13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, México, 19-25 June, 2011 IMD-123 Modeling and Control of Variable Speed Wind Turbine Equipped with PMSG D.I. Stroe∗ Aalborg University Aalborg, Denmark A.I. Stan† Aalborg University Aalborg, Denmark I. Visa‡ Transilvania University Brasov, Romania Abstract— The Variable Speed Wind Turbine (VSWT) configuration is the dominant wind turbine topology available at this moment on the market. Moreover, the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) offers better performance than other generators because of its higher efficiency and of less maintenance since they don’t have rotor current. Therefore, in this paper the modeling and control of a 2 MW VSWT equipped with PMSG is presented. As control strategy for the generator side converter the Direct Torque Control method was chosen. All the components of the wind turbine except the DC-link and the grid-side converter are developed and implemented in MATLAB/Simulink. In order to analyze the behavior of the wind turbine system and to validate the developed control system, a study case is carried out. I. Stroe§ Transilvania University Brasov, Romania speed wind turbine concept with full-scale frequency converter has an increasing market share. The most common generators used in this topology, the doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) and permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs), allow the extraction of maximum power from a large wind speed interval, for an optimum tip-speed ratio. The PMSG has some valuable advantages over the DFIG such as: better efficiency, easier controllability, no need for reactive magnetizing current and they are smaller in size. The paper focuses on a large scale 2 MW variable speed wind turbine, using a surface mounted PMSG, together with a full scale power converter, consisting of a back-toback voltage source converter and a DC link capacitor, together allowing a bidirectional power flow in the system and fully decoupled control between the generator side and the grid side converters. The presented topology is subjected to a number of control schemes: pitch angle control for limiting the output power above rated values, generator control for maintaining the desired rotor speed and grid side inverter control for active, reactive power flow control, and constant DC link control. One of the most used generator control strategies was implemented: Direct Torque Control with Space Vector Modulation (DTC-SVM). The grid side inverter modeling and control was not considered in this paper. Keywords: VSWT, PMSG, DTC-SVM, modeling, control I. Introduction Nowadays, the extraction of power from the wind on a large scale became a recognized industry. The pace in which it developed is remarkable, it holds great potential showing that in the future will become the undisputed number one choice form of renewable source of energy. The powerful force that pushes this clean technology upward is simple economics. The conventional fossil fuel technology is mature and the costs for installations in this field are predictable. Moreover the non-renewable nature of fossil-fuels along with the increasing energy demands in the world will only make the prices go higher. This factor called scarcity, which describes all traditional energy sources does not apply for renewable. Wind power is abundant and there will be always zero cost of the wind. The technology here is still improving, much of research being conducted in grid connecting wind farms for producing more electricity for lower prices. According to [1], the wind energy sector continued its market growth in the European Union at an increased rate of 23% compared to year 2008 installations, reaching by the end of 2009, a total installed capacity of 75 GW. Because of the rapid development of power electronic devices and thus decreasing equipment costs, the variable II. System and Model Description Throughout this section the modeling of the wind turbine system equipped with PSMG is presented. However, because the focus of this paper is the control of the generator side converter, only the components of the wind turbine system until the DC-link are modeled. Fig. 1 presents the variable speed wind turbine with full-rating power converter concept which was considered for modeling. Rotor PCC PMSG Transformer Wind G Drive Train External grid Generator Side Converter Grid Side Converter ∗ dis@et.aau.dk † astan@student.aau.dk Fig. 1. Variable speed wind turbine equipped with PMSG ‡ visaion@unitbv.ro § stroei@unitbv.ro 1 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, México, 19-25 June, 2011 = 0.4721. As the wind speed increases, so does ωr , but the tip-speed-ratio is kept constant at λopt . Region II is governed by the policy: fixed pitch-variable torque. In Region III, which starts from rated wind speed Vrated , the rated power is reached, therefore it must be kept constant as wind is still increasing. The cut-out wind speed value (here considered 25 m/s) ends the third region, and forces the wind turbine to shut down for avoiding damage at rotor and generator. Region III is governed by the policy: constant rotor speed-constant torque- variable pitch. However, the problem with large wind turbine is that the rated shaft speed is reached before the rated wind speed. As presented in [4], the tip speed constraint consists of speed control at the turbine shaft at the transition between Region II and Region III of turbine operation. Thus, in the developed wind turbine rotor model, the rotor shaft speed was compared with the rated value ωrated , at every wind speed between cut-in and rated wind speed. Therefore between Region II and Region III a new region called Region II1/2 was attached. In Region II the blade pitch was kept fixed at 0 degrees to maintain the power coefficient at Cp max [3]. The rotor shaft speed was increased as the wind speed was increasing. After rated rotor speed was reached, the blade tip speed also reached its maximum value, therefore it was be kept at this level. This state represents the beginning of Region II1/2. As the wind speed was further increased towards rated value, the rotor shaft speed was maintained constant, so the only thing that was decreased had been the tip speed ratio [3]. Implementing this algorithm, the power profile of the considered wind turbine showing the different regions encompassing all speeds of operation is presented in Fig. 4. A. Wind Turbine Rotor The wind turbine rotor is designed to extract maximum power from the wind and this value can be calculated as: Pwt = 1 ρπR2 Vw3 Cp 2 IMD-123 (1) Where, ρ represents the air density, R represents the blade radius, Vw represents the wind speed and Cp represents the power coefficient. The power coefficient Cp can have a maximum value of 0.593, but in reality, the aerodynamics of the rotor are not perfect and typical values for Cp are between 0.4 - 0.5 [2]. Fig. 2 shows the power profile for a typical large wind turbine compared with total available power based on wind speeds. Fig. 2. Power profile for a large wind turbine [3] The Cp (λ, β) characteristic of the considered wind turbine when the pitch angle is varied towards ”feathering” is shown in Fig. 3. The maximum power coefficient for the modeled wind turbine is Cp max = 0.4721 when β = 0◦ . β=0 β=4 β=8 β = 12 Region I Region II β = 16 Region II1/2 Region III β = 20 Fig. 4. Mechanical power as function of wind speed Fig. 3. Family of Cp curves as function of tip-speed-ration and pitch angle As presented in Fig. 2 the power profile of the considered wind turbine can be divided in three regions. The behavior of the WTS in this three regions is presemted in detail in the next paragraphs. Thus, Region I represents the lowest wind speeds under the cut-in wind speed 3:5 m/s. In this region the wind turbine will not start. In the rotor model, this condition will attribute zero values to mechanical power Pmec and rotor speed ωr . Next comes Region II, in which the turbine starts operating, following the maximum power point of operation, maintaining the power coefficient at Cp max Cp vs. wind speed X: 3.6 Y: 0.4721 0.5 Cp 0.4 0.3 Rated wind speed 0.2 X: 15 Y: 0.2069 0.1 Region I 0 0 Region II 5 Region II1/2 10 Region III 15 Wind speed [m/s] 20 25 Fig. 5. Cp curve as function of wind speed 2 30 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, México, 19-25 June, 2011 From Fig. 5, it can be observed that even though the rated wind speed is not reached, values of Cp are starting to decrease from Cp max in Region II1/2, for maintaining the maximum tip speed constraint. D. Converter Model Nowadays the back-to-back Voltage Source Converter (VSC) is the most used converter topology in the wind turbine industry. Both converters can operate in rectifier or inverter mode, and thus a bidirectional power flow can be achieved. In the developed model, the generator side converter works as a rectifier, being able to control the torque and speed, while the grid side converter works as an inverter keeping the voltage constant in the DC-link [6], [5]. The equivalent circuit of the VSC connected at the output terminals of a PMSG is presented in Fig. 6. B. Drive Train Model As presented in [5] and [6], the drive train model can be modeled as a simple kinematic converter for direct torque to torque conversion. Thus, the drive train can be expressed as a second order system: G(s) = Kωn2 s2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 IMD-123 (2) IDC PMSG Where, ζ represents the damping ration, ωn represents the natural frequency and K represents the gearbox ratio. The model of the drive train was developed using (3) and (4) where, Tem represents the electromagnetic torque and ωm represents the mechanical speed. Tem = G(s) · Twt (3) ωm = kgear · ωwt (4) Twt, Ωwt disd − ωe Lq isq dt Ia Sb Sc A Ib N VDC B Ic C Fig. 6. Star-connected PMSG with VSC [6] In order to introduce the mathematical model of the VSC, three switching variables Sa, Sb and Sc must be introduced. Each of these switching variables is associated with a phase of the inverter and can take only two values, either 1 or 0. Thus, the switching variable Sk (k = 1, 2, 3) is defined to take the value 1 if the ”upper” switch of the leg is on and the ”lower” switch of the same leg is off. Furthermore, if the ”upper” switch is off and the ”lower” switch is on the switching variable Sk will assume the value 0. According to [8] for the connection presented in Fig. 6 the applied voltages at the machine terminals, uan , ubn and ucn and the DC-link current IDC may be found as: uan 2 −1 −1 S1 V ubn = DC −1 2 −1 S2 (9) 3 u −1 −1 2 S C. PMSG Model The model of the PMSG was developed in the dq synchronous reference frame, where the q-axis is 90◦ phase shifted ahead of the d-axis with respect to the direction of rotation [7]. In order to simplify the system, the generator was assumed to be a PMSG with surface-mounted magnets. Thus, the model of the PMSG in the dq synchronous reference frame is given by the voltage equations (5) and (6), the torque equation (7) and the mechanical equation (8). usd = Rs isd + Ld Sa (5) 3 cn usq disq = Rs isq + Lq + ωe ψP M + ωe Ld isd dt Tem = (6) IDC = 3 npp ψP M isq 2 (7) dωm dt (8) Tem − TL = J S1 S2 S3 ia ib ic (10) III. DTC-SVM of PMSG PMSG control methods can be divided into scalar and vector control. The general classification of the variable frequency control is presented in Fig.7 [6]. The scalar control methods are based on a valid relation in steady state, where only the magnitude and frequency of voltage, currents and flux linkage space vectors are controlled. On the other hand, vector control is based on a relation valid for dynamic states and not only the magnitude and frequency, but also the position of the voltage, current and flux space vectors are controlled [5]. Among these vector control methods, one of the most popular strategy used Where, usd , usq represent the direct and quadrature components of the stator voltages, isd , isq represent the direct and quadrature components of the stator currents, Ld , Lq represent the direct and quadrature components of the stator inductances Rs represents the stator resistance, ωm represents the mechanical speed of the rotor, ωe represents the electrical speed of the rotor, ψP M - represents the permanent magnet flux linkage, Tem - represents the electromagnetical torque, npp represents the number of the pole pairs. 3 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, México, 19-25 June, 2011 alytical methods and the SISOtool package provided by MATLAB/Simulink. The detailed procedure of tuning these PI controllers is presented in [6]. Variable Frequency Control Scalar based controllers IMD-123 Vector based controllers Field Oriented Control (FOC) V/Hz Control PM (rotor) Flux Oriented (RFOC) IV. Simulation Results In order to analyze the behavior of the developed wind turbine system (plant and control) when changes in the wind speed occur, the next study case was performed. Thus, the positive step in the wind speed (from 15 m/s to 16 m/s) shown in Fig. A was considered at the input of the system Direct Torque Control (DTC) Stator Flux Oriented (SFOC) Direct Torque Control with Space Vector Modulation (DTC-SVM) Circular flux trajectory Wind Profile 16.2 Fig. 7. Classification of PMSG control methods [6] 16 for controlling PMSGs is the Direct Torque Control with Space Vector Modulation (DTC-SVM). The Direct Torque Control (DTC) strategy was proposed in the mid 80’s by Takahashi and Noguchi [9]. The name DTC comes from the fact that, based on the torque and flux errors it is possible to control the inverter states without using inner current control loops [10], [11], citeABB. There are two main alternatives to implement the DTCSVM strategy: using a cascade structure or using a parallel structure. In this paper, the second alternative was used and block scheme of the DTC-SVM with parallel control structure is shown in Fig. 8. Wind Speed [m/s] 15.8 15.6 15.4 15.2 15 14.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 Time [s] 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6 Fig. 9. Positive step in the wind speed used as input in the WPS Based on the wind speed presented in Fig. 9, the response of the system is shown in Fig. 10. VDC eѰs Ωm* eΩ - PI eT Tem* - PI Usd* PI Usq* Reference and Measured Speed Usα* 1.01 SA Space SB Vector Usβ* Modulation SC PWM Inverter 1.006 1.004 Generator Model Tem d/dt Reference speed Measured speed 1.008 θѰs |Ѱ s | Ωm Reference Voltage Vector Calculation Speed [p.u.] |Ѱs* | Is γm encoder PMSG 1.002 1 0.998 0.996 0.994 0.992 Fig. 8. Block scheme of DTC-SVM with parallel structure [5] 0.99 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 Time [s] In order to obtain the flux error eψs which represents the input of the flux PI controller, the reference value of the stator flux |ψs∗ | is compared with the estimated value of the stator flux |ψs | which is obtained from the generator model. The same principle is followed-up in the case of the torque ∗ PI controller, where the torque reference value Tem is compared with the estimated value Tem . Thus, the torque error eT is obtained [6]. Furthermore, delivering eψs and eT at the input of the PI controllers, the reference voltage components in dq refer∗ ∗ ence frame, Usd and Usq , are obtained. These voltage signals are transformed to stationary αβ reference frame using ∗ the stator flux angle eθs . These new obtain voltages, Usα ∗ and Usβ , are delivered to the space vector modulator and thus the switching signals Sa , Sb and Sc used to control the PWM converter are obtained [6]. The tuning of the PI controllers was realized using an- Fig. 10. Reference and measured speed at a positive unit step change in the wind speed As it can be observed, initially (for simulation time smaller than 5 seconds) the reference speed as well as the measured speeds have the value 1 p.u.. This fact is due to the value of wind speed which initially is set to 15 [m/s], wind speed for which the rotor speed had already reached its rated value. The positive step in the wind occurs at simulation time equal to 5 seconds and this will determine a small ripple in the measured speed. The overshoot produced by the change in the wind speed is very small and the system stabilizes in a short time, reaching again 1 p.u. value after approximately 4 seconds. The settling of the system is influenced by the value of the total moment of inertia of the wind turbine system. Thus the bigger the moment of 4 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, México, 19-25 June, 2011 Mechanical and Electrical Power inertia is, the longer it will take the system to stabilize and vice versa. In Fig. 11 the load (mechanical) torque from the wind turbine rotor and the electromagnetic torque are plotted. The Load Torque is the wind turbine torque obtained at the output of the drive train and transferred to the PMSG, while the Electromagnetic Torque is obtained from the generator. It can be observed that when the change in the wind speed occurs the mechanical torque changes as a consequence of higher mechanical power delivered by the rotor. The electromagnetic torque has an identical shape with the mechanical torque. As the mechanical speed of the PMSG is kept almost unchanged, the most part of the mechanical power is converted into electrical power. During the wind speed change the mechanical and electromagnetic torques reach values above 1 [p.u.]. This torque rise is due to the fact that the pitch mechanism needs some time to respond and limit the power. After the pitch mechanism has limited the power, the mechanical and electromagnetic torques return to their rated value. 1.35 Power [p.u.] 1.25 1.2 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 0.95 4.5 5 5.5 6 Time [s] 6.5 7 7.5 Fig. 12. Mechanical and electrical power at a positive unit step change in the wind speed discussed. The wind turbine rotor model has been presented in detail and the maximum power point tracking was implemented. The generator was modeled in the dq synchronous reference frame as a PMSG equipped with surface-mounted magnets. The DTC-SVM control structure was implemented in the dq synchronous reference frame. The developed WTS behaved well at step changes in the wind speed when the generator side converter was controlled using the DTC-SVM strategy Load and Electromagnetic Torque Load torque Electromagnetic Torque 1.2 Torque [p.u.] Mechanical power Electrical power 1.3 1.3 1.25 IMD-123 1.15 References 1.1 [1] [2] EWEA, “Wind in power - 2009 european statistics,” February 2010. F. Bianchi, H. Battista, and R. Mantz, Wind Turbine Control Systems. Principles, Modelling and Gain Scheduling Design. Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2007. [3] A. I. Stan, D. I. Stroe, T. Stanciu, and L. Shuai, “Variable speed wind turbine equipped with synnchronous generator,” Master’s thesis, Institute of Energy Technology, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2009. [4] C. Bottasso and A. 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Noguchi, “New quick-response and highefficiency control strategy of an induction motor,” IAS, pp. 495–502, 1985. [10] G. Buja and M. Kazmierkowski, “Direct torque control of pwm inverter - fed ac motors - a survey,” IEEE Transactions of Industrial Electronics, vol. 51, pp. 744–757, August 2004. [11] D. Swierczynski, Direct Torque Control with Space Vector Modulation (DTC-SVM) of Inverter-Fed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive. PhD thesis, Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics, Warszaw University of Technology, 2005. 1.05 1 0.95 4.5 5 5.5 6 Time [s] 6.5 7 7.5 Fig. 11. Load and mechanical torque at a positive unit step change in the wind speed In Fig. 12 the mechanical and electrical power in the wind turbine system are presented. The offset between the mechanical power (measured at the output of the drive train) and the electrical power obtained using the DTCSVM method is due to the efficiency of the combined generator and drive train system. The sudden change in the power which may be observed in Fig. D is due to the change in the wind speed. At the beginning of the simulation the electrical power is equal to 1 p.u. because the value of the wind is equal to 15 m/s which represent the rated wind speed. After the positive step change in the wind occurs, the mechanical and electrical power increases. Due to the pitch controller, which keeps the output power constant in the interval between the rated wind speed (15 [m/s]) and the cut-out wind speed (25 [m/s]), the power returns to its rated value in a relatively short time. V. Conclusions The modeling of a variable speed wind turbine equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator has been 5