Stacey Van Dahm Curriculum Vitae (215) 437-­‐3766 h / (805) 453-­‐3061 c Philadelphia University College of Science, Health, and Liberal Arts School House Lane and Henry Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19144 EDUCATION Ph.D. Comparative Literature, University of C A Santa Barbara (UCSB), 2007 Dissertation: Nationalism and Narratives of Subjectivity in the Cold War Imaginary Committee: Carl Gutiérrez-­‐Jones, Suzanne Jill Levine, Leo Cabranes-­‐Grant M.A. Comparative Literature, U CSB, 2002 B.A. English Literature, Pepperdine University, 1992 TEACHING Assistant Professor 2008-­‐present COLLEGE O F S CIENCE, H EALTH & L IBERAL A RTS, P HILADELPHIA U NIVERSITY Writing 100G, Introduction to Academic Writing – Global (ELL) Writing Seminar 101, Finding Philadelphia Writing Seminar 217, Science, Engineering, Technology & Health Professions Humanities 225, Exploring World Literature Junior Seminar 361, Fiction to Film Junior Seminar 302, Introduction to Narrative (Design, Engineering & Commerce majors) Junior Seminar 362, The Artist and Society in Literature and Film Lecturer 2007 – 2008 WRITING P ROGRAM, U CSB Writing 1 and 1ACE, Approaches to University Writing Writing 2ACE, Academic Writing Writing 50, Writing and the Research Process (Topic: Immigrant Culture & ID) Teaching Assistant or Associate (Independent Instructor) 2002 – 2006 COMPARATIVE L ITERATURE P ROGRAM & W RITING P ROGRAM, U CSB Writing 1ACE (Acad. Communities for Excellence): Approaches to University Writing (x3) Writing 2 and 2ACE: Academic Writing (x5) Writing 2E: Academic Writing for Engineers (x1) Intro. Writing S TEP (Summer Transitional Enrichment Program, E OP students) (x2) EOP = Educational Opportunities Program (for first-­‐generation and low income students) Comparative Lit. 34: Literature of the Americas/U.S. Immigrant Literature (x3) Teaching Assistant 1999 – 2002 COMPARATIVE L ITERATURE P ROGRAM, W OMEN’S S TUDIES, & B LACK S TUDIES, UCSB Comparative Lit. 30A, B, & C: Classical, Renaissance, and Modern European Literature Women’s Studies 40, 60, & 70: Women’s Issues in the Humanities; U.S. Women of Color; Women and Development Black Studies 38B: Introduction to African American Literature Instructor 1997 – 1999 PEACE C ORPS VOLUNTEER, T EACHER O F E NGLISH, M OSCOW English as a Foreign Language, 4th-­‐11th grade, in Svyerdlovsky (Moscow oblast) 1 Stacey Van Dahm Curriculum Vitae PUBLICATIONS 2012 “Desire, Arenas, and Cold War Discourse: Reinaldo Arenas as Protagonist in Julian Schnabel’s Before Night Falls” in, Latin American Studies: Critiques of Contemporary Cinema, Literatures, Politics and Revolution. Editor, David Gallagher. Academica Press. 2009 “iPods and Your Health” with Christopher Dean. In Bedford/St. Martin’s Bedford Select— WAC/WIC Section. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s. Web. 2004 Translation (Russian to English). Biography of Nikolai Sheptulin, author of “The Fabric of Film.” Nov. Published in the on-­‐line journal ARTMargins, Under Submission “Community Storytelling and the Rhetoric of Urban Encounter: The Imagining Frankford Mural as Citizenship Project” submitted to Public Art Dialog, September 2013 Research and Writing in Process “Reinaldo Arenas: Writer, Not Victim.” Translation of Enrique del Risco, “Reinaldo Arenas: víctima imposible, literatura posible.” Originally published in Guayaba Sweet: literatura Cubana en Estados Unidos. (2004) 255-­‐79. (seeking publisher) “The Politics of Not Belonging: Reinaldo Arenas’ Exile and 1980s Cold War Nationalism” (working title) “Barrio Art: Telling the Story of Puerto Rican Philadelphia though Murals” (working title) “Using Design Pedagogy in the Composition Classroom” (working title) EDITORIAL W ORK 2007-­‐2011 Advisory Board Member: Translation, a Translation Studies journal at the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, U CSB. 2005-­‐2007 Editor: Translation, a Translation Studies journal at the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, U CSB. (First 2 issues). SCHOLARLY P RESENTATIONS March 2014 “Transforming General Education through Outcomes-­‐Based Writing Assessment” paper presentation for the panel, “Transformations, Design, and Redesign: Iterating Composition and Communication Futures at a Liberal-­‐Professional University.” CCCC (Conference on College Composition and Communication), Open | Source(s), Access, Futures. Indianapolis. March 19-­‐22, 2014. (Panel accepted.) March 2013 “Adapting Design Pedagogy to the Writing Classroom,” paper presentation. CCCC, “The Public Work of Composition.” Las Vegas. March 13-­‐16, 2013. April 2012 “Narrating Belonging: Latino/a Mural Art in Philadelphia,” paper presentation. 26th Annual MELUS (Multi-­‐Ethnic Literature of the U.S.) Conference, “Ethnic Literatures and Transnationalism.” Santa Clara University, California. April 19-­‐22, 2012. April 2011 “Teaching World Literature: Balancing Professional Values and Student Edification,” paper presentation. Annual ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association) Conference, “World Literature/Comparative Literature.” Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, B C, April 1-­‐4, 2011. 2 Stacey Van Dahm Curriculum Vitae Oct. 2010 “Philadelphia Mural Art and Latin@ Models of National Belonging: artist Michelle Ortiz,” paper presentation. Annual N EASA (The New England American Studies Association) Conference, “The Arts and the Publics.” Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, October 1-­‐3, 2010. April 2010 “Desire and National Discourse: A Study of Reinaldo Arenas’ Before Night Falls and Julian Schnabel’s 2000 Film Adaptation,” paper read in my absence due to pregnancy. ACLA Conference, “Creoles, Diasporas, Cosmopolitanisms.” New Orleans, April 1-­‐4, 2010. Nov 2009 “Literature Appreciation in Online Environments,” paper presentation for panel “How Online Environment Enhances Learning.” NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) Annual Convention, “Once and Future Classics: Reading Between the Lines.” Philadelphia, November 19-­‐24, 2009. April 2009 “Community Art and Latin@ Models of National Belonging: artist Betsy Casañas,” paper presentation. 23rd Annual M ELUS Conference, “Poetic Justice: Imagination, Empowerment, and Identity in Multi-­‐Ethnic Literatures of the U S.” Washington State University, Pullman, Spokane. April 2-­‐5, 2009. April 2008 “Chicano/a Mural Art and Cuban Community: Art and the Struggle for Home in America,” seminar presentation. 22nd Annual ACLA Conference, “Arrivals and Departures.” May 2007 “America, the Cold War and National Belonging,” presentation of research. A AUW (American Association of University Women), luncheon, Goleta Valley Branch, C A. Oct. 2006 “Ricky, Che, Fidel, and Arenas: Trumping Masculinity in U.S./Cuban Cultural Maneuvers,” paper presentation. The United States from Inside and Out: Transnational American Studies, ASA (American Studies Association) Annual Meeting, Oakland, C A. April 2004 “Narration and Belonging in Reinaldo Arenas’ El portero and selected poems by Joseph Brodsky,” paper presentation. Globalization is/in America, an interdisciplinary graduate student conference. Northwestern University. PEDAGOGICAL D EVELOPMENT 2013 2013 2010-­‐pres. 2011-­‐2012 2011 2008-­‐09 2007 2004 2004 2004 2002 2001 Participation in Inter-­‐Cultural Communication Seminar addressing pedagogical implications of growing number of international students on campuses Participation in E DUCAUSE 2013 Virtual Annual Conference “Framework for Assessing Open Educational Resources” Led faculty development for Writing, Humanities, and Social Science courses, PhilaU Participant in ongoing Assessment Workshop, PhilaU Participated in Smart Design Workshop on design models of teaching, PhilaU Participated in faculty teaching workshops, PhilaU CCUT (Certificate in College and University Teaching), U CSB FITT (Faculty Institute for Teaching with Technology), U CSB STIA (Summer Teaching Institute for Associates), U CSB Course: Teaching Technical Communication (Madeline Sorapure), U CSB Course: Practicum in Academic Writing Instruction (Susan McLeod), U CSB TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language), U C Extension, Santa Barbara UNIVERSITY S ERVICE Philadelphia University 2012-­‐pres. Chair, College Assessment Committee 3 Stacey Van Dahm Curriculum Vitae 2012-­‐pres. 2012-­‐pres. 2012-­‐2013 2011-­‐2013 2010-­‐2012 2011-­‐2012 2010-­‐2012 2010-­‐2011 2010-­‐2012 2009-­‐2012 2011-­‐2012 2008-­‐2012 2011 2011 2010-­‐11 2010-­‐11 2010-­‐11 2009, 10 2009 2009-­‐10 2009-­‐10 2009-­‐10 Assessment Advocate for College of Science, Health and Liberal Arts Leader in WAC Academy Teaching Circle to promote Writing Across the Curriculum Academic advisor for first-­‐year, undeclared students in the D IY (Do-­‐It-­‐Yourself) program Revisioning College Studies working group Nexus Learning Grant selection committee Coordinator for Social Science I course group Coordinator for Humanities I course group School of Liberal Arts Assessment committee Graduate education curriculum committee School of Liberal Arts Undergraduate Education (Curriculum) committee Writing Professor search committee Organizer and faculty liaison for annual Unity Week events, celebrating diversity Coordinator for Writing I I course group (interim) Community summits on College Studies committee Working group to create Narrative course for D EC (Design, Eng., Commerce) curriculum Ethics/Philosophy Professor search committee Working group to create Ethnography course for D EC curriculum Discussion leader on summer reading with first year students for F YE and S TART Grader for Writing placement exams WAC Director Search committee Academic advisor for first-­‐year students Summer Reading selection committee University of California Santa Barbara 2007 Curriculum committee for Writing 1, 50, ACE, & “Starting Lines” (student anthology) 2006 Conference co-­‐organizer: “Translation in a Non-­‐Literary Age” 2005 -­‐ 2006 Research assistant for Translation Studies Research Focus Group 2002 – 2006 CLAS (Campus Learning Assistance Services) writing tutor mentor 2003 – 2006 Grader for Analytical Writing Placement Exam (formerly Subject-­‐A), U C-­‐wide 2004 – 2005 Curriculum committee for Writing for Engineering 2003 – 2005 Co-­‐organizer, presenter, assist., manual writer for new TA training (CompLit & W P) 2004 – 2005 Annual W.E.B. Du Bois event co-­‐organizer, Writing Program FELLOWSHIPS A ND AWARDS 2006/2007 2004 2003/2004 2003 -­‐AAUW (American Association of University Women) Dissertation Fellowship -­‐Philip & Aida Siff Educational Foundation Graduate Fellowship Grant UCSB Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fellowship UCSB Graduate Opportunity Fellowship Comparative Literature Grant for two-­‐months study in Cuba REFERENCES Susan McLeod, Research Professor, U CSB Writing Program,, 805 893 7488 Valerie Hanson, Associate Professor of Writing, Philadelphia Univ.,, 215 951 2795 Carl Gutiérrez-­‐Jones, Professor of English, U CSB,, 805 893 2226 Suzanne Jill Levine, Professor of Spanish, U CSCB,, 805 893 2131 4 Stacey Van Dahm Curriculum Vitae Leo Cabranes-­‐Grant, Associate Professor of Spanish, U CSB,, 805 893 2131 5