US005886498A United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: Sul et al. [45] [54] SENSORLESS FIELD ORIENTATION Date of Patent: 5,886,498 Mar. 23, 1999 CONTROL METHOD OF AN INDUCTION MACHINE BY HIGH FREQUENCY SIGNAL H. Tajima et al., “Speed Sensorless Field Orientation Con trol of the Induction Machine,” Conf Rec. IEEE—IAS Annual Meeting, pp. 385—391 (1991). INJECTION Y. —R. Kim et al., “Speed Sensorless Vector of an Induction Motor Using an Extended Kalman Filer,” Conf Rec IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, pp. 594—599 (1992). [76] Inventors: Seung-ki Sul, 1545-3, Sillim-Dong, KWanak-Gu; Jung-ik Ha, 108-401, Hyundai Apartment, 1694, Sillim-Dong, H. Kubota et al., “Speed Sensorless Field—Oriented Control of Induction Motor With Rotor Resistance Adaptation,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 1219—1224 KWanak-Gu, both of Seoul, Rep. of Korea (1994). Appl. No.: 921,658 Filed: Aug. 28, 1997 Foreign Application Priority Data [30] Aug. 5, 1997 [KR] [51] J. HoltZ, “Speed Estimation and Sensorless Control of AC Drives,” Conf. Rec. IEEE IECON, pp. 649, 650, 652—654 (1993). M. Ishida et al., “A NeW Slip Frequency Detector of an Induction Motor Utilizing Rotor Slot Harmonics,” IEEE Rep. of Korea ................ .. 1997/37412 Trans. Ind. Appl. vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 575—582 (1984). Int. Cl.6 ...................................................... .. H02P 1/34 [52] US. Cl. ........................ .. 318/821; 318/490; 318/767; [58] Field of Search ................................... .. 318/490, 767, K.D. Hurst et al., “Sensorless Speed Measurement Using Current Harmonics Spectral Estimation in Induction Machine Drives,” IEEE Trans. PowerElectron., vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 66—73 (1996). 364/571.01 318/798—815, 821; 364/571.01 [56] (List continued on neXt page.) References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,629,518 12/1971 4,884,023 11/1989 Schmidt et a1. . 5,594,670 Primary Examiner—Karen Masih Costa .................................. .. 364/74 X Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Baker & MaXham 318/490 X [57] 1/1997 Yamamoto ........................ .. 318/767 X ABSTRACT The present invention is related to the method to ?nd the OTHER PUBLICATIONS rotor ?uX angle from stator voltages and currents by inject T. Ohtani et al., “Vector Control of an Induction Motor ing high frequency signal. The injected signal is not rotating Without Shaft Encoder,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 157—164 (1992). M. Depenbrock, “Direct Self—Control(DSC) of Inverter—fed Induction Machine,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 420—429 (1988). K.D. Hurst et al., “Zerospeed Tacho—less I.m. Torque Con trol: Simply a Matter of Stator Voltage Integration”, IEEE one but ?uctuating one at a reference frame rotating syn chronously to the fundamental stator frequency. The differ ence of impedances betWeen the ?uX aXis and the quadrature aXis at high frequency signal injected on the rotor ?uX angle is explained by the equivalent circuit equation of the induc tion machine. The difference is veri?ed by experiments on the test motors at various conditions. The sensorless ?eld APEC Conf. Record, pp. 749—753 (1997). C. Schauder, “Adaptive Speed Identi?cation For Vector orientation control method is proposed and experimental results clarify the satisfactory operation of the method With Control of Induction Motors Without Rotational Transduc 150% load torque at Zero stator frequency. ers,” Conf. Rec. IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, pp. 493—499 10 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets (1989). e, Vdinj 19’, + dqs _ Pl ldqs/ + + 1(2) I e T, qm LPF T'l(9 e) BPF T - 1 A _l 06 4) rsEwsonLEssiee FOC ,8 5,886,498 Page 2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS A. Ferrah et al., “A Transputer—based Speed Identi?er for Induction Motor Drives Using Rea1—tirne Adaptive Filter,” IEEE MS Conf. Record, pp. 394—400 (1996). PL. Jansen et al., Transducerless Field Orientation Concepts Ernploying Saturation—Induced Saliencies in Induction Machines, Conf. Rec. IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, pp. 174—181 (1995). M. Schroedl, “Sensorless Control of AC Machines at LoW Speed and Standstill Based on the ‘Inform’ Method,” Conf Rec. IEEE MS Annual Meeting, pp. 270—277 (1996). F. Blaschke et al., “Sensorless Direct Field Orientation at Zero FluX Frequency,” Conf Rec. IEEE MS Annual Meet ing, pp. 189—196 (1996). SI. Yong et al., “Sensorless Vector Control of Induction Machine Using High Frequency Current Injection,” Conf Rec. IEEE MS Annual Meeting, pp. 503—508 (1994). U.S. Patent TH Mar. 23, 1999 N1 Emd54oi,2ze<Q/wE%nm=;>2 E C D N Sheet 3 of8 TLI GS 1 Rm- EAI F 1BN EO0 l3. A m W m w w 0 1F AN __ : O T EAkg 2. 4. 3. 5.5 6Nm E6 0.- m s. w 5,886,498 G. 0.. n. 1.I 1El 0. m n. 0. w5X I3 THE DIFFERENCE ANGLE BETWEEN ROTOR FLUX AND TEST SIGNAL [XPI rad] U.S. Patent I[TMEPoRDhANmCL] Mar. 23, 1999 Sheet 4 of 8 5,886,498 co m 6 l 0.5 I 0.3 l l 0.1 l | I -O.1 l -O.3 l -O.5 THE DIFFERENCE ANGLE BETWEEN ROTOR FLUX AND TEST SIGNAL [XPI rad] FIG. 8 E 2- 25 LL] O O E E + f:500 —I— f=400 % —+— f:300 < 2 CE LL] D 0.5 O.3 0.1 -O.1 -O.3 -O.5 THE D|FFERENOE ANGLE BETWEEN ROTOR FLUX AND TEST SIGNAL [XPI rad] FIG. 9 U.S. Patent Mar. 23, 1999 Sheet 5 of8 5,886,498 + Te/Tr=0.0 IT[MEPRODhANmCL] + Te/Tr=0.2 + Te/Tr:0.4 —X—- Te/Tr=0.6 + Tefl'r=0.8 + Teffr=1.0 I 0.5 0.3 0.1 -O.1 -O.3 -O.5 THE DIFFERENCE ANGLE BETWEEN ROTOR FLUX AND TEST SIGNAL [XPI rad] FIG. 10 E 22 2 LL! 0 _ ——0— Vpp-4O Z a —I— Vpp=60 C1. Z 2 E F 6 l 0.5 I 0.3 I l 0.1 l l I -O.‘l J -O.3 I -O.5 THE DIFFERENCE ANGLE BETWEEN ROTOR FLUX AND TEST SIGNAL [XPI rad] FIG. 1 1 U.S. Patent Mar. 23, 1999 Sheet 6 of8 [M2 F12IG. 5,886,498 U.S. Patent Mar. 23, 1999 Sheet 7 0f 8 40 ROTOR SPEED [RPM] CALCULATED FLUX /L ANGLE [RAD] ESTIMATED FLUX 1” i ‘ | Z} ‘ J ‘ A fwvwii A i /T H ANGLE [RAD] 0 T|ME(SEC) ESTIMATED TORQUE [Nm] A PHASE CURRENT [A] B PHASE CURRENT [A] FIG. 13 5 U.S. Patent Mar. 23, 1999 Sheet 8 of8 80 5,886,498 A ROTOR SPEED ‘W ‘W [RPM] - T -= 1| I '" - | T T -80 4 CALCULATED FLUX ANGLE [RAD] -, I / I I " -4 4' 4 __ ESTIMATED ANGLE[RAD] FLUX / I I I 0 “ I A V L I V k TIME (SEC) 40 5 WW” ESTIMATEDTORQUE I [Nm] I 7"‘ -‘ I I I " - - 0 I I \ - NW I AM I M“ A PHASE CURRENT [A] 20 - BPHASE CURRENT I [A] \ I I " I ~» w’ 20 0 TIME (SEC) FIG. 14 5 5,886,498 1 2 SENSORLESS FIELD ORIENTATION CONTROL METHOD OF AN INDUCTION MACHINE BY HIGH FREQUENCY SIGNAL measurable at injected high frequency due to the skin effect. According to the present invention, after signal processing With injected high frequency ?uctuating signal, ?eld orien INJECTION tation control is achieved With the difference of the imped ance. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The method gives reasonable torque control capability at Zero and loW stator frequency even under heavily loaded The sensorless drive of an induction machine has been studied for last tWo decades. And some of the results are applied to industrial ?elds (Reference 1,2). But the perfor mance of the drive is still much inferior to that of the sensored drive. Especially, at loW or Zero stator frequency condition. Being compared to other signal injection method (Reference 12), it injects not rotating signal but ?uctuating 10 cessing is quite simple compared to the method Which needs the torque control ability of the drive is still far from the Kalman ?lter approach (Reference 13). satisfaction. At higher stator frequency, practically higher than 10% of rated frequency, simple direct vector control method based on the integration of the stator terminal signal on the ?uX aXis, and hence it generate no torque ripple, no vibration and less audible noise. Its signal pro 15 voltages gives satisfactory torque control performance BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 shoWs a d-q equivalent circuits for the high (Reference 3). Most of the sensorless drive algorithms are based on the assumption of d-q equivalent circuit of the induction machine (Reference 4—7), and hence they are frequency in the synchronously rotating reference frame. dependent on the machine parameters and measurement errors. At loW stator frequency region, signal to noise ratio of the stator voltage measurement is very poor and stator resistance voltage drop is dominant. At Zero stator ing reference frame. frequency, even theoretically no rotor dynamics can be measured at the stator terminals (Reference 8). With these FIG. 2 shoWs an estimated ?uX aXis, tWo orthogonal measurement aXes and ?uX aXis in the synchronously rotat FIG. 3 is a proposed block diagram of control method of the high frequency voltage injection type according to the present invention 25 reasons the sensorless algorithm based on d-q circuit fail at loW and Zero stator frequency region no matter hoW algo rithm is superior. Another group of sensorless algorithms is using non ideal phenomenon of the machine characteristics such as eccentricity of rotor, rotor slot harmonics, and rotor unbalance (Reference 9,10). These algorithms need. fre quency spectrum analysis, and they are time consuming and need some machine construction data such as number of rotor and stator slot, Which can not be easily obtained from off the shelf. Even With neWly developed FFT algorithm, still the performance of the speed control bandWidth of the drive looks like unsatisfactory (Reference 11). Third cat 35 egory of the algorithm is injecting some signals to the motor and checking the response of the motor to the injected signals (Reference 12~15). Most of these algorithms depend on the variation of rotor leakage inductance according to the satisfactory performance for the open rotor slot motor. But in the case of closed rotor slot, unfortunately most of small and medium poWer squirrel cage induction machine is the case, the algorithm does not Work Well especially at loaded operating condition because of similar saturation effect on the leakage inductance With load current ?oWing in rotor circuit. The torque controllability at loW and Zero frequency region could be a great asset to off-the-shelf general purpose difference angle betWeen rotor ?uX aXis and an estimated ?uX aXis under various load torque in 5 hp induction machine. FIG. 11 shoWs variation of impedance depending on the difference angle betWeen rotor ?uX aXis and an estimated ?uX aXis at various injected voltages in 5 hp induction machine. FIG. 12 shoWs a system con?guration for the experiments of sensorless ?eld orientation control method according to inverter feeding conventional squirrel cage induction motor. So far, most algorithms do not Work Well With mass pro duced closed rotor clot motor in Zero or loW stator frequency 55 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION FIG. 14. shoWs a step torque response of the method signal injection to the motor is proposed. The method can be DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION implemented on the eXisting digitally controlled inverter by only amending softWare of the inverter Without any eXtra hardWare. In the method according to the present invention, a ?uX aXis is determined using the characteristic that the The rotating high frequency stator currents are governed predominantly by the stator and rotor leakage inductance. impedance on the ?uX aXis differs from that on the quadra difference is not measurable at fundamental frequency but is the present invention. FIG. 13 shoWs step torque response of the method accord ing to the present invention under 75% step load. according to the present invention under 150% step load. In the present invention, a neW method based on harmonic ture aXis to the ?uX aXis for high frequency ?uctuating signal in the synchronously rotating reference frame. Normally the FIG. 5 is a proposed block diagram of the sensorless FOC in the FIG. 3 and FIG. 4. FIG. 6 shoWs variation of impeadance depending on the difference angle betWeen rotor ?uX aXis and an estimated ?uX aXis at various ?uX in 5 hp induction machine. FIG. 7 shoWs variation of impeadance depending on the difference angle betWeen rotor ?uX aXis and an estimated ?uX aXis at various ?uX in 1 hp induction machine. FIG. 8 shoWs variation of impedance depending on the difference angle betWeen rotor ?uX aXis and an estimated ?uX aXis at various ?uX in 10 hp induction machine. FIG. 9 shoWs variation of impedance depending on the difference angle betWeen rotor ?uX aXis and an estimated ?uX aXis at various frequency in 5 hp induction machine. FIG. 10 shoWs variation of impedance depending on the intensity of the main ?uX. This algorithm gives reasonably region under heavily loaded condition. FIG. 4 is a proposed block diagram of control method of the high frequency current injection type according to the present invention. 65 Therefore, if there is no spatial modulation in the rotor leakage inductance, no information about rotor position or ?uX angle can be detectable. But Zero or loW speed, the effect on the ?uctuating signals in the synchronously rotat 5,886,498 4 3 ing reference frame differ from the effect on the rotating ones. Thus, it is possible to detect the information about rotor ?uX angle Without any spatial modulation. rrLmZ (7) The Well-knoWn voltage equations for induction machine are expressed as folloWing equations (1), (2), (3) and The folloWing equations (1) are stator voltage equations. W,d Especially, for high frequency component, the above equation (7) can be reWritten as the folloWing equation (1) (8) — 0387f dag In the above equations (1), Vdse, Vqse are respectively, d aXis, q aXis stator voltage(in synchronous reference frame), idf, iqse are respectively, d aXis, q aXis stator current(in synchronous reference frame), )tdf, )tqse are respectively, d aXis, q aXis stator ?uX(in synchronous reference frame), r5 is stator resistance, we is synchronous rotational angle velocity. The folloWing equations (2) are rotor voltage equations. dag, 15 Where, Vdse is, VdSe=VdSf+VedSh=VdSf+Vdshesin(uu ht), Vqse is, VqSe=VqSf+\~/e qSl+Vqshesin(u) ht+q)). In the above equation (8), ‘~’ means the high frequency component in the steady state. Generally, because the rotor resistor, r, is much smaller than whLr, it can be assumed that rr+j whLr. Then the above equation (8) is eXpressed as the folloWing equation The d-q equivalent circuits for the high frequency can be shoWn in FIG. 1. (2) M 25 e Veds = r, + r, (9) + jmhoLs ieds E Zdieds L 2 l + (0» - M2. Due to the skin effect at high frequency, the value of rotor resistor, r, is doZen of times as large as that at fundamental In the above equations‘ (2), idf, iqre are respectively, d axis, q axis rotor current(in synchronous reference frame), chronous reference frame), r, is rotor resistance, u), is rotor frequency, and the value of (IL also becomes much smaller at high frequency than that at fundamental frequency. Thus, electric angle velocity. The folloWing equations (3) and (4) are ?uX linkage because the contribution of rotor resistance term to the terminal impedance(Zd) is increased in relative to the reac >\.dre, L; are respectively d axis, q axis‘ rotor ?llX(lIl syn equations. 35 tance term, it is apparent that the difference betWeen the d and q-aXis terminal impedance is detectable. Hence, for the ?uctuating signals in the synchronously rotating reference frame, the impedance on the rotor ?uX is mqr aXis differs from that on the quadrature aXis to the rotor ?uX as shoWn in the folloWing equation (10). 7~qf=Lmiq§+LJdf (4) In the above equations (3) and (4), L5 is rotor leakage inductance, Lm is induction machine magnetiZation inductance, Lr is rotor inductance. By assuming the rotor ?uX oriented control, that is >\,qre=0, iqse and i d; are reWritten as the folloWing equation The ?uctuating signals result in eddy current loss, the 45 additional copper loss, hysteresis loss, stray loss and so on. So, the level of injected signal should be kept as small as possible. A position of a ?uX aXis in the synchronously rotating reference frame is determined on the basis of the above described difference betWeen the impedance on the rotor ?uX aXis and that on the quadrature aXis to the rotor ?uX in (5) i513: _ the present invention. For tracking of ?uX angle to determine the position of ?uX PLm aXis, the high frequency ?uctuating signal on the estimated In the above equation (5), p is a differential operator. Then, We can obtain the folloWing equation (6) for Vdse from the 55 above equations (1), (3), (4) and ?uX aXis in the synchronous reference frame is used. At starting, an arbitrary aXis is assumed as the estimated ?uX aXis. The effect of the signal can be measured on tWo orthogonal measurement aXes. FIG. 2 shoWs an estimated rrLm2 ?uX aXis, tWo orthogonal measurement aXes and ?uX aXis in Vic “WWW the synchronously rotating reference frame. TWo orthogonal measurement aXes consists of the ?rst measurement aXis, dme Which lags the estimated ?uX aXis by 31/4 and the second measurement aXis, qme Which leads the estimated ?uX aXis At Zero or loW stator frequency, Where the magnitude of by 11/4. we is quite small(that is, at Zero or loW speed), if the high frequency ?uctuating signals are injected, wekqf(<<Vdf) and we)t(<<Vdf(<<Vqf) terms in the above equation (6) is As the impedance on the ?uX aXis and that on the 65 quadrature aXis to the ?uX aXis differs, the impedance on the neglected. So, the above equation (6) can be reWritten as the estimated ?uX aXis Which is positioned betWeen tWo aXes folloWing equation changes depending on the error angle(6 ) betWeen the err 5,886,498 6 5 estimated ?ux axis and the ?ux axis. Also, as shown in the above equation (10), because the impedance on the ?ux axis is greater than the impedance on the quadrature axis to the ?ux axis, the impedance measured on the estimated axis is maximum When the error angle (Gerr) is minimum. Hence, the position of the estimated ?ux axis on Which measured 2 vedm ~ ~ 71: 26m — — + jmhoLs ~ iedm (11) 2 rrLmZ veqm ~ n r, + 1 + cos 26m — — ZLrZ . + JOJhO'LS i zeqm 2 Where, 6err=6e—6e, 66 is actual rotor ?ux angle, 66 is the 10 estimated rotor ?ux angle. High Frequency Voltage Injection and qme are parted from the estimated ?ux axis by equal angle(J'c/4), impedance on the estimated ?ux axis is maxi If the injected high frequency voltage is as folloWing equation (12), the error of measured signals is as folloWing mum at the time impedances measured on each measure ment axe is equal. Hence, the strategy of the invention is to ?nd the position of the estimated ?ux axis of Which tWo 1 + cos ZLrZ impedance is maximum can be determined as the ?ux axis. In order to ?nd the position of the estimated ?ux axis on Which measured impedance is maximum, We use tWo orthogonal measurement axes, dme and qme as shoWn in FIG. 2 in the preferred embodiment of the invention. Because dme rrLm2 r, + 15 equation (13), orthogonal measurement axes give equal impeadance. If the estimated ?ux axis is betWeen the real ?ux axis and quadrature axis to the real ?ux axis, then the measured high frequency components on the dme and qme-axis Would be (13) different. To measure the impedance on tWo orthogonal measure ment axes, the high frequency ?uctuating signal is injected. In the implementation of injecting signals, there are the voltage injection type and the current injection type. 25 FIG. 3 is a proposed block diagram of control method of the high frequency voltage injection type according to the present invention , and FIG. 4 is a proposed block diagram of control method of the high frequency current injection type according to the present invention. The injecting signal in the former is added to the esti (66 - (56) E we, - é.) mated ?ux component of the controller output as shoWn in FIG. 3. In this method, for the purpose of avoiding the r, + jmhoLS + r, the bandWidth of current controller should be let doWn and ?ltered signals should be used in the feedback control. In the 35 As shoWn in the above equation (13), angle error is proportional to the difference betWeen the squares of the current amplitude on each measurement axis. Hence, Deter mining a ?ux axis is effected by ?nding the estimated ?ux axis Which has minimum difference betWeen the squares of latter, the injecting signal is added to the fundamental current reference on the estimated ?ux axis as shoWn in FIG. 4. In order to inject high frequency current correctly, the current controller should have suf?cient bandWidth. The former(the voltage injection type) has the inherent limitation the current amplitude on each measurement axis in the of current control and speed control bandWidth, but the voltage injection type. signals are less vulnerable to nonlinear effect such as dead time effect. The latter(the current injection type) has possi bility of higher bandWidth of speed control but it requires more elegant signal processing against the non-linear effects If the controller is 45 of the system. FIG. 5 is a proposed block diagram of the sensorless FOC in the FIG. 3 and FIG. 4. The signals measured on the dme and qme-axis is used in tracking of the rotor ?ux angle as the estimated ?ux angle and the real ?ux angle have fre quency response as folloWing equation (14). shoWn in FIG. 5. In the pre-process, the information corre lated to the impedance at the injected high frequency is calculated on the dme and qme-axis. In the correction 6A5) _ controller, using these impedances obtained in the pre 66(5) process, the tracking of the ?ux angle is carried out. (r, + jmhoLS) 2,1 cancellation of the injected signal by the current controller, 55 In the high frequency voltage injection method, if the K15 +K2 (14) S2 + K15 + K2 Where, K1=YerrKp, K2=Y€WK,. injected voltage is ?xed, the terminal impedances on the High Frequency Current Injection measurement axes depend on the measured currents. The If the injected high frequency current is as folloWing equation (15), the error of measured signals is as folloWing difference betWeen the squared of the magnitude of iedm and that of the magnitude of ieqm is proportional to the difference equation (16). of the admittances measured on the each axis. In high frequency current injection method, there are similar rela (15) tions. Therefore, the schemes on FIG. 3 and FIG. 4 are plausible in each case. Relations betWeen terminal voltages and currents on the 65 (1 6) measurement axes dme, qme are expressed as the folloWing equation (11) 5,886,498 8 FIG. 9. They also shoW the spatial difference of the terminal -continued 2 impedance under various load as shoWn in FIG. 10. These 2 —1*-2-r Lm 2r +r m, r 2L 2 S m sin20 r r experiments are performed under locked rotor. The high level injected signal makes much differences as shoWn in FIG. 11. In these various cases, the characteristics that the = err r impedance on the rotor ?ux axis is higher than that on any other axis is measured. As shown in the above equation (16), angle error is proportional to the difference betWeen the squares of voltage amplitude on each measurement axis. Hence, Determining a ?ux axes is effected by ?nding the estimated ?ux axis Which has minimum difference betWeen the squares of voltage amplitude on each measurement axis in the current injection type. EXAMPLE 2 10 Field Orientation Control FIG. 12 shoWs a system con?guration for the experiments of the proposed sensorless ?eld orientation control method according to the present invention. For the experiments at 15 If the controller is 1 Zero and loW stator frequency, the induction machine 1 is running in the speed control mode With sensored ?eld orientation control and the induction machine 2, Which is under test, is in the torque control mode With the proposed K1 G(5)=T (KP+ S )> sensorless control. Digitally controlled voltage-fed PWM 20 the estimated ?ux angle and the real ?ux angle have fre quency response as folloWing equation (17). IGBT inverters are used for this experiment and its main processor is TMS320C31. The experimental results under 75% and 150% step load, respectively are shoWn in FIG. 13 and FIG. 14. The mea 645) K15 +K2 66(5) S2 + K15 + K2 (17) 25 The error is in the form of a linear angle error such as the above equations (13) and (16). These errors can be driven aWay using the scheme as shoWn in FIG. 3 or FIG. 4. 30 The experimental example results of the present invention Will noW be described in the folloWing examples. 35 Measurement of High Frequency Impedance At the high frequency region the difference of terminal 40 ments and its characteristics are listed in the folloWing table 1. 45 3 4 Rated Frequency Rated Speed 60 HZ 1730 rpm Frame phase current. But, under load condition, the torque current is higher than the ?ux current. In this case, the higher injected signals appear near the loWer level of phase current regardless of load torque variation due to the speed control of motor 1 and that the torque of motor, Which is under test, is folloWing its command. The stator frequency of the motor 2 is changing from 2/3 HZ to 0 HZ and back to 2/3 HZ according to the torque. In FIG. 14, the same test is done With 150% rated load torque command. The trace of FIG. 13 and FIG. 14 shoWs clearly that the motor 2 is under torque servo mode REFERENCE 5 hp 220/440 V Number of Phase Number of Pole Type of Rotor and Rotor Slot load, the stator frequency of the motor 2 is Zero. At no load condition, the ?ux angle coincides With current even at Zero stator frequency. The Characteristics of the Test Induction Machine Rated Power Rated Voltage ?gure. In the experiments, the torque is estimated in motor 1. Hence, the generated torque by the motor 2 has reverse sign of the estimated torque. When the system is under the shoWn in FIG. 13 and FIG. 14. From the FIG. 13, it can be seen that the speed of the machines is maintained 20 rpm Difference TABLE 1 and stator current, the estimated rotor ?ux position, the estimated torque and phase currents are illustrated in each angle. Therefore, the injected signals appear near the peak of EXAMPLE 1 impedance in the excited induction machine is examined in a test motor and shoWn in FIG. 6, 9, 10, and 11. The 5 hp general-purpose induction machine is used in the experi sured rotor speed, the ?ux angle calculated using rotor speed [1] T. Ohtani,N. Takada and K. Tanaka, “Vector control of an induction motor Without shaft encoder” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., Vol. IA-28, No.1, pp. 157—164, 1992. [2] M. Depenbrock, “Direct self-control(DSC) of inverter fed induction machine,” IEEE Trans. PoWer Electron., Vol 112 M 3, No. 4, October, 1988. [3] K. D. Hurst, T. G. Habetler, G. Griva and F. Profumo, “Zerospeed tacho-less I. M. torque control: simply a matter of stator voltage integration,” IEEE APEC Conf. squirrel cage closed slot The impedance on the rotor ?ux axis is higher than that on any other axis as described above. 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IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, pp.270—277, 1996 [14] F. Blaschke, T. van der Burgt and A. Vandenput, estimated ?ux axis by 31/4 and a measurement axis Which leads the estimated ?ux axis by 31/4. 7. The method of claim 6, Wherein the step of determining the position of the real ?ux axis is effected by ?nding the estimated ?ux axis Which has a minimum difference betWeen squares of current amplitude on the tWo orthogonal “Sensorless Direct Field Orientation at Zero Flux Frequency,” Conf. Rec. IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, pp.189—196, 1996 [15] S. I. Yong, J. W. Choi and S. K. Sul, “Sensorless Vector Control of Induction Machine Using High Frequency Current Injection,” Conf. Rec. IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, the high frequency ?uctuating signal, a high frequency ?uctuating voltage signal is injected to the estimated ?ux Orientation Concepts Employing Saturation-Induced [13] M. Schroedl, “Sensorless Control of AC Machines at leads the estimated ?ux axis by 31/4. 4. The method of claim 2, Wherein the step of determining the position of the real ?ux axis is effected by ?nding the position of the estimated ?ux axis Where the tWo orthogonal measurement axes give equal impedance. 5. The method of claim 1, Wherein in the step of injecting measurement axes. 8. The method of claim 1, Wherein in the step of injecting the high frequency ?uctuating signal, a high frequency ?uctuating current signal is injected to the estimated ?ux pp.503—508, 1994 axis. 9. The method of claim 1, Wherein if in the step of What is claimed is: 1. A method for ?eld orientation control of an induction injecting the high frequency ?uctuating signal, a high fre 35 quency ?uctuating current signal is injected to the estimated ?ux axis, the step of determining the position of a real ?ux machine, comprising: (a) assuming arbitrary axis as an estimated ?ux axis in the axis uses voltage signals on tWo orthogonal measurement axes Which consist of a measurement axis Which lags the estimated ?ux axis by 31/4 and a measurement axis Which synchronously rotating reference frame; (b) injecting a high frequency ?uctuating signal to the estimated ?ux axis; and (c) determining the position of a ?ux axis by means of impedance on the estimated ?ux axis. 2. The method of claim 1, Wherein the step of determining the position of a real ?ux axis comprises: (a) dividing the high frequency ?uctuating signal injected on the estimated ?ux axis into components on tWo orthogonal measurement axes; and 45 leads estimated ?ux axis by 31/4. 10. The method of claim 9, Wherein the step of determin ing the position of the real ?ux axis is effected by ?nding the estimated ?ux axis Which has a minimum difference betWeen squares of voltage amplitude on the tWo orthogonal measurement axes.