Title: The direct conversion of heat to electricity using fast switching of ferroelectric oxides Related TechnologyFields: Thermal Electric Generation Principal Researcher: Professor Richard D. James james@umn.edu Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 tel. (612) 625-0706, fax. (612) 626-1558 Co-Principal Investigator: Professor Bharat Jalan bjalan@umn.edu Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 tel. (612) 625-4088, fax. (612) 626-7246 Brief Declaration of Confidential Information N/A I. Project Design 1.1 Executive Summary The discovery of new methods of generating energy without adversely affecting the environment is the most compelling scientific problem of our time. This proposal is based on the most promising of a completely new family of methods for the direct conversion of heat-toelectricity discovered at the University of Minnesota1. Here, “direct” means that there is no separate electrical generator: the material alone does energy conversion and generation of electricity. Briefly, the material is the machine2. In this proposal we outline a pathway to develop energy conversion devices based on phase transformation in ferroelectric films. Importantly, this family of methods of energy conversion is well suited to convert heat to electricity in situations where the heat is available at relatively small temperature difference, implying broad potential applications, and significant commercial impact. To help us guide applications of this work, we have partnered with Daikin Applied (formerly McQuay International), with world headquarters at 13600 Industrial Park Blvd, Plymouth, MN, the second largest manufacturer of air conditioning systems. Their systems produce a lot of waste heat in the small temperature difference regime. A letter of collaboration from Todd J. Love, Vice President of Engineering, is attached to this proposal. In a nutshell, our concept relies on the use of oxide crystals that undergo highly reversible phase transformations from a strongly ferroelectric phase to a paraelectric phase upon heating. As the crystal is cooled through the phase transformation it releases (latent) heat, transforms to the ferroelectric phase, and develops a strong polarization. If this crystal is the dielectric of a capacitor that is connected in parallel to a reference capacitor, it will draw charge from the reference capacitor. Upon heating, the crystal absorbs heat while transforming to the nonferroelectric phase at a higher temperature (due to the Clausius-Clapeyron relation) and simultaneously releases charge to the reference capacitor. The sloshing of this charge back and forth between the active and reference capacitor through a load resistance constitutes the direct conversion of heat to electricity (Figure 3). The ability of Jalan to synthesize thin, single crystalline oxide films of exceptional quality ensures a high capacitance and high dielectric breakdown strength, which makes this method particularly attractive. Our proposal also includes the implementation of a method for exceptionally reversible and fast switching of the film, which, as we explain, is also important for this technology. 1.2 Background The proposed specific way of doing ferroelectric energy conversion is to our knowledge completely new. However, our proposed method is related to a family of methods first discovered at the University of Minnesota under previous support of the Initiative for Renewable Energy & the Environment (IREE, project RO-0002-12). Under that support, we pursued the idea of ferromagnetic rather than ferroelectric phase transformations for the direct conversion of heat to electricity1. Our demonstration received worldwide attention, being reported on hundreds of websites and publications. It has been featured twice on websites frequently used by the National Science Foundation (at their invitation), Science3603 and Livescience3. 1 While we learned a lot about this method, and more generally about using phase transformations for energy conversion, we were not able to convince the U of M to give us intellectual property relating to this method. In fact, it was a completely new method. In the meantime, following our initial discovery reported in 20111, our method has been pursued quite widely in Europe. Very recently, a Swiss company, Swiss Blue Energy, has commercialized exactly our technology http://www.swiss-blue-energy.ch/index.php?id=107&L=0(Video). In addition it is being pursued very actively in Prof. Manfred Kohl’s group in Karlsruhe8. We also have been pursuing basic research on the general concept, especially development of the materials, with funding from NSF and a MURI program. Besides learning more about the materials, we also studied in detail the thermodynamics of the method and the potential efficiency and work output9,10. From these fundamental studies we now see that the ferroelectric case (unpublished) is in fact more promising than the ferromagnetic case. There are three main advantages: First, the basic method involves the separation of charge, rather than the creation of dipoles, which ultimately can give larger power densities and larger thermodynamic efficiency according to our predictions; second, the method is much better adapted to miniaturization by avoiding the presence of relatively large biasing permanent magnets and bulky coils, and therefore has the potential to develop compact power sources, which can recover waste heat from computing devices; third, the heat transfer problem strongly favors a thin film-based geometry, which is favored in the ferroelectric case but strongly disfavored in the magnetic case due to demagnetization effects1. Shortly after this time, Jalan (co-PI of this proposal) joined the University of Minnesota. His synthesis methods11-14 are ideal for making exceptionally high-quality ferroelectric oxide thin film needed to demonstrate this method and to put it into practice. 4 A key aspect of the use of first-order Figure 1: Recent demonstration of reversibility phase transformations for energy of stress-induced full phase transformation, under conversion is the ability to control the demanding conditions of 400 MPa peak tensile (each cycle), in the alloy hysteresis of the phase transformation, stress as this is the most important source of Ti54.7Ni30.7Cu12.3Co2.3. Cycle 1 is plotted on the energy loss in the methods proposed same diagram as cycle 10 million. This alloy sathere. An alloy development method for isfies to high accuracy the cofactor conditions thedramatically lowering hysteresis due to orized by one of the PIs to lead to exceptional 5-7 James’ group5,15,16 was already reversibility developed in 2011, but the number of new low hysteresis alloy systems has steadily increased17, and record low hysteresis levels (among materials with big first-order phase transformations, i.e., > 5% strain) have been achieved since then in James’ lab7,9. This 2 procedure is based on satisfying strong conditions of geometric compatibility between phases by systematic compositional changes. James’ group also theorized that a second level of conditions called the cofactor conditions would further lower hysteresis as well as improve the reversibility of the phase transformation17. Reversibility of the phase transformation has been a pervasive bottleneck, hampering the use of strong first order phase transformations in many areas of technology. Even the most widely used phase-transforming material, binary NiTi, has significant migration of transformation temperature, typically ∼20 °C, after a few hundred cycles, and exhibits complete failure after a few thousand cycles under stress-induced transformation with stress levels as shown in Figure 1. Nevertheless, by only allowing long term cycling with very small strains, and restricting full transformation to just a few cycles, the NiTi-based medical device industry (led by Medtronic and Boston Scientific) is a very rapidly growing $5 billion industry. This limitation has recently been breached in a remarkable way. An alloy has just emerged4,6 (see Figure 1) that demonstrates a new route to multimillion cycles repeatability of phase transformations, resolving the key limitation of “multiferroism by phase transformation”. This alloy closely satisfies the cofactor conditions developed by James5. This is the second alloy found that satisfies the cofactor conditions. The first alloy Zn0.45Au0.30Cu0.25 was developed in James’ laboratory by systematic changes of composition7. It exhibits the lowest hysteresis (1/2)(As + Af − Ms − Mf) ≈ 0.2 °C measured in a bulk alloy with a strongly first-order phase transformation (> 5% transformation strain). These truly revolutionary developments pave the way to the widespread use of phase transforming materials in technology, and in particular for energy conversion devices6, which will be fully embraced in our proposed work. 1.3 Commercial and Environmental Impact Besides the exciting long term possibility of using our devices to produce energy from the enormous natural reserves stored on earth at small temperature difference, we argue that the best near term application of this method is the conversion of waste heat-to-electricity from the industrial sector, internal combustion engines, power plants, computers and hand-held electronic devices. According to a 2008 DOE report18 on waste heat recovery, the US industrial sector alone consumes on average over a terawatt (1.07 × 1012 W) of power, representing about 1/15 of the total average consumption of power from all sources worldwide. This report estimates that 25 − 50% of this power is rejected as waste heat. This rejected Figure 2: Thermodynamic efficiency (Carnot, ideal, heat is an ideal target for our family of in red) and nominal (dashed, blue) vs. temperature. devices, and the temperature Most industrial waste heat is produced at difference between the rejection temperatures between 50 °C and 250 °C 3 temperature and ambient temperature is in the small temperature difference regime (Figure 2), and is in a suitable temperature range for our proposed materials and devices. As concluded by this DOE report18, “The waste heat streams analyzed in this study showed that roughly 60% of unrecovered waste heat is low quality (i.e., at temperatures below 450◦ F [232 °C]). While low temperature waste heat has less thermal and economic value than high temperature heat, it is ubiquitous and available in large quantities. Comparison of total work potential from different waste heat sources showed that the magnitude of low temperature waste heat is sufficiently large that it should not be neglected in pursuing RD&D opportunities for waste heat recovery”. A similar potential exists in areas of waste heat production from automobiles, power plants and computers. Automobiles produce exhaust gases in a similar temperature range as that seen in industrial heat emission, while cooling water in the condenser of power plants emerges at a little less than ∼100 °C. The waste heat of computers is a growing problem, also at the rapidly expanding system of clusters containing many thousands of cores2. Currently, the energy consumption at major data centers in the US is about 2.5% of the national energy budget, corresponding to the energy used by two medium-sized cities. At smaller scales the conversion of waste heat-to-electricity (that could help recharge the battery in hand-held electronic devices) has significant commercial potential. The revolutionary opportunity here is the chip-level integration of our technology via thin film versions of our devices. This, as well as opportunities for solar thermal power applications of our ideas, drive the need for thin film devices: this research is central to our program. Most of the major existing solar thermal plants, such as the plants in the Mojave Desert or Seville, Spain, have huge towers, boilers, heat exchangers, turbines, condensers and piping systems to run the water or water/salt based energy conversion systems. In the family of methods we propose, the heat is converted directly to electricity, eliminating the need for this infrastructure. The solar flux concentrator systems in these facilities could potentially be integrated with our methods. That is, the infrared radiation that is normally reflected by a bank of mirrors to a black tank on the top of a tower, for steam-based energy conversion, could rather be focused to a point near the mirror where one of our proposed energy conversion devices resides. This would potentially make the whole system modular for distributed, residencebased, energy conversion. It should be noted that (water-based) cooling of solar thermal plants has been problematic for both technical and environmental reasons. Climate scientists tell us that, to avoid the predicted catastrophic impending 2°C in temperature, it is not sufficient to make minor perturbations of existing fossil fuel based energy conversion methods19. New zero-emission energy conversion alternatives will be needed. For our method we supply below a challenging but carefully considered plan that also takes maximum advantage of revolutionary scientific discoveries of the past year. For a small part of waste heat, mainly extraction of energy from automobile exhaust gases and computers, thermoelectric systems are most often discussed. Thermoelectric also converts heat to electricity and are applicable to cases where the heat is stored at small temperature difference. The performance of thermoelectric devices is measured by a figure of merit ZT. The most often used thermoelectric material is Bi2Te320, having ZT~1. Despite an enormous long- 4 term investment by NASA, and more recently by DOE, useable materials with ZT significantly larger than 1 have not emerged. It must be stressed that the major thermoelectric materials were a product of the early space program, with the main thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te3 understood as early as 195720. A main goal of our program is the demonstration of a significant improvement of both efficiency and power output over available thermoelectric devices. Several major sources of energy on earth are in a temperature range that could be accessed by our devices. For example, the ~20 °C difference between surface ocean temperatures and temperatures just below the thermocline in midlatitude waters is in an ideal temperature range of our materials. Even better, the Figure 3: Schematic of ferroelectric energy conversion. A temperature difference in pulsed heat source is applied to ferroelectric thin film (d ≤ 1 µm) the Arctic between ocean capable of undergoing a highly reversible ferroelectric phase temperature (≥ 0°C) and transformation. The film is sandwiched between metal (Au) ambient (−40° to −20°C for electrodes and serves as an active capacitor. The battery Vbat is most of the year) is in a only used for initial charging and to compensate for possible good range for our leakage of charge. materials, and the overall lower temperatures lead to increased efficiency for a given temperature difference. Ferroelectric transformation temperatures are easily tuned to this range. The general family of methods of energy conversion discussed in this proposal produce no greenhouse gases. Because these methods are based on a cyclic process that moves heat from higher to lower temperatures, they do not contribute to global warming. The materials that we propose to study are nontoxic oxide materials. Our thin film synthesis methods only involve CO2 production as part of the purification of the gases used to prevent (or induce) oxidation, and the power needed for melting, processing and device construction. 1.4 Direct Conversion of Heat-to-Electricity using Ferroelectric Phase Transformations Referring to the schematic Figure 3, the basic idea we propose is the following. A capacitor comprised of a ferroelectric film is subject to a rapidly oscillating temperature that passes above and below the transformation temperature of the film. The film undergoes a highly reversible, low hysteresis ferroelectric phase transformation optimized to give a large change of capacitance. We have analyzed this in detail, but these details are not disclosed for possible intellectual property considerations. To our knowledge this idea has not been studied previously. The most important point to make is that the first-order character of the phase transformation is critical for these devices. This feature implies the existence of a mixed phase 5 region in the temperature-entropy diagram for this process9,10, which permits high efficiency Carnot cycles. This is the solid-state analog of the well-known fact that steam generation (currently the overwhelming choice) is used for energy production rather than single-phase (say) gas generators. The latter support Carnot cycles, but these only give a comparable amount of work per cycle if the working temperature difference is exceedingly high. The significant opportunity for solid-state phase transformations is that they are adapted to the small temperature difference regime of much natural and waste heat. The first order character of the phase transformation is also a main feature of our previously studied method of ferromagnetic energy conversion, as well as the most promising emerging magnetocaloric and electrocaloric refrigeration devices. We find several critical advantages of ferroelectric energy conversion over ferromagnetic energy conversion. First, there is the ease in broad classes of films of moving the heat very quickly in and out of the material, particularly in the thin films (d ≤ 1 µm) synthesized by Jalan. As in the ferromagnetic case, it is necessary to have a switch, and this is included as one of our key tasks. Two other key advantages of thin, high quality, single-crystalline oxide film is that capacitance goes as 1/d, so high values of capacitance are possible as compared to the bulk, and the high quality films of Jalan also mitigate against dielectric breakdown. With Jalan’s hybrid MBE film growth methods11-14,21 (developed in the context of microelectronic/optical materials), exceptionally high values of capacitance are already demonstrated using thin films22. The only study of the effect of field on transformation temperature in ferroelectrics is that of Moya et al.23 in bulk material (0.5-mm-thick crystal). We note that while thinness of film (and therefore fast heating and cooling) is a big advantage for ferroelectric case, it is a problem with ferromagnetic energy conversion. That’s because the rapid change of magnetization M at the transformation is partitioned between the magnetic induction B and the magnetic field H via the dipolar relation B = H + M. But only changes of B deliver to electrical energy via Faraday’s law. However, for the thin film geometry, almost all of the changes of M are converted into changes of H, rather than B (i.e., dM/dt ≈ dH/dt). To make this method of energy conversion method a reality, we propose a systematic development based on the five tasks listed below. 1.4.1 (Task 1): Development of an Oxide Film with a λ2 = 1 Interface First, we need a highly reversible oxide film with a low hysteresis ferroelectric transformation and a suitable transformation temperature, typically 10 - 100 °C above room temperature. We first note that transformation temperatures are highly tunable and there exist several suitable starting points for material development by compositional changes24. Simultaneously, to achieve both a highly reversible transformation and a method of fast switching (see below), we propose to develop an oxide satisfying to high accuracy the condition λ2 = 1 described above. We have extensive experience doing this type of materials discovery work in other cases15,25,26. Such a material opens the way for revolutionary methods of fast switching. The concept we propose to investigate is the following. When λ2 ≠1 a broad stressed transition layer separates the two phases. In materials that do not have an exceptionally soft 6 modulus, this layer typically undergoes a dramatic reduction to atomic dimensions as λ2 → 1. This is illustrated in High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) in Figure 4(a). The measured interface normal n ‖ (755) in this case also agrees well with one of the two theoretical solutions of the condition of compatibility in this case. Figure 4: (a) High resolution transmission electron micrograph27 of a perfect interface (dashed) between phases in a material (Ti0.50Ni0.4025Pd0.0925) tuned to satisfy precisely λ2 = 1, and (b) corresponding theoretical prediction, having excellent agreement with the measurements in (a). (c) Concept for fast switching in which a defect-free perfect interface is arranged to be parallel to the substrate of film and therefore only has to travel the thickness of the film. This set-up suggests our strategy. Miscut a substrate that is lattice matched to the (typically cubic) parent phase precisely on the λ2 = 1 interface plane. In the case of Figure 4 the substrate would be miscut on the (755) plane. This will allow exceptional switching speeds even with accepted modest values for speeds of interfaces, because the interface needs only to traverse the thickness of the film. The geometry shown in Figure 4 is suitable for fast and potentially unprecedented switching times in devices. For example, being a perfect interface between phases, one could assume that a λ2 = 1 interface could have kinetics similar to that of a twin boundary. Faran and Shilo28 have measured speeds of twin boundaries of about 2CT ≈ 6000 m/s, where CT is the shear wave speed, in BaTiO3 single crystals. For an interface traversing a film of thickness 1 µm at 6000 m/s, a switching time of 6 nanoseconds achieves a fully transformed film. We note that Faran and Shilo28 actually employed electrically driven twin boundaries, by making use of the different preferred directions of polarization in the two variants of the twin. Fast switching directly translates into high power output for an energy conversion device. Essential to this concept is to discover a λ2 = 1 ferroelectric phase transformation, which we propose to do this using hybrid MBE synthesis methods of Jalan. From data of Jaffe24 p. 94), BaTiO3 offers an outstanding starting point for the tuning of lattice parameters to make λ2 = 1. In particular, BaTiO3 has three ferroelectric phase transformations with abrupt changes of ferroelectric properties. Based on accepted measured lattice parameters, we have calculated29 7 the value of λ2 for all three transformations, and we obtain the values λ2 = 0.998 (cubic to tetragonal), λ2 = 1.00416 (tetragonal to orthorhombic), and λ2 = 0.9978 (orthorhombic to trigonal). Based on our previous work, these values indicate outstanding starting points for tuning. As collected in Jaffe24, isovalent substitutions of Pb, Ca, Sr, Zr, Hf and Sn in BaTiO3 preserve one or more of these transformations out to about 20 atom %. As a starting point, we will focus on substitutions of Sn and Zr at the B-site and Ca and Sr at the A-site. As shown by Jaffe, these particular substitutions only have a modest effect on transformation temperature. Another attractive aspect of the ferroelectric thin film concept is that a high volumetric energy density, εV2/2d2, where ε is the permittivity, V is the applied voltage and d is thickness of dielectric, can be achieved by using thin films. For instance, a parallel plate active capacitor with BaTiO3 as a dielectric medium of thickness 200 nm and with an applied voltage of 4V, will posses an energy density of 106 Joule/m3 (These values have been achieved30). 1.4.2 (Task 2): Development of a Switch A key aspect of the proposed method is the need to oscillate the temperature, and this feature is enabled by a fast switch. Mechanical switches are possible, such as a spinning device (as we developed in our earlier IREE project and now used by Swiss Blue Energy, see above) or a cantilever that oscillates near a warm surface as investigated in detail by M. Kohl and his group31. We also will consider optical switches in the infrared, which are undergoing extensive study and development in other areas. 1.4.3 (Task 3): Modeling of Thermo-Electro-Dynamics of Ferroelectric Energy Conversion For much of the work described above, including the recent breakthroughs on the reversibility of phase transformations4,6,7 and our work on ferromagnetic energy conversion1, careful theoretical predictions preceded and guided synthesis. We intend to continue this approach here to guide our designs and oxide film development. In particular this will include rigorous modeling of the ferroelectric phase transformation and of the thermodynamics of this method of energy conversion, including electro-dynamic considerations, and accurate modeling of heat transfer. Predictions of both efficiency and power density are included so as to make careful comparisons with alternative methods in the literature. As devices, or parts of devices are developed, predictions will be rigorously compared to measured behavior to test and guide improvements to the theory. 1.4.4 (Task 4): Construction and Testing of a Prototype The films made by Jalan can be easily electroded, as this is a standard procedure used by Jalan for dielectric and electric characterization. Thus, the form needed for demonstration of the technology – a thin ferroelectric film in a capacitive arrangement – is immediately available after synthesis. Thus, upon completion of the task involving materials development, we are able to make a prototype for testing, while developing a switch in parallel. This will allow us to make an experimental assessment of the technology in a timely fashion, according to our year-to-year milestones. It will also allow us to test ideas for a switch on a working prototype. In addition, it 8 will allow us to make critical comparisons between theory and experiment so as to calibrate our model. 1.4.5 (Task 5): Scale-up While a subfamily of our potential applications – the recovery of waste heat (and essential cooling) from computer cores in data centers and from hand held electronic devices (so as to offset battery discharge) – may involve the use of single films on a wafer, larger scale applications will require many films and there are scale-up issues. In the final year of this project we will study methods of scaling up the technology. A key aspect of scale-up is whether unforced environmental cooling is sufficient for the application or whether forced cooling is needed. In the latter case the interaction of nearby devices particularly needs to be considered. II. Project Management 2.1 Collaboration and Institutional Partnership For potential industrial applications involving the heat emitted from AC systems, we have partnered with Daikin Applied, 13600 Industrial Park Blvd, Plymouth, MN, the second largest manufacturer of air conditioning systems (Carrier Corporation is first). Their systems produce a lot of waste heat in the small temperature difference regime that directly relates to our proposed method of energy conversion. An important aspect of this collaboration is their willingness to share available data about their systems, which will guide important decisions about our development, as measured and predicted data about our method becomes available. A letter of collaboration from Todd J. Love, Vice President of Engineering, is attached to this proposal. Within the University of Minnesota, we have partnered with Michael J. Gust, Industry Liaison Officer of the NSF sponsored Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (and former VP of Corporate Engineering at McQuay), CCEFP. Mike has been extremely helpful pointing out useful internal and external partners for us relating to the proposed research in preparation for larger potential projects with agencies such as ARPA-E. Besides experts in heat and mass transfer in CCEFP, other potentially valuable collaborators at the University of Minnesota for larger projects are recently hired faculty Xiaojia Wang (Department of Mechanical Engineering, CSE; expert in microscale heat transfer) and Brad Holschuh (Department of Design, Housing & Apparel, College of Design; expert in phase transformations for use in wearable technology). We propose to take full advantage of the programs of IonE to connect us to a broad collection of experts on environmental science, energy conversion, climate change, and human and legal aspects of energy conversion. These collaborations will be useful as we seek larger projects for this research. While obvious targets are NSF (MPS, DMR, SEES), ARPA-E (open solicitation, programs on efficient buildings, energy conversion) and DOE (BES, materials discovery), there are also significant opportunities with NASA (space-based energy sources, the all-electric airplane), and DoD (compact power sources, sensors) agencies. 2.2 Monitoring and Evaluation Scheme 9 The PIs Jalan and James will work closely together and will hold bi-weekly joint meetings that will include graduate students and postdocs engaged with the work. These graduate students/postdocs will formally report on research progress during the previous two weeks. The research itself is consistent with IonE’s stated mission of offering solutions, and a necessary condition for participation in this research will be that these students participate in the full range of programs offered by IonE. The PIs will also take advantage of programs and opportunities of IonE. The PIs have the strong view that education on the broad implications of environmental research is a shared responsibility of academic research on energy conversion devices. During these bi-weekly meetings, the PIs will also review progress vis-à-vis the five tasks and the yearto-year milestones given in this proposal. The PIs will report the results of this research with disclosure of IonE support in the highestlevel technical journals devoted to energy science, materials science and applied physics. In addition to technical articles the senior PI has been active in writing perspective and popular articles on breakthroughs in materials science in broadly visible venues6,32,33, and this will be continued as part of the present research but with co-authorship of both PIs. The PIs will meet on a regular basis with technical personnel from Daikin Applied, on a schedule that is consistent with their needs and wishes. As seen from the attached letter of Todd Love, they are enthusiastic to work with us. The PIs will make every effort to secure intellectual property associated to discoveries generated by the project. The senior PI has already discussed the proposed method of ferroelectric energy conversion with Eric S. Olson of OVPR. Complete reports as requested by IonE will be prepared on a timely basis. 2.3 Year-to-year Milestones Year 1: Development of ferroelectric oxide films with a λ2 = 1 interface using the hybrid MBE approach including extensive structural characterizations using high resolution X-ray diffraction, X-ray spectroscopy, scanning TEM, electron energy loss spectroscopy. A complete thermoelectrodynamic analysis of the ferroelectric energy conversion device proposed above. Year 2: Adapt the growth procedure of year 1 to the miscut substrates, cut on the calculated perfect interface associated to λ2 = 1. Grow all-epitaxial MIM capacitors including dielectric and electrical characterizations. Develop rapid heating/cooling and automatic methods for this concept by building a switch. Year 3: Develop, analyze and test a prototype of a ferroelectric energy conversion device designed for heat-to-electricity conversion. Scale-up. Identify most promising applications. III. Detailed Project Budget We request $250K/year for three years. Funds equivalent to two grad students ($99,508/year) & two-post docs ($110,492/year) are requested for each of the 3 years. $10K/year is requested to travel to (MRS, ARPA-E) annual meetings. Funds in the amount of $30K/year are requested to defray costs of purchasing materials, basic lab supplies and characterization facilities. 10 III. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 References V. Srivastava, Y. Song, K. Bhatti, and R. D. James, Adv. Energy Mater. (Inaugural Issue, by invitation only) 1, 97 (2011). K. Bhattacharya and R. 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Appointments Visiting Professor, Mathematics Institute, Oxford University Russell J. Penrose Professor, University of Minnesota Copernicus Visiting Scientist, University of Ferrara (1 month) Humboldt Senior Research Fellow (Humboldtpries), John von Neumann Professorship, TU Munich (2 months) Mary Shepard B. Upson Visiting Chair, Cornell University Rothschild Visiting Professor, Cambridge University 1999 Distinguished McKnight University Professor, University of Minnesota Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Minnesota Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Assistant Professor, Division of Engineering, Brown University 1974 1979 9/79-1/81 2013-2014 2001-2011 2010 2006-2007 2006 2002 19981993-1994 19911985-1991 1981-1985 c. Selected publications Five publications most closely related to proposed project: • R. D. James, Taming the temperamental metal transformation, Science 348, 968-969 (2015). • Y. Song, X. Chen, V. Dabade, T. W. Shield and R. D. James, Enhanced reversibility and unusual microstructure of a phase-transforming material, Nature 502, 85-88 (2013). • V. Srivastava, Y. Song, K. Bhatti and R. D. James, The direct conversion of heat to electricity using multiferroic alloys, Advanced Energy Materials (by invitation) 1, 97-104 (2011). • Xian Chen, Vijay Srivastava, Vivekanand Dabade, and R. D. James, Study of the cofactor conditions: conditions of supercompatibility between phases, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 61, 25662587 (2013). • 5. K. Bhattacharya and R. D. James, The material is the machine, Science 307, 53 (2005). Five other significant publications: • R. D. James, Magnetic alloys break the rules, Nature 521, 298-299 (2015). 13 • S. Yuan, P. L. Kuhns, A. P. Reyes, J. S. Brooks, M. J. R. Hoch, V. Srivastava, R. D. James, S. El-Khatib, and C. Leighton, Magnetically nanostructured state in a Ni-Mn-Sn shape-memory alloy, Phys. Rev. B 91, 214421 (2015). • A. S. Banerjee, R. S. Elliott, R. D. James, A spectral scheme for Kohn-Sham density functional theory of clusters, http://arxiv.org/abs/1404.3773, J. Computational Physics, 226-253 (2015). • Vijay Srivastava, Xian Chen and R. D. James, Hysteresis and unusual magnetic properties in the singular Heusler alloy Ni45Co5Mn40Sn10, Applied Physics Letters 97, 014101 (2010). • R. D. James and M. Wuttig, Magnetostriction of martensite, Phil. Mag. A 77, 1273 (1998). d. Synergistic activities 2015 Southwest Mechanics Lecture Series (Austin, Texas A&M, Houston); Panorama of Mathematics (Hausdorff Institute, Bonn); Colorado School of Mines Distinguished Lecture; Plenary Lecture – ESOMAT; Lecture Series, Eighth Summer School in Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Rome (3 lectures). Public lecture: “New materials: real and imagined”, Antwerp. 2014 Park City/IAS Summer Mathematics Program: Five lectures on “Phase transformations, hysteresis and energy conversion: the role of geometry in the discovery of materials”; “Landscapes of Mathematics” series, University of Bath; Theodore von Karman Prize Lecture, SIAM Annual Meeting; “Materials from Mathematics” (SIAM News, November 3, 2014). 2005 - 2014 17 Plenary Lectures, 10 Lecture Series. Also: James R. and Shirley A. Kleigel Lecture (Caltech), Crocco Colloquium (Princeton), Penrose Lecture (UMN), ICMSE Lecture Series (AFRL), Heinz Gumin Prize Ceremony (Munich), MMM (invited), Aziz Lectures (UMD), Mork Family Lecture (USC), J. K. Knowles Lecture (Caltech), Energy Threats (MITRE), Mandel Lecture (Ecole Polytechnique), Pedro Nunes Lecture (Lisbon). 1999 - Chief Editor, with Sir J. M. Ball, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1997 - Editorial Advisor, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids e. Collaborators, Advisors, Advisees Collaborators (past 48 months) and Co-editors (past 24 months). Total: 62. A. Agrawal (Northwestern), B. Audoly (Paris 6), J. Ball (Oxford), K. Bhattacharya (Caltech), C. Bouman (Purdue), M. C. Boyce (Columbia), J. Buschbeck (UCSB), A. N. Choudhary (Northwestern), R. J. Clifton (Brown), M. Comer (Purdue), K. Dayal (CMU) A. DeSimone (SISSA), V. S. Deshpande (Cambridge) T. Dumitrica (Minnesota), G. Eggeler (Bochum), N. A. Fleck (Cambridge), I. Fonseca (CMU), L. B. Freund (UIUC), G. Friesecke (Munich), H. Gao (Brown), E. Van der Giessen (Groningen), P. R. Guduru (Brown), S. Haile (Caltech), V. Humbeeck (Leuven), J. W. Hutchinson (Harvard), S. Kalidindi (Gatech) D. Kinderlehrer (CMU), R. Kohn (Courant), E. Kuhl (Stanford) Jiangyu Li (U. Washington), C. Leighton (UMN), G. Leoni (CMU), A. Ludwig (Bochum), M. Luskin (Minnesota), S. Mu ̈ller (Bonn), R. Narasimhan (IISc Bangalore), M. Ortiz (Caltech), H. Owhadi (Caltech), C. Palmstrøm (UCSB), T. Pardoen (Louvain), R. Pego (CMU), E. Quandt (Kiel), K. Rabe (Rutgers), G. Ravichandran (Caltech), J. R. Rice (Harvard), R. Rizzoni (Ferrara), N. Schryvers (Antwerp), H. Shi (Antwerp), T. Shield (Min- nesota), J. Snyder (Caltech), V. Sundararaghavan (Michigan), Z. Suo (Harvard), P. Suquet (Marseille), E. Tadmor (Minnesota), I. Takeuchi (Maryland), W. Tirry (Antwerp), P. Voorhees (Northwestern), A. Voter (LANL), N. 14 Walkington (CMU), M. Wuttig (Maryland), Wei Yang (President, NSF of China), R. Zarnetta (Bochum) Ph.D. advisor, J. L. Ericksen (ret.); postdoctoral sponsor, Roger Fosdick (ret.) Postdoctoral sponsorship: past 5 years. (Full career: 30 Postdocs) V. Srivastava (GE Global Research), K. Bhatti (GE Global Research), A. Kumar (Asst. Prof., IIT Delhi), Y. Hakobyan (Postdoc, MIT), Y. Ganor (start-up, Boston), K. Dayal (Assoc. Prof., CMU), L. Liu (As- soc. Prof., Rutgers), H. van Lengerich (3M), A. Banerjee (LBL). X. Chen (Asst. Prof. HKUST). Ph.D. advisees. (Full career: 16 Ph.D. students) X. Liu (US–China trade), K. Bhattacharya (Prof., Caltech), A. De Simone, (Prof., SISSA, Trieste), C. Chu (Learning Services, Notre Dame de Namur, Belmont, CA), B. Berg (Boston Scientific), N. Simha (Medtronic), R. Tickle (start-up), J. Cui (Prof., Iowa State) W. Falk (Medtronic), L. Liu, (Assoc. Prof., Rutgers), Z. Zhang (EV3/Medtronic), S. K. Srivastava (microelectronics industry), K. Shankar (COMSOL), X. Chen (Asst. Prof., HKUST), Y. Song (Lattice Engine). A. Banerjee (LBL). 15 Bharat Jalan a. Professional Preparation Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Materials Science, B. Tech. and M. Tech., 2006 University of California, Santa Barbara, Materials Science, Ph.D., 2011 b. Appointments Assistant Professor, September 2011- present, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota -Twin Cities c. Selected Publications Five publications most closely related to proposed project: • • • A. Prakash, J. Dewey, H. Yun, J. S. Jeong, K. A. Mkhoyan and B. Jalan, “Hybrid molecular beam epitaxy growth for stoichiometric BaSnO3”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 33, 060608 (2015). http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.4933401 T. Wang, A. Prakash, E. Warner, W. L. Gladfelter, B. Jalan, “Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of SnO2 using a Tin Chemical Precursor”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 33, 020606 (2015). http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.4913294 K. Ganguly, P. Ambwani, P. Xu, J.S. Jeong, K.A. Mkhoyan, C. Leighton and B. Jalan, “Structure and transport in high pressure oxygen sputter-deposited BaSnO3- ” APL Materials 3, 062509 (2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4919969 P. Xu, D. Phelan, J.S. Jeong, K.A. Mkhoyan, and B. Jalan, Stoichiometry-driven Metalto-Insulator Transition in NdTiO3/SrTiO3 Heterostructures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 082109 (2014) T. Wang, K. Ganguly, P. Marshal, P. Xu, and B. Jalan, Critical thickness and strain relaxation in MBE-growth SrTiO3 films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 212904 (2013). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4833248 δ • • Five other significant publications: • • • • • J. S. Jeong, P. Ambwani, B. Jalan, C. Leighton, and K. A. Mkhoyan, “Observation of electrically-inactive interstitials in Nb-doped SrTiO3”, ACS Nano, 7, 4487 (2013). http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/nn401101y A. Janotti, B. Jalan, S. Stemmer, and C. G. Van de Walle, “Effects of doping on the lattice parameter of SrTiO3” Appl. Phys. Lett., 100, 262104 (2012). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4730998 B. Jalan, S. J. Allen, G. Beltz, P. Moetakef and S. Stemmer, “Enhancing the electron mobility in SrTiO3 with strain,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 132102 (2011). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3571447 D.J. Keeble, B. Jalan, L. Ravelli, W. Egger, G. Kanda, and S. Stemmer, “Suppression of vacancy defects in epitaxial La-doped SrTiO3 films” Appl. Phys. Lett., 99. 232905 (2011). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3664398 J. Son*, P. Moetakef*, B. Jalan*, O. Bierwagen*, N. J.Wright, R. Engel-Herbert and S. Stemmer, “Epitaxial SrTiO3 films with electron mobilities exceeding 30,000 cm2/Vs,” Nat. Mater., 9, 482 (2010), *Contributed equally. DOI: 10.1038/NMAT2750 16 d. Synergistic Activities • • • • Professional Leadership and Service - Member of MRS Task force for National Nanotechnology Initiative submitted to white house (NNI – 2010); Session chair at the Electronic Materials and Applications (2010). Symposium co-organizer of Minnesota Nanotechnology Conference (2012); Board member of American Vacuum Society local Minnesota chapter (2011 to present), Symposium co-organizer for local MN AVS chapter (2013-present), Symposium co-organizer for the 56th Electronic Materials Conference (2014-present), Co-organizer of a focus session on the topic of “Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures” at the APS march meeting (2015), Symposium coorganizer for the Electronic Materials Applications (2016), Co-organizer of the workshop on oxide electronics, Chicago (WOE-2017). Service to Scientific and Engineering Community - Reviewer for Journal of Electronic Materials, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology (JVST), Applied Physics Letter, MRS symposium proceedings, Advanced Energy materials; Served as a judge at the state science fair (for high school students), Minnesota academy of science, Member of advisory board for vacuum technology for Normandale Community college, Minneapolis. Creation and Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge – 25 refereed journal articles related to thin films and heterostructures of complex oxides, defects in ceramics and electronic properties. Over 25 technical presentations in national and international conferences and universities including 18 invited talks. Professional Society Memberships: Member of Materials Research Society (MRS), American Physical Society, American Vacuum Society, and American Ceramic Society. e. Collaborators and Other Affiliations Collaborators and Co-Editors (preceding 48 months): Prof. Chris Leighton (University of Minnesota), Prof. Renata Wentzcovitch (University of Minnesota), Prof. Andre K. Mkhoyan (University of Minnesota); Prof. Brittany B. NelsonCheeseman, (University of St. Thomas), Prof. David K. Keeble (University of Dundee, UK), Prof. Roman Engel-Herbert (Penn state), Prof. David Mandrus (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Dr. David J. Singh (ORNL), Prof. Kyle Chen (Cornell University), Prof. Wayne Gladfelter (University of Minnesota). Graduate Advisor: Susanne Stemmer (University of California, Santa Barbara). Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor (Past 5 years): Current research group at UMN: 4 graduate students and 2 undergraduate researchers. Graduate students: Andrew Xu, Koustav Ganguly, Tianqi Wang, Abhinav Prakash. Undergraduate researchers: John Dewey (Mater. Sci.), Christopher Cheng (Mater. Sci.) 17