Deg gree in n Desiign Course catalog c gue 20 014-20 015 Resumed vers sion ER FIRST YEAR, 1STT TRIMESTE Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Subject area Code S Subject Type Meth hodology Math hematics Proje ects Grap phic expression 10011 10013 10111 10112 Design Methodo D ology M Mathematics for Design P Project Fundame entals I P Principles of Dra awing Core Core Compulso ory Compulso ory ECTS E 6 6 4 4 10011 DESIGN METHODOL LOGY gn Methodolo ogy is a form mative and in ntroductory subject. s It tra ains the stud dents as “learners” Desig and “future desig gners”, offerring them th he necessarry contents for develop ping skills th hat go ative abilitiess. There is no ot “a” method for designing, but “metthods” for wo orking beyond their crea in a design d proble em and “diffe erent” ways of o approachiing the desig gn project. Fo or this reaso on, the subje ect wants to o achieve th hree main goals: g 1 Offfer the stud dents a wid de range of work methodologies fo or encourag ging their information re esearch and d elaboration n abilities –either – writte en, visual, em mpirical or the eoretical- and for prepariing them for combining in ndividual worrk and team work; 2. De evelop the intterpretation and observa ation ability of o the objectss that surrou und us and understand that they are a the resu ults of a “de esign proce ess”. 3) intro oduce the design d vocab bulary and itts typical pro ocedures to the t students,, so as they experiment tthe resolutio on of a seriess of problem ms. For this re eason, the subject s has an a overall approach, and both a theoretical and a practical prrofile. 10013 MATHEM MATICS FOR R DESIGN The subject s sharres with the Science an nd Technolog gy area, to which it bellongs, the goal of acquiring the sciientific and theoretical base b of the Degree in Design. This area offerrs the scien ntific and the eoretical supp port that the e projects su ubjects requirre. Mathema atics is a pow werful and necessary n to ool for undersstanding and d describing the geometrric reality of tthe sheet of paper where e we design n and the tre ee-dimension nal world wh here we build. In a multidisciplinary y work enviro onment as th he one that will w find the future f students graduate ed in design, the knowled dge of this language willl enable spe ecific communication witth more tech hnical profile es. Geometrry and ulus theoreticcal load are introduced in the lecturres using gra aphic repressentations th hrough calcu comp puter tools. Programming P g skills, which h the studentts will acquire e at the sam me time, will help h to reach h one of the main goals of any mathe ematics subjject: structurre thinking fo or solving complex problems in an orrganized wayy. 10111 PROJECT FUNDAME ENTALS I Proje ect Fundame entals I is the first projects p subjject of the Degree in Design. Project P funda amentals are e necessary for reading,, understand ding, interpre eting and, fin nally acting in the enviro onment that surrounds us. u It is a firrst approach for “educatiing” creativitty when imagining new devices. Pro oject Fundam mentals 1 is focused in perception, p in nterpreting a and understa anding of ob bjects, space es and messages that su urround us when w we stud dy the image e morpholog gy and the objects. o This is the reaso on why it ha as an overall approach, with both a theoretical and a practical profile, which benefits from different d kno owledge are eas of the study plan and, conse equently it iss a place of synthesis an nd integration n of differentt contents off these areas s. It is the subject that gives g to the profile p of the first year stu udent the ma ain skills in th he project are ea. Its multid disciplinary nature n implie es that it hass to be unde erstood both h in a unitaryy and in a flexible nd refer to th he same defiined structurre but at the same time, it has way, as its contents share an d applications. very diverse 10112 PRINCIPLES OF DRA AWING Princciples of Draw wing is the fiirst contact of o students with w the charracteristic ele ements of drrawing and the subject where they will be in ntroduced to o the materials and th he language es for comm municating in a graphicc way. Grap phic represe entation as a fundamen ntal analysis s and comm munication to ool within th he field of design d will provide fund damental kn nowledge tha at the stude ent will have to apply in all a the other subjects. s This subject is complementtary of the se econd term subject “form m, materials and techniq ques”, where e the studentts learn the comprehens sion of the environment and its repre e esentation syystems and codes. The students beccome familia ar with the fu undamental concepts off drawing lan nguage and to the use of o its tools, b by developin ng the structture comprehension of flat f forms, vo olumes and spaces. Thiss is how the e students ac cquire the basic b knowle edge necesssary for intterpreting an nd represen nting forms according to t the syste ems and esta ablished codes. The sub bject is mainly instrumenttal and it is d divided in 2 blocs: the fiirst one, which is based d in freehand d drawing exercises (3 credits) and d the second d one, which h is based in the use of computers c an nd vector dra awing tools (1 1 credit). ER FIRST YEAR, 2NDD TRIMESTE Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Subject area Code S Subject Type Math hematics Grap phic expression Proje ects Busin ness 10024 10023 10121 10122 Applied Geometry A F Form, Materials and Techniques s P Project Fundame entals II S Services and Co onsumer Society y Core Core Compulso ory Compulso ory ECTS E 6 6 4 4 10024 APPLIED D GEOMETR RY Applied Geometrry is the initiial contact of o the studen nt with the normalized n ccodes of tec chnical repre esentation th hat design uses u for com mmunicating. Students will w become familiar witth the funda amental con ncepts of fla at geometry and dyedric c system re epresentation n. This subject is comb bined with the e contents of o the first terrm subject “M Mathematics for design”. It will addres ss the conce epts related to polygonss, polyhedron ns (basics and develope ed), scale an nd proportion n. The idea is to provid de the stud dents with th he basic kn nowledge ne ecessary forr interpreting g and repre esenting acco ording to the systems and d representa ation codes established. e T The content of the subje ect is divided d in lectures, practical se eminars and guided stud dy. The pracctical contents are relate ed to the sem minar and guided studies. AND TECHNIQUES M 10023 FORM, MATERIALS Startiing from gen neral knowled dge and bassic concepts, such as co omplexity and d pragmatism m, the subje ect focuses both b in the relation betw ween two dimensions and the volum me/space, and a its manipulation, understanding and repressentation. It is a subjecct-workshop supplementa ary to “Draw wing Principles” that addresses the theoretical to opics and devotes time to o the correcttion in classs of practical exercises. The T studentss will be required a minimum manua al ability, the e taste for th he shape and d beautiful ob bjects, as we ell as a good d deal of obsservation and d curiosity. Itt is an emine ently instrum mental subjecct. During the e “seminar” classes therre will be tessts in bi and threedimensional form ms carried out with sp pecific draw wing tools. The T “guided d studies”, which espond to 1,5 5 credits, willl address asspects relate ed to bitmaps drawing an nd will require the corre use of o personal computers. In the “guid ded studies” part, the students will be guided in the utiliza ation of Photoshop as a representattion tool. The aim is to provide the students with the basicc knowledge necessary for f being cap pable of understanding how h the prog gramme works, as well as a managing g the inform mation correcctly and developing grap phic representations for being printe ed or visualizzed in a screen. 10121 PROJECT FUNDAME ENTALS II Proje ect Fundame entals II brin ngs to a hig gher level th he knowledg ge that has been acquirred in Proje ect Fundame entals I and it is focuse ed in the assimilation of o procedure es that enable to understand and develop d the project p langu uage from the e relation be etween needs and purpos ses of the objects, o and the interacttion between n the objectt and the en nvironment. The subjec ct also introd duces the students to the t semanticc aspects of o shape, co olour and m materials. Lik kewise Proje ect Fundame entals II, thiss subject has an overalll approach, and both a theoretical and a practical profile, which benefits from different d kno owledge are eas of the study plan and, conse equently it iss a place of synthesis an nd integration n of differentt contents off these areas s. It is the second s subje ect that provvides the firrst-year student with the e main abilitties related to t the project area. h to be understood botth in a unitarry and in a flexible Its multidisciplinary nature implies that it has nd refer to th he same defiined structurre but at the same time, it has way, as its contents share an d applications. very diverse 10122 SERVICE ES AND CON NSUMER SO OCIETY The subject sha ares with the e Social Scciences Area a, to which it belongs, the fundam mental objecctive of interrrelating diffe erent branche es of human nistic knowle edge —econo omy, archite ecture, socio ology, historyy, anthropolo ogy, art—, forr obtaining a cognitive map m of the wo ord we live in n. The Socia al Sciences Area provid des the theo oretical and social know wledge basess that enable the positiioning of dessign projectss in a global and historic c context. At A the same time, its aim m is to provid de the stude ents with ana alytic and disscursive tools s so as they can develop p their projec ct task from a critical and d innovative point of view w. Services and Consum mption Society aims to prrovide tools for interpre eting the co ontemporary society from m the know wledge of th he different social scien nces field, esspecially cultural studies. The aim is to make the design stud dents aware of the imporrtance of the e tools that these areas offer for the eir professio onal development, as the ey will enable a better comprehension of the social interaction proccesses, whicch determine the resea arch, producttion and marrket contexts where desig gn is develop ped. ER FIRST YEAR, 3RDD TRIMESTE Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Subject area Code S Subject Type Mate erials Proje ects Grap phic expression Histo ory 10031 10131 10132 10133 Material and Scie M ence P Project Fundame entals III O Objects, Figuress and Spaces A Architecture, Dessign and Moderrnity Core Compulso ory Compulso ory Compulso ory ECTS E 6 6 4 4 10031 MATERIA AL AND SCIIENCE s belongs to the Materials M and d Sustainability Area, with which it sshares the aim a of The subject provid ding the De egree in De esign with a scientific and a theoreticcal base. T The Sciences s and techn nological area provides scientific s and d technical support to the e project sub bjects, so it has h to devellop all the th heoretical asspects of the e studies rela ated to scien nces and tecchnology. Ma aterial and Science intrroduce the students to the science e and materials engineering as ba ase of know wledge for un nderstanding g of what, how h and why y are made the things that surroun nd us. Unde erstanding th he importancce of materia al and scienc ce in the soccial development at the same time that the ma aterial is un nderstood ass an inspiration in the developmen nt of projects s and produ ucts. These material m and science con ncepts will lea ad us, at the e end of the ssubject, to tw wo key issue es in our histtory: biomim metics and su ustainability. The sustain nability that o our world req quires depends on the materials and, a obviously, on the development of sciencce. “Materia al and Scien nce” shows to t the studen nts which arre the materiials and how w they have evolved than nks to scien nce. 10131 PROJECT FUNDAME ENTALS III Proje ect Fundame entals III is th he last first-yyear subject with w a global character. T This is the re eason why it has an ovverall approa ach, with botth a theoretical and a prractical profiile, which be enefits from different kno owledge are eas of the study plan and, conseque ently it is a p place of synthesis o different contents c of these areas s. Project Fundamentalss II is focus sed in and integration of provid ding useful analysis, a eva aluation and synthesis methods m for understandin u ng the reason why and the t way in which w objectss, spaces an nd messages s that surrou und them arre born. Whe en the stude ents will have e understood d the functional, psycholo ogical, symb bolic and culttural needs will w be able to use and experiment e w the environment, wiith their crea with ative skills. Itts multidiscip plinary naturre implies tha at it has to be e understood d both in a unitary and in n a flexible way, as its con ntents share e and refer to the sam me defined structure s butt at the sam me time, it has very diverse appliccations. 10132 OBJECTS, FIGURES S AND SPAC CES Within the Graph hic Expressio on area, the subject “Ob bjects, Figure es and Spacces” reinforce es the conte ents taught during d the firsst term in the e subject “Principles of Drawing”. D Its aim is to de evelop the ability a of draw wing freehan nd objects and a human figures f relate ed to the space that surrround them. Apart from drawing, we e work other skills, such us u the capaccity of observving and ana alyzing the environment from f the futu ure designer’s point of vie ew. The subjject is mainlyy instrumenta al and it is divided d in 2 blocs. b The first one, whicch is based in freehand drawing exe ercises (3 cre edits), includ des the co ontrol of th hree scale drawing related to th he human being: the body (anthropometry), the objects of o the nearer environmen nt (ergonomics) and the spaces of biggest scale e, open and close. The second blocc, “guided studies” s (1 credit) c is bassed in the use u of onal compute ers. In addition, topics re elated to inte eractivity and d animation w will be addre essed. perso This subject is co omplemented d with “Project fundamen ntals III”, as it addresses similar topic cs and provid des a good base for the ideas repre esentation. It is also complemented, tto a lesser extent, e with the subjectss “Material and a Science”” and “Archiitecture, Dessign and Mo odernity”, witth the intenttion to link the four sub bjects of the e third term to enable the studentss to conceiv ve the know wledge and accquired skillss as a whole. 10133 ARCHITE ECTURE, DE ESIGN AND MODERNIT TY The subject s proviides the stud dents with a knowledge-b base that allo ows a global understand ding of desig gn and its intterrelations with w the social environment. It analyyzes the basic aspects of o arts, archittecture and design cultu ure, from th he second half h of the 19th Centuryy until the se econd decad de of the 20th 2 Centurry. Therefore e, this subjject addressses the emergence and the conso olidation of industrial de esign as a specific field d within the e context off Western Europe E culturre. The top pics addressed are structured aro ound three thematic ccores, which h are funda amental for understand ding the sp pecific proc cesses of modern m socciety, which was and art, fetishism conso olidated with h the industrial revolution n: industrial production, p c consumption of me erchandise; rationalism of o production n and objecttive perceptio on. Studentss must have basic skills that guaran ntee that the e activities th hat will be developed d during the su ubject will be e fully accom mplished. Sp pecifically, sttudents mustt have previo ous fundame entals of contemporary history, of the e most releva ant historical fact and of the t European contemporrary thinking. We conside er that when n the subjectt starts, the contents wiill be acquire ed and the objectives e established fo or the subje ect “Service and a Consum mer Society. During the second s acad demic year, tthe subject will w be contin nued in Arch hitecture, Dessign and Con ntemporaneity. OND YEAR, 1ST TRIMES STER SECO Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Subject area Code S Subject Type Grap phic Expression Physsics Histo ory 10211 10221 10412 10311 10511 Analytical Drawin A ng P Physics for Desig gn A Architecture, Dessign and Contemporaneity P Projects I (Graph hic Communicattion) P Projects I (Produ uct & Space) Core Core Compulso ory 6 6 4 Compulso ory 4 Proje ects ECTS E WING 10211 ANALYTICAL DRAW pens in the drawing d know wledge and skills of stud dents. It conssists of moviing up This subject deep el, where the e concept off descriptive e drawing ap ppears. The emphasis on o the to a second leve c to research using graphic represen ntation codes, the analyytical angle provides a contribution descrription of objects, figuress and spacess via reflectiv ve drawing and a data gath hering. The use u of sketcch books is encouraged e a a tool for shaping ide as eas and gath hering data. U Understood in this way, this support will be a type of graphic journal in wh hich ideas an nd details willl be sketche ed. S FOR DESIG GN 10221 PHYSICS art of the Applied Scien nces and Te echnology and a is one of the basic c and This class is pa pulsory classses in this area. Physics for Design presentss students with the ph hysical comp as a know prope erties of prroducts thatt are determined by applications a wledge bas se for understanding wh hat, how and d why the things surround ding us are made. m This ssubject is perfectly comp plemented byy Matter and d Science, in which stude ents will learn n about the m materials of which produ ucts are mad de, as well ass their intrinssic properties s. ECTURE, DE ESIGN AND CONTEMPO ORANEITY 10412 ARCHITE Architecture, Dessign and Con ntemporaneitty is a chronological conttinuation of tthe first yearr class Architecture, Dessign and Mod dernity and provide p stude ents with a kn nowledge ba ase suitable for f the overa all understan nding of de esign and its interrelatio ons with the e social are ena. The prrimary objecctive is the interrelation of differe ent branches of humanist knowledge –econo omics, archittecture, sociiology, history, anthropo ology, art– aimed at obta aining a cog gnitive map of the world d in which we w live. The class analysses the basiic aspects of o art, archite ecture and design d culturre, from the 1930s to pre esent. The application a of o modern lan nguage to da aily life is stu udied, as we ell as brand values, conssumption and critical des sign, in a wo orld witnessin ng the emerg gence of culltural concep pts and masss communica ation media, new technologies and su ustainability. 10311 PROJECTS I (Graphic Commun nication) ect I - Graph hic Commun nication is th he first appro oach to the specific disscipline of grraphic Proje desig gn following the t overall orientation o that students receive r in the first year. Projects I fo ocuses on the initial phasses of the de esign processs, in which conceptual and a analytical operations s take p an overall o appro oach to grap phic design languages, which priority. The classs aims to provide comb bine highly-diverse fieldss of knowledge. The idea a of narrative takes on a central role. Via exerccises, though ht and desig gn projects, the objective e is to deve elop the con nfidence and skills e and handle e shapes and d concepts. Students S willl carry out a series required to intentiionally create ojects using the visual re esources theyy have learn ned in the firsst year and tthe new reso ources of pro introd duced in this course. 10511 PROJECTS I (Product & Space)) ects I - Produ uct and Space is an initiial approach to the world d of three-dim mensional objects Proje and spaces s follow wing the ove erall orientatiion that stud dents receive ed in the firsst year. Projjects I focusses on the initial phase es of the design d proce ess, in whicch conceptu ual and ana alytical opera ations take priority. p The class c provide e an approach to processses for designing objectts and space es, which co ombine diverrse knowledg ge under a single denom minator. The e idea of narrrative takess on a centra al role. Via exercises, e tho ought and design projeccts, the objecctive is to de evelop the co onfidence an nd skills requ uired to intentionally create and handlle shapes an nd concepts. OND YEAR, 2ND TRIMES STER SECO Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Subject area Code S Subject Type ECTS E Grap phic Expression Grap phic Expression 10221 10222 10321 10521 10322 Drawing for Representation and D d Interpretation D Digital Laboratorry P Projects II (Grap phic Communica ation) P Projects II (Product & Space) T Techniques I (Grraphic Commun nication) T Techniques I (Prroduct & Space)) Core Core 6 6 Compulso ory 4 Compulso ory 4 Proje ects Tech hniques PRESENTAT TION AND IN NTERPRETA ATION (D2B2 21) 10221 DRAWING FOR REP beit complem mentary, sub bject-based b blocks which h have This subject conssists of two different, alb s weightts in the cou urse: colour and image. Colour is handled h as a componen nt that the same desig gners use to create comm municational items. Stude ents learn ab bout sensoria al, expressiv ve and experrimental asp pects of this discipline. d Im mage is hand dled via analogue and digital supportts and visua al phenomena applicable e to design are a used to aid a in undersstanding. The ere is a significant level of ‘hands-on n learning’ by b experimen nting with co oncepts relatted to image es, their trea atment and communicatio c on levels. 10222 DIGITAL LABORATO ORY This class is rela ated to new w technologie es and will provide p an essential e an ngle to the overall o educa ation of stud dents. The subject is inte ended to intrroduce stud dents to the e manageme ent of comp puter resourcces and theirr transversal nature. It co onsists of tw wo different yyet compleme entary subje ect-based blo ocks: 2-dimension applica ation program ms and othe ers for renderring and mod delling 3-dim mensional su urface areas. Both blockks have the same weigh ht in the cla ass. 2-dimensional progrrams work with w vector dra awing and in nteractivity and managing g web conten nts. 3-dimensional progrrams resolve e approachess to virtually--represented d objects and d spaces. Th his class is held h in the computer c lab b. Its objectivve is to educcate students on computer tools, bo oth technicallly and with regard r to expression and d representa ation, with the aim of opttimising students’ creativ ve and produ uctive proce esses. This subject com mbines the learning of different com mputer prog grams, Rhino oceros + Vra ay, Illustratorr II, InDesign n and Web environment e and their ind dividual trea atment to lea arn their too ols with the typical exe ercises of each e program m, plus a sttructuring wo ork or exerccise to conjug gate the diffe erent program ms in a single result base ed on a publiication. hic Commun nication) 10321 PROJECTS II (Graph P II - Graphic G Com mmunication is outlined as a a more in n-depth apprroach to the basic The Project structtural elemen nts of graph hic design: composition, c , typographyy and colour, lending special attention to typog graphic gridss as a criterion to integ grate these basic b eleme ents. In this class, stude ents will use e the knowle edge they obtained about narrative tools and the design project p methodologies le earned in Project I to execute e projjects. These e projects w will use the basic structtural elemen nts of graphicc design will be brought together t to shape s a speccific message with outlin ned a priorri objectivess. Projects and exercis ses turn arround the transformatio on of unforrmatted conccepts and/or texts into an n applied gra aphic commu unication. Sttudents also come into contact c with technologica t al aspects for the first tim me that are re elated to pro oducing the project p resultts using both h digital and analogue supports and fo ormats. uct & Space) 10521 PROJECTS II (Produ ects II - Pro oduct & Spa ace is outlined as an in n-depth app proach to the e basic stru uctural Proje eleme ents of thre ee-dimension nal design (parts ( and how h they are joined to ogether, stru uctural simpllicity and com mplexity). In this class, students s use e the knowled dge they obttained in Pro oject I. Particcular attentio on is paid to t compositiion as a criterion to tie e together a all of these basic eleme ents to shap pe a specific message wiith a priori ob bjectives tha at are outlined by the stud dents. The projects p and exercises are a centred on o the transfformation of forms and/o or materials with w a highlyy-empirical nature. n Stude ents also com me into conttact with tech hnological asspects for th he first time that are rela ated to produ ucing the pro oject results, using both digital and a analogue sup pports and formats. f 10322 TECHNIQ QUES I (Graphic Comm munication) med within the t educational profile of 2-D grraphic The subject of Techniquess I is fram munications. Along with Techniques II, it establishes a speccific itineraryy in knowled dge of comm fonts and their ussage in the graphic g desig gn project pro ocess. The subject s dealss with fundam mental conce epts about knowledge k o fonts, how of w they are used u as a co ommunicatio on tool in multiple enviro onments and d more expressive appllications. Stu udents will be b able to u understand: a) a the comm municative po otential of ca alligraphy and know how w to apply it according a to the project needs; n b) th he structure of alphabettic shapes and compos sitional mod dules. There e will also be b an vocabulary, the parts of script, tyypography ffamilies and their imme ersion into typographic t classsification. In the supervised study section, s stud dents will usse software (In-Design) as a workiing tool. The ey will obtain the basic kn nowledge ne ecessary to be b able to un nderstand ho ow the progrram operatess and develo op projects that require using u compo osition with te exts. Studen nts will do ha ands-on work with text composition n and will sketch the most m representative alphabetic formss: capital lette ers, Caroline e script and ittalics. 10522 TECHNIQ QUES I (Prod duct & Spac ce) t continua ation of Matte er and Scien nce and Phyysics for Design. Its aim m is to Techniques I is the gical aspectss of the desig gn process and a to introdu uce studentss to the symb bolism deepen technolog v that can c be sugg gested by prroducts, starrting from the e materials of which the ey are and values made e and the ma anufacturing g processes that define them. t The co ontents and exercises le ead to stude ents being able a to ana alyse an objject at courrse-end starrting from the materials s and proce esses that co omprise it ussing a suitable lexicon an nd well-organ nised and pla ausible reaso oning. This class c is emin nently practiccal, aiming to o complemen nt students’ existing e know wledge. OND YEAR, 3RD TRIMES STER SECO Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Subject area Code S Subject Type Grap phic Expression Chem mistry 10231 10431 10331 10531 10332 Drawing for Design D S Sustainable Proccesses and Products P Projects III (Grap phic Communica ation) P Projects III (Prod duct & Space) T Techniques II (G Graphic Communication) T Techniques II (P Product & Space e) Core Compulso ory 6 6 Compulso ory 4 Compulso ory 4 Proje ects Tech hniques ECTS E SIGN 10231 DRAWING FOR DES a advanced d approach to t drawing as a a tool forr designing, representing g and This subject is an osing ideas. It consists of o moving ontto a third lev vel in which drawing d is a creative and d fullypropo conce eived processs. This emp phasis on the e conceptuall angle contrributes to the e creation prrocess by ussing graphic representatio on codes, ass well as the description of o objects, fig gures and sp paces. Draw wing conceptts entail crea ating and im magining info ormation in the brain an nd its subse equent repre esentation. Another A aspect to handle is the ability y to bring tog gether data th hat appear in n very different contexts. Representa ation optionss that contribute a person nal style are evaluated as s well. The use u of sketch h books is en ncouraged ass a tool for shaping ideass and gatheriing data. 10431 SUSTAIN NABLE PRO OCESSES AN ND PRODUC CTS ainable Proccesses and Products iss an introductory class whose aim is to provid de an Susta enviro onmental ou utlook of the design d proce ess. Its main objectives are: a Provide a transdiscip plinary persp pective to the e execution of o design pro ojects; Develop a multifacceted view of design; Inte egrate enviro onmental de emands in exxecuting dessign projects; Learn basic methodolo ogical aspectts and conce epts related to eco-desig gn; Incorporrate the idea a of lifecycle into projectt execution; Learn basicc environmen ntal analysis tools to evaluate design projects. Th his class is eminently pra actical, aimin ng to complement studen nts’ existing knowledge k with w an enviro onmental outlook. 10331 PROJECTS III (Graphic Communication) P III co ourse in Gra aphic Communications is s the final exxperience off year two, a time The Project when n students arre ready for maturity m and synthesis. Project P III aim ms to incorpo orate and ap pply all essen ntial parame eters for an initial i definition of a morre complex and a long-term m graphic prroject. The design d projecct sequence of the two previous p qua arters lend themselves, due to their nature, n to a high h degree of integration and transffer of skills th hat can strategically convverge into a richer and more m comple ete final expe erience. Thiss course sta arts with an existing e com mmunication media m that can c pose ne ew needs with w regard to o design. Sttudents will have to iden ntify the me edia in questtion, analyse e it, detect im mprovable points and plan and execcute a redessign of this means m both on analogue e and digital supports. Through this design d proje ect, students will put both h their critica al and analyytical abilities to the tesst, as well as a their crea ative and ge enerative skiills. In addition to aspeccts related to o forms and contents, th hey will deep pen knowled dge on digita al and analo ogue production issues, learning the e essential differences d b between them m. Students s must demo onstrate masstery of the discipline’s d b basic specific vocabularyy when pressenting partia al and final results, r as well w as justifying the decissions taken. e) 10531 PROJECTS III (Product & Space P III co ourse in Product and Sp pace is the final f experien nce of year two, a time when The Project stude ents are read dy for maturitty and synthesis. Projectts III leads to o a more advvanced stage e than Proje ects II, name ely the assim milation of the processes s that let students define e a more complex produ uct and spacce project with a high de egree of integ gration and transfer t of skkills that con nverge into a richer and more comple ete final experience. A project is assigned for a m micro-archite ecture, in wh hich furniture and space are a fully integrated. Stud dents must re esolve the integration between space e, connecting areas and d functions. In addition to o aspects related to shapes and con ntents, stude ents will delvve deeper intto constructio on issues, un nderstanding g the importa ance of the id dea of ‘finish hed’ with regard to the meaning of a space. s 10332 TECHNIQ QUES II (Gra aphic Comm munication) munication) is i framed within the educational proffile of 2-D grraphic Techniques II (Graphic Comm munications. It continues the educatio on started in n Techniquess I. Togetherr; they repres sent a comm speciific journey th hrough know wledge aboutt typography and its use in graphic de esign projectts.The classs continues to t educate students s in the t fundame ental concepts about kno owledge of letters l and fonts, f how they t are ussed as comm munication tools t in multiple environ nments and more expre essive appliccations. The e aim is for them to be e able to un nderstand th he communicative poten ntial of calligraphy and know how to apply itt according to the projject needs.In the ‘supe ervised studyy’ section, sttudents will use u software e (Indesign / Illustrator) a as a working g tool. They will obtain the basic kn nowledge ne ecessary to be able to understand how the pro ogram opera ates and devvelop projeccts that require using typ pography. Tw wo types off exercises will w be done, the first gro oup on functtional typogra aphy and the e second on n more expre essive typogrraphy. In Fu unctional typ pography students workk on typography applications in pu ublishing designs, identity design, audiovisual / interaction n and repre esentation of o informatio on. In Expre essive typog graphy stude ents work on o typograph hy applicatio ons in more e expressive e fields suc ch as: comp position, morrphological kn nowledge an nd the use off colour. QUES II (Pro oduct & Spa ace) 10532 TECHNIQ Techniques II (Prroduct and Space) is a co ontinuation and a complem ment to Physics for Desig gn and Techniques I, wh hose aim is to handle more advan nced technollogical aspe ects in the design d proce ess. The objective is to introduce sttudents to fin nishing proce esses for materials, in joining systems used with thesse materials and the pro and construction c oduction proccesses that define d them. An important part of the e course is based b on ligh hting systemss, which playys a leading role r in the final project fo or the class. The contentts and exercises lead to students s bein ng able to an nalyse an ob bject at course-end starrting from th he materials and processses that com mprise it, us sing a suitab ble lexicon and a well-orga anised and plausible rea asoning. This class is em minently pra actical, aimin ng to complement studen nts’ existing knowledge. k S RD YEAR, 1ST AND 3RD TRIMESTER* T * THIR Compulsory cou urses Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Subject area Code Sub bject Type ECTS E Proje ects Busin ness Lang guage Busin ness Busin ness 10601 10602 10603 10604 10605 Ove erall Project I Pro oduct, Context and a User Aca ademic Uses of Specific Termin nologies in English I Dessign, Economy and Business Dessign Manageme ent Comp pulsory Comp pulsory Comp pulsory Comp pulsory Comp pulsory 4 4 4 4 4 st rd d * Thesse subjects are offered both in n the 1 and 3 trimester. A fu ull time student decides when he/she prefers to pick them. LL PROJECT TI 10601 OVERAL all Project I is the mainsstay of stude ents’ obligato ory courses in the third year. For th he first Overa time, they approa ach the crea ation and com mpletion of a multidiscip plinary projecct. Througho out the project design exxperience in year y two, stu udents acquiired basic skkills for developing the sp pecific conce eptual and fo ormal aspeccts of a proje ect for Graph hic Communication or Prroduct and Space. S Now, project varia ables and bo oundaries arre increased to also inclu ude knowledge and proc cesses from the other co ourses in the curriculum. In parallel to o their specific training in n their specia alities, stude ents are requ uested to incculcate a cro oss-cutting vision of all diisciplines stu udied. The subject is focused on methods m forr analysing, synthesisin ng and reso olving desig gn problems s that encompass the three t discipllinary areas –communic cations, prod duct and spa ace– with special emph hasis given to usability issues. In this regard, ergonomicss and intera action desig gn are priorities. Via exe ercises and project-base ed assignme ents, the objective is to develop the skills needed to undersstand and undertake a complete c pro oject. Studen nts will execcute two com mplete e resources they have le earned in the eir first two years y and th he new know wledge projects using the that will w be introdu uced in this course. c 10602 PRODUC CT, CONTEX XT AND USE ER Produ uct, Context and User is within the Social Scie ences divisio on and comp plements stu udents comp pulsory yearr-three courrses, contrib buting comp petences re elated to understanding g the consu umer societyy and its users, as well ass the ability to t analyse th he usage con ntext. Profes ssional desig gners will be e taught to observe o userrs in modern n–day social and financial settings and a to shape e and create e new produccts, spaces and a services stemming frrom their obsservations, as a well as pa articipating with w other professionals p s in the tec chnical deve elopment and product la aunch phase es. The app proach taken n throughou ut the course e is design from anthro opological, social, s culturral and financial perspecttives, taking the globalise ed reality in which w we live e into accoun nt but, in pa arallel, pointing out the specificitiess typical of the context in which a project mu ust be develloped. Via exercises e and d observatio on tasks, the e objective iss to develop the competences needed to undersstand and an nalyse the ma aterial culture e surrounding us. MIC USES AND SPECIFIIC TERMINO OLOGY IN ENGLISH E I 10603 ACADEM d to help students acquire the necesssary skills a and vocabula ary to This course is designed e course willl have a com mmunicative focus, f particcipate in worrkshops and seminars in English. The permitting stude ents to exp plore and implement strategies and langua age for efffective prehension and a interactio on in academ mic and professional co ontexts. Voca abulary spec cific to comp particcipants’ degrree programmes will be presented and a strategie es for acquiring this tec chnical vocab bulary will be b introduce ed and praccticed. It is essential th hat participan nts practice skills outsid de of classs, making use of the multitude off English la anguage ressources available. Reso ources for practice appe ear below. It is recomm mended that participantss have an upperu interm mediate level of English (B2.1) ( in orde er to fully benefit from the e course. 10604 DESIGN, ECONOMY Y AND BUSIN NESS The aim a of this course c is to provide p students with the e knowledge e they need to understan nd the econo omic phenom mena that sh hape the rea ality of conte emporary society. In thiss increasingly y fluid and complex c context is necesssary to have e a basic un nderstanding of the econo omy to thus grasp the most m relevan nt problems of o the globa alised world. Via conceptual tools typical of economic scien nce, as well as the skills developed through t a wide range off proposed a activities (deb bates, role plays, prese entations...), the course will achieve e two goals: developing g a well-reas soned viewp point about current even nts and the modern wo orld for being discerning g and responsible citize ens; understa anding design’s relationsship to a specific social, economic e an nd political se etting, thus incorporating g a further ad dded value to o the future professional p work of the sstudents. 10605 DESIGN MANAGEMENT Syste ematisation in design management m increases the t chancess of obtainin ng successfu ul and comp petitive resultts. This makkes it essentiial to train de esigners in this t discipline e so that the ey can carry out and ma anage the de esign processs suitably and efficientlyy. The aim o of the course e is to prese ent the imp portance of design ma anagement and develop students’ skills in project p mana agement. The final objecctive of the course c is for students to be able to id dentify and create c conditions in whicch they can propose, co ompare and promote dessign projectss. The course e also handles issues re elated to projject management, such as a negotiatio on and conflict resolution, laws and regulations r a applicable to different dessign disciplin nes. Basic ad dministrative e and tax issu ues of desig gn as a busin ness activity will w be discussed and commented on n. The legal fframework in n force will also a be introd duced surrou unding issue es related to design. The ere will also be debates about the changing role e of design in n business an nd the level of o adoption of o this discipline by comp panies T conceptt of design as a a key facttor in busine ess strategy and the eme erging and institutions. The ons between n innovation and design will be prese ented, which h will be take en up again in the relatio comp pulsory 4th ye ear course entitled e ‘Innovvation’ and handled h in grreater depth. RTH YEAR, 1ST AND 2ndd TRIMESTE ER* FOUR Compulsory cou urses Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Subject area Code Sub bject Type ECTS E Proje ects Busin ness Lang guage Socio ology Busin ness 10701 10702 10703 10704 10705 Ove erall Project II New w Social and Bu usiness Models Aca ademic Uses of Specific Termin nologies in English II Tecchnology, Intera action and Socie ety Innovation Comp pulsory Comp pulsory Comp pulsory Comp pulsory Comp pulsory 4 4 4 4 4 st * Thesse subjects are offered both in n the 1 and 2 them. nd d trimester. A fu ull time student decides when he/she prefers to pick 10701 OVERAL LL PROJECT T II This subject s focusses on servicce design, an n emerging discipline d wh hich aim is to create and define d a ran nge of servicces focusing g on tangible e and intang gible elemen nts. Service design draw ws on methods and techniques fro om product design and d interaction n, as well a as social sc cience methodologies. In n the subjecct, the students will work k in groups, developing the definition and comm munication off a service plan within a systemic s logic, taking into o account all interrelation nships betwe een the interested partie es –users orr customers, suppliers and a other parties involve ed– as well as a the tangib ble and intang gible aspectss of the service. 10702 NEW SOCIAL AND BUSINESS B M MODELS The current c busin ness situatio on gives dessign a pre-em minent role in i its strateg gies. Profes ssional training for design ners cannot ignore the need to adoptt a level of knowledge k off the key elem ments of business strate egy, its decission-making processes and a the way in i which dessign can add value to pro oduction and d exchange systems. De esigners must be capable of harmon niously integ grating their attitude in the businesss contexts where design takes on n economic importance e. The objecctives put forward in the e subject are e, therefore: knowledge of the basicc concepts of the busin ness world; the t acquisition of notion ns allowing optimum communication n with businesses with a view to devveloping dessign projects, and training g to be capab ble of respon nding as designers to the e needs of orrganisations nowadays concerning c de esign. These e aims are pu ursued throu ugh an integrrated processs of absorbing, generating, reflecting on and ap pplying know wledge, adop pting a high-impact educational appro oach in order to achieve them. 10703 ACADEM MIC USES AND SPECIFIIC TERMINO OLOGY IN ENGLISH E II ds upon the e skills and strategies acquired a in Academic A U Uses and Sp pecific This course build minology in English E I pressenting more e specialised d contents re elated to pre esenting worrk and Term prepa aring for the job j market. The T objective e of the courrse is for stud dents to acqu uire the nece essary skills and strategies to organize and pressent materialls that effecttively represe ent their worrk and profe essional charracter. The focus f of the course is on n the creatio on of a portfo olio seen not as a simplle container for students'' work but ass a design prroject in itself, which cap ptures interes st and offerss a window in nto students'' creative and d technical potential. p OLOGY, INTE ERACTION AND A SOCIE ETY 10704 TECHNO edge acquire ed in “Consumer Service es and This subject, which is based on the prevvious knowle ety” and “Pro oduct, Contexxt and User””, has an initiial general objective sharred with the whole Socie Socia al Sciences Area: interrelating dive erse branches of huma anist knowle edge –econo omics, ogy, art and technology– – in order to obtain a cog gnitive archittecture, sociology, historry, anthropolo map of the world d we live in.. The Sociall Sciences Area A is also responsible e for providin ng the theorretical basis and social knowledge k allowing desig gn projects to o be form pa art of a globa al and historrical contextt. Alongside e this, the intention is to provide students with analogue e and discu ursive tools so s they can do their projject work fro om a critical, innovative p point of view w. The subje ect provides design d stude ents with a kn nowledge ba ase suitable for f an overalll understand ding of the genealogy, fu unctions and projections of technolog gy in a social context. It a analyses the e main theorries of the in nterpretation of technolog gical phenom mena applied d to various contexts, su uch as produ uction, politiccs, communiication and creativity, c fro om the second half of th he 19th centtury to prese ent. That means it studie es the emergence, establishment and d spread of te echnologies in the indusstrial, sociocu ultural and psychologica p l imagination ns of modern n capitalism. More speciffically, the subjects deallt with are sttructured aro ound three core topics, fundamental for understa anding the processes p in nvolved in a modern society that became con nsolidated w with the industrial revolu ution and exxpanded with the post-in ndustrial rev volution: stan ndardisation, socialisation and subje ectification off modern com mmunication and producttion techniqu ues. 10705 INNOVATION als with the concept of Innovation, defined as the t introducttion of a pro oduct, This subject dea o to achieve e improvements in the social servicce or processs to obtain success in a market or spherre. The idea of this subje ect is to provvide students s with a serie es of strateg gic tools for finding f and developing d in nnovation op pportunities based b on a co onceptual ap pproach, at b both individua al and group p level. The e subject explores the field f of innovation in ge eneral and, more speciffically, desig gn-driven inn novation, an innovation strategy diffferent from classical c innovation strattegies and a long way from f purely technical t and d marketing innovation, focused f on p people and on o the creation and disco overy of new w meanings for f products and a servicess. RD AND FOU URTH YEAR R, 1st, 2nd and d 3rd TRIMES STER THIR Optio onal subjectts Y1 Y2 1 trimester Y3 Cr. Y4 2 trimester Cr. 3 trime ester Cr. GRA APHIC AND COMMUNICATION N DESIGN Publishing 20 Ad dvertising 20 Audiovisual 20 Audioviisual 20 Corpo orate Identity 20 Corporate Identity 20 Interacction Design 20 Pu ublishing 20 Containers and d Packaging* 20 PRODUCT DESIGN N Eq quipment and Tools 20 Equipment and Tools 20 Househo old Equipment 20 New Product Scenarios 20 Containerss and Packaging g* 20 Transsport Design 20 Transport Design 20 Producct Simulation* 20 Product Sim mulation* 20 Materials* 20 Materia als* 20 Consu umer Spaces 20 Exxhibitions 20 New Habitat Scenarios 20 SPAC CE DESIGN Exhibitions 20 Work spaces 20 * Modu ule offered in the framework of the Degree in Engineering E in Industrial Design n At EL LISAVA the optional o subjects are offe ered in the th hird and fourtth year and a are structure ed into Modu ules or Pathw ways of 20 ECTS E creditss, which allow w students to o deepen into o specific are eas of Graphic and Communication n Design, Product P Design and Spa ace Design. Each module is comp posed by 5 subjects with define a holistic circle: th heoretical co ontents, proje ects, and tec chnical and representatio r onal skills. As A a consequ uence, is hig ghly recomm mended for th he student to o pick the whole w module e. MUNICATION N GRAPHIC COMM onal subjectts Optio ADVE ERTISING Code e Subjectt Type 1085 51 1085 52 1085 53 1085 54 1085 55 Art Mana agement Advertissing Project Advertissing Project Devvelopment Productiion and Implementation Advertissing Representa ation Systems Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 The course reflects on the current c conssumption sys stem and qu uestions its mechanisms and econo omic, social and culturall results, with h the aim off understanding advertisiing as a disc cipline that is much morre complex than t merely producing adverts. a In prrojects, students will plan and create an advertissing campaig gn and deve elop all piece es in each of the present and future media, m both below and above the line e. AUDIOVISUAL Code e Subjectt Type 1082 21 1082 22 1082 23 1082 24 1082 25 Audiovissual Design Audiovissual Project Audiovissual Project Devvelopment Audiovissual Production n Techniques Moving images Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 In mo odern times,, we have multiple m mean ns and forma ats based on communiccation on scrreens. From m the most co onventional media m like tellevision, as well w as video ogames and o outside spac ces, to smartphones and d tablets, all use the scrreen as a media relation nship betwee en the inform mation viewe ers and use ers. This infformation or content re equires the intervention n of designe ers at aesth hetic and tecchnical levelss, in areas in ncluding animation and interaction. T Thus, this module m introd duces the areas of know wledge, desig gn criteria an nd technical handling h of tthese concep pts, in a field d that is incre easingly in demand. DENTITY CORPORATE ID Code e Subjectt Type 1084 41 1084 42 1084 43 1084 44 1084 45 Corpora ate Identity Design Corpora ate Identity Proje ect Corpora ate Identity Proje ect Developmen nt Corpora ate Identity Tech hniques and App plications Brand Representation R S Systems Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 Corpo orate identityy design is closely conn nected to orrganisations’ objectives, brand needs, the enviro onment in which w they arre expressed d, the target markets the ey are addressed to and other deterrmining facto ors. The aim of the modu ule is for stud dents to acquire the skills necessary y to be able to develop corporate identities in the future that are consistent c and coherentt with nisations’ nee eds, from a global g perspe ective. The module m conte ents range frrom the conc cept of organ brand ding to deve eloping corpo orate identityy manuals, as a well as te echniques fo or applying design d eleme ents. D INTERACTION DESIGN Code e Subjectt Type 1086 61 1086 62 1086 63 1086 64 1086 65 Interaction and Design Interaction Design Proje ect Interaction Design Proje ect Developmen nt Digital Production P Tech hniques Productiion of prototype es Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 This module is based on con nceptualising g and develo oping interacctive design projects in a web enviro onment until a project is attained that t defines the relation nship betwee en users an nd the intera active system m. Information architecturre will be the e starting poin nt, which enccompasses issues of cla assifying info ormation and d browsing through inforrmation spacces, until rea aching the le evel of micro o-interaction. Wireframe es and otherr frequent prrototypes in the area of interaction will w be handled, with a focus on designing diffferent types s of interfaces from a p previously-de efined intera action design n. Static (dessktops) and mobile m web environmentts will be studied and stu udents will exxperiment with different modular m com mponents unttil achieving a high-definition prototyp pe. PUBL LISHING Code e Subjectt Type 10811 10812 10813 10814 10815 Publishing Design Publishing Project Publishing Project Deve elopment Graphic Production Sysstems Typogra aphic Composition Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 The Publishing Design D Path hway plans for the present and fu uture of a sspecialisation n with centu uries of histo ory, which is currently experiencing g momentou us events. U Understandin ng the origin ns of printing g and publish hing will let students s poin nt out ways for them to survive in a world that is dominated d by new te echnologies and that re equires a qu uestioning o of the means s and publiccations in th he printed press. p Subjects on proje ect design and a techniqu ues will centtre on develloping design ns resolved with w conventtional medium ms while, in parallel, tryin ng to specula ate on and innovate with h respect to publishing p prroduction in the t digital wo orld. GN PRODUCT DESIG onal subjectts Optio EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS Code e Subjectt Type 1092 21 1092 22 1092 23 1092 24 1092 25 Design of o Equipment an nd Tools Equipme ent and Tools Project P Equipme ent and Tools Project P Developm ment Productiion of Equipme ent and Tools Expresssion and Repressentation: Equip pment and Tools s Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 The module m on equipment e an nd tools stud dies the obje ects that can n be employed to expand and impro ove human skills, s which involve individual use and d are directlyy related to a part of the body. b Proje ects will be developed in an extensive e repertory that can rang ge from silve erware and kitchen utenssils, a torch or a watch, to a helmet, eyeglasses s, shoes, a remote r contrrol, screwdriv ver or any other o electric-hand tool. Objeccts will also o be include ed that we use in an area a or space that go beyond a simple s qualiffication as to ool, in which technologica t al complexity y is an essential part of th he project, su uch as televiisions, vacuu um cleaners, cash points, a kitchen ro obot or interp phone. HOUSEHOLD EQ QUIPMENT Code e Subjectt Type 1094 41 1094 42 1094 43 1094 44 1094 45 Design of o Household Equipment Househo old Equipment Project P Househo old Equipment Project P Develop pment Productiion of Househo old Equipment Expresssion and Repressentation: House ehold Equipmen nt Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 The Household H E Equipment m module centre es on objectts in the hom me defined w with current needs n as a starting poin nt, which stem m from new social mode els and new ways w of livin ng. The proje ect will a with w a specia al sensibility given to sym mbolic handle furniture, toilets, lighting, kitchen appliances, and communicativ c ve issues, an nd the relatio onship betwe een space an nd environme ent. Importance will be b given to incorporating i g new techn nologies and new materiials, impleme enting otics, universsal accessib bility and the e creative and a technica al response for impleme enting domo leisurre spaces an nd workspace es in homes.. W PRODUCT SCENARIO OS NEW Code e Subjectt Type 1096 61 1096 62 1096 63 1096 64 1096 65 Design of o New Product Scenarios New Pro oduct Scenarioss Project New Pro oduct Scenarioss Project Develo opment New Ma aterials New Tecchnologies appllied to the Produ uct Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 n product scenarios module m propo oses an explo oration of new emerging and hybrid design d The new techn niques, inclu uding neo-ccraftsmanship p, digital prroduction, generative g d design and other experrimental tendencies for object prod duction. An analysis of new approa aches for prroduct desig gn is also pla anned, taking g into accoun nt the usage context, pro oduct semanttics and emo otional factorrs, going beyyond mere effficiency and d utility, developing strate egies for emo otional design. wise, studiess will also be performed where users u particiipate actively in the design, Likew produ uction, digita al production n, the distrib bution of go oods and prroducts, prop posing alternative structtures to curre ent tendencies in the pro oduction and consumption n chain. PACK KAGING Code e Subjectt Type 1395 51 1395 52 1395 53 10914 10912 Glass, Plastic, P metal an nd Laminated Containers 3D Mode elling of Contain ners Hermetic, Sealing Syste ems. Container Processing Packaging Production Containe er and Packagin ng Project Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 This module pro ovides the tools t to dessign packaging by takin ng all necesssary factors s into consiideration wh hen concepttualising and d creating itt, both at creative c and technical levels. Packaging planning and production are co onceived as a part of the e process tha at ranges from m raw materials to recyycling, consid dering aspeccts as broad d as usabilityy, graphic applications, visual comm munications and reuse. This T definitio on proposes control of th he different d design phase es, as well as a the ability to select all materials an nd different production p tecchnologies. NSPORT DE ESIGN TRAN Code e Subjectt Type 1095 51 1095 52 1095 53 1095 54 1095 55 Design and a Transport Transpo ort Project Transpo ort Project Development Productiion of Transportt Design Expresssion and Repressentation: Transsport Design Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 Transsport design is approach hed from the e premise that current means m of tran nsport may not n be the most m efficient for resolving g present and d future mob bility needs. In I this regard d, transport design d is outtlined as the generation of o mechanism ms for huma an mobility, where w differen nt vehicles are a the respo onses to a wide w range of different problems. Project P assig gnments will centre on topics ranging from the e complexityy of briefings to the forrmal and te echnological resolution of o the produ ucts that are designed. PRODUCT SIMU ULATION Code e Subjectt Type 1392 23 1392 21 1392 24 1392 22 1392 25 Structura al Simulation Kinemattics Simulation Virtual Factory F and Ergonomic Simulattion 3D Mode elling in Producct Simulation Product Simulation Projject Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 The basic b aim off this module e is for stude ents to acquire the necessary skills tto be able to o take part in the different phasess of productt design and d developm ment with the e simulation n tool. Stude ents are to be prepare ed to efficie ently develo op 3D mode els by follow wing a seriies of methodologies aimed at inclu uding useful information in the modu ule and transsferring the design d intenttions so that the models might be ada apted to the demands of the analysess. Students will w be guide ed in modelliing parts and units that enable the inclusion of structural, th hermal, cinematic, dynamic, ergono omic analysiss activities... The interp pretation and assessme ent of the results r achie eved in the simulations will w be importtant. The inte ention is to give g a solid b base of know wledge to achieve correct technical do ocumentation to justify th he behaviourr of a producct and/or device. MATERIALS Code e Subjectt Type 1192 21 1192 22 1192 23 1192 24 1192 25 Ecologiccal Materials Compossite Materials Adaptive e Materials Nanoma aterials Joints Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 The main m aim of this t module is i for studentts to acquire the necessa ary skills to b be able to op ptimise the design d and development d t of any kind d of product with their sights on the e material an nd the manu ufacturing prrocess, whille considerin ng the new w nanomaterrials and ne ew manufac cturing techn nologies. A product’s p ba ase is the material m used d in making it. The satiisfaction of users’ functional, formal, productive e and econo omic needs will w have a direct d effect on the matterials’ energ gy and environmental performance p e. The mate erials adapt to the environment, ch hange colou ur, shape and d viscosity, light up. How wever, the most m interestin ng thing of a all is their capacity to tra ansform ene ergy. Finallyy, in order to t achieve rigor in dessigning and developing more susta ainable products and se ervices, con nsideration will w be given n to a qualiitative and global appro oach to eco odesign and the quantitative, syste ematic and standard asssessment of o the enviro onmental impacts throug gh the Life Cyycle Analysis s. CE DESIGN SPAC Optio onal subjectts EXHIIBITIONS Code e Subjectt Type 1074 41 1074 42 1074 43 1074 44 1074 45 Design of o Exhibitions Exhibitio ons Project Exhibitio ons Project Devvelopment Technical Systems: Exh hibitions Expresssion and Repressentation: Exhibitions Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 This module will study the concept of exhibition frrom a very broad outlo ook. Projectin ng an exhib bition space means plann ning an ephe emeral space e in which th he specificity of audience es and the group g experie ence are esssential issue es to take in nto account. It is precise ely the ephe emeral naturre of an exhibition space that makes it possible to convert it into a platforrm for both spatial s and material exp perimentation n, letting stu udents inves stigate and propose ne ew uses and d new syste ems. In pa arallel, the exxhibition spa ace project is characteris sed by clearrly differentia ating betwee en the clientt who wishe es to conveyy the message –whether this is a company, brand, instittution, comm munications agency or individual- fro om its recipients and ussers, the pu ublic. This module m aims to resolve re elationships between the e object / mes ssage exhibiited and the space, in diffferent possiible formats: events, pressentations, exhibitions, e display windo ows, performa ances, etc. NEW W HABITAT SCENARIOS S S Code e Subjectt Type 1076 61 1076 62 1076 63 1076 64 1076 65 Design of o Future Habita at Future Habitat H Project Future Habitat H Project Development D Technical Systems: Futture Habitat Expresssion and Repressentation: Future e Habitat Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 a of the module m is to reflect r on hab bitat beyond purely biolo ogical-functio onal needs, to o also The aim take an a interest in n psychologiccal and phen nomenologic cal exampless and in the sspace’s usag ge and symb bolic values. Habitats und derstood as complex sys stems that he eed new soccial models, which are projected p into o the future and a take the importance of o scale into account, from the home to the neigh hbourhood an nd the city. Speccial emphasiss will also be e placed on all a technical knowledge k n needed to construct the habitat h at diffferent scaless, from the sttructure of th he whole to re educing dem mands for ressources like water, w energ gy, materialss and waste. CONSUMER SPA ACES Code e Subjectt Type 1075 51 1075 52 1075 53 1075 54 1075 55 Design of o Consumer Sp paces Consum mer Spaces Project Consum mer Spaces Project Development Technical Systems: Consumer Spacess Expresssion and Repressentation: Consu umer Spaces Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 ndles corpora ate identity as a applied to o Retail Dessign, providin ng the conce eptual This module han and technical t foundations witth which to build b a projec ct design for a consumerr space or po oint of sale in which the e product co ontained and d the containing space are interrela ated. The to ools to m chromatic codes, mate erials, the application of the brand, im mages, devellop this spacce range from furniture systemss... An innovvative approach is propo osed with re espect to the e current co ontext, which h makes it ne ecessary to ‘rethink’ our ways w of unde erstanding th he market. The type t of comm mission, the scale of the e project and d equipment involved all take all particular imporrtance in the e project, as well w as usability both by workers w and users of the e space. WOR RK SPACES Code e Subjectt Type 1073 31 1073 32 1073 33 1073 34 1073 35 Design of o Work Spacess Work Sp paces Project Work Sp paces Project Development D Technical Systems: Wo ork Spaces Expresssion and Repressentation: Work Spaces Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal Option nal ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 This pathway outtlines solution ns for work spaces, s particularly centrred on a posst-Ford conce eption of pro oduction sysstems. The work w space will w be considered as a complex c bala ance betwee en the individual, producction, equipm ment and faccilities. Projects will specculate about the function ns and dema ands of worrk spaces an nd will resolve the layo outs and sysstems, down n to the tec chnical detaills.