International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016 Performance Evaluation of Sinusoidal Current Control Strategy Unified Power Quality Conditioner Rudranarayan Senapati, Rajesh Kumar Sahoo, Rajendra Narayan Senapati, Prafulla Chandra Panda, Senior Member,IEEE KIIT UNIVERSITY, Bhubaneswar, Odisha e-mail:,,, Abstract- This paper focuses on Constant Sinusoidal current control strategy based simulation of UPQC (Unified Power Quality Conditioner). The proposed methodology guarantees sinusoidal current to be drawn from the supply system. In addition to this it compensates the reactive power, for which the compensated current and the source voltage are in phase. In case of non-linear loads connected to the system which draw harmonic power along with constant average power, UPQC is able to supply the harmonic power, so that harmonic components are not drawn from the supply system. . The UPQC not only deals with harmonic power of the load but also deals with zero sequence power owing to imbalances in the power system. Simulation studies of UPQC for Three Phase Four Wire system with neutral point clamped topology has been performed using MATLAB R2014b for combination of Linear and non-linear loads. The results of the simulation study reveal that the current obtained from the supply system is apparently sinusoidal with a very low THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) within 0.04 percent. Keywords- UPQC, Power Quality, Non Linear Load, Harmonics, Power factor, Reactive power compensation. I. INTRODUCTION The present energy scenario puts an immense challenge for electrical engineers to meet the consumer’s rising expectations of getting high quality of power. The advanced load that comprises of microprocessor and microcontroller based power electronic (PE) devices are susceptible to Power Quality (PQ) issues than that of equipments used earlier. The increased demand of power system efficiency and accurate controllability can be achieved successfully with the excessive use of electronic controllers for various load equipment such as adjustable speed motor drives, power factor correction devices as capacitors, but due to excessive use of these PE devices the harmonic level on power systems increases which indirectly affects the system capabilities in future as it can cause enormous voltage drop and line losses. The most critical area for the above problems are mainly continuous process large industry and the information technology utilities. Due to disruption, an 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE enormous amount of financial disaster may occur, with the related fall of productivity and competitiveness. Consumers are becoming informative about the PQ problems such as sags, cut-off or disruption and switching transients and imposed the suppliers to deliver enhanced quality of power. Utilities have taken number of attempts to achieve consumer demand so far and many measures have been taken for power quality improvement to obtain the higher PQ level. In general, low quality of power may arise the increased power diminutions, unusual and unwanted behavior of devices, intervention with adjacent communication lines, and so on. Moreover the wide application of PE operated devices has brought the charge on power distribution system by producing power quality problems like harmonics in currents and voltages in addition to excessive reactive current. For improving the performance of distribution system and with increase in the use of improved power semi conductor technology, the custom power concepts were introduced in distribution system which elaborates the beneficial power that electrical suppliers will provide their consumers in near future, emphasizing on condition of flow of power and dependency. Due to the high demand and technological advancement in the field of high power semi-conductor devices, the proposed custom power solution are implementing now days. The customer obtains rated power quality from the service provider or by installing the equipment in co-ordination with the utility. The cost effective solution for filtering harmonics and solving other PQ issues is passive filters, but the disadvantages are harmonic resonance and amplification that totally depends upon the source and line impedance and other load parameters which are uncertain [1]-[2]. To mitigate the above problems, the Active Filter along with power electronic devices and application of FACTS concepts all together results a single compensating device, i.e., Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC). Then question arises why only UPQC, why not DSTATCOM, DVR and other FACTS devices? DSTATCOM is shunt connected device meant for current compensation whereas DVR is series connected device meant for voltage compensation only, but UPQC as a single unit uses both the above concepts [4]. The configuration of UPQC has been described in section II, whereas the control strategy has been explained in section III. The results from the simulation and analysis using MATLAB\SIMULINK are discussed in section IV and section V draws the conclusion. Whereas p0 = + p0 A verag e V alu e II. UPQC In low or medium distribution system, the problems related to PQ (e.g., voltage disturbances/fluctuations, injection of harmonic load current, etc.) that affects the performance of critical load is mitigated by a multi tasking standalone custom power device, named UPQC-Unified Power Quality Conditioner[3]. To justify its name the device works for the common objective synchronically to mitigate the three basic issues of PQ (Voltage Sags, Voltage Swells, harmonics, etc.), Power factor Improvement and Phase Unbalancing [7]. o f th e Z ero S eq u en ce P o w er aid s th e p0 O scillatin g C o m p o n en t o f Z ero S eq u en ce P o w er to tal en erg y tran sfer (3) ( 1 v i + v ia + vca i and q = v β iα − vα iβ = bc b 3 ab c ) (4) Configuration of UPQC UPQC consists of two interconnected inverters (Series and Shunt) realized either by Capacitor (Voltage Source Inverter-VSI) or by Inductor (Current Source Inverter-CSI) as a common DC-link voltage bus as shown in Fig.1. Fig.2. Physical significance of instantaneous power in αβ 0 frame. p + p0 → Total Instantaneous power flow in unit-time. q → Power exchange between three phases without any transfer of energy [Where ia , ib , ic and va , vb , vc are the Instantaneous Current and Voltage in VSI-embedded UPQC is mostly used due to its compact nature and more cost effective as compared to CSIembedded UPQC having bulky DC-side filter and improper switching devices [5].The shunt part that contributes the required reactive power and harmonic currents is in opposite to the load whereas the series part that provides the required voltage is connected along the source voltage [6]. Apart from the above parts UPQC also have shunt coupling inductor (a link between the shunt inverter and the network), an LC filter (for elimination of high-frequency switching ripples) and a coupling transformer. III. CONTROL STARTEGY The 3-φ 4-wire system allows all line currents to be independent unlike 3-φ 3-wire system where two of them are independent[8].Hence for correct representation, additionally instantaneously p0 (zero sequence power) is introduced in αβ0-reference frame as the third instantaneous power along with p (instantaneous active power) and q (instantaneous reactive power) [9]. Mathematically that can be expressed as: 0 vα v β 0 i 0 v iα β i −vα β (1) The 3-φ instantaneous active power is: P = vaia + v i + vcic = vα iα + v i + v i = p + p 3−φ β β 00 0 bb frame. iα , iβ , i0 and vα , vβ , v0 are the Instantaneous Current and Voltage in αβ 0 -frame]. The active, reactive current components are derived from the instantaneous abc voltages and currents and represented as: Fig.1. Block diagram of UPQC p v 0 0 p = 0 q 0 abc (2) v v vα vα iα β p β 0 1 1 = + 2 2 iβ v 2 + v 2 v v v v − − 0 α vα + vβ β α q α β β ReactivePart ActivePart By the use of Inverse Clarke Transformation imaginary current can be obtained as follows: ia ( p ) i b( p ) i c ( p ) = 1 2 1 − 2 3 1 − 2 (5) vα iα + v β i β vα 3 2 vβ vα2 + v 2 β − 3 2 0 ia ( q ) v ic + v i a + v c a i bc b i = ab b (q ) v 2 + v 2 + v c2a ab bc i c ( q ) v bc vc a v ab abc real and (6) (7) A.Shunt inverter control To compensate the VAR, the current harmonics and to control the voltage across DC-link capacitor, it is observed that the universal expressions for the p − q theory are not sufficient for compensation of load current. Therefore to satisfy the compensation characteristics, the following three control strategies were introduced [10]. Constant instantaneous power control strategy: This is the strategy used in which the Shunt active filter must compensate a constant portion of power that is oscillating real-power. Sinusoidal current control strategy: This strategy may be used where sinusoidal current is drawn from the source. Generalized Fryze current control strategy: This is the strategy normally used to minimize the rms value of current with which same volume of energy can transfer as that of the distorted current. IV. SIMULATION RESULT The analysis of operation of UPQC for a 3-φ 4-wire system can be observed by using MATLAB\SIMULINK. The power circuit and its control circuit for 3-phase 4-wire system with unbalanced source voltage and distorted load current are modelled. Various simulation studies were carried for the system with circuit parameter as shown in Table I given below. TABLE I Simulation Parameter Load Parameter Value Non Linear Load Resistance 100Ω Inductance 0.15mH Linear Load 1000V Nominal phase-to-phase voltage ( Q ) Active Power ( P Fig.3. Block diagram of Shunt Inverter control Out of the above three methods, we use the second control strategy for our consideration. The Sinusoidal current control strategy is enforced, iff the Shunt APF is accounted for the harmonic power to guarantee balanced, fundamental frequency current to be obtained from the supply. Additionally, APF compensates the Reactive Power in such way that, the compensated current and the fundamental positive sequence component of the voltage are in phase. But, it does not generate the Real Power (constant) till the system voltage is non-sinusoidal and unbalanced. Again due to high rms value, Ohmic Losses are there in the Power Distribution System. 10kW ) 100Var Reactive Power (Q ) DC Link Capacitance 1000µF Fig.5 shows the utility side parameters where Fig. 5(a) shows the nature of supplied voltage in phase and Fig. 5(b) shows the behavior of line current of 3-φ 4-wire system. These waveforms reveal how UPQC compensate the disturbances in source side. The source current THD value was found to be 0.3% due to the compensation process of UPQC and the FFT analysis result of the system is shown in Fig.6. B.Series inverter control Voltage disturbances like voltage harmonics, voltage sag or swell due to the overloaded distribution line can be compensated by the help of series inverter. The comparison of the components of positive sequence voltage Vabc and the distorted source voltage VR _ abc , series inverter injects a reference voltage in phase with the voltage (supply). For the compensation of voltage sag or swell, there is real power balancing among the inverters and the real power either supplied or absorbed from the supply line. To manage the capacitor voltage to a fixed value, series inverter must absorb or deliver instantaneous real power equivalent as that of shunt inverter deliver or absorb. (a) (b) Fig.5. Utility side parameter (a) Source voltage (b) Source current Fig.4. Block diagram for series inverter control loading condition. The sinusoidal current control strategy drives the UPQC in such a way that the supply system draws constant sinusoidal current under steady state condition. In addition to this shunt converter also delivers the reactive VARs required by the load, so that the input power factor improves. The THD in source current becomes as low as 0.03 percent which is another achievement of the above study. VI. 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