Public Communication and Consultation Policy

Public Communication and Consultation Policy
Approved by:
Council on 13 July 2009
Next Review Date: August 2012
Document Owner
Manager Corporate Planning & Performance (Carol Burkevics)
8203 7740
Adelaide City Council
Public Communication & Consultation Policy
INTRODUCTION................................................................................... 1
DEFINITIONS........................................................................................ 3
COUNCIL'S COMMITMENT ................................................................. 3
ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................ 5
CHANGES TO THE POLICY OR THE ACT ......................................... 6
CHANGES TO THE ACT ...................................................................... 6
OTHER ACTS ....................................................................................... 6
POLICY AVAILABILITY ....................................................................... 7
Council’s Business Office(s)
Code of Practice
Community Land – Exclusion from Classification
Community Land – Revocation of Classification
Management Plan(s) for Community Land
Community Land – Alienation by Lease or Licence
G. Permits for Conducting Business on a Public Road
Planting of Vegetation on a Road
Annual Business Plan and Budget
Strategic Management Plan
Basis of Rating
Proposed Differential Rating
Adelaide City Council
Public Communication & Consultation Policy
This policy applies to Council Members, employees, contractors, consultants
and any other person who undertakes activities for the Council.
This policy applies to communication and consultation with:
Council Members
external stakeholders
internal stakeholders.
Policy Objective
− To ensure that the Council’s responsibilities to effectively communicate
and consult with stakeholders are fulfilled.
− Through the use of the Communication and Consultation Charter and
supporting toolkit, consultations conducted by Council enhance
efficiency and effectiveness of decision making and are appropriate to
the specific circumstances.
Legislative Requirements
The Local Government Act, 1999 requires that:
`Councils prepare and adopt a public consultation policy which sets out
the steps that the council will follow in cases where this Act requires
that a Council must follow its public consultation policy.‘ [Section 50
This policy is the public consultation policy referred to in Section 50 (6) of the
The Local Government Act, 1999 specifically requires that this Policy identify
the steps to be followed with regard to:
Council’s Business Office(s) – manner, place and times (s45 (3))
Code of Practice - Access to meetings and documents (s92 (5))
Community Land - Exclusion from classification (s193 (2))
Community Land - Revocation of Classification (s194 (2))
Community Land - Management Plans (s197 (1))
Community Land - Alienation by lease or licence (s202)
Permits (s223)
Planting -vegetation (s232 (b))
Annual Business Plan and Budget (s123)
Strategic Management Plans (s122)
Basis of Rating (s151 (5))
Proposed differential rating (s156 (8))
The steps to be taken by Council in relation to each of the above are detailed
in the Schedules included as Appendix A.
The City of Adelaide Act 1998 (s29) states (inter alia) that:
Adelaide City Council
Public Communication & Consultation Policy
The Council must, in the performance of its roles and functions 1. Provide open, responsive and accountable government
2. Be sensitive to the needs, interests, and aspirations of
individuals and groups within the City of Adelaide community,
3. Seek to ensure a proper balance within the community
between economic, social, environmental and cultural
Strategic Context
This policy aligns with Creating our Future, the City of Adelaide Strategic Plan
2008 - 2012
Outcome 4 – Culturally Vibrant City
Outcome Statement:
A Council that effectively engages with its communities and stakeholders
Strategic Direction:
Effectively engage and communicate with communities
Engage with communities and stakeholders in the decisions and activities of
Council has adopted a Charter that recognises the importance of the
relationship of Council with its community and the need to communicate with
them clearly about those matters that affect them.
Where there is no legislative requirement to undertake consultation, but
Council considers consultation a necessary part of the decision-making
process, the Communication and Consultation Charter and supporting
Consultation Toolkit will be used as a basis for the consultation approach.
Adelaide City Council
Public Communication & Consultation Policy
Act - refers to the Local Government Act 1999 for the purposes of this Policy;
Communication - is the provision of information by Council to its community
and stakeholders (internal or external);
Community - includes all people who live, work, study or conduct business in,
or who visit, use or enjoy the services, facilities and public places of, the City of
Consultation - is the provision of information by Council to its community and
stakeholders (external or internal) that enables them to respond (expressing
concerns and identifying issues) so these can be considered before a final
decision is made. Consultation in this context is not shared decision making.
Council – refers to the Corporation of the City of Adelaide;
Customer Centre- refers to Council's principal place of transacting business
at 25 Pirie Street, Adelaide;
Policy - refers to this Public Communication & Consultation Policy;
Public Communication & Consultation Policy - refers to the Council's
Consultation Policy for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1999.
Council recognises the important relationship it has with its community, the
need to communicate clearly about those matters which affect them and the
need to consult in a meaningful way when decisions need to be informed by
community input.
The Council recognises that communication and consultation are an important
part of the democratic process. Communication keeps the community and
stakeholders informed about the Council's activity and process. Consultation
enables the Council Members and staff to be confident that the views of the
community and stakeholders are considered and those activities will meet their
requirements, while also meeting technical constraints.
Consultation complements, but does not replace, the decision making role of
Council. Whether community or stakeholder opinion is divided or
overwhelmingly in one direction, it still rests with Council to make the decision.
Council undertakes to effectively communicate and consult with its community
to achieve informed decision making.
Council recognises that to provide an effective response, volunteer interest
groups require longer timeframes than the legislated minimum. To facilitate
effective consultation with these groups Council will endeavour to provide
longer response periods when planning consultation programs.
Adelaide City Council
Public Communication & Consultation Policy
Closing time for submissions shall always be at 5:00pm on the date set.
To ensure confidence in the transparency and integrity of Council’s
consultation processes to occur:
1. All submissions must include the name and residential address of the
2. A copy of all submissions will be made available to Councillors in hard
or soft copy and/or
3. All submissions will be included in any report to Council which is also
available to the public
4. Reports to Council will also include a summary of key themes raised in
Adelaide City Council
Public Communication & Consultation Policy
Communication & Consultation Charter
When it communicates, consults, or does both, the Council will:
1. Be clear about the subject and the purpose of the contact with you.
2. Use clear and suitable language.
3. Use different methods for different situations.
4. Use processes that are open and accountable.
5. Listen with an open mind and treat you with respect.
6. Allow sufficient time and a range of ways for you to respond.
7. Identify any others who are likely to be affected and talk with them too.
8. Always give a contact name and number.
9. Have fair and clear complaint and conflict resolution processes.
10. Tell you what happened and why.
11. Continue to learn and improve the approach.
Council is the elected body charged with responsibility for making
decisions on behalf of the community. Under specific circumstances
Council may delegate decision making to Council officers.
The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for implementation of this
Policy, reporting outcomes of consultations and reporting on review of the
Policy to Council.
Business Unit Managers are responsible for ensuring their staff comply
with this Policy and make use of the support mechanisms and tools
provided to guide implementation.
Corporate Planning & Performance Business Unit is responsible for
keeping supporting mechanisms and tools up to date, visible and readily
accessible to staff and the public.
Adelaide City Council
Public Communication & Consultation Policy
Any alteration to the Policy or substitution of a new Policy will be subject to the
provisions under 50 (6) of the Local Government Act which state that before a
council (a)
adopts a public consultation policy; or
alters, or substitutes, a public consultation policy,
Council must (c)
prepare a document that sets out its proposal in relation to the matter;
publish in a newspaper circulating generally throughout the State and
in a newspaper circulating within the area of the council a notice of the
proposal inviting interested persons to make submissions on the
proposal within a period (which must be at least one month) stated in
the notice; and
consider any submissions made in response to an invitation under
paragraph (d).
except where an alteration is of minor significance that would attract little (or
no) community interest.
In the event that the Local Government Act is amended so as to make this
Policy inconsistent with the Act this Policy will be automatically altered to make
it consistent with the Act.
This Policy does not replace any obligation in the Local Government Act or in
any other act for Council to communicate or consult with the community.
The Local Government Act 1999 prescribes specific public consultation
processes in regards to the following:
Representation reviews – composition and wards (Section 12)
Status of a council or change of various names (Section 13)
Prudential reporting (Section 48)
By-Laws (Section 249)
Order-making policy (Section 259)
Adelaide City Council
Public Communication & Consultation Policy
Performance measure:
• Community satisfaction with consultation process (measured
annually via Customer Satisfaction Monitoring Program).
• Public consultation activity across Council is communicated and is
coordinated to minimise impost on stakeholders and maximise
• Tools and resources supporting public consultation are maintained,
visible and readily accessible.
• The Policy will be reviewed every three years. The Chief Executive
Officer will report to Council on the outcome of the evaluation and
may recommend alteration of the Policy or substitution of a new
Policy as appropriate.
Copies of this Policy are available for inspection at no cost at the Customer
Centre, 25 Pirie Street, Adelaide and at Council's Library and Community
Centres during ordinary business hours. The Policy may also be downloaded
from Council's website.
Council will publicise the proposal by notice in: A newspaper circulating statewide, a newspaper circulating
locally, Customer Centre; Council’s Library & Community Centres & Council's Internet website. The notice will
include: A description of the proposal; Where proposal can be viewed. (A sign to be erected on subject land for
Schedule D)
Council will: Acknowledge receipt of submissions; Advise where report on consultation can be inspected; Advise
when the matter will be considered by Council; Advise where Council Resolutions can be inspected.
If the land is under the care and control of Council but is not owned by Council, Council staff will consult with the
owner and obtain approval for the proposal.
Council will send letters to owners/occupiers of land within 50 metres of the site.
Council staff will consider the submissions, prepare a report on consultation and, if appropriate, prepare a
revised proposal.
Council staff will submit proposal and report on consultation to Council for further consideration.
The matter will be determined at a meeting of Council.
Council staff will give notice in the Gazette of the Council Resolution to exclude land from the classification of
community land.
Council may recommend that the classification of the land be revoked at a meeting of Council.
If Council recommends the revocation it will submit the proposal and a report on all submissions to the Minister.
If the Minister approves the proposal – Council may make a Resolution revoking the classification of the land as
community land at a meeting of Council.
Council will undertake consultation at a detailed level, with local land-owners and occupiers with respect to
specific proposed planting activity.
Council will send letters to:
owners/occupiers of land abutting the road where planting is to occur within 50 metres of the site
persons who have previously made submission(s) in relation to the forward planting program and have
requested further consultation.
If proposed action is supported by a majority view of the respondents: Decision delegated to Council staff.
In other cases: Council staff will submit proposal and report on consultation to Council for consideration and the
matter will be determined at a meeting of Council.
Schedule H - Planting of Vegetation on a Road
Schedule I - Annual Business Plan and Budget
Schedule J - Strategic Management Plan
Schedule K - Basis of Rating
Schedule L - Proposed Differential Rating
- H1 - Forward Planting Program
- H2 - Specific Planting Activity
- H3 - Outside Forward Planting Program
Appendix A
Schedule A - Council Business Office(s)
Schedule B - Code of Practice
Schedule C - Community Land – Exclusion from Classification
Schedule D - Community Land – Revocation of Classification
Schedule E - Community Land – Management Plan
Schedule F - Community Land – Alienation by Lease or Licence
Schedule G - Permits
Adelaide City Council
Schedule A - Council Business Office(s)
Council’s Business Office(s)
Section 45 of the Local Government Act 1999 requires that Council follows the
relevant steps in this Policy before significantly changing the manner, place and
times of operation of the office(s) where Council business is transacted.
Steps to be followed
Council will publicise the proposal by notice in:
• A newspaper circulating statewide;
• A newspaper circulating locally;
• Customer Centre;
• Council’s Library & Community Centres;
• Council's Internet website.
The notice will include:
• Description of the proposal;
• Where proposal can be viewed;
• Email address for electronic copy of proposal;
• Invitation for submission(s) to Council providing
at least 21 days;
• Closing times for submissions shall always be at
5pm on the date set.
• Address to send submission(s).
Information will be displayed at:
• Customer Centre;
• Library & Community Centres;
• Website.
Submissions will be accepted by Council in writing by:
• Lodging at the Customer Centre;
• Email;
• Completing website submission form.
Council staff will:
• Acknowledge receipt of submission(s);
• Advise when persons can inspect a report on
• Advise when the matter will be considered by
• Advise where Council Resolutions can be
Adelaide City Council
Schedule A - Council Business Office(s)
Council staff will consider the submissions, prepare a
report on consultation and, if appropriate, prepare a
revised proposal.
Council staff will submit proposal and report on
consultation to Council for further consideration.
The matter will be determined at a meeting of Council.
The manner, place and times of operation of Council’s
business office(s) are available for inspection at the:
• Customer Centre;
• Website.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule B - Code of Practice
Code of Practice
Section 92 of the Local Government Act 1999 requires the following:
Council has a Code of Practice relating to the principles, policies, procedures
and practices that Council will apply for the purposes of the operation of:
Public access to Council and Committee Meetings;
Minutes of Council and Committee Meetings;
Release of documents (addressing confidentiality issues).
Before Council adopts, alters or substitutes the Code of Practice it must follow the
steps in this Policy.
Steps to be followed
Council will publicise the proposal to adopt alter or substitute
the Code of Practice by notice in:
• A newspaper circulating statewide;
• A newspaper circulating locally;
• Customer Centre;
• Council’s Library & Community Centres;
• Council's Internet website.
The notice will include:
• Description of the proposal;
• Where proposal may be viewed;
• Email address for electronic copy of proposal;
• Invitation for submission(s) to Council providing at
least 21 days;
• Closing times for submissions shall always be at 5pm
on the date set.
• Address to send submission(s).
The information will be displayed at:
• Customer Centre;
• Library & Community Centres;
• Website.
Submissions will be accepted by Council in writing by:
• Lodging at the Customer Centre;
• Email;
• Completing website submission form.
Council staff will:
• Acknowledge receipt of submission(s);
• Advise when persons can inspect a report on
• Advise when the matter will be considered by Council;
• Advise where Council Resolutions can be inspected.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule B - Code of Practice
Council staff will consider the submissions, prepare a report
on consultation and, if appropriate, prepare a revised
Council staff will submit proposal and report on consultation
to Council for further consideration.
The matter will be determined at a meeting of Council.
The Code of Practice can be viewed at the:
Customer Centre;
Adelaide City Council
Schedule C – Community Land –
Exclusion from Classification
Community Land – Exclusion from Classification
All local government land (except roads) that is owned by Council or is under the
care, control and management of Council is community land, unless it has been
exempted through legislation, excluded by resolution of Council or the
classification of land as community land has been revoked.
Council may resolve to exclude land from the classification as community land by 1
January 2003 if the land is not affected by the provisions of a reservation,
dedication, trust or other instrument that would prevent or restrict its alienation.
Land included in the Park Lands is community land and cannot be excluded from
the classification of community land.
Section 193 of the Local Government Act 1999 requires that:
Before Council resolves to exclude land from classification as community
land, Council must follow the relevant steps set out in this Policy.
Steps to be followed
Council will publicise the proposal to exclude Council
land from classification as community land by notice in:
• A newspaper circulating statewide;
• A newspaper circulating locally;
• Customer Centre;
• Council’s Library & Community Centres;
• Council's Internet website.
The notice will include:
• Identification of land that is proposed to be
excluded from classification as community land;
• Where proposal can be viewed;
• Email address for electronic copy of proposal;
• Invitation for submission(s) to Council providing
at least 21 days;
• Closing times for submissions shall always be at
5pm on the date set.
• Address to send submission(s).
Information will be displayed at:
• Customer Centre;
• Library & Community Centres;
• Website.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule C – Community Land –
Exclusion from Classification
Submissions will be accepted by Council in writing by:
• Lodging at the Customer Centre;
• Email;
• Completing website submission form.
Council staff will:
• Acknowledge receipt of submission(s);
• Advise when persons can inspect a report on
• Advise when the matter will be considered by
• Advise where Council Resolutions can be
If the land is under the care and control of Council but
is not owned by Council, Council staff will consult with
the owner and obtain approval for the proposal.
Council staff will consider the submissions, prepare a
report on consultation and, if appropriate, prepare a
revised proposal.
Council staff will submit proposal and report on
consultation to Council for consideration.
The matter will be determined at a meeting of Council.
Council staff will give notice in the City Messenger of
the Council Resolution to exclude land from the
classification of community land.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule D - Community Land –
Revocation of Classification
Community Land – Revocation of Classification
All local government land (except roads) that is owned by Council or is under the
care, control and management of Council is community land, unless it has been
exempted through legislation, excluded by resolution of Council or the
classification has been revoked .
Section 194 of the Local Government Act 1999 requires that:
Council may revoke the classification of land as community land only if •
the land is not required to be held for the benefit of the community under the
Local Government Act 1999 eg River Torrens or under another Act of
Parliament or an instrument of trust;
a regulation does not exclude the right to revoke;
the Minister approves revocation of the classification.
Before Council resolves to revoke classification of particular land as community
land, Council must follow the relevant steps set out in this Policy.
Land included in Park Lands is community land and its classification may not be
Steps to be followed
Council will publicise the proposal to revoke Council
land from classification as community land by notice in:
• A newspaper circulating statewide;
• A newspaper circulating locally;
• Customer Centre;
• Council’s Library & Community Centres;
• Council's Internet website
• A sign erected on the subject land, except in
circumstances where the community land
revocation is of a purely technical nature and
does not change the existing use of the land,
eg. Road use
The notice will include:
• Identification of land that is proposed to be
revoked from classification as community land;
• The nature of the proposal and where proposal
can be viewed;
• Email address for electronic copy of proposal;
• Invitation for submission(s) to Council providing
at least 21 days;
• Closing times for submissions shall always be at
5pm on the date set.
• Address to send submission(s).
Adelaide City Council
Schedule D - Community Land –
Revocation of Classification
Information will be displayed at:
• Customer Centre;
• Library & Community Centres;
• Website.
Submissions will be accepted by Council in writing by:
• Lodging at the Customer Centre;
• Email;
• Completing website submission form.
Council staff will:
• Acknowledge receipt of submission(s);
• Advise when persons can inspect a report on
• Advise when the matter will be considered by
• Advise where Council Resolutions can be
If the land is under the care and control of Council but
is not owned by Council, Council, staff will consult with
the owner and obtain approval for the proposal.
Council staff will consider the submissions, prepare a
report on consultation and, if appropriate, prepare a
revised proposal.
Council staff will submit proposal and report on
consultation to Council for consideration.
Council may recommend that the classification of the
land be revoked at a meeting of Council.
If Council recommends the revocation it will submit the
proposal and a report on all submissions to the
If the Minister approves the proposal – Council may
make a Resolution revoking the classification of the
land as community land at a meeting of Council.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule E - Management Plan(s) for
Community Land
Management Plan(s) for Community Land
All local government land (except roads) that is owned by Council or is under the
care, control and management of Council is community land, unless it has been
exempted through legislation, excluded by resolution of Council or the
classification has been revoked .
Section 196 of the Local Government Act 1999 requires that:
Council must prepare and adopt a management plan(s) for community land if•
the land is required to be held by the community as identified by the Local
Government Act 1999 eg. River Torrens, or under a special Act of
Parliament relating to the land or under an instrument of trust;
the land is Park Lands;
the land is, or is to be occupied under a lease or licence;
the land has been, or is to be, specifically modified or adapted for the benefit
or enjoyment of the community.
Before Council adopts, amends or revokes a management plan(s) relating to
community land, Council must follow the relevant steps outlined in this Policy
unless the amendment has no impact or no significant impact on the interests of
the community.
Steps to be followed
Council will publicise the proposal to adopt or vary a
management plan over community land by notice in:
• A newspaper circulating statewide;
• A newspaper circulating locally;
• Customer Centre;
• Council’s Library & Community Centres;
• Council's Internet website.
The notice will include:
• Identification of land for which management
plan(s) are proposed on community land;
• Where proposal can be viewed;
• Email address for electronic copy of proposal;
• Invitation for submission(s) to Council providing
at least 21 days;
• Closing times for submissions shall always be at
5pm on the date set.
• Address to send submission(s).
Information will be displayed at:
• Customer Centre;
• Library & Community Centres;
• Website.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule E - Management Plan(s) for
Community Land
Submissions will be accepted by Council in writing by:
• Lodging at the Customer Centre;
• Email;
• Completing website submission form.
Council staff will:
• Acknowledge receipt of submission(s);
• Advise when persons can inspect a report on
• Advise when the matter will be considered by
• Advise where Council Resolutions can be
If the land is under the care and control of Council but
is not owned by Council, Council staff will consult with
the owner and incorporate provisions required by the
Council staff will consider the submissions, prepare a
report on consultation and, if appropriate, prepare a
revised proposal.
Council staff will submit proposal and report on
consultation to Council for consideration.
The matter will be determined at a meeting of Council.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule F - Community Land - Alienation
by Lease or Licence
Community Land – Alienation by Lease or Licence
Section 202 (1), (2) and (3) of the Local Government Act 1999 requires the
Council may grant a lease or licence over community land (including
community land that is, or forms part of a park or reserve).
In addition, Section 21 of the Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005 states that:
The maximum term for which the Adelaide City Council may grant or renew
a lease or licence over land in the Adelaide Park Lands is 42 years (taking
into account any right of extension and despite the provisions of the Local
Government Act 1999);
However, before the Council grants (or renews) a lease or licence over land
in the Park Lands for a term of 10 years or more (taking into account any
right of renewal), the Council must submit copies of the lease or licence to
the Presiding Members of both Houses of Parliament.
If the alienation also involves a Development Application, Council staff will seek to
coordinate the consultation required for each assessment process.
Council must follow the relevant steps in this Policy before granting a lease or
licence relating to community land.
This Policy does not apply to the granting of temporary leases or licences relating
to a special event of three days or less. Further exclusions may be set through
legislation from time to time.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule F - Community Land - Alienation
by Lease or Licence
Steps to be followed
Council will publicise the proposal to grant a lease or
licence over community land by notice in:
• A newspaper circulating statewide;
• A newspaper circulating locally;
• Customer Centre;
• Council’s Library & Community Centres;
• Council’s Internet website.
The notice will include:
• Description of the proposal;
• Where proposal can be viewed;
• Email address for electronic copy of proposal;
• Details of the Public Meeting for cases where a
lease or licence is proposed to be granted (or
renewed) over Park Lands for a period of 10
years or more.
• Invitation for submission(s) to Council providing
at least 21 days;
• Closing times for submissions shall always be at
5pm on the date set.
• Address to send submission(s).
Public Meeting
Before the Council grants (or renews) a lease or
licence over land in the Park Lands for a period of 10
years or more, Council will call a community meeting to
set out the proposal of the alienation of community
Information will be displayed at:
• Customer Centre;
• Library & Community Centres;
• Website.
Submission(s) will be accepted by Council in writing
• Lodging at the Customer Centre;
• Email;
• Completing website submission form.
Council staff will:
• Acknowledge receipt of submission(s);
• Advise when persons can inspect a report on
• Advise when the matter will be considered by
• Advise where Council Resolutions can be
Adelaide City Council
Schedule F - Community Land - Alienation
by Lease or Licence
Council staff will consider the submission, prepare a
report on consultation and, if appropriate, prepare a
revised proposal.
Council staff will submit proposal and report on
consultation to Council for consideration.
The matter will be determined at a meeting of Council.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule G - Permits for Conducting
Business on a Public Road
Permits for Conducting Business on a Public Road
Sections 222 and 223 of the Local Government Act 1999 require that:
A person must not use a public road for business purposes unless authorised to
do so by a permit and the term of a permit cannot exceed five years
Council must follow the relevant steps in this Public Consultation Policy where
required in legislation before granting the authorisation or permit to conduct
business on a public road.
Relevant to this Council is Regulation 17(1)(b) of the Local Government ( General )
Regulations 1999. This provides that the Council must consult in accordance with
this Policy to authorise the use of the road for business purposes where a part of
the road is to be fenced, enclosed or partitioned so as to impede the passage of
traffic to a material degree.
Permits for business purposes may cover activities such as licensing outdoor cafés
or other street trading activities.
Consultation is already undertaken in relation to proposed road closures relevant to
special events within the City. Additional consultation will not be undertaken by this
Council where street trading within the closed area is ancillary to the road closure
and is not the prime reason for the closure.
However, where the road closure has been requested purely for a street trading
event for which permits for business purposes would be issued, the steps outlined
in this Policy will be followed.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule G - Permits for Conducting
Business on a Public Road
Steps to be followed
Council will publicise the proposal to grant a permit for
business purposes on a road by notice in:
• A newspaper circulating statewide;
• A newspaper circulating locally;
• Customer Centre;
• Council’s Library & Community Centres;
• Council's Internet website.
The notice will include:
• Description of the proposal;
• Where proposal can be viewed;
• Email address for electronic copy of proposal;
• Invitation for submission(s) to Council
providing at least 21 days;
• Closing times for submissions shall always be
at 5pm on the date set.
• Address to send submission(s).
Council will send letters to owners/occupiers of land
abutting the site where the permit is proposed within 50
metres of the site.
The information will be displayed at:
• Customer Centre;
• Library & Community Centres;
• Website.
Submissions will be accepted by Council in writing by:
• Lodging at the Customer Centre;
• Email;
• Completing the website submission form.
Council staff will:
• Acknowledge receipt of submission(s);
• Advise when persons can inspect a report on
• Advise when the matter will be considered by
• Advise where Council Resolutions can be
Council staff will consider the submissions, prepare a
report on consultation and, if appropriate, prepare a
revised proposal.
Council staff will submit proposal and report on
consultation to Council for further consideration.
The matter will be determined at a meeting of
Adelaide City Council
Schedule H - Planting of Vegetation on a Road
Planting of Vegetation on a Road
Section 232 of the Local Government Act 1999 requires the following:
If Council considers that the proposed planting of vegetation on a road may
have a significant impact on the following parties, Council must follow the
relevant steps set out in this Policy • residents in the area;
• proprietors of nearby businesses;
• advertisers in the area.
Council generally considers that the following categories of vegetation planting are
not considered to have a significant impact on residents, the proprietors of nearby
businesses or advertisers in the area:
• Isolated replacement plantings of ‘like species for like species’ if no
complaints have been received about that species;
Replacement plantings of a different species where replacement
planting of that species has already substantially commenced in a
street or locality, where consultation has previously been undertaken;
Replacement planting of annual and/or perennial flowers.
In consulting on the planting of vegetation on a road, Council will undertake
consultation on three levels.
1. Council's forward planting program will be publicly notified. Interested
persons will then have 21 days within which to make a submission and
to request further consultation. At a more detailed level, local landowners and occupiers will be consulted with respect to specific
proposed planting activity.
2. When the planting proposal is in addition to the forward planting
“road “ is defined in the Local Government Act 1999 as a public or private
street, road or thoroughfare to which public access is available on a
continuous or substantially continuous basis to vehicles or pedestrians or
both and includes a bridge, viaduct, subway, alley, laneway or walkway.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule H - Planting of Vegetation on a Road
Steps to be followed
Notification Forward planting
Council will publicise the proposed forward planting
program or other vegetation planting proposal by
notice in:
• A newspaper circulating statewide;
• A newspaper circulating locally
• Customer Centre;
• Council’s Library & Community Centres;
• Council's Internet website.
The notice will include:
• Identification of land for which management
plan(s) are proposed on community land;
• Where proposal can be viewed;
• Email address for electronic copy of proposal;
• Invitation for submission(s) to Council providing
at least 21 days;
• Closing times for submissions shall always be at
5pm on the date set.
• Address to send submission(s).
Information will be displayed at:
• Customer Centre;
• Library & Community Centres;
• Website.
Submissions will be accepted by Council in writing by:
• Lodging at the Customer Centre;
• Email;
• Completing the website submission form.
Council staff will:
• Acknowledge receipt of submission(s);
• Advise when persons can inspect a report on
• Advise when the matter will be considered by
• Advise where Council Resolutions can be
Council staff will consider the submissions, prepare a
report on consultation and, if appropriate, prepare a
revised proposal.
Council staff will submit proposal and report on
consultation to Council for consideration.
The matter will be determined at a meeting of Council.
Adelaide City Council
Notification Specific planting
Schedule H - Planting of Vegetation on a Road
Council will undertake consultation at a detailed level,
with local land owners and occupiers with respect to
specific proposed planting activity.
Council will send letters to:
owners/occupiers of land abutting the road;
where planting is to occur within 50 metres of
the site;
persons who have previously made submission(s) in
relation to the forward planting program and have
requested further consultation.
Information will be displayed at:
• Customer Centre;
• Library & Community Centres;
• Website.
Submissions will be accepted by Council in writing by:
• Lodging at the Customer Centre;
• Email;
• Completing the website submission form.
Council staff will:
• Acknowledge receipt of submission(s);
• Advise when persons can inspect a report on
• Advise when the matter will be considered by
• Advise where Council Resolutions can be
Council staff will consider the submissions, prepare a
report on consultation and, if appropriate, prepare a
revised proposal.
Council staff will submit proposal and report on
consultation to Council for consideration as required.
If proposed action is supported by a majority view
of the respondents:
Decision delegated to Council staff.
In other cases:
Council staff will submit proposal and report on
consultation to Council for consideration.
The matter will be determined at a meeting of
Adelaide City Council
Notification Where planting
proposal is outside
the operation of the
forward planting
Schedule H - Planting of Vegetation on a Road
Council will publicise the proposed vegetation planting
proposal by notice in:
• A newspaper circulating statewide;
• A newspaper circulating locally;
• Customer Centre;
• Council’s Library & Community Centres;
• Council's Internet website.
Council will undertake consultation with local landowners and occupiers with respect to specific
proposed planting activity which is additional to the
forward planting program.
Council will send letters to:
owners/occupiers of land abutting the road
where planting is to occur within 50 metres of
the site;
persons who have previously made
submission(s) in relation to the forward planting
program and have requested further
Information will be displayed at:
• Customer Centre;
• Library & Community Centres;
• Website.
Submissions will be accepted by Council in writing by:
• Lodging at the Customer Centre;
• Email;
• Completing the website submission form.
Council staff will:
• Acknowledge receipt of submission(s);
• Advise when persons can inspect a report on
• Advise when the matter will be considered by
• Advise where Council Resolutions can be
Adelaide City Council
Schedule H - Planting of Vegetation on a Road
Council staff will consider the submissions, prepare a
report on consultation and, if appropriate, prepare a
revised proposal.
Council staff will submit proposal and report on
consultation to Council for consideration as required.
If proposed action is supported by a majority view
of the respondents:
Decision delegated to Council staff.
In other cases:
Council staff will submit proposal and report on
consultation to Council for consideration.
The matter will be determined at a meeting of
Adelaide City Council
Schedule I - Annual Business Plan and Budget
Annual Business Plan and Budget
Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1999 requires that Council follows the
relevant steps in this Policy before adopting an Annual Business Plan and Budget.
Steps to be followed
Council will publicise the proposal by notice in:
• A newspaper circulating statewide;
• A newspaper circulating locally;
• Customer Centre;
• Council’s Library & Community Centres;
• Council's Internet website.
The notice will include:
• Description of the proposal;
• Where proposal can be viewed;
• Email address for electronic copy of proposal;
• Invitation for submission(s) to Council providing
at least 21 days;
• Closing times for submissions shall always be at
5pm on the date set.
• Address to send submission(s).
Council will ensure that copies of the draft annual
business plan and budget are available for inspection
at least 7 days before the date of the meeting.
Information will be displayed at:
• Customer Centre;
• Library & Community Centres;
• Website.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule I - Annual Business Plan and Budget
Council will invite interested persons to:
• Either a public meeting in relation to the matter
to be held on a date (which must be at least 21
days after the publication of the notice) stated in
the notice; or
• A meeting of the council to be held on a date
stated in the notice at which members of the
public may ask questions and make
submissions, in relation to the matter for a
period of at least 1 hour; or
• Make written submissions in relation to the
matter within a period (which must be at least
21 days) stated in the notice.
Submissions will be accepted by Council in writing by:
• Lodging at the Customer Centre;
• Email;
• Completing website submission form.
Council staff will:
• Acknowledge receipt of submission(s);
• Advise when persons can inspect a report on
• Advise when the matter will be considered by
• Advise where Council Resolutions can be
Council staff will consider the submissions, prepare a
report on consultation and, if appropriate, prepare a
revised proposal.
The Council will make arrangements for a meeting to
consider any submissions made at the public meetings
or through written submissions.
Council staff will submit proposal and report on
consultation to Council for further consideration.
The matter will be determined at a meeting of Council.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule J - Strategic Management Plan
Strategic Management Plan
Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1999 requires that council must adopt a
process or processes to ensure that members of the public are given a reasonable
opportunity to be involved in the development and review of its strategic management
Steps to be followed
Council will publicise the proposal by notice in:
• A newspaper circulating statewide;
• A newspaper circulating locally;
• Customer Centre;
• Council’s Library & Community Centres;
• Council's Internet website.
The notice will include:
• Description of the proposal;
• Where proposal can be viewed;
• Email address for electronic copy of proposal;
• Invitation for submission(s) to Council providing
at least 21days;
• Closing times for submissions shall always be
at 5pm on the date set.
• Address to send submission(s).
Council will ensure that copies of the draft Strategic
Management Plan are available for inspection at least
7 days before the date of any public meeting.
Information will be displayed at:
• Customer Centre;
• Library & Community Centres;
• Website.
Council will invite interested persons to:
• Either a public meeting in relation to the matter
to be held on a date (which must be at least 21
days after the publication of the notice) stated in
the notice; or
• A meeting of the council to be held on a date
stated in the notice at which members of the
public may ask questions and make
submissions, in relation to the matter for a
period of at least 1 hour; or
• Make written submissions in relation to the
matter within a period (which must be at least
21 days) stated in the notice.
Submissions will be accepted by Council in writing by:
• Lodging at the Customer Centre;
• Email;
Adelaide City Council
Schedule J - Strategic Management Plan
Completing website submission form.
Council staff will:
• Acknowledge receipt of submission(s);
• Advise when persons can inspect a report on
• Advise when the matter will be considered by
• Advise where Council Resolutions can be
Council will give any person who makes a written
submission the opportunity to appear personally or by
representative before the Council or Council
Committee and to be heard on the submission.
Council staff will consider the submissions and finalise
the report.
Council staff will submit proposal and report on
consultation to Council for further consideration.
The matter will be determined at a meeting of Council.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule K - Basis of Rating
Basis of Rating
Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1999 requires that Council follows the
relevant steps in this Policy before changing the basis of rating or changing the
imposition of rates. The public consultation required may be undertaken as part of
the public consultation required with respect to Council's draft annual business plan
and budget (Schedule I).
Steps to be followed
Council will publicise the proposal by notice in:
• A newspaper circulating locally;
• Customer Centre;
• Council’s Library and Community Centres;
• Council's Internet website.
The notice will include:
• Description of the proposal;
• Where proposal can be viewed;
• Email address for electronic copy of proposal;
• Invitation for submission(s) to Council providing
at least 21 days;
• Closing times for submissions shall always be at
5pm on the date set.
• Address to send submission(s).
Information will be displayed at:
• Customer Centre;
• Library and Community Centres;
• Website.
Submissions will be accepted by Council in writing by:
• Lodging at the Customer Centre;
• Email;
• Completing website submission form.
Council staff will:
• Acknowledge receipt of submission(s);
• Advise when persons can inspect a report on
• Advise when the matter will be considered by
• Advise where Council Resolutions can be
Council staff will consider the submissions, prepare a
report on consultation and, if appropriate, prepare a
revised proposal.
Council staff will submit proposal and report on
consultation to Council for further consideration.
The matter will be determined at a meeting of Council.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule L – Proposed Differential Rating
Proposed Differential Rating
Section 156 of the Local Government Act 1999 requires that Council follows the
relevant steps in this Policy before Council changes from declaring differential rates
in relation to any land on the basis of a differentiating factor. The public
consultation required may be undertaken as part of the public consultation required
with respect to Council's draft annual business plan and budget (Schedule I).
Steps to be followed
Council will prepare a report on the proposed change.
The report will address the following:
• The reasons for the proposed change;
• The relationship of the proposed change to the
Council's overall rates structure and policies;
• In so far as may be reasonably practicable, the
likely impact of the proposed change on rate
payers (using such assumptions, rate modelling
and levels of detail as the Council thinks fit);
• Issues concerning equity within the community.
Council will publicise the proposal by notice in:
• A newspaper circulating statewide;
• A newspaper circulating locally;
• Customer Centre;
• Council’s Library & Community Centres;
• Council's Internet website.
The notice will include:
• Description of the proposal;
• Where proposal can be viewed;
• Email address for electronic copy of proposal;
• Invitation for submission(s) to Council providing
at least 21days;
• Closing times for submissions shall always be
at 5pm on the date set.
• Address to send submission(s).
Information will be displayed at:
• Customer Centre;
• Library & Community Centres;
• Website.
Adelaide City Council
Schedule L – Proposed Differential Rating
Submissions will be accepted by Council in writing by:
• Lodging at the Customer Centre;
• Email;
• Completing website submission form.
Council staff will:
• Acknowledge receipt of submission(s);
• Advise when persons can inspect a report on
• Advise when the matter will be considered by
• Advise where Council Resolutions can be
Council staff will consider the submissions, prepare a
report on consultation and, if appropriate, prepare a
revised proposal.
Council staff will submit proposal and report on
consultation to Council for further consideration.
The matter will be determined at a meeting of Council.