CMS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN REPORT School: Cochrane Collegiate Academy Principal: Joshua Bishop Title I Specialist: Yvette Smith Address: 6200 Starhaven Drive Charlotte, NC 28215 Courier Number: 341 Phone: 980.343.6460 Learning Zone: Central Secondary Zone Superintendent: Charity Bell CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 MISSION STATEMENT District: Maximize academic achievement by every student in every school. School: To obtain academic success through student responsibility, parental involvement and teacher support. BELIEFS VISION Student learning is the highest priority for the school. Students learn in different ways and should be provided with a variety of instructional approaches to enhance their learning in an active engaging atmosphere. A variety of assessments of learning should provide student with multiple opportunities to demonstrate advancement toward mastery. A safe and physically comfortable environment promotes student learning. Teachers, administrators, parents, students and community function as a learning organization and share the responsibility for promoting the school’s mission. District: CMS provides all students the best education available anywhere, preparing every child to lead a rich and productive life. School: Always being “A 5 Star School Providing 5 Star Service!” SMART GOALS Based upon analysis of data and Self Evaluation, our focus will be upon the following outcomes: Improve Literacy skills for all students as measured by the increase in percent proficient on reading EOG’s by 5% in students in grades 6-8. Increase the number of students making at least one year of growth by 10% Provide specific professional development to improve teacher practices in order to better meet the needs of our students. 2 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 ASSESSMENT DATA SNAPSHOT Cochrane Collegiate Academy - 600341 2008-2009 School Year % Avg. Met Exp. Growth Growth 2009-2010 School Year High Growth Ratio % Prof. High Growth Ratio % Prof. 0.418 5.3 100.0 86.7 0.612 6.5 93.0 48.8 -0.098 1.0 41.7 -0.094 0.7 61.8 69.6 0.257 2.3 57.4 54.6 -0.003 1.2 55.5 38.6 -0.163 0.6 67.5 62.5 0.151 1.7 49.3 23.4 -0.372 0.3 Grade Total 55.6 40.1 -0.129 0.7 64.7 66.0 0.204 1.9 53.4 38.8 -0.190 0.6 Grade 07 Reading Grade Total 40.2 51.7 0.028 1.1 45.1 58.3 0.150 1.4 48.0 56.4 0.082 1.3 Grade 07 Math Grade Total 43.6 43.3 -0.089 0.8 57.4 54.0 0.065 1.2 60.5 43.8 -0.057 0.8 Grade 07 Total Grade Total 41.9 47.5 -0.031 0.9 51.3 56.1 0.108 1.3 54.3 50.0 0.012 1.0 Grade 08 Reading Grade Total 45.9 57.8 0.122 1.4 47.6 65.1 0.164 1.9 52.2 59.6 0.131 1.5 Grade 08 Math Grade Total 63.8 75.5 0.340 3.1 75.0 86.7 0.545 6.5 65.4 70.2 0.240 2.4 Grade 08 Science Grade Total 35.3 Grade 08 Total Grade Total 48.5 66.8 0.232 2.0 61.2 75.9 0.354 3.2 60.1 64.9 0.185 1.8 Reading Total Total 47.1 51.2 0.029 1.0 51.5 64.4 0.191 1.8 52.1 57.2 0.079 1.3 Math Total Total 54.7 54.6 0.058 1.2 66.8 68.3 0.261 2.2 59.3 48.4 -0.027 0.9 Science Total Total 35.3 EOG Total Total 48.5 52.9 0.043 1.1 59.4 66.4 0.226 2.0 56.8 52.7 0.025 1.1 EOC Total Total 100.0 84.0 0.418 5.3 100.0 86.7 0.612 6.5 93.0 48.8 -0.098 1.0 School Composite Total 49.4 53.7 0.053 1.2 59.9 66.7 0.232 2.0 57.9 52.6 0.020 1.1 Demographic Subgroup % Prof. Total 100.0 84.0 Grade 06 Reading Grade Total 55.7 Grade 06 Math Grade Total Grade 06 Total Subject Algebra I % Avg. Met Exp. Growth Growth 2010-2011 School Year 61.1 % Avg. Met Exp. Growth Growth High Growth Ratio 62.6 61.1 62.6 3 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 SCHOOL PROFILE This narrative should include a description of student and staff demographics, recent achievement, and staff qualifications. Cochrane Collegiate Academy is a small urban school consisting of approximately 600 students of which more than 88% are classified as Economically Disadvantaged. The student body tends to be very transient with current students exiting and new students enrolling at all times. Overall student scores (percent proficient) have been on the rise in the last three years due to a laser like focus on academics and high expectations for students and teachers. During the 2008-2009 school year, Cochrane Collegiate Academy either Met or Met with Safe Habor on 100 % of all AYP goals. In the 2009 – 2010 school year, we made 23 of 25 goals missing in the areas of Hispanics in math and Students with Disabilities (SWD) in language arts. In the 2010 – 2011 school year we made 13 of 25 goals; however we continue to make growth. The overall staff demographics have also changed in recent years with nearly ¾ of the faculty being replaced for a variety of reasons. This staff turnover has overall been viewed as effective as student scores have risen dramatically. School personnel demographics are as follows: 9 – first year teachers, 8 teachers with 2-5 years of service and, 24 with 6 years or more. In addition there are 6 males and 38 females they are broken down by 19 who are white and 25 who are African American. Cochrane Collegiate Academy will continue with phase three of the staff development activities that began in the 2008-2009 school year. Staff development will continue to be driven by the needs of the teachers with a focus on literacy, RIGOR, technology and differentiation. Training all teachers in Learning Focused will be on-going throughout the year. All math teachers will be trained using TI Math Forward. Professional development in interdisciplinary unit planning, promethean board training, technology integration, web-based project design, powerpoint and LCD projector training, and inclusion training will also be provided to the staff. The school will seek community volunteers in an effort to enhance the total school program including the instructional and testing program. Instructional technology and tutorials will be stressed for students lacking technology skills, especially as Cochrane moves to become the first 1:1 school (one laptop for one student) in CMS. Additionally, we will utilize the Instructional Accountability Facilitator and the Academic Facilitator to meet weekly with PLC’s to identify and analyze student/classroom data. After analysis of data, the Academic Facilitator will provide direct PD to assist teachers in implement strategies/practices into their classroom based on 4 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 the previously identified data. This will significantly impact student progress and immediately allow us to identify deficient subgroups. These students will also be moved into after-school and SES tutoring to build upon their foundation. Instruction by Highly Qualified Teachers. Cochrane Collegiate Academy will continue to seek the very best competent and certified teachers to instruct the students enrolled at the school. The goal is to have 100% of the staff Highly Qualified. Currently, we have no vacancies and even started the school year fully staffed, which has not been the case in many recent years. At the present moment we have one EC position, two math and one science teacher(s) that due to licensure are not listed as Highly Qualified however plans are in place to take the necessary tests in order to obtain HQ status as stipulated by No Child Left Behind. Parents will be notified in writing of this deficiency until certification is complete. These notifications will also take place in the form of conferences with the principal, through PTA meetings, individual phone calls, web page, and email. High Quality Ongoing Professional Development Staff development for teachers is considered the most important determinant for successful learning at Cochrane Collegiate Academy. Staff development opportunities will provide ongoing professional development for teachers in the 2011-2012 school year. As directed by our 2010-11 data, the staff development activities will focus around techniques needed to excel our Limited English Proficient Learners, our Exceptional Children, and new this year our deficiencies in Math. In addition we will continue to hold high expectations as we challenge all our students to meet or exceed their 1 year growth indicators. The following staff development activities will be the focus for 2011-2012: Scientifically-based & ongoing Professional Development Timeline Point Person Evaluation/Follow-up Activities Literacy development Weekly Observations, lesson plans Classroom Management Learning Focus Training/Lesson Plans Online/All teachers Web based instruction Quarterly Daily Assistant Principal Administration AF Weekly Technology Facilitator Observations, lesson plans, staff Staff PD, classroom observations, lesson plans Web based instruction for all students in sixth grade 5 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 Discovery Education Technology Integration/All teachers Math Forward/7th and 8th grade Math teachers Instructional strategies/data analysis Web-based projects Quarterly Daily Observations, lesson plans Observations, lesson plans Daily Principal Technology Facilitator Principal Weekly IAF & AF Quarterly Technology Facilitator All Assistant Principal Observations, lesson plans, increase in sub-group results Project presentations, observations Peer observations Inclusion training/All staff Daily Quarterly Observations, monthly PD Peer observation reports Observations, lesson plans, increase in sub-group test results Strategies to Attract Highly Qualified Teachers to High Need Schools Cochrane Collegiate Academy initiated several strategies to recruit, attract and retain highly qualified teachers to the school and will continue to employ the strategies listed below for the 2011-2012 school year. o o o o o o o Increased technology in the classroom (Flip Cameras, LCD projectors, laptops, computer labs document cameras) 1:1 laptop integration for all students in the sixth and seventh grade Provide support for each teacher, e.g., mentor teacher Very strong and committed PLC’s Interview and hire only the best teacher (not just filling a position because it exists) Provide continuous professional development for current staff at Cochrane. Select the best teachers during the transfer process In addition to these listed items, we have opened the dialogue among the staff to form strong relationships among our entire faculty. We have focused our school opening on effective PLC’s and are already reaping the rewards of an engaged faculty that demonstrates dialogue versus monologue. In addition we have continued to establish best practices that we call Cochrane Traditions. Most schools that have a history of success have traditions by which they conduct their school. 6 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 Include Teachers in Decisions Regarding the use of Assessments Cochrane Collegiate Academy will continue to align teaching and assessment to the district’s goals in the 2011-2012 school year. Beginning this year, an Instructional Accountability Facilitator has been hired who will meet weekly with teachers during their PLC meetings to assist in providing data and analysis. In addition, she will assist teachers in forming high level common assessments that will be administered through Think Gate in order to fully take advantage of the data analysis tools already present. Disaggregate data will consist of teacher made test data, mini tests data, attendance data, end-of-grade tests data, district quarterly tests data, grade distribution data, writing tests data, classroom discipline data and other forms of raw data needed for proper instruction. Teachers will be involved in decisions regarding the use of assessments in several ways at Cochrane Collegiate Academy. Cochrane Collegiate Academy is a focus school in school improvement and will administers common assessments throughout the school year in all core subjects. Teachers will utilize the Think Gate system to administer and score these assessments. The results of the assessments will be reviewed by all core and elective teachers during content planning time each week. Teachers will also spend time reviewing and analyzing Quarterly Assessments in reading and mathematics and establishing ways to improve student achievement. Like last year a matrix has been assembled to represent times for common planning (see below). In addition, both the IAF and my website show the extensive schedule planned for the weekly data planning session WEEKLY MTGS. AM Meetings 7:00 AM 1st Block th 8 Grade Planning 7:30 2nd Block Elective Planning 10:05 3rd Block 7th Grade Planning 10:45 4th Block 6th Grade Planning 1:00 MONDAY 8th & 7th Grade Full PLC Data Room 9th Grade PLC Data Room Elective PLC Data Room 6th & 7th Grade Full PLC Data Room TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Morning Announcements and important dates will be emailed to staff Individual Planning Or Intervention Team Individual Planning Or Intervention Team Individual Planning Or Intervention Team Individual Planning Or Intervention Team PLC Data Planning With Ms. Spisak PLC Data Planning With Ms. Spisak PLC Data Planning With Ms. Spisak PLC Data Planning With Ms. Spisak FRIDAY Individual Planning Content PLC Data Room Individual Planning Content PLC Data Room Individual Planning Content PLC Data Room Individual Planning Content PLC Data Room 7 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 In the creation of common assessments we will be taking into account norms, types of questions, style and validity in order to create high level / authentic assessments. After students have taken assessments, teachers will use data to create re-looping strategies within class until all students have demonstrated mastery. As an on-going process, teachers will track and visually display level of mastery among the classes, grades and content areas. Strategies to Increase Parental Involvement We still continue to have overall low parental involvement in all aspects of our school. Our parents look forward to Cochrane’s report card pick-up. Although the annual Title I meeting and curriculum nights overall see low numbers. During each report card distribution day, parents were able to pick up their child’s report card throughout the day. During this time, stations are set up for parents to conference with teachers, sign PEP’s, sign up to be volunteers, and sign student compacts. Parents are also involved in the decision making process at Cochrane. This is accomplished through attendance School Leadership Team meetings, PTA, Team meetings, and parent workshops. Parents are notified that they are required to complete a school compact prior to the opening of school and at each open house, PTA meeting, parent/teacher conferences, newsletters, telephone and other opportune times. Parents also have opportunities to voice opinions on the school’s operations through the School Leadership Team meeting. School Leadership meetings take place at times appropriate for parents that work. Other strategies used to increase parental involvement are: TI Calculator Training Night Host Parent University at Cochrane Conduct Team home visits to celebrate accomplishments and bring a piece of the classroom home Math Forward Night Usage of a parent resource center Use parents as resource in classes Seek parent volunteers to perform certain administrative tasks Hold parent appreciation night Schedule a computer awareness day for parents Develop a program of community shadowing where students work with parents Invite parents to serve on school committees Plan parent night activities 8 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 Plan open house and meet the teacher’s night Conduct a Connect Ed phone survey to all parents on the needs and wants of our parents Send parents monthly newsletters per themed-school Communicate with parents through the School’s marquee Schedule School Improvement Meetings, PTA Meetings, Parent/Teacher Conferences, and other school events at times beneficial for parents. Provide information to parents in Spanish and English Seek and establish community partners Increase the number of workshops for parents Transition Strategies to Middle School for Rising Sixth Grade Students Strategies for transitioning fifth grade students to middle school include the following activities: Send welcome postcard informing of 6th grade ONLY open house to meet the teachers, walk the schedule, see the classrooms, etc. Send registration letters to parents Guidance counselors visit rising students to inform them of the registration process Hold registration forum and curriculum night for parents and students Provide field trip for 5th grade students to visit Cochrane Invite students and their parents to attend the schools’ planned school activities (Sports events, band and strings concerts, etc) Determine nurturing needs of students, such as team configuration Hold open house for students and parents prior to the opening of school Provide brochures to all rising 6th graders and parent explaining Cochrane’s two themed programs Because of the expansion of Cochrane into a comprehensive middle/high school the transition process will very different over the few years because our students will be staying with us. This will allow for internal planning to take place about transition, placements and the strengths/weaknesses of each student. 9 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 Activities for Students Experiencing Difficulty in School Students who are experiencing difficulty in school are identified at the classroom level and addressed via a PEP (personalized educational plan). If difficulties still persist they are then taken to the Intervention Team for further analysis, development of additional strategies or recommendations for testing. There are a number of programs and services for students experiencing difficulties at Cochrane Collegiate Academy, these include but are not limited to: After School Academy for students needing additional help in reading and mathematics Creation of several ESL classes Peer Mediation teaches conflict management Healing the Hurt help students dealing with grief Right Moves for Youth Power of Girls Coordination and integration of Federal, State and Local Services Federal funds are used to enhance learning activities for students in the school. The Title I budget does not replace the state or local funds at the school. At Cochrane, Title I funds are used to supplement state funding. For Cochrane the funds are used to employ a BMT and a technology facilitator. In addition funds are used to supplement local PD allocations and for the installation of the technology which is used to enhance the classroom instruction. Some of the Title I and other resources used in the school Computer and monitors used in a lab setting Textbooks AV equipment Screens, carts, projectors Graphing Calculators Accelerated reader Computers and monitors in the Media Center Computers and monitors in the classroom Wireless Mobile Laptop computers Printers Library books Technology Facilitator Ti Navigator Systems 10 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 Promethean Boards Behavioral Modification Technician Document Cameras 11 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 SMART GOAL (1): Improve Literacy skills for all students as measured by the increase in percent proficient on reading EOG’s by 5% in students in grades 6-8 by the end of the 2011-2012 school year. Data Used: Based on the last 3 years of data, there has been an increase in scores overall by 5% however the percent of students making growth has declined from last year. SP 2014 Tactic: (# 1B) - Develop a measure for a year’s worth of growth for every subject and grade level. (# 1D) - Provide access to training that is tailored to student and teacher learning needs. Strategies (determined by what data) Task Task Task (PD) Example: 1. Differentiate instruction for students experiencing target deficit reading skills as determined by 3D assessments Use PALs Use Orton Gillingham Strategies Use flexible, small group instruction based upon teacher observations and student work products Training teachers on Orton Gillingham strategies Point Person (title/name) Evidence of Success (Student Impact) Funding (estimated cost and source) Academic Facil/Smith -On DIBELS less than 5% of students will be below benchmark by EOY measures -On Running Records all students will be above a level H -On DRA, less than 5% of students will be below a 10 -$500 training faculty on OG strategies -Source: PD allotment 1. Continuation of literacy leadership team. Implement targeted literacy skills in all lessons. Literacy skill PD provided monthly during faculty meetings (see my website for a calendar of events) Dr. Mills Ms. Oliver, AF Administration Literacy leadership team will meet and develop literacy and reading strategies and will provide PD for teachers in order to implement in the classroom. Title I PD Allocations 2. Implementation of “best practices” of reading strategies Dr. Mills Ms. Oliver, AF Administration Personnel Involved Timeline Start–End Interim Check Dates Faculty Faculty 8/1 – 6/10 8/1/11 11/2/11 2/3/12 6-11-12 11-3-11 1-20-12 4-13-12 6-11-12 11-3-11 1-20-12 4-13-12 Increase of percent proficient by 5% on EOG’s on reading. Agenda Dept Planning Lesson Plans Teachers will implement strategies (summarization, extending and refining, etc.) into their daily lessons. PD Dept Planning Lesson Plans Title I PD Allocations Faculty SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 12 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 SMART GOAL (2): Increase the number of students making at least one year of growth by 10% by the end of the 2011-2012 school year. Data Used: Based on the last 3 years of data the lowest percent of students making growth in the overall school composite was last year at 52.6%. A significant portion of the decline occurred in math with a low of 48.4%. SP 2014 Tactic: (# 1B) - Develop a measure for a year’s worth of growth for every subject and grade level. Strategies (determined by what data) Task Task Task (PD) Point Person (title/name) 1. Focus on student data analysis PLC’s will meet weekly with the Instructional Accountability person to analyze data in order to better impact instruction create common assessments and provide direction on student and instructional analysis in order to better impact student learning Teachers will monitor and track mastery of objectives by students Additional PD on differentiation and rigor within the lesson plans and instruction. PLC Admin AF IAF 2. Focus on the essential/core concepts being covered in the NCSCOS Our 5 Star commitment to our parents are as follows(see attachment): o Focus on learning o Create a collaborative culture o Define what every student needs to learn o Constantly measure our effectiveness o Respond when students are in need AF IAF PLC Dept. Chairs Admin 3. Work with math teachers to integrate the TI navigator system, common plans, common assessments and a deeper understanding of the Common Core. AF IAF Admin Evidence of Success (Student Impact) PLC’s will meet weekly with the IAF to analyze student data, Evaluation of EOG’s. - - Timeline Start–End Interim Check Dates Cost of Halo sheets Faculty No cost Faculty Title I PD Allocations Faculty TI Trainers 6-11-12 11-3-11 1-20-12 4-13-12 6-11-12 11-3-11 1-20-12 4-13-12 6-11-12 11-3-11 1-20-12 4-13-12 Posted NCSCOS & Common Core PD Increase the number of students making growth by 10% - Personnel involved Data graphs Agendas Mastery Trackers PLC’s will meet and document meetings where they are utilizing common planning and common assessments around the Core concepts covered in the NCSCOS / Common Core. - Funding (estimated cost and source) PLC meetings Analysis of Lesson Plans PD SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 13 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 SMART GOAL (3): Provide specific professional development to improve teacher practices in order to increase the High Growth Ratio from 1.1 to at least 1.6 by the end of the 2011-2012 school year. Data Used: Based on the last 3 years of data, last year’s data showed the lowest High Growth Ratio of 1.1. This is down from 1.2 in 2008-2009 and down from 2.0 in 2009-2010 SP 2014 Tactic: (#1D)Provide access to training that is tailored to student and teacher learning needs. Strategies (determined by what data) Task Task Task (PD) 1. Provide teachers with options for professional development that are aligned to student needs. A calendar of PD is scheduled to occur monthly during faculty meetings. Teachers will have two options to choose from during each session. A calendar is posted on my website indicating what PD is being offered and all presentations will be posted there for future use. Point Person (title/name) Admin AF IAF Dept. Chairs Evidence of Success (Student Impact) Calendar of events will be posted (see principal website) A record of teacher participation and attendance will be kept. - Funding (estimated cost and source) Title I PD Allocations Personnel involved Timeline Start–End 4. Interim Check Dates Faculty 6-11-12 11-3-11 1-20-12 4-13-12 A High Growth ratio of at least 1.6 SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 14 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 5 Star Expectations for Teachers 5 Star Expectations for Parent SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 15 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 Required documentation of PD: 1. Maintain sign-in sheets & agendas, handouts, notes 2. Provide renewal credit through MyPD (when appropriate) 3. Teacher feedback on PD (surveys, questionnaires, etc.) 4. Documentation that shows what was learned is being implemented correctly 5. Documentation that shows PD is impacting student achievement 6. Analyze effectiveness & decide what next For schools in improvement: PD mandatory 10% set aside $ 27,086.00 _______________improvement. Ongoing Professional Development PARTICIPANTS Conferences, workshops, inservice, mentoring, planning, courses 1. Learning Focused Teachers & Administration (total of 4) 2. Model Schools Conference Teachers & Administration (total of 10) 3. Teachers & Administration Web 2.0 training Why needed? Tie to needs assessment & Goal/strategy from SIP pg. # & if applicableHow will this help remove from improvement? This research based instructional model has been the keystone to Cochrane’s improvement. By sending staff to be trainers, it ensures that training is on-going. This conference focuses on best practice and research based skills that compliment the overall growth of Cochrane. By sending staff to this conference, it ensures that teachers and administration see consistency. To ensure effective implementation of a 1:1 environment. Funding Sources Cost State or local Prof. Dev. Money, Title I, grants… Timeline Point Evaluation/Follow-up When & Effectivene ss Checkpoints Person State specifics ex: # 4 lesson plans, observation, work sample… #5 Progress Monitoring results in ORF, AR diagnostic Reports, tests, EOGs … Title I 6800.00 Summer 2012 Bishop PD for new teachers. On-going PD for all teachers. Lesson Plan evaluations. Title I 17000.00 Summer 2012 Bishop PD for new teachers. On-going PD for all teachers. Title I 3286.00 Summer 2012 Bishop PD for new teachers. On-going PD for all teachers. SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 16 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 Title I Action Plan Family/School Partnerships School Name: Cochrane Collegiate Academy Title I Allocation for Parent Involvement $5,732.00 Note: Any activities that support Epstein’s six keys to building successful family/school partnerships are based on research that substantiate the fact that student achievement is directly linked to parent involvement. **Note: Please show flexible meeting times and various meeting locations to meet the needs of all families. X X Title I X X X Title I X X X Partnership X X Community Collaboration Title I DecisionMaking Learning at Home Volunteering Yes Communication Funding Sources/Costs (Title I, contributions, partnerships, etc.) Will refreshments be served? Parenting Name of Activity Date/Time Goal # (Include a brief (from summary of SIP) activities that meet the requirements under parental involvement, along with any instructional materials that need to be purchased.) Quarterly 1. Report Card Pick-up 1 per 2. Parent Semester University course 1 first 3. Math semester Forward night 09/2011 – 4. Tutoring at 06/2012 Which of Epstein’s six keys of building successful partnerships does this activity support?* X X X X No X X SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 18 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 Greater Bethel 07/2012 Partnership X 11/2011 Partnership X 11/2011 Partnership X 1 per Semester Partnership X X X 5. Summer Camp at Greater Bethel X X X 6. Sixth grade parent night 7. Parent Assist workshop 8. Parent Appreciation X X X X SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 19 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 Charlotte-Mecklenburg School Quality Review School Self-Evaluation Form 2011-12 Name of principal: Joshua Bishop Name of school: Cochrane Collegiate Academy Please complete with as much detail as you can, use the completion as a professional development exercise if appropriate and send it to your lead reviewer (electronically) two weeks before the review. Completing this form will help you prepare for some of the discussions which will take place both before and during the review. It will also help the review team get to know you and your school and to understand how well the school community knows itself. Guidance on completing the form: Please be evaluative, rather than descriptive, and make your focus outcomes for students. Include references to where the evidence of your self-evaluation can be found, e.g.,"excellent boys’ results in state math tests as shown in annual report to the state”, “parents’ questionnaires from 2006”. Be concise; (for example, use bullet points or note form). Aim to confine your response to no more than eight pages. Please place an X against the grade (1-4), which most accurately reflects your judgment of overall quality in response to the questions. You are advised to complete section B last. This section is summative and draws on your evaluations elsewhere in the selfevaluation report. Please omit sections where you feel that you are not in a position to respond. How should evaluations be made? You are strongly encouraged to refer to the Quality Criteria, sub-criteria and rubrics and as you complete the evaluations. These are included within the Notes of Guidance for the School Quality Review and should be kept close at hand as you complete the evaluations. What approach should we take? Schools have adopted different approaches. SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 20 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 In some schools the principal and the leadership team have completed the form as a part of one of their regular meetings. Other schools have devoted part of a faculty meeting as a way of involving all members of staff; this is highly recommended as a means of engaging the whole staff, helping them to prepare for the review and gathering evidence which reflects the work of the whole school. Whichever approach you adopt, we recommend that you do not make this an onerous task but that you take the opportunity to stop, reflect and record your immediate perceptions. SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 21 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 School Profile School name and number: Cochrane Collegiate Academy - 341 School address: 6200 Starhaven Drive, Charlotte, NC 28215 School telephone number: (980) 343-6460 # Grades: Number of students enrolled: Number of general education students: Number of EC students: Number of LEP students: Principal suspensions: Superintendent suspensions: Percentage of students eligible for Free or Reduced-Price Lunch: Ethnic make-up of the students (by percentage): 6-9 616 516 100 144 283 0 ---- % 100 100 83 16 23 48 0 Roughly 89 58% Black, 3% White, 34% Hispanic, 2% Asian, 2% MultiRacial SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 22 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 A. What is distinctive about your school? This is the first year of our expansion into a school of students in grades 6-12. This year Cochrane Collegiate Academy consists of over 600 students in grades 6-9. This is our first year of adding in high school students and a high school curriculum. Additionally, this is our second year of phasing in our one-to-one initiative. This th year we started with students in grades 6 and 7 with their own laptops. We anticipate adding our 9 grade this year with an IPAD device. B How effective is your school overall? 4 School Self-Evaluation: Moderate quality 3 2 1 X Undeveloped How do you know? The restructuring process at Cochrane has been wonderful. It has caused us to dissect every aspect of our total school program identifying our strengths and weaknesses. Data drives all decisions that are made regarding our students and curriculum. The staff now views each other as a family member and not just a coworker. They share ideas as well as plan together vertically and horizontally. This was shown in our EOG/EOC results for the last two school years with increases across the board and our making of ABC. In the 2008-2009 school year Cochrane Collegiate Academy made 100% AYP (most with Safe Harbor). In the 20092010 school year we made 93% or 23 of 25 sub-categories. In addition to were named as a School of Progress with High Growth by North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Last year, we fell considerably short of our AYP goals only making 13 of 25 goals. What are its notable strengths? Overall school make-up Distinct strengths of our individual staff members and their willingness to share with their colleagues. Our five star vision for the school. Access to technology and technology integration across the curriculum Administrative support staff (curriculum facilitator, counselors, administrative team) SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 23 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 Strong understanding of the importance of common planning and common assessments. Use of learning focused strategies. Student centered classrooms Access to funding for projects (Title I) Staff’s willingness to ensure that our students are learning What are its main areas for improvement? Level of parental involvement Rigor Differentiation End of grade test results with a focus on specific sub-groups. Classroom management 1. How effective is your school in ensuring high quality achievement for students in all grades, especially in the core subjects? 4 School Self-Evaluation: 3 Moderate quality 2 2.5 1 Undeveloped How do you know? Proficient - As ranked in our SQR in March of 2008 Over the course of the last two years, teachers have been using data to enhance their planning and overall instruction. This year we have added an Instructional Accountability Facilitator with a strong background in data. She will meet with each PLC weekly to assist teachers in analyzing data in order to enhance instruction. Students are assessed weekly and re-looping strategies are put in place for those students that did not show mastery. Language arts, math and writing are integrated throughout all curricular areas using learning focused strategies. Technology through the use of promethean boards, computer labs, and TI Navigator systems are used by SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 24 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 students and staff. Students use graphic organizers in all subjects and higher order thinking questioning stems are focused upon daily. In which subjects and grades do students do best, and why? Our EOG data showed that eighth grade students continue to show the most growth in mathematics then all other grade levels. This can be contributed to the strong implementation of the TI Navigator systems on the eighth grade level. In which subjects and grades is improvement needed, and what action is being taken? th Overall, 6 grade mathematics is in need of improvement. EOG data showed significant declines in growth for all students. This will be addressed through the assessment of students and the analysis of the data down to each individual child. Goals and intervention plans will be written for each child focusing on their individual needs. Is there evidence of disparities in student achievement by subgroups? If so, what action is being taken? Overall we continue to show disparities in two areas: Students with Disabilities in Language Arts and Limited English Proficient students. To resolve disparities in achievement among our subgroups, within our school, more differentiated instruction is needed in the classroom daily to meet the needs of various learning styles. Because differentiation is an area that has been identified as a professional development need for our teachers, these strategies will have to be closely monitored by the academic facilitator and the administrative staff. In addition we have scheduled our ESL students into elective classes that focus on reading and writing. Technology will also be heavily integrated into each classroom daily. How is the school addressing the specialized needs of EC and LEP students? Our EC/LEP students’ needs are addressed as adequately as possible on a continuously improving basis. Teachers are familiar with the IEPs of each of their students and reviewed cumulative folders at the start of the school year. The modifications of our EC students are respectfully met daily in the classroom and during assessments. Our LEP students receive small group instruction in some settings during the course of the school day. How does the school use student performance data to take and adjust actions to improve student achievement? Cochrane Collegiate Academy is in our third year of the Data Wise process. As previously mentioned the IAF will meet with PLC’s weekly to address/analyze classroom and individual data. Our school is in full-implementation of ClassScape – a computerized assessment tool. Students are assessed regularly in Math, Language Arts, and Science. This data is dissected and analyzed to provide feedback to teachers and students. After discussion and planning using this data instructional direction is determined (extending, refining and re-looping). SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 25 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 2. How effective is your school in providing a relevant and appropriate curriculum for all students, grades and sub-groups? 4 School Self-Evaluation: High quality 3 2 1 X Undeveloped How do you know? Well Developed - As ranked in our SQR in March of 2008 Our school is continuing with full implementation of the learning focused model. Learning Focused is a research-based model that provides comprehensive school reform strategies and solutions for middle schools based on exemplary practices. Implementing this model provides strategies focused in five areas: planning, curriculum, instruction, assessment, and school organization. The Learning-Focused Model also provides the framework, strategies, instructional methods, and leadership processes needed in order to organize and connect the techniques that are most effective for raising student achievement. Teachers expose students to a consistent language for learning that is organized into a framework design tailored towards raising student achievement through rigor and a higher order thinking approach. Our support staff and teachers participate in curriculum meetings and curriculum based staff development weekly. Each subject area participates in common planning meetings weekly to discuss how to effectively implement appropriate strategies. Each administrator is assigned a curriculum area. They meet with their assigned subject area in order to discuss classroom curriculum strategies and best practices. Lesson plans are also reviewed and refined. Administrators, teachers and the academic facilitator are responsible for completing a set number of classroom walk-throughs weekly. The results of these walk-throughs are shared during the administrative curriculum meetings with the teacher in order to provide valuable feedback and suggestions for improvement. When student performance data shows low achievement, re-looping strategies are in place in order to provide the students with individual assistance. How is alignment with the NCSCOS ensured? All planning meetings are conducted with the pacing guide and Common Core / NCSCOS used as the key resources to build curriculum units. All content taught to students are in the form of higher-order thinking questions, following the New Bloom’s Taxonomy and aligned with the curriculum. How does the school ensure a broad range of learning experiences? Since the 2008-2009 school year, Cochrane was restructured into small professional learning communities. SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 26 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 This practice is continued for the 2010-2011 school year. The students are provided with an intensive professional development that focuses on the themes of each individual school. 3. How effective is the quality of teaching and instruction in ensuring high quality learning, progress and achievement? 4 School Self-Evaluation: 3 High quality 2 2.5 1 Undeveloped How do you know? Proficient - As ranked in our SQR in March of 2008 Last year there was an increase in the quality of teaching at Cochrane Collegiate Academy. This year it is even better. All teachers are using student learning maps, activating strategies, focusing on teaching vocabulary through content, essential questions, student centered classrooms with a high level of engagement and student centered summarizers. We also utilize: Classroom Observations 3 minute walk-through observations Lesson plans EOG scores/subgroups (data) Which are the strongest features of teaching and learning and why? Whole school is participating in Learning Focused best teaching practices and instruction Why? Most teachers teach using cooperative groups during instruction. Most teachers minimize note-taking and instead use higher level questioning techniques, graphic organizers and discussion activities. Administrators also encourage and support rigor in classes. In addition, the AF and IAF work closely with the core teachers. They constantly analyze data and revisits individual student plans to ensure student success. What aspects of teaching and learning most need improvement and what action is being taken? Differentiation Integrated Instruction Consistent use of technology in all classrooms Rigor Teacher accountability for each individual student Action being taken: It is our goal to provide teachers continued in-service with Rigor, Differentiation along with a new focus on literacy skills. Some teachers are utilizing technological resources such as Discovery Education, laptop carts, and SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 27 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 the computer labs. Math, Language Arts and Science teachers are utilizing Class Scape in the computer labs. How do teachers assess students’ achievement of learning objectives and adjust instruction with assessment information? Teachers use a variety of methods to assess student achievement. It is common to see re-teaching, retesting, re-looping and recovery of content. Staff uses a variety of formal and informal assessments within the classroom such as Class Scape data, Local Formative Assessment Data, informal testing and projects with rubrics. 4. How effective is the school in ensuring high quality leadership and management? 4 School Self-Evaluation: High quality 3 2 1 X Undeveloped How do you know? Well Developed - As ranked in our SQR in March of 2008 There are several areas in which the leadership and management team guides and supports continuous improvement in curriculum. The leadership team is very visible. We meet with teachers daily and provide prompt feedback. We are hands on with the students in the classroom. The leadership team also provides professional development activities geared towards the needs of the teachers (please look at my website for this information). We facilitate curriculum meetings and teach demo lessons. All stakeholders in the school and community are involved in the decision making process and creation of our overall school vision and goals. The management team also builds leadership capacity by empowering teachers and other stakeholders to invest in the vision and molding of the school. From our 2008-2009 SQR visit, it was noted that the leadership and management team was one of the strongest aspects of the school. Which are the strongest aspects and why? Visibility Facilitates team building activities Individual teacher reflection conferences with the management team Open door policy Hands-on team which assists all staff with any needs that arise Provide professional development based on the needs of the staff Advocates for the students, staff and school Serves as coach and curriculum leaders What most needs improvement and what action is being taken? SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 28 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 Classroom activity-centered interaction Development of more focus groups 5. How effective is the school in creating a high quality learning environment? 4 School Self-Evaluation: High quality 3 2 1 X Undeveloped How do you know? Well Developed - As ranked in our SQR in March of 2008 Cochrane Collegiate Academy has created a safe and orderly environment for the students. We have two security associate who assist in monitoring all areas of the school building. The security associates monitor these areas to ensure that minimal disruptions take place in or around the classroom. In case of an emergency, the staff is aware and in possession of our school’s crisis plan. This plan lays out the procedures to follow in case of a school-wide emergency and/or lockdown. Administrators assigned to each school are located on the hallway. This aids in the handling and/or removal of disruptive students in a timely fashion. Disruptive students are counseled before they are allowed to return to class. Parents are immediately contacted and made aware of the disruption. End of year discipline reports showed that discipline incidents increased last year. This was mirrored by the Teacher survey that showed a strong indication that discipline was not handled effectively the prior year. Teachers are provided with all resources/technology needed to ensure a high quality learning environment. Administrators and facilitators complete daily three minute classroom walk-throughs to assure that high quality is taking place. Prompt feedback is provided to the teachers and plans of assistance are generated. Which are the strongest aspects and why? The use of the IAF & AF in PLC meetings to assist with the decision making process and its impact on student learning. This year we have implemented a clear and concise schedule for our teachers to participate in professional learning communities (PLC’s) that address grade level, school level and content level planning. This has allowed the teachers to focus on common planning and common assessments. ClassScape is a set of higher order thinking/EOG computer generated questions. It allows the teachers to create assessments that are based upon the NC Standard Course of Study goals and objectives. These assessments are used to identify those goals that have or have not been mastered by the students. Teachers SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 29 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 use this data to re-loop students in order to assist them with goal mastery of each objective. What most needs improvement and what action is being taken? Cochrane’s need of improvement comes in the area of student leadership and rigor. Our students have a tendency to follow negative behaviors instead of modeling the positive ones. High academic performance is viewed by some of ours students as not being the “in” thing to do. In order to combat this issue, we have developed a student council that will allow our students to make important school based decision and will help to develop student leadership. We also recognize our students quarterly through an award’s day ceremony. The following actions are also used to assist in this area: Individual student behavior logs/plans, Caught You Being Good Award, Character Education Intervention Groups, Conflict Resolution, Peer Mediation, Peer Pressure, Drug Awareness, Tobacco Free, Abstinence/ Sexual Awareness, Kids to College. Friday is also set aside as the day when all staff members make a conscious effort to discuss college with the students. A renewed focus on Rigor has begun this year as we are building upon our professional development that we started last year. Our focus this year will be on the level of rigor in our student outcomes (class work, homework, projects, etc.). 6. How effective is the school in establishing a high quality partnership with parents, other schools and the community? 4 School Self-Evaluation: 3 High quality 2 X 1 Undeveloped How do you know? Proficient - As ranked in our SQR in March of 2008 This area continues to be a challenge to Cochrane Collegiate Academy. We have existing relationships with various departments of UNCC. In addition we have partnerships with local churches and community groups/organizations. We have enhanced our connection with Hampshire Hills HOA, Brindlewood HOA, and Hickory Grove Baptist Church in ways to incorporate them and Cochrane into the local community. Which are the strongest features of communication between home/school about the school’s work and about each student’s achievement? Why? Report Card Pick-Up – This activity is held each quarter. Parents are invited to pick up their child’s report card, SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 30 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 conference with his/her teacher, discuss their child’s goals for the each quarter, sign PEP’s, sign up to be a Cochrane volunteer, meet with guidance counselors, administrators as well as other school and community personnel. These meeting are held from 9:00am – 6:30pm. Light refreshments are served. What most needs improvement and what action is being taken? The aspect of parental involvement that needs the most improvement is the parent attendance at academic related activities at the school. We have found that many parents attend sporting events held at the school as well as concerts and other activities that include their child’s participation. However, when the school holds curriculum night or activities that involve student achievement or information about academics not many parents are in attendance. What we have done as a school is to hold PTA information sessions before concerts and share information with parents informally through phone calls, and newsletters which do not require the parents to actually attend a meeting. The Parent Report Card Pick Up Day is an all day event starting when school opens to approximately 6:30 that evening. This day is scheduled in such a way so that parents with different work schedules can have an opportunity to come to the school, conference with teachers and pick up report cards and sign up to be volunteers. What aspects of the school’s work to involve parents/guardians and the community in the life of the school work best? Why? The Parent report Card Pick Up Day has been the most successful aspect of our school’s parent involvement program. We have approximately 150-275 parents per pick-up. This seems to work best because the parents have an opportunity to sit and talk with the teachers about their child’s’ academic progress, and handle any type of school business because it is held throughout the school day. The students are already present and it does not conflict with any type of after school activities that the students may be involved in. Report Card Pick Up is also successful because we offer refreshments which the parents and family members can take advantage of so that they do not have to concern themselves with feeding their family later that evening. The flexible hours allow parents to arrive and speak with the school staff before work, during lunch, after work or at any time that works best for them. What needs improvement and what action is being taken? In spite of our best efforts parent attendance at school functions still need improvement. To increase the attendance a few steps are being taken. We are actively recruiting parents to “step-up” their involvement in the school and we have posted on the front door our 5-Star Commitments to the parents as well as what we expect from them. Parents have opportunities to contact the guidance department to schedule meetings at any reasonable day and time with the teachers or school staff of their choice if they are still unable to attend the Parent Report Card Pick Up Day. Connect-Ed phone messages and emails are sent in order to inform parents of upcoming events and dates. Other ways to inform parents are: Updated marquee SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 31 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 A bilingual front office secretary Quarterly phone logs Report cards and progress report follow-up parent phone calls Communities In Schools 7. What other information, if any, do you feel it would be important for the reviewers to know prior to the review? (For example: principal recently appointed previous month) This is my second year as principal at this school. The expansion of high school and high school curriculum has been smooth but as grades are added it will become more of a challenge. A Renewed focus this year on literacy. Teachers have common plan everyday. Over 50% of teachers with non-career status 10 teachers with only one or two years of teaching. Continued phase in of one-to-one initiative. SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 32 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 Bullying-Harassment Individual School Action Plan (BHISAP) Bullying Prevention Outcome: Promote a responsible, respectful, and scholarly learning environment through implementation of anti bullying and harassment initiatives. Strategies/Rationale • Task Point Person Evidence of Success Outcome Measures - Create an anti-bullying committee Dr. Mills Create programs for small groups of students. - Train teachers on what to look for with regards to bullying. Dr. Mills Faculty meeting presentations - Anti-bullying week Dr. Mills Daily events related to bullying Names of Participants (Add names to titles where appropriate) Bishop – Principal Mills – AP Corbett – CIS Morris & Hamilton guidance Bishop – Principal Mills – AP Corbett – CIS Morris & Hamilton guidance Bishop – Principal Mills – AP Corbett – CIS Morris & Hamilton guidance Information related to task as indicated Timeline Powerpoints Presentations 11/18/2011 1/27/2012 6/8/2011 Faculty meetings 11/18/2011 1/27/2012 6/8/2011 Anti-bullying pledge Video series 11/18/2011 1/27/2012 6/8/2011 School Liaison: Bobbie Mills SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 1 CMS School Improvement Plan 2010-12 Cochrane Collegiate Academy 2011-12 SMART: S – Specific; M – Measurable; A – Attainable; R – Realistic; T – Time-bound. 34