BPI Logo Use Policies and Procedures

Building Performance Institute, Inc.
BPI Policies and Procedures
BPI Logo Use Policies and Procedures
Raising the Bar in Building Performance Contracting
February 15, 2011
© 2011 Building Performance Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Building Performance Institute, Inc. would like to thank those who support the BPI national
expansion and all of the dedicated professionals who have participated in the development of
this document.
BPI will post the latest version of this document at www.bpi.org. Prior to participating in any
available service through BPI, check to ensure that you have based your decision to proceed on
the most up-to-date information available. BPI reserves the right to modify documents prior to
accepting any application.
BPI Logo Use Policies and Procedures
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to BPI ................................................................................................................... 1 2. Using BPI Logos ...................................................................................................................... 1 2.1. Obtaining Approval ........................................................................................................ 1 3. Specifications for Logo Use ..................................................................................................... 2 3.1. General Guidelines ........................................................................................................ 2 3.2. Logo Size, Colors and Sample ...................................................................................... 2 4. Standard BPI Logos ................................................................................................................. 3 4.1. Review Process for Approval ......................................................................................... 3 5. Logos for Certified Professionals ............................................................................................. 4 6. Logos for Accredited Contractors and Organizations .............................................................. 5 7. Logos for Affiliate Organizations .............................................................................................. 6 8. Logos for Continuing Education ............................................................................................... 7 9. Policy on Nonconformance ...................................................................................................... 7 10. Terms and Definitions ............................................................................................................ 8 2/15/2011
BPI Logo Use Policies and Procedures
1. Introduction to BPI
The Building Performance Institute, Inc. (BPI) is a recognized global leader, supporting the
professional development of the residential building performance industry through individual and
organizational credentialing and a rigorous Quality Assurance program. BPI offers:
Certification of individuals in building analyst, heating, AC/heat pump, shell/envelope and
multi-family designations
Accreditation of organizations committed to using a Quality Assurance system
Quality assurance to verify conformance and provide feedback for continued
Affiliation of training organizations providing BPI services
High-quality national technical standards based on sound building science
BPI’s professional performance standards ensure exceptional building performance service to
those entrusting the BPI brand. The BPI brand comprises our corporate identity and includes
the BPI logo, specific colors, company name, typography, and associated taglines, such as
“Raising the Bar in Building Performance.” For simplicity, this document refers to the graphic
and associated text as the logo.
2. Using BPI Logos
The BPI brand and logo are our company’s identifying symbols of quality and professionalism
and are protected as trademarks under Intellectual Property Law. Our brand and logo carry
significant meaning and value to those in the building performance industry. Individuals and
businesses using the brand / logo promote certification, accreditation, quality assurance and
affiliation for BPI. The logos may also signify that individuals have met BPI’s continuing
education requirements and have developed reviewed curricula approved by BPI.
The following pages provide guidance on the proper use of BPI logos, such as:
Obtaining approval to use
Specifications for use
Determining which logos should be used by various BPI professionals (i.e., certified
individuals, accredited contractors and affiliate organizations)
Logos specific to continuing education
When a BPI credential expires or upon termination of a BPI agreement, the contractor or
organization must immediately stop representing themselves as “BPI Certified” or “BPI
Accredited” and stop any and all use of the brand and logo, unless a renewal has been
requested and approved. Any use of the brand or logo after expiration or termination is an
infringement of the BPI trademark and in violation of Federal law.
2.1. Obtaining Approval
As the trademark owner, BPI requires written approval prior to any use of the logo on any
materials. There are two exceptions, where written approval is not required:
BPI Logo Use Policies and Procedures
1. When a template has been created. Once approved, a template does not need to be
resubmitted for approval, unless there is a change to the layout.
2. When limited delegation of approval authority is involved. In certain cases, BPI may
instruct an organization on the proper use of the logo and delegate limited approval
authority, in writing, for the creation of materials bearing the BPI logo.
If you wish to use a variation of any of the BPI logos for a purpose not covered in this document,
please contact BPI directly for assistance. Additional logo variations may be added from time to
time and posted at www.bpi.org.
3. Specifications for Logo Use
3.1. General Guidelines
The font to use for the text (trademark and taglines) is: Georgia, Bold
The radius for border outlines on corner details should be ¼"
The line thickness for graphic borders should be no less than ⅛" and no greater than ¼"
The BPI logo should never be used separately from the text provided, except where
specifically authorized by BPI in writing
The trademark “Building Performance Institute, Inc.” or “BPI” may, however, be used
separately from the logo in written material
3.2. Logo Size, Colors and Sample
The logo can be reproduced up to any maximum size. Any use of the logo on materials that will
be printed or produced in a large format, such as billboards, should be reviewed by BPI, even if
the item is based on a previously approved template or approval authority has been delegated.
The logo may be reproduced down to a minimum size where the “B” of the inside circle “BPI”
should be no smaller than ⅛". See the illustration below:
Approved Logo Colors
Pantone: 3435C
Pantone: 1235C
WEB: 004A2A
Sample BPI Logo
R: 0
R: 255
G: 74
G: 186
B: 42
Minimum ⅛" Illustration
BPI Logo Use Policies and Procedures
When the logo is placed next to other text or graphics, the logo should have a minimum of ¼"
clearance from any object, text or edge all the way around. The logo may be placed against any
background that does not interfere or reduce the quality or visibility of it.
BPI offers some variations in the logo colors: pure black and white logos are available for use in
black and white applications and full color logos are available for use with color applications.
Note: With most editors, BPI color logos do not reproduce correctly when converted to black
and white. Please use black and white logos provided by BPI in these instances.
4. Standard BPI Logos
The logos in this document may appear differently on a computer screen than when printed, as
the graphics illustrated here are in high resolution. High and low resolution versions of the
graphics may be downloaded from a password protected area of each individual portal at
www.bpi.org. Graphics are available in different formats, such as .eps, .jpg, and .tif.
BPI will make available a special use graphic, depicted below, for use on items where the inner
wording cannot be reproduced professionally with a suitable quality. This is necessary when
reproducing the graphic on certain embroidered items or on other small scale reproductions.
Contact BPI to coordinate the access and use of this graphic.
Color on White
Black and White
on White
Color on White
No Inner Word Band
(Special Use Only)
4.1. Review Process for Approval
You can submit special requests to use BPI, Inc. graphics. The materials will be reviewed and a
decision made within two business days.
Submit requests for approval to info@bpi.org or to:
Building Performance Institute, Inc.
107 Hermes Rd., Suite 110
Malta, New York 12020
Attention: Brand Use Approval - Please Expedite
BPI Logo Use Policies and Procedures
5. Logos for Certified Professionals
A “BPI Certified Professional” refers to an individual who earns BPI certification, as opposed to
an organization. Those using the “BPI Certified Professional” logos should only display logos
that have been earned and kept current through recertification.
The logos in this set have been developed for use by individuals who have valid BPI certification
and will only be used on an individual’s personal items (such as business cards or uniforms).
Place the logo next to the credential holder’s name whenever it is used and not next to any
employer business names. These logos indicate an individual is certified and they are not meant
to represent any organizations.
Black and
Order #101H
Order #101V
Order #701H
Order #701V
BPI Logo Use Policies and Procedures
6. Logos for Accredited Contractors and Organizations
A “BPI Accredited Organization” or “BPI Accredited Contractor” refers to a business or
organization. Those using the “BPI Accredited Organization” or “BPI Accredited Contractor”
logos should only use logos that have been earned and kept current through accreditation. The
logos in this set have been developed for use only by businesses holding current BPI
accreditation. Place the logo next to the name of the business that is accredited.
Black and
Order #102H
Order #102V
Black and
Order #103H
Order #103V
Order #702H
Order #702V
Order #703H
Order #703V
BPI Logo Use Policies and Procedures
7. Logos for Affiliate Organizations
A “BPI Affiliate Organization” offers services, such as training, certification exams or mentoring.
Those using the “BPI Affiliate Organization” logos should only display logos that have been
earned through Affiliate Agreements.
The logos in this set have been developed for use only by organizations who are currently BPI
affiliates. Place the logo next to the organization’s name, as it is the affiliate organization that is
being recognized.
Black and
Order #105H
Order #105V
Order #705H
Order #705V
BPI Logo Use Policies and Procedures
8. Logos for Continuing Education
“BPI Continuing Education” refers to instruction that is aligned with the BPI testable knowledge
list and BPI standards. Those using the “BPI Continuing Education” logos should only use
logos that have been earned and kept current through BPI continuing education.
The logos in this set have been developed for use only by those with BPI continuing education.
BPI recognizes continuing education only after the Application for BPI Continuing Education
Session is submitted, accepted and written approval from BPI is obtained. Place the logo next
to the course or training title, as it is the course/training that is being recognized, not the delivery
organization or the instructor.
Note: “BPI Continuing Education” is valid for two years from the date of approval. BPI does not
endorse or guarantee the quality of the training, course or instructor.
Black and
Order #104H
Order #104V
Order #704H
Order #704V
9. Policy on Nonconformance
If use of the BPI brand or logo does not conform with these requirements, BPI will provide notice
in writing and provide guidance for bringing the logo use into conformance. If the logo use fails
to be brought into conformance, BPI reserves the right to take any appropriate action at its
The BPI brand and logos are property of the Building Performance Institute, Inc. and are fully
protected under all applicable United States Intellectual Property Laws, including Copyright and
Trademark Law.
BPI Logo Use Policies and Procedures
10. Terms and Definitions
BPI Accreditation – A credentialing process for companies and organizations that is
administered by BPI to evaluate business practices, technical operations and quality
management systems needed to ensure high quality residential building performance work.
BPI Accredited Organization – A company or organization that complies with certain
requirements set by BPI that is intended to enhance the delivery of consistent, quality focused
building performance services.
BPI Affiliate – An organization with appropriate staff and other resources that is qualified by
BPI to provide training, proctor exams, mentor contractors and ensure quality work to the
expanding national network of building performance industry professionals.
BPI Certification – A rigorous, credible and defensible written and field exam process
administered to individuals by BPI or its affiliates, to prove knowledge, skills and professional
competency in the building performance industry designations.
BPI Certified Professional – An individual who successfully passes the BPI written and field
exam requirements for certification.
BPI Continuing Education – Coursework, seminars and educational activities (training and
writing) pertaining to building science that can be used to further an individual’s knowledge,
skills and understanding of whole-house building science. Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
can be applied toward recertification of earned BPI certifications.
BPI Standards – The set of technical protocols and procedures that have been developed
through an open, transparent, consensus based process and are intended to achieve a high
quality of residential building performance. BPI is approved by the American National
Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI) as an accredited developer of American National Standards.
BPI Testable Knowledge List – The comprehensive list of knowledge, skills and tasks an
individual is expected to demonstrate mastery of, in order to earn BPI certification.