U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E | 2 0 1 4
We lco m e
Message from SargesList CEO
t ran sitio ns yo u are m ak ing.
Faceb ook p age a n d p o s t a
O ur team is co m pr is ed o f
pic tu re o f yo u r P C S o r l e ave
veterans as wel l as m il i-
a co m m ent abo u t h ow t h e
t ar y s po u s es w ho have been
g u ide hel ped yo u o r co ul d
(an d s til l are) in yo u r s ho es
be im proved.
an d are f am il iar w ith the
many c hal l eng es yo u f ace!
inal l y, pl eas e sh a re o ur
f ree Ul tim ate P C S G ui d e a n d
e’ve real l y tr ied to
f ree c l as s if ieds (S a rg e s L i s t.
make this P C S G u ide as
com ), w ith yo u r f r i e n d s,
S argesList ’s PCS
usef u l and hel pf u l to yo u as
f am il y, and co l l ea g ue s.
G uide! We are
we p o s s ibl y co u l d. We ho pe
a grow ing bu s iness, we re l y
ve r y ple as e d to h ave t h e
yo u f ind it val u abl e and that
o n po s itive “ wo rd- o f - m o ut h”
o ppor tuni t y to assist yo u
it prov ides yo u s o m e peace
to inc reas e o u r pre s e n ce i n
a n d you r family in any way
o f mind if no t the o ppo r-
the m il itar y co m mun i t y a n d
we c a n wi th yo ur up co m -
t un it y to s ave (o r m ak e) a
ho pe that we have s e r ve d
i ng PC S as well as any o t h er
few do l l ar s !
yo u wel l !
e lco me to
Si n ce re l y
fre e
G ui de
U lt imate
b ase s aro u nd the wo r l d.
Steve Harar i, C E O
O ur
About our team
s is ter
D ut y
an n ual
S a rge s L i s t
in sig ht
to you fro m spo uses at
M il itar y
prov ides
bas es
f ro m
militar y w ho have been
t h ere
bro ught
s ite,
Statio ns,
revie ws
publi c ati on p ro duced by
an d
Ho p o n o u r
o f fer
l o c al
traditio nal
b ase g u ides m ay no t.
arg es l is t is M i l i t a r y
S po u s e powe re d
and Veteran ow n e d.
We pr ide o u r s el ve s o n
S a rge s L i s t wh o ran ge f ro m
being abl e to give b a c k
5 ye a r s to 22 years in t h e
to the m il itar y co m m u-
m i li ta r y. We
nit y thro u g h o u r ex p e re i-
look i ng for ways to mak e
ences bu t al s o provi d e d
you r li fe easier so yo u
a m u c h needed s e r vi ce.
d on’t have to sweat t h e
s ma ll s tu ff. S argesList is a
one s top por t al fo r t rusted
m i li ta r y
classif ieds
an d
loc al bas e in fo r mat io n fo r
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
e ho pe that yo u f i n d
this P C S g u ide a us e f ul to o l
w hether this is your f i r s t P C S
o r 2 0th!
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
Co ntents
C O M M O N A C R O N Y M S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. 6
U LT I M AT E P C S C H E C K L I S T............................................... P. 7
DOCUMENTS YOU SHOULD NEVER PACK............................. P.11
P C S B U D G E T S H E E T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... P.1 3
P L A N Y O U R M O V E W / D P S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. 1 6
B U Y O R R E N T ? C H E C K L I S T.............................................. P.19
R O A D T R I P R E A DY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... P.2 1
T R AV E L I N G W I T H P E T S C H E C K L I S T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... P.2 2
DO NOT PACK R OOM............................................................P.31
VA LUA B L E I N V E N TO RY C H E C K L I S T....................................P.32
LOSS & DAMAGE CLAIMS.....................................................P.39
G e t O rg a n i ze d
G e t Pa ck i ng
4 PCS Tips
30 Do You Really
7 PCS Checklist
9 Common POV
12 PCS Entitlements
15 Road Trip
he Ultimate PCS Guide
is published annually
© 2014 Ap r i l. 15, 2014
pecial thanks to
Rachael McAnuff
M c An u ff Ph o togra phy for
th e cove r s h o t a n d o th er
pho to grap h s u sed i n th i s
Gui d e.
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
G e t Sta r te d
18 Sell? Buy?
20 Lodging
27 Things to Buy
Need That?
34 Prepping for
Pack Out
Get Going
35 Travel Tips
G e t S e ttl ed
36 Unpacking
39 Claims
42 Notes
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E | 2 0 1 4
G e t O rgani zed
Top 10 PCS Tips
by SargesList’s Military Spouse Team
Each PCS is different.
Sometimes you will
have 6 months to
prepare and others
3 days. Our team
has put together a
list of our top 10 tips
from personal experiences to help you
have a smooth PCS
this moving season!
ever ything needed du r ing
yo ur P C S tr ip. K eep trac k
o f medic atio ns ; paper wo r k ;
h o tel dates ; f l ig ht info ; ro u te
DO N OT O ve r- s h i p :
N o t al l l o c at i o n s
have g enero us s i ze d
ho u s ing. R es earc h t h e s i ze s
map s and any thing el s e yo u
o f yo u r po s s ibl e f u t ure q ua r-
may n eed w hil e m ov ing. O u r
ter s and co ns ider t h i s w h e n
guide has m any l is t o ptio ns
yo u ar rang e yo u r s h i p p i n g.
availabl e fo r yo u to u s e
Tem po rar y s to rag e i s ava i l -
to sim pl if y this pro ces s.
abl e w hil e over s ea s, b ut
PUR G E !! Pr io r to t h e
it is expens ive – a n d yo u
pac ke r s ar r ivin g, go
t h ese are g u ides and it w il l
through your h o me an d
likely no t g o as pl anned.
pu rge thos e un n eeded
or unu s ue d items. Th is
wi ll m ake un pack in g
e as i e r as you will n o t
have to “re ho me” items
that you no lo n ger use.
S arge s Li s t is a great
place to li s t yo ur items
i nd i v i dua lly o r to sh are
a bou t you r yard sale.
Cre ate L i st s:
M ak e a
li s t of what yo u n eed
to do from st ar t to
fi n i s h for the PCS. List yo ur
“ D o Not Pa c k ” roo m items so
t hat you c a n e nsure yo u h ave
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
Stay Fl exibl e: A P C S
c an’t tak e any thing o ut !
c an be ver y s tres s-
f u l. K eep yo u r c hec k-
list s on hand, bu t k now
Tak e Pic tu re s :
D o c u m ent t h e m ove
fo r f u tu re me m o -
r ies, bu t al s o tak e p i c t ure s
o f yo u r bel o ngings. Th i s i s a
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
G et Organ i ze d
t he se r i al numbers o n elec -
t ro n i c s, as we ll as sh ow elec -
mo tel pet po l ic ies. I f a
t ro n i c s i n us e i f po ssib le.
h o tel s ays pet f r iendl y, give
Th es e wi ll be re quired fo r a
t h em a c al l. M any tim es,
c l a i m for da m age o r lo ss.
an imal s o ther than do g s
are n o t al l owed. C hec k o u t
great way to d ocument yo ur
i tem s for i ns u ran ce p urp o s e s. E ns u re you cap t ure
Pet Fr iendl y is N o t
Eq u al Oppo r tu nit y !
When travel ing w ith
a p et, do u bl e c hec k ho tel /
Tur n the P CS I nto an
o ur Travel ing w ith Pets
Adve nture: If you are
ar t icle fo r m o re info.
PCSing across country,
you will likely have 10 days.
Take your time and enjoy
the sights! See the Grand
Canyon or Mt. Rushmore.
Break up the trip with historic locations to create
memories for the family
and stretch your legs!
moving to a ho tel. Div ide
Co m m u nic atio n is the
K ey to a S u cces s f u l
P C S Tal k abo u t
wh at needs to be do ne
an d w hat yo u r expec tat io n s are. Lay o u t the c alen dar and dis c u s s the
best dates fo r pac k ing and
D on’t Exceed Yo ur
an d co nq u er the tas k s. This
We i ght Allowan ce:
will p rove to be m o re ef f i-
K now you r weight
cient and l es s s tres s f u l.
a llowance. Drop weight if
necessary. Sort and sell,
or give things away. Use
SargesList to sell locally.
Pro Gear does not count
against your total weight,
but is limited to 2,000
pounds so be sure to put it
aside and clearly label! Your
spouse also has an allowance for Pro Gear. Separate
theirs and mark it too.
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
Stay Po s itive There will
be a time when moving
(again), for whatever
reason, will be extremely
hard for you. However, you’ll
still have to move. The attitude you have can make or
break you. Be positive for
your own well-being and for
the benefit of your family.
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E | 2 0 1 4
Co m m o n PC S Ac ro ny m s
CONUS - Continental United States
NTSR - Non-Temporary Storage Release
DCN - Document Control Number
DHHG - Domestic Household Goods
DITY - Do-It-Yourself
OCONUS - Outside of the Continental United
PBP&E/PROGear - Professional Books, Papers
and Equipment
PPM - Personally Procured Move
PCS - Permanent Change of Station
DPM - Direct Procurement Method
POV - Privately Owned Vehicle
DPS - Defense Personal Property System
PPSO - Personal Property Shipping Office
DTOD - Defense Table of Official Distances
QA - Quality Assurance
DTR - Defense Transportation Regulation
RDD - Required Delivery Date
ETA - Electronic Transportation Acquisition
RSMO - Regional Storage Management Office
FPO - Fleet Post Office
TAD - Temporary Assigned Duty
FRV - Full Replacement Value
TDY - Temporary Duty
GBL - Government Bill of Lading
TO - Transportation Office
HHG - Household Goods
TSP - Transportation Service Provider
IUB - International Unaccompanied Baggage
UB - Unaccompanied Baggage
JFTR - Joint Federal Travel Regulation
VTF - Veterinary Treatment Facility
JPPSO - Joint Personal Property Shipping Office
MCO - Military Claims Office
NTS - Non-Temporary Storage
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
Ul t imate
C Sc C
k lHi st
† Decide what to sell and purge.
† D ecide whether move will be DITY, partial DITY
or full military move.
† Register with DPS and schedule self counseling.
† Find schools and/or daycare for children.
ake hotel reservations for moving/packing
day and at next duty station arrival.
† S chedule packing and moving dates for all shipments (plus storage for OCONUS).
† Schedule vehicle maintenance.
† Research new duty station and housing.
† List extra vehicles for sale.
† Get on the housing list, if applicable.
† Start saving moving expense receipts.
erify place on housing office if planning
on living in military housing.
† Discuss PCS process with spouse and children.
† F ill out change of address forms. Forward
† Track tax deductions from the move.
† Schedule vet appointments for all pets.
mail to new unit if address is unknown.
† Contact pay office for entitlements.
† Request school records for children.
† C ontact financial institutions, cell phone
† Organize important paperwork.
† Appra i s e a nti ques an d h igh value item s.
company to update address.
† C ancel local subscriptions and
delivery services.
† Schedule medical and dental appointments.
† Sign medical release forms.
† G e t Powe r o f At to r n e y p a p e r s s i gn e d.
† Confirm dates with transportation office.
† Pick up any dry cleaning you still have out.
† Use up food in pantry and freezer.
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E | 2 0 1 4
U l ti m ate PC S C hec k list
† Take down pictures and wall decor.
† Start using disposable plates and utensils and
put all silverware and kitchen utensils into big
† Complete home repairs you are liable for.
ziplock bags.
† Turn in propane tanks.
† Tape remotes, controllers and cords to the electronics they belong to.
† A ssemble car emergency kit based on the
climate you will be traveling through.
† Contact insurance companies for new rates and
† Remove light bulbs from lamps.
† Take all trash out so it won’t get packed!
service switch.
† Load what you can in the car.
† Terminate or transfer cable and internet.
† H ave coffee, water, and a small breakfast ready
† Close out all safety deposit boxes.
† E stablish a DO NOT PACK room and start setting
for the movers.
† Present valuable inventory list to packers.
aside items (including cleaning supplies).
† Watch packers load valuable inventory.
† Drain all garden hoses.
† Double check closets and cabinets
† Drain gas and oil from mowers.
† Order lunch for the movers and yourself.
† Prepare outdoor equipment for transport.
† G et your Government Bill of Landing (GBL) (DD† Set up childcare for children.
619) from the driver.
† Do a final walk-through before the driver closes
the truck.
† Clean bedding, towels, and linens and wash
any dirty laundry.
† Fill all medical prescriptions that you can.
† Take your spare set of keys.
† Clean cabinets and dishes.
† H ave all TRICARE phone numbers and PCM
phone numbers with you.
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
G et Organ ize d
The Most Common POV Questions
Per so na l l y o perated veh ic l es (P OV ) h ave different
shipping an d tra n s po r t r ul es depen din g o n w here you
g et st at io ned.
he the r yo u r ide a
motorc ycle, dr ive a
mi ni van , o r so me -
t h i ng wi th a 500 h emi un der
travel are reimbursed as a
rate per mile in lieu of reimbursement of actual POC
operating expenses.
t h e hood one of t h e f irst quest i o n s you m ay have is wh at to
d o wi th you r POVs!
Does the military pay for
any vehicle expenses if
PCSing CONUS? Mileage
(Allowance) for using a privately owned conveyance
(POC) for local/TDY and PCS
Can I put my car in storage?
Yes. But only if you are a)
moving overseas and are not
allowed to take a POV or; b)
going TDY on a contingency
operation for more than 30
Ship any vehicle, anytime, anywhere!
uShip for Military is an online marketplace connecting you with
over 500,000 customer-rated transporters.
Whether it is your motorcycle, car or boat, uShip makes it easy to
transport your vehicle on time, and on target.
All current and former members of the military qualify for an
exclusive discount on all shipping. Your service moves us, now let
us move you
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
How many cars will the military move for me?
If you are PCSing OCONUS, the
military will transport ONE of
your vehicle, not to exceed 20
measurement tons. Review
the Personal Property
Instruction Guide
(PPCIG) or check with
your local PPSO/PPPO
and determine if
restriction/prohibitions exist.
Are there companies that
transport vehicles?
Yes! Many offer military discounts and can accommodate quick timelines.
Where can you sell a car
with minimal hassle?
Many installations offer
a resale lot on base.
You can also list your vehicles for sale on www.
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E | 2 0 1 4
PC S Ord e rs ?
G e t O rgani zed
D o n’t DIY, Leave it to th e Pro s a n d S ave!
Permanent Change of Station
orders are a way of life for most
active -duty militar y families.
Every family has a different way
of approaching the Big Move.
Some choose to let Uncle Sam
handle the relocation, while
others opt for a PPM (Personally
Procured Move) — more often
called a DITY move.
If your family is considering the
DITY (do-it-yourself ) relocation
option, you might be surprised
to find out how much you can
save! Your first consideration
might be to rent a U-Haul or
Penske truck in hopes of keeping
more of your PPM payment. The
truth, however, is that hiring a
professional moving company
independent of Uncle Sam can
often save you money — even
more so than doing it yourself.
O f course, the advantage is
that your family can put some
of your PPM payment back into
your pocket at the end of the
Options 1 and 2:
DIY — Rent a Truck Using Penske
or U-Haul
The first two numbers you see
for each of the three moves are
“Do It Yourself ” estimates. The
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
total for these militar y DIT Y
moving cost estimates include
the rental rate for a 26-foot truck
(through Penske and U-Haul),
plus basic travel expenses: fuel,
cheap hotels, insurance and
some essential moving equipment. You’ll notice the pricing
estimates exceed the third,
non-DIY option, which we’re
about to discuss.
O f course, the Penske and
U-Haul estimates don’t include
more intangible moving costs,
like your family’s time off from
work or school — but those are
important factors you’ll want to
consider as well. The stress of
managing a move on your own
has its own cost. Forget about
it and let the military do it all.
Option 3:
“Don’t Do It Yourself ” — Hire a
Moving Company
The third estimate you see
under each move is an average
of several hundred 3-bedroom
moves booked through uShip.
com, the online marketplace
for moving services — but you
could solicit quotes by calling
around as well. Most of the time,
it’s actually less expensive than
renting a truck and making the
Why is Hiring a Moving Company
Regardless of how you look
for moving quotes, the key is
to let quality movers compete
for your business. uShip, for
one, makes this easy by allowing companies to submit competing bids. Movers can often
combine cross-country deliveries, making relocations hundreds of dollars cheaper than
doing it on your own.
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
G et Organ i ze d
D o c u m e nt s Yo u S h o u l d N e ve r Pa c k
I m p o r ta nt l eg a l a n d m edic a l do c um ents to c a r r y fo r an
ea sy tra nsit io n a nd c h ec k in to yo ur n ew dut y s tatio n.
After getting your mail in
order, start setting up a binder
you can carry with you with all
of your important legal and
medical documents.
You will need several during
your trip and at check in. You
do not want to be without say your passport or vehicle
registration- when making a
big move.
In addition, because PCS rules
can change on the fly, your
transportation office may not
know if you need x,y, or z document now, when last month
it wasn’t necessary.
PCS Specific Documents
10 cop ies of your ord er s
• H o u s e h o l d
goods shipping and storage documents - GBL numb er s
Spo nsor ship infor m at ion
Vehicle Documents
Vehicle titles or lien forms
Vehicle registration forms
Vehicle insurance policies
Use a binder with a bendable cover to hold these documents for easier packing and
License wit h t wo
Here is a list of the must have
Family Documents
M a r r iage Cer t ific ate
• B ir th cer tificates of family
memb er s
Ado p t ion p ap er s
• D i v o r c e
or annulment
papers of any previous
ma r r iages
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
C hild ren’s rep or t c a rds
Child custody documents
M ilit ar y IDs
• A d vanced med ic a l
Medical Documents
• D r i ver s
Passp or t s
d irec t ive
co pi e s
Yes. It happens all the time! So
always be over prepared.
Ci ti zenship p ap er s
M ed ic al record s
Vacc inat ion c ard s
D ent al record s
Financial Documents
C hec k b ooks
• L i s t
of bills with mailing
envelop es
• C o p y
of application for
allot ment (if any)
Latest t ax for m s
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E | 2 0 1 4
G e t O rg ani zed
2014 PCS Entitlements
Entitlements that you may qualify for
during a PCS move.
DLA is used to partially reimburse you for expenses incurred
during a PCS and can be paid in
advance of your move.
Monetary Allowance in Lieu
of Transportation (MALT ):
M ileage reimbursement for
the service member and their
dependents during a PCS and is
paid on a per mile basis for the
official distance of each portion
of the travel and may include up
to two POC’s, based on orders.
Te m p o r a r y
Expense (TLE)
TLE is intended to partially pay
for lodging and meal expenses
due to a PCS. CONUS PCS are
limited to 10 days; OCONUS
PCS is limited to 5 days. You
must include itemized, zerobalance lodging receipts and a
Statement of Non-Availability if
staying off post when submitting for reimbursement.
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
Per Diem
MALT-Plus: authorized if traveling by POC. This portion is paid
on a whole day calendar basis
for the allowable travel time.
completing your travel voucher
Dependent Travel Accompanied by
Service Member
Lodgings-Plus: pays for lodging
costs associated with a PCS
move and may be paid for any
necessary overnight delay or
processing time at a transportation terminal or personnel processing center.
Service members are authorized
dependent PCS travel and transportation allowances. Make sure
your DEERS form includes all
What TLE is to CONUS, TLA is to
overseas. Up to 60 days (can be
extended) may be paid for temporary lodging expenses and
meal expenses after a military
member (and his/her family)
arrive at a new overseas location, while awaiting housing.
Advances are paid within 10
days of the travel star t date
on your orders for PPM / DITY
moves. You must submit your
travel claim within 5 days of
arriving at your new duty locat i o n , a n d yo u r c l a i m m u s t
include advance payments previously processed. Failure to
do so can result in a debt to
the government and possibly
payroll deductions. Your DMPO
will answer specific entitle ment questions and assist with
Temporary Lodging
Allowance (TLA).
Up to 10 days of TLA can be paid
for temporary lodging expenses
in the overseas location, prior
to departure.
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
G et Organ i ze d
S elling Yo ur H o m e
- M ai nte na nce wo r k to g et h o m e s el l a bl e
- St agi n g a nd a d ver tising co s ts
- Age nt co st s ( if g o ing thro ugh a n a gent)
- M o r tga g e p ay m ents if ho m e n o t s o l d o n tim e
M ove O ut E xp en s es
- Cleaning s up p li es o r p ro fe ssi o n al c l e an e r
- Paint, sp a ck le, etc.
- R es eed i ng o r ya rd wo r k
Pet Expens es
- Vaccinat i o n s
- Health a s s es s ment
- R egistrat i o n p a p ers
Af ter Leav i ng H o me - Th e L i m b o St ag e
- Tempora r y lo d gi ng a f ter 10 d ays o f p ai d T LE - Tr y to save at
leas t 2 m o nt h s o f rent o r h o te l co st s.
- Food ( rent a p la ce wi t h a k i tc h e n to avo i d e at i n g o u t )
- B oard in g a nd t ra ns p o r t i ng p e t s
E x tra Expen s es Af ter Ar r i v i ng
R eplacin g ever yd ay ho us eho l d i te m s
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E | 2 0 1 4
G e t O rganized
- Toiletr ies, to i let p a p er, p a p er towe l s
- S helving pap er
- B rooms, mo p s, clea ni n g s up p li e s
- S hower cu r t a i n s, r i ng s, b at h m at s
Chil d Specific E xp ens es
- S chool regi s t rat i o n / d ayca re re gi st rat i o n / t u i t i o n / u n i fo r m s
- S por ts regis t rat i o n
- Tutor ing
Ve hicle and Pers o n a l E xp ens es
- Car insuran ce a d j us t ment
- Par k ing per m i t s
- Weather izin g
Cl othing exp en s es - m ov i n g to a d i f fe re nt c l i m ate an d
ne e ding to buy new clo t hes $50 per month person average.
O ther mis cel la neo us :
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
G et Organ i ze d
Road Trip!
K eep yo u r k ids co ntent w h il e dr iv in g l o n g dis ta nces by
b r inging a l l t y pes o f enter ta in m ent.
M usic player
Personal headphones
DVD player
Favor ite and new movies
R eading books
Ac tivit y books
Handheld games N i ntendo DS, I nnotab, etc.
Apple iPad/PC Tablet with k ids
games installed
Power cords and batter ies
Play dr iving games like I-Spy
Special new toy for the tr ip!
Take the k ids’ pillows and a fresh set of sheets, along with a few of
their favor ite toys or movies and pack them in a rubber maid box
with a different color lid for each k id....that way when the packers
unpack on the other end they were easy to spot and we had the
k ids’ bedding and a few things to keep them busy until life could
star t to be nor mal again. - Facebook fan
M y t rave l e nte r tain ment list :
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G e tti n g St ar ted
Plan Your Move With
MOVE.MIL is the official DPS Portal. Start your PCS by registering for the system. Sign
up for any courses your current base offers regarding PCS’ing and the move. They
give a detailed explanation of what exactly will be happening and what to expect.
Ar ra n g e yo u r m ove by u s i n g S e l f - Co u n s e l i n g o n t h e D P S we b s i te o r v i s i t yo u r
local TO to arrange the move. The militar y member can provide a POA or Letter
of Authorization to allow their spouse to make the arrangements on their behalf.
Properly prepping your home and goods for move or storage is essential to a successful move. It is
your responsibility to be prepared when the movers arrive. If the TSP arrives to pack/pickup your
personal property and either you or your designated agent is not available, you may be financially responsible for an “Attempted” charge. The fee must be paid in full prior to rescheduling.
Update the DPS Portal with your new address as soon as you have it available and schedule your delivery of your HHG. You can also track the shipment of your HHG on the Portal.
Remember that once your HHG arrive, you are entitled to a “full unpack” unless otherwise noted.
Be sure to thoroughly document and photograph any damaged items and to promptly claim
them using the DPS Portal.
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G ettin g Star te d
DPS Information
ETA Password”
Estimated HHG shipment weight:
HHG packout date:
Estimated UB Shipment weight:
UB packout date:
Estimated professional gear weight:
Professional gear packout date:
NTS packout date (OCONUS ONLY ):
Estimated arrival date:
Transportation office contact information:
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G e tti n g St ar ted
S e l l ? Bu y ? HE L P ! !
Being prepared and having a plan for any possible outcome is
important. It only takes a little preparation to get ready.
Co nt r ibuto r : S u s anna Hay nie, R eato r ® in Co l o rado S pr ings
Your orders are in hand and
now you have to figure out
what to do with the home you
are leaving that you own and
whether to buy a new one at
your next location. You can
never predic t just how this
process will go, but being prepared and having a plan for each
possible outcome is important.
It only takes a little preparation and teamwork to get ready.
You put your house on the market
and it sold before you have to PCS:
G e t i n to u c h w i t h a R e a l to r to
help you search for homes in
your new location before you
go house hunting. Remember
that you will receive ten days
o f “p e r m i s s i v e” T DY f o r h o u s e
hu nt i ng, althou gh n o ex pen ses
members elec t to take this time
A F T E R the i r move. D o research
about the area your Realtor has
p i c k ed. (Cr i m e, s c h o o ls) Ch eck
o u t S a r g e s L i s t ’s Lo c a l E x p e r t s
(they will be able to give you
detailed numbers once you have
chosen a home and a price) for
certain price ranges. You might
qualify for $200,000, but you can
decide that less might be more.
This may be more difficult
during PCS season, as your
competition increases. Usually
sellers will pick a different offer
from a seller without a contingency, if they have the choice.
Will you have to stay in temporary lodging after the sale of
your old home or before closing
on your new one? If so, make
reservations with TLF in your
new location and ask about
extending your stay, if needed.
Talk to your lender if a bridgeloan is something that they
advise in your situation.
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2 weeks away, all contingencies
are met and it seems like a solid
d e a l . Yo u a r e v a c a t i n g y o u r
You put your house on the
market and you have an offer
from a qualified buyer and you
are halfway through the closing:
Something can always go
wrong. Even if you are to keep
the earnest money deposit, if an
offer tanks, you’ll have to start at
square one and that can throw
a wrench in your plans. It’s not
the end of the world if you are
aware that this will change your
H E R E for tr u s te d adviso rs.
Contact LOCAL lenders and
learn about your options. Get
prequalified before you go
house hunting. Have lenders
Best case: Closing is only a shor t
You can make an offer in your
new town contingent upon the
sale of your previous home.
ho m e, yo u r HHG a re p a c k e d up
and yo u r f am il y move s. At yo ur
n e w d u t y s t at i o n yo u wa i t o u t
t h e c l o s i n g o f t h e ‘o l d h o m e’.
Yo u s h o r t t e r m r e n t o r l i v e i n
temporar y housing until you
have fo u nd and cl o s e d o n yo ur
new ho m e.
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
G ettin g Sta r te d
R e nt o r B u y ?
Ask before you start looking. Rule of thumb:
never set your rent or mortgage at full BAH. The
housing allowance is meant to cover rent/mortgage, utilities and insurance. Check
for rentals. Find a trusted realtor in your area.
What is BAH rent in the new area?
What is the average rent/mortgage?
What are the average utility costs?
How much is renters/home insurance?
How much are the property taxes?
What is your gas budget?
Another concern whether you own your home or
you are renting is getting the house prepared for
selling or move-out. Here is where another list
comes in handy. Chores like touching-up paint,
power-washing, and new carpet are things that
you need to not only list but for which you need
to budget time and money. - Facebook fan
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G e tti n g St ar ted
Lodging Facilities Across the World
Need a clean, safe place to stay?
Army Lodging
The U.S. Army MWR lodging
provides comfortable, afforda b l e a c c o m m o d a t i o n s fo r
civilians travelling on official
business, as well as military
members and their accompanying or visiting family
For reservations visit the
MWR lodging website
o r c a l l 8 0 0 - G O -A R M Y 1 , o r
866-363-5771 (866 DoD LSP1)
N av y G ate way I n n s &
Suites (NGIS) offers over
24,000 guest rooms at 74
locations worldwide. It is first
priority lodging for all Navy
TDY travelers and also offers
leisure lodging if space is
available (Space A lodging).
Reservations are made on a
first come, first serve basis
without regard to rate or rank
up to 30 days in advance for
a maximum seven night stay
(extensions can be made once
you check in).
Navy Lodge
The Navy Lodge accommodates leisure travelers, PCS
travelers, and official travelers. Every lodge offers complimentary breakfast, Wi-Fi, and
newspapers for guests. Room
rates are 45% less on average
than civilian hotels in the same
areas, so if you are going on
vacation, check with the Navy
Lodge first!
For reser vations call
877-NAVY-BED (enter the first
three letters of the base); or by
visiting the website.
1-800-NAVY-INN or go to the
Navy Lodge website.
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Air Force Inns
Located around the world
at the majority of Air Force
Installations. The TDY or PCS
traveler will find the accommodations clean, convenient
and with the required amenities found in commercial
hotels to suit business needs.
For reservations visit
or call 1-888-AF-LODGE.
Marine Corps Lodging
Marine Corps temporar y
lodging facilities offer shortterm housing accommodations for military members,
their families, and guests.
Recreational Lodging is also
available at several Marine
Corps Installations. You can
rent cabins, chalets, trailers,
cabanas, beach houses and
For reservations visit MCCS
Lodging or call
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
G ettin g Sta r te d
Getting the Car Road Trip Ready
Tips for a smooth and safe car trip.
Schedule a Checkup
Most new cars have the total
Do basic maintenance before weight capacit y printed on
you head out. Check wipers, the door inside the driver ’s
change oil, top off fluids, etc. side. This load rating includes
all the passengers and cargo.
Check Your Battery
Make sure it has clean termi- Roof-top cargo.
nals: Use baking soda and water. Only fill with light bulky items.
Heavy loads on the roof can
Inspect Your Tires
increase the risk of a roll over.
Look for tears or bulges in the
side wall and nails and bolts in Use GPS.
the tread. The tires should have Traffic- enabled devices can
a good amount of tread left. Put w a r n o f r o a d w a y c o n g e s a penny in the inner tread - if tion and alternate routes. GPS
you can see the top of Lincoln’s c a n a l s o d i re c t e m e rg e n c y
hea d, yo u n e e d n ew ti res. s e r v i c e s t o y o u r l o c a t i o n .
rear-facing longer and keep
older children in a seat to the
highest weight and height
allowed by the manufacturer.
Cheat Sheet
† Schedule a vehicle checkup
† I nspect tire tread
and pressure
† Inspect brake pads
† Pack emergency kit
† Check vehicle load capacity
Check Tire Pressure
and Brakes
Kid prep.
Pack enough snacks, water,
Set to the numbers on the games, videos and music to keep
placard on the driver ’s door them comfortable and occupied.
j a m , o r o w n e r ’s m a n u a l .
† Pack cargo boxes correctly
† Invest in a GPS
Pack Emergency Kit
Plan around traffic and use
rest stops.
bla n k e t, f i rs t- a i d k i t, ba si c
tools, water and snacks.
Avoid the rush and ensure
you get to your destination on
time and with minimal stress.
† Avoid driving during
Check Vehicle’s
Load Capacity
Check car seats.
† Stop often for gas
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Car seat guidelines and the
law require children to stay
† P ack activities for
kids and adults
rush hour
and breaks
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G e tti n g St ar ted
Traveling With Pets
Plan your pet’s comfort as you would your own.
Know what pet specific travel regulations are for your
trip, make pet friendly hotel reservations, and more.
uc k i ly you are n o t t h e
fi r s t, nor th e last, t h at
wi ll be travelin g wit h
a p e t and the re are many
p e o ple who c an h elp yo u.
Do I need any documentation for my pet to travel? A
licensed veterinarian must
issue a health certificate to all
animals traveling by air within
10 days of transport. You can
get health certificates at U.S.
Army Veterinar y Treatment
Facilities (VTF) worldwide.
What health records do I need
for my pet? Many countries
require health certificates and
rabies certificates from civilian
veterinarians to have original
signatures and to be countersigned or stamped by a U.S.D.A.
In most countries, but not all,
original signatures by Army
Veterinary Corps Officers are
exempt from this requirement,
so it may be advantageous to
complete all of the steps in the
process through the base VTF.
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
I heard there are certain times
of the year my pet cannot
travel by plane. Is this true?
Regulations prevent pets
from riding in temperatures
under 45 degrees or more
than 85 degrees for more than
45 minutes. This is a major
concern if you are traveling in
the summer or winter Does my pet have to go with
me on my flight? It may be necessary to ship your pet before
or after the PCS in order to
s a fe l y t ra n s p o r t. Fo r o t h e r
foreign countries, contact your
local VTF.
Can I give my pet a sedative to
relax them to travel by plan? NO
SEDATION for pets is allowed for
airline pet travel, even if your
vet says it is OK!
Can I give my pet a sedative for
the car? If the animal is prone
to being anxious in the car,
a vet will typically prescribe
low-grade tranquilizers to use
during the trip.
“OVER ESTIMATE kennel size for your pets
when flying! We missed our flight in order to
find and purchase a larger kennel that was
approved in one countr y, but not another.”
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
G ettin g Sta r te d
Appointments at the VTFs fill up
fast, so plan to call to schedule at
least two to three weeks before the
travel date.
What should I take for my pet on a
road trip? Portable food and water
bowls, favorite blanket or toy, extra
doggy bags.
What part of the plane will my
pet have to travel in? Depending
on size, pets can be transported
in carr y- on baggage, checked
baggage or unaccompanied cargo.
Costs differ for each method and
are also at the discretion of each
Do I have to confirm my pet’s plane
ticket with the airlines? Yes. Make
contact with the airline 24-48 hours
prior to your departure. Assure the
airline your pet is healthy; a sick
pet can be turned away.
Will I have to quarantine my pet?
If you’re going to Japan, Hawaii or
Guam, these locations require long
quarantine periods before your
animal will be admitted beyond
the arrival point.
The process to qualify for shorter
quarantine periods requires multiple visits with your pet to your
local VTF.
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I n recent yea r s,
mo s t m a j o r a ir l in es
have s ign ific a ntl y
ra is ed th e fees th ey
ch a rge fo r br in gin g
p ets o n bo a rd. I n
mo s t c a s es, th es e
fees m atc h o r
e ven s ur pa s s $100,
ma k in g br in gin g
yo ur pet (o r m o re
t h a n o n e pet) o n
a n a ir pl a n e a major
fa c to r in yo ur
budget. E xpec t
fees to va r y,
depen din g o n t hei r
s ize, o r w h eth e r
th ey fl y un der t he
s eat o r a s c h ec ked
c a rgo (w h ic h
invo l ves ex tra
h a n dl in g by a ir li ne
s ta ff ).
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G e tti n g St ar ted
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G ettin g Sta r te d
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U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E | 2 0 1 4
Organizing OCONUS Packouts
Overseas movers get three different shipments separate them out for a more streamlined process.
By now you might want to throw
everything into the dumpster
and just board a plane to your
overseas location. Not THAT bad
of an idea, but a very costly one.
A little low tech organization
will help you get your shipments
out in time and get everything
where it needs to be.
This ship ment is for essentials that you need to
survive once you get to
yo u r o ve r s e a s b a s e. These
items are sent via plane, not
boat. You can send your UB
shipment as soon as you have
orders and complete the DPS
self counseling.
Pack and Purge Early
Pack and purge as much as you
can ahead of time. Have all of
your seasonal clothes that you
won’t be using in boxes, clearly
labeled. I like to use Mabels
Labels organizing system. The
labels are waterproof, kidproof,
and PCS proof!
Scheduling Your Pack
Out Dates
You get three different pack out
dates for an overseas move.
1. N
on temporary storage (NTS)
which is what stays behind in
a storage unit in the U.S.
2. U n a cco m p a n i e d b a g g a g e
(UB) or “express shipment”
which is NOT express at all.
3. Main household goods
(HHG) shipment.
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O r g a n i z e Yo u r N o n
Temporar y Storage (NTS)
Place sticky notes on ALL
N TS storage item s. S c hed ule
your NTS pack out before
yo u r HHG d ate to avoid anything being packed that is
u n ship ab le. I tems t hat go in
N TS inc lud e:
Washer /Dr yer
L awn mower s
Jet sk is
R efr igerator s
S easonal c loth e s
One p ot and o n e p a n
Plast ic p lates/ u te n s i l s
Can/b ot t le op e n e r s
Toilet p ap er
Pap er towels
B ooks
T V/DVD p laye r / g a me s
Shower c ur t ain / r i n g s.
Bat h Towels
Watc h th e Pa ckers
Pack ing is not a high passion
c areer and you may fe e l l i ke
pack ing your own high value
i te m s. H owe ve r, i t i s i m p o r tant for you and your stuff
to l e t t h e p a c k e r s w ra p a n d
pack everything that can
break . I f you pack something
that then breaks en route,
YOU are resp ons i b l e fo r t h at
item . Avoid micro ma n a gi n g,
b u t b e p re s e n t a n d p ro v i d e
direction for your most
valued item s.
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
Things to Buy Before an
By Raquel Thiebes,
t g oe s a gai ns t t h e grain .
A Bed Not the mattresses but
Wh e n mov i ng over-
the actual bed frame. We got rid
of our rickety frame before we
moved and decided to buy one
here. However, German beds are
a different size and selection at
our PX furniture store is very
limited and pricey for beds.
se as, you s hould be
ge t t i ng r i d of thi n gs, n o t
bu y i ng m ore s tu ff, r ight ?
Well, I wish I had bought more
stuff. I realized this the first
day I walked into our PX in
Germany and was faced with
empty shelves, or the store clerk
saying, “We don’t carry that.” I
tried a few German stores, but
the price chased me out the
door or they just didn’t have
what I was looking for.
What got to me the most was
our cat tracking litter and filth
up and down the hallway. Only a
top entry litter box would do for
him apparently, and every store
that sells them in the States did
not ship to the APO because of
its large size. I thought about
t r y i n g t h e S h i p i t A P O. c o m
service, but the box was already
oversized and items shipped
through them had to follow
USPS guidelines. Here are a few
more things I wish brought
when we PCSd OCONUS:
Doodads, Clips and
Hardware The PX has a basic
supply of nails, screws and
such. I’ve even had success at
the German hardware store
with some things. But finding
those special clips for my sideboard and entertainment center
over here would prove to be
Sheets, Comfor ters and
Blankets If your old ones are
raggedy, then plan to buy these
on sale before you move. Again,
the PX is overpriced with such
things and rarely do they go on
sale. If you don’t, you’ll be burdened with shipping costs and
poor selection.
Special Pet Products They
may be unavailable at the PX
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or too expensive in the German
economy. If your pet takes a
prescription, try to get as much
of it filled before you come. The
on-post vet has limited space;
ours books appointments two
months out and abides by first
come first served. If you need to
go to a German vet, you will pay
through the nose.
Yo u r F a v o r i t e 1 1 0 v
A p p l i a n c e T h e PX h a s a
limited supply, and depending on the size and weight
of your item, should you buy
it while over here, it may be
too cost prohibitive to ship
or be over the USPS require ments for size and/or weight.
About half of our neighbors
traveled to Germany like minimalists. Most of their things are
in storage and many of them
wish they weren’t. Fortunately,
there is furniture available to
borrow from the government at
some bases that has been surprisingly new and light. You may
be able to check before you do
your pack out and tentatively
plan for what needs to come
and what can stay.
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E | 2 0 1 4
Danielle Leonard, The Frugal Navy Wife
An OCONUS move (a PCS overseas) can be daunting and downright scary! But the rewards of
travel, the culture and expe rience are well wor th it to
many military families and are
often career favorites. To ease
the stress I talked with three
good friends who have tackled
OCONUS moves (and survived!)
and volunteered to let you know
everything you need to know
about moving, your household
goods, vehicles, kids, pets, and
what to be prepared for once
you get there!
O u r O CO N U S P C S E x p e r t s
include Erica who PCSed to
Spain (and back!) with five children, Ashley who PCSed with
two pets to Guam and back, and
Haley from His Navy Wife, who
PCSed most recently to Japan
with two children.
These ladies provide a variety
of experiences, but as you plan,
re m e m b e r n o t e ve r y m ove
will be the same. Everything
depends on where you are
moving and the needs of your
unique family.
Tell Us about Passports:
Haley: “We got the no-fee passports through PSD. They are 100
percent free to apply for (minus
your passport photo) but they
only allow entry to your overseas duty station and America.
If you plan on doing any traveling to other countries while
overseas, I highly suggest you
get the normal tourist passport.
If you wait until you get to your
command, you will be required
to go off base to the American
Embassy to apply for one. Any
babies born overseas will be
required to obtain a passport
as well.”
How about Travel? What
should you pack in your
suitcase and be prepared
E r i c a s u g g e s t s re s e a rc h i n g
the weather at your new duty
station and packing your carryon luggage accordingly. If you’re
transferring from sunny Florida
where it’s 80 degrees to a new
duty station that is expecting
snow upon your arrival, you
could easily be caught without
a coat. She also highly suggests
packing some extra travel money
to pay for unforeseen expenses.
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
One of the most common
concer ns with OCONUS
m ove s i s d e a l i n g w i t h
Haley, “Your items are all listed
on paper as they are packed
away, so once they arrive in your
new country it will go through
customs on its own. In Japan,
you are not required to be there
nor do you have to pick anything up on your own. Just like
CONUS moves, it is delivered
to your home and unpacked”
What do you need to know
a b o u t Pa c k i n g u p a n d
moving your house hold
Ashley had two different shipments with her move; an express
shipment and a regular shipment. This is a very common
way to accept HHGs overseas.
E x p re s s s h i p m e n t s i n c l u d e
things you need right away, such
as blankets, pillows, a small TV,
a radio, clothes, and half your
kitchen (what you need to cook
with right away). Express goods
take about 30-45 days to receive
and regular shipments can take
60-90 days.
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
H ow a b o u t t ra n s p o r t i n g
Erica says she was only able to
ship one vehicle on the military’s
dime, but her command recommended her family buy one overseas because it could take up to
six months to get it. She also had
to have her car paid off because
her financial company wouldn’t
authorize transporting the car
Did you move any pets?
Since Guam is Rabies-free,
Ashley’s dogs had to have two
rabies shots, one taking place
right before they left. They also
require kennel cough shots 10
days prior to flying. The pet
owners are required to make
arrangements for their flight and
the sooner you book the better!
Airlines can only fly so many
animals per flight and cer tain
breeds cannot fly at all. Other
breeds can’t fly during certain
months so be sure to check into
this ASAP so you can make the
necessary arrangements.
Now let’s talk about moving
with kids!
Erica who moved with five kids
thinks it’s easier to move with
infants than older children. She
suggests preparing the kids ahead
of time for culture and time differences. “Our first night in Spain
was an awful night because we
got in and the sun didn’t go down
until 10pm. The kids were very
hard to get to bed, and none of
us slept well that first night but
they got used to it after a while!”
The next big adjustment is
what kind of shopping will
you have overseas?
Haley, “Most stores out in town
M il i t ar y O n e S o u rce:
w w w. mi l i t ar yo neso u rce. co m
OCO NU S. com
w w w. o con u s. co m
M il i t ar y D u t y Statio ns
w w w. mi l i t ar ydu t ystatio ns. co m
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
will accept American check/
credit/debit cards, but we
would always pull out Yen from
the ATM on base just in case. I
highly recommend that when
going off base for shopping or
dining, you carry the currency
of the country you’re in. Be
prepared when going clothes
shopping as the sizes aren’t the
same as in America. The food
in Japan is nothing like you
see in America. Be prepared to
have your mind blown when
going to eat out in town. The
food is amazing, but different.
Shopping out in town can be
tricky for certain things. You
have to remember that even
though you’re in Japan, the
outlets are not the same as in
America, so be careful when
buying electronics.
U.S . D epa r tm ent o f State
http://w w w.s /m /fsi /tc/
c 6954.htm
S a rges Lis t
w w w.S a rges Lis m
M il ita r y Tim es Cl a s s ifieds
w w w.m il ita r y tim es.s a rgesli st.
co m
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E | 2 0 1 4
G e t Pac k i ng
Do You Really Need That_______? M o re speed - les s dra g. Why yo u n eed to purge.
We’ve all been there. A giant
grin plastered across your face
as you dive elbow deep into the
$5 DVD bin at your nearest value
store. Then you see it. You think
to yourself, “How could this be?
How can THIS be in THIS bin? It’s
a classic!”
Fast for ward five years and
two PCS moves and you are
still packing that same “classic”
movie in its pretty shrinkwrap.
M ov i e s a n d C D ’s a re e a s y.
But what about lamps, furniture, books! Will you really
love looking at all your books
knowing they cost you $400 out
of pocket to move?
With each move, we acquire
more stuff, which means more
shipping weight, which could
mean you have to pay to move
extra stuff if you go over your
weight limit.
If you find some stowaways that
somehow avoided the donation
or sell pile then do a post PCS
purge too!
Answer these questions as
you contemplate keeping
or purging:
When was the last time
I used this object? Has it
been more than a year? Yes?
Pu rge.
Do I have something
similar ? Yes? Pu rg e.
Super-heavy? Yes? Purge!
Remember that you
can list your items on
SargesList for free.
There will always be
someone that needs
and will use that old
ping pong table, collection of CDs, or old
Avoid storag e co s t s !
M ake unp ac k i n g e a s i e r.
Save the government
money. They are your tax
dollars too! ( Who knew
purging could be so
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U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
G et Pack in g
“Do Not Pack” rooms ensure the packers won’t take
what you need while you’re traveling.
h e p a c ke r s w i l l
m ove a nyt hi ng
th at i s not na i l e d
down . I t i s v i t a l t hat
you sh ow t he p a c ke rs
exac tly w he re t he D O
N OT PAC K room i s.
How to S et U p t he Per fec t
DO NOT PAC K R o o m :
Wh at to in c l ude in yo ur DO N OT
PACK R o o m
• E nough c lot hes to last eac h family
memb er t hree d ays - in a suitc ase.
Toilet r ies
as t h e DO N OT PACK ro o m. You
can al so sec ti o n o f f a pi ece of
t h e h o u se w i th ro pe.
H igh-value items you will transpor t
K id s’ t ravel enter t ainment
uy yellow caution tape and
t ap e an X over th e do o r.
I mp or t ant d oc um ent s
M ed ic at ion - b ot h R X and OTC
C leaning sup p lies
Pet food, med ic at ion and sup p lie s
• B u y
a h u g e p o s t e r b o a rd a n d
w r i t e “ D O N O T PA C K T H I S
R O O M” o n th e o u tsi de.
• B r i e f
the packers as soon as
they arrive and physically show
t h e m w h ere th e D O N OT PAC K
ro o m i s.
n o t o p e n t h e d o o r u n l e s s yo u
really have to.
• D esignate a closet or bathroom
• D o
o n t i n u a l l y c h e c k
t h ro u g h o u t th e day.
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
• A i r
mattresses, sleeping bags
and linens
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G e t Pac k i ng
Valuable Inventory
Did you know? The insurance amount of your household goods has
a max of $40,000 for a DITY move and $50,000 for a full military move.
L is t al l s e r ia l n u mbers,
mo d e l n u m b e rs a n d
t h e m an u fac t u rer.
The hose to your washer
should be unhooked and
water d rained.
Take pic tures of your elect ron ics w it h t he menti o n ed
dat a.
Tak e vi d e o of el ec tro n i cs
and anything with moving
pa r t s. S h ow t h em wo r k i n g.
Record your valuables
electronically or manually
with specific data on your
OW N i nve nto r y sh eet.
Any cl ai m s yo u ma ke w i l l
need proof that you had the
expensive item in the first
pla ce an d n o t th e Wa l M a r t
brand. It is impor tant for
yo ur cl ai m !
Ta k e a p i c t u r e o r e v e n
b e t t e r, l a b e l a l l t h e c a b l e s
c o n n e c t i n g yo u r e l e c t ro n i c
e q u i p m e n t ( T V, s t e r e o,
spe ak e rs, e tc. ) to speed th e
setu p o n t h e o th er en d.
Yo u m u s t d i s c o n n e c t a l l
a ppl ian ce s an d el ec tro n i cs.
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
Fo r m o t o r c y c l e s , d r a i n
fuel, disconnect terminal
f r o m b a t t e r y, a n d t a p e i t .
Oi l m ay rem ain in t he t ank ,
but make sure there is no
l e a k a g e. I f y o u a r e p u t t i n g
it into long-term storage
( N TS ), remove t he b at ter y.
Fo r l a w n m o w e r s , y o u
must not only drain the fuel
bu t t he oil as well.
Use zip ties or garbage
bag ties to gather cables
and electronic accessories
that would fit or be well
kept in a b ag.
R eview Plasma T V movi ng
i n s t r u c t i o n s a n d s e t u p fo r
p rop er t ransp or t.
Dishwasher, refr igerators,
appliances must be prepped
for t ransp or t and s to ra g e.
Before you sign the inventor y, go t hrough t h e h o u s e,
checking the closets and
c a b i n e t s t o s e e t h a t e ve r y t hing has b een p a c ke d. Yo u
should be provided a legible
copy of t he invento r y.
Leave china in the cabinet.
Consid er ut ilizi n g a n
online home inve nto r y
p lan, like Homez a da.
C hec k yo u r s hipm e nt i n fo,
if “ Fu l l Unpac k ” is s p e c i-
Let the m over s dis m antl e
f ied, this m eans th e p a c k e r s
an d pac k ever y thing,
s ho u l d pu t ever y th i n g b a c k
in c l u ding beds, tabl es,
to g ether, u npac k a l l i te m s
desk s, etc. I f any thing
f ro m the boxes an d p l a ce o n
ar r ives bro k en o r is m is s ing
a s tabl e ho r izo nta l s ur f a ce
items, they w il l be hel d
and rem ove/hau l away a l l
res po ns ibl e.
pac k ing m ater ial s.
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G et Pack in g
Print this page and use it to record your high value items.
I tem
B ra nd
Serial Number
Va l u e
Te l ev i s i o n
Pan aso n ic
P57 36 25 9-1 73 75 -29 37
$ 25 00
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G e t Pac k i ng
Getting Ready for Pack Out
Helpful hints and tips
It is packing day! You’ve come
so far and its finally time to see
all of your belongings be boxed
up, packed up in the truck, and
driven off to their destination
even before you leave.
in and out of the rooms as the
packers are doing their work.
Double and triple check completed rooms to ensure everything has been packed.
Places things like to hide:
What you need to do today
is make sure everything
• R o om c loset s
goes smoothly .
Once the paperwork is filled out,
show the packers your personal
high value inventory sheet. The
packers will have their own,
which is a different color from
the standard inventory sheet.
Make sure everything you listed
as high inventory on your sheet
is listed on theirs.
Escor t the packers throughout the house and show them
what they are working with.
Remember to show them the
The packers will bring in their
supplies of boxes, tape, black
markers, and wrapping paper
and get to work.
Your responsibility is to float
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
H idden drawers in closets
Th e d ishwasher
Th e mic rowave
Th e p ant r y
G a rage c ab inet s
Next, go over the rooms one last
time with the packers. Look at
their inventory sheet and see
how many boxes they list.
When you’re done, start signing
all of the paperwork. Generally
- for CONUS pack outs - the
packers will return the next
day to load the truck, giving
you enough time to go through
the house and count all of
the boxes. Pay extra attention to those that are marked
as high value inventory. One
SargesList Facebook fan suggests “ writing across the tape
on all boxes with sharpie
marker to prevent anyone
from opening the boxes and to
reveal if someone HAS opened
a box.”
The next day, the movers will
load the truck. You will be
required to sign another document that says you witnessed
them load and seal the truck.
Once that is complete, your
belongings will drive off to
your next duty station, waiting
to be unpacked!
“Label and tape a ziploc bag to ever y item
that will be taken apar t, so there is a place
for all small pieces to go and can stay with the
item.” --M aureen L, S an Diego native, M om of 3
and EOD wife for 7 years and 5 moves
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
G et G oin g
Travel Tips
If you are traveling between TriCare service areas i.e.
West region to East region, call TriCare immediately to
prevent lapse in coverage.
• Tak e yo u r s p a re set o f keys
• M usic p layer
• W
rite down impor tant phone numbers • Per sonal head p hones
i n c as e yo u r ph o n e i s l o st o r sto len.
• DVD Player
• P hoto copy the contents of your wallet • Favor ite and new movies
a n d s to re t h e co py i n yo u r su i tcase.
• R ead ing b ooks
• T a k e a n e x t r a d u f f l e b a g f o r d i r t y • Ac t ivit y b ooks
l au n d r y an d th row a dr yer sh eet in it. • H
a n d h e l d g a m e s - N i n t e n d o D S , P S P,
• B uy a power inver ter for the car to plug
Leap ster s, I nnot ab, etc.
i n ce l l - p h o ne ch a rgers, a n d l a ptop s.
• A pple iPad or PC Tablet with kids games
• M i n i t rave l pi l l ow
inst alled.
• D i ap e r b ag
• Power cord s and b at ter ies
• Pe t s u p p l i e s
• Play d r iving gam es like I-Spy
• Sp ec ial new toy for t he t r ip !
• Wate r
• Trail m ix
• G ran o l a b ars
• Pro te in b ars
• N u t r it i o n al su ppl ement dr i n ks l i ke
Pe d ias u re, En su re, B o o st, etc
D r i e d fru it w i th a nti oxi da nts
• Wet wip es
• L arge zip loc k b ags for t rash and
sanit izer. Take a p ac k of lysol
wip es and wet wip es and ex t ra
zip loc k b ags to store t rash.
Keep all D efense Enrollment Eligibilit y R epor ting System
(DEERS) infor mation cur rent for you and your family members.
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G e t S et t led
Unpack, File Claims, Sleep?
Getting out of house A is over, now it is time to settle into
house B. Here are some suggestions for getting you started.
What do I do now?
Contact the destination transpor tation office immediately
when you arrive. Make sure
they have your updated contact
information so they can notify
you when your property arrives.
Some of my boxes are damaged.
What do I do?
Boxes showing exterior damage
should be unpacked and examined for interior damage.
What should I open first?
Always open high value inventory items first. Then open anything that is easily damaged, like
leather chairs or sofas to ensure
that the packers are using the
right tools to open boxes.
I’m missing a box or a few!
Mark the TSP record missing
boxes on each and every inventory sheet. Then immediately
file a claim.
I am in a small apartment and
don’t want everything yet. Can
I get the rest delivered later?
Yes! But you have to plan
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this ahead of time. M i l i t a r y
memb er s must identify this on
the shipment request, and have
the items.
Prior to the scheduled pickup
date, it is your responsibility to
separate these items from the
rest of the shipment. You can’t
just pick and choose what you
want from your shipment once
it arrives.
Why did I pack this?
It’s inevitable to open a box
and see stuff you didn’t want to
keep and forgot to purge. It’s ok!
As you are unp ac k ing, set
a si de some ex t ra b oxes. One
for giving away or donating and another for listing
for sale on SargesList.
If you have a smart
phone, use it to take pictures of each object you
k n ow yo u c a n s e l l fo r q u i c k
and easy image upload.
M ove stowaway items into
a separate room of the house
to avoid the objects being
unpacked and infiltrating
your new sp ace.
My ____ is broken!
What do I do?
Ta k e p i c t u r e s t h e n f i l e a
c l a i m ! We b r e a k i t d o w n
for you step by step in the
final pages.
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G et S ettled
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G e t S et t led
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
G et S ettled
Submit a Loss and Damage Report
Not everything can arrive intact all the time. If something is
broken or damaged, report it right away! Do this before you
file a claim!
1. Log into DPS using their ETA
supplied Log In and Password.
2. In upper Left portion of screen
under “My Approved Applications.”
3. Click on “Claims”Tab in Upper Right
portion of screen.
4. Click on “Claims Services” Click on
“Loss/Damage Reports.”
5. Click “Add a Loss/Damage Report.”
Then click “ADD”
6. Click on the Icon immediately to
the Right of the BOL/GBL Number
blank box to populate it with your
GBL/BOL number.
9. Select a response from the drop
down menu in the Upper right of
the screen locate “Loss or Damage
at Delivery?”
10. S elect a response in the
“Unpacking and Removal” drop
down menu.
11. Click on “Save” located in the
Upper Left of the screen.
12. Under the personal information area find “Add/Update Loss/
Damage Items.” Click on “Add.”
13. Add Item Name, Inventory
Number, and Loss/Damage
Description and click “SAVE”.
click on “Add.”
16. Click on “Browse” and select the
file to be attached.
17. Under “File Attachments” click on
18. Repeat steps until all “Lost/
Damaged” items are listed.
19. When you’re done, click on “Loss/
Damage Reports” and then click
20. When the Loss/Damage Report
is submitted the “Submit” button
will disappear.
21. The Report is now submitted!
7. Pick the correct GBL for the
damaged items.
8. Review Personal info below the
GBL block and – Add/Update as
14. A new screen appears where
you can upload a picture of the
damaged or missing item.
15. Upload the image by clicking on
“File Attachments,” searching for
the file on your computer, and
for a helpful
File your damage claim ASAP! M y motorc ycle ar r ived on its
side from Spain to Washington - on its SIDE!- We kept putting
off submitting the claim due to constant TDY tr ips and misinfor mation. I missed the deadline by one day - $6,000
of damage and I had to pay for all of it. - Facebook fan
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U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E | 2 0 1 4
G e t S et t led
Step 2 of Filing Claims Process
File your claim after your Loss and Damage
Report as part of a two-step process.
Us i ng I nte r n et Ex p lo rer,
c us tom e r logs into
your shipment must reflect“delivered
complete” in order to make a claim.
DPS throu gh E TA at
ht t p s : // e ta.s my. mil
us i n g the i r E TA User I D (SSN
o r E I N wi thou t d ash es) an d
t h e Pa s s word provided to
7. From shipments listed select the
correct shipment by clicking on the
> next to the shipment (shipment will
be highlighted) then click on “Pick.”
t h em v i a e m ai l from t h e
DPS Admi ni s trator wh en
t h e a ccount was created.
8. Below “Pick the Shipment,” click
on Icon to the right of “Submitter’s
Cu s tome r s ees Custo mer
H ome Pa ge wit h
“ We lcome (Custo mer ’s
9. Select the correct relationship as in
7 above.
15. A small red star indicates required
information. Use the Drop Down
to answer whether or not a “Quick
Claims Payment made?” This would
have happened at Delivery or immediately after for damage to household goods noted during the delivery.
Select Y if payment was made and N
if payment was not made.
16. If Y, enter the dollar amount and
list the items covered by the Quick
N a m e ) of ( Bra nc h o f S er vice).
Cus tom e r c lick s o n
“C la i m s” Tab in U p per
10. Below “Pick the Shipment” and
“Submitter’s Relationship” click “Start
My Claim.”
R i ght por ti o n o f screen .
4. Customer sees…Welcome to your
Claims Home Page.
5. Scroll over and on Right Side of
screen find “Create Claims.”
6. Click on Icon to the Right of “Pick
the Shipment.” A box should appear
with your shipment(s). If there is no
shipment, please proceed to shipment management and click on
“Manage Shipments” and then
“Shipment(s) and Status”. The status of
11. A New Screen will appear.
12. In the Upper Left of the screen
under “Claim” Click on “Edit.”
13. A new Screen will appear with the
Claim number at the top. This Claim
Number is only for this Claim.
14. Review the personal information
and make any necessary changes.
Scroll down to “Claim Details (on left
side of screen).”
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
17. Scroll down and click on “Save.”
18. A new screen appears. At the Top
of the screen under “Claim” Click on
“Import Loss/Damage Items.” (You
must have a completed loss/damage
report in submitted status in order to
import the items.)
19. A new screen with the Loss/
Damage items the Customer previously noted and submitted into DPS
20. Under “Add/Update Claim Items”
Click on “Edit Claim Items” for each
“Loss/Damage Report” item.
U LT I M AT E P C S G U I D E 2 0 1 4
G et S ettled
21. A new Screen will appear. Fill in the
following blocks:
• Inventory Number (number on the
inventory sheet next to the item)
• Claimed Amount (The amount the
Claimant expects to be paid by the
TSP for the item.)
• Click on Acquired Used only if it was
used. If item was new when acquired
ignore this block.
• Purchase Cost (The amount it originally cost the Claimant to purchase
the item.)
• Purchase Year. (The year the
Claimant purchased the item.)
34. Browse, Select item.
27. Fill in Claimed Amount, Purchase
Cost, and Purchase Year for each item.
28. Click on “Save.”
35. Click “Save” under “Upload File
29. Continue steps 25, 26 and 27 until
all the additional damaged or missing
items are added to the Claim.
36. If you have listed all your damaged
and missing items and ready to
submit your Claim go to step 37.
30. Click on“Save”under“Add/Update
Claim Items.”
37. Scroll to the bottom of the screen
– click on “Submit Claim to TSP”.
31.To upload a picture of the damaged
or missing item you first have to save
it to your computer. (Note: Large files
can cause errors.)
38. The“Submit”button will disappear
if the Claim is successfully submitted.
• The Claim is now submitted in DPS
(Item Status will change to “Demand
• The Claimant now must wait for
the Transportation Service Provider
(TSP) to respond to the Claim.
22. Click on “Save.”
23. Repeat until all “Loss/Damage
Report” items are updated with this
information and “Saved.”
24. To add additional damaged or
missing items to your claim, repeat
Steps 20 - 23.
25. If this is all you have damaged or
missing go to step 37.
25. Under “Add/Update Claim Items”
Click on “Add Claim Items.”
26. A new screen appears. Fill in Item
Name, Item Description, Inventory
Number, Loss, Type, Make/Model (if
applicable). Did carton have damage?,
Damage Description (if applicable),
and Comments (if applicable).
Copyright @2014 SargesList, Inc.
32. Under “Upload File Attachments”
click on “Add.”
33. Click Icon (Attachment Name).
Remember, completing your claim is a two step process!
Step 1: Complete a Loss and Damage report
Step 2: Complete and submit the claim report
To start the process, you must locate your Government Bill
of Lading (GBL) number for your shipment and Electronic
Transportation Acquisition (ETA) login to log in to DPS.
See the following helpful resources from
Claims How-To (PDF)
Claims How-To (Video)
Claims Overall Process
Claims Filing Deadlines
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Have A Less-Stress PCS
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