. The reef flat is often in very shallow water and provides additional challenges to LiDAR systems because of the shallow depths encountered. Reef crests are easily visible and often form small islands. As the water gets deeper the fore reef and shelf can extend for significant distances before the reef edge and drop-off is encountered. Alternatively on the seaward side of fringing and patch reefs they can abruptly drop off in a near vertical wall. Within the reef flats and fore reef it is common to find isolated coral heads, gullies and highly irregular seabed due to the breakdown of dead coral to form boulders and new growth on and around it. C. The Accuracy Challenge. The accuracy standards, accepted for hydrography are established by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) in Monaco and disseminated in Special Publication 44. The accuracies achieved for the present survey fall in IHO Order 1 (1b) category. Table I summarizes the Horizontal and vertical uncertainties computed from the survey error budget and a-posteriory computed uncertainties of each equipment. TABLE 1 ACCURACY STANDARDS ACHIEVED AS AGAINST IHO ORDER 1B ACCURACY STANDARDS Depth (m) Horizontal Uncertainty IHO Specified Achieved for Order 1b Vertical Uncertainty IHO specified for order 1b Achieved 5 5.25 2.318978691 0.504207299 0.237321466 10 15 20 25 30 35 5.5 5.75 6.0 6.25 6.5 6.75 2.546759573 2.886726157 3.304432315 3.774154128 4.278795072 4.807371069 0.516623654 0.536679606 0.563560112 0.596343022 0.634113554 0.676036242 0.28017122 0.339784201 0.408893202 0.483442813 0.561269287 0.641180496 is envisaged. ALB systems can be used safely, for efficient conduct of survey by MBES systems, by delineating the dangerous areas and features that might imperil the survey boats. If used wisely, the ALB systems can provide great cost savings whilst ensuring good coverage benefits and timely completion of surveys. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - General Commission for Survey, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Véronique Jégat, IIC Academy REFERENCES [1] G. C. Guenther, A. G. Cunningham, P. E. LaRocque, and D. J. Reid, “Meeting the accuracy challenge in Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry,” in Proc. EARSel, Dresden, Germany, 2000. [2] Hickman G.D. and Hogg, J.E., 1969. Application of an airborne pulsed laser for near-shore bathymetric measurements, Remote Sens. of Env., 1, Elsevier, New York, 47-58. [3] Guenther, G.C., 1985. Airborne laser hydrography: System design and performance factors, NOAA Professional Paper Series, National Ocean Service 1, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Rockville, MD, 385 pp. [4] Guenther, G.C., 1989. Airborne laser hydrography to chart shallow coastal waters, Sea Technology, March, Vol. 30, No. 3, 55-59. [5] Jerlov, N.G., 1976. Marine Optics, Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., Amsterdam, 231 pp [6] Presentation “Bathymetric LiDAR for Hydrographic Charting” by Dr. Hilario C. Lamotte , CHS [7] Website [8] Website ABOUT THE AUTHOR IX. CONCLUSION. Though not considered a replacement for acoustic surveys, ALB can be used in conjunction with traditional acoustic surveys for better area coverage and charting the unreachable areas. LiDAR systems with relatively fixed swaths independent of depth are efficient for surveying in shallow waters to IHO Order 1 accuracy. MBES systems, whose swath widths are reducing with a decrease in depth, are more efficient in deeper waters and areas where higher order of accuracies Cdr. Sanjeev Sharma, IN (Retd.) is the Head of Hydrography at IIC Technologies. With over 14 years of professional experience in planning and executing hydrographic surveys of national and international importance, the author is an IHO accredited Cat „A‟ hydrographic surveyor and holds a Master‟s degree in Hydrographic surveying.