LEU-Foil Development/Qualification Experiment Plan Outline Rev. 0 Introduction There is limited experimental data published that characterizes the physical behavior of thin uranium foils during irradiation. Macroscopic U-swelling and fission gas generation data is needed to construct models capable of predicting the performance of LEU-foil Mo-99 targets during irradiation. The models will be used to demonstrate the structural integrity of U-foil targets during irradiation. Post irradiation examination (PIE) data specific to quantifying the amount (moles) of fission that escapes a U-foil target during irradiation will be used to validate the conclusions presented in TDR - 0112, “Production of Fission Product Mo-99 Using the LEU-Modified Cintichem Process – Assessment of Fission Gas Release During LEU-Foil Target Irradiation & Disassembly.” This experiment plan outlines a strategy for acquiring U-foil irradiation behavior data using the Pitesti reactor and its PIE facility. The PIE data will be used to support the development of a universal LEU-foil based target that can be used by any current or future Mo-99 producer who desires to evaluate the LEU-foil targetry option. The effectiveness of nickel, aluminum, and zinc fission-recoil barrier materials applied to LEU-foils will be evaluated by testing. The tests will be performed under irradiation conditions that represent the maximum irradiation parameters (i.e., thermal neutron flux and irradiation time) of dispersion type targets that are now being irradiated to produce Mo-99. Background U-Foil Irradiation Behavior The property of U-growth (no large change in volume) is a function of: 1) the temperature at which U-foil was hot rolled, 2) the temperature of the U-foil during irradiation, and 3) the percent burnup of U-235 atoms(1). The magnitude of macroscopic U-swelling (measurable change in volume) is directly proportional to the integrated neutron flux (i.e., fluence; n/cm2-s x irradiation time in seconds). The magnitude of U-growth can be reduced by β-quenching the U-foil after it is cold-rolled to its final thickness. A β-quench heat treatment of a U-foil after the cold-rolling process produces a fine grain structure with random grain orientation. A fine grain structure with random orientation is known to reduce the magnitude of U-growth. For the fluence and irradiation temperature range experienced by an LEU-foil Mo-99 target, the three (3) major mechanisms for macroscopic U-foil swelling are: 1) Irradiation growth (also referred to as U-growth or anisotropic growth) is a change in shape with no large change in volume(2). 2) Fission gas (Kr, Xe & I) accumulation(2), and 3) Solid fission product accumulation. This can account for an atomic volume increase of ≈ 2% per % burnup(2). The increase in volume, resulting from gaseous and solid fission-product accumulation can be approximated as three (3) times % burnup(3). Page 1 of 4 LEU-Foil Development/Qualification Experiment Plan Outline Rev. 0 Objectives 1) Determine the change in dimensions of the LEU-foil caused by macroscopic U-swelling and evaluate the integrity of a fission-recoil barrier material’s bond to the U-foil during irradiation. 2) Determine any change of irradiated-foil flexibility with time after its removal from the target. The purpose of this objective is to provide assurance that the foil does not become brittle and break before it is placed in the dissolver. 3) Determine the amount of contamination on the surface of the fission-recoil barrier after the foil’s removal from the target. The purpose of this objective is to address the issue of potentially contaminating the hot cell during target disassembly as discussed at the recent IAEA Consultancy Meeting. 4) Measure the amount (i.e., moles) of fission gas (Kr, Xe & I) that escapes the fission-recoil barrier of the LEU-foil test coupons during irradiation. This will be compared to the theoretical amount of fission gas that escapes through the fission-recoil barrier as determined by the analytical method used in TDR-0112. Phase-1 Experiments Prior to performing the Phase 1 experiments, special equipment, supporting procedures, and a metrology set will be developed as outlined in Attachment 1. Test Coupon Materials The Phase 1 test coupon set will consist of three (3) LEU-foils. Each LEU-foil will have a thickness of approximately 127 µm and a mass of > 4.0 grams. All foils in this first set will be wrapped in a 40 µm thick piece of aluminum foil. This wrap (i.e., envelope) serves as a fission-recoil barrier to prevent the foil component of the target from bonding to the irradiation sample holder. Each test coupon-size foil will be manufactured using a different technique, as identified in Attachment 1. Two foils will be cold-rolled at Y-12 and the third foil will be cooling-roll cast by KAERI. One of the Y-12 foils will be β-quenched after cold-rolling. This first set of foils will allow the properties of LEU-foil grain orientation and size to be evaluated with respect to their impact on the U-growth component of macroscopic U-swelling as defined in Reference 2. Methods Pre-irradiation dimensions of the LEU-foil test coupons (i.e., samples) manufactured by Y-12 and KAERI will be obtained. The LEU-foil test coupons will then be irradiated in the Pitesti reactor at a thermal neutron flux of approximately 2.0E14 n/cm2-s for an irradiation period of 300 hours. This magnitude of fluence (i.e., 2.16E20 n/cm2) equates to the fluence experienced by an LEU-foil Mo-99 target that is irradiated at a maximum neutron flux of 3.0E14 n/cm2-s for a maximum irradiation time of 200 hours. A special irradiation target (sample holder) will be designed to ensure that the LEU-foil is in an “unrestrained” state during irradiation. This will allow the foil to grow freely in all directions during irradiation. The irradiation sample holder can be made from an alloy of aluminum. Thermal analysis will need to be completed on the target to ensure that there is sufficient cooling so as to not violate any reactor safety requirements. The target must maintain its integrity during irradiation to prevent fission gas from escaping to the reactor pool. Page 2 of 4 LEU-Foil Development/Qualification Experiment Plan Outline Rev. 0 After the test coupons have been irradiated, they will be measured again in the PIE facility to determine the irradiation induced dimensional change that will be used to quantify macroscopic U-swelling. The postirradiated measurements will be obtained using the pre-irradiation measurement toolset to ensure that the observed property changes and dimensional changes are not due to differences in metrology. The irradiated test coupons will be visually inspected. They will also be flexed to qualitatively assess their post-irradiation brittleness as a function of time after target disassembly. Each set of experiments will be performed in triplicate, one for each of the foils in a test coupon set. Phase-2 Experiments Prior to performing the Phase 2 experiments, special equipment, supporting procedures, and a metrology set will be developed as outlined in Attachment 2. Test Coupon Fission-Recoil Barrier Materials The composition of the Phase 2 test coupon set is described in Attachment 2. The first set of test coupons will be electroplated with a 10 µm thick nickel fission-recoil barrier. The second set of test coupons will be wrapped with a 15 µm thick nickel foil fission-recoil barrier. The third set of test coupons will be wrapped with a 40 µm thick aluminum foil fission-recoil barrier. The fourth set of test coupons will be electroplated with a 10 µm thick zinc fission-recoil barrier. Methods In this phase, the amount of any fission gas that escapes through the fission-recoil barrier material will be measured by the method of mass spectrometry. A method for evacuating any fission gas from the test coupon target to the mass spectrometer will be developed and validated in the laboratory. Following disassembly of each test coupon target, a swipe of the foil will be obtained and counted to assess any loose surface contamination on the foil. As in Phase 1, dimensions of the test coupon will be measured and its brittleness assessed over time after its removal from the target. Each Phase 2 test coupon will be irradiated in a “restrained” state. This means that the macroscopic Uswelling of the LEU-foil is restrained by the target’s cladding. This represents the configuration of an assembled Mo-99 annular target. Each set of experiments will be performed in triplicate, one for each of the foils in a test coupon set. Phase-3 Experiment(s) In this phase, one or more full-size (i.e., commercial scale) LEU-foil annular targets will be irradiated and evaluated. The LEU-foil type used will be selected based on the results of Phase 2. The PIE objectives will be the same as those for Phase 2. These experiments will be planned after completion of Phase-2 and are not part of the current scope. Page 3 of 4 LEU-Foil Development/Qualification Experiment Plan Outline Rev. 0 References: (1) Irradiation Effects in Nuclear Fuels - An AEC Monograph (pg. 25); J.A.L. Robertson, Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd.; 1969 (2) Experimental Studies of U-Pu-Zr Fast Reactor Fuel Pins in EBR-II, G.L. Hofman, et al, Argonne National Laboratory; “Submitted for publication in the proceedings of the Fall 1988 AIME Meeting, “Symposium on Irradiation-Enhanced Materials Science”, Chicago, IL (3) Irradiation Effects in Nuclear Fuels - An AEC Monograph (pg. 40); J.A.L. Robertson, Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd.; 1969 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1 Rev. 0 LEU-Foil Experiment Plan Phase-1 Test Matrix Phase-1: Target, Equipment, Procedures, and Metrology Development 1) In cooperation with U.S. partners, design test coupon-size foil targets to facilitate all PIE procedures, including: a. Visual inspection b. Foil dimension measurement c. Flexure test of foil to assess brittleness with time after removal from target 2) Develop procedures, equipment, and metrology for all PIE measurements of foils 3) Assemble/install all equipment and supplies necessary to perform PIE in hot cell 4) Optimize and validate all procedures, equipment, and metrology using cold simulants 5) Perform safety analysis for irradiation, sample transport, and for PIE; and obtain permission to irradiate test coupon targets and perform all PIE procedures 6) In cooperation with U.S. partners: a. Design container and irradiation rig for the test coupon targets b. Develop procedures for irradiation of test coupon targets, transferring them to the PIE facility, and disposing of all waste from the experiments Phase-1Test Coupon Set – “Unrestrained” Unalloyed LEU-foil (with 40 µm thick Al-foil fission-recoil barrier) LEU-foil mass/size: To be determined; Ave. LEU-foil thickness = 127 µm [ 5.0 mils ] Test Coupon “A” Test Coupon “B” Test Coupon “C” Y-12 Foil Manufacturing Method: Cross Cold Rolled with no β-Quench Heat Treatment Y-12 Foil Manufacturing Method: Unidirectional Cold Rolled with β-Quench Heat Treatment KAERI Foil Manufacturing Method: Cooling-Roll Casting PIE Objectives: 1) Visual inspection 2) Dimensional measurements 3) Flexure test to assess brittleness as a function of time after target disassembly PIE Objectives: 1) Visual inspection 2) Dimensional measurements 3) Flexure test to assess brittleness as a function of time after target disassembly PIE Objectives: 1) Visual inspection 2) Dimensional measurements 3) Flexure test to assess brittleness as a function of time after target disassembly Page 1 of 1 Attachment 2 Rev. 0 LEU-Foil Experiment Plan Phase-2 Test Matrix Phase-2: Target, Equipment, Procedures, and Metrology Development 1) In cooperation with U.S. partners, design test coupon-size foil targets to facilitate all PIE procedures, including: a. Fission gas evacuation for mass spectrometer analysis b. Visual inspection c. Foil dimension measurement d. Loose contamination survey (swipe) e. Flexure test of foil to assess brittleness with time after removal from target 2) Develop procedures, equipment, and metrology for all PIE measurements of foils 3) Optimize and validate all procedures, equipment, and metrology using cold simulants 4) Perform safety analysis for irradiation, sample transport, and PIE; and obtain permission to irradiate test coupon targets and perform all PIE procedures 5) In cooperation with U.S. partners: a. Design container and irradiation rig for the test coupon targets b. Develop procedures for irradiation of test coupon targets, transferring them to the PIE facility, and disposing of all waste from the experiments Phase-2 Test Coupon Set No. 1 – “Restrained” Unalloyed LEU-foil (with 10 µm thick electroplated nickel fission-recoil barrier) LEU-foil mass/size: To be determined; Test Coupon “2/1A” Ave. Thickness = 127 µm [ 5.0 mils ] Test Coupon “2/1B” Y-12 Foil Manufacturing Method: Cross Cold Rolled with no β-Quench Heat Treatment 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Y-12 Foil Manufacturing Method: Unidirectional Cold Rolled with β-Quench Heat Treatment KAERI Foil Manufacturing Method: Cooling-Roll Casting Method PIE Objectives: Fission gas evacuation for mass spec. analysis Visual inspection Foil dimension measurements 1 Loose contamination assay (swipe) Flexure test to assess brittleness as a function of time after target disassembly ______________ 1 Test Coupon “2/1C” May require constructing and installing a containment box in the PIE hot cell to keep the foil free from potential hot cell contamination. Page 1 of 3 Attachment 2 Rev. 0 LEU-Foil Experiment Plan Phase-2 Test Matrix Phase-2 Test Coupon Set No. 2 – “Restrained” Unalloyed LEU-foil (with 15 µm thick Ni-foil fission-recoil barrier) LEU-foil mass/size: To be determined; Test Coupon “2/2A” Ave. Thickness = 127 µm [ 5.0 mils ] Test Coupon “2/2B” Y-12 Foil Manufacturing Method: Cross Cold Rolled with no β-Quench Heat Treatment 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Y-12 Foil Manufacturing Method: Unidirectional Cold Rolled with β-Quench Heat Treatment Test Coupon “2/2C” KAERI Foil Manufacturing Method: Cooling-Roll Casting Method PIE Objectives: Fission gas evacuation for mass spec. analysis Visual inspection Foil dimension measurements 1 Loose contamination assay (swipe) Flexure test to assess brittleness as a function of time after target disassembly Phase-2 Test Coupon Set No. 3 – “Restrained” Unalloyed LEU-foil (with 40 µm thick Al-foil fission-recoil barrier) LEU-foil mass/size: To be determined; Test Coupon “2/3A” Ave. Thickness = 127 µm [ 5.0 mils ] Test Coupon “2/3B” Y-12 Foil Manufacturing Method: Cross Cold Rolled with no β-Quench Heat Treatment 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Y-12 Foil Manufacturing Method: Unidirectional Cold Rolled with β-Quench Heat Treatment KAERI Foil Manufacturing Method: Cooling-Roll Casting Method PIE Objectives: Fission gas evacuation for mass spec. analysis Visual inspection Foil dimension measurements 1 Loose contamination assay (swipe) Flexure test to assess brittleness as a function of time after target disassembly ______________ 1 Test Coupon “2/3C” May require constructing and installing containment box in the PIE hot cell to keep the foil free from potential hot cell contamination. Page 2 of 3 Attachment 2 Rev. 0 LEU-Foil Experiment Plan Phase-2 Test Matrix Phase-2 Test Coupon Set No. 4 – “Restrained” Unalloyed LEU-foil (with 10 µm thick electroplated zinc fission-recoil barrier) LEU-foil mass/size: To be determined; Test Coupon “2/4A” Ave. Thickness = 127 µm [ 5.0 mils ] Test Coupon “2/4B” Y-12 Foil Manufacturing Method: Cross Cold Rolled with no β-Quench Heat Treatment 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Y-12 Foil Manufacturing Method: Unidirectional Cold Rolled with β-Quench Heat Treatment KAERI Foil Manufacturing Method: Cooling-Roll Casting Method PIE Objectives: Fission gas evacuation for mass spec. analysis Visual inspection Foil dimension measurements 1 Loose contamination assay (swipe) Flexure test to assess brittleness as a function of time after target disassembly ______________ 1 Test Coupon “2/4C” May require constructing and installing a containment box in the PIE hot cell to keep the foil free from potential hot cell contamination. Page 3 of 3 Attachment 3 LEU-Foil Experiment Plan Phase-3 Test Matrix Rev. 0 First Generation Full-Size Target Phase-3 Test Coupon Set No. 1 – “Restrained” LEU-foil mass: ≥ 20 g; LEU-foil /size: To be determined Ave. Thickness = 127 µm [ 5.0 mils ] to 200 µm [ 7.9 mils ] Test Coupon “3/1” LEU-Foil Type: To be determined based on the results of Phase 2 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) PIE Objectives: Fission gas evacuation for mass spec. analysis Visual inspection Foil dimension measurements 1 Loose contamination assay (swipe) Flexure test to assess brittleness ______________ 1 May require constructing and installing a containment box in the PIE hot cell to keep the foil free from potential hot cell contamination. Page 1 of 1