There is a wide range of variation in sorghum residing in Ethiopia across different regions. In subsistence farming like Ethiopia, obtaining high yield by itself may not be as important as achieving reasonable and stable one. High and stable performance of crop under wider environmental conditions is desirable attributes of cultivars. However this is practically difficult to achieve specially in areas like Ethiopia where environmental variations are very high and unpredictable and significant genotype by environment interaction occurs. Therefore, studying the adaptability of genotypes across the different gradient of environment would help to determine an optimum breeding strategy of either to breed for specific or wider adaptation which is dependant on the expression of stability under a limited or wider range. Therfore, this research was proposed in order to answer the follwing questions: 1) In which way are ecotypes of sorghum better adapted to certain environmental conditions? 2) Which traits are important in regard to performance under a wide range of possible farming systems under varaible climatic conditions? 3) What role plays the population structure of sorghum in regard to adaptation to different environmental conditions and 4) Which genes are involved in adaptation to diverse environmental conditions. About 100 genotypes collected from the different part of the country (representing the high, mid and low altitude) will be acquired from the Institute of Biodiversity Conservation (IBC) and research centers. Field evaluations for performance will be done at four locations representing the the highland, humid-mid, dry-mid and low lands in order to find stable genotypes scross the locations. For this appropriate statistical packeges will be employed. Once the stable genotypes are identified work will focus on the gene expression using molecular markers and real-time PCR so that adaptation profile can be established.