Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(26), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i26/97253, July 2016 ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645 Design of a Broadband HEMT Mixer for UWB Applications Ehsan Ehsaeyan* Sirjan University of Technology, Sirjan, Kerman, Iran; Abstract Background/Objectives: Microwave mixer is a crucial element in virtually all transmits and receives systems. Methods/ Statistical analysis: In this paper, a novel distributed HEMT mixer with three layers is designed for Ultrawide-Band (UWB) receivers. We employ external capacitors in the proposed circuit to adjust the output phase shift between stages to equal the input phase shift. Findings: The simulation results show that the proposed structure, achieves vary ­broadband ­performances in Converstion Gain, Power Consumption and LO-RF Isolation, comparable to the recent reported cascode or dual-gate distributed mixers. With a local oscillator power of 12 dBm and RF power of -20 dBm, our mixer has a Conversion Gain of 0 ~ 4 dB (without IF signal amplification), LO-to-RF isolation better than 32 dB and 130 mW DC power consumption over bandwith 5-25 GHz. Applications/Improvements: In our scheme, an intermediate layer is considered to increase LO-RF Isolation and improve the Converstion Gain criterion. Moreover, Microstrip lines are used to form the artificial gate and drain transmission lines as well as phase equalization of the signal on drain transmission line. Keywords: Distributed Mixer, HEMT Mixer, Millimeter-Wave (MMW), Ultra-Wideband, Wireless Communication 1. Introduction Microwave receivers for advanced EW systems are being improved, requiring the development of broad bandwidth. So far the concept of distributed circuit has offered attractive solution to some challenging problems in high speed communication systems1. Microwave mixer is a crucial element in virtually all transmits and receives systems. The distributed mixer offers wideband performance with low VSWR and flat conversion gain characteristics. Recently PHEMT technology in broad mixers has been considered due to high cut-off frequency, low noise, high gain and stronger nonlinearity in transconductance2. A GaAs-based broadband mixer has been developed using the distributed topology composed of cascode FET cells which shows a high conversion gain of 3.6 dB, but with high DC power consumption3. A 6-30 GHz image-rejection mixer in SMT package has been built and demonstrated4. The completed mixer showed -10 dB typical conversion gain with 15 dB image-rejection ration over band. One single traveling-wave MMIC for highly *Author for correspondence linear broadband mixers and variable gain amplifier is present5. An integrated image-rejection mixer in a surface mount package for low cost 10-22 GHz applications has been demonstrated6. A novel small-area distributed mixer using multi-port inductors with conversion gain of more than -10 dB for ultra wideband receivers is presented7. Recently, a broadband singly balanced distributed mixer using the GaAs pHEMT process is developed over a bandwidth from 4 to 41 GHz8. In this paper the design of a new wideband distributed architecture HEMT mixer is described. The proposed UWB mixer has a good conversion gain without IF signal amplification (comparable to the conversion gains of distributed mixers in the published literature), relatively low DC power consumption and high LO-to-RF isolation. 2. Proposed Distributed Active Mixer The schematic of the proposed distributed mixer is shown in Figure 1. Design of a Broadband HEMT Mixer for UWB Applications The distributed mixer uses the input Capacitance of the transistor (Cgs) to construct a low pass filter with lengths of transmission line forming the series inductance. The transmission line design is very important for the distributed circuit design. Microstrip lines are used to form the artificial gate and drain transmission lines, and for phase equalization of the signal on drain transmission line. These transmission lines must have equal phase shifts between the stages when the mixer operating as a downconverter with a low IF frequency. Equal phase shifts yields a constant phase offset at the IF frequency which allows the IF power to be summed by connecting the drain node of stages together9. The external Capacitors (Cp) are added to adjust the output phase shift between stages to equal the input phase shift. Since the gate capacitance is much more than that of the drain, the phase velocity of the wave under the gate is lower than the phase velocity of the drain. The imbalance in the phase velocity leads to dispersion and reflection. By achieving equal phase shift between the stages on the source and drain line, the gain contribution of each is summed in phase along the drain line. By adding external Capacitors (Cp), the phase velocity of the drain approaches to similar value of the gate. For ideal mixer operation the phase constants of the lines have to fulfill the following equation to maximize the conversion gain10. b gate ( f LO )− b gate ( f RF ) = b drain ( f IF ) (1) Figure 1. Circuit schematic of the proposed distributed mixer. 2 Vol 9 (26) | July 2016 | Where β refers to phase velocity. The circuit was designed using both linear and nonlinear analysis techniques. A linear analysis was used to optimize the voltages of circuit in order to achieve efficient equally distributed mixing action. A nonlinear analysis, based on harmonic balance method was used to predict to performance of the circuit and to determine the optimum bias conditions. The circuit operates by equally distributing a portion of the incident LO signal at the gate of each transistor (FHX04) as the signal travels along the gate line. A similar effect occurs with the RF signal at the drain. The RF and LO signals are applied on the left side. The IF signal passes a filter at the output. The termination load connected at the end of the artificial transmission line was designed to match the characteristic impedance of the artificial transmission lines to reduce the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR). The MESFETs are biased for maximum conversion gain. This optimum bias point is near pinch-off, where the first derivative of gm has its maximum and the nonlinear characteristics of drain-to-source current versus drainto-source voltage are used for frequency mixing. In drain mixers, both LO power and IF output are directly ­combined at the drain of a FET biased in the knee region11. The IF signal is extracted from the drain through an IF low-pass-filter to obtain RF to IF and LO to IF isolation as well as port matching. 3. Simulation Results The circuit shown in Figure 1 was simulated using Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS) simulator. The performance of the circuit was first investigated over a wide range of bias points, to study the operating modes of the mixer and determine the optimum bias point. An iterative design procedure was used until the design variables converged to give the best conversion gain for the mixer. The performance characteristics of mixer can be divided into five parameters: conversion gain, noise figure, return loss, isolation and compression power at the RF input port. The mixer exhibited good conversion gain of 0 ~ 4 dB over the 5 to 25 GHz band as shown in Figure 2 with an IF frequency of 70 MHz and the LO level of 12 dBm. The conversion gain can be higher than this if LO power is increased. In order to determine the optimum driver LO power level, the conversion gains versus LO power sweep is simulated. This simulation is plotted in Figure 3 for an RF of 15 GHz and 70 MHz IF. Indian Journal of Science and Technology Ehsan Ehsaeyan Figure 4 demonstrates the simulated noise figure v­ ersus RF frequency. The mixer has 20-25 dB NF over the entire 9 GHz bandwidth. Another simulation includes the s-parameter characteristic to find out the matching performance of the proposed mixer. The s-parameters are plotted in Figure 5. Figure 2. Conversion Gain versus RF frequency, of which LO power is 10 dBm and IF frequency is fixed at 70 MHz. Figure 4. Noise Figure versus RF frequency. Figure 3. Simulated conversion gain versus LO power, of which RF frequency is fixed at 15 GHz , and IF bandwidth is 70 MHz. A simulation of noise figure is presented. There is an optimum number of stages which results in minimum NF. The optimum number of stages depends on the circuit parameters such as gate resistance, transconductance of the RF tail current transistor and also the voltage swings at the LO port12. The four stages MESFET mixer was simulated using the nonlinear program to predict the noise figure. A tuned transmission line is used to optimize noise figure and input match at the same time. Vol 9 (26) | July 2016 | Figure 5. Simulated 1 dB compression power at the RF input port. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3 Design of a Broadband HEMT Mixer for UWB Applications 4 Dynamic range of the mixer can be determined from simulates of the RF signal 1 dB compression point (P-1) for down-conversion using an IF of 70 MHz. Figure 6 shows simulated P-1 indicating more than -12 dBm input port power. The distributed mixer described in this paper is design to operate as a down converter with a 10 to 80 MHz IF. The swept IF response is shown in Figure 7 for a fixed RF of 15 GHz and power set to -20 dBm. As shown in this figure, the conversion gain is virtually constant for IFs between 10 MHz and 80 MHz. The simulated LO-to-RF isolation is shown in Figure 8 as a function of RF frequency with an LO power of 12 dBm and a -20 dBm RF input signal, indicating better than 32 dB, when the IF port is terminated in 50 ohms. The mixer exhibits good return losses at all three ports. The simulation broad bandwidth RF and LO input matched characteristics of the distributed circuit topology are shown in Figure 9. As indicated in this figure, the LO and RF return losses of distributed mixer are better than 1 dB and 6 dB over the entire pass band. The IF port is also well matched over the IF bandwidth. Table 1 compares the performance of the proposed down-converter mixer with results from published the state-of-the-art wideband HEMT mixer for comparison. Figure 6. Simulated 1 dB compression power at the RF input port. Figure 8. Simulated results of isolation versus RF frequency. Figure 7. Simulated conversion gain versus IF frequency, of which RF frequency is fixed at 5 GHz. Figure 9. Simulated RF and LO return loss as a function of RF frequency of proposed mixer. RF and LO power level is fixed at -20 and 12 dBm, respectively. Vol 9 (26) | July 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology Ehsan Ehsaeyan Table 1. Performance comparison between previously published work on wideband mixers and the proposed mixer RF (GHz) Conversion Power LO-RF PLO Gain Consumption Isolation (dBm) (dB) (mW) (dB) [4] 6 ~ 30 -10 - --- > 20 10 [5] 5 ~ 39 -2 ~ -5 1100 - 5 [8] 4 ~ 41 3.5 ~ 8 100 19 10 [11] 3 ~ 33 -1 ~ -4 77 20 13 [2] 3 ~ 34 -3.4 ~ -6.7 6 19 15 0~4 130 --- > 32 12 This 5 ~ 25 Work 4. Conclusion A 5-25 GHz distributed mixer was developed. The mixer achieved a conversion gain of 0-4 dB, high LO-to-RF isolation better than 32 dB and a average power dissipation 130 mW over a very wide-band frequency, which is comparable with the given references. 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