• .^-4- HE PUBLIC: !m.; On Jyne iiO, 101^5, Miore were 1.',2H3 TU miles of railrotid in Texas. Vciy little has heon added since that time. They have tiO/J')!! employes a^ woik every day iu the year.. Th.ese railroads have a capitalizition (stocUs iwul bonds) of S;»l,()ir) per iiiile. Their value for taxin^^ purpose^ as found by the State Tax Hoard is ^.Tl,!')© 00 per mile. They are really worth more. The total cost of construction up to June 80, 1013, avvira^ed $89,97') per mile as shown by Table No. 10, page 397 Annual Report Railroad Commission, lOli!. THE FRANK STEPHENS CO. The capitalization of laiiroads in other countries and the United States as England Belgium France Brazil Italy '. *.. Austria Switzerland Germany You Will Find a Good Place to Trade When You Trade With Us. Don't Forget You Can Buy TWO LOAVES of the Pest BREAD IVIade for 5c. $269,496 189,023 143,435 , v . . 142,080 1^,116 .....120,311 117,953 116,666 Spain . Japan Russia. Holland . „ Servia Hungary. United States Texas $88,36884,301 83,496 82,796 73,373 .. 69,084 63,944 31,615 itahzatibn of the railroads m the United States is less than in Tl)p f'"'ii' 1^,^ The ,\nnua! Reports of the Railroad Com mission'of Texas show that for the-bscil .year endiofj: June ;U) 101 L\ the railroad of Texas lacked j;;i,:!Hi.',40;{ 51 of col!e(;lin<r enoiij^h to pay their operating and necessary charm^s and expenses. For the year ending June ill), 101:5, they lacl<ed ijil.bOl,37^,31 of col lectinK enough, and while the tij^ures for the tiscal year endinK June 30, 1914, are not all available, enou^jh is known to make certain that the railroads of this state will have a net deficit or loss of about Eight Million Dollars. In arrivirijr at these deficits; or losses, noa<'connt is taken of iiermaneiit imprnvwinflnti and bat^armnntnh TUaaa, if coniidnrndi uroiiihii --i^t *^*^t«* | -.'-.. M lleflclt's, or"»norVages, . r Thws itijs plainly to be seen, and must be acknowledged by all fairminded men, that tlie railroads of Texas are confrorited by af serious and dangerous situation. Indeed, -some of them have been unable to escape Federal (^)urt n'ceivevships, and none of them have ttre-^^tmdi^ urgently needed, and which the interests of the public re<iuire. Sip Every railroad in Texasnow in the hands'of and operated by, receivers, was valued, and the amount of the stocks and bonds thereof approvecland limited hy the Railroad Commission under the Texas Stock and Hond raw. Therefore, it is certain, over capitalization is not the cause of their financial distress. — • . ' We tlimk.it due to you, who pay the bill atjd need the service of the ,ab. ' c«aatticm-.ji£ fche£-pr«l^t'tk»s r xsses^e^ssssai ,Tllr> bonds of the Texas roads am.o«nt to only>23,212.00 per mile, As a )ul.>, fio iTividends are over paid on railroad stocks in Texas, and th erefore the'amount of stocI<*s is without influence, so far as the tinancfa! conddition of the roads is coaeerned. The interest on the bonds, however, must be paid in or?ler to keep the roads out of bankruptcy-, and as such intere.st in supposed to,, he pftidettfe4)f earnings, the p.ublic is interested in knowing that the bonds do not exceeii the value of the l-oads—in other words, that they ate Lot wateredT AVe are glad to be able to state, posifi'vely, that there are nil watered l)<inds on Te.xus railroads. And the same is true as to stocks, taking thi' roads of the state as a whole. 15,283 miles of Itcosts and immense amount of money to operate railroad in this stale, and as you pay the same, in freight and passenger fai't s you, of course, are vitally interested in knowing whether the roads are collecting enough, or more than is necessary. You who bought distoifte to run your engines during the pumping season, will please return the empty barrels, as the company is wanting us to return same to them at once, and your return of them promptly will oblige both, us and the company. ^ ^ THE FRANK STEPHENS CO. Isr.t'ii.^ \V.> l)t>g to assure you tliat u* ,uf UUUIK our,very best to Rive you ^^ service. / We respectfully and earnestly ask, and desire, your heli)and assistance in keeping down and preventing all useless and unjust expenses and charges again.sL the railroads. We do this foe tjie reason that you pay W\^ expenses, and sulTcr the loss of service necessarily resulting whrn the expenses and fixed (Imrges exceed the income of the roads. You therefore have a direct interest in the matter. Wo respectfully submit tliat it is but fair and just that the railroads be permitted to earn what the law says they are entitled to,—a fair return on the value of the property devoted to your use. Nothing more is asked nor expected. » :. Respectfully, General Manager Texas Railroads. I ^^:^^l^kP'^w^\^^w^v^r^f^^jl^^^^^^^i l>OOOO<>OOOOO«0O< BOB KEITH MAKES CHEST MANY FROM HERE WILL SEE ! SAYS SEALY IS HAVING VERY THE HEADLIGHT WANTS AND PLEASANT EVENING WAS' THAT IS WORK OF ART CIRCUS IN HOUSTON TUESDAY; GOOD MARKET FOR COTTON NEEDS YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT SPENT AT THE DAILY HOME , M r ^ n d Mrs. Mason McCarty I Quito a lar^e crowd of Eagle are this ,veek the recipients of ai Lake j^eople will go down to liandsbme and useful wedding I Houston next Tuesday to see the present with compliments of Mr. I Barnuin & Bailey circus in that liob Keith. It is a beautiful white city. Most of the Eagle Lake e'narneled wall medicine chest. people will go down on the early The hinges, the door kn-ob and I Sa|) train and witness the afterscrews tha"t fasten it to^the wall I noon performance. Since the are of bright brass, the outside i Sap has been running so irreguttf the door being abeautiful heavy larly-of late, \wliavo heard severmirror, and when opened the ial hoping that the train will come inside of the door shows a lovely ; through on schedule time on this picture. The shelves are of heavy •occasion, as it Is very necessary glass fastened with nickel-plated , that they "take the children lixtures. The chest was made '• down" to see the elephants. out and out, even to the cuttipg -Apply SI cam's F re e lyFo rLtrm d a go. <»fthe heavy glass shelves, by Mr. . Vour attacks of LiliiiliaKt) arc not iieaiIveitli. it is a handsome present I ly so hopoli's.s as itiey .seem. You can ' rclievp th(>ra almost instantly by a simple and a work of art, and needless ai)()1ication of Sloan'.s l.inimpiit on tiie ' b a r k a n d loins. Lunil)a>;o i.s a form of to say is highly appreciated. I rheumatism, uud yieUts perfectly- to — Mr. J. If. Owen of Scaly was over on business last Stturday. He says Sealy has been having a good stronge cotton market all the season, and that the merchants of that place hav.- been taking in quite a Pit of cotton on account, paying all the way from a sixteenth to a quarter of a cent more tlian any other toA'n around here. The merchants have been buying the cotton ' for cash and taking it in on account,''\here be ing a special cotton buyer there to take all the cotton otT of their hkndseyrly.njjtjit. ....... If the Headlight coinosup to A delightful evening was spent your expectation as a country at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. weekly, we want your support— III. Daily on last Friday in play we need it to keep the paper up. ing forty-two. These enjoying Of course the paper does not : the occasion were Messrs. and please every one—they are some Mesdames R. E. Walker, Mason I)P()l)!e here who expect to see a McCarty, Hayes Stephens, Bruce regular New York World cogie I McCarty, B. II. Daily, Misses out every Friday afternoon, but I Sophia Daily and Elizabeth Rob tho^j3 who do think the Headlight inovitzand Mr. Sam Cohn. Deanswers the purpose as a local licious refreshmetit of gelatin country weekly newspaper, can with whipped cremn and angel be of great assistance if they-will cake were,.seryed. speak a kind word in favor of the publication to their, friends and I What is Best for Indigestion? \ . Robinson of Driiio'iuiii. Onlarneigh.bors. We^ are trying, to I, io,Mr. ha-s been troublwl for yenrH'witli imlt' t') make this paper an ideal coun- ' K o t i o n . Mild recoiiimeriils Chamberlain'« Granulated Sore Eyas Cured. n s ' l l i e best r.iwiieine I evcru^iid." try weekly, but is will require j, Tablet.^ If troubled with imTiKesfion or const'pa" F o r twi'tity years I suffered fnmi .abad case of Kr;iniil.ili(l sore e y e s , " .says Martin the cooperation and good will of I tion give them a trial. They are certain Boyd of II-HTfptfa, K y . " I n Februaiy, all the people of the town to do j to i)i-oV(! beneficial. They Mree;isy totnke 1 aiij |)le;ii(aiit ill ctTect. I'ricc, '2.'t cants. 1!K):{. a KentliMiian asked rne to try ChamT o r sale by all dealers. - A d v . berlain's Salve, r bou.ght one f)ox and it. . Mr. Archie CearB"al and little ; Slo.m':-!, whjch [jpnet rates <]ttickly a|l in used about two-thirds of it and my eyes ihroujjh t h e son-, teiuler inu.ieleH, linibors i TO WATER & LIGHT CONSUMbrother, .fjee Monroe, retui'ned jI up Mr. and Mrs. .J. Nathan left the back a n d niakts it feel fine. Cict a I have not giVen rae a n y troubh; s m c e . " ERS. this week from a visit to relatives I bottle of Sloan'.s Lininuiil for 2."> cents of This salve Is for sale b y ande:ilers.—Ad v. Tuesday for Yoakum where they I .any druKKist and have it in the house— All those who owe us past due in San Ant(mio. 'spent Wednesday, the Jewish I iiRaiu.st colds, .soro and .swollen joints, GIN AT MATTHEWS HAS accounts are hereby notified that rheumatism, neuralgia, sci.iltica and like REACHED 500 MARK they must settle their account by ; holiday, with relatives. ailinent.s. Your money back if not satislithe tenth of October without fail ed, but it docs give almost instant relief. Mr. Rd. MoRee, who, in con or be cut off. We have our own I The HEADLKJHT 1 year, $1.50 Mrs. M. M. Steinweis left last nection with Mr. Thos. II. Boul- obligations to meet, and must conduct our business on a strictweek for a visit to relatives in den, is operating the gin at MaV ly cash basis, even though we ofD R . K y , JACKSOjsf Hallettsville. Mr. Steinweis join- thews, stated Wednesday that up fend our friends in doing so. ed her there Wednesday, spend- to that time they had ginned 470 When your account is presented PHYSICIAN a SURGEON bales oT cotton. By this time, AND* RETURN or mailed please settle a t once. ing the holiday in that city. Office however, it is very likely that Ea^le Lake Water & J..ight Co. Second Floor Norris Bldg. M r. Harry Tei'reH, who is at they have turned out something Eagle Lake, -"' • Texas. Te.xans are eating Iowa pork. tending the Massey Business over the five hundred mark. NATIONAL FEEDERS Ten carloads of hogs, forty four Collpge in Houston, came up last \ M) of tfrem weighing K»0 i)ounds^ Friday aud spent a few days each, were purchased recently { visitinp in the city. , by a Eort Worth packer, slaugh.-i Careful diet U c( utmost importince to Miss Beatrice Faber left last men .ind women past fifty years of age; \ tered and sold to the Texas trade. week for Dallas whcr^ she has it kerps up thuir stren>;lh, and tlie oil- i The porkers were raised in Iowa food in Scott's Emulsion is a nouri.shing entered the Ilalin's Music School food, a curative medicine and a sustaining aud were the hctvicst swine martonic to retfulate the functions. of that city. ' keted in Texas in many years.! Steam and Dornestic. It contains the medicinal fats of pure. co<l lirur oil and science provea that they Can Texans afford to buy Iowa Mis. .1. C. Cooper of Garwood furnish twice as much encrgj- as ottier pork?—Crockett Courier. W. E. LENHART fcxxls^Tlu-n too, it creates pure blood, spent several days in the city «l.orp»n 111., app^rili- ffliov.-« rh.»ntn«. —OufOongyfttulfttionnareoMteHd thefirfetof ttie week visiting rt Tirkct* (•n .S»le Dailv ' 'el. 0 to V\ tisiD, striMiKthens the Ixxly and alleviate* PHONES: ed Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Kolberg the ailtnt'tits due to declining years. atives. ^ ^ vScott's is free from wines, alcohol or on the arrival of a fine boy at Yard 64. Office 19. bat'oiful drugs. - Beware of subsUtutea. iheir iKHnela»t Friday. ! Live hierchants Sdvertise! Ft. Worth Breeders Show HEALTH PAST RFTY «! i COAL j.^;'._ .'^:-:%.^'%tr\fr.mt^= . 9. *-\. Alamo Beer W. E. WELFORD \ ^ eyes of his neigl^liDrs. His dis- and bringing everybody to his PRESBYTERIANS WILL GIVE BAPTIST PASTOR COMPLIMENTS ' MERRY MATRON CLUB MET TURKEY SUPPER OCTT. 9TH tilling i>lant is a Small and primi- rescue, only to forget what was HIS HOME TOWN NEWSPAPER; WITH MRS. HOENINGHAHS tive affair. He can hide it in a ailing him as soon as he comes in The ladies of Presbytetian sleeping bag, or carry it off in his contract with his nourishment. Rev. .l.A. Steplien,lhep<)l'"l'V>"! The Merry Matron Club was church will give a supper in the arms to the hills if a revenue cut- Dallas News. Baptist pastor, was a pleasant j delightfully entertained at the Abner was haled to court to an caller atour othce this week. Mr. i pretty home of Mrs. P. A. Hoen Lee Hughs building next door to fctn- shows in the offing. The still itself is usually an old swer to a complaint that grew Stephen paid the Headlight some] inghaus yesterday afternoon ; the F. S. Ulery vt Son jewelery • •is' from four to six o'clock. After j establishment on Friday, October oil can; the llakestand, a powder out of a broken bargain, and high compliments. He says it o'clock in keg; the worm, a twisted gunbar- among the witnesses calletl to undoubtedly the besL small town several games, delicious iced yth beginning at six afternoon. A eeneral turkey rel; the receptacle to catch the testify was Hiram Wilking. "Mr. paper he ever saw, and aside grape juice and cake were seifved. supper, with all the good things liquor that drips from the worm WiHiins," said the examining from the vast amount of local in- The guests, aside from eithteen formation it contains every week, regular club members, included | that go to make up a supper of a tomato can. He knows nothing lawyer, "you know the defendone can always find some choice Mesclames Donley, Stoermer, that kind will be served, and the of the Southern mountaineer's ant in this case, do you notV" selections, which are ' beneficial EfnshofT, Putney and Misses Iie-^| ladies extend a cordial invitation ".iiash,"' made from the meal of "Oh, yes," answered Hir«jn. and uplifting, and there is always gina Chew, Mary Terrell, Ethyl to all the people of Eagle Lake sprouted corn. His mash is a "Knowed him nigh outer forty a sup])ly of wit and humor, which Davis. The club will meet with" and vicinity to make their ar- fermented mixture of Hour and years now." "What is his repuHaynie Matthews ne.xt ranjieiiients to take supper with molasses. He boils it by placing tation for veracity':"' asked the helps to drive away the blues. Mrs. ihein on this occasion. The pro- undcM- the still a pan of blubber lawyer. " I s he regarded as a We assure Mr. St(,'plTcn his kind |Thursday afternoon. ceeds will go to the church build- oil in which burns a w'ck of twist- man who never tells the truth?" words arc highly appreciated.' ..^ , r^ ,, ., ,. , , , ,! Messrs. Jo3 Green, Maynard ing fund,as the Presbyterian peo- ed moss. The vapor from the "Waal, I ain't goin' that fur," May Ins shadow never grow less! !r , i r> r. ^ ploare.makiutJuaiLell'ovJL lo com- hoittng ifrash-passes-f rom the still answered Hiram, "but 1 do know girls --^--.~~-:,r^=^:,T^^^jL.a^;::^.z^...t, fLanda and Basse Burns spent plete their church buildiijg, work in the worm, where it is condens- that if he wanted his hogs t e " , Mrs.Mrs.'Lena S. C. Smothers, willsister,; leave in Columbus. on which was begun somemonths ed by cold sea water, with whicli come ter dinner he'd have j ^ j . L(!ary and Sunday v'^rtTng^TTTeir b e s | tomorrow for a visit to relatives Mrs. Sam H. Little and little ago, but abandoned on. account the powder keg is kept tilled by git somebody else to call ^^^^ " in San Antonio. Mrs. Leary will in, Sam Lewis Little, returned of the strinj^rent condition in hand, and trickles out into tlie A German farmer w'^,., had lost retu rn Monday while M rs. Smotji-1 ^^ tomato can an alcoholic liquor Tuesday from a visit t<i relatives money matters. his horse advertise^;, ^^r it in this ers will remain for a two weeks which tastes like none of the liqin Schulenburg.> The Eskimos Make Moonshine. uors of civilization, but equals the way. "One. nit,^ fhe udder day visit. It may surprise those who as- fiercest of them in intoxicating abou,t a we"^;^ .^^^^ 1^^^^ month 1 sociate "moonshine" whisky only potency. One deep swig of this herd m'^a noise by der front mid with the Southern States raoun- moonshine in the N6rth will make I'l'^vii de pac yard which did'not taios to learn that since the sup- the usually timid Eskimo br^jve 'use to be. So I jumps the ped p^-ession of the countraband liq enough to face his mother-in-law out und runs mit der door and uor traffic between whites and or a Polar bear with equally reck- ven I sees I finds my pig gray natives in the North the Eskimo less disregard of consequences. iron mare he was tied loose and "1 have seen many a merry company around a table but has himself turned "moonshitft runnin' mit der stable off. Whonever around a pump." er." No touch of romance clings —Wide World Magazine. ever prings him back shall p a j to the business up there. There five dollars reward." The Young Politician. are no hidden stills sending up "What makes you think the PROVIDE GOOD CHEER WITH LOHE STAR BEER Following a pleasant visit here tell tale columns of smoke from baby is going to be a great politilonely coves or purple glens; no cain?" asked the ynnng mother! to .Mrs. E. G. Harris, Miss Dora solitary lookout on some crag anxiously. The young father re- Massey departed yesterday for San Antonio, the family havinif Try a bottle of against the sky with rifle anthj^r^'. He can say more things gourd neck horn to sound an that sound well and mean nothing recently moved to that city from "It's Food and Drink." alarm when the revenue raiders than any kid I ever saw."—.Tosh- Illinois. •~ in .^ntonl^>. come galloping over the rim oiJuaStar. Mrs. Delia Phillips of HousHrewed ar.il TexHii LONE STAR BREWING CO., the hills. Those who prefer their j Another sign that the baby is ton is the guest of her rfon, -Mr. liutUed by moonshining in tbisstyli would liable to grow into a politician is James Phillips, and wife, having LOCAL do better to stick to thoCumber. j ^^^^ ^^^, ^,^^ j . ^ ^ , ^ ^^^^^, has of stopped off last Saturdav while lands and the Big Smokies. T h e ' DISTRIBUTOR promising to be good and then en route home from a visit to F.Kkimo does his moonshintr in going bt*(df on bin wordi i>)i\\\' S;tu Anmnlo. his igl(X), or j u s t (»utside in. his j another sign is liis habit of mak VVc du not solicit orders or ship Beer in Violation of Statplaws. front yard, M it were, under the' in^f th^e most outrageous outories' Subscribe for the HKA[>LIOHT Daniel O'ConneU the Great Irish Liberator, said: $9.10 ±1^