Magnetism & Electromagnetism: Answers A basic knowledge of magnetism and electromagnetism is an essential requirement for understanding electrical machines such as generators and motors. The following revision exercise should help develop your understanding. 1) Complete the following statement: In magnetism Like Poles and Unlike Poles Repel Attract 2) Show the magnetic lines of force between each of the following permanent magnet poles: a) b) N N N Answer: Like poles repel S Unlike poles attract 3) Indicate the direction of magnetic field around the following current carrying conductors: a) b) Clockwise field Current flowing into conductor Anti-clockwise field Current flowing out of the conductor 4) State the rule that is associated with magnetic fields surrounding current carrying conductors: Answer: The Screw Rule A woodscrew screwed into a piece of wood is turned Clockwise, if related to the direction in which current flows in a conductor, when current flows away from the viewer the magnetic field will be turning clockwise just as the screw is turned. © Sparks Magazine 1 2 5) If a current carrying conductor is placed at 90º to a magnetic field what is the effect on the conductor? Magnetic field is directed over the current carrying conductor S N Answer: A downward force is exerted on the current carrying conductor 6) If a conductor is passed through a magnetic field in the direction shown what is the effect on the conductor? N S Answer: A voltage will be induced in the conductor, and if the conductor is part of a circuit or closed loop then a current will flow. 7) What is the effect on the conductor in question 6 if it is moved upwards through the magnetic field? Answer: Current will flow in the opposite direction. © Sparks Magazine 8) State two hand rules that can be used to determine the direction of force or current flow in a conductor when moved through a magnetic field. Answer: i) Fleming’s Left Hand Rule is used to indicate direction of force on a current carrying conductor when lying in a magnetic field. ii) Fleming’s Right Hand Rule is used to indicate direction of current flow in a conductor when it is moved through a magnetic field. © Sparks Magazine Defining terms: Answers. (Terms in bold are defined elsewhere in the list) The correct use of terms is an important part of your training to be an electrician. Try providing your own definition to the following terms. i) Earthing The connection of the exposed conductive parts of an electrical installation to the main earthing terminal of the installation ii) Equipotential bonding The electrical connection that maintains exposed conductive parts and extraneous conductive parts to earth iii) Exposed-conductive-part A conductive, (metallic) part of an item of electrical equipment which can be touched and which is not normally be live but could become live in a line to earth fault condition iv) Extraneous-conductive-part That part of an electrical installation that may become live in the event of a fault but which is not part of the electrical installation, for example a metal radiator on a central heating system v) Main earthing terminal The terminal or bar provided for the connection and termination of protective conductors, protective bonding conductors and conductors for functional earthing, to the actual means of earthing vi) Protective conductor A conductor used for the protection against electric shock, and intended for connecting together exposed and extraneous conductive parts, the main earthing terminal and the earthed point of the power supply source which may be an earth electrode at the premises © Sparks Magazine Look at the Key and then add the correct labels to the following block diagram D A A G G G B C C H F E Key: A: Class I electrical equipment, e.g metal-enclosed washing machine, electric motor, any equipment requiring a circuitprotective-conductor B: Main earthing terminal, (MET) located in the Consumers Control Unit or CCU C: Extraneous conductive part, e.g. water pipe or gas pipe D: portable class I equipment E: Consumers means of earthing F: Earthing conductor G: Circuit protective conductor © Sparks Magazine Mechanics: The electrical engineer may be required to use his / her mechanical skills to overcome various problems such as finding a suitable method of securing a trunking or cable tray to a wall or suspended from a roof structure. The following problems introduce you to basic mechanics: 1) Identify the direction in which the following levers will move when pressure is applied in the direction of the arrow. 2) Identify the direction in which the final wheel will turn. 3) Indicate the direction of rotation for each of the pulleys shown below 4) Show the resulting direction of movement for the following crank levers © Sparks Magazine © Sparks Magazine Health & Safety Quiz Part 1: Use the letter and number codes to match the abbreviation with the correct meaning: 1 HASAWA A Health and Safety Executive 2 CDM B Mobile Elevating Work Platform 3 PUWER C Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 4 HSE D Personal Protective Equipment 5 RIDDOR E Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 6 COSHH F Approved Codes of Practice 7 MEWP G Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 8 PPE H Respiratory Protective Equipment 9 RPE I Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 10 ACoP J Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 © Sparks Magazine Number Answer letter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J E G A C I B D H F Check ü © Sparks Magazine Electrical supply systems: Selecting data using the IET On-Site Guide (Covering Outcome 3 of Unit 304 ‘Understand principles for selecting cables and circuit protective devices’ (Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Installing Electro-Technical Systems and Equipment 2357-13 / 91) For each of the following state the specific function of the components: 1) Distributor’s cut-out The distributors cut-­‐out provides fault – current protection of the supply cables, ‘tails’ from the cut-­‐out to the electricity meter and from the meter to the consumers unit main switch. Removal of the fuse by an authorised person will result in isolation of the premises 2) Electricity meter The means by which electrical energy used by the consumer can be accurately measured and the consumer be billed for the energy consumed. 3) Consumers Control Unit The CCU is the point in an electrical installation where final circuits are connected to the electricity supply and protected from overcurrent by the use of suitably rated fuses or circuit-­‐breakers or RCBO’s. 4) Electricity isolator switch An electricity isolator switch is a means of isolating the power supply to an electrical installation. The isolator will be located between the meter and the consumer’s unit. The isolator will be double-­‐pole and will allow the supply to the installation to be isolated without the need to withdraw the distributor’s cut-­‐out fuse. 5) Main earthing Terminal The MET is the point at which all circuit protective conductors; main and supplementary bonding conductors and other protective conductors are terminated. The MET is normally located in the CCU or distribution board. © Sparks Magazine Three-phase alternating current: Answers (Covering Unit 309 ‘Understand the electrical principles associated with the design, building, installation and maintenance of electrical equipment and systems’ (Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Installing Electro-Technical Systems and Equipment 2357-13 / 91 or EAL equivalent) The following questions concern three-phase AC supply systems. Question 1: Complete the missing words and symbols on the following diagram U1 or BLACK phase 230 V Neutral 0 Volts 230 V U2 or BROWN phase 400 V U3 or GREY phase Sometimes the symbols: L1, L2 and L3 rather than U1, U2 and U3 are used to identify phases. Question 2: Complete the missing word or words in the following statements a) The diagram in question 1 shows the Secondary windings of a three-phase transformer. b) The voltage measured between a phase and the neutral conductor is called the Phase Voltage and is identified by the symbol Up or Vp c) The voltage measured between any pair of phases is called the Line Voltage and is identified by the symbol UL or VL © Sparks Magazine Question 3: a) State the formula used to convert line voltage to a phase voltage in a threephase system. Up or Vp = UL or VL ÷ √3 b) The voltage measured between two lines of a three-phase supply system is 400V, what is the voltage measured between one line and neutral of the same supply? Up = UL ÷ √3 Up = 400 ÷ √3 Up = 230V c) The phase voltage of a three-phase system is 240V, what is the line voltage of the same system? Up = UL ÷ √3 Rearrange the formula so that UL = √3 x Up UL = √3 x Up UL = √3 x 240 UL = 415.68V __________________________________________ © Sparks Magazine Practice multiple-choice questions for Environmental Legislation, Working Practices & Principles of Environmental Technology Systems: (Covering Unit 302 ‘Understanding environmental legislation, working practices and the principles of environmental technology systems…’ (Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Installing ElectroTechnical Systems and Equipment 2357-13 / 91 or EAL equivalent) Attempt ALL questions: No. 1 a b c d No. 2 a b c d No. 3 a b c d No. 4 a b c d No. 5 a b c d Question. The disposal of transformer oil with general landfill waste material may result in the contamination of: Atmosphere and water courses Land and water courses Air and water Land and atmosphere Answer Question. One factor that determines whether a product is classified as hazardous waste is if it is: Non-combustible Corrosive Fine particles Inert Answer Question. The Act that defines limits for emissions of products into the environment is the: Building Act Prevention of Polluting Substances Act Environmental Protection Act Health & Safety at Work Act Answer Question. The WEEE directive applies to electrical equipment that operates at voltages of up to and including: 1000V a.c. 500V a.c. 230V a.c. 100V a.c. Answer Question. Non- hazardous waste materials include: Batteries Plastic Lead Paper Answer X X X X X © Sparks Magazine No. 6 a b c d Question. A material known as a ‘heavy’ metal is: Lead Copper Mercury bronze Answer No. 7 Question. An essential requirement when working with PVC conduit adhesive is to: Keep the lid on the adhesive container at all times Only use in outdoor locations Ensure it is compatible with the conduit Provide good ventilation Answer Question. The electrical contractor is responsible for waste disposal and recycling: Up to the end of the contract Up to the location allocated for collection from site Until the material is collected from site Unless stated in the contract that waste will not be an issue Answer Question. In old industrial locations where rewireable fuses were used one hazardous material likely to be found is: Rubber Porcelain Lead Asbestos Answer No. 10 a b c d Question. Waste generated on a construction site can be reduced by: Using sub-contractors Working quickly and efficiently Careful planning Removing waste to a designated storage area Answer No. 11 Question. An serious oil leak on site that is likely to have an impact on the environment should be reported: Immediately In writing At the next site meeting After attempts to reduce the impact have been taken Answer a b c d No 8 a b c d No. 9 a b c d a b c d X X X X X X © Sparks Magazine No. 12 a b c d No. 13 a b c d No. 14 a b c d No. 15 a b c d Question. To reduce the impact on the environment caused by fire one method is to install cables with: PVC insulation Low smoke and fume insulation Silicon rubber sheath Polyethylene sheath Answer Question. To ensure the generation of waste material is kept to a minimum one action to be taken is: Store all products safely so they are not damaged and become waste products Delivered to site as required Stored on site until needed Delivered at the start of the contract Answer Question. The output power from a solar PV installation can be connected to the public power supply through a: Static converter Rotary converter Static inverter Rotary inverter Answer Question. Answer In a hydro generator system the water pressure is used to drive a: Generator Alternator Motor turbine X X X X No. 16 a b c d Question. The most common type of wind turbine in use today is the: Vertical shaft type Split shaft type Horizontal shaft type Dynamic shaft type Answer No. 17 a b c d Question. One disadvantage of a solar heating system is the: Low running cost High emission Renewable energy Long payback time Answer X © Sparks Magazine No. 18 a b c d Question. The output of a ground source heat pump is suitable for: Electricity generation Under-floor heating Hot water General wet type central heating systems Answer No. 19 a b c d Question. Potable water is: Clean water Pure water Wholesome water Safe water Answer No. 20 Question. Solar PV panel outputs are small, so to provide a useful voltage panels are connected in: Parallel Series Star Delta Answer No. 21 a b c d Question. A heat pump produces: Electricity Warm air Gas Hot water Answer No. 22 Answer a b c d Question. A heating system that derives its source fuel from landfill sites is called: Biomass Bioliquid Biogas biofuel No. 23 a b c d Question. Micro CHP systems generally have an output of approximately: 1kW 2kW 5kW 10kW Answer a b c d X X X X X X © Sparks Magazine No. 24 Question. The installation of environmental technology systems in existing premises requires consultation before installation, with the: Health & Safety Executive Local Planning Authority Water utility company Local residents Answer No. 25 a b c d Question. Grey water can be collected from a range of sources except: Shower Toilet Laundry Bath Answer No. 26 a b c d Question. Hazardous materials must be disposed of by: Main contractor Authorised contractor Sub-contractor Client Answer No. 27 Question. One method of reducing power consumption for lighting is to install lamps with a lumen per watt efficacy of: 40 30 20 10 Answer Question. One factor that determines whether a substance is hazardous waste is if it is: Flammable Chemical Organic metallic Answer No. 29 a b c d Question. A wind turbine converts wind energy into: Electrical energy Rotating mechanical energy Kinetic energy Heat energy Answer No. 30 a Question. A hydro-generator producing an output of 80kW is classed as a: Mega – hydro system Answer a b c d a b c d No. 28 a b c d X X X X X X © Sparks Magazine b c d Micro-hydro system Hydro system Large hydro-system X © Sparks Magazine Cable supports: Electric cable can be constructed in many forms, non-sheathed, sheathed, armoured, metal covered and so on. In respect to the way in which a cable should be installed depends on the wiring system that has been chosen by the designer. Question 1: Complete the following table: Type of cable Method of installation Precautions when installing or in use Non – sheathed Enclosed in conduit, trunking or ducting Single layer of insulation can be damaged and so care must be taken when drawing-in cables to conduit or ducting, or laying cables in trunking Sheathed Clipped direct or enclosed as necessary Care should be taken to ensure suitably spaced clips are provided for the support of the cable. Care must be taken when drawing – in cables to conduit, ducting or laying in trunking Laid in ducting or supported by clips, cleats, brackets, tray, basket or ladder Sufficient cable clips or cleats to be used to support surface mounted cables. Armoured Flexible Metal sheathed Laid directly on the ground, in Care should be taken to ducting, trunking or other ensure cable is not in a mechanical enclosure position where it may be damaged. Suitable mechanical protection should be provided when cables installed at floor level Clipped direct or supported on tray, basket or ladder MICC cable in particular should not be overworked as copper will work-harden and crack © Sparks Magazine Question 2: Complete the following table of cable clip spacings: Cable Horizontal spacing Vertical spacing 300mm 400mm 300mm 400mm 450mm N/A 900mm 1200mm Non-armoured sheathed Diameter: 1cm Flat twin & earth 9mm 18mm PVC SWA 25mm dia. 45º cable MICC 9.5mm dia. dia © Sparks Magazine Heater circuits: 3 – Heat Switching: Where different heat settings may be required, for example in a convector heater or electric hot-plate, one method is to switch heating elements. If the convector heater or hot-plate is fitted with two sets of resistance elements it will be possible to switch them either in series, parallel or as a single resistance using a 3-heat switch. 3 – Heat switch: Medium Low High A three-heat switch will have an OFF position, a LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH heat setting. Each position is selected by turning the knob to the required position. The internal switching mechanism will connect line and neutral to specific terminals, (labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the circuit diagram). Off More than one switch connection can be made in any position, e.g. contact 1 may connect to contact 4 and at the same time contact 3 may connect with contact 2, and so on Task 1: Complete the circuit diagram showing how the 3 – heat switch should be connected to obtain Low, Medium and High heat settings. Element 1 Element 2 1 2 3 4 L N Task 2: Complete for each setting, the following information table. Setting Switch terminal connections Heating element connection arrangement (Series, Parallel, single resistance) Low 3 switches to 1 Series (low heat) © Sparks Magazine Medium 3 switches to 2 Single (medium heat) High 3 switches to 2 4 switches to 1 Parallel (high heat) © Sparks Magazine Matching Quantity and Unit: (Covering Unit 309 ‘Understand the electrical principles associated with the design, building, installation and maintenance of electrical equipment and systems’ (Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Installing Electro-Technical Systems and Equipment 2357-13 / 91) The following terms all relate to electrical Quantity and its corresponding Unit. Try to match the following quantities to their respective units. Quantity Unit 1 Frequency A Farad 2 Capacitance B Newton 3 Energy C Ohm 4 Force D Newton-metre 5 Charge E Weber 6 Reactance F Hertz 7 Torque G Henry 8 Resistivity H Ohm / metre 9 Magnetic flux I Joule 10 Mutual Inductance J Coulomb © Sparks Magazine Solutions: 1– F 2- A 3- I 4– B 5- J 6- C 7– D 8- H 9- E 10 - G © Sparks Magazine Cable capacities of conduit and trunking: For these questions refer to the IET On-Site Guide BS7671:2008 (2011) Appendix E: If thermosetting cables are installed in the same trunking or conduit as thermoplastic insulated cables, the conductor operating temperature of any cable must not exceed that stated for the thermoplastic insulated cables Question 1a: What is the difference between thermosetting and thermoplastic PVC insulation? PVC (Poly Vinyl chloride), insulation is thermoplastic XLPE (Cross linked Poly Ethylene) is thermosetting plastic. Notes: PVC and XLPE are two plastic materials used as insulation for electric cables. XLPE has more tolerance of high temperature and will not deteriorate until it reaches 90ºC. Even above this temperature it will not instantly be destroyed, but the overall life of the cable will be reduced. PVC can withstand temperatures only up to 70ºC. Question 1b: Appendix E concerns cable capacities for three specific cases: i. Straight runs of conduit not exceeding 3 m in length ii. Straight runs of conduit exceeding 3 m in length, or in runs of any length with bends or sets iii. Trunking Question 2: Find and state the cable factors for each of the following cable types and installation methods: i. 2.5 mm2 PVC insulated cable with solid conductors installed in a straight length of galvanised steel conduit. 39 Table E1 ii. 10 mm2 PVC insulated cables with stranded conductors installed in a 2m length of galvanised steel conduit. 146 Table E1 iii. 10 mm2 PVC insulated cables with stranded conductors installed in a 4m length of galvanised steel conduit. 105 Table E3 © Sparks Magazine Question 3: Determine a suitable size of conduit to accommodate the following sized cables in a 2.8 m straight run of steel conduit: 3 x 1.5 mm2 (stranded conductors) 3 x 4.0 mm2 1 x 10.0 mm2 2 x 16.0 mm2 • • • • Answer: Use Tables E1 and E2 to find a suitable size of conduit. • • • • Cable factor (Table E1) Total cable factor 3 x 1.5 mm 27 27 x 3 = 81 2 3 x 4.0 mm 58 58 x 3 = 174 1 x 10.0 mm2 146 = 146 2 2 x 16.0 mm 202 202 x 2 = 404 Total factor = 805 2 From Table E2 a total factor of 805 is not listed so therefore the next rating up must be chosen, in this case the next factor is 1400 for a 32 mm Dia. conduit Question 4: Determine the number of 25 mm2 cables that can be installed in a 25 mm Dia. conduit. Answer: From Table E2 the total cable factor for a 25 mm conduit is 800 Next find the cable factor for a 25 mm2 cable. Table E1 gives this as 385 Finally divide 800 by 385 and the answer is: 2 cables © Sparks Magazine Question 5: The next questions concern cables installed in a steel conduit that is 5 m in length with one 90º bend and two off-sets. Note: one off-set is equivalent to one bend Question 5: Determine a suitable size of conduit to accommodate the following sized cables in the conduit: • • • 3 x 1.5 mm2 (solid conductors) 3 x 4.0 mm2 (solid conductors) 2 x 10.0 mm2 (stranded conductors) Answer: From Table E3 the following cable factors are obtained: Note: cables can be stranded or solid conductor in Table E3 • • • 3 x 1.5 mm2 3 x 4.0 mm2 2 x 10.0 mm2 Cable factor (Table E1) Total cable factor 30 3 x 30 = 90 43 3 x 43 = 129 105 2 x 105 = 210 Total factor = 429 From Table E4 find the conduit length in the left – hand column, (5 m), read across the row to the section headed 3 bends (i.e. one 90º and 2 off-sets), the nearest rating is 474 and this is for a 32 mm Dia. conduit. Question 6: Determine the number of 16 mm2 with thermosetting insulation that can be installed in a 50 mm x 50 mm galvanised steel trunking. Answer: From Table E6 for a 50 mm x 50 mm trunking the total factor is 1037 From Table E5 the cable factor for a 16 mm2 thermosetting cable is 50.3 The total number of cables that can be installed is: 1037 = 20.61 cables 50.3 © Sparks Magazine In practice a total of 20 cables will be assumed. Question 7: What is the minimum inner bend radius for a 25 mm conduit? 2.5 x the outside diameter of the conduit. 2.5 x 25 = 62.5 mm © Sparks Magazine Electrical Instrument readings: Answers In the following exercise match the actual value to the Standard Form for that value No. Value as Standard Form Measured Unit 1 Current 2 x 102 A 0.030A 2 Voltage 33x103 B 50000Ω 3 Resistance 200 x 106 C 6000W 4 Current 30 x 10-3 D 200000000Ω 5 Resistance 50 x 103 E 6000000W 6 Power 6 x 103 F 33000V 7 Power 6 x 106 G 200A 8 Voltage 400 x 106 H 400000000V Solutions: 1 G 5 B 2 F 6 C 3 D 7 E © Sparks Magazine 4 A 8 H © Sparks Magazine Illumination: Point-to-Point Lighting problems: Revision: Task 1: Artificial light can be produced in one of two ways: • By passing a current through a filament of tungsten wire • By passing an electric current through a gas such as mercury vapour The passage of current through a tungsten filament causes the filament to heat-up to about 2500ºC, at this temperature a considerable amount of heat is produced and an amount of light. This is called ‘incandescence’ If current is made to pass through a gas or metallic vapour, such as mercury, light will be produced. This is called ‘discharge’ Point – to - Point Point-to Point calculations are concerned with the amount of light at the lamp, the distance the light source, or lamp, is located away from the surface to be illuminated and the amount of light actually falling on the surface. Lighting terminology: Question 1: Define the flowing terms; show the symbol that represents the unit and / or quantity: Term Luminous Intensity Definition Unit/s The intensity of the light at the source lamp or luminaire Candela (Cd) The flow of light passing from the source to the surface to be illuminated Lumen (Lm) The luminous flux density at the surface to being illuminated Lux (Lx) Luminaire A complete light fitting with control gear, (where required), and lamp or lamps. N/A Luminous efficacy This is the ratio of luminous flux emitted by a lamp to the power, (in Watts), taken by the lamp Lumens per Watt Luminous Flux Illuminance Symbol (I) Symbol (Φ) or (F) Symbol (E) Lm / W © Sparks Magazine The Inverse Square Law: Light source The illuminance on a surface produced from a single light source reduces the further away from the light source the surface is situated. The actual reduction is such that it reduces by the square of the distance as shown by the formula: Flow of light E = I / d² This is called the Inverse Square Law and is applicable to a point immediately beneath the light source as shown Illumination Example: The intensity of a light source is 300cd and is located perpendicular to a surface 4m from it, what is the illuminance at the surface? 300 cd E = I / d² E = 300 / 42 4m E = 18.75 lx E Question 2: Calculate the illuminance if the surface is 5m away from the source. 300 cd 5m © Sparks Magazine E The Cosine Law: Light source The illuminance at point other than that immediately below the light source can be found by applying the Cosine Law. θ Flow of light EB = (I / h2) x Cos θ h To find h use Pythagoras Theorem: Height (d) h = √ d2 + x2 Illumination To find the Cosine of the angle (θ): Cos θ = d / h Distance (x) Example: EB = (I / h2) x Cos θ To find h use Pythagoras Theorem: h = √ d2 + x2 300 cd h = √ 32 + 42 = √ 25 θ h = 5m 3m To find the Cosine of the angle (θ): Cos θ = d / h 4m EB Cos θ = 3 / 5 Cos θ = 0.6 EB = (I / h2) x Cos θ EB = (300 / 52) x 0.6 EB = 7.2 lx © Sparks Magazine Question 3: Calculate the illuminance at point EB 1000 cd θ 5m 6m Question 2: Solution: EB Question 3: Solution: E = I / d² Calculate the illuminance at point EB E = 300 / 52 EB = (I / h2) x Cos θ E = 12 lx 1st find h Although the distance has only increased by 1m the lux level has dropped considerably h = √ d2 + x2 h = √ 52 + 62 h = 7.8m Next find Cos θ Cos θ = d / h Cos θ = 5 / 7.8 Cos θ = 0.64 Now find the illuminance at EB EB = (I / h2) x Cos θ EB = (1000 / 7.82) x 0.64 EB = 10.52 lx © Sparks Magazine Revision practice for City & Guilds 2357-13 Unit 309 (or EAL equivalent) The following multiple – choice questions relate to electric motors. No 1 a b c d No 2 a b c d No 3 a b c d No 4 a b c d No 5 a b c d No 6 a The terms, ‘stator’ and ‘rotor’ are normally associated with which one of the following? Direct current generators Alternating current generators Direct current motors Alternating current motors Answer A motor data plate indicates that it is an eight – pole machine, which one of the following statements is correct? The motor has four pairs of poles The motor can be connected to a d.c. supply The motor needs a single-phase power supply The motor has eight magnetic fields Answer Which of the following statements best describes an AC induction motor? The motor has an armature and field windings The motor requires a variable power supply The motor has a stator and a rotor The motor always has a wound rotor Answer To reverse the direction of rotation of a three-phase induction motor which of the following actions is required? Reverse connect any two lines of the three phase supply Reverse connect one of the stator windings Reverse connect the rotor Reverse connect (+) and (-) of the supply Answer A three-phase induction motor has 4 – poles and is connected to a supply at 50Hz. What is the synchronous speed of the motor? 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm Answer The slip speed of a single-phase induction motor is stated to be 0.02p.u. What does this mean in real terms? 0.2% slip Answer X X X X X © Sparks Magazine b c d No 7 a b c d No 8 a b c d No 9 a b c d No 10 a b c d 2.0% slip 20 rpm 2 rpm X To increase motor torque without increasing the physical size of the rotor, which one of the following is recommended? A wound rotor A cage rotor A double-cage rotor A solid rotor core and copper windings Answer Which one of the following rules can be used to describe the principle of electro-magnetic induction in the rotor of an ac motor? Flemings Left – Hand rule Flemings Right – Hand rule The Right – Hand grip rule The Right - Hand grasp rule Answer The reason for laminating the stator and rotor cores of induction motors is to: Help reduce torque Allow the escape of heat Reduce the current induced in the rotor Reduce eddy currents Answer The wound – rotor is connected to externally located resistances by the use of? A commutator Split-copper conductors Slip-Rings Steel end rings Answer X X X X © Sparks Magazine NUMBERSEARCH – British and European Standards Try to locate the following BS and BS EN numbers in the grid. (Numbers can be found vertically downwards and horizontally from left to right) BS67 Ceiling rose BS88 fuses BS951 bonding clamp BS1361 cartridge fuse BS1362 fuse links 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 3 9 2 3 5 4 7 8 9 0 3 9 8 7 7 2 1 1 2 9 4 0 4 0 2 0 6 7 7 2 9 5 1 0 0 2 6 6 1 5 5 8 0 9 8 9 2 4 1 3 3 6 1 8 5 1 3 4 9 8 1 3 7 1 6 7 3 8 6 8 7 4 1 0 7 2 3 0 8 4 2 1 3 BS1363 13A sockets BS3036 fuses BS7671 IET Regs BS7540 Cables BSEN60309 sockets 6 6 4 1 3 6 3 8 2 4 1 2 7 1 6 7 6 2 2 8 1 3 2 5 0 1 6 0 9 8 3 8 2 5 7 7 1 2 7 4 8 1 3 6 2 1 4 3 1 5 7 4 3 3 0 1 0 2 4 7 6 7 1 5 0 6 1 0 0 0 8 1 BSEN61000 EMC BSEN60898 CB’s BSEN60601 Medical BSEN61009 RCD BSEN50266 fire test 3 0 9 7 3 8 6 2 0 2 4 0 9 1 7 5 9 1 6 0 1 2 0 6 7 1 7 6 0 3 6 0 2 6 3 9 2 4 6 6 5 5 0 6 7 3 6 0 8 9 8 5 4 3 3 0 4 8 0 1 2 6 1 0 0 9 5 3 2 1 0 0 4 5 3 6 5 0 1 0 2 1 7 4 2 4 9 0 1 4 BSEN61558 transformers 7 3 7 1 2 3 7 6 3 7 5 1 8 9 5 1 3 0 5 1 2 1 7 8 5 0 2 6 6 7 5 0 7 5 1 5 2 5 4 7 4 2 9 1 3 0 5 9 1 6 6 8 0 2 6 0 6 7 4 3 1 3 2 8 4 3 9 0 3 5 1 9 © Sparks Magazine Useful Formulae for City & Guilds 2357-13 Unit 309 (or EAL equivalent) I have often been asked for a summary of formulae needed for the science and principles unit, here is the list that I provided for my students: Resistance: V = IR or U = IR Series: R1 I R2 pd 1 pd2 V or U RT = R1 + R2 I = V ÷ RT or I = U ÷ RT pd1 = I R1 pd2 = I R2 V = pd1 + pd2 Parallel: I1 1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 Or when two resistors are in parallel use RT = Product ÷ Sum or RT = R1 + R2 ÷ R1 x R2 IT = I1 + I2 IT = V ÷ R T I1 = V ÷ R 1 I2 = V÷ R2 R1 IT I2 R2 V or U Resistivity or Conductor resistance: R = ρL ÷ a remember ρ (rho) is the specific resistance of the conductor material, (L) is length of conductor in metres and (a) is the cross-sectional-area of the conductor AC circuits: Resistive I R V V and I are ‘in-phase’ and I = V ÷ R Phasor diagram V I Inductive L I I lags V by 90° L is inductance in henry’s Inductive reactance XL = 2πfL V V I lags V by 90° C Capacitive I I leads V by 90° C is capacitance in Farads Capacitive reactance XC = 1 ÷ 2πfC V © Sparks Magazine Or when C is in µF then XC = 106 ÷ 2πfC I leads V by 90° V Various combinations can be made resistance and inductance, (R – L), resistance and capacitance, (R – C), or resistance, inductance and capacitance (R – L – C), series circuits. R – L circuit: I L R VR VL Note: I is common throughout the circuit. VR will be in-phase VR will be in-phase I will lag VL by 90° VS Total impedance (Z) is found from: Z = √R2 + XL2 I = VS ÷ Z VR = IR VL = IXL Phase angle θ = VR ÷ VS VS VL Phase angle θ I reference line VR Impedance triangle: By taking the Phasor diagram for the R-L circuit and highlighting the sides that make up a triangle, we can indicate the sides of the triangle that represent R, L and Z in the circuit; this produces the Impedance Triangle Phasor diagrams, VS impedance triangles VL and power triangles, Z XL (see below), all rotate anticlockwise from I their point of origin VR R Phasor diagram Impedance triangle Power factor: It can be seen that power factor (pf) can be determined by: Or pf or cos θ = VR ÷ VS from the Phasor diagram pf = R ÷ Z from the impedance triangle Power triangle: If Power (P) can be found from V x I then it is possible to show that power can be calculated from each side of the impedance triangle, BUT each power will be determined differently and will represent a different aspect of the circuit. © Sparks Magazine True Power in Watts is found from P = V x I and is the resistive part of the circuit (R) Apparent power in VoltAmps (VA) = V x I x cosθ and relates to the overall impedance of the circuit (Z) Reactive power in VoltAmpsReactive (VAr) = V x I x tanθ True Power W Phase angle θ Reactive power VAr Apparent power VA Note that power factor is normally lagging therefore the triangle is shown in this format with the Apparent power below the True power © Sparks Magazine Alternating Current (AC): Inductance Task 1: Complete the missing words and symbols Inductive reactance: (symbol __XL__) measured in: (unit: Ohms symbol: Ω) Remember when a coil of wire such as a winding in a motor, transformer or choke, (ballast), is connected to an alternating current supply, opposition to current flow is caused by two conditions, these are? i) ___Resistance__ ii) __ Inductance__ This combination results in the effect called: _Inductive reactance_ and will depend on the Frequency of the a.c. supply and the Inductance of the coil. Task 2: Label the following diagram using correct terms at (i), (ii) and (iii) (ii - current) (iii - inductance) (i – applied voltage) State the formula for inductive reactance and make a key stating the name and unit symbol for each relevant part of the formula: Key: Formula: XL = Inductive reactance XL = 2πfL f = frequency L = inductance © Sparks Magazine 1 2 Task 3: Complete the following practice questions 1) Calculate the inductive reactance of a coil of 0.23H when it is connected into an a.c. circuit operating at 50Hz. XL = 2πfL XL = 2 x π x f x L XL = 2 x 3.142 x 50 x 0.23 XL = 72.3Ω 2) A coil has 200V measured across it and a current of 1.75A flowing through it when connected to a 50Hz a.c. supply. Determine the value, (or rating), of the inductor, in Henries. XL = U / I XL = 2πfL XL = 200 / 1.75 L = XL / 2πf XL = 114.3 Ω L = 114.3 / 2 x 3.142 x 50 L = 0.364 H 3) Determine the current flowing through a coil of 0.65H when connected to a 230V 60Hz a.c. supply. XL = 2πfL I = U / XL XL = 2 x π x 60 x 0.65 I = 230 / 245 XL = 245 Ω I = 0.94 A 4) Calculate the voltage across an inductor of 0.25H when the current flowing through it is 2.65A at 48Hz. XL = 2πfL U = I x XL XL = 2x 3.142 x 48 x 0.25 U = 2.65 x 75.4 © Sparks Magazine XL = 75.4 Ω U = 199.8 V (200) © Sparks Magazine Initial verification of electrical installations: Answers (Covering Unit 307 ‘Understand principles, practices and legislation for the inspection, testing commissioning and certification of electro-technical systems and equipment in buildings, structures and the environment’ (Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Installing Electro-Technical Systems and Equipment 2357-13 / 91 and the EAL equivalent) Task 1: complete the following questions regarding the principles, practices and legislation for the initial verification of electrical installations. Reference (GN) is for the IET Guidance Note 3 document 1) State two occasions when initial verification can be carried out. Answer: during construction and on completion of the installation (page15 GN3) 2) Identify two aspects of BS7671 that initial verification will confirm. Answer: design and construction (page15 GN3) 3) When an inspector carries out an initial verification explain why inspection and testing can only be ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’? Answer: It would not be possible for an inspector to confirm the correct size cable has been installed throughout its length due to the cable being buried or enclosed within the fabric of the building. However he/she may confirm the correct cable size at a distribution board. (page15 GN3) 4) Identify the three BS7671 generic requirements for items to be verified during the initial verification procedure. Answer: Equipment is correct type and complies with applicable British Standards, or equivalent The fixed installation is correctly selected and erected The fixed installation is not visibly damaged (page15 GN3) 5) State the correct title of the statutory document that concerns inspection and test records, and identify the length of time records must be kept. Answer: The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, and in particular Regulation 4(2). The Memorandum of guidance on the Electricity at Work Regulations (HSR25) recommends records be kept for the lifetime of the installation. (page16 GN3) 6) Briefly explain the meaning of the term ‘Relevant criteria’ in respect to the initial verification process. © Sparks Magazine Answer: The designer may have made specific requirements for a given installation; as such the inspector will need to ask for these requirements or, if relevant, forward a copy of the test results to the designer for verification. (page16 GN3) 1 2 7) State who is responsible for comparing and verifying inspection and test results with relevant criteria for an installation. Answer: The person responsible for inspecting and testing the installation. (page16 GN3) 8) State the correct titles of three certificates that apply to a new installation or additions to an existing installation. Answer: Electrical Installation Certificate – multiple-signature Electrical Installation Certificate – single-signature Minor Electrical Installation Works Certificate (page16 GN3) 9) List three items of required information regarding the assessment of general characteristics for an installation. Answer: • Maximum demand • Number and type of live conductors • Type of earthing • Nominal voltage • Supply frequency • Prospective short-circuit current • Earth loop impedance Ze • Type and rating of overcurrent protective devices See page 17 of GN3 10) The Health and safety at Work etc… Act 1974 requires relevant information to be available for what purpose? Answer: safe use / inspection & testing / maintenance (page17 GN3) _________________________________ © Sparks Magazine Three – Phase power supplies: Star and Delta connections and formulae: Three – phase AC motors and transformers can be connected so that the full mains supply is connected across each winding, or across two windings. Task 1: Complete the missing words and symbols Star connection: One end of each winding is connected to a common point called the star point. Figure: 1 Star point VP VP IL IP L1 IL IP L2 IL IP L3 VL VL Voltage measured across a single winding is the phase voltage (VP), the voltage measured between (L1, L2 or L3) is the line voltage (VL) Current flowing in each single winding is the phase current (IP) and the current flowing in each line conductors is the line current (IL). Task 2: Show the line and phase currents and voltages on Figure 1 above. Question: 1 By using the formula shown in figure 1, complete the following: i) Calculate the phase voltage when the line voltage is stated to be 400V VL = √3 x VP rearrange the formula to make (Vp) the subject VP = VL / √3 VP = 400 / 1.732 VP = 230V ii) Three 200Ω resistances are connected in star formation. If the phase voltage is 240V calculate the line current flowing. IL = IP because the currents are the same in both line and phase conductors it is only necessary to calculate the phase current only using Ohms Law in this case: IP = VP / R IP = 240 / 200 IP = 1.2A (IL is also 1.2A) © Sparks Magazine 2 Task 3: Complete the missing words and symbols Delta connection: When connected in delta, each winding is connected to a pair of lines. Figure 2: L1 Formulae: VL = VP L2 IL = √3 x IP L3 Voltage measured across a winding is the phase voltage (VP), the voltage measured between the lines (L1, L2 or L3) is the line voltage (VL) Current flowing in each winding is the phase current (IP) and the current flowing in the line conductors is the line current (IL). Question: 1 By using the formula shown in figure 2, complete the following: Example: i) Calculate the phase current when the line current is found to be 50A IL = √3 x IP rearrange the formula to make (Ip) the subject IP = IL / √3 IP = 50 / 1.732 IP = 28.87A ii) Three 100Ω resistors are connected in delta. If the line voltage is 400V calculate the phase current and line current that is expected to flow. First determine the phase current using Ohms Law and the line voltage. IP = VL / R IP = 400 / 100 IP = 4 A, now determine the line current from IL = √3 x IP IL = √3 x 4 IL = 6.93A © Sparks Magazine Matching Units and Quantities: (Covering Unit 309 ‘Understand the electrical principles associated with the design, building, installation and maintenance of electrical equipment and systems’ (Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Installing Electro-Technical Systems and Equipment 2357-13 / 91) The following terms all relate to the quantities and units used in electrical engineering. Try to identify the correct quantity for each unit given. Unit name or symbol Quantity 1 X A Impedance 2 E B Magnetic field strength 3 Weber C Reactance 4 L D Resistivity 5 Coulomb E Electric field strength 6 H F Magnetic flux 7 Z G Charge 8 Rho H Self - inductance 9 Candela I Weight 10 G J Luminous intensity © Sparks Magazine Solution: 1– C 5- G 9- J 2– E 6- B 10 - I 3– F 7- A 4– H 8- D © Sparks Magazine