Newsletter Of Our Lady Of The Way Catholic Primary School, Emu Plains 49 Forbes Street, Emu Plains 2750 Phone: 4735 1930 Fax: 4735 6221 Email: Web: MASS TIMES: Saturday Vigil 6.00pm, Sunday 8.00am and 9.30am. All welcome! “To act justly, To love tenderly and To walk humbly with our God” “Education at Our Lady of the Way is the development and nurturing of the whole child in the Catholic tradition in order that they become life-long learners who interact positively with others and the world around them” 9th June 2011 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Sunday 12 June Pentecost Sunday Monday 13 June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday Tuesday 14 June Pentecost Prayer at morning assembly Friday 17 June Pyjama Day Whole School Assembly 2.00pm Sunday 19 June Trinity Sunday Monday 20 June Trinity Sunday Prayer at Assembly Tuesday 21 June ICAS Spelling and Writing Competition P & F Meeting, 7.30pm Dear Parents and Friends of Our Lady of the Way Last week I met with the Our Lady of The Way Student leaders and invited discussion from the team regarding Teaching and Learning within our school community. Student feedback has enabled us as educators to gauge how effective a community is perceived through tangible evidence and encourages further direction. Self assessment and gaining feedback from others can be enlightening as well as sometimes confronting. Using our school motto and learning platform as guide for feedback it enables us to gain responses from the most important component of our school community, that is, the children. Through our SLT meeting a number of comments were made by the student leaders some of which are listed below: • • • • • • • I enjoy using the technology in our classes at OLOW.. OLOW is a safe school environment. I like the choices we have in our electives. One of the things I enjoy about our school is having our BUDDIES. I’m pleased that all the children get along both in class and in the playground. We’ve got great teachers. I like the involvement in social justice activities such as Caritas and ‘Sorry Day’. The photos were on the Parramatta web site. Thankyou to the student leadership team who continue to make a difference to the OLOW school community. The team for 2011 consists of: Wednesday 22 June Communion Practice, 7pm Friday 24 June Year 6 running Munch and Crunch, 1.20pm Cuppa in the Courtyard 2.00pm Sat / Sun 25 & 26 June 1st Holy Communion Saturday 6.00pm Mass Sunday 9.30am Mass Monday 27 June Primary Athletics Carnival Friday 1 July Last day of Term 2 9.00am Mass Feast of the Sacred Heart Donations for Penrith Community Kitchen Monday 18 July First day of Term 3 School captains: Hartley Dhyon, Katelyn Warburton Student Representative Council: Georgia Borland, Lachlan Charlton, Jarrod Dargan, Oliver Masters, Carolyn Picones and Danielle Todd Together, we are learning! Learning how to relate…… Learning how to be Learning how to learn……Learning how to think……and Learning how to choose! I would like to share an inspirational verse with you this week which I believe reflects the educational foundation at Our Lady of the Way. Which parts do you connect with, extend your current thoughts or challenge you? Our Deepest Fear By Marianne Williamson Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness That most frightens us. We ask ourselves Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small Does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking So that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, As children do. We were born to make manifest The glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; It’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others P & F School Disco A huge thank you to the many parents who organised and helped out at the 2011 School Disco last Friday Night. It was a great success with over 90% of students attending the evening. The OLOW Parent & Friends Committee under the leadership of Nicole Graham (pictured left) continues to encourage a spirit of school community and provides financial assistance to the school through many activities. Please come along and support the P&F at their next meeting on 21st June at 7.30pm in the school library. Thought for the Week Have a Blessed Week Michael Siciliano ACTING PRINCIPAL When written in Chinese the word crisis is composed of two characters. One represents danger, the other opportunity” JF Kennedy Religious Education And Liturgy News Vinnies’ Winter Appeal PYJAMA DAY The OLOW 2011 Pyjama Day is on Friday 17th June. This event is in support of the St Vincent de Paul Society WINTER APPEAL. We invite students, parents and teachers to wear their pyjamas to school and DONATE A GOLD COIN to the St Vincent de Paul Society WINTER APPEAL. Let us think of the homeless in our community who do not have a place to sleep, warm clothing or even a blanket to keep them warm at night. On the day the Vinnies Youth Coordinator, Penelope Foster will visit our school and speak with the students about the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society. She will also be presenting a talk to parents at 2:30pm for those interested in learning a little more about the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society. Let us add to the day by also donating: Blankets (not for resale but for use by the homeless) Small toiletries packs (soap; comb/hairbrush; shampoo; toothbrush; toothpaste; razor and shave cream; deodorant) Clothes that you no longer need PENTECOST SUNDAY 12TH JUNE 2011 Pentecost means fiftieth (50th) in Greek. It is the end of the Easter season and often referred to as the birthday of the Church. It is the day the disciples received the Holy Spirit and went out to spread the Good News. We are called as baptised and confirmed Christians to spread the Good News. Let’s celebrate the birthday of the Church by attending a Mass and listening to the Good News. SOCIAL JUSTICE CALENDAR 2nd June: 3rd June: The Ascension Mabo Day – High Court Decision in Mabo Case, 1992 1886: Catholic and Anglican Martyrs of Uganda Day of Prayer for Catholic and Anglican Reconciliation 4th June: International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression 1989:Tiananmen Square Massacre 5th June: ASCENSION SUNDAY. (Seventh Sunday of Easter) World Environment Day World Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Theme: One in the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer (Acts 2:42–47) 8th June: World Oceans Day 10th June: 1838: Myall Creek Massacre 1935: Alcoholics Anonymous established in New York 16th June: 17th June: 11th June: 1971: Neville Bonner first Aboriginal Australian to hold a seat in Federal Parliament (Senate) 12th June: Pentecost Sunday World Day Against Child Labour 1971: Aboriginal Flag first flown in Adelaide 1988: Barunga Statement presented to Prime Minister Bob Hawke by Aboriginal leaders 30th June: 19th June: 20th June: 22nd June: 23rd June: 26th June: International Day of the African Child World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought Trinity Sunday Refugee Week begins 1945: birth of Aung San Suu Kyi 1969: Equal pay for women in Australia UN World Refugee Day 1989: Destruction of the Berlin Wall UN Public Service Day Corpus Christi (The Body and Blood of Christ) International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 1945: Introduction of unemployment benefits in Australia AUSTRALIAN WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY Australian Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (5 – 12 June), the theme this year is: “One in the Apostles’ Teaching, Fellowship, Breaking of Bread and Prayer”. REFUGEE WEEK Refugee Week (19 – 25 June) is coordinated by the Refugee Council of Australia. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the UN Refugee Convention, the 50th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, the 30th birthday of the Refugee Council and 25th year in which Refugee Week has been celebrated in Australia. The theme for 2011 is ‘Freedom from Fear’. LEARNING TOGETHER AT OLOW Parramatta Diocesan Boys Gala Day On Wednesday 18th May, 14 boys from Year 6 participated in the Parramatta Diocesan Boys Gala Day at Doonside. Many of the boys had never played soccer before. They had a win, 2 draws and 3 losses. The boys are to be commended on their behaviour and their sportsmanship. They constantly encouraged each other throughout the day. In between games, the boys gathered together and bonded as a team. One boy commented that is was the best day he had ever had. The boys should be very proud of themselves. A huge thank you must go to the parents that transported the boys and cheered them on during the day. Without your help the boys would not have been able to go. The boys in the team were Blake Foster, Jasper Guzman, Keegan Woods, Shamous McDonagh, Jack Thompson, Andrew Negapatan, Ethan Clout, Bryce Tooth, Hayden Plackett, Joshua Spooner, Isaac Kennedy, Daniel Ventra, Kyron Chilmaid, Bailey McNulty and Shaun Marshall (sick). Dianne Doohan Peer Support Peer Support lessons started yesterday for all students. Peer Support is a whole school program where Year 6 students facilitate activities with small groups of younger students. This year will be using a module; “Taking Opportunities” which focuses on resilience. The experiences presented in the module help students develop skills to identify strengths, celebrate their achievements and seek assistance when faced with challenges. The first lesson was about establishing group agreements so they will be able to work well together, and sharing favourite things so they could learn about the other members of their group. Peer Support is an eight week program and the lessons will be on Wednesday afternoons in Weeks 9 and 10 of this term. It will continue into Term 3. Congratulations to the Year 6 students for a job well done. Year 6 Munch’n’Crunch Stall & Cuppa in the Courtyard Year 6 are running a Munch’n’Crunch stall on Friday, 24th June at 1.20pm. All items will be 50c! They are raising money for their gift to the school at the end of the year. Also on the same day the P&F are holding a ‘Cuppa in the Courtyard’. The P&F will supply complimentary tea and coffee from 2.00pm. Cakes, biscuits and slices will be available for a gold coin donation. Aussie of the Month Congratulations to the following children who received an Aussie of the Month award at last Friday’s assembly. They were recognised by their peers as children who are always ‘enthusiastic and engaged learners’! K – Jessie Lustri 1 – Montana Clifford 2 – Tayia Griffey & Bridie Witjes 3 – Jeremy Skinner 4 – Gabrielle Gregory 5 – Phillipa Morgan 6 – Daniel Ventra Planning Ahead! A date for your diary, Grandparents’ Day will be held on Thursday, 8th September! Once again we are looking forward to a fantastic community day. As we are always looking for new and different ways to celebrate such community events, if you have any suggestions for the day, please drop me an email at GENERAL INFORMATION AND REMINDERS Out of School Hours Care at OLOW The Catholic Education Office is conducting a feasibility study into the establishment of Catholic Out of School Hours Care (COSHC) services at a number of parish primary schools, including Our Lady of the Way Primary Emu Plains. Establishment of a COSHC service at the school is subject to a number of factors, including: • A survey of the parish community to verify demand for the service; • Existing premises being suitable; and • The necessary regulatory approvals, including development approval if required. We expect that fees will be affordable and comparable to other local services, mindful that the centre needs to be financially viable and sustainable. Families are asked to contribute to a survey of their child care needs in 2012, 2013 and beyond. This survey is available online until 30 June 2011 using the following link: Parents and Carers are encouraged to complete the survey online wherever possible, as online completion allows for more efficient gathering of responses and analysis of survey results. Please use the link to log on and complete the survey before 30 June 2011, or contact the school office for a paper version of the survey to be returned to the school office before 27 June 2011. When completing the survey online, please be sure to select the correct school - Our Lady of the Way Emu Plains - at Question 2. Late Arrivals There have been a significant number of children arriving to school late on a regular basis. We realise the mornings are colder but it is important that children arrive to school prior to 8.50am to be ready to start school on time. Punctuality assists children to settle in the morning and reduces the amount of interruptions to a class. If your child does arrive after 8.50am parents need to bring their child to the office and sign them in. Please do not sent children in alone as they need to be signed in by a parent. Whooping Cough There have been a number of confirmed cases of Whooping Cough throughout the school and we encourage parents to take their child to the doctors if they are showing any signs of Whooping Cough. Whooping Cough starts with a runny nose and progresses to bouts of coughing that can last for many weeks. Whooping Cough spreads easily from person to person. It is a very serious disease in young babies, and has caused two recent deaths in newborns in Australia. The public health unit has advised: If your child has a cough it is very important to keep them away from babies. If your child has any of the symptoms of whooping cough, such as dry, persistent cough that comes in bouts please see your doctor. If your doctor diagnoses Whooping Cough please advise the school and keep your child at home until directed by your doctor. Further information can be found on the Health Department website: Car Parks A reminder that the Forbes and Troy Street Carparks are for staff and Parish ONLY. Only parents who provide the Principal with a documented medical reason are exempt. There is ample parking in the street. We are very fortunate to have three streets around the school in which to park. School Fees Many thanks to all those parents who have paid school fees. Please be aware that school fees are expected to be paid by the due date unless there is an arrangement in place. If you are experiencing difficulties and are unable to finalise you account by the due date please contact Mrs Small in the office (Monday to Thursday). Silver and Gold Award Recipients Congratulations to the following children who received awards recently: o o Troy Harding o Ainsley Stone o Brandon Kruzic o Caitlyn Pearson o Kate Charlton o Hannah Ristevski o Ethan Jordan o Benjamin Robinson o Jessie Lustri o Troy Harding o Timmy Crumpton o Sasha Panczyk o Jill Downie o Ella Boormakin o Thomas Vanegas o Mack Boormakin o Alexander Pintos o Cody Duncan o Chelsea Taber o Troy Harding o Mya Buchtmann o Hayden Jenkins o Paris Buchtmann o Jayden Roots o Sophie Procter o Jemma Cashel o Cade Brace o Mia Urquhart o Please remember when sending your certificates into the office, place them all in a paper lunch bag or a snap-lock bag with your child’s first name, surname and class clearly marked. (Silver Award – send in 5 unused general awards; Gold Award – send in an unused Silver award and 5 new general awards – you can tell if an award has been used before as there will be a stamp on the back. Gold Awards cannot be counted.). If you have enough certificates for both a Silver and a Gold award, it would be appreciated if you could send these in separate bags. Thanks. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Canteen Roster Friday 10-Jun-11 Val Mullins Diana Ridding Leanne Bennett Toni Lustri Monday 13-Jun-11 Melissa Panczyk AnnMaree Kammel Fiona Boulous Wednesday 15-Jun-11 Nicole Graham Gai Graham Kylie Newton Fiona Sweeney Friday 17-Jun-11 Tracey Procter Anne Mathison Carolyn Downie Jane Cashel Kate Walker Monday 20-Jun-11 Chris McCarry Jenny Dempsey Urszula Lusk Wednesday 22-Jun-11 Deb Bocking Marianne Todd Julie Hall Kylie McIntosh Please arrive by 1.10pm. Finish time will be approximately 2.00pm. If you are unable to attend, please call Rosemary Ventra on 4735-2293. COMMUNITY NEWS July School Holiday Activities at Glenbrook Panthers Bowling Club MONDAY 4th JULY — 11.30am To 1.00pm - MUSIC MAYHEM **************************************************************************************** MONDAY 11th JULY — 11.30am To 1.00pm - MAD MASK & HILARIOUS HATS Open to all children, aged 6 to 12 years old. NB: Max 20 children per session. Cost: $10 per child, includes lunch and a drink. TICKETS ON SALE FROM THE CLUB RECEPTION DESK FROM WEDNESDAY, 15 JUNE Parent Representative Council The role of the Parent Representative Council (PRC) is to empower parents with knowledge and understanding through education to help support their children throughout their learning journey. We exist to encourage the partnership between school, family and church. Take advantage of the many opportunities to get connected and become an active partner in your child’s education contact us at <> Making Catholic Education more accessible for Aboriginal families A new co-contribution scheme has been introduced for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families who desire a Catholic education for their children but are in need of financial assistance. Byallawah (meaning ‘yarn up’ or ‘speaking together’) responds equitably to the needs of the Aboriginal community and enables them to pay what they can afford to pay towards the costs of their children’s schooling, without placing a financial burden on them. Information regarding the scheme is available via our website <> If you know any families who could benefit from this initiative please alert them to the website or they can contact the school office or the Jarara Indigenous Education Unit p: 9677 4301. In this edition of ‘Catholic Outlook’ (June issue) • Silver Jubilee Mass coverage • Internet a new frontier for Fr Ted Tyler • Inter-church taskforce to tackle problem gambling • Catholic Schools Week coverage • Nearly 300 pilgrims from our Diocese register for WYD Madrid Schoenstatt Girls’ Camps: July 2011 · · Ages 9-12: From 4pm on Wednesday 6 July to 4pm on Saturday 9 July. Ages 13-15: From 4pm on Monday 11 July to 4pm on Thursday 14 July. Program includes discussions, prayer and outdoor fun activities. Venue: Mt Schoenstatt, 230 Fairlight Rd, Mulgoa. Cost: $110 (includes food, accommodation, as well as outing to St Mary Mackillop Museum in North Sydney). RSVP: 29 June. Inquiries: Sr M Luka, <>.