Monterey County Office of Education
Leadership, Support, and Service to Prepare All Students for Success
Dr. Nancy Kotowski
County Superintendent of Schools
August 2015
Welcome to the Monterey County Office of Education Teacher Credentialing Program / Induction!
We are looking forward to working with you throughout the school year to achieve your goals as a
highly successful teacher for each of your students.
The research on student achievement shows that teacher expertise is the most important factor in
student learning. Induction offers you support, feedback and differentiated professional learning
designed to help you develop your instructional practice in the classroom. Our goal is to support your
growth as an accomplished, reflective professional who will continue learning and expanding your
expertise long after you have completed your California Clear Credential. The expectation is that you
will not only gain confidence in your skills to manage the classroom and curriculum, but you will also
gain professional knowledge and personal satisfaction from being involved with colleagues.
We know that all teachers have a demanding schedule. The Induction program has been designed to
create an environment in which you can learn from your variety of experiences and successfully
manage the wide array of responsibilities you have.
On behalf of the educational community, I wish you a most successful school year. We look forward
to working with you throughout the year ahead.
Nancy Kotowski, Ph.D.
Monterey County Superintendent of Schools
Table of Contents
A. Introduction to MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction...... 3
B. Participating Teacher Admission Guidelines......................................
C. Participating Teacher Pathway........................................................... 8
D. Participating Teacher Agreement...................................................... 9
E. Role & Expectations of the Induction Coach....................................... 11
F. Role & Expectations of the District Program Advisor.......................... 12
G. Role & Expectations of the District Site Administration..................... 13
H. Role & Expectations of the MCOE TCP/Induction Staff...................... 14
I. Early Completion Option Application................................................. 15
J. Early Completion Option - Candidate Letter....................................... 17
K. Formative Assessment Componenets................................................ 18
L. Common Acronyms Used in Induction................................................ 19
M. California Standards for the Teaching Profession............................. 20
MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction
The MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction represents the culmination of the university/
college teacher preparation program and is the pathway to a clear credential. It provides meaningful
opportunities for the Participating Teacher to apply the basic principles, theories, methods and techniques
learned in pre-service coursework. Participating Teachers demonstrate and apply what they have
learned into effective use of classroom teaching strategies that are reflective of 21st century learning.
Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA)/Induction
The original vision of the Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment program was to develop a coherent system
of support for new teachers through a comprehensive formative assessment program. SB 1422 authorized
the BTSA Program in 1992. The goals of the program were to improve teacher candidate performance, to
identify and build upon effective teaching strategies for students from diverse backgrounds, and to retain
effective and highly qualified teachers.
A pivotal year for BTSA came in 1996-1997 with the adoption of AB1266. This adoption was the outcome of
BTSA leadership spending years on development, data analysis, and pertinent validity studies to establish a
Statewide Induction System and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP). In 1998, based
on a review panel’s final recommendations, SB2042 was adopted. The new bill outlined multiple routes for
obtaining teaching credentials, and highlighted a new two-level teacher credentialing system. The foundation
for this new credentialing system at every level, has been the vision of effective teachers supported by a
trained mentor, and guided by the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP).
In 2008, California streamlined the induction process by adopting Induction Standards and a corresponding
formative assessment system for California teachers, Formative Assessment for Classroom Teachers (FACT).
Additionally, Induction programs were brought into the fold of the state accreditation system that coincides
with the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) university/college accreditation system. The
new Induction Standards are designed to build upon participants’ pre-service educational foundations.
In 2014-15, FACT was further streamlined and modified to:
•better meet the individual needs of new teachers,
•include the language and reflection around Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science
Standards, and the new ELD framework,
•and facilitate the inclusion of the districts’ Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) goals and priorities
within the new teacher’s Induction process.
As teacher induction continues to evolve in response to California’s changing educational landscape, MCOE
Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction is committed to improving our program to meet our county’s
diverse needs.
Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015
What will the Participating Teacher Experience?
The Participating Teacher (PT) is able to enroll in the Induction Program through their employing district.
Throughout the two-year program, the PT will acquire and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities of
effective teaching (as outlined in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession). The program elements
•The Plan, Teach, Reflect, Apply Cycle (PTRA) – This cycle is based on student achievement standards
and learning styles. The teacher plans, teaches, and reflects on lessons through a variety of lenses,
and evaluates the success of lessons based on student learning. Through the process of reflection,
the teacher then applies new knowledge to develop a set of next steps to plan and improve student
achievement. The teacher is able to use the PTRA cycle to build confidence and competence.
•The Inquiry Process – Participating Teachers participate in a focused inquiry around their current practice
as a professional educator. They self-assess on the demonstration and application of: the California
Standards for the Teaching Profession, state and district curriculum frameworks and instructional
materials, and the new California State Standards and performance standards. As part of the inquiry
process, the Participating Teacher is given the opportunity to consider and analyze what works for his
or her particular teaching and learning style with feedback from his or her peers and colleagues, and
explores research on the subject. Reflection and conducting action research allows the teacher to collect
evidence from his or her students and analyze and reflect on that evidence to see how to best meet
students’ diverse needs and determine next steps in growing his or her practice.
•Collaborative Networking and Sharing – Each PT develops a collaborative style in teaching and learning,
which involving networking with colleagues and exploring and sharing a variety of effective teaching
•An Individual Learning Plan (ILP) – Every teacher who participates in the Induction Program will know
the value of having a plan for his or her own professional growth in developing skills and expertise as
an educator. Over time, teachers’ growth will be documented on the California Continuum of Teaching
Practice (CTP).
What are the requirements of the Participating Teacher?
The MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction ensures that the PT receives individualized support each
year, based on prior experience and assessed need by:
•Attending Induction Orientations, which are required and held at individual districts. The focus of
these sessions is to orient PT’s to the program and familiarize teachers with the pathway to clear their
credential(s) through Induction.
•Participating in Collaborative Meetings with a qualified and trained Induction Coach (IC), at least one
hour per week.
•Completing Formal and Informal Observations between PT, IC, and other colleagues (as appropriate).
•Demonstrating and Applying the Induction Standards, Common Core State Standards, and the California
Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP).
•Participating in Induction Conferences that provide professional learning opportunities centered on the
support for developing and following their ILP. Participating Teachers attend two Induction Conferences
and experience collaboration and professional networking opportunities with other new teachers across
our county and local experts. In this supportive environment, Participating Teachers have opportunities
for sharing best practices with Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and Education Specialist colleagues from
other districts.
Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015
What are the benefits for the Participating Teachers?
•Professional growth based on district goals and priorities targeting self-identified areas of growth with
a highly qualified Induction Coach
•Release time to observe classrooms, as well as be observed, by their highly qualified Induction Coach
•Recommendation to the CCTC for the California Clear Credential is provided when all requirements of
the Induction Program have been completed
•Continuing education semester units through a university
What should a PT do if they are not getting the support they need?
The PT should contact the District Program Advisor with any concerns about the support that he or she
is receiving. After consultation, if the IC is not an adequate fit for the PT, the District Program Advisor will
initiate a change in IC.
Is it required for Participants to share their Formative Assessment work with their Site
As PTs works with their Site Administrator to set annual goals and to demonstrate professional growth required
of all teachers, PTs may choose to share ILP forms and other evidence collected during the Induction process
to successfully document meeting employment evaluation goals. However, district or site administrator
performance evaluations will not be considered in lieu of program completion requirements. To ensure the
PT is fully supported in meeting all program requirements in a timely manner, or if the PT is egregious in their
non-compliance with Induction Program requirements, the Site Administrator may be included as part of the
support team for the PT.
Who qualifies to be an Induction Coach?
An Induction Coach is a teacher with a California Clear Credential who works and communicates effectively
with colleagues and demonstrates effective coaching and interpersonal skills. While exemplifying the
knowledge, skills, and abilities of excellent teaching, as defined in the California Standards for the Teaching
Profession, he or she engages in reflective practice to continuously improve as a professional educator. He or
she implements the Common Core State Standards by using a wide range of teaching strategies to meet the
needs of our culturally and linguistically diverse student population.
What are the requirements of the Induction Coach?
The MCOE-TCP/Induction Program ensures that each PT has the support of a well-qualified IC who will:
•Meet individually , and on a regular basis, with the PT to provide continuous support and collaborate on
Induction activities
•Attend scheduled seminars/trainings and follow the program guidelines
•Assist PTs with acquisition of materials and resources, learning site procedures and routines, and
meeting site staff members
•Facilitate and promote the use of district provided release time for PT observation
•Document work by submitting collaboration logs each month to the District Program Advisor
Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015
What is the role of the Induction Coach?
The Induction Coach meets weekly with the PT to observe, collaborate, and provide support during the two
years of the Induction Program. An important element of a new teacher’s success is having an engaging
Induction experience through the supportive and positive relationship with the Induction Coach. Effective
support occurs during collaborative learning opportunities of observation, inquiry, and the development of
action plans focused on improving instructional practice and student achievement.
What are the benefits for the Induction Coach?
•Gain or enhance interpersonal communication skills around coaching,
•Engage and learn from the formative assessment process and support a Participating Teacher’s grow his
or her teaching practice,
•Share instructional ideas and materials with colleagues,
•Opportunity to build capacity for teacher excellence within the district
•Professional development in classroom instruction, mentoring, coaching, and teacher leadership
•Continuing education units over two years; units can be purchased for an additional fee paid directly to
a university
Research has demonstrated that Site Administrators have a tremendous impact on the success of beginning
teachers. District Program Advisors and the Induction leadership team work with Site Administrators on the
importance of their role in supporting PTs’ success. The Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional
Teacher Induction Programs require that Site Administrators:
•Attend the Induction Site Administrator training
•Conduct Site Orientations for new teachers
•Enable new teachers to spend time with their Induction Coach
•Allow opportunities for observations
•Protect new teachers from additional duties, committees, and adjunct responsibilities
•Respect confidentiality between the Induction Coach and Participating Teacher
Completion of the MCOE-TCP/Induction Program and a recommendation for the Clear Credential does not
imply or ensure continued employment in the PT’s district.
University credit is offered for all participants in the Induction program. Participating Teachers and Induction
Coaches in the MCOE-TCP/ Induction may purchase units from a university for their participation in formative
assessment. In order to receive these units, participants must complete all program requirements, including
FACT events and seminars, as evidenced by completing required documents, collaborative logs, and IIPs.
Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015
MONTEREY COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction PARTICIPATING TEACHER ADMISSION GUIDELINES To be admitted into the MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction, prospective Participating Teachers must meet the following guidelines: 1. Initial program eligibility is determined using the Participating Teacher Referral form. Participating Teachers must: a. Hold a current Preliminary Teaching Credential or Affidavit b. Be currently employed as a full-­‐time teacher c. Be teaching in an assignment authorized by the Preliminary Credential he or she holds 2. When a teacher wishes to participate in the MCOE Induction program and his or her teaching assignment falls short of the full-­‐time employment requirement, special arrangements must be made prior to starting the program. The Participating Teacher must: a. Work with Induction program leaders to determine how he or she will obtain additional time and experience working with students to ensure fidelity to the program’s requirements. This may require volunteering in an appropriate teaching setting, co-­‐
teaching, and/or embedding appropriate and relevant content within the parameters of the teacher’s current assignment. b. Formalize an agreement between affected teachers, administrators, and program leaders. c. Fulfill all components of the agreement. 3. When a teacher wishes to participate in the MCOE Induction program and he or she is teaching in an assignment that does not match the authorized areas of his or her Preliminary Credential, special arrangements must be made prior to starting the program. The Participating Teacher must: a. Work with Induction program leaders to determine how he or she will obtain additional opportunities, in an appropriate setting, for the teacher to demonstrate the competencies in the content and standards the teacher is authorized to teach. This may require volunteering in an appropriate teaching setting, co-­‐teaching, and/or embedding appropriate and relevant content within the parameters of the teacher’s current assignment. b. Formalize an agreement between affected teachers, administrators, and program leaders. c. Fulfill all components of the agreement. Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015
Induction Handbook • Monterey County 7 Office of Education • July 2015 MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction PARTICIPATING TEACHER PATHWAY 2015-­‐2016 District Program Advisor or Credential Analyst submits teacher credential with the Monterey County Induction Referral Form and to MCOE-­‐TCP/Induction. Induction Program Leadership analyzes submissions and sends Eligibility Form back to district office. Year 1 Participating Teacher is matched to an Induction Coach (IC), attends Induction Conferences and works closely with IC. Eligible new teacher submits Participating Teacher Agreement to PA to join MCOE Induction. Mid-­‐Year and End-­‐of-­‐Year Reviews for both Year 1 and Year 2 teachers will ensure PTs are within reach of completing their individual timelines and facilitate communication with District Program Advisors. Mid-­‐Year and End-­‐of-­‐Year Survey participation is a requirement for completion. At the end of Year 2, Participating Teachers will have completed their Induction Portfolio and will present their Inquiry work at their district Colloquium. Program Induction Portfolio Review District Program Advisors are responsible for communication with PTs and ICs and setting deadlines for collecting evidence of Induction Program completion. Review of completion documents is completed by District Program Advisors and their appointed teams, who provide feedback in a timely manner. Induction Completion? YES District Closure for Year 1 PTs; Colloquiums and presentations for Year 2 PTs. NO Participants respond to specific feedback on how to get portfolio ready for completion. Participant receives Induction Program Completion Letter and is ready to clear. Induction
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MONTEREY COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction PARTICIPATING TEACHER AGREEMENT 2015-­‐2016 Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Printed First Middle Last (Include Maiden/Previous) School: ____________________________________ District: ________________________________ Personal Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Code Personal Email: ____________________________________ Contract Start Date: _____/_____/_____ (do not use school/district or college/university email address) Requirements for the Participating Teacher: • Attend district Induction Program Orientation to learn about all program requirements. • Attend all required professional development, including Induction Conferences at MCOE, and maintain professionalism during all Induction related events. • Submit all program documents on time (adhering to all formative assessment due dates, survey completion due dates, and Mid-­‐Year and End-­‐of-­‐Year Check due dates) • Throughout the two years of participating in the program, consistently submit all evidence of completed formative assessments by assigned due dates to the Induction program staff. • Schedule and attend regular meetings to collaborate with your assigned Induction Coach. Assist in the collection of evidence of collaboration via collaborative logs that are submitted to your District Program Advisor by the last Friday of each month. • With your Induction Coach’s assistance, develop and implement an Individual Learning Plan. • Communicate questions and concerns about the MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction with Induction program staff in a timely and professional manner. • Participate in the program evaluation process. • Participate in the MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction for the school calendar year. Support from the District and County Office of Education: • Review the MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction Handbook with Participating Teachers. • Match each Participating Teacher with a qualified Induction Coach. • Provide differentiated assistance from Induction staff and Induction Coaches. • Provide opportunities for networking and release time for the Induction Coach to observe the Participating Teacher at least twice. • Guide Participating Teachers through the Induction program to advance toward meeting the requirements of the California Clear Credential. • Maintain accurate records of program participation and completion. Participating Teacher Acknowledgements: Please read the following statements and initial each agreement: 1. It is the Participating Teacher’s responsibility to submit all required documents and evidence for program completion on time, including formative assessments. ______ 2. The Participating Teacher will maintain and submit an ePortfolio each year to the District Program Advisor on due dates established by the district. ______ Induction Handbook • Monterey County O
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The Participating Teacher must complete the Induction Program requirements within two weeks of the end of the district’s calendar school year. The Participating Teacher must have all current year program requirements completed prior to the start of the next school year. ______ If the Participating Teacher is absent for more than 4 weeks in a semester, he or she may not be given credit for the entire year. A meeting will be convened to determine future eligibility requirements. ______ Completion of Induction program requirements does not imply or ensure continued employment by the said district. ______ The Participating Teacher may request a program extension or a leave of absence from the program for the following reasons: health issues, family leave, maternity/paternity leave. Other reasons must be pre-­‐approved by the MCOE Induction Administrator. ______ To ensure continuous program improvement, the Participating Teacher agrees to participate in the program’s evaluation and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing’s Accreditation system. ______ The Participating Teacher is responsible for contacting his or her District Program Advisor when the Induction Coach is not following the stated requirements in the MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction Handbook. ______ Failure to fulfill any of the above Induction program requirements could result in the Participating Teacher not receiving a recommendation for the California Clear Credential, or being removed from the Induction program. ______ Statement of Participation: I understand the MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/ Induction requirements and that these requirements must be met within the 2 years of the agreement signing date. If requirements are not met in the 2 years, I understand that this may result in removal of the Induction program or will delay issuance of a recommendation for a California Clear Credential by the MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction. If further support is needed to complete the Induction program requirements after the final due dates, fees may be assess at the discretion of the Participating Teacher’s district. Participating Teacher’s Name (please print): ____________________________________ Participating Teacher’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________ Induction Handbook • Monterey County O
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MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction ROLE & EXPECTATIONS OF THE INDUCTION COACH 2015-­‐2016 The Induction Coach provides support and guidance to the Participating Teacher through a structured formative assessment program. Induction Coaches facilitate the growth of a beginning teacher’s practice using the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and through the development and implementation of an Individual Learning Plan. •
Meets individually with the PT to provide continuous support and collaborate on Induction activities •
Works collaboratively with colleagues and Induction Program staff •
Attends all scheduled coaching sessions and follows the Induction program guidelines •
Assists PTs with the acquisition of materials and resources, learning site procedures and routines, and meeting site staff members •
Facilitates and promotes the use of district provided release time for observation, at least twice a year •
Documents work by submitting Collaborative Logs each month to the District Program Advisor Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015
Induction Handbook • Monterey County 11Office of Education • Revised July 2015 MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction ROLE & EXPECTATIONS OF THE DISTRICT PROGRAM ADVISOR 2015-­‐2016 •
Ensures dedicated time to coordinate the program(s) at the district level •
Has deep knowledge and understanding of the state-­‐adopted academic content standards and performance levels •
Assists and supports Participating Teachers through observation and collaboration, as needed •
Represents the district at up to 6 District Program Advisory Team meetings during the year •
Meets with Site Administrators to discuss assignments of Participating Teachers and ways to prevent challenging placements and duties for participants •
Assists Site Administrators to help with the selection of qualified Induction Coaches for all Participating Teachers in a timely manner •
Helps Site Administrators to provide dedicated time for the Participating Teacher(s) and Induction Coach(es) to work together on a weekly basis •
Ensures that all Induction Coaches understand their responsibilities as an Induction Coach and the events of the MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction •
Provides a system of ongoing formalized support for Induction Coaches •
Follows up on communications from the MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction in a timely manner •
Conducts the district Mid-­‐Year and End-­‐of-­‐Year reviews and other evaluation requirements •
Participates in program evaluation and follow up on all PTs and ICs in the completion of their own program evaluation of the Mid-­‐Year and End-­‐of-­‐Year surveys •
Understands that support is critical to the success of the Induction Program and that Induction activities and evidence may not be used for evaluation related to employment Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015
Induction Handbook • Monterey County 12Office of Education • Revised July 2015 MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction ROLE & EXPECTATIONS OF THE DISTRICT SITE ADMINISTRATION 2015-­‐2016 District Site Administration works with the District Program Advisor and MCOE staff to support Participating Teachers’ success. • Attends Induction Site Administrator meeting • Conducts site orientations for new teachers • Ensures the District Program Advisor has the dedicated time to support new teachers • Works with MCOE staff and district Induction Program participants to engage in ongoing professional development • Engage in constant discussions with District Program Advisors to ensure there is a connection between the district’s goals and priorities and the Induction Program • Identify high quality Induction Coaches to support Participating Teachers • Supports the role of the Induction Coach • Makes every effort to place Participating Teachers in assignments appropriate to their novice status • Participates in the Induction Program evaluation and CTC Accreditation system Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015
Induction Handbook • Monterey County 13Office of Education • Revised July 2015 MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction ROLE & EXPECTATIONS OF THE MCOE TCP/INDUCTION STAFF 2015-­‐2016 MCOE TCP/Induction staff ensures fidelity to the program standards and requirements by engaging all stakeholders in the process of high quality program implementation. MCOE TCP/Induction provides and coordinates services and support to guide Participating Teachers in meeting California credential requirements to obtain appropriate licensure by the state. • Develops, implements, monitors, and evaluates a high quality and effective state-­‐approved Induction Program • Establishes and maintains a comprehensive database for Induction participants • Prepares and submits reports to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and California Department of Education • Participates in the Commission on Teaching Credentialing accreditation system • Participate in state-­‐sponsored activities and program evaluations • Meets with District Program Advisor Team to receive input on the program • Acts as a liaison between state agencies and consortium districts • Participates with local institutions of higher education to ensure a smoother transition from Teacher Candidate to Participating Teacher in the program Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015
Induction Handbook • Monterey County 14Office of Education • Revised July 2015 MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction EARLY COMPLETION OPTION APPLICATION 2015-­‐2016 SB57 (Scott) provides for an Early Completion Option for Multiple and Single Subject Induction Participating Teachers. The Early Completion Option (ECO) is equally as rigorous as the full-­‐length program, although shorter in length. Upon successful completion of induction requirements as set forth in this policy, Participating Teachers are recommended to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for a Clear Credential. APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION Name: __________________________________________ Site: _________________________ Prior teaching experience as a full-­‐time Teacher of Record. Please check all that apply: I. _____ _____ II.
Private/Public (circle one) School classroom experience Name of District/School: City/State: Years as Teacher of Record: ___ Out-­‐of-­‐State classroom experience Name of District/School: City/State: Years as Teacher of Record: ___ Evidence of exceptional teaching practice during prior professional experience. Attach teacher performance evaluations (minimum 3), completed within the prior 18 mos., and three current letters of recommendation (within the last 6 months) from educational leaders who have witnessed your teaching expertise. Letters should speak not only to your teaching expertise but also to your professional and ethical conduct within the scope of your teaching position, and include reference to the ECO application. After reviewing the selection guidelines, describe how you meet the criteria for the Early Completion Option. On a separate piece(s) of paper, give a clear, one to three page justification as to why your application should be considered. Your rational should reflect your exemplary practices, attitudes, professionalism, and commitment to the teaching profession. Evidence of high-­‐performing teaching practice is observable and based on components of effective instruction. Induction Program Leadership and/or District Program Advisor will document a classroom observation. The observation results in evidence collection of the CSTP being in place and demonstrated at an exemplary level. Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015
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Be sure to attach the required documentation and evidence: ___ 3 Current letters of recommendation specifically for the ECO application ___ Documentation of observation by Induction Program Leadership and/or District Program Advisor ___ Recommendation from your current site principal (see below, section V.) ___ 3 Current exemplary evaluations based on the CSTPs (within the last 18 months) ___ A one to three page, well written rationale for acceptance ___ Signed Application Acceptance as an ECO INDUCTION candidate requires maintenance of exceptional performance and professionalism. The candidate must meet all deadlines, and attend all Induction related meetings, and seminars. If the candidate is unable to do so, he/she will be removed from the ECO Induction program. DEADLINE to submit application to District Program Advisor: 5 p.m. on SEPTEMBER 18, 2015 Incomplete or late applications will not be reviewed for consideration. _____________________________ ____________________________ ______ Printed Name of Applicant Signature of Applicant Date V.
Approval of site principal: Name__________________________ Signature__________________________Date______ FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY: Yes / No Candidate qualifies in the category of “Experience.” Yes / No Candidate qualifies in the category of “Exceptional or Exemplary Teaching Practice.” Yes / No Candidate qualifies in the category of “High-­‐performing” based on evidence from current classroom observations. This candidate ______does qualify ______ does not qualify for the ECO based on the stated qualifications. __________________________ _____ ___________________________ ______ MCOE Induction Program Director Date District Program Advisor Date Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015
Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015 16
Monterey County Office of Education Dr. Nancy Kotowski, Monterey County Superintendent of Schools 901 Blanco Circle, P.O. Box 80851 Salinas, California 93912-­‐0851 Candidate Letter of Commitment EARLY COMPLETION OPTION 2015-­‐16 I, wish to participate in the MCOE (First Name) (Last Name) Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction under the Early Completion Option (ECO). I have already signed the ECO Candidate Application. I have read the requirements of the Early Completion Option described in the application, which has been submitted to the Induction Program Advisor in my district. I have been apprised of my acceptance into the ECO Induction Program. I agree to follow the ECO requirements to the best of my ability. In addition: • I understand that to be eligible for the ECO, I must have years of successful experience as teacher of record, at least three positive evaluations based on the CSTP, a written recommendation from a current administrator in the district in which I am currently employed, and the approval of the MCOE-­‐
TCP/Induction Director. • I understand that I will be required to complete the second year of the Induction program if alI Induction requirements are not met in Year One. • I understand that all program requirements must be fulfilled within two years in order to receive a recommendation for a California Clear Credential. • I further understand that recommendation for a clear credential is separate from my employment status in my district. • I understand that it is my responsibility to discuss the Early Completion Option with my Program Advisor and Induction Coach. • I understand that it is my responsibility to notify my Program Advisor, Induction Coach, and the MCOE-­‐
TCP/Induction Director if I decide to complete Induction as a two-­‐year program. • I understand I will be held to a high standard of participation, as well as timely and exemplary completion of all requirements for Induction and completion of the MCOE-­‐TCP/Induction program. • I understand that if I will not be teaching a full calendar year due to an extended absence, I may not submit an ECO application. Participating Teacher Signature: Date: District: School: After signing the Letter of Commitment, please retain the copy for your records and return the original to: MCOE-­‐TCP/INDUCTION Program Director Monterey County Office of Education 901 Blanco Circle Salinas, CA 93912-­‐0851 831.784.4189 office 831.755.0367 fax Participating Teacher H•
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Module E: Reflection Module D: Summary of Teaching and Learning Module C: Inquiry into Teaching and Learning Module B: Assessment of Teaching Module A: Context for Teaching and Learning MODULE PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015
Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015 Participating Teachers will explain and describe how the information they gathered regarding their students, teaching environment, and school and community resources, inform the instructional decisions they make to overcome challenges and provide universal access to instruction for all students, in particular English Learners and special populations. Participating Teachers will identify their prior knowledge and skills acquired in their teacher preparation programs to assess their teaching practice and determine their strengths and areas for growth. Participating Teachers will collaborate with colleagues, develop and implement an action plan, and reflect on collected evidence to apply their new learning to their future practice. Participating Teachers will review the results of their Individual Learning Plan (with special attention to their Action Plan) to determine which teaching practices had the greatest impact on student learning. Participating Teachers will review the result of their Individual Learning Plan to assess the impact of the formative assessment process on their teaching practice. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT COMPONENTS MONTEREY COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction
MCOE Teacher Credentialing Program/Induction COMMON ACRONYMS USED IN INDUCTION API Academic Performance Index CELDT California English Language Development Test CDE California Department of Education CTC California Commission on Teacher Credentialing CSTP California Standards for the Teaching Profession CTP Continuum of Teaching Practice DPA District Program Advisor EL English Learner ELD English Language Development FACT Formative Assessment for California Teachers IC Induction Coach IEP Individual Education Plan ILP Individual Learning Plan IPS Induction Program Standards MCOE Monterey County Office of Education NGSS Next Generation Science Standards PT Participating Teacher PTRA Plan, Teach, Reflect, Apply SBAC Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015
19Office of Education • Revised July 2015 Induction Handbook • Monterey County California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) STANDARD ONE: STANDARD TWO: ENGAGING AND SUPPORTING ALL STUDENTS IN LEARNING CREATING AND MAINTAINING EFFECTIVE ENVIRONMENTS FOR STUDENT LEARNING 1.1 Using knowledge of students to engage them in learning 1.2 Connecting learning to students’ prior knowledge, backgrounds, life experiences, and interests 1.3 Connecting subject matter to meaningful, real-­‐life contexts 1.4 Using a variety of instructional strategies, resources, and technologies to meet students’ diverse learning needs 1.5 Promoting critical thinking through inquiry, problem solving, and reflection 1.6 Monitoring student learning and adjusting instruction while teaching STANDARD THREE: 2.1 Promoting social development and responsibility within a caring community where each student is treated fairly and respectfully 2.2 Creating physical or virtual learning environments that promote student learning, reflect diversity, and encourage constructive and productive interactions among students 2.3 Establishing and maintaining learning environments that are physically, intellectually, and emotionally safe 2.4 Creating a rigorous learning environment with high expectations and appropriate support for all students 2.5 Developing, communicating, and maintaining high standards for individual and group behavior 2.6 Employing classroom routines, procedures, norms, and supports for positive behavior to ensure a climate in which all students can learn 2.7 Using instructional time to optimize learning STANDARD FOUR: UNDERSTANDING AND ORGANIZING SUBJECT MATTER FOR STUDENT LEARNING PLANNING INSTRUCTION AND DESIGNING LEARNING EXPERIENCES FOR ALL STUDENTS 3.1 Demonstrating knowledge of subject matter, academic-­‐
content standards, and curriculum frameworks 3.2 Applying knowledge of student development and proficiencies to ensure student understanding of subject matter 3.3 Organizing curriculum to facilitate student understanding of the subject matter 3.4 Utilizing instructional strategies that are appropriate to the subject matter 3.5 Using and adapting resources, technologies, and standards-­‐
aligned instructional materials, including adopted materials, to make subject matter accessible to all students 3.6 Addressing the needs of English learners and students with special needs to provide equitable access to the content STANDARD FIVE: 4.1 Using knowledge of students’ academic readiness, language proficiency, cultural background, and individual development to plan instruction 4.2 Establishing and articulating goals for student learning 4.3 Developing and sequencing long-­‐term and short-­‐term instructional plans to support student learning 4.4 Planning instruction that incorporates appropriate strategies to meet the learning needs of all students 4.5 Adapting instructional plans and curricular materials to meet the assessed learning needs of all students STANDARD SIX: ASSESSING STUDENTS FOR LEARNING DEVELOPING AS A PROFESSIONALEDUCATOR 5.1 Applying knowledge of the purposes, characteristics, and uses of different types of assessments 5.2 Collecting and analyzing assessment data from a variety of sources to inform instruction 5.3 Reviewing data, both individually and with colleagues, to monitor student learning 5.4 Using assessment data to establish learning goals and to plan, differentiate, and modify instruction 5.5 Involving all students in self-­‐assessment, goal setting, and monitoring progress 5.6 Using available technologies to assist in assessment, analysis, and communication of student learning 5.7 Using assessment information to share timely and comprehensible feedback with students and their families 6.1 Reflecting on teaching practice in support of student learning 6.2 Establishing professional goals and engaging in continuous and purposeful professional growth and development 6.3 Collaborating with colleagues and the broader professional community to support teacher and student learning 6.4 Working with families to support student learning 6.5 Engaging local communities in support of the instructional program 6.6 Managing professional responsibilities to maintain motivation and commitment to all students 6.7 Demonstrating professional responsibility, integrity, and ethical conduct Induction Handbook • Monterey County Office of Education • Revised July 2015
901 Blanco Circle
Salinas, CA 93901