I APPENDIX C AUTOTRANSFORMERS The autotransformer atically in Figs. designed by J. C. Martin C. 1 a, b, c, d. and I. Smith’ is shown schem- It consists of 0.002- to 0.005~inch copper foil cut to the shape indicated in Fig. C. la and attached to a sheet of polyethylene mylar insulation. As indicated in Fig. C. lb absorbent or (toilet) paper of about the same thickness as the copper is inserted around the edges of the copper to fill the remaining cylinder space. The sandwich is then wound on an insulating cylinder (e. g. , a made of lucite) which has an outer radius and length appropriate particular transformer a second insulating cylinders being constructed. cylinder As indicated in Figs. C. lc and C. Id, is added after the winding is completed, are sealed at the bottom by an insulating important function of distributing The arrangement The primary the field smoothly at the edges of the copper wind- used for generating C prim sheets does not occur. the flux linkage from primary inputs of the transformer across a capacitor Vin by closing a switch S. The outputs of be a Blumlein. Alternate of Fig. C. 2b is constructed C. 2a. C. la-d) are connected A and B, are applied to the load Csec, which might, arrangements - -- to secondary. a high voltage pulse is shown in Fig. (C and D of Figs. at a voltage The tapered the secondary, transformer with copper been outgassed. The copper sulfate* has the ing so that breakdown through the insulating windings are intended to optimize and the two plate. The result is put into an evacuated chamber for several hours and is then vacuum impregnated sulfate solution which has previously for the are shown in Figs. for example, C. 2b and C. 2~. The by cutting off the pattern of Fig. C. la just left of the point C and by using C as one of the secondary as well as one of the primary original a primary * leads. The transformer of Fig. C. 2c is constructed by winding the sandwich back upon itself just after the point D and by using D as both and a secondary lead. The resistivity of the copper sulfate solution should be of the order - 134 - lo4 ohm-cm. I \lNSULATING SHEET C D COPPER FOI L7 b min a. / COPPER FOIL /MYLAR INSULATING SHEET :n-n ,~.~::.;. .;; .,. ..:.._ i.1 ;.:: .i::: .‘ :.,... ;:.‘ :../ ) -VACUUM IMPREGNATED WITH Cu SO4 SOLUTION B d. C. 757~26 FIG. C. l--Layout and construction details for the autotransformer by J. C. Martin and I. Smith of AWRE. - 135 - developed FIG. C. 2--Three A different a. circuit configurations csec b. for the autotransformer B .. B developed by J. C. Martin PD set A=B An equivalent circuit age inductance windings for the autotransformer in nH can be calculated from the total thickness of the Lleak A, the minimum and maximum widths of the windings and the radius of the transformer of Fig. C. 2a, 2.0 for the cir- of Fig. C. 2~. All dimensions are in cm. L,,, /N2, 40 r2 = r+b IllaX nH N is the turns ratio. + L-] The final factor, hl inductances. ( = where gap l %a1 +L ) Csec), is the for the loss in voltage due to nsec cap + Lleads + Lleak L is expressed in nH and C in nF. is greater + ’ fC-lc) The rise time of the output pulse in nsec is given by l/2 T = 7r Ltotal [cpri::gsec] 2 C prim/(Cprim ~Wnging efficiency It; the first factor is an expression the various (C-lb) . the ratio of output to input voltages is given by L . +PL’,, - 2.f:p prim leads where l inductance is given by L prim Neglecting :C -la) nH p has a value of l/2 for the circuit cuit of Fig. C. 2b, and 1.0 for the circuit The primary bmin and bmx, r: 36 Ar = ’ (2bmax + bmin) Lleak The parameter is shown in Fig. C. 3. The leak- It is assumed throughout that 2r than bmax and that r is much greater - 137 - than A. ~- I I !i LGAP -- 1 I I I 1 I I L LEADS FIG. C. 3--Equivalent I CPRIM I circuit 1 T 1 I I L~----.-l I r- -I I I I I I for the autotransformer LGAP LLEAK developed by J. C. Martin 1 1 and I. Smith of AWRE. 757A28 Z N2 csec Some calculations based upon Eqs. (C-la-d) are plotted in Figs. C. 4 and C. 5. In Fig, C. 4, the rise time T is given as a function of bmax for various values of r and for all three transformer configurations. The turns ratio 16-20, was adjusted to satisfy the requirement V was the required out output voltage assumed for the two-meter this case was to minimize = v. = in cap = gap = L is inconvenient 500 nF , C The fixed = 0.9nF, set = 1.5cm, l.OnH, A 4.OnH, Input energy transformer = 624 joules . is preferred; The rise time decreases slowly with transformer close to minimum In Fig. C. 5, we have plotted for Vout versus in the center top configuration C prim with four ESC 295 capacitors The fixed parameters = 250nF, were: Lleads = 6.OnH, C set = 0.9nF, L = 2.OnH, A = 3.0 cm , gap = 4.OnH, Input energy Tobe Deutschmann Laboratories, = 1240 joules. Canton, Massachusetts - 139 - in series. Vout; the resulting = 100 kV , L radius (as long as T for various values of r and V.in cap it bmax 1 20 cm. this case, the number of turns was chosen to maximize was N =- 16 at every point. however, since the input leads attain roughly half the output voltage 2 7~Nr << TC), and it is fairly * Our mtention in = 6.OnH, Lleads 50 kV , in practice during the pulse. max in series. the rise time for the given output voltage. As indicated in Fig. C .4 , the center-tap b chamber and where values were: Cprim L in the range Vout /Vin = 800 kV/50 kV = 16, where V.in was the voltage rating of two ESC 259* capacitors parameter N, typically In value I I !G 0 a I 20 l. l. ‘. l. -. l. I --.. 30 l. I l -.. I I I 40 I 50 Y;r,“,“,m, r=7cm I 60 -v -- - I 70 ----a ----- r=9cm I r=llcm 80 I 757A.29 r=8cm _ _ r=lOcm r=ll cm r =12cm -----...- --------........_.__...............--.--------0- l -.. ---- I FIG. C. 4--Calculated rise time in nsec for V o~t/Vin = 800 kV/50 kV versus bmax, the maximum width of the tapered autotransformer winding. Calculations were made for the three circuit configurations indicated and for the transformer radii shown with each curve. Additional parameter values are included in the text. 10 01 t I 3. ‘1 -i I L l. 1400 z P 1300 6 ii z a: 1200 E 3 E 1100 5 57 g 1000 3 z5 900 P 800 I 0 1 I I I I I I I 100 RISETIME T IN 1 200 NSEC I I I I 300 757E.O FIG. C. 5--Calculated output voltage maximized with respect to the number of turns in a center-tap autotransformer versus the output rise time in psec. The maximum width b of the tapered winding, and the radius r identify the differe%%rves. Additional parameter values are included in the text. - 141 - Figure C. 5 illustrates that the output voltage has a maximum as a function of T and N, and that ultimately the rise time can be shortened only max by sacrificing output voltage. Since the transformer would be followed in our ap- as well as b plication by a pulse-shaping network, the rise time is important adds to the delay in applying the final pulse to the streamer REFERENCE 1. J. C. Martin and I. Smith, private communication. - 142 - only in that it chamber.