Nomenclature 9. NOMENCLATURE—1.K—1 CP Specific heat capacity D Diffusion coefficient DE Activation energy for diffusion K Dr Reference diffusion coefficient m2.s—1 E Modulus of elasticity MPa EG Green modulus of elasticity MPa EL Longitudinal modulus of elasticity MPa hF Heat—transfer coefficient J Mass flux of water from the surface of timber kg.m—2.s—1 km Mass—transfer coefficient L Width of Sample m Mi Moisture change kg——1 m2.s—1 W.m—2.K—1 m.s—1 205 Nomenclature n Number of experimental data points Q Total rate of heat transfer W.m—2 t Time seconds T Temperature of the board K TG Dry—bulb temperature K TS Surface temperature K TW Wet—bulb temperature K u Air velocity V Acoustic speed Weight — m.s—1 km.s—1 Weighting assigned to each experimental data point to show how much confidence there is on the value. The higher the uncertainty of the value, the lower the weighting assigned. X Moisture content ——1 206 Nomenclature XExp Experimental moisture content—1 Xfsp Moisture content at fibre saturation point—1 Xi Initial moisture content—1 XPred Predicted moisture contents—1 YG Bulk—air humidity—1 YS Surface humidity—1 z Distance from the surface m Greek Letters β Shrinkage coefficient Δxi Size of each layer ε Strain ν Kinematic Viscosity (—1)/(—1) m—1 m2. s—1 207 Nomenclature W.m—1.K—1 λ Thermal conductivity λS Heat of sorption—1 λW Latent heat of vaporization—1 ρ Timber density kg.m—3 ρair Density of air kg.m—3 ρD Basic Density kg.m—3 ρG Green density kg.m–3 σ Stress ζ Shrinkage MPa—1 Subscripts c At the centre of the timber board — i At node point i within the timber board — S At the surface of the timber board — 208