11-18 FLUSH VALVES OPTIMA PLUS BY SLOAN ITEM 1 2A 2B 2C 2D 3 4 4 5 6* 6* 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PART # 40268849 40268850 NLA 40268851 40258852 40260324 40261133 40265177 40260016 40265001 40265000 40260005 21 22 23 24 40268856 40268857 40268853 91788032 40268854 40950069 40268855 40268859 DESCRIPTION Locking ring Plastic cover (urinal) Plastic cover w/ override button Metal cover (urinal) Metal cover w/ override button Cover gasket Electronic module, 1.6 GPF and 3.5 GPF Electronic module, 1.0 GPF and 1.5 GPF Inside cover w/ solenoid Closet inside parts kit, 1.6 GPF and 3.5 GPF Urinal inside parts kit, 1.0 GPF and 1.5 GPF Quad ring Diaphragm Metal handle cap Decorative handle cap Vacuum breaker repair kit Vacuum breaker Spud coupling CP stop coupling CP adjustable tailpiece O-ring Bak-Chek stop – complete Control stop repair kit CP Bonnet Vandal resistant control stop cap assembly Decorative stop cap Optional beam deflector Screwdriver Strap wrench A For Sloan Stop Repair Parts and Kits See Manually Operated Valves B For Sloan Vacuum Breaker Repair Parts and Kits See Manually Operated Valves * Replaced by new Flex Tube Diaphragm inside parts kit **Batteries: When replacement batteries are required use 4 AA alkaline batteries, PART # 64741006 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON INSTALLING AND MAINTAINING SLOAN OPTIMA FLUSH VALVES CONTACT YOUR IMSCO REPRESENTATIVE. TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-19 FLUSH VALVES SLOAN OPTIMA G2 PLUS SENSOR MODULE COMPONENT PARTS ITEM PART # 2 91785168 3 40268861 4 5 6 40268862 40268849 40265524 40261290 40265451 9 40261360 10 11 12 HANDS FREE RETRO KIT COLOR DESCRIPTION Cover assembly Override button assembly (includes screws & hex wrench) Eye cover plate (EBY-131) Locking ring Locking ring for Zurn valves G2 electronic module – water closet G2 electronic module – urinal Isolated solenoid (for G2 modules only) Flex tube diaphragm kit Hex wrench Regulator (specify color) Green Black White Green White PART # 40261023 40265000* 40265000* 40255001† 40265001† 40265014 40265001† DESCRIPTION Urinal – .5 GPF Urinal – 1.0 GPF Urinal – 1.5 GPF Urinal – 3.5 GPF Closet – 1.6 GPF Closet – 2.4 GPF Closet – 3.5 GPF Part numbers marked * or † include parts for each size. OLD STYLE Replace with above SLOAN GEM 2 ITEM PART # 1 2 91787139 3 91787193 91787195 91787192 91787185 4 91787070 5 91787074 6 7 40262297 8 9 10 40201005 11 12 13 40268676 14 40268801 15 40950069 91787128 40261077 40261072 DESCRIPTION CP cover Slip disc Piston kit – 3.5 GPF water closet Piston kit – 1.6 GPF water closet Piston kit – 1.5 GPF urinal Piston kit – 1.0 GPF urinal Handle assembly Handle repair kit Handle gasket Handle seal Handle grip Handle socket Vacuum breaker Vacuum breaker repair kit Spud coupling Stop coupling Adjustable tailpiece O-ring GEM 2 repair kit (includes 2, 6, 7, B, C, E, G & H) Piston kit – closet Piston kit – urinal TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-20 FLUSH VALVES SLOAN ROYAL (DIAPHRAGM TYPE) FLUSH VALVE ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PART # 40261172 40261124 40262002 40261082 40262109 40262274 40261011 40261139 40266125 40266140 40266146 40263183 40268676 40268801 40268381 20 SEE PAGES 11-25 & 11-26 FOR STOPS 21 22 23 40950069 18 19 DESCRIPTION CP Cover – Royal Inside cover Dual filtered diaphragm assembly (see inset) ADA compliant triple seal handle assembly CP Handle coupling CP socket assembly CP ADA compliant handle Triple seal handle repair kit Handle gasket Spud coupling assembly, 3/4" Spud coupling assembly, 1-1/4" Spud coupling assembly, 1-1/2" High back pressure vacuum breaker repair kit See page 11-24 for complete listing of sizes CP stop coupling CP Adjustable Tailpiece 2-1/16" standard length Locking ring 1" CP Bak Chek Screwdriver Stop 3/4" CP Bak Chek Screwdriver Stop Control stop repair kit (1" and 3/4" H-700-A and 1" H-600-A Bak Chek screwdriver control stop) Control stop repair kit (3/4" H-600-A Bak Chek screwdriver control stop) CP Bonnet (1" and 3/4" H-700-A and 1" H-600-A Bak Chek screwdriver control stop) CP Bonnet (3/4" H-600-A Bak Chek screwdriver control stop) Vandal resistant control stop cap assembly (1" and 3/4" H-700-A and 1" H-600-A Bak Chek screwdriver control stop) Vandal resistant control stop cap assembly (3/4" H-600-A Bak Chek screwdriver control stop) Control stop cap CP (1" and 3/4" H-700-A and 1" H-600-A Bak Chek screwdriver control stop) Control stop cap CP (3/4" H-600-A Bak Chek screwdriver control stop) Control stop cap with bumper (1" and 3/4" H-700-A and 1" H-600-A Bak Chek screwdriver control stop) Control stop cap with extended bumper (3/4" H-600-A Bak Chek screwdriver control stop) O-ring SLOAN ROYAL PERFORMANCE REPAIR PARTS HIGH BACK PRESSURE VACUUM BREAKER REPAIR KIT PART # 40263183 FIXED DUAL FILTERED DIAPHRAGM ASSEMBLY .5 gpf 1.0 gpf 1.5 gpf 1.6 gpf 3.5 gpf PART # 91781095 PART # 40261123 PART # 40261120 PART # 40261122 PART # 40261121 TRIPLE SEAL HANDLE REPAIR KIT PART # 40261011 SLOAN ROYAL PERFORMANCE KIT (includes individual repair kits and tailpiece o-ring) 3.5 gpf PART # 40260018 1.5 gpf PART # 40262027 TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-21 FLUSH VALVES SLOAN REGAL (DIAPHRAGM TYPE) FLUSH VALVE ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A PART # 40260321 40261124 40262279 40262002 40261082 40262109 40262274 40262305 40261139 40266125 40266140 40266146 40261005 40263005 40263006 40261040 40268676 40268801 40950069 40268029 40268031 40201009 40261085 40268156 91783635 DESCRIPTION CP cover Inside cover Relief valve (see inset) Disc (see inset) Diaphragm (see inset) Guide assembly (see inset) Inside parts kit Seal CP handle assembly CP handicap handle assembly CP handle coupling CP socket assembly CP handle grip CP handicap handle grip Handle repair kit Handle gasket 3/4" CP spud coupling assembly 1-1/4" CP spud coupling assembly 1-1/2" CP spud coupling assembly Vacuum breaker repair kit 3/4" x 9" CP vacuum breaker 1-1/4" x 9" CP vacuum breaker 1-1/2" x 9 CP vacuum breaker CP stop coupling CP adjustable tailpiece O-ring 1" Screwdrive Bak Chek® Stop CP – complete 3/4" Screwdriver Bak Chek® Stop CP – complete 1" Control stop repair kit 3/4" Control stop repair kit CP bonnet (for use with 1" and 3/4" H-740-A CP (less cap) and 1" H-540-a CP (with H-37 cap) Bak Chek® screwdriver control stops CP bonnet (for use with 3/4" H-740-A CP Bak Chek® screwdriver control stops CP cap Bumper assembly B INSIDE PARTS KITS (Item #7 above) ITEM A B C D E C D PART # 40260004 40261037 40261038 40261041 40261044 DESCRIPTION 4.5 gpf, closet 1.5 gpf, urinal 3.5 gpf, closet 1.6 gpf, closet 1.0 gpf, closet E INSIDE PARTS COMPONENTS ITEM PART # 3a 40261129 3b 40260415 3c 40261127 4 5 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 40260234 40261161 40201004 40201004 40268864 40268865 91781077 DESCRIPTION Relief valve, white (closet) Relief valve, black (urinal) Relief valve, green (closet/urinal) Disc Diaphragm Guide assembly, 4.5 gpf Guide assembly, 3.5 gpf Guide assembly, 1.6 gpf Guide assembly, 1.0 gpf Guide assembly, 0.5 gpf MASTER FLUSHOMETER REBUILD KITS ALSO AVAILABLE TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-22 FLUSH VALVES SLOAN CROWN (PISTON TYPE) FLUSH VALVE ITEM 1 2 3 PART # 40268866 40268866 40268867 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 40268868 40261163 40260019 40268869 0301185 40268871 40268872 40268873 40262297 40262279 40261082 40262109 40262274 40262305 40268874 19 40268875 20 40263396 21 40261125 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 40261053 40266140 40266146 40268876 40268877 91787002 40268879 40201005 40268676 91006012 40268757 40268025 40261003 40261004 40261005 40221125 40261059 40950107 40950008 DESCRIPTION Urinal inside parts kit Closet inside parts kit Shower valve inside parts kit. (hot water) CR-74-A CP cover assembly S-60-AU Urinal piston assy K-60-A Closet piston assy S-60-AG Shower piston assy. K-123-A Closet guide S-43-A Urinal guide S-43-A Shower guide Crown/Naval closet washer set Handle seal Handle assembly Handle coupling CP Socket CP Grip Handle repair kit 3" CP Push button assembly 3" CP Push button replacement kit 3" CP Push button repair kit 3/4" CP Spud coupling assy. 1" CP Spud coupling assy. 1-1/4" CP Spud coupling assy. 1-1/2" CP Spud coupling assy. 3/4" CP Outlet coupling assy. 1" CP Outlet coupling assy. 1-1/4" CP Outlet coupling 1-1/2" CP Outlet coupling Vacuum breaker repair kit CP Stop coupling CP adj. tlpc. 2-1/16" long 1" SD Bak-Chek CP control stop 3/4"SD Bak-Chek CP control stop CP Stop coupling GJ CP Ground joint tlpc. 1-3/4" long 1" SD Bak-Chek CP stop GJ Cowl nut 3/4" SJ washer 1-1/4" SJ washer 1-1/2" SJ washer TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS CROWN PISTON INSIDE PARTS ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 PART # 40268880 40268881 40268882 40268883 40268884 40268885 91782016 40268886 40268887 40268888 40268889 40268890 40268891 DESCRIPTION Cover button Crown regulating screw CR-70 O-ring CR-74 Cover Cover gasket Top plate screws Crown top plate Crown molded cup Xpelor CR-60 piston body Safety bar Crown relief valve Relief valve seat Closet /Urinal guide Restriction ring Closet Main seat Urinal Main seat HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-23 FLUSH VALVES SLOAN SLIMLINE BEDPAN WASHER REPAIR PARTS ITEM PART # DESCRIPTION REPAIR KITS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 40268892 40268893 91782360 40268894 91782354 91782350 40268895 91782134 40268896 40268897 40268879 40268898 40268899 40268900 40268901 40268902 28 29 30 40268909 40268910 40268911 40268904 40268905 40268906 91782358 91782376 40800036 91782326 91782374 40268908 NLA CP plug button Retaining ring Swivel & ball check assembly Ground rubber ball “O” ring “O” ring “O” ring Diverter “O” ring (2 required) Diverter valve seal washer Diverter valve seal 1-1/2" S.J. coupling assembly Set screw Adjusting screw Deoseptic unit nozzle pivot Counter balance spring CP deoseptic body #10 wood screw CP support rod CP wall flange w/set screw 5/16" OD anchor Outlet tube gasket CP outlet tube 1-1/2" coupling outlet “O” ring Aspirator tube assembly Deoseptic bottle Nozzle & tube assembly - Order replacement kit 40261164 Nozzle screen Nozzle spray disc Spray disc retainer PART # 40261118 40268914 40261164 91782380 DESCRIPTION “O” ring seal kit for BPW-1000 & 1010 (less deoseptic unit) Includes items 8, 9, 10, 12, 15 & 24 “O” ring seal kit for BPW-1005 & 1015 (with deoseptic unit) Includes items 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 24, 25, 28 & 29 Repair kit for diverter valve used on BPW-1000,1005, 1010 & 1015 Includes items 12, 24, 27, 28, 29 & 30 Deoseptic conversion kit for BPW-1000 & 1010 Includes items 1 thru 10, 12 thru 14 & 24 thru 26 SLOAN DOLPHIN FLUSH VALVE REPAIR PARTS ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17-18 19-20 21 DESCRIPTION NP cover nut “O” ring Retaining ring Stem nut Piston with o-ring “O” ring Piston spring CP cover screw (4 required) NP upper body NP handle & socket Regulating screw RB stem “O” ring (2 required) RB bushing Compression spring RB insert Flex-sac assembly Seat assembly NP lower body TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS REPAIR KITS PART # 40268912 40268913 DESCRIPTION Dolphin repair kit. Contains items 2, 6, 13, 17 & 18 Dolphin repair kit. Contains items 2, 6, 7, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19 & 20 HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-24 FLUSH VALVES SLOAN HANDLE REPAIRS (EXPOSED) NEW! SLOAN HANDLE WITH SANIGUARD® PUSH BUTTON FOR EXPOSED ROYAL & CROWN ITEM 1 2-9 5-9 2-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Antimicrobial protection from CHG Part # 40261391 HANDLE FOR EXPOSED ROYAL, CROWN ITEM 1 2-3 2-9 4 5 6 7 8 9 5-9 PART # DESCRIPTION 40261082 CP coupling 40262109 Handle socket 40262279 CP Handle assembly 40262274 Handle grip Plunger Spring Bushing 40262297 Handle seal 40261139 Handle gasket 40262305 Handle repair kit 40261011 New style ADA handle repair kit PART # 40268915 0307067 40268916 40262297 91783515 40262297 40261139 DESCRIPTION CP coupling Push button assembly Push button repair kit CP socket Index push button Plunger Spring Bushing Handle seal Handle gasket HANDLE FOR EXPOSED NAVAL ITEM 1 2-3 2-9 4 5 6 7 8 9 5-9 HANDLE FOR GEM ITEM 1-7 1 2 3 3-7 4 5 6 7 PART # 40261082 91785035 40262305 40262109 40261025 DESCRIPTION CP handle assembly CP socket CP grip Plunger Handle repair kit Spring Bushing Handle seal Handle gasket PART # 40261082 40262109 91783010 40262274 40262297 40261139 40262305 DESCRIPTION CP coupling Handle socket Handle assembly CP grip Plunger Spring Bushing Handle seal Handle gasket Handle repair kit 3" PUSH BUTTON FOR EXPOSED ROYAL & CROWN ITEM 1-11 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7-11 WE HAVE BATTERIES FOR FLUSH VALVES AA PART # 30100044 C PART # 40268874 40268875 40261082 40262109 40262297 40261139 40263396 DESCRIPTION 3" Push button assembly 3" Push button (includes 5 & 6) CP coupling CP socket Shank head RB screw Plunger Spring Bushing Handle seal Handle gasket Handle repair kit PART # 30100057 Lithium (not shown) PART # 40221175 TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-25 FLUSH VALVES SLOAN HANDLE REPAIRS (CONCEALED) HANDLE FOR CONCEALED ROYAL & CROWN ITEM PART # 1 40261032 NLA 2 see below 3 40261033 4 40261024 5 40262274 6 see below 7 8 9 10 40262297 11 40261139 DESCRIPTION CP wall flange 2-3/4" OD CP wall flange 3-1/2" OD Wall socket RB locknut RB coupling CP grip Filler rod Plunger Spring Bushing Handle seal Handle gasket ITEM PART # 7-11 40261026 40262305 DESCRIPTION Handle repair kit Handle repair kit – Handle with flanged wall socket To order items 1-11 (B-12A Handle assembly), please specify the “L” dimension (face of finish wall to center of supply) 4-3/4" thru 14-3/4" in one inch intervals. See chart below. 3" PUSH BUTTON FOR CONCEALED ROYAL & CROWN ITEM PART # 1 40268875 2 40261032 NLA 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 40261033 40261024 40262297 DESCRIPTION ITEM PART # DESCRIPTION 3" push button (includes 6 & 7) 13 40261139 Handle gasket CP wall flange 2-3/4" OD 9-13 40261026 Push button repair kit CP wall flange 3-1/2" OD To order items 1-13 (C-43A 3" PB Handle assembly), RB locknut please specify the “L” dimension (face of finish wall to center RB coupling of supply) 4-3/4" thru 10-3/4" in one inch intervals. See chart Shank head below. Screw Plunger Spring Bushing Handle seal PUSH BUTTON FOR CONCEALED ROYAL & CROWN ITEM PART # 1 40261032 NLA 3 40261033 4 40261024 5 40261025 7 8 9 10 40262297 11 40261139 DESCRIPTION CP wall flange 2-3/4" OD CP wall flange 3-1/2" OD RB locknut RB coupling Index push button Plunger Spring Bushing Handle seal Handle gasket To order items 1-11 (C-9A PB Handle assembly), please specify the “L” dimension (face of finish wall to center of supply) 4-3/4" thru 14-3/4" in one inch intervals. “L” DIMENSION (FACE OF FINISHED WALL TO CENTER OF SUPPLY) ITEM DESCRIPTION 4-3/4 5-3/4 6-3/4” 7-3/4 8-3/4 9-3/4 10-3/4 11-3/4 12-3/4 13-3/4 14-3/4 2 B-6-A WALL SOCKET 0302037 0302042 0302050 0302054 0302059 0302063 0302069 0302074 0302077 0302080 0302081 6 B-15-A FILLER ROD 0302197 0302201 0302208 0302211 0302216 0302219 0302223 0302226 0302301 0302232 0302233 TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-26 FLUSH VALVES SLOAN HANDLE REPAIRS (PEDAL, EXPOSED AND CONCEALED) PEDAL PUSH BUTTON FOR CONCEALED ROYAL & CROWN ITEM 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PART # 40268917 see chart 91785054 see chart 40261024 40261025 40261033 40262297 40261139 DESCRIPTION CP pedal Wall socket CP flange w/set screw CP screw Filler rod RB coupling Index push button RB locknut Plunger Spring Bushing Handle seal Handle gasket PART # 40261026 DESCRIPTION Handle repair kit (items 10-14) To order items 1-14(C-40A Pedal PB assembly), please specify the “L” dimension (face of finish wall to center of supply) 4-3/4" thru 14-3/4" in one inch intervals. See chart bottom of previous page. PEDAL HANDLE PUSH BUTTON FOR CONCEALED ROYAL & CROWN ITEM 1 2 3-4 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 PART # 91785053 91785054 40261033 40261024 40261025 40262297 40261139 40261026 DESCRIPTION CP pedal handle CP screw CP flange w/sct screw RB locknut RB coupling Index push coupling Plunger Spring Bushing Handle seal Handle gasket Repair kit (items 10-14) To order items 1-14(C-40A Pedal PB assembly), please specify the “L” dimension (face of finish wall to center of supply) 4-3/4" thru 14-3/4" in one inch intervals. See chart bottom of previous page. PEDAL HANDLE PUSH BUTTON FOR EXPOSED ROYAL & CROWN ITEM 1-10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4-10 PART # 91785051 91785053 40261082 91785054 40262297 40268918 91785030 DESCRIPTION Pedal handle assembly CP pedal handle CP coupling CP screw CP socket CP push button Plunger Spring Bushing Handle seal Handle gasket Repair kit TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS PEDAL PUSH BUTTON FOR EXPOSED ROYAL & CROWN ITEM 1-10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4-10 PART # 40268919 40268917 40261082 91785054 40262297 40261139 91785030 DESCRIPTION Pedal CP assembly CP pedal CP coupling CP screw CP socket CP push button Plunger Spring Bushing Handle seal Handle gasket Repair kit HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-27 FLUSH VALVES SLOAN OPTIMA FLUSH VALVE PARTS BREAKDOWN ITEM PART # 1 2 40261132 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40261015 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 40260301 DESCRIPTION ITEM PART # DESCRIPTION O-ring 21 Override Switch & Actuator Cartridge Yoke Assembly Assy. Repair kit 22 40260304 Closet Sensor O-ring Replacement Kit CP Adapter for solenoid 23 40260300 Complete Solenoid Solenoid Shaft Assy. Valve 24V CP Handle Coupling 24 40260314 Exposed Solenoid Solenoid Flux Plate Valve 24V 24 VAC Coil CP Solenoid Housing Face Plate for 24 VAC Solenoid CP Nut for Solenoid CP Extension Nipple Adapter CP Nipple Assembly CP Flange Assembly CP Screw CP Cover Plate for Sensor & Solenoid Operator (urinal only) CP Cover Plate for Sensor with Override Switch (closet only) CP Cover Plate for Solenoid Operator (closet only) Yoke Assembly Urinal Sensor Replacement Kit PIPE SUPPORTS & BUMPERS ITEM 1 PART # 91783630 91789920 ITEM 25 PART # 64789120 DESCRIPTION Spanner wrench 25 SLOAN FLOOR VALVE REPAIR KITS DESCRIPTION White plastic bumper 1-1/2" Pipe support w/bumper 5 C/E complete 1/2” Floor Valve Repair Kit 91789906 PART # 40268920 40268921 DESCRIPTION 1-1/2" Solid ring pipe support CP 5 C/E-complete 3/4” x 3-1/2” solid ring urinal tailpiece support 1” & 1-1/4” Floor Valve Repair Kit 91789904 PART # 40261134 50900060 91789950 40268922 DESCRIPTION 1-1/2" Split ring pipe support CP 5 C/E-complete 1-1/2" Split ring pipe support CP 6 C/E-complete 1" Split ring pipe support CP 5 C/E-complete 3/4” x 3-1/2” split ring urinal tailpiece support TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-28 FLUSH VALVES SLOAN VACUUM BREAKER PARTS 6 1 2 ITEM PART # 1-3 40201005 40263005 40263210 40263006 1-5 40261035 40261036 91005530 40261040 40261042 40261039 40261036 1 40261047 2 40261048 3 5 40261049 6 40261050 7 40261052 BRASS SPUD PARTS 7 3 1 5 4 DESCRIPTION Repair kit for V-500 series 3/4"x 9" CP vacuum breaker assy. 3/4" x 15" CP vacuum breaker assy. 1-1/4"x 9" CP vacuum breaker assy. 1-1/4"x 13-1/2" CP vacuum breaker assy. 1-1/4"x 21-1/2" CP vacuum breaker assy. 1-1/4"x 24" CP vacuum breaker assy. 1-1/2"x 9" CP vacuum breaker assy. 1-1/2"x 13-1/2" CP vacuum breaker assy. 1-1/2"x 21-1/2" CP vacuum breaker assy. 1-1/2"x 24-1/2" CP vacuum breaker assy. 1-1/2" friction ring Baffle Rubber sleeve (N/A order kit 91785513) CP coupling Gasket 3/4"x 10-1/2" CP outlet 2 3 4 ITEM 1-4 Old Style V101A NLA. Order new style V101A PART # 91005504 Rubber Boot Only PART # 91005528 ITEM PART # 1-3 40201005 1-3 40263183 1-5 40263010 1-3 DESCRIPTION Repair kit for V-500 series Royal vacuum breaker Vacuum breaker assy. V500A 2 3 4 TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS ITEM PART # DESCRIPTION 1 40210961 3/4" Brass spud assembly 40268923 1-1/4 x 3/4 spud 40210960 1-1/4" Brass spud assembly 40210959 1-1/2" Brass spud assembly 40210058 2" Brass spud assembly 40210020 2"x 1-1/4" Brass spud 40211068 2"x 1-1/2" Brass spud 2 40211020 3/4" Spud washer 40211019 1-1/4" Spud washer 40211018 1-1/2" Spud washer 40211087 2" Spud washer 40210022 1” Friction ring for 3/4” spud 3 40210023 1-1/4" Galvanized friction ring 40210015 1-1/2" Galvanized friction ring 40210025 2" Galvanized friction ring 4 40210035 3/4" Brass spud nut 40210036 1-1/4" Brass spud nut 40210037 1-1/2" Brass spud nut 40210038 2" Brass spud nut PART # 40266125 40261053 40266140 40266146 40261054 40261055 40261056 40261057 40261058 40261009 40261059 40261060 40950107 40950008 40261061 40261062 40261063 DESCRIPTION 3/4" CP spud coupling assy. 1" CP spud coupling assy. 1-1/4" CP spud coupling assy. 1-1/2" CP spud coupling assy. 3/4" spud coupling 1-1/4" spud coupling 1-1/2" spud coupling 3/4" friction ring 1-1/4" friction ring 1-1/2" friction ring 3/4" SJ gasket 1" SJ gasket 1-1/4" SJ gasket 1-1/2" SJ gasket 3/4" spud flange 1-1/4" spud flange 1-1/2" spud flange HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-29 FLUSH VALVES SLOAN TAILPIECE ASSEMBLIES & PARTS ITEM PART # 1 40268676 40268801 2-4 40268803 40268805 40268807 3 40268381 4 40950069 5 40261003 6 40261065 40261004 40261067 *Adapter For Sloan & Zurn Valves To 40261068 Delany G.J. Stops 40261069 PART # 40221183 DESCRIPTION Coupling nut for adj. tailpiece 2-1/16" Adjusting tailpiece 3-1/16" Adjusting tailpiece 4-1/16" Adjusting tailpiece 5-1/16" Adjusting tailpiece Lock ring O-ring Coupling nut for G.J. tailpiece 1-1/2" G.J. tailpiece 1-3/4" G.J. tailpiece 2" G.J. tailpiece 3-1/4" G.J. tailpiece 3-1/2" G.J. tailpiece SUPPLY FLANGES FOR IRON PIPE PART # 40261070 40261071 40261072 40261073 40261077 40261074 40261076 DESCRIPTION F-7 1/2” IPS CP Flat F-7 1” IPS CP Flat F-7 1” IPS CP Flat F-7 3/4” IPS CP Flat supply F-7 3/4” IPS CP Flat F-45-A 3/4” IPS CP w/ set screw F-45-A 1” IPS CP w/ set screw SLOAN CONTROL STOP REPAIR KITS Wheel handle repair kit 1" & 3/4" PART # 40261078 H-553 Bonnet 1" PART # 91784008 H-561 Bonnet 3/4" PART # 40261099 H-600A,H-600AG, H-650AG,H-540A, H-540AG,H-545AG 1" Wheel handle repair kit. PART # 40261080 H-600A,H-600AG, H-540A,H-540AG 3/4" Wheel handle repair kit. PART # 40211086 H-573 Cap CP 1" PART # 91004012 H-582 Cap CP 3/4" PART # 40268848 Wheel handle repair kit PART # 40261087 Bonnet (for 1" H-540, H-600, and H-700 WH Series stops) PART # 40261018 H-577 Bonnet (for 3/4" H-540 and H-600 Series stops) PART # 40261019 Control stop repair kit (for 1" H-540, H-600, and H-700 WH Series stops and 3/4" H-700 Series stops PART # 40261020 Control stop repair kit for 3/4" H-540 and H-600 Series stops 40261031 H-579 Bonnet 1" PART # 91784016 H-577 Bonnet 3/4" PART # 40261083 H-600A,H-600AG, H-650AG,H-540A, H-540AG,H-545AG, 1" Screw driver stop repair kit. PART # 40201009 H-600A,H-600AG, H-540A,H-540AG, 3/4" Screw driver stop repair kit. PART # 40261085 SLOAN OBSOLETE CONTROL STOP REPAIR KITS H-440-AG WHEEL HANDLE 1” DESCRIPTION H-440-AG 1" SCREW DRIVER STOP H-440-AG 1" WHEEL HANDLE STOP H-440-AG 3/4" SCREW DRIVER STOP H-40-AG 1" SCREW DRIVER STOP H-40-AG 1" WHEEL HANDLE STOP H-20-AG 3/4"&1/2" SCREW DR. STOP H-40-AG SCREW DRIVER 1” H-40-AG WHEEL HANDLE 1” Repair kit incl. items 1-5 Repair kit incl. items 1-8 Repair kit incl. items 1-5 Repair kit incl. items 1-5 Repair kit incl. items 1-8 Repair kit incl. items 1-5 TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS H-574 Bumper for use with open front seat PART # 40261093 SWEAT SOLDER KITS PART # 40268788 40268782 H-440-AG SCREW DRIVER DRIVER 1” AND 3/4” H-586 Cap CP for use with H-574 Bumper PART # 40261092 DESCRIPTION 3/4” Supply kit (urinals) 1” Supply kit H-20-AG SCREW 3/4” & 1/2” PART # 40268453 40261095 40268442 40268277 40261096 40268102 VANDAL RESISTANT STOP CAP W/ SET SCREW H-573 Cap CP VP 1” H-582 Cap CP VP 3/4” PART # 40261097 PART # 40261098 HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-30 FLUSH VALVES SLOAN H-700 SERIES BAK-CHEK® COMPLETE CONTROL STOPS H-710 STOP, CHROME PLATED SCREW DRIVER ANGLE STOP WITH H-573 CAP H-700 STOP, CHROME PLATED SCREW DRIVER ANGLE STOP WITH H-1010-A VANDAL RESISTANT CAP PART # 40261100 40261101 PART # 40268025 40268757 40261102 DESCRIPTION 3/4" NPTF Inlet for adjustable tail 1" NPTF inlet for adjustable tail H-735 STOP, CHROME PLATED EXPOSED WHEEL HANDLE ANGLE STOP PART # 40261103 40261104 40261105 40261106 DESCRIPTION 3/4" NPTF Inlet for adjustable tail 1" NPTF inlet for adjustable tail 3/4" NPTF inlet for ground joint tail H-750 STOP, SCREW DRIVER STRAIGHT STOP WITH H-1010-A VANDAL RESISTANT CAP DESCRIPTION 3/4" NPTF Inlet for adjustable tail 1" NPTF inlet for adjustable tail 3/4" NPTF inlet for ground joint tail 1" NPTF inlet for ground joint tail PART # 40261005 DESCRIPTION 1" NPTF inlet for ground joint tail H-740 STOP, CHROME PLATED SCREW DRIVER ANGLE STOP WITH H-37 CAP (REGAL FLUSHOMETER VALVE STOP) PART # 40268031 40268029 40261108 40261109 DESCRIPTION 3/4" NPTF Inlet for adjustable tail 1" NPTF inlet for adjustable tail 3/4" NPTF inlet for ground joint tail 1" NPTF inlet for ground joint tail GROUND JOINT ADAPTER Adapts ground joint stops to valves with adjusting tailpieces. PART # 40221183 H-790 STOP, CHROME PLATED SCREW DRIVER ANGLE STOP WITH VANDAL RESISTANT CAP (REGAL "XL" FLUSHOMETER VALVE STOP) PART # 40261110 40261111 40261114 40261115 DESCRIPTION 3/4" NPTF Inlet for adjustable tail 1" NPTF inlet for adjustable tail 3/4" NPTF inlet for ground joint tail 1" NPTF inlet for ground joint tail H-790 REGAL "XL" TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-31 FLUSH VALVES SPEAKMAN PISTON FOR UNITS PURCHASED PRIOR TO 1954 SPEAKMAN HANDLE ASSEMBLY – FOR VALVES AFTER 1954 PART # 40201019 All standard type water closets, pedestals & syphon jet urinals PART # 40201017 HANDLE REPAIR KIT PART # 40201020 SPEAKMAN OLD STYLE HANDLE ASSEMBLY– FOR FLUSH VALVES PRIOR TO 1954 All stall and flat back lipped urinals PART # 40201018 PART # 15890177 TOTO RELIANCE COMMERCIAL LINE VACUUM BREAKER & ANGLE STOP SET FOR URINAL WITH EXPOSED TOP SPUD – 3/4" OUTLET TOTO RELIANCE COMMERCIAL LINE VACUUM BREAKER & ANGLE STOP SET FOR TOILET WITH EXPOSED TOP SPUD – 1-1/2" OUTLET ITEM PART # 1 2 See page 28 3 4 5 6 7 40240077 8 9 40241077 10 40201005 11 12 13 14 DESCRIPTION Exposed top spud (3/4" outlet) Sweat solder kit for urinal Wall flange Sleeve cover Solder adapter Angle stop, urinal, chrome plated Angle stop repair kit Angle stop cover Angle stop cap Vacuum breaker repair kit Tube assembly (3/4" x 8-1/2") 40261057 Friction ring 40261059 Gasket See page 27 Spud nut & escutcheon 3/4" ITEM PART # 1 2 See page 28 3 4 5 6 7 40240733 8 9 40240774 10 40201005 11 12 13 14 DESCRIPTION Exposed top spud (1-1/2" outlet) Sweat solder kit for toilet Wall flange 1" Sleeve cover 1" Solder adapter 1" Angle stop 1", toilet, chrome plated Angle stop repair kit 1" Angle stop cover 1" Angle stop cap 1" Vacuum breaker repair kit Tube assembly (1-1/2" x 8-17/32") 40261009 Friction ring 40210039 Gasket See page 27 Spud nut & escutcheon 1-1/2" 1 1 TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-32 FLUSH VALVES TOTO RELIANCE COMMERCIAL LINE MANUAL FLUSH VALVE, EXPOSED – 1.0 & 3.5 GPF URINAL, 1.6 GPF TOILET TMU1HNCR & TMT1HNCR SERIES ITEM PART # 1 40241002 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 92751305 40245993 40241001 DESCRIPTION Lever assembly – MFV Valve cover set (1.0 gpf) Valve cover set (1.6 gpf) U-packing (for piston) Piston assembly (1.0 & 3.5 gpf) Piston assembly (1.6 gpf) Fiber washer Locking ring O-ring (tail piece) Gasket (U-packing) Screw cap (MFV & angle stop) Adjustment screw (urinal) O-ring (cap screw) O-ring (valve guide) Nut Tail piece Seat packing set Adjustment screw (toilet) Screw cap (toilet) TOTO RELIANCE COMMERCIAL LINE MANUAL FLUSH VALVE, EXPOSED – 1.0, 1.6 & 3.5 GPF TMU1HNC & TMT1HNC SERIES ITEM PART # 1 40241002 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 40241004 40241000 40241005 DESCRIPTION Lever assembly, MFV Valve cover set (1.0 gpf) Valve cover set (1.6 gpf) U-packing (for piston) Piston assembly (1.0 gpf & 3.5 gpf) Piston assembly (1.6 gpf) Fiber washer Locking ring O-ring (tail piece) Gasket (U-packing) Guide ring Screw cap (MFV & angle stop) Cap adjustment screw (TMU1HNC) Cap adjustment screw (TMT1HNC) O-ring (cap screw) O-ring (valve guide) Valve body (MFV) – new Nut Tail piece TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-33 FLUSH VALVES TOTO RELIANCE COMMERCIAL LINE AUTOMATIC TOILET FLUSH VALVE BATTERY POWERED (6V, DC) ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 PART # 92755947 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 92751002 92759196 DESCRIPTION Front cover, right (white) Front cover, right (stainless) Sensor cover set Sensor unit ("AA" battery) Outside manual push button assembly Spanner wrench tools Vandal proof screws (white) Vandal proof screws (stainless) Seal washer set Rear cover, right (white) Rear cover, right (stainless) Piston assembly Valve cap set Inside manual button assembly Self-cleaning diaphragm & cap Solenoid ("AA" battery) Screws Solenoid o-ring set Nut stoppers O-rings (tail piece) Note: Sensor unit does not include "AA" batteries. Replacement batteries: PART # 64741006 (4 required) TOTO AUTOMATIC URINAL FLUSH VALVE BATTERY POWERED (LITHIUM) ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 PART # 40221175 92751004 92755922 DESCRIPTION ITEM Front cover 30 Screw concealers 31 Vandal proof screw 32 (stainless) 33 Screw set 34 Screw (sensor cover) 35 Sensor cover set 36 Screw (sensor & solenoid) Lithium battery (2CR5) Battery cover Screw Battery cover set Sensor unit (Lithium battery) Allen wrench Adjustable screw O-ring Valve cap O-ring Spring Piston assembly Piston valve assembly Screw (sensor & solenoid) Spring Plunger O-ring (diaphragm cap) Diaphragm cap Diaphragm Solenoid set (includes spring & plunger) Solenoid assembly (lithium battery) Main body TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS PART # DESCRIPTION Inlet nut Tail piece Nut stoppers O-ring Valve unit Rear cover Screw set HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-34 FLUSH VALVES TOTO RELIANCE COMMERCIAL LINE SENSOR TOILET FLUSH VALVE, EXPOSED 1.0 GPF, 1.6 GPF AND 3.5 GPF – BATTERY POWERED (6V, DC) ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 PART # 92750503 92751101 92751201 92751501 92752002 92751701 40241000 40241005 DESCRIPTION Battery case cover Battery case assembly Phillips pan head screw Hex socket cap screw Top cover (DC type) Sensor bracket set Sensor controller – DC toilet Allen wrench Copper tube sub-assembly with packing Copper tube Back-up rings O-ring (tube assembly) Double sems screw Solenoid unit & diaphragm assembly Solenoid valve seat assembly O-ring (plunger guide) Push button valve assembly (toilet) (see #19) Push button set (see #19) Push button set Push button repair kit (toilet) Gaskets (U-packing) Guide rings Guide ring stoppers E-rings Gaskets (plunger guide) Locking rings O-ring (tail piece) Lower toilet cover seat Screw set Cap adjustment screw O-ring (cap screw) Valve cap assembly O-ring (valve cap) O-ring (valve guide) U-packing (for piston) Piston assembly (1.0 gpf & 3.5 gpf) Piston assembly (1.6 gpf) Plate Valve body (EFV) – no logo Nut Tail piece Note: Allen wrench is for reference purpose only. Replacement batteries: PART # 64741006 (4 required) TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-35 FLUSH VALVES TOTO RELIANCE COMMERCIAL LINE ECOPOWER™ SENSOR FLUSH VALVES WITH HYDRO-POWER CHARGE ITEM PART # 1 2 3 4 40240025 5 6 7 40240050 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 40240060 40240040 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 DESCRIPTION Top cover Hex socket pan head cap screw M4 set Clamp set Sensor controller and packing set Holder Glass and packing set Back up battery Controller M4 screws Lower cover set Tool (allen wrench) Valve body Valve cap assembly O-rings O-ring set (valve cap) 10 pieces O-rings (valve guide) Piston assembly – urinal 1.0 - 3.5 gpf Piston assembly – toilet 1.6 gpf U-packing (for piston) Double Sems screw M3 Solenoid unit & diaphragm assembly Seat packing set Manual flushing button O-rings (manual flushing button) O-rings (manual flushing button) Nut Locking rings Tailpiece O-rings (tailpiece) Double Sems screws M3 Hydro-Power Generator TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-36 FLUSH VALVES TOTO SENSOR TOILET FLUSH VALVE, EXPOSED 1.6 GPF – BATTERY POWERED (6V, DC) ITEM PART # DESCRIPTION 1 Gasket 2 92751305 U-packing (for piston) Replacement batteries: 3 Locking ring PART # 30100044 4 O-ring (tail piece) (4 required) 5 O-ring (cap screw) 6 O-ring (valve guide) 7 Seat packing set 8 Nut 9 Tail piece 10 92750300 Solenoid unit & diaphragm assembly 11 Double sems screw 12 O-ring (valve cap) 13 O-ring (push rod) 14 Valve cap assembly – toilet 15 40241001 Piston assembly (1.6 gpf) 40245993 Piston assembly (3.5 gpf) 16 Battery case – DC 17 Hex socket pan head cap screw set 18 Top cover DC type 19 Sensor controller – DC toilet 20 Glass & packing set 21 92750319 Push rod assembly 22 Lower toilet cover set 23 Valve body for exposed (toilet 1.6 gpf) 24 Screw set Note: Allen wrench is for reference purpose only. URINAL STRAINERS URINAL PLUGS PART # 09893925 09893926 PART # 09893927 09893928 PART # 01892234 DESCRIPTION Kohler strainer plate Strainer screw (2 required) DESCRIPTION China grate (2-15/16" c-c) China grate screw (2 required) DESCRIPTION American Standard beehive strainer 2-11/16" diameter 01891024 Screw for behive stainer PART # X 40211347 23/32" 04001000 1" 40210050 5/8" PART # DESCRIPTION 40211297 Kohler Beehive strainer w/screw and back-up plate PART # DESCRIPTION 01890930 American Standard urinal strainer 01890162 Screw for strainer (2 required) PART # DESCRIPTION 01892240 American Standard flat urinal strainer 2-3/4" c-c on holes 01890162 Screw for strainer (2 required) PART # DESCRIPTION 47001088 Replacement Beehive urinal strainer assy TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS Y 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" WHERE USED Am. Std., Kohler Crane Kohler URINAL SCREENS ITEM PART # 1 40211040 2 40211246 3 40211042 4 40211309 DESCRIPTION Urinal screen with cinnamon deodorant block Urinal screen – 100% vinyl-chemical resistant 4-1/2" x 10-3/4" x 11-3/8" Urinal screen-100% vinylchemical resistant 7" x 12-3/4" x 12-1/4" Deod-o-screen with 30 day built-in deodorant HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-37 FLUSH VALVES LOOKING FOR WATROUS PARTS? CALL US! Series 300, Series 500, Series 200, Imperial, Polaris ZURN FLUSHTROL REPLACEMENT PARTS PART # 92992510 PART # 40296037 ZURN MODEL Z-6001-ES-S AND Z-6003-ES-S SENSOR OPERATED EXPOSED SYSTEMS ITEM 1 1A 2 3 3A 4 5 5A 6 6A 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PART # 40291000 40261082 40291023 92995020 92995022 40261139 DESCRIPTION Actuator assembly Handle nut Return tube 1/16 comp. fitting 1/8 comp. fitting Supply tube Supply tube cover ring Supply tube cover Return cover tube ring Return cover tube Screws (4 required) Cover plate Elbow fittings (set of 2) Solenoid Sensor for closet Sensor for urinals Handle gasket Sensor screws Sensor cover plate Screws Wall plate Indicator light Screws DESCRIPTION Diaphragm control cartridge DESCRIPTION Handle internal cap assembly TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-38 FLUSH VALVES ZRK-ZURN RETRO-FLUSH ITEM 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 PART # DESCRIPTION 92991018 Main valve body cover 40221170 Plastic inside cover 40291027 Diaphragm 40221177 Urinal inside parts kit, 1.5GPF 40291032 Urinal inside parts kit, 1.0GPF 40291026 Closet inside parts kit, 3.5GPF 40296038 Closet inside parts kit, 1.6GPF 40291037 Trip mechanism 40221085 6V DC Closet sensor 40221059 Complete 3.5 closet Retro-Flush unit 40291085 Complete 1.5 urinal Retro-Flush unit 7 40291087 Solenoid valve replacement kit 8 92991225 Hex wrench * For Battery Replacement ZURN Recommends Duracell Alkaline - 4 AA’s PART # 64741006 ZURN BEDPAN DIVERTER ITEM PART # 1 2 40291003 3 40291022 4 5 6 7 8 9 9A 10 11 12 13 14 92997016 92997014 40291017 40261049 40201005 40291017 DESCRIPTION Diverter body Elbow assembly Spray disc and screen Spary disc screw Wall flange with set screw and mounting hardware Support rod Spray arm assembly – 12" Spray arm repair kit (includes o-ring, spray disc, screen and screw) Bottom tube Optional offset tube Coupling assembly Spud coupling assembly Vacuum breaker tube Tube nut Vacuum breaker repair kit Bedpan diverter rebuild kit (includes 8, 2 (except elbow, tube gasket) TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-39 FLUSH VALVES ZURN METROFLUSH ITEM PART # 1 2 3 4 40291006 92996200 92996016 5 92996020 6 40291014 7 92996006 8 91786022 9 40268381 10 40268676 DESCRIPTION Handle nut Valve body cover Cover gasket Closet kit 3.5 GPF Closet kit 1.6 GPF Urinal kit 1.0 GPF Main seat Handle repair kit ADA handle assembly Tailpiece o-ring Snap ring Locking nut See page 11-40 to 11-41 See page 11-40 to 11-41 See page 11-40 to 11-41 See page 11-40 to 11-41 ZURN ZEMS SERIES ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PART # 92995010 40261139 92995012 92995020 92995022 DESCRIPTION 10' power cord Actuator/sensor – exposed units Handle seal 120VAC/6VDC power converter Actuator/sensor – concealed units Override push button assembly Sensor cover plate with override hole Sensor for closets Sensor for urinals Urinal sensor cover plate See page 11-40 to 11-41 See page 11-40 to 11-41 TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-40 FLUSH VALVES ZURN AQUAVANTAGE™ FLUSH VALVES – EXPOSED AND CONCEALED WHEEL STOP HANDLE CONCEALED VALVE EXPOSED VALVE CONCEALED VALVES TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-41 FLUSH VALVES ITEM PART # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 40291000 8 9 10 11 12 13 40291001 14 12-14 40291002 40291003 15 16 40291004 17 40291005 40291006 18 19 12-19 40291007 40291008 40291022 20 40291009 40291010 21 22 23 92997014 24 25 26 27 28 40291014 29 40291015 30 31 32 33 DESCRIPTION Chrome cover plate Return cover tube Supply cover tube Cover tube ring with setscrew Cover tube ring with setscrew Handle nut Hydraulic plunger assembly 1/16” Compression fitting Gasket 1/4” Return tube 1/4” Supply tube 1/8” Compression fitting Repair kit for hydraulic actuator Actuator body Hydraulic actuator assy. – fixture wall Hydraulic actuator assy. – side wall Mounting plate Securing nut Spring for large push button Spring for small push button Escutcheon setscrew Escutcheon for large push button Hydraulic metal PB – penal use Hydraulic large PB – side wall Hydraulic metal PB assy. Large push button Small push button Spacer for large push button Filter Handle repair kit Push rod/filler rod (specify length) Handle nut Adjusting nut Sleeve/socket (specify length) Optional 1” metal push button Wall escutcheon Handle Optional 3” metal push button Optional bell nut Valve body cover ITEM PART # 34 40261124 35 40261129 40260415 36 40268788 40268782 37 38 92997016 40291017 39 40291018 40 40296003 41 40291019 42 40291020 43 40268676 44 91786022 45 40268381 46 40268801 47 48 49 40201005 50 51 40261049 52 40266146 40266140 40266125 53 54 55 56 57 40800033 58 40261009 59 40950008 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 40291021 68 DESCRIPTION Plastic cover Trip mechanism – white Trip mechanism – black 3/4” Sweat adapter kit 1" Sweat adapter kit Stop body Stop repair kit 3/4” & 1” VP Stop repair kit 3/4” & 1” Stop cap Snap cap screw cover Vandal-resistant control stop cover Setscrew for control stop cover Locking nut Tailpiece o-ring Snap ring Tailpiece – 2-1/16” Solid gasket Solid handle nut Vacuum breaker repair kit Vacuum breaker tube (see page 23) Vacuum breaker tube nut 1-1/2” Spud coupling assembly 1-1/4” Spud coupling assembly 3/4” Spud coupling assembly Vacuum breaker tube 3/4” 90° Elbow 3/4” Horizontal tube Vacuum breaker tube (see page 51) Coupling nut Spud friction washer Spud friction gasket 90° Elbow Spud nut Flanged/scored horizontal tube P30 flat gasket Wheel handle screw Wheel handle w/ screw Stop cap Wheel handle repair kit Stop body ZURN AQUAFLUSH DIAPHRAGM KIT Replacement Parts Kit includes items 1, 2, 3 & 4 Part # 92991270 ITEM 1 2 3 4 DESCRIPTION Black flow ring for 1.0 gpf urinal w/ black trip mechanism White flow ring for 1.6 gpf closet w/ white trip mechanism Yellow flow ring for 3.5 gpf closet w/ white trip mechanism or 1.5 gpf urinal w/ black trip mechanism Diaphragm (Diaphragm only Part # 40291027) ZURN AQUAFLUSH INSIDE PARTS KIT PART # 40291036 40296035 40296039 40291025 40291031 DESCRIPTION Closet kit 4.5 gpf Closet kit 3.5 gpf Closet kit 1.6 gpf Urinal kit 1.5 gpf Urinal kit 1.0 gpf TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-42 FLUSH VALVES ZURN BATTERY POWERED AUTOMATIC SENSOR RETROFIT FOR CONCEALED FLUSH VALVES PART # 40291043 REPLACEMENT PARTS PART # 40291044 40291045 40291046 30100057 DESCRIPTION Override Pushbutton Assembly Sensor for closet Sensor for urinal "C" batteries ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION: ZURN ZERK-CP-CON AQUASENSE® CONCEALED BATTERY POWERED AUTOMATIC SENSOR RETROFIT FOR CONCEALED FLUSH VALVES.The unit incorporates a 6VDC motorized actuator, a battery powered automatic sensor with a manual push-button override. Sensor features include switchable 24 hour auto flush, delay flush and diagnostic indicator lights. Unit comes complete with concealed motor actuator, wall mount sensor, chrome wall plate, 4 x 4 electrical box and 4 "C" cell batteries. Retrofits both concealed closet and urinal flush valves. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTION Yellow L.E.D. flashes 3 times when there are no users. Front of sensor is covered or sensor is set too far out, registering opposite wall or door as a user. Remove item covering sensor or adjust sensor activation distance. Yellow L.E.D. light flashes continuously E-Z Flush unit is in 10-minute start-up mode (when Yellow L.E.D. light will flash only 3 times, when sensor is activated by a user. first activated). acknowledging a user is in view after the 10-minute start-up mode. Red L.E.D. light flashes. Batteries need replacing. Replace batteries. Not enough water to fixture or too much water to fixture. Diaphragm damaged or valve control stop improperly adjusted. Replace diaphragm and/or adjust valve control stop. Valve will not operate. Sensor range set too close to E-Z Flush, batteries are dead or water supply is turned off. Adjust sensor, replace batteries, or turn water on. Valve will not shut off. Dirt or debris preventing diaphragm from functioning properly. Remove dirt or debris, consult valve manufacturer's directions. Valve does not flush even after sensor has been adjusted. Batteries are dead. Replace batteries. TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-43 FLUSH VALVES ZEG6003EV 1/8TH GALLON URINAL PARTS BREAKDOWN ITEM 1 1a 2 3 4 5 6 7 7-8 PART # DESCRIPTION Cover Cover o-ring Cover screw Electronics assembly Lens assembly Battery tray Housing Solenoid Solenoid replacement kit TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS ITEM PART # 8 9 40291043 10 11 40291044 12 13 14 15 16 17 DESCRIPTION Screw 1/8th GPF Solenoid repair kit 1/8th GPF Valve body replacement kit 1/8th GPF Filter replacement kit Vacuum Breaker repair kit 3/4" Flush connection and spud coupling 3/4" Control stop repair kit for 1" and 3/4" Hex wrench Vacuum breaker tube Vacuum breaker tube nut HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com 11-44 FLUSH VALVES COMMON ZURN FLUSH VALVE REPAIR PARTS 1. AQUAFLUSH REPLACEMENT DIAPHRAGM WITH FLOW RINGS Part # 40291027 2. SD STOP VALVE REPAIR KIT – 1" Part # 92997016 1 3. VACUUM BREAKER REPAIR KIT Part # 40291040 4. PLASTIC INSIDE COVER 2 Part # 40221170 5. CLOSET KIT 3 4 Part # Description 40291036 4.5 gpf, closet 40296035 3.5 gpf, closet 40296011 1.6 gpf, closet 40291025 1.5 gpf, urinal 40291031 1.0 gpf, urinal 6. SIDE HANDLE REPAIR KIT (REPLACES B-50-A) Part # 92997014 7. MASTER PARTS REPAIR KIT 5 6 Part # Description 92998120 4.5 gpf, closet 40291041 3.5 gpf, closet 40296011 1.6 gpf, closet 40291042 1.5 gpf, urinal 92998160 1.0 gpf, urinal 8. ADA FLUSH VALVE HANDLE Part # 40262002 8 7 TOTAL MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS HOUSTON ORLANDO GREENVILLE 800/392-5066 800/327-3022 800/476-2212 LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: www.TMSSouth.com