Factsheet The Importance of Cleaning Coils

The Importance of Cleaning Coils
Finned coils are used in a number of different applications in
HVAC systems to transfer heat either into or out of air streams.
There are two basic types of coils:
1. Cond ense r coils - Condenser coils transfer heat into a
space. Refrigerant vapor is forced into the coil under pressure,
condensing the refrigerant into a liquid, which results in
the rejection of heat across the heat exchange surface.
2. Evaporator coils - Evaporator coils do the opposite to
condenser coils. Liquid refrigerant is pumped into a low
pressure coil, causing the refrigerant to evaporate into
a vapor, absorbing heat across the heat exchange surface
in the process.
Although the drop in capacity is not as large with dirty condenser
performance (COP) is severely affected. The compressor has
to work longer and, therefore, the system will use more power.
System Performance
A rise in condensing temperature from 35 to 40°C as a result
of dirty coils can cut cooling capacity by 7% and increase power
of 16%. Such performance degradation in a 35kW unit operating
for 2,000 hours in a year can increase operating costs by
$250 per year 2.
Over time the surfaces of these coils can become dirty as the
air moving over the coils can contain dust, dirt, pollen, moisture
and other contaminants. A build-up of contaminants decreases
the available surface area for heat transfer, reducing the
Poor heat exchange of coils reduces system performance
meaning air conditioning is less able to cope with extreme
ambient conditions. As an illustration of this a study, focusing
on practical maintenance, shows that on a typical 10.5kW rooftop
energy consumption and poor system performance. It is
important that air conditioning coils are regularly inspected
is 19.4%. In effect this changes the 10.5kW unit to an 8.8kW unit
Equipment Life Cycle
and indoor air quality; a fact that has led to regular coil cleaning
becoming a regulatory requirement in certain circumstances.
and provides guidance on cleaning.
Energy Efficiency
Dirty condenser and evaporative coils have a negative impact
Poorly performing coils also mean that other parts of the air
conditioning system have to work harder or for longer resulting
in reduced life cycles. With refrigerated air conditioning systems,
compressors have to work harder and longer to achieve the
required system performance. Poor coil performance in these
systems can also lead to other problems that either reduce
compressor life or in some circumstances cause catastrophic
compressor failure. Likewise with water based systems, with
decreased coil performance chillers, boilers and pumps all have
to work harder. In addition, biological growth on coils can lead
performance to a point where they will need to be replaced.
US Department of Energy (DOE) “a dirty condenser coil can
increase compressor energy consumption by 30%”. A dirty
Sheppard, Robert. “Clean HVAC System Coils Save Energy” www.buildings.com/article-details/articleid/8282/title/clean-hvac-system-coils-save-energy.aspx
U.S Department of Energy, Federal Energy Management Program Factsheet www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/pdfs/om_cooling.pdf
Stefura, Mark. “The Importance of Clean Coils In Commercial Equipment” icemeister.net/Articles/FYI/Clean_Coils_Commercial.pdf
HVAC HESS Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning High Efficiency Systems Strategy
September 2013
The Importance of Cleaning Coils
Indoor Air Quality
In cooling coils the conditions often exist for the growth of
microbiological contaminants. Contaminants, such as bacteria,
systems creating toxic allergenic organic fragments known
collectively as Macromolecular Organic Dust. This has been
linked with various health complaints in buildings. The buildup
of contaminants also reduces heat transfer effectiveness and
Regulatory Requirements
The Australian Standard AS/NZS3666.2:2011 Air-handling and
water systems of buildings—Microbial control 4 — Operation
and maintenance requires coils that are part of an air handling
system be inspected monthly and cleaned when necessary.
AS/NZS3666.2 is referenced in a wide range of legislation and
When and How to Clean
The HVAC HESS report The Measures 5, which underpins the HVAC
systems whose heat
transfer surfaces have not been cleaned in the last three years
an immediate energy saving of at least 10% is expected to be
achieved following cleaning. ”
A visual inspection offers a good general indication of when coil
cleaning is needed. The image in Figure 1 6 below shows the visual
difference between a dirty and clean coil.
Figure 1: Image showing the difference between
a dirty and clean coil
Coil after cleaning
A more technical approach requires the measurement of the
temperature difference between the air entering and the air
leaving the coil and comparing this to the temperature differential
expected given the operational circumstance of the coil. The
expected temperature change will vary dependent on a range
of variables and care should be taken with where and how the
readings are taken. As such, this testing should be carried out
by an experienced service provider.
Your air conditioning maintenance provider should be able to
advise on how regularly coils should be checked for cleaning and
how cleaning should be carried out. AIRAH Application Manual
DA19 HVAV&R Maintenance provides guidance on cleaning for
the various types of coils found in air conditioning systems.
Cleaning can involve the use of compressed air or water sprays
and the removal of biological contaminants and involve the use
of carefully selected chemicals. Cleaning should be carried out
by experienced service providers to ensure equipment is not
damaged and air handling systems are not contaminated by
the cleaning process.
etc. Typically when building staff or HVAC contractors service
a unit several tasks are performed. It will include cleaning the
dampers and both the condenser and evaporator coils, changing
the fans, and verifying refrigerant charge levels as well as damper
and economiser functionality.
Coil prior to cleaning
Image supplied by Steril-Aire www.steril-aire.com.au
HVAC HESS Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning High Efficiency Systems Strategy
September 2013
The Importance of Cleaning Coils
Systems Strategy (HVAC HESS) is a ten year strategy under the
(E2WG), the Buildings Committee manages the implementation
of the HVAC Strategy. This committee is comprised of
representatives from Australian, State and Territory Governments.
The Strategy takes a whole of life perspective in targeting HVAC
installation, operation and maintenance stages of the HVAC
lifecycle. The Strategy consists of a number of complementary
measures that fall under the three broad initiatives - People,
relates to Practices. It is one of a suite of factsheets developed to
provide a quick overview and reference to inform, educate, and
A series of HVAC HESS factsheets can be found
The Buildings Committee wishes to thank Cherie Gregoire,
Neil Sheehan and Bryon Price for their valued contribution
to this factsheet.
HVAC HESS Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning High Efficiency Systems Strategy
September 2013