G. Kavei: Thermoelectric foam a component of waste-heat energy conversion to electric power Available online at www.impj.ir International Materials Physics Journal vol. 1 No.1 2013 22-27 Thermoelectric foam a component of waste-heat energy conversion to electric power G. Kavei1 Material and Energy Research Centre, P. O. Box 14155-4777, Tehran, Iran. Abstract A thermoelectric converter is a solid-state heat engine in which the electron gas serves as the working fluid and converts a flow of heat into electricity. Widespread use of the thermoelectric system requires not only improving the intrinsic energy-conversion efficiency of the materials but also implementing recent advancements in the system architecture. Thermoelectric foams with large pores and high surface area associated with a foam structure as compared to its bulk counterpart, an efficient solution to extract the waste heat could be foreseen. This study has been designed to fabricate and characterize thermoelectric foams. No report was evolved in journals at (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 thermoelectric foam as widely as extended search was carried out. Thermoelectric porous foam fabrication in replication mode with powdered (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 compound and domestic salt powder using a hot die pressing system was carried out. The structure and morphology formations were characterized by X-Ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy systems. Electrical and thermal conductivities, Seebeck coefficient and relative density of foams were evaluated by empirical assessment. Keywords: Thermoelectric; Foam; Replica; Waste heat; Energy conversion. 1- E-mail, phone and fax: g-kavei@merc.ac.ir ; prof.kavei@hotmail.com ; Tel: +98 263 6204137, Fax: +98 263 6201888. 1-Introduction Waste heat is generated in a process of fuel combustion or chemical reaction, which is then “dumped” into the environment and not reused for useful and economic purposes. The mechanism to recover unused heat depends on the temperature of waste heat gases and the economics involved. Large quantities of hot gas flux are generated from boilers, furnace and gas turbine. If some of the waste heat could be recovered, then a considerable amount of primary fuel could be saved. The energy lost in waste gases cannot be fully saved. However, much of the waste heat could be reused and can minimize losses. Porous foams of various substances such as polymers, metals and ceramics, exhibit particular physical and mechanical properties that differ very much 22 from classical fully dense materials, [1-2]. Interesting combinations of these properties, such as high thermal conductivity combined with high gas permeability or relatively high stiffness, in conjunction with very low specific weight, offer the possibility for a new futureoriented multi-functional applications, e.g. cooling and heating systems, heat exchangers or fire protection, [3]. Thermal performance improvement is basically a consequence of enhancement of the effective thermal conductivity in the binary packing and transversely thermal dispersion increment due to the decrease of porosity and increase of tortuosity. Traditionally, tortuosity is the length of the actual path line between two ports that the fluid particle travels divided by the length of a straight line between these ports. This path is taken by a diffusion (Brownian) motion and is independent of the net velocity, [4]. International Materials Physics Journal Thermoelectric material (TM), on the other hand, is a solid-state energy converter with a combination of thermal, electrical, and semiconducting properties. According to these definitions TM is used to convert waste heat into electricity or electrical energy directly into cooling or heating energy. TM may also be competitive with fluid-based systems, such as two-phase air-conditioning compressors or heat pumps, and may be used in smaller-scale applications as an electrical-enclosure cooling devices, [5]. However, heat as directly extracted from bulk, gaseous and liquid media by thermoelectric elements in a large surface area (foam) will be more efficient than the extraction of heat from a solid body. In this regard, varieties of studies have been made in areas of commercial foams, [6]. A computational model has been developed in order to simulate the thermal and electric behavior of thermoelectric generators [7]. This model solves the nonlinear system of thermoelectric and heat transfer equations, [8]. Nevertheless, given the renewable natural energy resources, TM could play a significant role to allow itself to be efficiently used in conjunction with energy conversion processes. Conventionally, thermoelectric modules have been designed in bulk form of traditional materials such as Bi2Te3, PbTe, SiGe etc. at different ranges of temperature, [9]. The poor chemical stability and brittle nature of Bi2Te3 material has narrowed down the processing of foam structures. To avoid such inefficiency, ternary compounds of high chemical stability and mechanical strength may be used, [10]. Finding an optimal porosity with an increase rate of electrical to thermal conductivities for a given Thermoelectric Foam (TF) element is feasible. This may improve ZT (the efficiency of the thermoelectric generator). Large surface area of foam structure may result in low Ohmic electrical contacts to the fabricated thermoelectric elements. Furthermore, the foam has large surface area of physical contact with hot or cold media with respect to solid counterpart. High Seebeck coefficient of TM foam has motivated working with foam structures. This will make them as a favorite element for efficient electric power generators. This article describes the fabrication of porous TF. Foam processing is based on the salt replication method. A mechanically alloyed p Int. Mat.Phys. J. Vol. 1 No. 1 September 2013 type (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 ternary compound is used as raw material. Tentative investigation of the thermal conductivity either measured directly, [11] or calculated from electrical conductivity values using the Wiedemann–Franz law for open-celled porous TM, [7], makes possible to compare bulk and foam properties. The study has been focused on foam samples of 70% porosity at different hot pressing temperatures fabrication and characterization. 2- Experiment 2-1 Providing foam materials Raw material (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 and domestic salt (sodium chloride NaCl with 150–212µm powder particle size and 99.0% purity) were selected as items for foaming. The load was ball-milled in a planetary ball-mill with stainless steel cup for 20 h at a cup speed of 270 rpm. The balls in a ball miller sphere of 17mm diameter and the ratio of balls of the powder weight is 10:1. Crystallite sizes were defined by one of the methods reported in, [12-14]. Particle sizes of the product powder were tested by “Fritsch GmbH analysette 22”system, the size population above 30% for NaCl was 4-8 µm and above 25% of (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 6-8 µm with flaky shape. 2-2 Fabricating thermoelectric foam Thermoelectric foam was processed with mixed milled TM (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 and NaCl powders. The ratio of 2:1.5 weight of TM /NaCl was calculated to obtain TF with a relative porosity of 71%, (see Table 1). Foam with different porosities processed on the ratio of raw and replica substance weights. To calculate the relative weights of TM /NaCl not only one can change relative weights of TM/NaCl but also one may do it by varying the particle size of elementary material (TM) and replica material (NaCl), [15]. The closed-cell foams were produced by mixing the (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 powder with NaCl as a replica. Mixed powder was charged into a hot-press mold (high speed steel) with a dimension of 5×20×10mm (volume cm-3). Foaming was made possible through a controlled compression of a mixed powder the force was exerted onto a cross section of 5x20mm. So, the force direction (longitudinal direction) introduced along 10mm length. Hot pressing was performed at different temperatures of 300, 400 and 500 °C under a 23 G. Kavei: Thermoelectric foam a component of waste-heat energy conversion to electric power Table 1: Experiment and Theory values for a fabricated typical 20x10x5mm3 foam. (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 (gr.) NaCl (gr.) Volume Size (cm3) 2 1.5 1 71% Relative porosity Ref. 29% Theoretical relative density 5% Reside NaCl Theory 2.14 Foam weight (gr.) %30 Relative density NaCl (gr.) 1.5 %70 Relative porosity (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 (gr.) 2 Experiment pressure of 500 MPa in Argon atmosphere for a period of one minute. Compression was repeated for several times at either temperature to reach a high degree of compaction. This procedure stops decomposition of the foam whilst removing salt from foam. Foam properties largely depend on a pressing time, [15] (a) 3. Results and Discussion Morphology of the foam was examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Philips XL30 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) operating at 25 kV) to identify the formed phases and micrograph of the surfaces. Fig. 1a reveals dense mechanically alloyed powder (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 prepared at 15 h ball mill. Fig.1b shows morphology from TF surface with a relative porosity of 70%. The images illustrate dense structure, which is confirmed by intense surface build up. Crystalline phase evolution during foaming were evaluated by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) [Philips (30 kV and 25mA) diffractometer with CuKα radiation (λ = 1.5405 Å)]. XRD was performed with a step size of 0.02 and a time per step of 1 s. The patterns were evaluated by pure (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 patterns, [17]. Fig. 2 shows; a and b, XRD pattern from crystallized (Bi0.25Sb0.75) 2Te3 raw and pure foam (raw foam has been boiled in water for 2 hours to extract (b) Fig. 1: SEM microstructure of a) mechanically alloyed powder (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 prepared at 15 h ball mill, b) morphology of TF surface with a relative porosity of 70% at 500˚C hot pressing temperature. The dense structure of surface can be noticed in the image. Hot-pressed sample was boiled in water for 2 h in an attempt to remove NaCl from the raw foam. This allows for a pure TF to be obtained. Archimedes test was carried out for a predetermined foam relative density. The relative density of the foam with respect to its bulk counterparts around 40%-30% has been obtained, [16]. A sensible high value of relative density indicates that about 5-7% NaCl was left into the foam. (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 powder is chemically stable against compression and any applied heat up to 500 °C in the presence of NaCl to bind particles. 24 pattern that has been taken NaCl crystals are superimposed and screened up in (b). For foam structure, it should be noted that the main peaks for the NaCl crystal are at 27.5, 31.7, 45.5, 56.5, 66.5 and 75.5, 2θ degrees, [18]. The theory is based on the assumption that, if a thermoelectric element is heated at one end a temperature gradient may extend along the element; this is due to the formation of the electron/hole pairs at the hot end. As the pairs recombined, heat streams toward the cold end. A voltage, (Seebeck voltage), which drives the hole/electron flow is appearing between the hot International Materials Physics Journal Int. Mat.Phys. J. Vol. 1 No. 1 September 2013 Fig. 2: a) XRD pattern of crystallized (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 raw foam. b) XRD patterns from pure foam (raw foam has been boiled in water for 2 hours to extract NaCl) All peaks were indexed for the (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 phase with no presence of impurities. c) XRD pattern taken from NaCl crystals are super positioned and screened over in a pattern (b). and cold ends of the TE element due to the temperature gradient. Accurate measurement of electrical transport parameters of the foam requires good and clean surface contacts. As there were large amounts of void on the surfaces, the electrical contacts for the foams were made by coating silver paint up to around 2 mm long, on both ends. Transport parameters were measured at different temperature rates listed in Table 2. Table 2: Various physical parameters measured for the TF module at different hot press temperatures. Parameters T1 T2 T3 (300°C (400°C) (500°C) 189 187 186 α (µV/K) σ (Ω.cm) -1 95 106 120 ρ / ρ 0 (%) 30 30.5 31 0.33 0.34 0.38 1.03 1.09 1.09 κ (W.(mK)-1) Z = α 2σ / κ ×10−3 ( K −1 ) 4. Analysis of practical results Effective thermal conductivity of porous metals based on conduction in the solid materials was studied by two different methods; namely, numerical and analytical approaches, [19]. The numerical approach considers a single unit cell or periodic structures in order reduce the computation time. The analytical approach allows for an easy consideration of perturbations in the pore arrangement. Numerical and analytical concerned the finite element method allows arbitrary pore geometries and nonlinearities study (e.g. material or boundary conditions). The basic idea of the finite element method is the decomposition of a domain with a complicated geometry into geometrically simple elements, such that the governing differential equation can be solved (approximately) for these finite elements. The single element solutions are then assembled to obtain the complete system solution using given boundary conditions. The assembly process uses appropriate balance equations at the nodes which are used to define the elements and serve also as connection points between the elements. Taking into the account of the above classifications, the influence of radiation inside the pores can be neglected, [19]. Furthermore, the thermal conductivity of inclusion atmosphere e.g. air, κ1 ≈ 0.025W/(m·K) , [20] is typically several orders of magnitudes smaller than the cell wall material e.g. TM, κs = ~1W/(m·K) , [21]. However, in order to maintain the comparability of the results, convection has been disregarded, inclusions can be approximated as voids with no contribution to the thermal conductivity of the structure (κ1 = 0). Consequently, only the thermal conduction in the base material κs is considered for basic studies. A highly porous substance is mostly desired if it has acceptable mechanical strength. Porosity may also be found advantageous in conventional thermoelectric modules although a high thermal flux density creates problems. However, any heat transfer through the pores can degrade the thermoelectric figure of merit. The amount of this degradation may be calculated, and it is small enough to be accepted in practical devices. Generally speaking, a thermoelectric energy converter figure of merit is expressed by the relation, [22-23]. Z= (α B − α A ) 2 [(κ B ρ B )1/ 2 + (κ A ρ A )1/ 2 ]2 (1) where α is the Seebeck coefficient, κ is the thermal conductivity, ρ is the electrical resistivity. Subscripts A and B denote both p and n type legs. Goldsmid, [7], presented an ideal model for a porous thermoelectric element as Fig. 3. The pores are assumed to be uniform and cubes of edge length l are separated by the width of 2w 25 G. Kavei: Thermoelectric foam a component of waste-heat energy conversion to electric power so, each cell consists of a cubic space surrounded by a wall of thickness w. For l≈2w the electrical and thermal flows are linear. Since, the pores in actual foam will be quite different from the model but it is valid with good approximations. Goldsmid, [7] calculated this ratio for the voids filled with air, carbon dioxide and krypton. He has shown how the figure of merit falls the same as porosity factor p does in these three instances. The porosity factor p was defined as a ratio of an electrical conductivity in fully dense material to that of porous material. Since, electrical conductivity of gases related to TM within the pores is insignificant: p= (1 + 2w) 2 (1 + 2 w) 2 − l 2 (4) The figure of merit falls down to about 20% for a porosity factor of 10 if the pores are filled with air. 5. Conclusion Fig.3: A model for thermal loss calculation in a porous thermoelectric element. For an application in which evacuated pore is considered. Thermal conduction of the gas does not disappear unless the mean free path of molecules is much greater than the width of the pore. Very high vacuum and interconnection between the pores will assist in allowing vacuum or any gas to penetrate throughout the foam. Generally the pores containing a gas of thermal conductivity κl, will normally be much less than the thermal conductivity κs of TE with thermal conductance K C (effective conductivity of the porous material of each cell) is given by, [24]. KC = κ / κ p + (2w / l ) + κ l[{1 + (2 w / l )} − 1] 1 + (2w / l ) (2) The effective thermal conductivity is not only a function of porosity and the thermal conductivity of each phase, but is very sensitive to the microstructure, [25]. The thermal conductivity of the gas in the pores in comparison with TM thermal conductivity was negligible, thermal conductance per cell (Ks conductance of the solid material) would be, [26]: 2 κ l[{1 + (2 w / l )} − 1] 1 + (2 w / l ) (3) KRel = K C / K s relative conductance is analogous to the ratio of figure of merit Zp/ Zs where Zp is the porous material figure of merit to that Zs that belongs to a fully dense specimen. 26 References: 2 κl Ks = Foam structures are interested to replace bulk thermoelectric elements in conventional module designed for waste heat conversion to electricity. High surface area of the voids in the foam allows an efficient heat extraction as compared to that of bulk materials. (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 has been known as a high efficiency thermoelectric compound to fabricate a foam structured thermoelectric generator with optimum quality. 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