REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS Department: Construction, Design, and Manufacturing Department Chair: Mr. William (Bill) Elarton, ROOM SQ-122 (213) 763-3700, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics —(day only) Award Grad. Required Major Type Plan Course Elective Units Units A.S. C Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics A.S. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics C —(evening only) —(evening only) 42 6 48 REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS ▌▌Associate in Science Degree Major Units: 48 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics —(day only) Plan B Total Major Units Plan B 42 6 48 43 5 48 43 5 48 At least 60 degree applicable units (48 total major units and Plan B units) are required to earn an Associate degree. For additional related certificates, refer to programs under Operation & Maintenance Engineering: Steam Plant. PROGRAM OVERVIEW Cooling and heating devices help regulate the temperature, humidity, and air quality in residential homes, commercial locations, and industrial facilities. Critical items like food and medicine require refrigeration to keep them from spoiling. Technicians repair, maintain, and install heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration systems. Our program trains these technicians. Los Angeles Trade Technical College offers an Associate in Science degree in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics, as well as Certificate of Achievement. By fulfilling the program requirements, students will have the necessary knowledge and skills for a career in residential, commercial, and Industrial service and repair of air conditioning, heating and refrigeration systems. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) refrigerant certification will be received. Electrical controls, piping installation, compressor installation and repair are just some of the skills that would be mastered during this program. PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES (PLOs) Upon completion of the Degree/Certificate program, students are able to: Use and interpret technical manuals to properly identify all major components of a refrigeration system and state and describe their function. Demonstrate sustainable industry principles and practices. Apply the proper procedures for calculation and measurement necessary in the air conditioning and refrigeration field. Safely use appropriate materials, test equipment and tools in order to connect or troubleshoot a refrigeration and air conditioning system. Use charging, evacuation, and recovery equipment properly and safely. • Requirements for the Associate in Science degree in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics may be met by completing 48 total major units with a “C” or better along with general education courses meeting Plan B graduation requirements. Information on the Plan B requirements may be found in the catalog under Graduation/Transfer Requirements. Courses from the day or evening programs should not be mixed in an attempt to meet the degree requirements. OPTION 1: DAY PROGRAM REQUIRED COURSES SEMESTER I UNITS REF A/C 111 Fundamentals of Refrigeration 3 REF A/C 113 Refrigeration Component Construction 3 REF A/C 114 Refrigeration Maintenance Procedures 3 ECONMT 119 Applied Electrical Calculations and Measurements 3 -or- ECONMT 173 Electrical Mathematics I (3) SEMESTER II REF A/C 123 REF A/C 124 REF A/C 125 ECONMT 174 Pipe and Tube Joining Processes Refrigeration Electrical Circuits and Controls Refrigeration System Components Electrical Mathematics II UNITS 3 3 3 3 SEMESTER III REF A/C 133 REF A/C 134 REF A/C 135 Refrigeration Service Procedures I Service for Air Conditioning Equipment I Air Conditioning and Refrigeration UNITS 3 3 3 SEMESTER IV REF A/C 141 REF A/C 143 REF A/C 145 UNITS Applied Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Principles 3 Refrigeration Service Procedures II 3 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics I 3 Completed Award Title • • • • 400 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015 College Catalog 2012-2013 rev.10.16.2012 Page 1 of 2 Semester/Yr REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS Department: Construction, Design, and Manufacturing Department Chair: Mr. William (Bill) Elarton, ROOM SQ-122 (213) 763-3700, Award Grad. Required Major Type Plan Course Elective Units Units Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics A.S. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics C Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics A.S. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics C Total Major Units OPTION 2: EVENING PROGRAM REQUIRED COURSES LEVEL I REF A/C 202 REF A/C 250 ECONMT 115 ECONMT 173 Refrigeration Fundamentals Indoor Air Quality Fundamentals of D.C. Electricity Electrical Mathematics I UNITS 3 3 3 3 LEVEL II REF A/C 159 REF A/C 203 REF A/C 204 ECONMT 129 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Electricity Compression System of Refrigeration Functions of Compression Systems Fundamentals of Alternating Current UNITS 4 3 3 3 For additional related certificates, refer to programs under Operation & Maintenance Engineering: Steam Plant. LEVEL III REF A/C 187 REF A/C 188 REF A/C 208 Servicing I Servicing II Refrigerant Management-EPA 608 Certification UNITS 3 3 4 REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS LEVEL IV REF A/C 160 REF A/C 164 Refrigeration System Principles and Practices Gas Heating Systems UNITS 4 4 —(day only) —(day only) —(evening only) —(evening only) Plan B Plan B 42 6 48 42 6 48 43 5 48 43 5 48 At least 60 degree applicable units (48 total major units and Plan B units) are required to earn an Associate degree. ▌▌Certificate of Achievement Major Units: 48 A Certificate of Achievement in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics may be earned by completing 48 total major units with a “C” or better. Courses from the day or evening programs should not be mixed in an attempt to meet the degree requirements. USEFUL LINKS LATTC Catalog LATTC Financial Aid Office LATTC Counseling Department Graduation Plan A Graduation Plan B Construction, Design, and Manufacturing Department 400 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015 Completed Award Title MAJOR ELECTIVES DAY PROGRAM: Select at least 6 units from the courses below EVENING PROGRAM: Select at least 5 units from the courses below UNITS BLDGCTQ 101 Contractor’s License Law 3 ECONMT 100 (O.S.H.A.) Safety Standards 2 PHYSICS 12 Physics Fundamentals 3 REF A/C 100 Air Conditioning Project Management 3 REF A/C 161 Air Conditioning Systems Principles and Practices 3 REF A/C 162 Piping Principles and Practices 4 REF A/C 164 Gas Heating Systems 3 REF A/C 165 Thermal Energy Storage and Heat Recovery 4 REF A/C 176 Heating and Air Conditioning I 3 REF A/C 177 Heating and Air Conditioning II 3 REF A/C 187 Servicing I 3 REF A/C 188 Servicing II 3 REF A/C 250 Indoor Air Quality 3 REF A/C 199 Mechanical Code I - HVACR 3 REF A/C 208 Refrigerant Management-EPA 608 Certification 4 REF A/C 209 NATE Certification Prep 3 REF A/C 210 Refrigeration System Efficiency Factors 3 REF A/C 941 Cooperative Education 4 You can enroll in these classes by logging on to the Student Information System at For additional information consult a LATTC college counselor. College Catalog 2012-2013 rev.10.16.2012 Page 2 of 2 Semester/Yr