Page 15. THE EVENING ENTERPRISE, POUGHKEEPSIE. N . Y., FRIDAY. O C t O f e ^ 2. 1914. A SECTION OF INTEREST TO THE WOMEN Mr#. A »ior’# Sister a jHome Gardeners Preparing to Put R ed Cross Nurse! Away Vegetables For the Winter It is now time for the home gard-igarden by -placing a little straw on jener to think of properly caring for the ground, removing the cabbages, the surplus iu the garden. Many roots and all, from their location, aiiu •cation, and home growers have planned on hav- placing them head downward on this ing a sufficient -supply of choice vegc- straw. A layer of -cabbages four tables during the winter. These vege- plants Avide and of indefinite lengUi, ta b le s will h a v e to b e sto r ed in. ord er .with a n o th er la y e r o v e r it th r e e that they n\ay be preserved. plants wide, all covered with -.straw Onions and snuash.should be plac- and soil, A\-iO cause the cabbages to ed Avliere thero is sufficient heat andjl^^ep in the v^ery best condition, esv j dryness to prevent any possible de-‘Pecially if a location is chosen where ;cay. The cay. A A heated room in in the house or'ample drainage is possible. A Well Blanched Wholesome Diet; BEAUTY D O N’T S. Don't take cold batlifi unless ^ you are perfectly sure that they agree Avith you. If you liaA'e *:* s h iv e r in g fits Avhen you come out X of th thee Avater water an aud d cannot get ❖ w arm you nia.v feel .sure th a t % X | Variety by Serving Combinations t * T ? B arbaric Elegance^ D isplayed T his F all ARIETY ill th e diet can be se­ nounoed taste appear in smaller cured both by i^roA’iding dif­ amounts or some of them only oecafere n t kind.s of food a n d by sioliall.A’. To imt it in another way, she in-ei):irin.g stai>le food.s in will depend lai-gely on the first group X th ey don’t. y .lifferent Avays, a n d the best resu lts are to make up the bulk of her dietary aud Don't fo rg et th a t occasionally ^ obtained by com bining notli m ethods. on the second to yary it. b.athing th e face and n eck in ^ V' r.:iys.?the U nited Stntes departm ent of W hen to S eason M eats. ^ luilk softeiKS th e skin au d is espe- X a.gricultnre. W hen the bonsekeeiiei T'ender steaks or chops, in cooking. sliulies the list of common foods and X ciaily sootiiiiig Aviu'ii tlie suii has dcA-elop delicious mc^at flavors and re­ .scorclied the skin severely. X I lie com binations m ade from them .she quire no highly flavored vegetable D on't, if you w e a r your h a ir | | u ill i»robably find th a t a.s regards their ❖ sea.soniug or condiments to make them p arted , alw ays m ake th e i)avting >> place in the m enu they full into Dvo palatable. In themselves they furnish general grou]»s— AA'hich. like in th e sam e plaee. ('liaiige it a p a rt of th e a ttic w here lie a t m ay Avhole aim in th e sto ra g e of vege- ^ flavor sufficient to accompany pota­ be supplied Avill an sw er. ‘.tables is to p re v e n t sudden fre e z in g ■ uoaa" an d then or y our iiair Avil! ^ bread, potatoes, milk. eggs. etc., have toes. rice or other foods of mild flavor. T h e ro o t c r o p s - p a rs n ip s , c a rro ts, thaw ing;, to give v e n tilatio n j | : begin to get thin .-tt th e pl.-.ce ^ little disUiK-tive ta s te a n d those which, On the other hand, iu stews and other like, .seasoning vegetables, some beets, salsify, and t u r n i p s - a r e best | enough so th a t th e pro d u ct m ay keep X ‘ t sw eets, cooked m eals, etc., have dishes made from the cheaper cuts of bnrieri in soil 2 ^0 oil san d v loam is m o istu re enough to ' Don t Aveai hi,,h lieih d. thin meat carrots, onions or other distinc­ nlarked a n d in d irid n a i flavors. tive flavor is usually added to snpjA’eexcellent. P lace a^layer of soil in the l-crops so th a t sh rin k in g will h e done | Im i ’ gof I Mild F lavored M aterials. ment that of the meat flavor, for the | botto m of a b a rre l o r a -bo.x, th e n a j a-AA'^ay ''-'’i t l l , a n d AVitll Ot le r C10p.S, tire d verv quieklv b u t von will She AA'ill fu rth e r find th a t th e m ild cheaper cuts are not usually of such a layer o£ th e roets. a layer of soil am i »” -> “ " ’- f ■" P a ru c u ia , f ^ e «•' J <^ ? ; flavored m aterials a re th e ones which te x t u r e that the best r e s u lt s can be se,S0 on. If the quantity of root drops :‘o S .v e ^ l« a t e n o u g h so th a t h e , ,v,Il , sp ,1 he ..H h ol ,.om P...I.P m-e used in' the greatest .diiantitles, c-in-ed by such simple methods as broil­ jis larg e enough, th e ro o ts m ay b e suffer b y excessive m o istu re. Don't w e a r shoes th a t are X meal after meal. Avhile those of nro- ing or roasting. I sto re d in a p it o u tsid e th e house. A 1 ““ ” ❖ dOAvn a t heel. N«t o n ly arc they Why Children Love Jams. [good way is to pile the vegetables in ; g . fata l to a Avell dre.ssed :ii>l>earChildren’s preference for bread and la conical form and pla;ce straw over ‘ • \jH O V C 5 lu r ♦{•• ance, h u t thi»y are bad fo r the Coiiched Shadow butter Avith jam is explained by their ; them. Soil should be applied to cover I ' A u tu m il W ear % fee t an d ankles as well. unconscious. desire to add flavor to i this straw, and more soil or manure j Don’t Avear v e ils th a t are .soilW o rk the N ew est bulb. The housekeeper who makes a ... j added as the weather becomes colder, j A ed or th e ]>ores o f th e sk in o f X dish compo.sed of cheese and macaroni, I Som etim es a h otbed pit is useful for | F " ||p ''^ H E p rese n t A’ogue of long yon r fa c e w ill g et clogged up Mrs. P au l P h ip p s. or of meat and rice or potato, etc., ap­ j sto rag e, p a rtic u la rly if ad eq u ate f a - ' I glOA'cs Avili c(»ntinue during X Avith dirt T he oouflied shadow Avork is am ong plies the same principle. yirs. P a u l P hipps, who, w ith h e r c ilitie s fo r v e n tilatio n a re given, and ■ J[ the e arlj' fall m onths, gradualthe new things in embroiiiery. I t is The great variety of pickles, pre­ Bistcr, Mrs. R eg in ald B rooks, sailed if p ro tectio n from ovea’-supply o f , ly g ir ing A\'ay to sh o rt gloA'es, very sim ply done, b ut is not quick serves aud elaborate pastry which on th e C unard lin e r M a u re tan ia a few \v ater is afforded by co v erin g th e tops ! fb e D ry Goods Econom ist. A lter work. In this iioav a d aptation of American housekeepers used to con­ days ago for E n g la n d to becom e a jOf th e bed s w ith h o ard s and ta rre d ‘ cent of th e gloves couching th e bacii.g-round is em broid­ sider necessary represented another in­ G irl of 7, V ictim of Red Cross nurse. Her sister, Mrs. paper. P ro te c tio n should al5=o Be ,giA'- sold wdll be of the AA'ri.^t length. ered and the pacitM-n left in the m ate ­ stinctive eft'or't to vary, by adding flaT ailo r m ade su its .«u-e to he largely rial AATtli enougli em broidery Aor, the monotony, which Avas inevita­ Waldorf .Astor, has given up lier en against excessive cold by apply­ worn. E ven tlie dresses, w ith the ex­ T en Diseases, Cured r-titches to give it form . .Y couching ble. particularly in wduter fare, before country, home, Cliveden, to be used ing refu se over th e ta r r e d paper. cord is u.sed for the Avork. This cord the days of easy transportation and Cabbages may be stored in the hot­ ception o f those for evening Avear. AVill as a Red Cross hospital, and it is have Alii length sleeves and Avill be is really ju s t a padding. It is basted storage brought fresh,fruits and vegehere that the two sisters plan to do bed pit, or they may be stored in the sem ifltted. Mew Y-ork, Ost. 2.—Cecilia Newell, in I’OAVs across Ihe ('iitire surface by a table.s the year round. their work. Mrs. Phipps, who was S e p a r a te Avaists. too. w h ic h a r e c u t only sev en y e a rs old, who has suffer­ short stitch on top ami a long one unMiss Nora Langhorne has distributed M iss D avis Silences on tailored or semitlHed I'me.s will also ed from ten serious maladies within 'lerneafh. .Yffer th e coi-d i.s hasted the sewing among the steamer’s passen­ bHA’e full length sleere.s. so that u year and a half and h as b een treat- liackgrouiul is workeii w ith a twi.stod i as Aveil as the suits and the dresses will (d in four hospitals, was sent from gers, w hich sh e will c o lle c t w hen th e A lderm anic Critic require "otton of any dcsij-ed color. The roAvs short gloves. the Brooklyn Children’s .Society to •>f voyage is ended a nd u se in. th e A sto r <-ord are then <-overcd witli satin ! j With tailored effects proinlnent In Xanuet, N. Y., yesteiday practically itirch, the .stitches taken at i-igl>t aiihosptial. .\ewport_ Oct. 2.—“A woman has 1 garments it is clear that gloves of man- <-iu-ed. ■no business being the head of a c ity , nish appear.ance will he iu request dnr-j Cecilia was found a year ag-o last .ies to th e cord. W hile the stitches ire not packed tiglitly togeilier. yet ; department. That is a man sized ing the new season. p la y standing beside her mother who ihey comiiletel.v coA'er the <-nni. The W ar Is T o rtu rin g A ll, 'jo'D,” said Alderman McCort, Tam- ! Pique.s. which have l)een gradually gutter on Riverside ave- -ititches of one nnv are interlocked Says Jane A d d a m S D u a n y man, at an Aldermanic hearing; in favor during the last tAA'o Brooklyn. Since then the child with those of th e next, so th a t there ________ Here. f.'-'''---t-- .i" operaMone for will be no break betAvecu the rows of , ■’UO you coiisWer ftonos more "-">“1“''"''' ei- . I mastolilltls, lias Oact measles, Wooil- cord. A fter the background i.s emNew York. Oct. 2 . - “The korrors than human .beings,- de“f " ' l-o-ome 'viilel.t tu b erc u la r glands kera- iu-oidered the design is outlined and of Europe s war represent a throw- Imanded Commissioner Katherine B. dtpUreria, and dis. the couching cord, which sboAvs, is hack to an archaic p e n o d -a r e tiim |„ „ ,„ . ,„ ,,k in s directly MoCort. !| ^ ot eye. ear am-, skin. . . . . ..... to . . McCort. held in place by a couciiin.g .stitch. to the ancient mode of viewing life. <.j n yo^ can’t put prisoners , v, (‘I'etl backs appears 1o be stron.g. Not a .YU the social gams of the past will shelves.” ; r l ! ? a n t i c i p a t e that experience a set-back, and the eause woman concDmissioner got t he ; j t-em of ihcir leather ot the social worker must languish u-og^ooG appropriation she asked I glov# business during the next .season for Ajears.” p tt ’O construct a cell block on Randall’s5jI Avill ^be In erahroidei erahj’oidered backs. ; FRIDAY, bo sa id .Jane A ddam s, or H u ll jgland. MicCort’s w as th e only vote^ Quite a A-ai-iety of novelty elfect-i* " IT USED T E W BE T H E T A L L A n Im p o rte d N o u v e a u A rt T a b le H ouse a s she stepped on a tra m fo r n eg a tiv e . j| F A T H E R S HED G REAT AM BITIONS F E R T H E IR SONS SECH AS BECOMIN ’ P R E S ID E N T . O F TH E U N ITED STA TES OR C H IE F JU S T IC E OR S O M E T H IN ’ BUT NOW A DAYS. LAND S A K E S ' F A T H E R S A R E SAT­ IS F IE D E P T H E IR BOYS K IN M AKE ONE OP T H E BIG LEAG UE TEAM S," • Imva been bifought out in em broidered Chicago. Then she explained: ; ----------------------------- 1j^oods, mid many more faiK'.v backs are "When a million men are suffering, a . 'TM Lf arrive. Avet and -cold and wounded, in the ' *-UtVlITlIl iNCCKW^CftF O i Under the head of colors it is a safe trenches, what are a few -children ■ i j i rx i.* i bi’edlctlmi that Avbite will again .stron.gsuffering under hard conditions in ^ Jnlan.ClS01Tie L r e c o r a t l O nt 1j ly ly < dominate the situation. Tlie usual factories? What are the old pensions ' proportion of bl.'iek Avill be d istrilu iteo. and the problem of infant mortality? . , , and th ere Avill be a lim ited aiiioiiut of The d ouble oigam lie c-oi.urs so fash i>uslness done in broAvns. d a rk tans. “It will be years before these t’nings are taken up again. The whole Louable Just .spring have given i^lac-c taupe, navy blue and dark gi'ceu. social fabric is tortured and tAvisted.” to hem stitched m odels and, naturally, h em stitched accessories are a lut moriexpensiA'e than th e o th er so rt in Avhicli two pieces of fab ric wore seam ed to­ M Ibs g eth er ,nnd tu rn e d ovei-. A A’ery sm a rt c-ollar tu rn s over In tAVO sections from a high neckband, The Avouiau v.'o! aim is and each section has two ipavs of Inside th e siicc-es.s siioaiil .‘--(rii'e l o .spend her X gav* Y'ork^ Oct. 2. —Miss Anne h e m stitc h in g all around. Morgan, d a u g h t e r ’ of t h e late J . Pier- hem stitch in g are sm all hand emhroid hours outskie of itiu office in widenin.g and enlni'.ginig lier scope of knoAVledge. pont Morgan, Miss Elizabeth Mar- ered dots. A notker collar, im p o rted before tin- Diuin.g worfcin.g- hours she should ex­ burj-'’ and iMiss JBlsie de • YVolf, who Avere .majooned. for some time in w a r started . Is a flare model, opeimia pend all lier inteiligenc-e on the work Switzerland by th e Avar, ,a re rettxrn- ra th e r low a t th e fro n t in a V. FiPm :it hand, but aw ay from th e office her the Y, turn back long. narroAv revev.« tim e should .go in p u rsu it of other ing to' .New York o n th e steam&hip La Pi’ance, according to a cable mes­ sage received by Edgar De Wolf, brother of Miss De Wolf, at the Biltmore Hotel. The chateau in Versailles, Prance, which, has been occupied by Miss Morgan’s party has been razed, ac­ cording to dispatches received re­ cently from Paris. ’ which flare outAvavd over the lapels of th e coat. Uollar, ch em isette and re A’ers are of Avhite organdie. Avith an inch a u d a h a lf hem of Avhite h an d k er­ chief linen set on Avitli hemstitching. Still a n o th e r im ported collar of h an d ­ k erch ief lin en is deco rated Avith hem ­ stitch in g and d raw n Avork. This s u r­ prising collar rises close aud high a b o u t th e th ro a t like th e stock of sev­ eral seasons ago. Tw o draAvn w ork W h e n T oasted . flaps tu rn dow n o v er th e collar, and When a toast is g iA 'e n the person a t th e fro n t is a tie of tlie linen p lait­ honored should remain seated while ed into n a rro w Avidth and having the guests are drinking to her. AYhen sh arp ly pointetl ends d ecorated Avitb they hare finished s h e should ris e and the d raw n w ork, d'his bit of neckw ear thank them. If she has the ability is en tirely ueAV an d is said to presage »he should make a suitable speech. a return to high, stock collar efifects. The Children’s Comer Q UEER L IT T L E B E A ST . thrifty housewife is anxious about just q’lie conscientious business Avomaii lA'ill find it to h er .advantage to .sub­ scribe to one o f th e best iieriodk-als in Avhic-h th e e u rre n t topie.s a re dis­ cussed. Also a daily p aper should be thoroughly perused each day. Iu th is Avay she A\'ili keep iuform ed, an d well inform ed, on all subject.s of in terest to the Avorld at large. I t i.s a m istak e to s ta y co n stan tly a t home. R a th e r should th e business now. Well, desserts of the ordinary kind are sometimes very expensive. Not so, however, with that finest of dinner-windups, SCHRAUTH’S ICE yvomati go out and meet people. This does no t mean a constant ru sh from one social affair to another, b u t one or tAVO evenin.g.s .a Aveek if th e occasion One of th e que e re st auUnais Uiat .haA’e th eir hom e in the United S tates Is the opossum , usually abbieviateci to possum in th e so u th ern p a rt of the c ountry, w here he is b est known. He is the only m em ber of th e m arsupial fam ily know n o utside of A ustralia, al j though th ere a re m any siieeics of his i fam ily in C entral a u d South America. | T he possum as.Ave know him is about j th e size ©f a cat. H is head is long. ] muzzle pointed, and he has a long prehensilei tail. T h a t is th e little anim al t h a t can u se his ta il a s n s o rt o f fifth fo o t. H e is able to g rasp th e limb of a -tree w ith ft and fi-equeiitly hangs from i t suspended head down. 'The flesh of th e iiossum is considered a delicacy in th e south ern sta te s, w here it i-4 baked a ud eaten Avith roa.sted KAveet potatoes. One of th e pe<*uliar things a bout th e possum is th a t Avhen thfeateiiefl with harm he pTotends to be dead. The expression "playln? possum ” comes from th is t r a it o f th< anim al. The illustratio n show s a |X)S- sum in a tree. He was snapped in P ennsylvania. F arm ers say th a t pos­ sum s a re g re a t poultry thieves. I’erhajAs sonae of our young friends who live w here lie thrives know w h eth er ha hi or not. ^ ■ Avliich origi­ find .some particular article that one is seeking. Small articles such as gloves scarfs, etc., vi’ill th en be read y a t baud w hen req u ired in a hurry. Some sort of receptacle Avith deep drawers is almost a necos.sit.v in an attic aud may be used to store aAvay b la n k ets and q u ilts. Avhich should not be squeezed into too small a space. For Sod« U sers. AVashing soda should be thoroughly dissolvefl in the washing water before the clothes .n’e put in. Never allow it ^to lie about on the clothes, as this sometimes causes iron mold. Soda should never be added to water in which woolen things are being washed, as it causM them to shrink. good dessert you can order. Prove it. have been fortunate euoiigh to obtain specimens of its work are con This applies to all aids and all profe.s- being shaped to accommodate a bowl of cut flowers or a jardiniere of fern.s. -aoiis. Cliu.gliig too rigidl.v to lier work Avithoiit any outside intore.sts is All ho.xes should be eai-efully label­ ed, so that one need not have to lose tim e ami patienc-e Avhen Avisliing to In tls« For O w r 3 0 Yoars of art more he brought to his art of outside g ra tu la tin g tliem se lv es. T h e illu str a tio n sbOAVs a n ovel tab le in tAvo tiered iu teresls tiio moi-e his Avork improved. style. I t is carried ou t iu h a n d so m ely jiolished m ah ogan y, th e upper sec tio n Storeroom B ags and B oxes. For Infants and Children ugav s c h o o l n a te d in Vienna are Avondering AA-hat effect the AA'ar AA-ill have on i t T em porarily a t least the supply has been s h u t o.ff, and those who men and AA'omen th e girl should .avail A storeroom may he made to look very attractive if all the bags are made of cretonne of one pattern and the boxes are of uniform size, but this is a luxury wliich many cannot afford. CASTORIA CREAM. It’s the most inexpensive GR A C EFU LLY SH A P E D MAHOGANY T A B LE HOSE \i’ho admire the handicraft of the h erse lf of. •ipl to throw tlie Avoman into ,1 narrow rm. from AvliicU she will 'iiul it h;ir>l llo extric;it<» luM-.-self. 9x12 Axminster Rugs, $lS.oO; Lin­ oleum, 4.'lc. yd. BFROER’S PALL SALE. Keeping the c. of 1. doAvn is what every j^oine .great artist once said that the MASTER POSSUM IS A TIGER SKIN COAT. B arbaric elegance is suggested by the A'ery sm a rt coat of Dger skin here pictured. The high collar, w ide b e lt a nd sloped line of th e Avrap are all on the m ost advanced line.s. F u r and velvet coats a re of volumi*. nous proportions. T he long fu r coa^ is alw ays m ore interesting in appear­ ance than the sh o rt one. And the e a r­ ly inodeLs, w ith wide, flaring skirts, often edged Avith a co n trastin g fu r, a re especially luxurious looking. Keeping the Cost Dowii. tlungs. liresenls itself of meeting interesting 1 Every Flavor Meets With Favor. Social Side of the Business W om en A line M organ and Pj^rty B ound H om e I ^ 1 0 QR ISN’T MUCH FOR A TAILORED S U IT -IF IT’S A GOOD SUIT! J. SCHRAUTH^S SONS, 1 4 9 - 1 5 1 M a in S t r e e t . Poughkeepsie. And thal’-'Tjust what this SPECIAL SUIT we are offering this week is. It’s worth fully $18. THE BUSIEST SUIT HOUSE IN THE CITY. OUR DEPARTM ENTS ARE TEEMING STOCKS OF New Cape Coats, New Balmacaans, Separate Skirts, W ITH I New Gowns, I New "Waists, I Raincoats* THE NEW COLLEGE COAT ! YARDS AND YARDS OF FIN E FR E SH DRESS GOODS. BIG OPENING SALE On Ladies’ Suits, Coats, Skirts and Dresses. NEW FALL M ODELS-Tailoretl Suits Opening Sale— $12.96, $14.96, $17.96, $19.96 and up. COLLEGE COATS— Scotch Plaid AVoolen, heavy material;;. Opening Sale $7.96, $9.96 up to $19.96* NEW FALL D R ESSES—Opening Sale $5.96, $8.96, $10.96* $12.96 up. SEPARATE SKIRTS—Long Russian Tunics, Opening Sale, $2.96, $3*94, $4.96, $5.96 and $6.94. M ILLINERY DEPARTM ENT—Tyimmed Black Velvet Hats, Opening Sale $2.96, $3.94, $4.96. H. ROSENMANN, 38d Main Street.