Access to Higher Education Quality & Moderation Handbook 2015/16 Final Version 2 15/16 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 Contents Section Title Page (click on link to go to section) Section 1 Introduction to external moderation 3 Section 2 Guidelines for Access moderation 4 Section 3 Access Diploma moderation 4 Section 4 The sampling of Access academic standards 7 Section 5 10 Section 6 Retention of samples of student achievement by centres The final moderation report Section 7 Access subject moderation 11 Section 8 LASER’s role in assuring the quality of the external moderation process 12 Appendix 1 Moderation Process 14 Appendix 2 Access Moderator annual checklist 15 Appendix 3 Access centre annual checklist 16 Appendix 4 Key quality and moderation Documents 17 Appendix 5 Summary of the external moderation process 18 2 11 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 1. Introduction to External Moderation The purpose of moderation Laser Awards is licensed as an Access Validating Agency (AVA) by the QAA. The requirements of the licence with reference to moderation are summarised in Section D of the QAA Grading Scheme Handbook. The moderation of LASER’s Diplomas therefore has the following purposes: a) to assure, through a process which is external to the providing centre, the consistency and sufficiency of standards of student achievements leading to the award of credit and to the award of Access to HE Diplomas according to the specifications set out by the QAA; b) to ensure that equivalent standards and requirements for achievement apply on different Access to HE courses which lead to Diplomas, within the AVA and across different student cohorts c) to ensure consistency in the award of credit and grades to learners and that learners are receiving fair and equitable treatment; d) to ensure that, where Access to HE Diplomas or common units are available on more than one course, consistent standards are applied across providers/centres in relation to assessment requirements and judgements about achievement (including graded achievement) e) to ensure that where Access to HE Diplomas or units are available in cognate subject areas on different courses, opportunities are provided for those involved in Access to HE assessment and moderation to define and compare specific standards of required achievement for the award of credits and grades, and its moderation systems take account of the outcomes of this process f) to monitor and report on assessment arrangements of approved programmes; g) to be an ongoing and accessible source of critical advice for centres and their staff in order to support the continuous improvement of AVA validated Access Diplomas; h) to ensure Access Diplomas are delivered in accordance with the specifications agreed at the Validation Panel; i) to ensure the maintenance and enhancement of the quality and fitness for purpose of Access to HE Diplomas. A summary of the AVA’s moderation processes may be seen in Appendix 1 3 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 2. Guidelines for Access Moderation 2.1 Outline of the approach to moderation and standardisation The appointment of an individual moderator to each Access to HE Diploma offered at LASER approved centres remains at the heart of our approach to assuring the quality of Access courses. We are of the view that this one-to-one relationship ensures the best support for staff and students in centres whilst enabling each moderator to develop a proper understanding of the functioning of each Access course. However we have augmented this model by setting up additional Subject Specialist examination of identified work which operates across all LASER approved Access centres. This twin approach of Access Diploma Moderation combined with Access Subject Specialist Examination of student work underpins LASER’s quality assurance model for Access to HE. 2.2 Overview of the Access External Moderator’s role Spring Term Complete initial visit (Jan / Feb and complete and return EMA1/2 Report (initial visit sections) to LASER. On-going contact with course team re: awards board issues, remote sampling of work questions and queries, representations and referrals etc. Autumn Term Agree contract & schedule, make initial contact with course team, and plan initial visit. Summer Term Final moderation visit and Final Awards Board. Complete Final sections of EMA1/ 2 Moderation Report and return to LASER 4 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 2.3 Essential information for moderators to acquire before starting moderation. Moderators should familiarise themselves with the location of relevant AVA information on the LASER Access web pages. If there are any queries contact the LASER Access Customer Support team by either calling 01227 811827 or emailing The Access Moderation & Standardisation Officer (Emma Milton) will be able to deal with most enquiries and will request a response from other AVA staff if necessary. For curriculum related and more detailed quality assurance issues please contact the Access Quality Manager (Ken Duckett) at or call 07900 265802 3. Access Diploma Moderation Main responsibilities The key focus is on Access Diploma delivery and assessment and this is carried out by Access Diploma External Moderators (EMs), appointed by LASER as the AVA, who check for a. b. c. d. robust quality systems and processes, consistent appropriate documentation and record keeping, consistent and high quality assessment practice and student satisfaction with the course experience. Each Diploma offered by a centre is assigned an Access External Diploma Moderator (EM). As a part of this process EMs will conduct two visits - an initial visit in the early part of the spring term and a final moderation visit just prior to the Awards Board. EMs will select a sample of portfolios at their final visit and provide specific feedback on any quality improvements required during the year and also any recommendations or conditions for the following year. The EM is also responsible for the sign-off of the Recommendation for the Award of Credit forms (RACs) at the Final Awards Board. Important documentation The following documents in addition to this Moderation Handbook are provided by the AVA, and should be reviewed by moderators before contacting a centre. Policy and Guidance Documents LASER Access Assessment Guidelines (aimed at Access Tutors) LASER Access Diploma Framework 2014-15 (essential info about the 14-15 rules) The QAA Access to Higher Education Diploma specification (2013) QAA Access to HE Diploma 2013 specification FAQ (Version 2) QAA AVA licensing criteria, 2011 (updated July 2014) QAA Grading scheme handbook Section C: Using the grade descriptors in assessment 5 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 QAA Grading scheme handbook Section D: Moderation and standardisation QAA Grading scheme handbook Section E: Student results and awards boards Documentation related to the Access Diplomas that you are moderating The items listed below will be provided for you on appointment. Please contact Emma Milton in the Access office if you require further copies. Validation documentation relating to the specific Access to HE Diploma Course(s) being moderated including; Access Diploma Recognition Document Rules of Combination Unit list. Copies of previous external moderator reports, which should be provided for you on appointment if you are new. It is essential that if you are a new moderator, you have familiarised yourself with the previous moderator reports for your centre. Copies of Annual Centre Reports submitted by LASER approved providers of Access to HE Diploma courses Template documents for use in the role Access External Moderation Report Proforma (EMA 1) template (available from the Access downloads section on the website) Access External Moderation Final Report/Risk Assessment (EMA 2) template (available from the Access downloads section on the website) 3.1 Overview of moderation visits The external moderator should contact the Access Co-ordinator at the Access provider centre to arrange their initial visit as soon as they receive confirmation of their contract and the information in 2.2 and 3 above. Moderators can arrange for on-going contact between themselves and the Access centre via phone, email, video online conferencing etc. as necessary. If an additional visit is required before the Awards Board (Final Exam/Assessment Board), then a moderator MUST contact the Access Moderation & Standardisation Officer for approval if additional expenses are to be claimed. The final visit must include attendance at the Awards Board (Final Exam/Assessment Board) for the Access Diploma titles being moderated. These usually take place towards the end of the course. This is a mandatory role for the moderator and is examined in more detail below. The key information and evidence of the external moderation process is recorded within the Access Moderation Report template (EMA1). This document provides a single template or proforma for recording all information gained as a part of the external moderation process and has sections which relate to both the initial visit and the final moderation visit and subsequent Awards Board. 6 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 3.2 The Initial Visit (Form EMA1 ‘Initial Visit Sections’) It is expected that the first visit will normally take place in the first part of the second term of an Access Course. However, this does not preclude EMs visiting earlier if it is appropriate to do so. It should be noted though that a significant part of the first visit should be examination of both completed (and graded) assessments and also the functioning of the Internal Moderation system. It may be difficult to undertake this at an earlier point in the year. However, an earlier visit might be appropriate if this was deemed necessary and sampling was possible or the sampling could be undertaken remotely subsequent to the visit (but prior to the submission of the Initial Visit Report). The purpose of this initial visit will be to: Ensure that the programme is set to run as validated, and that any problems that may prevent the confirmation of the award of credit/Access to HE Diploma are resolved before the final external moderation/awards board visit. Check that recommendations from the previous external moderation report have been addressed. Review the arrangements for internal verification / moderation and recording of achievement and confirm that these are being implemented appropriately with reference to sampled work. Provide guidance to the centre as to how to enhance the quality of their programme. Authorisation of any special circumstances can take place at this visit (please see the AVA's Access Assessment Policy). External moderators are not expected to confirm the award of any credit at this stage or to gather information about learner retention. However, they should be guided by the EMA 1 form and in particular the sections marked ‘Initial Visit’ in terms of the information required. MODERATOR ACTION POINT – the initial moderation visit An External Moderator Report (EMA1) must be completed after the first/initial visit. The sections of this document which relate to the initial visit must be completed within 10 working days of the visit and emailed to the Access Moderation & Standardisation Officer. The Moderation Visit Report and guidance notes can be found on the LASER Access downloads page. Where issues of concern are identified, which the tutor/provider can rectify before the programme ends without detriment to the learners; the External Moderator should agree an action plan for improvement with the programme tutor. A template for an Action Plan in relation to any recommendations / conditions set is included in the Initial Visit Report and guidance notes are provided. The external moderator will follow up on any actions identified on an ongoing basis. If there are serious problems with a programme then the Initial Visit Report should identify the nature of the problem and be sent to the AVA as soon as possible. 7 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 3.4 On-going contact with the centre In support of the moderation process there could be a substantial amount of ongoing contact between the centre and the external moderator. In some cases an external moderator may need to make an additional visit but must contact the Access Quality & Moderation Officer at the AVA before doing so. MODERATOR ACTION POINT – On-going contact with the course team An external moderator will usually make other forms of contact with a centre between the initial and final visits. Such contact may take the form of written/electronic requests for specific information, telephone discussions etc. Programme leaders may wish to send samples of learner achievement to an external moderator, or assignment/exam questions, in addition to referrals and student representations to the external moderator for their approval. 3.5 The Access Awards Board (formerly known as Examination/Assessment Board) Awards Board ‘in-year’ Each Access Diploma course has an ‘Awards Board’ which comes into existence as soon as the course begins and culminates in the Final Awards Board as outlined below. Membership of the Awards Board includes: The external moderator The internal moderator The Access Coordinator/Manager at the centre Access course tutors/lecturers The Awards Board will not meet formally until the Final Awards Board towards the end of the course but will have a virtual existence throughout the duration of the course. The Awards Board will monitor and approve decisions in relation to referrals and representations1 made in year by course teams. The external moderator‘s role is to act as the AVA’s representative and on behalf of LASER is able to exercise a final veto of any actions that are deemed to be incompatible with LASER/QAA rules and regulations. In the event that such a veto needs to be used, please contact the LASER Access Quality Manager as matter of urgency. The relevant Access course leader/co-ordinator is expected to retain copies of notes of decisions and related emails etc. in relation to the ‘in-year‘ operation of the Awards Board. Final Awards Board Each Access centre is required to hold a Final Awards Board at the end of the course. This is the meeting at which the award of the QAA Access to HE Diploma to learners is confirmed on behalf of the AVA. It is the external moderator who acts on behalf of the AVA to confirm the award of the Access to HE Diploma to students at this meeting. 1 See Grading scheme handbook Section C: Using the grade descriptors in assessment (4f and Annex C2) 8 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 MODERATOR ACTION POINT – the Final Awards Board The external moderator must therefore attend the final Access Awards Board. It is important to agree the dates for the Final Awards Board at an early stage in the academic year with your Access centre. It is AVA policy to hold only one Award Board per centre covering all of the Diplomas offered wherever possible. Centres must notify LASER of the dates of their Awards Board by the end of March (see relevant LASER Circular for precise date each year). Awards Board Minutes must be sent to the AVA as soon as possible after the meeting has taken place. This must be a formally recorded meeting. LASER provides a standard agenda for Final Awards Boards which must be used. Further guidance and templates are available from the LASER Access downloads page 3.6 Conduct during visits During a visit the external moderator will be meeting with tutors/course teams; and familiarising themselves with the programme; sampling assessed work etc. With the permission of the centre moderators may ask to meet learners. However please note that it is NOT part of the external moderator’s required duties to observe teaching. An external moderator cannot insist on being present during a teaching session although a tutor may invite her/him to attend. An external moderator should try to arrange a visit when it is possible (if the centre has given approval) to talk to the learners as well as the tutor. Where circumstances allow, at least some time should be spent with learners without any tutor present or in immediate earshot. Moderators should also look for evidence of the centre’s engagement with the students and their opinions through student questionnaires and reviews. Moderators are representatives of the AVA and should conduct themselves to the highest standards of behaviour whilst on the premises of LASER approved centres. 4. The Sampling of Access Academic Standards 4.1 Context and Overview The Centre is responsible for ensuring that a programme meets the quality standards and academic standards agreed at the Validation Panel and in the rules of combination. External moderators need to ascertain how and whether consistent standards are achieved. This is particularly important where there are a number of different tutors involved in delivery. Centres must have in place an internal moderation (IM) process which will ensure that there is a consistency in the standards of achievement asked of students across the Diploma(s). Moderators should specifically request details of the IM process and look to see that it has been carried out properly and that adequate records have been kept. 4.2 When should sampling of student work take place? The standard of work produced should usually be sampled once there is sufficient assessed work available so that the moderator can be assured that the final award of the Diploma is 9 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 robust. Opportunities for unit standardisation will take place during the course of the year and it is anticipated that reports from subject specialist examiners will be available for Diploma moderators prior to their final inspection of work prior to the final Awards Board. Earlier sampling at the initial visit stage should be used to support the process and centres may find this a useful opportunity to discuss assessment and internal moderation issues with moderators. Sampling might take place via a ‘virtual’ environment using an electronic forum, or by posted/emailed copies of student work at this stage. 4.3 How should sampling be conducted? It is important that the external moderator agrees with the responsible tutor what information and samples of assessed work will be seen for moderation. If there are a number of different tutors delivering the programme the external moderator may wish to meet the tutors during his/her visits, or see the minutes of their internal team meetings. The external moderator, not the tutor, specifies the student sample of assessed work that is to be seen. A list of students on each course being moderated is sent by the AVA to moderators prior to the final moderation visit. It is important that sufficient evidence is sampled for the external moderator to feel confident about the consistent and valid award of credit. If more than 50 learners are registered to receive credit for an individual Diploma title then the minimum sample size is 20% (or 10 portfolios). For programmes that register fewer than 50 learners it is usually necessary to sample at least 5 portfolios. A basic formula that many external moderators use for selecting the range of portfolios within a sample is an example of achievement at each level (top, middle, lowest of the range) plus any problems or borderline cases. In order to select a sample it is necessary for the tutor’s records of assessment to be available so that moderators are able to see learners’ provisional grade profiles. The sample moderated should: include sufficient evidence to ensure that the learning outcomes are demonstrably achieved by learners gaining credit; ensure that assessment criteria at different levels are applied appropriately and consistently; ensure that different methods of assessment are applied appropriately and consistently; ensure that assessment criteria are interpreted consistently in ‘borderline’ cases; ensure different tutors are applying assessment criteria consistently; ensure that grading decisions are made consistently The sample of evidence of assessed work will therefore include, as appropriate: examples of work assessed by different tutors; examples of different methods of assessment; examples of all the different levels of achievement; a range of learners across ability levels and different grades; all ‘borderline’ cases. 4.4 Grading: The Moderator’s role 10 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 Access external moderators also play a role in assuring the quality and consistency of grading decisions made by tutors in relation to Access student achievement. In general, moderators should look at grade decisions made for Units and assure themselves that a proper grading process was undertaken and that tutors decisions across the Diploma(s) they are moderating, are consistent in accordance with the QAA grading Scheme Handbook. In particular this will mean that moderators should look at: Assessment plans for units (although this maybe in the context of an overall Diploma Assessment plan) Student assignment briefs prepared by the centre Evidence of internal moderation which covers grading decisions Samples of marked student work showing the grade indicators awarded by the assessor Individual student grade profiles and class tracking sheets which show how the unit grades were arrived at Grading decisions agreeing the grades awarded and the credit level achieved at the final Awards Board Supporting Information on grading Please see the LASER Access Assessment & Grading web page for available downloads 4.5 What happens if the moderator does not agree with the centre’s marking? If the external moderator does not agree with the recommendations for the award of credit within the sample then a further 10% random sample must be selected (or at least 2 samples of the contested assignment for smaller courses). When a second sample is taken by the external moderator, and whatever the outcome of a second sample, the reason(s) for taking an additional sample and for the decision reached must be recorded and fed into the internal quality process and reported to LASER by the external moderator (usually via the final External Moderation Report) Following the second sample the following action(s) may be appropriate: assessed levels/credits/grades are agreed; assessed levels/credits/grades are adjusted at the request of the External Moderator recommendations are made to improve the assessment/internal verification processes; Where agreement cannot be reached the award of credit is not approved by the external moderator and the matter is urgently referred to LASER as a ‘Moderation Problem’ 4.6 Some Important Points to Remember All learning outcomes in the unit must be achieved for the credit to be awarded. All assessment criteria in the unit must be met for the credit to be awarded. Learning outcomes must be achieved to the standard described by the assessment criteria. 11 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 The evidence presented to the external moderator must demonstrate achievement of all learning outcomes in all units for which credit is being claimed. The assessed work must provide reliable evidence of achievement in line with the Grading Descriptor Components allocated within the assignment brief. MODERATOR ACTION POINT – the final moderation visit The moderator should agree a final moderation visit date which would normally be in the morning of and prior to the Final Awards Board. Centres are required to confirm the dates of their Final Awards Boards with LASER by the end of March in an academic year and moderators must ensure that they have liaised with centres to agree these dates prior to LASER being notified. Sampling of some assessed student work could have taken place remotely via email etc. prior to the final visit. 5. Retention of samples of student achievement by Centres Moderators should ensure that centres retain a representative sample of learner achievement for each run of each Access Qualification Award per year. These samples will be retained for a period of 3 years to enable the monitoring of standards over time, centres and Diploma titles. Providers must retain one whole student portfolio of assessed evidence per Access Diploma title per year. Where retention of the assessed portfolio is impractical, e.g. for Art and Design courses, suitable photographic or equivalent records should be retained. The portfolio, either as a photocopy of originals or in electronic format must clearly: show marking with the level of achievement clearly indicated. Where the achievement is other than written or paper based evidence (e.g. audio/visual, photographic evidence), there must be a clearly labelled tutor assessment or recording sheet of some kind to indicate the Level and where relevant, grade achieved. be representative of the overall type of assessment used on the programme. be the final summative evidence and must be clearly mapped to the unit offered within the Access Diploma. must be accompanied by evidence of internal moderation relating to the representative portfolios. In most cases this will be an LASER Internal Moderation Report or a centre’s own paperwork records for internal standardisation which directly relates to the relevant Diploma. 6. The Final Moderation Report (Form EMA2) The final moderation report must be made on the most recent version of the LASER Access to HE Final Moderation Report template EMA1/2 (available from the LASER Access download 12 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 web pages). This report template contains guidelines for its completion, and Moderators will be notified, via an email or a Briefing sheet, if a new version is available. In effect the EM will be updating the version of the form which they completed at their initial visit (EMA1). They will be asked to complete information in relation to retention and achievement alongside a consideration of key areas such as organization, administration and course management; assessment practice and internal moderation. They will also be asked to refer to any recommendations and conditions set at the previous visit and feedback on the progress made in relation to these. Finally, EMs will be asked to provide a numerical score for the centre in relation to key aspects of centre practice (on the EMA 2). This may be shared with the centre but this is not a requirement. The information is used as part of an on-going research project the AVA is running in relation to identification of factors underpinning centres which exceed the QAA ABB+ benchmark upper tolerance. It is always worth remembering at all stages of the external moderation process that at the end of the year the External Moderator will need to be able to respond to each of the headings in the EMA 1/2 and the visits should be seen as a means to gather the evidence required. Obviously the focus of the visits varies as Initial visits also provide the ideal opportunity to meet with learners to find out if they have any concerns whilst the final moderation visit will be more focussed upon sampling. Nevertheless the QAA requires that the EM processes have as their focus the key requirements of moderation as outline in the QAA perceptual framework 5.5. (a-l).. MODERATOR ACTION POINT – the final moderation visit The final updated external moderation report should be submitted to the AVA as an email attachment as soon as is reasonably possible after the Awards Board has been completed. The document is an update of information provided at the initial visit and as such should address all the information required at final visit . The report should be submitted to the AVA no later than July 31st, i.e. the end of the academic year in which the course ran. Where Access courses are run outside the traditional academic year, the report should be submitted to the AVA within 4 weeks of the Awards Board taking place. Send the emails to 7. Access Subject Specialist Examination The key focus is to: a. develop standardisation materials and processes b. enhance the accuracy of assessment and grading decisions c. support assessors via shared curriculum and assessment expertise. Samples of student assignments, with a particular focus on common units, have been identified and requested from centres’. These assessments / assignments will be anonymized and LASER Subject Specialist Examiners will then evaluate the samples focussing on both the assessment design and the quality of assessment decisions. Their evaluations will be posted as commentaries together with the exemplars, onto the secure area of LASER’s website and feedback will be provided to centres as necessary / appropriate. 13 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 During the year there will be physical standardisation meetings which will run concurrently with the Access Practitioner Group meetings in the Spring term, where tutors will be invited to attend to share good practice within and across subject areas. Colleagues from Access centres will participate in the consensus moderation process and commentary from this will be available as a common resource via the secure area of the LASER website. 8. LASER’s role in assuring the quality of the external moderation process 8.1 Moderation Standardisation The AVA provides, induction and refresher moderator up-date training to enhance the consistency of moderation practice and in turn assessment practice across its diplomas. 8.2 Monitoring of Access Moderation Reports and Moderators The AVA compiles an annual overall Access Moderation Report which identifies key issues and actions which will be presented to the Access to HE Quality & Development Committee for approval and subsequent implementation. Access Moderation reports will be copied to the Access Quality Manager and to each LASER officer with responsibility for individual LASER Access centres for follow up any recommendations and conditions identified in the report. The Access Quality Manager will provide further support and guidance to centres where appropriate. The LASER Access Quality & Moderation Officer keeps a tracking system to include; the receipt of moderation reports, providers’ and responses to moderation reports. The Access Quality Manager will also provide feedback to moderators on an annual basis in relation to the reports they have submitted. Where an individual moderator’s work falls short of the required Access moderation standards then the Access Quality Manager initially seeks to work with the moderator to provide support (where appropriate) and should this not be successful or should the issues be too serious then he will prepare a report for the Access to HE Quality & Development Committee with a recommendation to suspend or terminate the contract for that moderator. The potential for the contract to be ended under these conditions is set out within the moderator contract. 8.3 Moderator Clusters Where a centre has more than one external moderator appointed by the AVA, each moderator will be supplied with the contact details of the other moderators. 8.4 Procedures re sanctions and withdrawal of approval from centres In the event of non-compliance by a centre with the external quality assurance procedures of the AVA (including external moderation, centre approval, non-payment of fees or actions which undermine the integrity of the award of Access to HE Diplomas), the Access to HE Quality and Development Committee shall have the right to: Notify the centre of the intention to suspend approval unless remedial action is taken Temporarily suspend approval until remedial action is taken Permanently remove approval 14 Appendix 1 LASER Moderation Process Diploma moderation Internal Verification of Diploma Delivery of the Diploma matches the validated document. Assessment process conforms to AVA requirements The internal moderator for the Access Diploma: approves delivery and assessment plans and assignment documentation. validates the recording of results. Standardisation Portfolios reach the standards of the award (learning outcomes are achieved and grading decisions are appropriate) The internal moderator for the Access Diploma: samples work from each student and each unit, to ensure that standards of decisions and feedback are consistent and appropriate. External Outputs The external moderator for the Access Diploma: checks the processes for internal verification of delivery and assessment of the Diploma via inspection of documentation and discussion with students and staff validates the award of credit, award of the Diploma and the grade profiles. External External moderator writes Final Moderation Report; copy to Access centre and to AVA. The external moderator checks portfolio evidence for the award Internal Centre retains at least one copy of a completed student portfolio, per Diploma per year to allow comparison of standards over time. Subject moderation Internal External Verification of units Assignment documentation will produce assessment that is valid Internal moderator approves assignments to be used by subject assessors. Electronic sampling of assessment plans and assignment briefs are approved by a subject moderator via the subject clusters. Standardisation of units Marking of unit assignments is reliable (fair, accurate and consistent) Second marking of unit assignments by centre assessors via systematic sampling to confirm consistency and accuracy in the assessment of evidence for the award of credit and indication of grades. Electronic sampling of marked assignments by a subject moderator; commentary written by a subject moderator via the subject clusters. Physical standardisation meetings for subject clusters on the basis of annual rotation AVA produces final summary report on all Final Moderation Reports across all Access centres. Copy to QAA and copy to all centres. Centre responds to Final Moderation Report for next year’s cycle (or sooner if required) Outputs External Exemplars uploaded to secure area on LASER web site: Assignment briefs Assignment feedback to students Marked completed assignments with a range of grade indicators Internal Retained at the centre: Internal moderation reports and copies of second marked assignments Bank of assignment briefs Final Version 2 15/16 Appendix 2 Access Moderator Annual Checklist When2 What Sept – Dec Receive contract and schedule information Sept – Dec Contact centre(s) and arrange first visit Arrange initial and subsequent visit dates. Inform AVA of date(s) Jan - Feb First Visit Complete Initial Visit and agree in year action plan/points as required Send completed Initial Visit Report to Access Quality & Moderation Officer at AVA Jan – May Ongoing contact with centre by email etc. as required Agree Awards Board and second visit date plus your requirements for that day… Participate in administration of representations and referrals June – July Second visit & Access Awards Board July – August Write moderation report and submit travel claim/fee invoice Sample evidence, attend awards board and sign RACs Send completed report and invoice to AVA via email August LASER payment for moderation activity Key Action/Outcome sign and return copy of contract and schedule(s) to AVA Date Achieved Payment received! 2 This checklist assumes September to July start and end dates, for courses with other start dates adjust the timescales accordingly. Final Version 2 15/16 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 Appendix 3 Access Centre Annual Quality & Moderation Checklist When3 Sept – Dec What Receive notification of appointed moderators from AVA Key Action/Outcome Contact moderator to arrange visit if you have not heard from him/her by mid to late November Sept – Dec Liaise with moderator to provide information as required Initial Visit takes place Identify point of contact for moderator Sept March Date Achieved Agree action plan as appropriate with EM and date for Awards Board Agree awards board date with Centre and notify AVA of Awards Board date. Jan – May Ongoing contact with EM by email etc. as required Send any queries to EM as necessary (e.g. special arrangements for individual students, referrals, representations etc.) June – July Awards Board takes place Use AVA procedures/agendas etc and submit formal notes of meeting to AVA ASAP Send completed RACs to AVA July – August Receive Diploma certificates from AVA Distribute certificates to students and inform HEIs of successful students Complete Annual Report Submit Annual Report to for AVA AVA August Complete Survey September Monkey ‘Response to Moderation Survey’ Complete ‘Response to Moderation Survey’ 3 This checklist assumes September to July start and end dates, for courses with other start dates adjust the timescales accordingly. 17 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 Appendix 4 Key Access Quality & Moderation Documents All of these documents can be downloaded from our Access Moderation web pages at: Title of Document Guidance on Internal Moderation Access Moderation Report (EMA1) Access) Access Final Moderation Risk Assessment Template (EMA2) Access Moderation Report Guidelines Access Moderation Claim Form (EMA3) Access Awards Board Guidelines & Agenda Provider Response to Moderation Survey (via Quality in Access Assessment Guidelines Access Moderator Appointment Guidelines Access Representation Form (AQ7) Access Student (InYear) Referral (AQ8) Description Detailed definitions and guidelines on how to conduct an internal moderation process Template for recording information from the first and final visits and key information in respect of the Awards Board. This forms an on-going record of annual external moderation activities This form should be completed at the conclusion of both the initial and final moderation visits. It is an on-going document which attributes a score in respect of key areas of practice. It may be shared with centres but this is not a requirement as it is in effect an internal record of EM judgements in respect of centre activitiesGuidelines for EMs in relation to all aspects of the EMA reporting process Claim form for sending to AVA to claim travel and expenses Regulations on how to conduct the awards board A survey for centres offering Access courses to comment on the AVA, indicate whether they are able to respond to the moderation report and to give feedback on the moderation process A statement of the principles of, and a guide to the best practice in, assessment as recommended by the AVA Details of how LASER appoints new moderators, fees payable etc. Details the key factors necessary to record in terms of Representations made in line with QAA Regulations Details the key factors necessary to record in terms of ‘in-year’ referrals. Access Report of Details the key processes which must be Suspected Malpractice adhered to in reporting occurences of academic (AQ9) malpractice (e.g. plagiarism) Access Student Appeal / Complaint Form (AQ10) Details the protocols to follow in the case of students wishing to make a formal complaint or appeal. 18 Access Quality & Moderation Handbook 15/16 Appendix 5: SUMMARY OF THE EXTERNAL MODERATION PROCESS Confirmed by LASER Access Quality & Development Committee Checks on Internal Moderation Evidence External moderator appointment process undertaken by LASER relevant paperwork sent out External moderator Contract & Schedule returned by External moderator to LASER External moderator Appointed by LASER Providing Centre notifies LASER that course is running LASER notifies External moderator that course is running External moderator contacts centre to initiate the moderation process First and further Moderation visits and contact takes place as specified in Moderation Schedule As required receives External moderator induction training from LASER Completes Initial Visit Sections of Report (EMA1) Alerts LASER if urgent issues arise Final Visit to Access Awards Board Final Version of Moderation Report sent to head of provider organisation External moderator confirms the award the Access Diploma & countersigns RAC Form Final Moderation Report (EMA1/2) sent to LASER for approval with Claim for Fee Form (EMA3) & coversheet LASER pays External moderator Fee External Moderator invited to attend (with payment) a follow up Moderation Standardisation Meeting 19 This is subject to Moderation Report meeting the specified criteria