1. Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Equipment

ЕCТS code : ЕPР
Qualification awarded: Bachelor and Master
Education forms: regular and tuition by correspondence
Term of education:
4 years for Bachelor degree and 1.5 years for Master degree after Bachelor degree.
The term is increased with 1 year for Bachelor degree.
Final examination: diploma work for all training ways and degrees.
Admission requirements: For Bachelor degree are accepted persons that are finished secondary
education and are taken examination in corresponding with the rules in Technical University Sofia. For
Master degree are accepted Bachelors from specialty “Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Equipment”
or Bachelor from other specialties that are pass preliminary training in the specialty.
Access to further studies: The persons that are finished Bachelor degree may continue their education in
Master degree. The persons that are finished Master degree may continue their education in PhD degree.
Programme importance: The progress of the Electric Power Engineering and the industry and tendency
for electrical energy losses reduction necessitate using of new technologies for generation, transfer,
distribution and consumption of electrical energy. This may achieve from engineers with high qualification
and new knowledge that are obtained in Technical University at Sofia in specialty “Electric Power
Engineering and Electrical Equipment”
General characteristics of the education:
In the Bachelor degree programme are studied:
General education subjects - economic, history of the techniques, protection of environmental, foreign
Fundamental subjects – mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, electronics, digital and microprocessor
technique, computer programming.
General technical subjects - mechanics, chemistry, knowledge for materials, technical drawing, technical
safety, electrical engineering materials.
General professional objects – electrical measurements, electrical machines, electrical apparatus, technique
of high voltages, bases of automation, automatically electrical drive, currents of short circuit, electrical part of
electric power stations, electric nets and systems, electrical equipment, lighting and installation technology,
heat power engineering and heat technique, hydraulic machines and pneumatics, elements and mechanisms
for machines.
Special professional objects in four groups
Group А
Group B
Group C
Group D
Stability of Power Systems
Stability of Power Systems
Electric Part of Robots
Automation of Power Systems
Automation of Power Systems
Electric Equipment of the Electric
Transports Vehicles
Electric Power Supply of the
Electric Transport
Control and Automation of the
Electric Transports Vehicles
Overhead Contact Nets
Designing of the Electrical Part of
Electrical Rolling Stock
Practical Schematic Design in
Electric Transport
Electric Power Supply Systems
Automation in Industry
Design of Electric Power Stations Mechanical Part of Power lines Electromagnetic Compatibility in
and Substations
Electric Supply Systems
Control of Electrical Distribution Electrical Nets for Towns and Electrical
Manufacturing Processes
Regimes and Exploitation of Regimes of Power Systems
Lighting Systems
Electric Power Stations
Electrical Equipment Testing
Assembling and Exploitation of Technical Exploitation of Electric
electrical nets
Installations in Industry
Devices for Relay Protections and Design and Exploitation of Energetic
Relay Protections
Electric Power Supply
The students work out and defend diploma work at the end of the training.
The persons that are finished Bachelor degree may continue their education in Master degree.
In the Master degree programme are studied:
mathematics, information technologies, analyze and synthesis of complex power systems;
theoretical bases on objects in the field of the electrical engineering and electronics;
optional objects in the field of electric power stations, electrical nets and systems, automation of power
systems, electric power supply and electrical equipment, electrical transport, lighting technique.
The students work out and defend a diploma work at the end of the training.
Educational and professional goals:
The aim of training is to be gain knowledge and experience in the field of production, transfer, distribution
and utilization of the electrical energy.
The Bachelor degree for specialty “Electric Power Engineering and Electric Equipment” is connected with
preparation of competent leading, designer’s and executive personnel.
The engineers with Master degree are prepared for research, designer’s, constructor’s, technological,
production, managing activities.
Employment of the graduates:
The engineer with Bachelor degree is prepared to work as:
leader, specialist and organizer in companies for production or distribution of electrical energy, in
repair depot for power equipment;
dispatcher in companies for production or distribution of electrical energy;
power engineer of industrial, transport, mining and agricultural enterprises and companies;
designer, industrial engineer and collaborator in companies and research centers;
technical supervisor in assembly and building enterprises and companies;
collaborator in scientific groups;
manager, expert, consultant and specialist in state and public institution, commercial companies,
private business.
The MEng is prepared to work in all posts that require MEng in the specialty “Electric Power Engineering and
Electric Equipment” in electric power stations, power system, all industrial enterprises, electrical transport,
scientific and research companies, designer’s, constructor’s and commercial companies, institutes etc.