Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 DOI 10.1007/s12217-012-9315-8 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Nucleate Pool Boiling Experiments (NPBX) on the International Space Station Vijay Kumar Dhir · Gopinath R. Warrier · Eduardo Aktinol · David Chao · Jeffery Eggers · William Sheredy · Wendell Booth Received: 5 December 2011 / Accepted: 13 June 2012 / Published online: 19 July 2012 © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012 Abstract During the period of March–May 2011, a series of boiling experiments was carried out in the Boiling Experimental Facility (BXF) located in the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) of the International Space Station (ISS). The BXF Facility was carried to ISS on Space Shuttle Mission STS–133 on February 24, 2011. Nucleate Pool Boiling Experiment (NPBX) was one of the two experiments housed in the BXF. Results of experiments on single bubble dynamics (e.g., inception and growth), multiple bubble dynamics (lateral merger and departure, if any), nucleate pool boiling heat transfer, and critical heat flux are described. In the experiments Perfluoro-n-hexane was used as the test liquid. The system pressure was varied from 51 to 243 kPa, pool temperature was varied from 30◦ to 59◦ C, and test surface temperature was varied from 40◦ to 80◦ C. The test surface was a polished aluminum disc (1 mm thick, 89.5 mm in diameter) heated from below with strain gage heaters. Five cylindrical cavities were formed on the surface with four cavities located at the corners of a square and one in the middle. During experiments the magnitude of mean gravity level normal This work was initially supported under the NASA Microgravity Fluid Physics Program. V. K. Dhir (B) · G. R. Warrier · E. Aktinol Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA e-mail: vdhir@seas.ucla.edu D. Chao · W. Sheredy NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA J. Eggers · W. Booth Zin Technologies, Cleveland, OH, USA to the heater surface varied from 1.2 × 10−7 ge to 6 × 10−7 ge . The results of the experiments show that a single bubble continues to grow to occupy the size of the chamber without departing from the heater surface. During lateral merger of bubbles, at high superheats a large bubble may lift off from the surface but continues to hover near the surface. Neighboring bubbles are continuously pulled into the large bubble. At low superheats bubbles at neighboring sites simply merge to yield a larger bubble. The larger bubble mostly locates in the middle of the heated surface and serves as a vapor sink. The latter mode continues to persist when boiling is occurring all over the heater surface. Heat fluxes for steady state nucleate boiling and critical heat fluxes are found to be much lower than those obtained under earth normal gravity conditions. The data are useful for calibration of results of numerical simulations. Any correlations that are developed for nucleate boiling heat transfer under microgravity condition must account for the existence of vapor escape path (sink) from the heater, size of the heater, and the size and geometry of the chamber. Keywords Bubble dynamics · Nucleate boiling · Critical heat flux · Microgravity Introduction At earth normal gravity boiling is known to be a very efficient mode of heat transfer, and as such, it is employed in component cooling and in various energy conversion systems. For space applications, boiling can also be a preferred mode of heat transfer since for a given power rating the size of a component can 308 be significantly reduced. Applications of boiling heat transfer in space can be found in the areas of thermal management, fluid handling and control, power systems, on-orbit storage and supply systems for cryogenic propellants and life support fluids, and for cooling of electronic packages associated with various instrumentation and control systems. Recent interest in exploration of Mars and other planets, and the concept of insitu resource utilization on Mars highlights the need to understand the effect of gravity on boiling heat transfer at gravity levels of 1 ≥ g/ge ≥ 10−7 . Studies of boiling at low gravity can be grouped into two periods- the studies that were conducted in the 1960s mostly at NASA Glenn Research Center and the studies that have been conducted during the last three decades. In the earlier studies, single bubble dynamics (bubbles growth and departure) and nucleate boiling heat transfer on ribbons and wires were studied. Although these studies provided valuable insights to the phenomena, the duration of experiments at low gravity was only a few seconds and did not represent quasi-static conditions. In the later studies boiling experiments at g/ge ∼ = 10−2 and g/ge ∼ = 10−4 have been conducted for much longer durations of low gravity. However, these experiments have often yielded contradictory data and have not been able to provide understanding of the phenomena up to a level that is necessary for development of models or correlations. As such at present we neither have a basis for scaling of the effect of fluid properties and gravity nor have correlations for nucleate and maximum heat fluxes which can be used for design purposes. Amongst the studies conducted in the 1960s, Siegel and Keshock (1964) studied the dynamic behavior of bubbles on an isolated site formed on a very smooth horizontal nickel surface. The experiments were conducted for g/ge varying from 1 to 0.014, and saturated water at one atmosphere pressure was used as the test liquid. From the measurement of growth rate and bubble diameter at departure it was concluded that none of the correlations reported in the literature at that time yielded predictions that were in agreement with data as g/ge was reduced. Also, it was found that at reduced gravity, after a large bubble departed several smaller bubbles growing at the same site were sucked into the larger bubble before the cycle repeated itself. Furthermore, it was noted that bubble diameter at departure and growth period increased with decrease in gravity and the growth rate of the bubble at departure had some influence on the bubble diameter at departure. However, the magnitude of gravity had little effect on the contact angle which was found to remain nearly constant during the growth period. Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 Using the bubble growth rate data, Keshock and Siegel (1964) evaluated the magnitude of the forces that lead to the bubble departure. They noted that bubble departure was governed by the balance of buoyancy, surface tension, and inertial force. For slow growing bubbles, buoyancy was balanced by surface tension forces whereas for the fast growing bubbles it was the liquid inertia and surface tension that determined the bubble diameter at departure. Thus it was found that for fast growing bubbles, there was no effect of gravity on bubble diameter at departure, whereas for slow growing bubbles the bubble diameter at departure increased as g−1/2 . Siegel and Usiskin (1959) studied nucleate boiling on electrically heated vertical and horizontal ribbons under free fall conditions. During the free fall the platform carrying the test section traveled about 8 ft. From photographic observations it was found that during the free fall vapor remained adjacent to the heated surface and did not appear to push away from the heater surface. Subsequently, Usiskin and Siegel (1961) measured critical heat flux on a 1 mm diameter platinum wire under the low gravity conditions that lasted about 1 second. For gravity levels of 1 ≤ g/ge ≤ 0.04, it was found that observed critical heat flux was generally consistent with the g1/4 dependence given by the hydrodynamic theory while nucleate boiling data were comparable to those obtained at earth normal gravity. Siegel (1967) reviewed the reduced gravity boiling studies and concluded that the effect of magnitude of gravity on nucleate boiling heat transfer is small. Referring to the work of Cochran et al. (1966), he concluded that the magnitude of gravitational acceleration becomes even less important with liquid subcooling. It should be stressed that although in studies prior to 1967, gravity levels up to 10−5 ge were obtained, the duration of experiments in reduced gravity was less than 7 sec. Transient effects must have played an important role in the nucleate and critical heat flux data obtained in these short duration tests. Oka et al. (1995) have studied pool boiling of nPentane, R-113, and water on transparent heaters under parabolic flight conditions. During the flight, significant variation of the gravity level occurred and only for about 5 seconds, reduced gravity, g/ge , of about 0.02 persisted normal to the heater surface. It was noted that during stable nucleate boiling of n-Pentane and R-113, bubble merger at the heater surface occurred by sliding of the bubbles along the surface. However in water, coalescence of bubbles occurred in the direction normal to the heaters by suction of smaller, newer bubbles into larger bubbles. The difference in bubble merger behavior for water and the two other liquids was attributed to Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 differences in surface tension and wettability characteristics. It was postulated that vapor/liquid/solid contact behavior attains significant importance at low gravities. However, the authors reported no quantitative value of physical parameters (e.g., contact angle) which could be used to relate to the observed behavior. During the period of low gravity no bubbles were seen to detach from the heater surface. Nucleate boiling heat fluxes under low gravity condition for R-113 and n-Pentane were found to be comparable to those obtained under earth normal gravity conditions. However, with water, a substantial reduction in nucleate boiling heat fluxes at a given wall superheat was found at the low gravity levels. All of the reported data were obtained for subcooled liquid with a liquid subcooling as high as 20 K. No critical heat flux condition (CHF) was achieved in water, but CHF with n-Pentane and R-113 was found to be about 40% of that under earth normal gravity conditions. Abe et al. (1994) have studied pool boiling of a mixture of ethanol and water under free fall conditions of a drop tower. In the experiments, reduced gravity of the order of 10−5 ge existed for about 10 seconds. It was found that during boiling with this non-azeotropic mixture, the nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficients were about 20% higher than those under normal gravity conditions. Also, with 11.3% weight mixture of ethanol in water, the critical heat flux observed at 10−5 ge , was only about 20–40% lower than that obtained at the earth normal condition. This finding again suggests that for these short durations of microgravity, the dependence of critical heat flux on gravity is very weak. From visual observations it has been suggested by Abe et al. that the Marangoni effect along the bubble causes the liquid to flow into micro/macro layer underneath the bubble. The inflow of liquid is also responsible for lifting of the bubbles from the surface. The bubbles, however, continued to position themselves near the surface. At high heat fluxes a double layer of bubbles was formed on the heater surface with secondary bubbles sucking the primary bubbles and enlarging themselves. Straub (1994) has reviewed the microgravity boiling heat transfer work conducted in his laboratory since 1980. He and his co-workers have conducted saturated and subcooled boiling experiments in a drop tower facility a ballistic rocket and in parabolic flights. In the drop tower the duration of microgravity was about 10 seconds, in the aircraft 20 seconds, and in the ballistic rocket about 6 minutes. Both electrically heated wire heaters and flat plate heaters were used in the experiments. During subcooled boiling of R-113 on a horizontal wire in the ballistic rocket flight (g/ge < 10−4 ), a vapor film appeared to surround the wire once 309 power was supplied to the wire. The vapor film was observed to pulsate and during receding period of the vapor film front, a liquid film was deposited on the wire. Rewetting of the wire led to activation of nucleation sites on both sides of the oscillating film. Condensation at the vapor-liquid interface occurred and by Marangoni effect hotter liquid from near the wall was pushed into the colder bulk liquid. For pure vapor, existence of Marangoni convection cannot be justified. Thus the authors postulated that there were some noncondensibles in the liquid which, upon evaporation of liquid, tended to accumulate at the outer edge of the film. The accumulation of the non-condensibles caused local saturation pressure of the vapor to decrease and reduce the interfacial temperature. This mode of boiling was termed as nucleate boiling and magnitude of nucleate boiling heat fluxes at a given wall superheat was found to be comparable to that at g/ge = 1, under similar subcooling conditions. On a flat plate heater a large vapor bubble occupying the whole heater surface formed upon nucleation. During the rapid growth of the bubble, a foam of smaller bubbles was created in the thin liquid film held between the heater and the large bubble. Also, it has been noted that a thermocapillary flow existed from the base of the bubble to the top and it lifted up the back of the bubble. Smaller bubbles were observed to be present on the heater only when the liquid was subcooled. In the parabolic flights, when the gravity level changed from low to high values, little change in the heat transfer coefficient during nucleate boiling on a platinum wire was noted, although the size of the bubbles was observed to shrink. A similar observation was made for the data obtained on flat plate heaters. To explain the lack of dependence of nucleate boiling on the level of gravity, Straub has identified primary and secondary mechanisms for nucleate boiling. The primary mechanism for heat transfer during nucleate boiling is the evaporation of the thin film between the vapor and the heater surface. The flow in the thin film is supported by the capillary pressure gradient. The evaporation ceases and a dry region in the central portion of the base of the bubble is formed when the wall superheat is sufficiently high to dislodge the molecules attached to the heater surface. This qualitative description of the evaporation process is similar to the quantitative analysis performed by Lay and Dhir (1995) for fully developed nucleate boiling heat transfer. It was noted that the evaporation of the microlayer is mainly determined by capillary forces and as such is not influenced by gravity. The secondary mechanisms were responsible for transfer of heat and mass from the wall to the bulk. These included mass and energy 310 carried by departing bubbles, and convection induced by bubble motion and condensation at the top of the bubbles. Surface tension was claimed to be the dominant force that led to merger of bubbles horizontally and vertically, migration of secondary bubbles to larger bubbles, and lifting of larger bubbles by nucleation of secondary bubbles underneath. In subcooled boiling, Marangoni convection tended to hold the larger bubbles against the heater surface. No quantitative analyses to support these qualitative observations were provided. However, it was noted that to develop a physical understanding of boiling under microgravity conditions, basic studies dealing with boiling heat transfer and physical processes associated with single bubbles should be performed. The single bubble studies should include bubble inception, bubble growth, bubble dynamics, evaporation and condensation around bubbles attached to the heater, bubble coalescence, and stability of dry spots underneath bubbles. Straub and Micko (1996) have reported results of subcooled and saturated boiling of R-134a on 0.05 and 0.2 mm diameter platinum wires uin the microgravity environment of the space shuttle. Nucleate boiling heat flux at a given wall superheat was found to be higher in microgravity conditions than that obtained under earth normal gravity conditions. The enhancement in the rate of heat transfer was higher for the thicker wire. For saturated liquid, the critical heat flux under microgravity condition was lower than that at earth normal gravity; however it was much higher than that which would be predicted from the hydrodynamic theory. The liquid momentum created during bubble formation and coalescence was attributed to lead to bubble departure from the heater. In another paper, Straub et al. (1996) have reported results of bubble dynamics and pool boiling heat transfer on a 0.26 mm diameter hemispherical surface placed in the BDPU (Bubble, Drop, and Particle Unit) facility. This facility was carried in the space shuttle. Again, little difference in the nucleate boiling data obtained under 1 g and μg condition was found. The critical heat flux for saturated liquid under microgravity was found to be only 15% lower than that at 1 g. With R11 nucleate boiling heat fluxes as high as 90 W/cm2 were observed under microgravity conditions. Bubble dynamics was observed to change significantly with change in liquid subcooling, system pressure and wall superheat. Surface tension, wetting behavior of the liquid, bubble coalescence and liquid momentum during bubble formation was found to influence the boiling process. Thermocapillary flow was found to play an important role under subcooled boiling conditions. Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 Ervin et al. (1992) and Ervin and Merte (1993) have studied transient nucleate boiling on a gold film sputtered on a quartz plate by using a 5 second drop tower (g/ge ∼ = 10−5 ) at NASA Glenn Research Center. In the experiments R-113 was used as the test liquid. From the experiments, it was found that time or temperature for initiating nucleate boiling was greater for a pool at saturation temperature than that for a subcooled pool. They also noted the occurrence of energetic boiling at relatively low heat fluxes. The energetic boiling in which the vapor mass rapidly covered the heater was postulated to be associated with an instability at the wrinkled vapor-liquid interface. Merte (1994) and Merte et al. (1995) have also reported results of pool boiling experiments conducted in the space shuttle on the same surface that was used in the drop tower tests. Subcooled boiling under microgravity conditions was found to be unstable. Because of a large step in power input to the heater, the heater surface temperature rose rapidly. Nucleation generally occurred at higher superheats and resulted in bubbles that grew energetically. From analysis of the data the investigators found evidence of both quasi-homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation. It was noted that long term steady state nucleate boiling could be maintained on a flat plate heater under microgravity conditions when a large bubble parked itself a short distance away from the heater and acted as a vapor sink. Also, from runs lasting a few seconds to up to about two minutes it was concluded that nucleate pool boiling heat transfer coefficients in microgravity are higher than those at earth normal gravity. No mechanistic explanation was given for this observation. Furthermore, because of the onset of dryout, the maximum heat flux in microgravity was reduced substantially. These observations have been reinforced through the results of two sets of recent experiments (Merte et al. 1998) on the space shuttle. Additionally, it has been noted that liquid subcooling enhances nucleate boiling heat transfer in microgravity. A detailed review of various studies has been reported by Dhir (2002). In the present study of nucleate boiling heat transfer under microgravity conditions an approach is used such that while providing basic knowledge of the phenomena, it also leads to development of simulation models and correlations that can be used as design tools for a wide range of gravity levels. In this study a building block type of approach is used and only pool boiling is investigated. Starting with experiments with a single bubble, the complexity of the experiments was increased to multiple bubbles placed on a twodimensional grid. A polished aluminum wafer was used Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 as the test surface because on such a surface cavities of desired size and shape can be easily fabricated. In the experiments, liquid subcooling and wall superheat were varied parametrically. The system pressure in the experiments was varied over a narrow range around one atmosphere. In the experiments, the heater surface temperature is to be maintained nearly constant by controlling power input to different regions on the heater. Data were taken for heater temperatures, power input to heaters and liquid temperature in the pool. Visual observations provided quantitative data on bubble inception, bubble growth, bubble merger and bubble departure processes. The data were obtained under nearly steady state microgravity conditions. Modeling/complete numerical simulation of the boiling process is an integral part of the experimental effort. Scaling of the effect of gravity in the range 1 ≥ g/ge ≥ 10−7 has been a prerequisite for the model. A quantitative comparison of data from experiments for bubble dynamics including bubble growth, merger and departure process has been made. Overall Objective Develop a mechanistic model for nucleate boiling under microgravity conditions. The model is to be supported by experiments on the ISS. Use a building block approach to validate different components of the model and increase complexity in steps. 311 minum wafer (6061-T6 aluminum alloy, surface roughness between 16–19 nm) with five artificial cavities as the boiling surface. The aluminum wafer (shown in Fig. 1) was bent at the edge to join with the housing holding the wafer. The overall diameter is 89.5 mm and its thickness is 1.0 mm. Five artificial cavities were etched on the heater surface using the Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) technique. Four of the cavities are located in the corners of a square (38.18 mm per side), while the fifth cavity is located at the center. Hence the diagonal distance between the central cavity (denoted as cavity 1) and the other cavities (denoted as cavities 2, 3, 4, and 5) is 27.0 mm (see Fig. 1). Single bubble departure diameter predicted at 10−4 ge , using numerical simulations, was used in deciding on the spacing between the prefabricated cavities. The spacing chosen was such that lateral bubble merger would occur prior to departure when multiple nucleation sites are activated on the heater surface. Each of the cavities was designed to have the following nominal dimensions: diameter ∼ 10 μm and depth ∼ 100 μm. However as it is extremely difficult to precisely control the dimensions of the cavities during the EDM machining process, some variation in cavity dimensions are to be expected. Based on inspection of the cavities it was found that the cavity diameters varied from 16.3 to 17.6 μm. Figure 2 shows a photograph of one of the etched artificial cavities (D ∼ 16.3 μm). Specific Objectives • • • • Single bubble dynamics (nucleation, growth and departure) under microgravity conditions under constant wall temperature. Effect of liquid subcooling, wall superheat and system pressure on single bubble dynamics. Heat flux variation on the heated surface during single bubble evolution. Lateral merger of bubbles formed at neighboring sites and mechanism of vapor removal from the surface. Experiments NPBX Experimental Apparatus The Nucleate Pool Boiling eXperiment (NPBX) is one of two experiments housed in the Boiling eXperiment Facility (BXF). NPBX uses a diamond turned alu- Fig. 1 Schematic of the aluminum heater 312 Fig. 2 Photograph of an etched artificial cavity (D ∼ 16.3 μm) The heating of the aluminum wafer was accomplished using strain gage heaters bonded to the backside of the wafer. In addition, thermistors were also bonded to the backside of the wafer to monitor the wafer temperature at several locations. The strain gage heaters and thermistors are grouped such that each of the five cavities could be activated independently. A schematic of the strain gages and thermistors on the backside of the wafer is shown in Fig. 3. The strain gages were arranged such that each cavity had two groups of strain gage heaters associated with it; one strain gage heater directly underneath the cavity Fig. 3 Schematic of the strain gage and thermistor arrangement on the backside of the wafer Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 (called the cavity heater and labeled as ‘C’ in Fig. 3) and another surrounding it (called the surround heater and labeled as ‘S’ in Fig. 3). In addition, there are two groups of background heaters (labeled background heaters ‘B1’ and ‘B2’ in Fig. 3). The background heaters are not directly associated with the cavities. These heaters are used to heat parts of the wafer that are not heated by the cavity or surround heater groups. As such there were a total of 12 heater groups on the backside of the wafer. In Fig. 3, each of the heater groups associated with a particular cavity is identified by the corresponding cavity number; for example, heater groups C1 and S1 are the cavity and surround heaters groups associated with cavity 1 (center cavity), respectively. The strain gages used in the experiment were manufactured by Vishay Precision Group. The strain gages used for the surround and background heaters are Model: EA-06-250AF-120, which has dimensions of length = 11 mm and width = 7 mm. The cavity heaters are EA06-062TT-120, which are dual gages each with a nominal resistance of 120 ohms (total length = 8 mm, total width = 7 mm). All strain gages have are approximately 0.05 mm thick. The arrangement of the thermistors on the backside was similar to the arrangement of the heater groups. For each cavity, one thermistor was used to measure Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 313 Fig. 4 Schematic of heater assembly the temperature almost directly below the cavity while another was used to measure the temperature of the surrounding area. With this arrangement, the temperature of each heater group was controlled by adjustment of the power to the heater. For example, power to heater group C1 was controlled using output from thermistor T1, while power to heater group S1 was controlled using output from thermistor T2. A similar arrangement was used for the other cavities. Note that power to the background heater groups B1 and B2 is controlled using output from thermistors 12 and 11, respectfully. The 12 thermistors bonded to the backside of the aluminum wafer were manufactured by Omega (Model: TH-44007-36-T). The maximum bead diameter of these epoxy encapsulated thermistors is 2.4 mm and they have a nominal resistance of 5000 ohm at 25 ◦ C. Figure 4 shows the cross section of the complete heater assembly. The aluminum wafer (with strain gage heaters and thermistors bonded to the backside) was bonded to a G-11 base using 3M Scotchweld 2216 epoxy. Four additional thermistors were provided in the G-11 base. These thermistors were placed at distances of 5.3, 8.6, 14.7, and 24.5 mm from the bottom of the aluminum wafer. Lead wires soldered to the strain gage heaters and thermistors were used to connect them to the power supply and data acquisition system, respectively. Note that the lead wires are not shown in Fig. 4. The backside of G-11 base was filled with an insulating epoxy (3M Scotchcast 251 epoxy) to a depth of approximately 19 mm. Hence three of the thermistors in the G-11 base were embedded in the insulating epoxy, while the fourth was located in the fluid (just below the insulating epoxy). The temperatures measured by the three thermistors in the insulation and the thermistor located in the fluid were used to estimate the heat loss through the backside of the heater assembly. The four thermistors embedded in the insulation were made by YSI (Model: 014-55034NA-IT-ST). These thermistors are glass encapsulated and have a maximum bead diameter of 2.4 mm. Their nominal resistance is 5000 ohms at 25 ◦ C. Figures 5a and b show photographs of the heater assembly. The (a) Fig. 5 Photographs of heater assembly a boiling surface and b backside (b) 314 top side of the wafer (boiling surface) is shown is Fig. 5a while the backside is shown in Fig. 5b before the backside was filled with Scotchcast 251 epoxy. The strain gage heaters (with soldered lead wires) and thermistor arrangement can be clearly seen on the backside of the wafer. The schematic of the experimental apparatus is shown in Fig. 6. It consists of the test chamber, heater assembly, bellows, bulk fluid heater and a pump. The heater assembly was located at the bottom of the test chamber. The pressure (measured using three pressure transducers) in the test chamber was controlled by changing the position of the bellows. The bellows are controlled by external means to minimize any oscillations. The temperature of the fluid in the test chamber was maintained by the fluid conditioning loop which consists of the pump, three inline heaters (total power = 180 W) and associated plumbing. The test chamber is also provided with six thermistors (labeled #1 through #6 in Fig. 6) for measurement of fluid Fig. 6 Schematic of test chamber Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 temperatures. Four sapphire windows are provided on the test section for visual observation. Two cameras (29.97 fps) are used to record two orthogonal views of the boiling process occurring on the aluminum wafer. The test fluid is filtered, degassed Perfluoro-n-hexane. The test chamber is made of aluminum and has the following internal dimensions: height = 228.6 mm, width = 114.3 mm. Additionally, the test chamber has a square cross section (114.3 × 114.3 mm). The thermistors (#1 through #6) used to measure the bulk fluid temperature are located at distances of 168.7, 114.8, 112.0, 66.5, 40.6, 19.0 mm, respectively, from the top of the aluminum wafer as indicated in Fig. 6. The bellows have an effective diameter of 16.5 cm and an approximate displacement volume of 690 cm3 . As mentioned earlier, four windows were provided on the test chamber. Each window has dimensions of 80.0 × 80.0 mm. Two orthogonal windows are used for visual observation (using cameras 1 and 2), while the other two windows are used for lighting. For safety considerations, the entire Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 experimental apparatus is mounted inside a secondary containment vessel. Figure 7 shows a photograph of BXF located inside MSG onboard the ISS. The data recorded during the NPBX experiments consists of the following: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Pressure – at three locations Bulk liquid temperature – at six locations Wafer temperature – at 12 locations Insulation temperature – at four locations Wafer power – for each heater group (12 heater groups) (vi) Acceleration levels – in three orthogonal directions (vii) Video – two orthogonal views All data, except the acceleration levels, are recorded at a sampling rate of 20 Hz, while the video were recorded at 29.97 fps. The acceleration levels were recorded aboard the ISS by the Microgravity Acceleration Measurement System (MAMS) (low frequency data, low pass filtered at <1 Hz) and the Space Acceleration Measurement System (SAMS) (high frequency data, sampled at 500 Hz and low-pass filtered at 250 Hz) modules for the entire duration of the experiments. It must be noted that the SAMS module located inside MSG was not operational. The MAMS module is located in the U.S. Laboratory Module, Destiny, Express Rack No. 1. The MAMS module and the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) are located in the same bay, with MAMS mounted on the ceiling and MSG located on the starboard side. The distance between MAMS and MSG is approximately 2.3 m. The wafer was oriented such that the magnitude of the acceleration was highest pointing towards and normal to the heater (zdirection as shown in Fig. 6). No vibration isolation platform was used in the experiments. Fig. 7 ISS Boiling Experimental Facility (BXF) in MSG onboard 315 On ground, prior to filling the chamber with the test liquid (Perfluoro-n-hexane), the fluid was distilled using a custom built distillation facility. After distillation, the liquid was degassed using a custom built degassing setup. The degassing was continued until the measured dissolved gas concentration was less than 20 ppm. The test chamber was then evacuated and filled with the distilled, degassed test liquid. The total dissolved gas concentration in the test liquid was below 100 ppm at the time of initial filling the chamber. During preliminary tests performed on ground, the contact angle was measured from the bubble shape. The measured contact angle varied between 33◦ –38◦ . Experimental Anomalies 1) Though the experiments were designed with negligible content of dissolved gas, as the experimental period progressed, the dissolved gas content increased with time and subsequently stabilized. The maximum measured dissolved gas content was about 740 ppm. The presence of dissolved gas changes the saturation temperature by 1.5 to 6.2 ◦ C (depending on the system pressure). Additionally, it also affected the nucleation characteristics significantly and also the bubble dynamics when the liquid was subcooled. 2) Although precautions were taken to minimize/ eliminate bubble formation at the edge, where the wafer was embedded into the base, numerous bubbles were observed at the edge. As a result of variations in gravity, the bubbles were observed to move along the edge. 3) Contaminant particles were observed in the test liquid in spite of a filter being present in the fluid circulation loop. 4) When the vapor production rate was high, the bellows were unable to maintain constant system pressure. This was due to the slow movement of the bellows. 5) After about three weeks of testing, a major anomaly occurred. The anomaly was accompanied by a sudden drop in the voltage of one of the 24 V buses. The faulty bus provided power to the liquid heaters, cavity and surround heaters as well as to heaters of the second experiment housed in BXF (MicroArray Boiling Experiment, MABE). The voltage drop coincided with erratic readings of pressure sensors and some temperature sensors. 6) Fortunately the background heaters of NPBX were powered by a second 24 V bus. As a result, subsequent to the anomaly, we were able to conduct 316 Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 several single bubble, bubble merger and integral nucleate boiling experiments. However, there were significant constraints on the range of parameters over which experiments could be conducted. Experimental Procedure Two different sets of experiments were conducted in the NPBX setup. These experiments can be divided into (i) single and multiple bubble experiments, and (ii) integral nucleate boiling heat transfer experiments. In the single and multiple bubble experiments, single and/or multiple nucleation sites were activated, with the goal of studying the bubble inception, growth, merger, lift off processes and the associated heat transfer. On the other hand, in the integral boiling experiments, the goal was to obtain the boiling curve on the whole surface by parametrically varying the test conditions such as wall temperature, pressure and bulk liquid temperature. As such, no attempt was made in the integral experiments to systematically study nucleation at specified sites. The experiments were conducted in the temperature controlled mode rather than the heat flux controlled mode. One of the key aspects of the single and multiple bubble experiments was the detection of bubble inception in the absence of visual information. The following procedure was adopted to detect bubble inception. The entire wafer is initially maintained at a prescribed temperature. The temperature of the site to be nucleated is increased linearly at a prescribed rate, which can be varied. The power to the cavity and surround heaters automatically adjusts to attain the specified temperature. The temperature of the site is increased until bubble inception occurs. When nucleation occurs, the temperature at the site decreases. This decrease in temperature is detected by the temperature sensors on the backside of the wafer (underneath the cavity). The time lag between bubble inception and the measured temperature drop on the backside is approximately one second. This was determined by syncing the video recordings and the temperature measurements. At this point, the power to the cavity and surround heaters associated with the particular nucleation site is automatically cut off or reduced to maintain a prespecified temperature. Thereafter the entire wafer is maintained at the preset temperature. Note that, if desired, it is possible to maintain different portions of the wafer at different temperatures. At the beginning of each experimental run the bulk liquid was heated to the desired temperature. The maximum temperature to which the bulk fluid is heated by the bulk liquid heaters is 59 ◦ C. In order to prevent any boiling from occurring on the bulk liquid heaters during this process, the test chamber pressure is increased to 202.65 kPa (2.0 atm., Tsat = 79.3 ◦ C). As a result, the liquid is always subcooled (minimum liquid subcooling is approx. 20 ◦ C) as it is being heated by the bulk liquid heaters. In the worst case scenario, if boiling does occur on the bulk fluid heaters, the vapor generated on the heaters will likely condense as the bulk liquid is highly subcooled. The liquid is then pumped from the bottom of the test chamber through the inline bulk fluid heaters and back into the test chamber. The hot liquid is discharged close to the top of the test chamber. Once the liquid has attained the required temperature, the pump and bulk fluid heaters are turned off. The liquid is then allowed to settle for about 5 mins. before continuing with the rest of the experiment. During the liquid settling time, the various parameters for the particular experiment are uploaded to the BXF controller. For single and multiple bubble experiments the input parameters include the following: (i) test chamber pressure, (ii) temperatures of the different regions of the wafer, and (iii) nucleation sites to be activated, and (iv) temperature ramp rate at the nucleation site. For integral boiling curve experiments, the input parameters include (i) test chamber pressure (ii) initial wafer temperature and (iii) magnitude of temperature increments and (iv) duration for which a specified temperature was to be maintained. Once these parameters are uploaded, the experiment is ready to proceed. The experiment is conducted remotely with downlink of video and data. The test chamber pressure is first set to the prescribed value. The wafer temperature is then set to the prescribed value. For single and multiple bubble experiments, the temperatures of the cavity and surround heaters associated with the site(s) to be activated were increased until bubble nucleation occurs. During this process the temperature of the rest of the wafer was held constant at the prescribed temperature. For the integral experiments, the temperature of the entire wafer was increased by increments of 1–3 ◦ C every 2 minutes. The total time for each experiment was approximately 15– 20 minutes. At the end of each experiment, power to all heaters was cut off and the pressure of the system was increased to 253.31 kPa so as to condense the vapor present in the test chamber. The typical time taken for the vapor to condense was about 10–15 mins. The BXF controlled video cameras are programmed to automatically record two orthogonal views of the heater surface during each NPBX experiment. These videos are recorded on video tape at a frame rate of 29.97 fps. In addition, during the duration of each experiment, the following data was recorded: (i) tem- Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 317 Table 1 Test parameters System pressure Test liquid temperature Test surface temperature Mean magnitude of level of gravity normal to the wafer Mean magnitude of level of gravity in the plane of the wafer Dissolved gas content = = = = 51 kPa to 243 kPa 30 ◦ C to 59 ◦ C 40 ◦ C to 80 ◦ C 1.7×10−7 to 6.0×10−7 ge = 1.2×10−7 to 3.5×10−7 ge = 0 to 737 ppm Data Reduction and Uncertainty in Measured Quantities Data Reduction The power (Q) supplied to each heater group is calculated as, Q = I2 R perature at various locations on the backside of the wafer (12 thermistors), (ii) temperatures in the insulation (4 thermistors), (iii) bulk fluid temperatures (6 thermistors), (iv) current supplied to each heater group (12 heater groups), and (v) pressure at various locations in the test chamber (3 transducers). All the data were recorded at a sample rate of 20 Hz. The gravitational acceleration data from sensors in the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) on ISS was continuously recorded onboard the ISS. These data are cataloged based on date and time and were available for download. Table 1 gives the range of the test parameters that were varied during the experiments. The dissolved gas concentration was calculated at regular intervals (typically once a week) during the duration of the experiments. The dissolved gas concentration was determined by the following procedure: (i) at a given fluid temperature, extend bellows slightly so as to set the pressure in the chamber to be between 34 and 46 kPa (ii) calculate the saturation pressure (for the given temperature) for the test fluid using the Antoine equation, assuming it does not contain any dissolved gas (iii) calculate the difference between the set pressure and the calculated saturation pressure (iv) if there is a difference, use Henry’s law to calculate the gas concentration of the dissolved gas. Note that Henry’s law constant (= 5.4 × 10−5 ) used is the one measured for air in FC-72 in the temperature range 31 ◦ C to 60 ◦ C. FC-72 is the FC-72 is the commercial grade version of Perfluoro-n-Hexane made by 3M. The variation in the measured dissolved gas concentration over time is shown in Table 2. Note that the NPBX experiments were conducted on days 89–91, 95–96, and 129–133. Table 2 Measured dissolved gas concentration Day P (kPa) T (◦ C) PPM 81 91 94 101 117 129 132 35.46 46.61 31.41 42.56 41.54 37.49 46.61 30.3 33.1 23.1 24.8 23.6 23.1 30.1 46 299 261 712 737 589 543 (1) where I is the measured current and R is the resistance of the heater group. Note that the current supplied to each heater group was recorded digitally in counts; the counts were then converted to engineering units (Amperes) using conversion factors determined during calibration. Tests conducted earlier (at earth gravity) have shown that the change in resistance of the heater groups is negligible for the range of temperatures encountered in these experiments (30–85◦ C). The heat flux (qw ) on the wafer surface is calculated as, Q − Qloss qw = (2) Aw where Q is the sum of the power supplied to each heater group, Qloss accounts for all the losses, and Aw is the surface area of the wafer. In order to develop a procedure to determine Qloss , several steady-state natural convection experiments were performed, at earth normal gravity. In these tests an energy balance was performed. While making this energy balance, the heat transfer coefficients on the top of the wafer and side of the heater assembly were determined from standard textbook correlations. The heat loss at the edges of the wafer was accounted for by assuming that the unheated edge of the wafer acts as a fin. Based on the energy balance performed, the effective thermal conductivity of the insulation (3M Scotchcast 251 epoxy) was determined. The thermal conductivity of the insulating epoxy differs from the value given by the manufacturer because copper lead wires are embedded in it. These wires were used to connect the heater groups and thermistors to their respective control circuits. In performing the energy balance, the temperature of the wafer surface was assumed to be uniform (= area averaged value of the 12 thermistors bonded to the backside of the wafer). The variations in the wafer surface temperature were small. For example, for the earth normal gravity experiments, the temperature differences varied from ±0.3 ◦ C to ±0.8 ◦ C as the power supplied increases from 18 W (T = 7.8 ◦ C) to 70 W (T = 20.9 ◦ C), where T = Tw –Tl . For the microgravity experiments, the temperature differences vary from ±0.2 ◦ C to ±0.4 ◦ C as the power supplied varies from 2.4 W (T = 8.6 ◦ C) to 7.4 W (T = 24.6 ◦ C). 318 The effect of these small temperature differences is expected to be negligible. Once the effective thermal conductivity was determined, a similar energy balance was performed for the microgravity natural convection experiments to determine Qloss . It must be noted, that in order to determine the heat transfer coefficients at the side of the wafer assembly in microgravity, the standard textbook correlation for natural convection on a vertical plate was used with the appropriate magnitude of the gravitational acceleration. The gravitational acceleration values reported in this paper are the arithmetic average values of the gravity levels recorded by MAMS at a frequency of 0.06 Hz. For example, for the single bubble case discussed in this paper, the arithmetic and Root Mean Square (RMS) values of g/ge are: X-axis (plane of the wafer) – mean = 1.1 × 10−7 , RMS = 1.9 × 10−7 ; Y-axis (plane of the wafer) – mean = 2.1 × 10−7 , RMS = 2.3 × 10−7 ; Z-axis (normal to the wafer) – mean = 2.5 × 10−7 , RMS = 2.6 × 10−7 . Uncertainty Analysis For integral experiments, the temperatures measured at 12 locations on the wafer were area-averaged to determine the average temperature of the wafer. The maximum and minimum temperature deviation from the area-averaged temperature was also noted. The uncertainty in the temperature measurements (wafer thermistors, insulation thermistors and the bulk fluid thermistors) is ±0.2 ◦ C and the uncertainty in the pressure measurement is ±1 KPa. The uncertainty of the current measurement varied between 6–13 mA, depending on the heater group. As mentioned earlier, the change in the resistance of the heater groups in the temperature range 30–85 ◦ C was found to be negligible. Based on the measurement uncertainties given above, the uncertainty of the calculated total power supplied decreased from 17% to 0.8% as the power increased from 1.4 W to 200 W. Similarly, the uncertainty in the calculated heat flux decreased from 26% to 1.6% as the heat flux increased from 0.01 W/cm2 to 1.3 W/cm2 . Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 was held below the saturation temperature of liquid. In the experiments heat flux was quite low as a result there is a larger uncertainty in the measured rate of heat transfer. Figure 8 shows the data obtained in microgravity conditions. The characteristic length used in defining Nusselt and Rayleigh numbers was taken to be the heater area divided by the perimeter. Solid and dashed lines are the predictions from the correlation of Kobus and Wedekind (2001) and McAdams (1954), respectively. Stars are the data that were obtained during calibration runs at earth normal gravity (Rayleigh number ≈ 109 ) whereas solid triangles are the microgravity data (Rayleigh number ≈ 102 ) which was obtained at the beginning of the experimental activity when all of the heaters at the back of the wafer were energized and only small variation in temperature existed across the wafer. These data with a Rayleigh number about seven orders of magnitude smaller than that at earth normal gravity appear to be correlated well by Kobus and Wedekind’s correlation. However, the data obtained after the anomaly when only background heaters were operational show large scatter and is generally higher than that predicted by the correlations. One reason could be that the thermal layer was still developing when the data were taken. Single Bubble Dynamics Several experiments were conducted to study single bubble dynamics at the center cavity as well as the surrounding cavities. During ramping up of the temperature of the test surface supporting the cavity and the surrounding region, aside from the cavity a number Results and Discussion Natural Convection Prior to boiling experiments, a number of test runs were performed to study the rate of natural convection heat transfer under microgravity conditions. In these experiments liquid was subcooled and a uniform temperature existed on the wafer. The wafer temperature Fig. 8 Comparison of natural convection data with correlations Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 of bubbles nucleated around the cavity. Upon visualization of the bubbles, the temperature of the heater region supporting the cavity was brought down to the temperature of the rest of the wafer. During this period the bubbles continued to persist on the surface while sometimes merging with the bubble at the nucleation site. Eventually a single bubble at the cavity dominated while supporting a necklace of smaller bubbles around it. Figure 9 shows bubble size and shape at different times during the growth. During the experiment system pressure was not constant. It steadily increased during the first 100 seconds of the growth period. At 100 seconds wall temperature was increased to compensate for the increase in saturation temperature. As such during the growth period of the bubble, pressure varied from Fig. 9 Single bubble growth for Tw = 48.2–51.5 ◦ C, Tl = 34.6 ◦ C, P = 60–78 kPa, gz /ge = 2.5 × 10−7 319 60.8 to 76 kPa. whereas the wall temperature varied from 48.2 to 51.5 ◦ C. As a result, the liquid subcooling varies from 5 to 1 ◦ C, while the wall superheat varies from 4 to 7 ◦ C. At 178 seconds, the bubble has grown to about 67 mm in diameter and shows no sign of departure. Quantitative data of bubble equivalent diameter, defined as the diameter of a perfect sphere having the same volume as the bubble, are plotted as a function of time in Fig. 10a. The variation of wall superheat with time is also shown. Figure 10b shows the variation of system pressure and wall temperature during the bubble growth. Using the liquid temperature and the time dependent pressure, and wall temperature the numerical simulation tool developed by Son et al. (1999) was exercised. In the numerical simulations, the areaaveraged heater surface temperature as a function of time was given as input. No spatial variation of surface temperature was considered for the single bubble cases. The initial thickness of the thermal layer was obtained from natural convection data. The solid line shows the prediction from numerical simulations of bubble equivalent diameter as a function of time. The numerical model accounted for condensation at the upper part of the bubble and presence of dissolved gas in the liquid (Wu and Dhir (2011)). The prediction from numerical model is in remarkably good agreement with data. Figure 11 compares at different times the bubble shape and heat flux under the bubble and surround area predicted from numerical simulations with those observed in the experiments. It is found that numerical simulations do a good job in predicting bubble shape and size. In the experiments, due to the fact that the spatial resolution is not fine enough (a number of heaters are grouped together), the heat flux under the bubble cannot be determined when the bubble base is small and occupies an area larger than the cavity heater. However, if the bubble base occupies the area covered by a bank of heaters around the cavity and the heat input to the cavity and surround heaters is zero, then the heat flux is zero. The results of numerical simulations show that the heat flux at the bubble base is very small (approx. 4 × 10−4 W/cm2 ). Note that the dry area under the bubble base begins from the inner edge of the microlayer. However, experimentally observed heat flux on bubble unoccupied area of the heater is about two times that obtained from numerical model but at later periods the predicted heat fluxes are comparable to those observed in experiments. The numerical model shows a peak in heat flux near the triple point. This peak is not observed in the experiments because of lack of availability of fine resolution heat transfer data. 320 Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 Fig. 10 Comparison of single bubble growth data with results from numerical simulations Multiple Bubble Dynamics Merger of bubbles nucleating at different cavities was also investigated on ISS. Figure 12a shows two bubbles formed at distinct nucleation sites prior to their merger. After merger a single bubble, as shown in Fig. 12b, forms and continues to grow. No premature bubble departure, as a result of fluid inertia created during merger, was observed at the low wall superheat that existed during the experiment. Because of the occurrence of the anomaly after the third week of testing, we did not get the opportunity to study interactions of more than two bubbles nucleating simultaneously at prescribed sites. Figure 13 shows a snapshot from a video of bubble dynamics when several bubbles merge. Visual observations showed that during initial merger of a number of bubbles nucleating at the heater, a bubble may detach Fig. 11 Comparison of experimental data with results from numerical simulations Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 321 Fig. 12 Two bubble merger, gz /ge = 3.2 × 10−7 (a) (b) and depart away from the heater. However, subsequently a large bubble forms in the middle of the wafer, while smaller bubbles are continuously pulling smaller bubbles into it. Radial motion of smaller bubbles to the middle of the wafer was seen before these bubbles were pulled into the large bubble. The radial motion of smaller bubbles is caused by the radial movement of the downflowing liquid. At higher superheats the larger bubble was found to lift off from the heater surface but continue to hover near the surface while pulling smaller bubbles into it. This vapor removal configuration continues to persist even when nucleate boiling occurs all over the wafer. Thus during boiling under microgravity conditions we see that the vapor sink (bubble layer) exists on the surface or slightly away from the surface as opposed to low gravity conditions where single bubbles detach from the heater surface and move away from it. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of merger of five bubbles was carried out prior to the experiments on the space station. Figure 14 shows a snapshot of the Fig. 13 Multiple bubble merger – experiments, gz /ge = 4.5 × 10−7 Fig. 14 Multiple bubble merger – numerical simulations 322 process. After initial merger, a vapor bubble leaves the heater surface and is seen moving through the pool. Subsequently a large bubble detaches from the surface while continuing to hover near the surface. Smaller bubbles move radially inward and are pulled into the larger bubble. It is gratifying to note that these predictions made a priori are in good agreement with the observations from the experiments as described above. Integral Experiments A number of experiments were conducted on ISS when all of the surface was heated. Several of these experiments were conducted after the significant anomaly developed. In these experiments only background heaters were operational and as a result variations in temperature across the heater were enhanced. Results for natural convection are given in Fig. 8 and were discussed earlier. Dependence of wall heat flux on wall superheat is shown in Fig. 15, when boiling existed all over the wafer surface. The reported data are for pressures varying from 164 kPa to 63 kPa and for liquid subcoolings from 14.6 to 5.2 ◦ C. As mentioned earlier, when the vapor production rate is high the bellows were unable to maintain constant pressure. As a result, for the data reported in Fig. 15, the pressure (and consequently saturation temperature) increases as the wall temperature increases. The pressure for each data point is shown in Fig. 15 Nucleate boiling in microgravity Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 Fig. 15. The dependence of wall heat flux on wall superheat is found to depend strongly on system pressure and liquid subcooling. This behavior is somewhat similar to that found at earth normal gravity. As mentioned earlier, the integral experiments were performed both before and after the anomaly occurred. In spite of the fact that all the experiments were conducted in constant temperature mode, there are temperature variations on the heater surface as indicated in Fig. 15. The band in the data represent the variation in temperature that existed over the wafer surface. Note that the boiling curves for P = 145 and 164 kPa were obtained when all heaters were operational (i.e., before anomaly), while the data for P = 63 and 84 kPa were obtained with only the background heaters operational (i.e, after anomaly). As seen in Fig. 15, when all heater are operational, the temperature variation across the entire heater surface is small (±0.3 to ±0.7 ◦ C). On the other hand, when only the background heaters are operational, the temperature variation across the heater is large (±1.3 to ±3.7 ◦ C). It is also important to note that in the high pressure (P = 145 and 164 kPa) test cases boiling was initiated by ramping up only the temperature of the cavity and surround heaters to initate nucleation at all five cavities. The temperature at which nucleation occurred is also shown in Fig. 15. Subsequent to nucleation, the temperature of the entire wafer was decreased to the preset temperature. Once quasi steadystate conditions were achieved the data was recorded and then the entire wafer temperature was increased Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 in steps to obtain the boiling curve. Due of the fact that boiling was already initiated on the wafer using the ramp up procedure, boiling could be sustained at low wall superheats. In contrast the low pressure (P = 63 and 84 kPa) boiling curves were obtained by steadily increasing the wall superheat over the entire wafer. The nucleation temperature in these tests is higher but generally consistent with that found when temperature at a given site was ramped up. At pressures of 84 kPa and 63 kPa, onset of critical heat flux condition was noted when a sudden rise in temperature occurred without any appreciable increase in the input power. Thereafter, the experiment was terminated. Prior to termination of the experiment no change in the vapor structure on the surface was noted. Present nucleate boiling data are compared in Fig. 16 with the previously reported data obtained on the space shuttle by Lee et al. (1998) and Straub (2001), with R113 as the test liquid. In Fig. 16, the mean pressure P during nucleate boiling is noted for the present study. It is seen that for the same wall superheat the present data correspond to lower heat flux. In microgravity conditions and low wall superheats, the bubbles generated on the heater surface stay on the surface for a long time and merge together to form a large bubble at the center of the heater. At higher wall superheats, the large bubble formed as a result of merger of smaller bubbles lifts off and continues to hover just above the heater with smaller bubbles continuously merging with Fig. 16 Comparison of nucleate boiling data with that reported by Lee et al. (1998) and Straub (2001) 323 it. In either case, the vapor sink is located on or close to the heater surface. In contrast, at higher gravity levels (g/ge ≥ 10−2 ), the bubbles lift off and move away from the heater. The fractional area of the heater surface that is dry (vapor) is much larger at lower gravity levels as compared to that at higher gravity levels, which results in a decrease in the overall heat transfer rate. Thus we conclude that as level of gravity is reduced by about two orders of magnitude from that in space shuttle, boiling process becomes less efficient. Maximum or critical heat flux normalized with that at earth normal gravity is plotted in Fig. 17 as a function of dimensionless gravity level. Solid line is the prediction for Perfluro-n-hexane from the hydrodynamic theory corrected for liquid subcooling at a pressure of 72 kPa, whereas dashed lines are the predictions for R-113 at 120 kPa. Filled circles and diamonds are the data of Straub and Lee et al., respectively, obtained in the space shuttle with a gravity level g/ge ∼ = 10−4 . The observed critical heat fluxes are found to decrease as the gravity level is decreased. The magnitude of the critical heat fluxes observed in microgravity is generally higher than that predicted from the hydrodynamic theory indicating a weaker functional dependence on gravity. However, it should be noted that special attention needs to be paid to the relative size of the heater and the chamber containing the heater aside from other experimental conditions before we can generalize the results. 324 Microgravity Sci. Technol. (2012) 24:307–325 Fig. 17 Comparison of critical heat flux data with predictions from hydrodynamic theory Conclusions • • • • • • Intended experiments on ISS were fairly successful. However, anomalies that developed resulted in acquisition of limited data. Single bubbles were observed not to depart from the heater surface except occasionally bubbles were found to depart from the edge of the wafer. Lack of bubble departure is consistent with predictions from numerical simulations. At low wall superheats lateral merger of bubbles led to a single bubble that continued to grow on the heater surface. At high superheats after merger bubble may lift off from the surface but was found to continue to hover over the surface while pulling smaller bubbles into it and growing in size. This is consistent with predictions from numerical simulations. During nucleate boiling the above mode continued with a large bubble sitting in the middle of the surface and pulling smaller surrounding bubbles into it. This large vapor bubble acted as a sink for vapor generated on the heated surface. Rate of natural convection heat transfer in microgravity is found to be consistent with that obtained by extrapolation of existing correlations. • • • Observed heat fluxes for nucleate boiling are lower compared to earlier data obtained on space shuttle. Functional dependence of heat flux on wall superheat is found to show strong dependence on pressure and liquid subcooling. 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