Refrigeration and Cryogenics Bogusław Białko Air Condition Systems Air conditioning • • • • • Temperature; Moisture in the air (humidity); Supply of outside air for ventilation; Filtration of airborne particles; Air movement in the occupied space. Air-conditioning processes • Heating – the process of adding thermal energy to the conditioned space for the purposes of raising or maintaining the temperature of the space. • Cooling – the process of removing thermal energy from the conditioned space for the purposes of lowering or maintaining the temperature of the space. • Humidifying – the process of adding water vapor to the air in the conditioned space for the purposes of raising or maintaining the moisture content of the air. Air-conditioning processes • Dehumidifying – the process of removing water vapor from the air in the conditioned space for the purposes of lowering or maintaining the moisture content of the air; • Cleaning – the process of removing particulates and biological contaminants from the air delivered to the conditioned space for the purposes of improving or maintaining the air quality. Air-conditioning processes • Ventilating – the process of exchanging air between the outdoors and the conditioned space for the purposes of diluting the gaseous contaminants in the air and improving or maintaining air quality, composition, and freshness. • Air movement – the process of circulating and mixing air through conditioned spaces in the building for the purposes of achieving the proper ventilation and facilitating the thermal energy transfer. Thermal comfort • • • • • • • Activity level; Clothing; Expectation; Air temperature; Radiant temperature; Humidity; Air speed. Thermal comfort Air flow p( I ,o) 0 p( I ,o) 0 p( I ,o) 0 Cooling sensation tod tod 13,12 0, 6215 t p 11,37 v0,16 0,3965 t p v0,16 33 0, 478 0, 237 tod – sensible temperature, oC; tp – air temperature, oC; v – wind velocity, km/h v 0, 0124 v t p 33 Thermodynamic bases Thermodynamic bases Thermodynamic bases Air Conditioning Systems Classification • Individual room air conditioning systems or simple individual systems; • Evaporative cooling air conditioning systems; • Desiccant-based air conditioning systems or simple desiccant systems; • Thermal storage air conditioning systems or simple thermal storage systems; Air Conditioning Systems Classification • Clean room air conditioning systems or simple clean room systems; • Space conditioning air conditioning systems or simple space systems; • Unitary packaged air conditioning systems or simple packaged systems; • Central hydronic air conditioning systems or simple central systems. Psychrometric chart Psychrometric chart Psychrometric chart - heating Psychrometric chart – cooling and dehumidifying Psychrometric chart – humidifying by water Psychrometric chart – humidifying by water vapor Psychrometric chart – air mixing m1 t1 m2 t2 m1 m2 m3 t3 m3 Psychrometric chart • Mixture of dry air and water vapor: – The temperature is constant, but the quantity of water vapor is increasing; – The temperature is dropping, but the quantity of water vapor is constant; • Specific amount of energy in the mixture at a specific temperature and pressure: – – – – The temperature of the air; The proportion of water vapor in the air; Sensible heat to the air; More water vapor, which increases the latent heat of the mixture. Indoor Air Quality • Fatal in the short-term; • Carcinogenic (cancer causing substances); • Health threatening; • Annoying, with an impact on productivity and sense of wellbeing. Contaminants Major Source Particles Dust (generated inside and outside), smoking, cooking Allergens Molds, pets, many other sources Bacteria and Viruses People, moisture, pets Carbon Dioxide Occupants breathing, combustion Odoriferous chemicals People, cooking, molds, chemicals, smoking Volatile Organic Compounds Construction materials, furnishings, cleaning products Tobacco Smoke Smoking Carbon Monoxide Incomplete and/or faulty combustion, smoking Radon Radioactive decay of radium in the soil Formaldehyde Construction materials, furniture, smoking Oxides of Nitrogen Combustion, smoking Sulfur Dioxide Combustion Ozone Photocopiers, electrostatic air cleaners Indoor environment • Human respiration which requires 0.1 – 0.9 l s−1 per person depending on metabolic rate; • Dilution of gaseous contaminants to achieve acceptable shortterm exposure limits for carbon dioxide, odor and vapors of harmful chemical compounds; • Control of aerosols inside buildings using (filtered) outdoor air with lower aerosol concentration; • Control of internal humidity as outside air normally has lower moisture content; • Promoting air movement by proper air distribution design to provide comfort for the occupants. Typical air leakage paths Ventilation • • • • Trickle ventilation; Passive stack ventilation; Extract fans ventilation; Mechanical ventilation and heat recovery; • Ventilation in pitched roof spaces; • Sub-floor ventilation; • Wall cavity ventilation. Ventilation Ventilation • Air-handling systems; • Supply air systems, return air systems, recirulating air systems and exhaust air systems; • Single-zone or multizone systems; • Fan combination systems; • Single-duct or dual-duct systems; • Constant-volume (CV) or variable-air-volume systems; • Dedicated ventilation and space recirculating system. Ventilation Ventilation systems • Natural ventilation: – Single-sided ventilation; – Cross-ventilation; – Stack ventilation. • Combined natural and mechanical (hybrid) ventilation: – Hybrid ventilation in domestic and small buildings; – Hybrid ventilation in commercial and large buildings. • Ventilation for fire control. Ventilation systems Air distribution Heat exchangers • • • • • Plate heat exchanger; Thermal wheels; Heat pipe heat exchanger; Run around coils with water circulation; Run around coils using refrigeration. Energy reclaim efficiency, % Type of equipment Parallel plate metal Glass tube Thermal wheel non-hygroscopic hygroscopic Heat pipe Run-around coil water/glycol (25%) (B) water/glycol (25%) (C) Temperature Winter 62 65 57 61 74 75 74 74 70 64 67 64 55 Summer 62 59 53 57 74 75 74 74 70 64 61 60 50 Enthalpy Winter 40 41 37 40 48,5 72 52 74 70 43 35 Summer 26,5 26 20 23 30 44 37 74 70 29 30 Direct evaporative cooler Direct evaporative coolers Indirect evaporative cooler Indirect evaporative coolers Air stream and heat transfer through the plate Evaporative cooler and DX coil Outdoor conditions 37.8°C dry, 21.1°C wet Supply air 14.2°C dry, 13.6°C wet Space temperature 25.6°C Space relative humidity 50 percent System pressure drop DX coil only 2 in. WC (500 Pa) Evaporative cooling and DX coil 2.75 in. WC (688 Pa) Wet air 0.85 in WC (213 Pa) Fan efficiency 0.6 Indirect cooler effectiveness 0.7 Direct cooler saturation efficiency 0.9 EER refrigeration 9 Btu /Wh (COP 2.64) Outdoor ventilation air 15 percent Ratio of installation cost of evaporative coolers and DX coil to DX coil only 2.25 Energy use (air and refrigeration side) Evaporative coolers and DX coil 1.10 kW/ ton (COP 3.20) DX coil only 1.79 kW/ ton (COP 1.96) Basics of airflow in ducts v2 2 gc p p1' v12 2 gc u1 J 1 ' 1 p 2 1 1 v 2 gc gz1 gc 1 ' 1 p gz1 gc v 2 gc g c p1' g 1 v22 2 gc u2 j 2 gz2 gc 2 p v 2 gc z1 g c p2' g 2 v22 2g ' 2 W 2 2 2 gz1 gc 1 v12 2g qJ v 2 gc p constant p2' 2 2 2 ' 2 2 1 1 gz gc gz2 W gc J u2 u1 q gz2 gc 2 z2 pf gc p f g Types of air duct • Supply duct. Conditioned air is supplied to the conditioned space. • Return duct. Space air is returned to the fan room where the air-handling unit is installed or to the packaged unit. • Outdoor air duct. Outdoor air is transported to the airhandling unit, to the fan room, or to the space directly. • Exhaust duct. Space air or contaminated air is exhausted from the space, equipment, fan room, or localized area. Air duct design • • • • • • • • Stack effect; Laminar and turbulent flow; Velocity distribution; System pressure loss; Maximum pressure difference; Material; Temperature rise or drop due to duct heat gain or loss; Duct insulation. Types of air duct Round elbows The magnitude of the local loss coefficient of an elbow: • Turning angle of the elbow; • Ratio of centerline radius to diameter • A three-gore, five-gore, or pleated seven-gore 90° elbow; • Installation of splitter vanes; • Shape of crosssectional area of the duct. Round tees, wyes and cross Diverging tees and wyes with elbows Flat oval tees and wyes Air duct design procedure • • • • The designer should verify local customs, local codes, local union agreements, and material availability constraints before proceeding with a duct design. The designer proposes a preliminary duct layout to connect the supply outlets and return inlets with the fan(s) and other system components through the main ducts and branch takeoffs. The shape of the air duct is selected. Space available under the beam often determines the shape of the duct and affects the layout in high-rise buildings. The duct layout is divided into consecutive duct sections, which converge and diverge at nodes or junctions. In a duct layout, a node or junction is represented by a crosssectional plane perpendicular to airflow. The volume flow rate of any of the cross sections perpendicular to airflow in a duct section remains constant. A duct section may contain one or more duct segments (including duct fittings). A duct system should be divided at a node or junction where the airflow rate changes. The local loss coefficients of the duct fittings along the tentative critical path should be minimized, especially adjacent to fan inlets and outlets. Air duct design procedure • • • • • • Duct sizing methods should be selected according to the characteristics of the air duct system. The maximum design air velocity is determined based on the space available, noise, energy use, and initial cost of the duct system. Various duct sections along the tentative critical path are sized. The total pressure loss of the tentative critical path as well as the air duct system is calculated. The designer sizes the branch ducts and balances the total pressure at each junction of the duct system by varying the duct and component sizes, and the configuration of the duct fittings. The supply volume flow rates are adjusted according to the duct heat gain at each supply outlet. The designer resizes the duct sections, recalculates the total pressure loss, and balances the parallel paths from each junction. The airborne and breakout sound level from various paths should be checked and the necessary attenuation added to meet requirements. Convective and radiant heat Heat transfer between the space air and the surroundings • • • • • • • Space heat gain represents the rate at which heat enters a conditioned space from an external source or is released to the space from an internal source during a given time interval. Space cooling load is the rate at which heat must be removed from a conditioned space so as to maintain a constant temperature and acceptable relative humidity. Space heating load is the rate at which heat must be added to the conditioned space to maintain a constant temperature and sometimes a specified relative humidity. Space heat extraction rate is the rate at which heat is actually removed from the conditioned space by the air system. Coil load is the rate of heat transfer at the coil. The heating coil load is the rate at which heat is added to the conditioned air from the hot water, steam, or electric heating elements inside the coil. Refrigerating load is the rate at which heat is absorbed by the refrigerant at the evaporator. Components of cooling load • External cooling loads: – – – – – Heat gain entering from the exterior walls and roofs; Solar heat gain transmitted through the fenestrations; Conductive heat gain coming through the fenestrations; Heat gain entering from the partition walls and interior doors; Infiltration of outdoor air into the conditioned space. • Internal cooling loads: – People – Electric lights – Equipment and appliances Heat balance Qc Qrc qss qrs Q0 k qi ,t hci Tr ,t Ti ,t hij T j ,t Ti ,t Ai Sir ,t Lir ,t Eir ,t Oir ,t j 1 m Qrs ,t hci Ti ,t Tr ,t Ai 60Vif ,t c pa To,t Tr ,t S c ,t Lc ,t El ,t Ol ,t Ec ,i O c ,t i 1 Qrl ,t qil ,t 60Vif Qrc,t wo ,t qrs ,t wr ,t h fg qrl ,t V [m3 / min] Heat transfer calculation • Conduction heat gain through exterior walls and roofs: qe ,t n qe,t bnTsol ,t n dn Tr cn A A n 0 n 1 n 0 • Heat gain through ceilings, floors, and interior partition walls: q p ,t UA Tad Tr • Solar heat gain and conductive heat gain through window glass: qso ,t As ,t SC SHGFt Ash ,t SC SHGFsh ,t qwin ,t U win Awin To ,t Tr Heat transfer calculation • Internal heat gain: qsp ,t qs ,l N p ,t SHG p qlp ,t 3.413Wlamp Fusl Fal 3.413WA Afl N p ,t LHG p • Radiative and convective heat transfer from the lighting fixture downward directly into the conditioned space: qld qs ,l qlp 1 Flp qs ,l • Heat carried away by return air from the ceiling plenum: qret 60Vr r c pa Tp Tr Heat transfer calculation • Heat transfer from the plenum air to the conditioned space through the suspended ceiling and heat transfer from the plenum air to the conditioned space through the composite floor: qcl U cl Acl Tp Tr q fl U fl Afl Tp Tr • Heat gain from the electric lights that enters the conditioned space: qes ,l qld qcl q fl qlp qret qcl q fl Refrigerating cycle basic parameters q0 lt h1 h3 , lob h2 h1 , qk h2 h3 , qd h3 h4 , t q0 lob h1 h3 ; h2 h1 t ; C ψ 1 t C ; Refrigerating cycle basic parameters m Qo q0 V Pt mlt m(h2 Pt Qo lob q0 q m 1, V h1 ), Qo t q0 1 Qk mqk m(h2 h3 ), Qd mqd m(h3 h4 ), QWR m(h1 h1' ) m(h3 h4 ) Qo q0 1 Qo q Refrigerating cycle basic parameters Pm Po Pk qo lob t Pm qo lt1 lt 2 lt1 h2 h1 qo h7 h1 lt 2 t t (h2 ' Po Pk h4 h3 h7 h1 h1 ) (h4 h3 ) h7 h1 h2' h1 t 0, 035 Tm ToTk Heat Recovery Systems • The recovery of internal heat loads—such as heat energy from lights, occupants, appliances, and equipment inside the buildings; • The recovery of heat from the flue gas of the boiler; • The recovery of heat from the exhaust gas and water jacket of the engine that drives the HVAC&R equipment, especially engine-driven reciprocating vapor compression systems; • The recovery of heat or cooling from the exhaust air from air conditioning systems. Air-to-air heat recovery It is always beneficial if the cooling effect of the exhaust air can be used to cool and dehumidify the incoming outdoor air during summer, and if the heating effect can be used to heat the cold outdoor air during winter. • Effectiveness: actual transfer maximum possible transfer between airstreams T Ch The Thl Cmin The Tce Cc Tcl Tce Cmin The Tce Heat Exchangers • • • • Fixed-Plate Heat Exchanger; Runaround Coil Loop; Rotary Heat Exchanger; Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger; Heat Exchangers Benefits and drawbacks of thermal storage systems • Thermal storage systems are one of the few legitimate tools which shift the higher electric demand for air-conditioning systems fully or partially from on-peak hours to a lower electric demand in off-peak hours, and therefore lower operating costs; • Thermal storage systems reduce the equipment size and save initial cost. • Thermal storage systems do not negatively impact the building’s indoor environmental control operations, as the load shedding or some load control programs have done. Benefits and drawbacks of thermal storage systems • As a thermal storage system is a central system, it uses chilled water from the central plant to cool the air. • Real-time pricing and other rate structures are available as the power providers maneuver to offer the most competitive structure in the electric deregulation environment. • Thermal storage systems have longer operating hours of compressors and pumps, and chillers and cooling tower at full-load operation, at lower outdoor temperatures at nighttime, and a backup source for cooling during emergencies. Ice storage and chilled water storage • • • • • Ice-on-coil, internal-melt ice storage system (IMISS) Ice-on-coil, external-melt ice storage system (EMISS) Encapsulated ice storage system (EISS) Ice-harvesting ice storage system (IHISS) Stratified chilled water storage system (SCWSS) Comparison of various ice storage systems IMISS EMISS EISS IHISS Discharge temperature, °C 1.1 – 3.3 1.1 – 2.2 1.1 – 3.3 1.1 – 2.2 Chiller energy use, kW/ ton 0.85 – 1.2 0.85 – 1.4 0.85 – 1.2 0.95 – 1.3 Storage tank volume, m3 /ton h 0.073 – 0.082 0.08 0.073 – 0.082 0.085 – 0.093 Storage installed cost, $/ ton h 50 – 70 50 – 70 50 – 70 20 – 30 200 – 500 200 – 500 200 – 500 1000 – 1500 Chiller cost, $/ ton Energy sources for the heatingcooling systems The sources of waste energy for the driving of waterammonia refrigerant absorption systems should satisfy the following conditions: • – temperature t ≥ 90oC – for fluid, t ≥ 150oC for gas; • – exergetic power Ex ≥ 30 kW; • – minimal chemical and mechanical pollutants; • – long and steady time of work τ ≥ 7000 hours/year. Energy sources for the heatingcooling systems • Vapor and hot water – form of flows which have the pressure of 0.1 – 0.2 MPa and the temperature of 90 – 130oC; • Hot air and combustion gases from gas burning –relatively low pollutants rate. In most cases hot air occurs as a rather low exergetic medium: t = 30 – 90oC; • Combustion gases from the burning of solid fuels – high exergy, even up to 8 MW and temperature up to 600oC: – metallurgic; – coking and pottery systems. Energy recovery from the technological system Energy recovery from the technological system Coupled drying – cooling system Coupled drying system Coupled drying – cooling system Heat recovery effectiveness • The necessary condition for profitability of a given variation of a recovery system: E E ( I opt ) max 0 • Waste heat source exploitation (dimensionless parameters): QTECH QWF QWC QWF QAF QA A QWF QWC A • Objective function E divided to a fuel cost (dimensionless form): ( , , , x1,...xn ) 1 [ KF k j ( , , , x1,...xn ) j Pi ( , , , x1,...xn ) i zk I k ( , , , x1,...xn )] k ( opt , opt , opt , x1opt ,...xnopt ) max Parameters of the theoretical cycle of the absorption heating-cooling system Quantity Combustion gases temperature at generator outlet Heat recovery by generator Refrigerant flow rate Heat of dephlegmation Heat of condensation Heat of absorption Cooling efficiency Heating efficiency Heating-cooling efficiency Evaporation temperature Condensation temperature Absorption temperature range Water temperature at absorber-outlet Water temperature at condenser-outlet Symbol t2 t0 tk ta1 ÷ ta2 twa twk Value 100oC 265 kW 0.121kg/s -40 kW -150 kW -220 kW 0.55 1.55 2.1 -5oC 35oC 65 ÷ 40 oC 60 oC 31 oC The simplest form of adsorption refrigerator Solid gas – systems possible for cold production application Application/temperature level System possible Adsorption Air-conditioning/chilled Chemical water (+2oC to +10 oC) reaction Chemical reaction Refrigeration (–20 oC to 0 oC) Adsorption Metal hydrides Chemical reaction o o Freezing (–40 C to –30 C) Metal hydrides Working pair Temperature range –24oC/90oC ~ AC/methanol –5oC/30oC –20oC/120oC ~ AC/methanol –12oC/110oC Zeolite –12oC/165oC ~ (NaX)/water 10oC/165oC –5oC/25oC ~ AC/methanol 25oC/110oC Zeolite –5oC/30oC ~ (NaX)/water 25oC/115oC –5oC/28oC ~ CaCl2/NH3 25oC/110oC 5oC/22oC ~ AC/methanol 30oC/85oC COP 0.11 0.16 0.10 0.12 0.32 0.10 0.36 Exploitation of heat and energy for exemplary manufacturing process Advantages of cogeneration Cogeneration topping-cycle system Fuel P T conv 0 conv Fuel P T cogen 0 cogen Fuel savings Fuel conv Fuel cogen Topping and bottoming cycles Bottoming-cycle system Applications of cogeneration systems Cogeneration systems may involve different types of equipment and may be designed to satisfy specific needs at individual sites • Industrial sector; • Institutional sector; • Commercial sector. Cogeneration systems equipment and components • Prime movers: – Steam turbines; – Gas turbines; – Reciprocating engines; • Electrical equipment; • Heat recovery devices; • Absorption chillers. Steam generation process Reciprocating engines Microturbines Stirling Engines PEM Fuel Cells Electrical power (kW) 10 – 200 25 – 250 2 – 50 2 – 200 Electrical efficiency, full load (%) 24 – 45 25 – 30 15 – 35 40 Electrical efficiency, half load (%) 23 – 40 20 – 25 35 40 Total efficiency (%) 75 – 85 75 – 85 75 – 85 75 – 85 Heat/electrical power ratio 85 – 100 85 – 100 60 – 80 60 – 80 Output temperature level (oC) 85 – 100 85 – 100 60 – 80 60 – 80 Fuel Natural or biogas, diesel fuel oil Natural or biogas, diesel, gasoline, Alcohols Natural or biogas, LPG, several liquid or solid fuels Hydrogen, gases, including hydrogen, Methanol Interval between maintenance (h) 5000 – 20,000 20,000–30,000 5,000 N/A 800 – 1500 900 – 1500 1300 – 2000 2500 – 3500 1.2 – 2.0 0.5 – 1.5 1.5 – 2.5 1.0 – 3.0 Investment cost ($/kW) Maintenance costs (¢/kW) IC-engine-driven micro cogeneration system Basic components of absorption system • • • • • • • Evaporator; Absorber ; Generator; Condenser; Pumps; Heat Exchanger; Purge Unit. Basic components of absorption system • • • • • • • Chiller controls; Expansion valve; Thermostatic expansion valve; Electronic expansion valve; Head pressure controls; Capacity controls; Safety controls. Counterflow induced draft cooling tower Crossflow induced draft cooling tower Counterflow forced draft cooling tower Value Typical Range or Description Heat load — kW Determined for the specific application Condenser water flow rate — L/s 0.06 L/s/kW of rejected load is commonly used to size the cooling tower water recirculation rate. Entering condenser water temperature 32°C to 46°C is a common range for HVAC and refrigeration applications. Leaving condenser water temperature 27°C to 32°C is a common range for HVAC and refrigeration applications. This value depends on ambient wet-bulb temperature. Outdoor wet-bulb temperature Depends upon geographical location. The designer should consult local weather archives (use 1 or 2.5% summer value). A typical conservative design value is 25°C. Range Depends on water recirculation rate and load to be rejected. Range can be as high as 8°C. A typical value is 5.5°C. Approach Varies from 3°C to 7°C for HVAC applications. Approach less than 3°C is not economical (extremely large tower required). Theoretical cycle of the absorption air-conditioner Absorption refrigerator with BrLi - water Absorption refrigerator with BrLi - water Operating characteristics of absorption airconditioning systems • Evaporating temperature; • Cooling water entering temperature; • Heat removed from absorber and condenser; • Condensing temperature; • Corrosion control; • Rated condition of absorption chiller; • Minimum performance. Type Minimum efficiency Efficiency Air-cooled, single effect 0.48 COP 0.63 COP Water-cooled, single effect 0.60 COP 0.76 COP Double-effect, indirect-fired 0.95 COP 1.00 COP Double-effect, direct-fired 0.95 COP 1.00 COP Types of centrifugal chiller • Single-stage or multistage; • Air-cooled, water-cooled, or double-bundle condenser; • Open or hermetic • Direct-drive or gear-drive • Capacity control provided by inlet vanes or variablespeed drive. Water-cooled centrifugal chiller • It enters the first-stage impeller through inlet vanes; • Hot gas from the first-stage impeller mixes with flashed vapor from the low-pressure (second-stage) flash cooler; • The mixture enters the second-stage impeller; • Hot gas from the second-stage impeller mixes with flashed vapor from the high-pressure (first-stage) flash cooler; • The mixture enters the third-stage impeller; • Hot gas discharged from the third-stage impeller enters the water-cooled condenser; • Hot gas is desuperheated, condensed and subcooled to liquid form in the condenser; Water-cooled centrifugal chiller • A small portion of the liquid refrigerant is used to cool the hermetic motor; • Most of the liquid refrigerant enters the high-pressure flash cooler through a multiple-orifice throttling device; and a small portion flashes into vapor and mixes with the hot gas discharged from the second-stage impeller; • Most of the liquid refrigerant from the high-pressure flash cooler enters the low-pressure flash cooler through a multiple-orifice throttling device; and a small portion flashes into vapor and mixes with the hot gas discharged from the first-stage impeller; • Most of the liquid refrigerant from the low-pressure flash cooler enters the evaporator through a multiple-orifice device; • Liquid refrigerant vaporizes to vapor in the evaporator and produces its refrigeration effect there. Compressor air-conditioning systems Compressor air-conditioning systems Compressor air-conditioning systems Compressor air-conditioning systems Refrigeration plant components • Refrigerating pipework: – minimise oil loss from the compressor; – ensure satisfactory refrigerant flow to the evaporator; – prevent liquid refrigerant or oil in slugs from entering the compressor; – prevent oil from collecting in any part of the system; – avoid excessive pressure loss; – maintain the system clean and free from water; Refrigeration plant components • Evaporator: • Compressor: – Dry system; – Flooded system; – Direct expansion (DX); • Condenser: – Air-cooled; – Water-cooled • Evaporative coolers: – Natural draught; – Fan draught; – – – – – Reciprocating; Centrifugal; Rotary; Scroll; Screw. Capacity ranges and efficiencies of vapor compression system Type of chiller Nominal capacity range (kW) Refrigerants used in new systems Range in full load efficiency (kW/ton) Reciprocating 50 – 1750 R-22 0.80 – 1.00 Screw 160 – 2350 R-134a, R-22 0.60 – 0.75 Scroll 30 – 200 R-22 0.81 – 0.92 Centrifugal 500 – 18,000 R-134a, R-123 0.50 – 0.70 Carnot cycle of absorption refrigerator Qw ' Qw Lp Q0 Qw Qk Qw QA 0 Q0 T0 S6 S5 T0 S0 QA Tm S7 S8 Tm S A Qk Tm S3 S 4 Tm S k Qw ' TZ S 2 S1 Tw S w Carnot cycle of absorption refrigerator Sk SA Sw S0 SA Sw S0 Sk S w Tw Tm z z z T0 S0 Tw Sw S 0 Tm T0 Q0 Qw T0 Tw Tm Tz Tm T0 Tw Tm T0 Tw Tm T0 z z z s 1 Tm 1 Tz 1 T0 1 Tm Sorption refrigeration systems • Divariant: – Liquid–vapor absorption; – Solid–vapor physical adsorption; • Monovariant: – Solid–vapor chemical adsorption (chemisorption). The resorption cycle efficiency: – Increasing the cooling capacity per unit of heat input; – operating with double, triple or even with quadruple effects to produce multi-useful heating and cooling effects, from a single heat input. One-stage resorption cycle One-stage resorption cycle Resorption refrigerator Resorption refrigerator with mechanical compressor Resorption refrigerator with sorption compressor The resorption system conditions MnCl2 – 6/2 NH3 NiCl2 – 6/2 NH3 TB1, oC -10.00 -10.00 TB2, oC 118.40 217.15 TA, oC 40.00 40.00 TR, oC 56.2 139.13 QB1, kJ 34.50 34.50 QA, kJ -41.50 -46.90 COP 0.642 0.514 The resorption system conditions Air conditioning system main components • • • • • • Air conditioning system level; Air system; Water system; Central plant cooling system; Central plant heating system; Control system level. Indoor Air Quality • Low-efficiency air filters (dusts of size 3 to 10 mm, such as, spores, pollens, and textile fibers); • Medium-efficiency filters (dusts of size 1 to 3 mm, such as, bacteria, automotive-emissions); • High-efficiency filters (dusts of size 0.3 to 1 mm, such as, bacteria, cooking oil fumes and tobacco smoke) • Ultrahigh-efficiency filtration, (HEPA has a DOP efficiency of 99.97 percent, and ULPA filters have a DOP efficiency of 99.999 percent). Zone sound control Condition Air conditioning system Equipment Estimate Poor Room air conditioning system Room air conditioner 45 to 50 dBA Acceptable Four-pipe fan-coil system Fan-coil unit 35 to 40 dBA Good VAV reheat central system AHU, VAV-box 25 to 35 NC Excellent Single-zone VAV central system AHU 15 to 20 NC Individual air conditioning systems • Room air conditioning (RAC) systems; • Packaged terminal air conditioning (PTAC) systems. Advantages Disadvantages There are no supply, return, or exhaust ducts. Temperature control is usually on /off, resulting in space temperature swing. Individual air conditioning systems are the most compact, flexible, and lower in initial cost than others, except portable air conditioning units. Air filters are limited to coarse or low-efficiency filters. Building space is saved for mechanical rooms and duct shafts. Local outdoor ventilation air intake is often affected by wind speed and wind direction. It is easier to match the requirements of an individual control zone. Noise level is not suitable for critical applications. They are quick to install. More regular maintenance of coils and filters is required than for packaged and central systems. Room air conditioning systems • Room air conditioning (RAC) systems; • Packaged terminal air conditioning (PTAC) systems. Characterisics for RAC, PTAC and their heat pumps RAC, RHP, SAC PTAC, PTHP Zone thermal and sound control Control zone Single Single Control methods Electric, two-stage thermostat or DDC, HI-LO, or HI-MED-LO fan speed Electric, two-stage thermostat or DDC Control modes On-off On-off Heating-cooling mode changeover Manual Manual, automatic Sound control 45 to 50 dBA 45 to 50 dBA Characterisics for RAC, PTAC and their heat pumps RAC, RHP, SAC PTAC, PTHP Indoor air quality (IAQ) Minimum ventilation air control Single Control methods Constant-volume flow, affected Constant-volume flow, affected by wind direction and speed by wind direction and speed Filters Coarse or low-efficiency filters Single Coarse or low-efficiency filters Air systems Types Constant-volume or VAV air mixing Constant-volume air mixing Characterisics for RAC, PTAC and their heat pumps RAC, RHP, SAC PTAC, PTHP Indoor fan Forward-curved centrifugal Forward-curved centrifugal Indoor fan (IF) total pressure 0.6 in. WC 0.6 in. WC Combined IF-motor drive efficiency 25% 25% Volume flow control HI-LO or HI-MED-LO fan speed Single-speed or HI-LO speed Outdoor fan Propeller Propeller Cooling systems Refrigeration compressor Rotary Rotary and reciprocating Characterisics for RAC, PTAC and their heat pumps RAC, RHP, SAC PTAC, PTHP Refrigerants HCFC-22, HFC-407C, HFC-410A HCFC-22, HFC-407C, HFC-410A Evaporator DX coil DX coil Condenser Air-cooled Air-cooled Refrigerant flow control Capillary tube, RHP with fourway reversing valve Capillary tube, PTHP with fourway reversing valve Heating systems Type Heat pump, or electric heating Hot water, electric heating, or heat pump Energy use, cooling 8.0 to 10.0 EER 8.5 to 10.0 EER Packaged terminal air conditioner The differences in construction and operational characteristics between packaged and central systems • Central system (CS) adopts chilled water as the cooling medium • In packaged system gas-fired furnace, electric heaters are often used to heat the air, and DX coils, often air-cooled, or sometimes evaporative condensers are used. • In a packaged system, the controls of the heating and cooling system are often a part of the discharge air temperature control in the packaged unit. In a central system, there are separate water system controls, heating system controls, and refrigeration system controls in the central plant. • In general, low- , medium- , and high-efficiency filters are used in packaged systems; and usually, medium- and high-efficiency filters are used in central systems. The differences in construction and operational characteristics between packaged and central systems • Packaged units used in packaged systems are factory-fabricated and assembled, whereas some components in an AHU may be custom-built in the field. • The modulation of cooling capacity in a packaged system with scroll and reciprocating compressors is achieved by cycling of the cylinders or step controls. • Both the PS and the CS can provide the minimum ventilation air to dilute the air contaminants. • Both the PS and CS can provide the humidity control and prevent wet surfaces and mold growth in the ducts and conditioned space. Types of packaged systems • Single-zone constant-volume packaged system (SZCVPS); • Single-zone VAV packaged system (SZVAVPS); • VAV cooling packaged system (VAVCPS); • VAV reheat packaged system (VAVRPS); • Perimeter-heating VAV packaged system (PHVAVPS); • Fan-powered VAV packaged system (FPVAVPS). Desiccant-based air conditioning system Desiccant-based air conditioning system Types of VAV central systems • • • • • • Single-zone VAV central system (SZVAVCS); VAV cooling central system (VAVCCS); VAV reheat central system (VAVRCS); Perimeter-heating VAV central system (PHVAVCS); Dual-duct VAV central system (DDVAVCS); Fan-powered VAV central system (FPVAVCS). Clean-room systems • Clean-room system is a custom-built central system with AHUs and water-cooling and heating coils to condition the supply air; • Clean-room system is required to provide airflow of specific velocity to reduce lateral air contamination; • It can be either a single-zone system or a multizone system; • It always has a separate makeup air unit (MAU) to condition the outdoor air and a recirculating air unit (RAU) which recirculates the space air, filters it, cools it, and pressurizes the mixture of outdoor and recirculating air. Ice storage and chilled water storage systems • • • • • Ice-on-coil, internal-melt ice storage system (IMISS); Ice-on-coil, external-melt ice storage system (EMISS); Encapsulated ice storage system (EISS); Ice-harvesting ice storage system (IHISS); Stratified chilled water storage system (SCWSS). Ice-on-coil external-melt ice storage system Electric demand and the storage cycle Ecological house A building that sets up and operates itself • High-quality, personalized, and localized environmental control, including all aspects of the environment – heat, cooling, light, ventilation, and acoustics; • Highly reliable, cost effective building services and environmental control — levels of reliability that far exceed today’s at minimal costs, as automated learning systems that adapt to changing conditions are introduced into buildings; Ecological house • High speed multimode communication for voice, data, graphics, audio and video; • Flexible, reconfigurable workspaces and services; • Efficient, robust, cost effective building operation • Sustainable building practices; Services and amenities: • Comfortable temperatures; • Good indoor air quality; • High-quality building maintenance; Ecological house Services and amenities: • Responsive building management; • Building management’s ability to meet tenant needs; • Effective noise control. Intelligent building technologies • • • • • • Advanced control system; Automated diagnostic; Intelligent environmental control system; Flexible building system; Smart windows; Wireless Controls. Plug and play control concept • Reduce the manual labor in setting up control systems and crafting control algorithms; • Ensure compatibility of control strategies with equipment characteristics; • Utilize the best appropriate control strategies; • Provide a degree of standardization for control strategies and algorithms that assists with their maintenance; • Reduce callbacks by detecting errors at the time of installation; • Generally result in a higher quality product. Integrating alternate generation technologies • • • • Fuel Cells; Microturbines; Solar Power; Automated Real-Time Energy Purchasing Capabilities; • Optimized Dynamic Building Systems. Effects of tmin on the energy in heat exchange system The importance of energy efficiency in buildings • • • • • Review historical energy use; Perform energy audits; Identify energy management opportunities; Implement changes to save energy; Monitor the energy management program, set goals, and review progress. Control systems for HVAC applications • • • • • • • • • Operate HVAC equipment only when the building is occupied or when heat is needed to prevent freezing; Consider the efficacy of night setback vis a` vis building mass. Massive buildings may not benefit from night setback due to the overcapacity needed for the morning pickup load; Do not supply heating and cooling simultaneously. Do not supply humidification and dehumidification at the same time. Reset heating and cooling air or water temperature to provide only the heating or cooling needed. Use the most economical source of energy first, the most costly last. Minimize the use of outdoor air during the deep heating and cooling seasons, subject to ventilation requirements. Consider the use of “dead-band” or “zero-energy” thermostats. Establish control settings for stable operation to avoid system wear and to achieve proper comfort. Commission the control system and HVAC system for optimum efficiency based on actual building conditions and use.