Technical Committee No. 2 (TC-2) Electrical Installations Annual Report 2015 Date: 20th March 2016 Scope The scope of TC-2 includes the preparation of wiring rules, codes of practice and guides dealing with electrical installations up to 1000V, and interpretation of the rules when requested. The scope of the Rules of TC-2 does not extend to the internal wiring of apparatus, or to machine assemblies complying with EN IS 60204 or to mines or quarries. The Rules are not a product standard. The National Rules are a national standard (which is defined as a voluntary specification having a consensus among those involved) and do not have a statutory effect. However, they are recognised in common law as the state of the art and are recognised by the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) as means of complying with the Electricity Regulations. Similarly ET101 is cited in the Building Regulations as the electrical installation wiring standards required in order to comply with the statutory requirements. They have also formally been recognised by the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) as the technical rules to be observed by registered electrical contractors. The National Rules are prepared in consultation with the Department of the Environment Community and Local Government (DOECLG) the HSA and with industry generally to ensure that national consensus exists, which is the most important aspect of the work of TC-2. A major feature of the work is the obligation to participate in CENELEC and IEC, and to ensure that 1) Irish concerns are taken into account and 2) that CENELEC harmonization decisions are implemented in the rules. The scope of TC-2 also includes CENELEC BTTF 95 which deals with inspection of domestic premises. International TCs Shadowed by TC-2 IEC TC/64: Low Voltage Electrical Installations CENELEC Technical Committee 64: Electrical Installations and protection against electric shock. Irish Industry/Sector Served by this TC TC-2 serves industries engaged in the provision and maintenance of low voltage electrical installations of all categories and in all sectors. It includes end users, engineering consultancy practices, electrical installation contractors, and suppliers of electrical equipment, electricity network operators, public bodies, regulatory and supervisory organisations and other interested parties. ETCI’s TC-2 Annual Report 2015 Page 1 of 8 Technical Committee No. 2 (TC-2) Electrical Installations 1. Review of the Year 2015 1.1 Meetings of TC-2 Technical Committee: Ref: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ETCI’s TC-2 Meetings at 10:30 hours (Last Thursday of every month) 30th 28th 25th 27th 24th 29th 26th April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 1.2 Items of interest dealt with during 2015: TC-2 / CER meeting to discuss the proposal to develop a non-DSO completion certificate. (19-March-15) Review of the latest version of I.S. 813, COP for the installation of natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas, in domestic premises, from the point of delivery to the gas appliance. The review considered equipotential bonding and earthing of pipework when a new boiler is installed (reflected in the latest version of IS 813) in the context of heating installations incorporating both plumbing and electrical aspects of same. TC-2 / SEAI meeting to discuss equipotential bonding and earthing of pipework when a new boiler is installed (reflected in the latest version of IS 813) in the context of heating installations incorporating both plumbing and electrical aspects of same. Equipotential bonding/earthing RCD requirements for bathroom extract fans when installed in domestic dwellings. Detailed submission to CER re non-DSO Certificate (certificate 3) Comparisons between the ETCI National Rules for Electrical Installations (Fourth edition) and the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application), Regulations S.I. No. 299/2007. Provision of important guidance note for electrical works associated with the Better Energy Homes scheme jointly TC-2 / SEAI. ETCI’s TC-2 technical committee announces the following Amendment No. 2.2 to the National Rules for Electrical Installations ET 101:2008 incorporating Amendment No.1:2011 TC-2 provided guidance on a technical submission from GMC Utilities, GMCT/S-001 in respect of four different scenarios in relation to the installation of a Budget Controller used in the Prepaid Electricity market. Review of S.I. 813:2014 in respect of Annex K – electrical considerations at the request of TC-2 Gas technical committee (GTSC). ETCI’s TC-2 Annual Report 2015 Page 2 of 8 Review of electrical considerations in respect of I.S. 813:2014: - Electrical terminology. - Permitted locations of appliances. - Electrical considerations. - Commissioning requirements. - Meter installations. - Table H.1 – Relationship of gas installation pipework in respect of electricity. - Equipotential bonding and earthing conductor sizes. - Annex K Request by TC-10 for assistance with respect to re-viewing ET218:2010 Electricity in the Medical Workplace – An educational guide for users of electrical equipment in medical practice. Request from Leitrim Fire Service, Fire Brigade HQ, in relation to a Tesla Coil – response from TC-2 is shown below: TC-2 are concerned that the Tesla Coil which is operated at High Voltage does not have any form of protective enclosure and consequently is a potential electrical hazard which exposes the resident family and visitors to a source of direct contact with a high voltage electrical hazard, which is unacceptable. Safety in respect of Tesla Coils can be accessed by clicking on the web-link below: TC-2 technical committee approved the appointment of a TC-2 committee member to observer status, to sit on the Gas Technical Standards Committee (GTSC). Mr. John Clare will represent TC-2 technical committee on the GTSC. TC-2 technical committee continue to provide guidance to members of the public, registered electrical contractors, engineering consultants, governments departments on a wide range of electrical technical issues pertaining to ETCI’s National Rules for Electrical Installations – ET101:2008 and subsequent amendments. 1.3 CENELEC AND IEC TC64 DRAFTS DEALT WITH DURING 2015: 1.3.1 CENELEC DRAFTS Documents Vote / Comment prHD 60364-7-708 Caravan Parks: 708.521.7.2 In Ireland, a minimum depth of 500 mm is required, and 750mm where there is movement of heavy vehicles. prHD 60364-7-708 Caravan Parks: In Ireland, the (conductors) shall be located at a minimum distance of 2m outside the boundary of any caravan pitch. Commented on document. ETCI’s TC-2 Annual Report 2015 Commented on document. Page 3 of 8 1.3.1 CENELEC DRAFTS (cont’d) Documents (Cont’d) Vote / Comment 182 Commented on document. In Ireland, the following also applies: Other socket-outlets complying with other national standards may be installed, but only in addition to the type specified above 1.3.2 IEC DRAFTS Documents Vote / Comment 64/1999/CD IEC 60364- 7-711: Exhibitions, show and stands. Noted 64/2001/CD: IEC 60364: 7-704 Construction and demolition sites Noted 64/2003/CD: Chapter 41: Protection against electric shock amendment Noted 64/2012/DC: Part 7.701: Bathrooms and showers. Noted 64/2013/DC : Part 44, clause 444: EMI Noted 64/2020/DA: Draft Agenda for meeting in Yogyakarta (Indonesia) 07-09.09.2015 Noted 64/2046/CD: Chapter 57: Stationary secondary batteries. Noted 64/2067/NP: Part 7xx: DC distribution over IT Cable infrastructure. Noted 64/2062/CD: Part 721: Caravans and motor caravans. Noted ETCI’s TC-2 Annual Report 2015 Page 4 of 8 Documents (cont’d) Vote / Comment 64/2080/CD: 708: Caravan Parks, camping parks and similar locations. Noted 64/2008/CDV Part 6: Comment sent to Secretary, this is a parallel IEC CENELEC voting document. 64/CD : Chapter 56: Safety services: Comment table sent to Secretary of emergency lighting committee. IEC 64/2029/CDV: Chapter 41 411.3.4 (351-353) Specifies RCD protection for luminaire circuits. Previously opposed vote recorded IEC 64/2060/CD: Section 708: Caravan Parks, camping parks Protection against Impact AG: IEC has AG3, ET 101 has AG2. This proposal was accepted. IEC 64/2062: Section 721: Caravans etc. IEC 721.522.8.1.3: ET 101 has in addition: Wiring on the underside of a caravan shall be protected against mechanical damage by a suitable enclosure such as conduit or trunking, or by mounting in slots or recesses. Comments submitted. 1.3.3 SUMMARY Documents CENELEC IEC Noted Commented On 0 2 10 5 ETCI’s TC-2 Annual Report 2015 Voted On CLC/IEC (Parallel Votes) 0 1 1 0 Total No. Documents 3 16 Page 5 of 8 1.4 TECHNICAL QUERIES DEALT WITH DURING 2015: Technical queries dealt with during 2015 by TC-2’s technical committee numbered 84 in total. The source of queries is shown in Table No. 1.41 and in Table No. 1.42 below: Source of Technical Queries Trade Association Public Manufacturer Insurance HSE Fire Officer Educational Distributor County Council Contractor Consultant Architect 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Table No. 1.41 Source of Technical Queries Trade Association Public Manufacturer Insurance HSE Fire Officer Educational Distributor County Council Contractor Consultant Architect 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Table No. 1.42 The range of queries varied from technical questions relating to the following: interpretation of the National Rules for Electrical Installations – ET101 certification of electrical installations, periodic inspections, equipotential bonding and earthing operation of protective devices, fuses, mcb’s, rcd’s isolators, disconnects etc. protection for safety selection of equipment requirements for special installations wiring systems. ETCI’s TC-2 Annual Report 2015 Page 6 of 8 2 Membership 2015 List of members 2015: Mr. D. O’Rourke, Chairman Dr. K. Sunderland, Secretary Mr. T. O’Doherty, Technical Advisor / Consultant Mr. P. Delaney, HSA Mr. N. Dunne, AEW, Mr. G. Eastwood, IET Ireland Network Mr. B. Clare, RECI Mr. M. Keogh, EMDA, Mr. M. McKenna, Enterprise Ireland and TC-14, Mr. B. Moran, ECSSA, Mr. M. Moran, ECA Mr. F. Mahon, Consultant Mr. C. Clarke, OPW Mr. P. Dunne, Dublin City Council Mr. V. Spain, FAS / SOLAS Mr. B. Hickey, AECI All consultants have previously served as representatives of member organisations, and their services have been retained for the benefit of their experience. 3 TC-2’s Involvement with Training During 2015 TC-2 is represented on the ETCI’s Training Committee by the Chairman Mr. D. O’Rourke who was also involved together with Dr. K. Sunderland in the provision of training for Industry for ETCI during 2015. Members of TC-2 were involved in the provision of the following ETCI courses: Seminars on the National Rules for Electrical Installations – based on ET101 Review of the National Rules for Electrical Installations – based on ET101 Basic electrical safety awareness course – based on ET213 Management of electrical safety at work – based on ET206 Electrical Engineering Systems Course – Jointly with Engineers Ireland See web-link to training committee’s activities below: TC-20 requested TC-2 to liaise in respect of technical inputs to bringing ET101 in line with development in IEC 61851 and IEC 60364-7-722 – LV Installations Supply of Electric Vehicles. TC-2 will support the setting up of a Sub-Group, a Task-Group or a Working-Group to support the development of proposals to consider what should be included in ET101 to address the advent of electrical installations to electric vehicles requiring domestic and if appropriate on street electrical installations and connections. ETCI’s TC-2 Annual Report 2015 Page 7 of 8 4 ETCI Publications Developed by TC-2 During 2015 4.1 ET101: 2008 reprint A reprint of ET 101: 2008 was published in September 2015, incorporating Amendment No. 1 of 2011, technical decisions based on Amendment No. 2.1 and Amendment No. 2.2. See web-links to Amendment 2.1 and 2.2 below: 4.2 TC-2’s response to CER Detailed response to CER re non-DSO Completion Certificate (Certificate 3). 4.3 ET218: 2010 review Mr. M. Keogh representative TC-2 is presently assisting with the review of ET218:2010 which is an ETCI publication in respect of electricity in the medical workplace – an educational guide for users of electrical equipment in medical practice. TC-10 are the technical expert group responsible for the development and publication of this important guide. 4.4 TC-2’s presence on ETCI’s web-site The Chairman, Mr. D. O’Rourke, expresses his grateful appreciation to Mr. Ken Lynch, a member of ETCI’s TC-6 technical committee for his hard work and co-operation during the year, for all his assistance in maintaining TC-2’s presence on ETCI’s web-site. 5 Programme for Coming Year 5.1 Domestic Issues Correct selection of RCDs Isolation of solar PV installations. Arc fault detection (AFDD) devices. Power overvoltage protection (POP) devices to protect against loss of the neutral conductor. Low smoke zero halogen (LSOH) cables. Provision of service for interpretation of the rules when requested (excluding certification, controlled works, restricted works and queries wrt registered electrical contractors). Development in respect of a new Completion Certificate for Existing Installations in respect of a new amendment to the National Rules for Electrical Installations – Amendment No. 2.3. 6 Acknowledgements The Chairman, Mr. D. O’Rourke, expresses his grateful appreciation to the Secretary; Dr. K. Sunderland, Technical Advisor and Consultant; Mr. Tony O’Doherty and TC-2 Committee Members for their hard work and co-operation during the year, and to the ETCI’s Board of Directors, ETCI’s Council members and Orla and Val ETCI’s administrative staff for their cooperation and for all their assistance during 2015. ETCI’s TC-2 Annual Report 2015 Page 8 of 8