2004 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, Fort Worth, TX, USA, June 6-8, 2004, pp. 277-280 Derivation of Single-Ended CMOS Inverter Ring Oscillator Close-In Phase Noise from Basic Circuit and Device Properties Markus Grözing and Manfred Berroth Institute of Electrical and Optical Communication Engineering University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 47, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany Abstract — A closed-form expression of close-in phase noise is derived for single-ended CMOS inverter ring oscillators. Close-in phase noise is expressed depending on the MOSFETs’ channel length Leff, the oscillator stage number n, the NMOS and PMOS flicker noise coefficients KFN and KFP and the peak currents ÎDN and ÎDP that discharge and charge the node capacitances. Design implications regarding stage number n and gate length L are derived and verified by measurements. Further, the dependency of close-in phase noise on inverter symmetry is investigated. An optimum ratio of PMOS to NMOS channel width is derived and shown to be dependent on KFN and KFP. The derived optimum ratio substantially deviates from the value for waveform symmetry. This characteristic is also confirmed by measurements. I. INTRODUCTION The noise spectrum of an electrical oscillator can be divided into three regions with the noise power shaped i3 i2 ~ 1/∆f , ~1/∆f and a constant noise floor, respectively [1]. Close to the carrier, phase noise is dominated by upconverted 1/f-noise and the noise power is shaped i3 ~ 1/∆f . Due to the large 1/f-noise of short-channel MOSFETs and the lack of passive resonant elements, i3 CMOS ring oscillators tend to have a wide 1/∆f -region. This paper concentrates on deriving an expression of phase noise for this region and on achieving some design guidelines for CMOS inverter ring oscillators (fig.1). II. CLOSE-IN PHASE NOISE THEORY The basic idea is to regard close-in phase noise as a result of the low frequency fluctuations of the CMOS inverter propagation delays. The delay fluctuations again are caused by the fluctuations of the MOSFET drain currents (due to low-frequency noise), that charge and discharge the node capacitances. The rise and fall times of CMOS inverter gates can be expressed as C V C V (1) t HL = node DD , t LH = node DD , Î DN Î DP where ÎDN and ÎDP are the average peaks (average referred to the time interval tHL or tLH) of the NMOS and PMOS drain currents iDN and iDP that discharge and charge the VDD P1 P2 P3 0V N1 N2 N3 Fig. 1. Pn iDPn iDNn vn Nn Cnode Single-ended CMOS inverter ring oscillator node capacitance Cnode, respectively. A rough estimate of the propagation delays for falling and rising edges is [2] (2) t pHL = 1 2 t HL , t pLH = 1 2 t LH . The cycle time T of a CMOS inverter ring oscillator with n stages is the sum of all falling- and rising-edge propagation delays: T= n ∑ (t pHLi + t pLHi ) . (3) i =1 Now, the effect of low frequency current noise on the phase deviation φ(t) shall be examined in the time-domain. Low frequency MOSFET drain current noise can be seen as a low frequency modulation of the average peak drain currents ÎDNi(t) and ÎDPi(t): Î DN , Pi ( t ) = Î DN , P (1 + n IN , Pi ( t ) ) . (4) The current ÎDN,P represents the nominal average peak current of the NMOS or PMOS and nIN,Pi(t) represents the normalized, time-dependent deviation from the nominal value in stage i due to low-frequency drain current noise. Following (1), (2), (4) and using the relation 1/(1+x) ≈ 1-x for x << 1, the time-dependent “noisy” propagation delay is C V t pHLi ( t ) = node DD (1 − n INi ( t ) ) = t pHL (1 − n INi ( t ) ) . (5) 2 Î DN The delay tpLHi can be expressed accordingly using ÎDP and nIPi(t). The time-dependent cycle time reads T( t ) = n ∑ (t (1 − n pHL i =1 INi ( t ) ) + t pLH (1 − n IPi ( t ) )) . (6) The cycle time T(t) can be decomposed into a nominal value T0 and a time dependant varying value ∆Tcycle(t): T ( t ) = T0 + ∆Tcycle ( t ) , (7) 2004 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, Fort Worth, TX, USA, June 6-8, 2004, pp. 277-280 T0 = n ∑ (t + t pLH ) = n (t pHL + t pLH ) = 2n t p , pHL i =1 ∆Tcycle ( t ) = − n ∑ (t pHL i =1 n INi ( t ) + t pLH n IPi ( t ) ) . (8) (9) The time-dependent deviation of the zero-crossing time of a certain oscillator signal from its nominal value is t ∆Tcycle ( τ) ∆Tzcro ( t ) = ∆Tcycle ≈ dτ . (10) T0 all cycles 0 ∑ ∫ since t = 0 The corresponding phase deviation is given by t φ( t ) = 2π =− ∆Tzcro ( t ) 2π = 2 ∆Tcycle ( τ) dτ T0 T0 0 ∫ 2π T02 t n ∫ ∑ (t 0 i =1 pHL n INi ( τ) + t pLH n IPi ( τ) )dτ . (00) (11) To deduce a expression of phase noise, an oscillator with only one noisy NMOS in a certain stage shall be considered. To simplify the calculations, the power density spectrum of the normalized low-frequency drain current noise is at first assumed to have to discrete lines at ± fm: n 2IN ( ∆f ) = n 2IN (δ(∆f − f m ) + δ(∆f + f m )) . (14) The single-sideband phase noise (fm) of a signal with phase φ(t) = φPsin(ωmt) was shown to be equal to φP2/4 [3]. Therefore, the normalized NMOS drain current noise with 2 a continuous power spectral density nIN (∆f) causes singlesideband phase noise given by 2 2 2 2 f 02 t pHL 2 φ2 (2 π ) t pHL n IN ( ∆f ) £ ( ∆f ) = P = = n IN ( ∆f ) .(15) 4 T04 ∆ω2 ∆f 2 T02 With (8), (15) and all n NMOS and PMOS noise powers added, (∆f) is given by 2 t 2pLH 2 f 1 t pHL 2 ∆ + n IP ( ∆f ) . (16) £ ( ∆f ) = n ( f ) IN 2 2 2 ∆f n t tp p Now, (16) shall be transformed to a shape where the influence of the average peak currents is observable. The propagation delays tpHL, tpLH and t p can be resubstituted: 2 0 t pHL C V C V = node DD , t pLH = node DD , 2 Î DN 2 Î DP tp = 1 2 (t pHL + t pLH ) = C node VDD 2I D . ( (17) (18) ) The drain current 1/f noise spectral density SID(∆f) of a DC-biased MOSFET can be modeled as follows [4]: KF I AF (20) SID ( ∆f ) = EF D 2 . ∆f C ox Leff Usually, EF = AF = 1 holds and KF is a technology dependent parameter. The normalized power spectral 2 density nI(∆f) relates SID(∆f) to ID : S ( ∆f ) 1 KF . (21) n 2I ( ∆f ) = ID 2 = ID I D ∆f Cox L2eff As the currents iDN(t) and iDP(t) in the oscillator can be approximated as square waves, their normalized power spectral density nI(∆f) is equal to the DC-case for ∆f << f0. Thus, ID can be replaced by ÎD. With (17) to (21) and LNeff = LPeff = Leff, (16) reads: £( ∆f ) = (12) The according time-domain normalized noise current is n IN ( t ) = 2n IN cos(ωm t ) . (13) With (11), the corresponding phase deviation is 2 π t pHL 2 n IN φ( t ) = − 2 sin( ωm t ) = φ P sin( ωm t ) . ωm T0 The value I D is equal to the DC-current consumption IDC, that is governed by the periodic charging of nÂCnode: −1 C V −1 I D = 2 Î DN + Î −DP1 = node DD = nf 0 C node VDD = I DC .(19) 2t p f 02 1 I 2DC KFN I 2DC KFP 1 + 2 2 2 2 n Î Î ∆f Î DP DP ∆f C ox L eff Î DN DN 3 3 I KFN + DC KFP . (22) Î DP To do a fair comparison of oscillators with different IDC and f0, a normalized phase noise value (also called figure of merit) norm(∆f) can be calculated and decomposed into four multipliers M1 to M4: = 2 1 1 f 0 I DC ∆f C ox L2eff n I DC ∆f Î DN 2 ∆f £ norm ( ∆f ) = £( ∆f ) f0 I DC VDD 1mW 1 VDD 1 = ⋅ ⋅ 2 ∆f C ox 1mW nL eff I ⋅ DC Î DN = M1 ⋅ ⋅ M2 ⋅ M3 3 3 I KFN + DC KFP Î DP M4. (23) The smaller norm, the better the oscillator. Multiplier M1 and thus norm is still a function of frequency offset ∆f, it has a -10dB/decade slope. This is important to keep in i3 mind when comparing oscillators in the 1/∆f -region. III. DESIGN IMPLICATIONS The second multiplier M2 in (23) is usually given by the technology. Only the multipliers M3 and M4 can be optimized by the circuit designer. M3 is determined by stage number n and gate length Leff. M4 gives a hint on the dimensioning of the NMOS and PMOS peak currents. 2004 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, Fort Worth, TX, USA, June 6-8, 2004, pp. 277-280 A. Enlargement of Cnode , n or Leff B. Influence of PMOS to NMOS gate width ratio WP/WN The following considerations are starting from a oscillator with a high oscillation frequency f0. It has a small stage number n0 and comprises MOSFETs with minimum gate length Leff0. Moreover, the inverters are symmetric, i.e. WP = µN/µP WN. The design goal is to implement a oscillator with a lower oscillation frequency f1 and with the same DC-current consumption IDC. Different implementation strategies are compared in respect to their influence on norm. Strategy “C”: The node capacitance Cnode is increased from Cnode0 to CnodeC by an additional capacitor: The multiplier M4 in equation (23) can be transformed to reveal the influence of PMOS and NMOS channel width. With the average peak drain current ÎD proportional to gate width W and carrier mobility µ, the following values can be defined: f1 C node 0 . = f 0 C nodeC (24) According to (19), (23) and (24), the DC-current IDC stays constant and norm is not affected: £ norm C = £ norm 0 . (25) Strategy “N”: The stage number n0 is increased to nN: f1 n 0 . = f0 n N (26) Again, the IDC stays constant, but norm is decreased: n f (27) £ norm N = £ norm 0 0 = £ norm C 1 . n N f0 Strategy “WL”: The channel length L is increased. To keep the peak drain currents and IDC constant, the channel width W is increased by the same factor (W ~ Leff). 2 Therefore, the channel area increases ~ Leff . The node capacity Cnode is composed of the gate capacity CG (~ WLeff2 ~ Leff2) and some parasitic capacitors CP (usually ~ W ~ Leff). Therefore, as f ~ 1/Cnode: m f1 Leff 0 , 1 < m < 2. (28) = f 0 LeffWL The exponent tends towards 2 for CG >> CP and towards 1 for CG << CP. According to (23), norm is decreased: 2 2 L =£ f1 m . (29) £ norm WL = £ norm 0 eff 0 norm 0 L effWL f0 The exponent 2/m is at least one (CG >> CP) and at most two (CG << CP). As can be seen from (25), (27) and (29), the multiplier M3 (and thus norm) is most decreased with strategy WL. For small channel area (CG << CP), norm is lowered by 6 dB if Leff is doubled. For large channel area (CG >> CP), norm is lowered by 3 dB if Leff is doubled. Strategy N is then as effective as the strategy WL. norm is lowered by 3 dB if n is doubled. The worst strategy is C, because norm stays constant when Cnode is increased. [ µW = 2 (µ N WN ) + (µ P WP ) w effN = µ N WN µW -1 = ] −1 −1 −1 Î DN ID , w effP = , (30) µ P WP µW = Î DP ID . (31) -1 With weffP = 2 - weffN , the multiplier M4 of (23) reads: 1 £ norm ( ∆f ) = K ⋅ w effN K= 3 1 KFN + 2 − w effN 3 KFP ,(32) 1 VDD 1 ⋅ ⋅ 2 . ∆f C ox 1mW nL eff (33) To find the minimum, norm is differentiated: ∂ £ norm 1 ∂ w effN 1 = K ⋅ 3 w effN 2 2 1 KFN − 3 KFP . (34) w effP The minimum norm-value is obtained for w effP µ W = P P = w effN µ N WN KFP . KFN (35) Thus, with KF ~ µNot [4], the optimum WP/WN ratio is WP µ = N WN opt µ P KFP µN = KFN µP N otP . N otN (36) NotN,P is the effective oxide trap density in the NMOS and PMOS transistor, respectively. In [5], waveform symmetry is said to lower the upconversion of device 1/f-noise to phase noise. But the value (WP/WN)sym for waveform symmetry (i.e. tpHL = tpLH), approximately given by WP WN µ = N , sym µ P (37) substantially deviates from the value (WP/WN)opt derived here. WP has to be decreased in comparison to the symmetric inverter, even if the trap densities of the PMOS and NMOS transistors are equal. If NotP < NotN, as observed in [4], WP has to be decreased further. A commonsense explanation is as follows: If the PMOS has lower 1/f-noise than the NMOS, it’s contribution to the cycle time T0 has to be increased. Thus tpLH should be larger than the more “noisy” tpHL and WP has to be decreased. 2004 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, Fort Worth, TX, USA, June 6-8, 2004, pp. 277-280 III. MEASUREMENT RESULTS A. Oscillators according to strategy C, N, WL phase noise [dBc/Hz] -70 C -80 N WL -90 perform slightly better. Accordingly, the optimum ratio (WP/WN)opt should be somewhere in between 0.4 and 2.7. This result confirms that waveform symmetry is not the optimum for CMOS inverter ring oscillator phase noise performance and that the PMOS portion of the total delay must be larger than the NMOS portion. The noise advantage of PMOS transistors in ring oscillators coincides with measurements of LC-oscillators [7]. osc. spl. WP WN N A 2.7 N B 0.4 Q A 2.7 Q B 2.7 -100 -110 1.0E +05 1.0E +06 frequency offset ∆ f [H z] 1.0E +07 Figure 2. Measured against ∆f with 1/∆f3-trend lines L Lmin C 1 N 1 WL 2 2.50 2.15 2.25 -83.1 -90.0 -92.1 2.15 1.60 3.39 3.02 -98.6 -99.8 -90.5 -90.4 -156.7 -157.0 -149.5 -148.2 + n VDD IDD fosz *) norm *) [V] [mA] [GHz] [dBc/Hz] [dBc/Hz] 3 1.82 3.78 9 1.84 3.87 3 1.84 3.56 9 1.84 3.87 7 1.87 2.61 4# 1.8 7.95+ # + 4 2.0 7.63 Table 2. Comparison of ring and quadrature oscillators The three oscillators with symmetrical inverters were realized in 0.18 µm standard CMOS technology. Figure 2 shows the measured phase noise and table 1 summarizes the results. Compared to the C-oscillator, norm is 5 dB lower for the N-oscillator with tripled number of stages. The improvement expected by theory is 10[log(3) = 4.8 dB. norm is 8 dB lower for the oscillator with doubled 2 channel length. The expected value is 10[log(2 ) = 6.0 dB for CG << CP. As Leff < L, the expected value is probably underestimated. osc. n VDD IDD fosz *) norm *) [V] [mA] [GHz] [dBc/Hz] [dBc/Hz] -148.7 -154.1 -156.9 Table 1. Ring oscillator C, N and WL measurement results. *) measured and calculated @ ∆f = 500 kHz B. Oscillators with different gate width ratio WP/WN Two oscillators with different WP/WN ratio were processed by different manufacturers, but both using 0.18 µm standard CMOS technology. To detect possible differences in the device 1/f-performance of the two technologies, the norm-values of quadrature ring oscillators (Q-oscillators, [6]) - realized in both technologies with the same device dimensions - were compared. Table 2 summarizes the results. The Q-oscillator processed by supplier A performs 1 dB better than the one processed by B. The norm-value of the N-oscillator with severe unsymmetrical inverters (WP/WN = 0.4, supplier B) is equal to the norm-value of the N-oscillator with symmetrical inverters (WP/WN ≈ µN/µP ≈ 2.7, supplier A), even though the stage number is smaller and supplier A seems to ) simulation result, #) additional feedforward stages *) measured and calculated @ ∆f = 1 MHz V. CONCLUSION Single-ended CMOS inverter ring oscillator close-in phase noise performance can be optimized either by enlarging the stage number or, even better, by enlarging the channel length. The normalized phase noise was measured to be 5 dB lower for a oscillator with tripled number of stages and 8 dB lower for a oscillator with doubled gate length compared to a oscillator that has enlarged node capacitors. The optimum gate width ratio WP/WN is shown to be determined by the flicker noise coefficients KFN and KFP. As KFP usually is lower than KFN, the PMOS width has to be decreased compared to a symmetrical CMOS inverter design. REFERENCES [1] D. B. Leeson: “A Simple Model of Feedback Oscillator Noise Spectrum”, Proc. IEEE, vol. 54, pp. 329-330, February 1966. [2] H. Klar: “Integrierte Digitale Schaltungen MOS/BICMOS”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996, ISBN 3-540-61284-X. [3] S. Kudszus: “Monolithisch Integrierte Millimeterwellen-Oszillatoren auf der Basis von Heterostruktur-Feldeffekttransistoren”, Ph.D.thesis, Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 9, Nr. 336, VDI-Verlag Düsseldorf, September 2001, ISBN 3-18-333609-X. [4] Y. Nemirovsky, I. Brouk, C.G. Jakobson, “1/f Noise in CMOS Transistors for Analog Applications”, Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 48, no. 5, pp 921-927, May 2001. [5] A. Hajimiri, S. Limotyrakis, T. H. Lee: “Jitter and Phase Noise in Ring Oscillators”, JSSC, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 790-804, June 1999. [6] M. Grözing, B. Philipp, M. 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