A New Class of Low Cost Three-phase High Quality Rectifiers with Zero-Voltage Switching Esam H.Ismail and Robert W.Erickson Department of Electrical Engineering University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, Colorado 80309 Abstmct - Several new schemes of constructing 39 low harmonic rectifiers are introduced here. These 39 ac-dc topologies are derived fiom parent dc-dc converter topologies. With a single active switch featuring the zero-voltage switching property (ZVS)in addition to the diode rectifier bridge, the rectifiers are capable of naturally drawing approximately sinusoidal input current waveforms at nearly unity power factor. Thus, a family of low cost high efficiency 3$ highpower-factor rectifier is obtained. A second power switch can be introduced to further improve the current waveshape. Simulation results are supplied for each of the proposed scheme to demonstrated the validity of the proposed concepts. I. Introduction Building three single-phase low harmonic rectifiers is a complex and expensive way to construct a 341low harmonic rectifier. Some single switch topologies are now known [2], with advantages of low cost, natural high quality line current waveforms and simple control circuitry. It is now apparent that a wide variety of rectifiers of this type are possible, and the range of possible configurations has not been explored. The objective of this paper is to present a number of new families of lowcost 341 high quality rectifiers, including singleswitch buck and boost topologies with zero voltage switching. A new single-phase buck derived rectifier with zero-voltage switching is also introduced. Recently a three-phase ac version of the dcdc boost converter was described in [l] which uses a single active switch and three input inductors operating in discontinuous conduction mode ( E M ) and yet is capable of drawing high quality current waveform from the ac source. Three new families of low cost 34 high quality rectifiers were introduced in [2]. The first two families of these rectifiers were derived from parent dcdc PWM converter containing boost-type inputs and buck-type inputs via a simple transformation. The third family was derived from parent dcdc converter topologies containing quasi resonant zerocurrent-switch (ZCS) buck-type inputs. This led to the discovery of a new polyphase resonant switch. Most of these topologies require only one controlled switch device; yet they are capable of drawing a high quality input current from the 3141ac source. The input line currents of the 34 ZCS rectifiers described in [2], are pulsating quasi-sinusoidal with a peak proportional to the input phase voltage. This property yields an average or low frequency component in the line current approximately proportional to the phase voltage. Low harmonic rectification is therefore obtained. It is also possible to obtain low harmonic rectifier via the dual argument. A converter having a pulsating quasi-sinusoidal lineline voltage during each switching period with a peak proportional to the input line current, also exhibits an average or low frequency component of line current approximately proportional to the phase voltage. A converter with such input characteristics can be constructed by taking the dual of the 341 ZCS rectifiers presented in[2]. As a consequence, the resulting rectifiers have the same number of active switches as in [2] with the property of zerovoltage-switching (ZVS) instead of ZCS. A new class of 34 ZVS resonant switch rectifiers which are based on this principle are given in Sec. II. Another class of 341 resonant switch rectifiers featuring both ZVS and ZCS property are also proposed in Sec. IV. This class is derived from the new 3$ ZVS rectifiers of Sec. 11, by inserting an additional switch in series with the rectifier diode on the dc side of the rectifier. Linearization of input port characteristics and constant frequency control then become possible. Section V shows another scheme of 341ZVS high power factor rectifier. This rectifier is derived from the 341 ZCS rectifier presented in [2] by exchanging the power switch location with the output diode. The resulting rectifier features the ZVS property as well as injecting low harmonic in the ac line. Also, a single-phase version of this rectifier is also possible without loss of the ZVS property over the entire ac line period. This scheme is introduced in section VI. 11. New Class of ThreephaseZVS Resonant Rectifiers A new class of 31) resonant switch rectifiers featuring the movoltage switching property is proposed here. This class is derived from parent dc-dc converter containing zero-voltage-switch boosttype input (current-fed). With a single active switch operating at ZVS in addition to the diode rectifier bridge, the rectifiers are capable of drawing a high quality input current waveforms from the 182 0-7803-0982-0/93$3.00 1993 IEEE ac main. The proposed rectifiers have many advantages over the conventional six-switch PWM rectifier. These advantages include: 0 Use of a single controlled switch operating at ZVS, with good switch utilization. Simple control circuit, similar to that of the parent dcdc quasi resonant converter. 0 High power factor, low harmonic rectification is performed naturally. Small reactive components, sized to filter the switchingfrequency-,rather than line-frequency-,harmonics. The concept of 39 ac-dc resonant switch rectifiers featuring ZVS is introduced here. This shows how we can obtain a 39 high power factor / low harmonic rectifier by employing a resonant switch topology starting from the well known dcdc zero-voltage switching boost converter [3]. Fig. 1 shows a typical half-wave boost-type quasi-resonant switch. The tank capacitor voltage waveform over one switching period is quasi-sinusoidal, with peak value Vam proportional to the input current I. When Vg(t) is a low-frequency rectified sinusoid, this scheme produces an approximately sinusoidal tank capacitor average voltage which follows the input line current I. If the input voltage Vg varies with time and with switching frequency higher than the line frequency, the tank capacitor voltage consists of a train of quasi-sinusoidal pulses with a peak proportional to the input line c m n t I, Fig. 2. Hence, the average or low-frequency component of the tank capacitor voltage is also approximately proportional to the line current. Thus the ac side of the converter and the resonant switch cell naturally perform the function of high power factorflow harmonic rectification. The proposed 39 -ZVS resonant network is introduced in Fig. 3. This circuit contains three tank capacitors Cr and a single tank inductor Lr. During each switching period, these four elements form a resonant tank circuit which rings at frequency comparable to or greater than the switching frequency fs, with piecewise sinusoidal and linear waveforms. The peak values of the tank capacitor voltages Val, V m and V a are proportional to their respective instantaneous phase currents. Hence, the low-frequency components of the line currents are also approximately proportional to the phase voltages. A dcdc converter with a boost-+ (current-fed) input can be transformed into a 39 ZVS converter by inserting the 39 ZVS boost rectifier resonant switch network of Fig. 3. For example, a 39ZVS boost rectifier can be transformed by replacing network A of Fig. 1 by network A' of Fig. 3, while the remainder of the dcdc converter, network B, remains unchanged. By applying this transformation to the half-wave ZVS boost-type quasi resonant converters, a new class of a single transistor 39 acdc (ZVS) high power factorflow harmonic rectifiers is obtained. Two topologies of this class are shown in Fig. 4, based on the dcdc boost and SEPIC dcdc converters. Other similar recwiers can be constructed using the proposed transformation. Similar to the 39 ac-dc ZCS rectifiers presented in [2], the new 39 ZVS resonant switch rectifiers are wellsuited for 341 acdc Network A ------ Network B Lr - I - - - - -I remainder of Fig. 2 Tank capacitorvoltage waveform. I----- Nk!?v@A- -----1 I ttt YT I I I I I L . applications. This is because the rectifiers perform the function of high quality rectihation naturally with minimum component size and weight. However, this is not true for the single phase case, since the condition for zero voltage switching is violated. Consider for example the single phase half-wave boost rectifier of Fig. 1. For zero voltage switching the constraint ( V o m o ) < I < = must be satisfied, where I is the instantaneous input current, Vo is the output voltage and Ro is the tank characteristic impedance. This constraint is violated whenever the input current approaches zero. This results in distortion of the line current as well as loss of zero voltage switching p r o m for a portion of every line cycle. However, the situation differs in the 39 case: the constraint (V&) < &-It,) < = is never violated in a properly designed converter, and zero voltage switching can occur over the entire ac line cycle. 183 TABLE I Per-SWi6 Strwsw for 39 ZVS Redifier and ConveotioaalPWM Rectifier. Block voltage Peak Current E5.15 kW VLLFlU) V m s M [A] 39 ZVS Redifier 620 35 Mwitch F'WM Rectifier 250 35 (per switch) vb vc TABLE Il b) Comparisonof Active SwitchTotal S t m s and U M o n . Total Stress va Silicon Utilization bVA] vb vc I Fig. 4 Examples of 39 ZVS high power factor rectifiers: a) Boost derived &er; b) SEPIC derived M e r . In the dcdc converter field, the resonant switch approach is usually restricted to low power levels, because of the high component stresses and poor switch utilization inherent in most types of dcdc resonant switch circuits. It was shown in 121 that these arguments do not apply to the 341 acdc ZCS case, and the active silicon area is actually much lower in single switch 31) ZCS rectifiers than in their six switch PWM counterparts. The same argument holds for the 341 Z V S rectifiers. The single active switch of the proposed 341 ZVS rectifiers operates with higher stresses (typically by a factor of two, depending on the application) than any single device in an equivalent six switch bridge circuit; this disadvantage is compensated by the fact only one such device is needed. The switch blocking voltages and peak currents of the single switch 341ZVS and six switch PWM approaches both using a boost topology are compared in Table I for a 5.15 kW, 120 VAC application. The load voltage and current are 250 V and 20.6 A respectively. Table II shows the total switch stresses or the product of the switch blocking voltage and the switch peak currents, summed over all active switches in the converter. Also shown is the silicon utilization, defined as the converter output power divided by the total switch stress. It is clear from these results that the single switch in the 341Z V S converter is used more effectively than the six switches of the PWM converter. III. Analysis of Boost-Type 341ZVS Rectifiers The 341 acdc (boost-type) Z V S rectifier shown in Fig. 4(a) is analyzed here. Referring to Fig. 4(a), the three supply phase voltages are assumed to be balanced and s y m m h c with a peak voltage of Vm. The frequency of the supply voltage (50 Hz or 60 Hz) is assumed to be much lower than the switching frequency of the power switch Q. W i g to the circuit symmetry, it is sufficient to consider a 30" interval. This circuit functions as a high power 39 ZVS Ractifier 21.7 0.24 MwitchF'WMRectifier 52.5 0.09 factorflow harmonic rectifier based on the concept that the peak tank capacitor voltages Val. V a and V m are proportional to the line current. Hence, the low frequency components of the tank capacitor voltages, which follow the input phase voltages, are also approximately proportional to the line currents. To illustrate this, the circuit performance over one switching period is given next while circuit equations are given in [4]. -1: 05cotS30° -1, b 5 t 5 ti, all switches are OFF In this interval, each tank capacitor Cr charges up linearly at a rate proportional to its respective l i e current. This will continue until the rectifier bridge input line-line voltage reaches the output voltage Vo. At this moment, the bridge rectifier input line-line voltage VBC is maximum, forcing D3 and D5 to conduct along with the output diode D initiating the second subinterval. t i 5 t 5 t2, D3, D5 and D are ON -2, In this subinterval the capacitor voltages Val continues to increase, while the other two capacitor voltages rings along with the output tank inductor current ih. This will continue until, Val = V m , leadiig to VAB =- VBC. Diode D1 then also conducts during the next subinterval. 9 t2 5 t 5 t3, D1, D3, D5 and D are ON In this subinterval, the three tank capacitors Cr plus the tank inductor form a resonant tank circuit. Each tank capacitor voltage the rings sinusoidally with a peak approximately proportional to its respective line current. This subinterval ends when all tank capacitor voltages discharge to zero. At this moment, the power switch Q is turned on at zero-voltage switching. This will initiate the next subinterval. 4 t3 5 t 5 q,Q and D are ON In this interval, the output tank inductor current ih discharges at a rate proportional to the output voltage V,. This will continue until tank current i h reaches the ground level, and the output diode becomes reverse biased, initiating the final subinterval. subintervals 4 5 t 5 t 5 , Q i s O N In this interval, the tank capacitor voltages and the tank inductor current are zero. The input line currents circulate through the 184 power switch Q. Hence, the switch peak current is equal to the peak input line current. The converter remains in this state until the switch Q is OFF again. It should be mentioned that the power switch Q must be turned on after the tank capacitor voltages reaches zero and before ib reaches the maximum input line current (e. g. ib for 0 .S a t S 30°),otherwise the tank capacitors Cr will be charged and the zero voltage switching propaty can not be achieved. The tank waveforms over several switching periods Ts are shown in Fig. 5. The remaining 30' intervals can be analyzed following the same procedure. The power switch Q peak current is limited to the peak input line current Im, whereas the switch Q peak voltage is given by Fig. 5 Simulated tank waveforms over a few switdring periods, for converter of Fig. 4(a). I I I oA2 0.L I I I I 0.L 0.d32 0.L The tank characteristicimpedance & is given by A Ro= J W 2 ) [ill (2) The new 34 ZVS described in this sectwn performs the function of high power factorflow harmonic rcctXication naturally. This is because the input port of the rectifier presents an approximate three-phase resistive load to the ac main. Each phase then draws an average current approximately proportional to its phase voltage. The power consumed by these effective resistors R, is actually transmitted to the output port. Hence, the converter output port exhibits power source characteristics. The system can be modeled as a three-phase loss-free resistor (LXR), an extension of the single-phase LFR described in (5, 61. The effective input resistance R, of each phase of the rectifier is a function of the output voltage Vo, the tank characteristic impedance & and the switching frequency f,. By selecting the proper operating point, a total harmonic distortion less than 10%is possible for this rectifier For closed-loop operation, the controller will vary the converter switching frequency f,, such that the effective resistance R, is varied. This causes the output power Pe to be changed and also (depending on the load characteristics)the output voltage. Hence, the effective resistance Redepends on the control input f,. The rectifier of Fig. 4(a) was simulated using the PSPICE program for a power level of 2 kW with the following parameters: V ~ ~ = 1 Vrms 2 0 @ 60 Hz, w . 0 8 pF, k 1 8 . 8 6 pH, fs=150 W z , V e l 6 8 V and D (switch duty ratio) of 0.34. The simulated line current and phase voltage for phase a is shown in Fig. 6. Approximately unity displacement factor is obtained with 99% distortion factor. Hence, a power factor of 99% is achieved. This is simply obtained by open loop operation. IV. Extension of The New 34) ZVS Recaier The new family of 34 ZVS rectifiers introduced in Section II emulate an approximate 34 resistive load. The effective resistor values are functions of a single control variable, the switching -Pi16 0.dm 0.d 0.L o.d, tima [-I Fig. 6 Simdatedmput line wnmt wavefom ovec one line period for a m v m of Fig. 4(a). frequency fs. Since these resistors are non-linear in nature, a few percent of total harmonic distortion is introduced in the line current. Nevertheless, a high quality input current is drawn from the ac source by using a single controllable switch, operating with zero-voltage switching, with better semiconductor utilization than the conventional 34 acdc six-switch PWM converter. An extension is proposed in this section which can further linearize the input port characteristics. Hence, the total harmonic distortion in the line current can be reduced. This class is derived f " the new 341Z V S rectifier class. This is achieved by adding another controllable switch 4 2 in series with the rectifier diode D on the dc-side of the 3$ Z V S class shown in Fig. 4. Another independent control variable is obtained (the off time of switch Q2), which can be varied along with the switching frequency fs in such a way that the variation of the effective input resistance Re becomes almost negligible over the entire ac lime period. Moreover, this technique also extends the range of attainable voltage conversion ratios. Another advantage of this scheme is the possibility of constant frequency operation [7]. To see the validity of the proposed concept, an illustrative example is considered next. Consider the rectifier of Fig. 4(a). An additional switch 4 2 is inserted in series with the output diode D, Fig. 7. The second switch operates with zero current switching (ZCS), while the f i s t switch Q1 continues to switch at zero voltage (ZVS). This scheme produces nearly sinusoidal input capacitor 185 average voltages which follow the input inductor line currents. The circuit operation is similar to the rectifier of Fig. 4(a). except that when the bridge input line-line voltage (val-vcn) reaches the output voltage Vo, the power switch 42 is kept off, forcing the output diode D to be reverse biased for a longer time. The effective input resistance Re is modified due to the existence of the second switch 42. This resistance now depends on two control variables. These are (1) the normalized switching frequency fs and (2) the length of the second subinterval OT equivalently the switch Q2 off-time. The variation of the effective input resistance Re decreases when the length of the switch 42 offtime increases. This means that the input port characteristics of the rectifier becomes more linear in nature, and hence less distortion is present in the line current. This is because the tank capacitor voltage charges at a rate proportional to its respective phase current for a longer time. This makes the average tank capacitor voltage more dependent on the phase current and less dependent on the output voltage V,. The circuit of Fig. 7 has been simulated for a power level of 1kW with the following circuit parameters: V ~ ~ = 1 2 Vrms 0 @ 60 Hz,C 8 . 2 pF, L,=30 pH, f s 4 0 kHz, V0=86.5 V,Q1 duty ratio of 0.44 and 4 2 off time duty ratio of 0.32. The simulated input current and voltage for phase a is shown in Fig. 8 with a total harmonic distortion in the line current approximately 3.5% with unity displacement factor in open loop operation. Figure 9(a) shows the Z V S operation for the power switch Q1,while Fig. 9(b) shows the ZCS operation for the power switch Q2. Fig. 7 ZVS-ZCS 3$ high power fador boost &er using two controllable SwitchW. Fig. 8 Simulated mput line cumnt waveform over one line period for conveer of Fig. 7. a) V. Another New Class of Three-phaseZVS-HPF Rectifiers The tank circuit in the rectifiers of Fig. 4 consists of three tank capacitors Cr placed on the ac-side of the rectifier and a tank inductor L, placed on the dc-side. Another new class of 39 ZVS rectifiers featuring high quality input current waveforms can be constructed from the 3$ ZCS rectifiers presented in [2]. The resulting recwiers differ from those of Fig. 4 in that they contain three tank inductors placed on the ac-side plus a tank capacitor on the dc-side of the rectifier. For example, consider generating a 3$ ZVS rectifier from the a 39 ZCS buck derived rectifier given in [2]. This is simply obtained by exchanging the position of the power switch Q with the output rectifier diode D. Fig. 10 shows the resulting new recwier. The switch Q operates at ZVS while the diode rectifier bridge switches at zero current One advantage of this rectifier is that the total harmonic distortion (THD) in the line current is relatively small. This is because the input port of the rectifier becomes more linear in nature as the switch duty ratio D increases. On the other hand, increasing the switch on time will increase the tank and switch stresses. Nevertheless, acceptable levels of THD (e. g. less than 5%) can be obtained with acceptable stresses. To see how the proposed circuit operates, an illustrative example is considered next. The circuit in Fig. 10 functions as a high power factor/ low harmonic rectifier based on the concept that 3.91603 3 . m 3 3.93603 3.94603 3.956-03 [=I b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 3.91868 3.92860 3.93860 3.94E60 3.95803 I I 3.96860 3.97B68 [==I Fig. 9 186 Simulated switch waveforms for convear of Fig. 7: (a) Switch Q1 gating and blodring voltages (ZVS); (b) Switch Q2 current and gating voltage (243). the peak of the input line currents are proportional to the input phase voltage. Thus, the low frequency components of the input line current follow approximately the input phase voltage. Consider the 60"s cot < 90" interval in which v, is positive while and v, are negative. The first subinterval starts when the switch Q is turned on. Each tank inductor b,charges at a rate proportional to its respective phase voltage. This will continue until the switch Q is turned off, initiating the second subinterval. The three tank inductors with the tank capacitor Cr then form a resonant tank circuit. Each line current rings sinusoidally with a peak proportional to its respective applied phase voltage. As shown in Fig. 11, for 60's cot < 90", & reaches zero first, at which point diode D6 becomes reverse-biased. The third subintervalthen occurs, in which phase a and b tank inductors ring in conjunction with C,. When both ia and ib reach zero, the fourth subinterval starts, during which the tank capacitor Cr discharges at a rate proportional to the output current &,. When the tank capacitor voltage reaches the maximum line-line input voltage ( v h for 60"s cot 5 90" interval), then the bridge rectifier diodes D1,D5 and D6 become forward-biased. Thus the fifth subinterval starts next in which the tank inductors ring with the tank capacitor. This will continue until the tank capacitor voltage is discharged to zero. The converter remains in this state until the switch Q is turned on again at zero voltage. The converter normalized phase plane is shown in Fig. 12. This phase plane represents the normalized tank current jLr vs. the normalized tank capacitor voltage %. Quantities are normalized using the following base parameters, base voltage = ; base impedance=Ro base frequency = fo = 5 E - va vb vc derived from 341u=S buck redifier. Fig. 10 341ZVS &er 1 - - kS'??--! lb I 2 0.003185 0.003m5 - -%-Tp+- 0.003225 - 0.003245 o.oo3m : 0.003zn5 t h e [Bec] Fig. 11 Simulated tank waveforms over a few switching periods,for the converterof Fig. 10. V,,, 5 V#(t)5 V,,, ; 3 V#(d 2% base current= - 1 , 2n - L r C r ~ 4; where V, is the peak amplitude of the phase input voltage Vo(t). The quantity M b in Fig. 12 is the normalized voltage of phase a minus phase b voltage, where as Jo is the normalized output load current, and Jx is the normalized Ix current, and Ix is the transistor current at the time it is switched off. Also,it should be mentioned that the switch Q must be turned on before the tank inductor current (ia for 60's cot < 90" interval) reaches the output load current I,, otherwise the tank capacitor will ring again with the three tank inductors and ZVS can not be achieved. The rectXer shares some of the properties of the buck and the boost topologies. It shares the pulsating input current and nonpulsating output current properties of the buck. Its voltage conversion ratio is similar to the boost, in that the load voltage must be greater than the maximum input line-line voltage. Fig. 13 shows the rectifier normalized output characteristics, where a is the transistor conduction angle U), b. , I 3 35 I 03 I 13 2 23 4 Jo = b %/ ( 3 V,+) 1 2 ) Fig.13 outpdplaoecharaderisticsfor the wnvelter of Fig. 10, for Merent normalized values of switchon time a. The circuit of Fig. 10 has been simulated for a power level of 5.13 kW with the following circuit parameters: VLL=120 Vrms @ 60 Hz, C8.32 pF, Lf20 pH, f p 2 5 kHz, V0=304 V and Q duty ratio of 0.37. The simulated tank current, filtered tank current and 187 voltage for phase a is shown in Fig. 14 with a total harmonic distortion in the line current approximately 4.5% with unity displacement factor in open loop operation. It can seen from Fig. 14 that rectifier of Fig. 10 indeed has the property of injecting low harmonic current into the ac supply source, and the converter input port characteristicis almost linear in nature. Fig. 15 New l+ZVS high power factor &er. VI. A New Single-phaseZ V S Low Harmonic Rectifier With a Boost Conversion Ratio The constraint J 2 1 must be satisfied for the rectifier of Fig. 10 in order to obtain zero-voltage switching over the entire ac-line period. This constraintmakes the proposed rectifier well suited for single-phase high power factor rectification as well as, three-phase applications. Fig. 15 shows the single-phase version of the rectifier. Automatic power factor correction can be achieved for the rectifier of Fig. 15 without loss of the Z V S property over the V entire ac-line period. This is because the constraint &, 2 , sin(ot) / where V,,, is the peak of input phase voltage va(t) and Ro is the tank characteristicimpedance can be always satisfied. The rectifier of Fig. 15 has a boost conversion ratio in which the output voltage Vo is greater than the maximum input voltage. Moreover, it has the property of injecting low harmonic current into the ac source. This is because the rectifier input port characteristics emulates almost a linear resistor. Fig. 16 shows the variation of the effective input resistor R, as a function of both the normalized input voltage ma (ma= va(t) / Vo)and the normalized transistor conduction angle a. It can be seen from Fig. 16 that the variation in R, is almost negligible (for higher values of a)over the entire ac line period. Thus, the rectifier behaves as a natural Loss-Free-Resistor (LFR). The rectifier of Fig. 15 has been simulated for a power level of 1.5 kW with the following circuit parameters: V ~ p 1 2 0Vrms @ , V and Q duty 60 Hz,C 4 . 0 5 pF, b 5 5 pH,fs41.6 ~ H zVO=200 ratio of 0.46. The simulated tank current, filtered tank current and voltage is shown in Fig. 17 with a total harmonic distortion in the line current approximately 2.5 % with unity displacementfactor in open loop operation. The simulated phase-plane characteristic ( i k vs. vcr) near the cusp of the input phase voltage va(t) is shown in Fig. 18. -80 0.05 a [rad] 16 Fig. 16 Plot of effective input resistor& vs. both the normalized input voltage m, and the normalized transistorconductionangle U for the rectifierof Fig. 15. 0.0s 0.052 0.0% 0.0% 0.058 time 0.06 0.062 0.064 0.M [SOS1 Fig. 17 Simulatedinput line ament wavefom over one line periodfor converter of Fig. 15. 1 0.052 0.054 0.056 0.058 -e 0.06 0.062 0.064 0.066 -1b [-I I I I 50 100 150 V4Vl Fig. 14 Simulated input line. Qurcnt waveform over one line periodfor converter of Fig. 10. Fig. 18 Phassplane charaderisticnear OtlF for converterof Fig. 15. 188 0 W.Conclusion References Two new classes of lowcost high quality resonant switch rectifiers are introduced here which perform the function of high power factorfiow harmonic rectification naturdy. The first class of rectifiers are obtained f" the ZCS class of rectifiers introduced in (21, by applying the duality principle. The seoond class is derived from 39 ZCS rectifiers by exchanging the position of the power switch with the output diode rectifier. As a consequence, the resulting rectifiers require the same number of active switches as their counterpart rectifiers of [2]. The active switch in these recwiers operates with zero-voltage switching. Two switch topologies are also introduced. The second switch allows further linearization of the input port characteristics of these rectifiers. Furthermore, the second switch operates at ZCS while the fiist switch continues to operate at ZVS, hence, the rectifier efficiency remains quite high. Also introduced is a single-phase ZVS low harmonic rectifier with a boost conversion ratio. The zero-voltage switching property for this rectifier is achievable over the ac line period. Where as the high quality rectification is performed naturally by the rectifier. It is now clear that an automatic single-phase high power factor rectifier with ZVS can be obtained. This result has not been explored. The proposed rectifiers perform the function of high power factorflow harmonic rectification naturally. This is because the input port of these rectifiers emulates approximately 39 resistive load to the ac source. Simulation results are supplied for each of the new topologies to prove the validity of the proposed concept. [l] A. R. Prasad, P. D. Ziogas and S. Manins, "An adive power fador c o d o n technique for thresphase diode redifers", IEEE Power M ~ cSpecsialist Confemce, 1989, pp. 58-66. threephase resonant [Z] E. H. Ismail and R. W.Eridrsoa, "A single -istor switch for high quality nctificatio," IEEEPower EIedmNcs Specialist Conference. 1992Rmrd,pp 1341-1351. [3] K. Liu, R. and F. C. 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