Offshore Wind Power: Science, engineering, and policy

Offshore Wind Power: Science, engineering, and policy
MAST 628-010, Spring 2012
Tuesday, Thursday – 11:00-12:15, Robinson Hall 105 and (via ITV) Cannon Lab 203
Willett Kempton, 831-0049,
Jeremy Firestone, 831-0228,
Dana Veron, 831-4842,, Robinson 114B
Class web site with lecture notes:
UD offshore wind research:
Topic and overview of course
This course will cover the multiple disciplines required to understand, plan, regulate,
and develop offshore wind resources for large-scale power production. Offshore wind is
quickly emerging as a critical technology for large reductions in CO2 emissions,
because the technology is available, proven, and cost-competitive, and the resource is
close to population centers and, for many of the world’s populated coasts, a resource
larger than all current CO2-producing energy sources combined.
The course will integrate science, engineering and policy. We will draw on the three
instructors and multiple guest lecturers to cover topics including:
• Geophysics of wind resources; understanding and assessing the offshore resource;
• Governing law for state, Federal and international waters; current policy (or lack
thereof) for offshore development; policies to encourage and/or regulate the industry;
• Basic electrical and mechanical engineering aspects of wind turbines and power
• Connecting wind electricity to the electric grid; electric markets; relative electric costs;
combining wind with other renewables; CO2 displaced from large coal and gas
• Storage of intermittent wind power--engineering and economics; the synergistic role of
an emerging hybrid, fuel cell, and/or electric vehicle fleet;
• Geology and bathymetry of the continental shelf, as they constrain anchoring
technology and thus the size of the accessible wind resource
• Environmental impact of large offshore wind developments; the EIS process;
• Public opposition to, and support for, wind power; communication strategies.
Students should be knowledgeable in at least one of the above policy, science or
engineering areas, and expect to gain a working knowledge of the other areas.
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Elective and Area Requirements Satisfied
This course can meet the Oceanography Program degree requirements for distribution,
with the Oceanography Program Director’s approval. It satisfies 3 hours of the
Mechanical Engineering Technical Elective Requirement (12ch). It is one of the
additional area courses in the applied-for minor in the College of Engineering minor
“Sustainable Energy Technology”. (Believed accurate as of time this was written, check
with your program or department for confirmation.)
Credit and assignments
Students are expected to do readings prior to class, attend lectures and participate in
discussion, and do occasional problem sets to apply what we are learning, plus
complete a final project with a team.
Most readings will be either out of the books listed below, or on the class web site.
Some lecture notes will also be on the class web site.
+Manwell, McGowan and Rogers, 2009, Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application. West
Sussex: Wiley. A comprehensive textbook. More readings drawn from this than any other text. Purchase
recommended. (On reserve.)
Outline of topics
Readings are to be read in advance of the class. Class sessions will often be divided
into more than one topic. Readings are separately shown for each topic.
1) Introduction; Overview of offshore wind technology and industry, Wind Basics
Firestone, J. and J. Kehne, Wind Energy, in Michael Gerrard (ed.), The Law of Clean Energy:
Efficiency and Renewables (to be published in Spring 2011), review from Class one, pp. 6-7,
14-20, and 23-24 only
Kump, Kasting and Crane, The Earth System, 2nd ed., Chapter 4.
(2) Climate Change, Ocean Acidification
(3) Wind Technology Survey
Manwell, McGowan and Rogers, Read all of Chapter 1; in Chapter 2, read Section 2.1 and
2.2, and lo ok at Figure 2.25, Figure 2.30, Table 2.5, and Figure 2.36
Jon G. McGowan and Stephen R. Connors, 2000, WINDPOWER: A Turn of the Century
Review. Annual Review of Energy and Environment 25: 147-97. [Although a decade old,
this is still an excellent, compact summary of wind turbine engineering.]
Gamesa Corporacion Technolgica, S.A., 2009, Gamesa G90-2.0 MW (product brochure).
Available from
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Clipper Windpower, 2010,“Liberty 2.5 MW Turbine” (Product brochure). Downloaded from
Eize de Vries, 2008, Launching Liberty: Clipper addresses teething issues. Renewable
Energy World Magazine,
22 July 2008.
(4 pp)
Accessed Aug 2010 at:
(4) Offshore Wind Survey
MMR, Section 10.4, “Offshore wind energy”. (if you are not a physical oceanographer, you
don’t need to master the wave equations)
Simon-Philippe Breton, Geir Moe, 2009, “Status, plans and technologies for offshore wind
turbines in Europe and North America”, Renewable Energy 34: 640-654.
Talisman Energy, 2006, Beatrice Wind Farm Demonstrator Project Scoping Report.” [Read
through section 3 carefully (pp 1 -18), skim through remaining sections so you know what is
involved in impact studies for offshore sites.]
REpower Systems AG, 2005, “5M” (product brochure). (File: 5m_uk.pdf, previously available
from [This brochure has descriptions of their 32 major subcontractors, a
revealing snapshot of supply chain and OEM coordination. (No longer available, the newer
brochure drops the subcontractors.) Also, note the design of this machine in comparison to
the Liberty: geometry, dimensions, and head mass.]
(5) Offshore Wind Policies - Federal Offshore Wind Policies
Gregory K. Lawrence, Mustafa Ostrander & Stephen S. Smith ,Minerals Management
Service’s Federal Regulatory Scheme for Offshore Renewable Energy, Bloomberg Law
Reports (2009)
Dhanju, A and J Firestone, A Framework for Regulation of Offshore Wind Power in Delaware
State Waters, Final Report January 2008 (read main part of report only)
Ocean Renewable Energy and the Marine Spatial Planning Process, A collaboration between
Ocean Renewable Energy Interests and Ocean Conservationists (October 2009)
Secretary of the Interior, Secretarial Order No. 3299, MMS Reorganization (May 19, 2009)
Firestone, J. and J. Kehne, Wind Energy, in Michael Gerrard (ed.), The Law of Clean Energy:
Efficiency and Renewables (to be published in Spring 2011), (review) pp. 6-7, 14-20, and 2324 only
MMS Alternative Energy Final Rule (April 29, 2009) (background)
(6) Offshore Wind Policies – State and International
John Byrne, Kristen Hughes, Wilson Rickerson, Lado Kurdgelashvili, American policy conflict
in the greenhouse: Divergent trends in federal, regional, state, and local green energy and
climate change policy, Energy Policy 35 (2007) 4555–4573
(7) Wildlife and the EIS Process
Cape Wind EIS, Executive Summary, (required)
Dorothy W. Bisbee, 2004. Nepa Review of Offshore Wind Farms: Ensuring Emission
Reduction Benefits Outweigh Visual Impacts, 31 B.C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. 349-385 (required)
Firestone, J. and J. Kehne, Wind Energy, in Michael Gerrard (ed.), The Law of Clean Energy:
Efficiency and Renewables (to be published in Spring 2011), (review) pp. 7-12 and 20-22
Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea State of the art after two years of
environmental monitoring, Steven Degraer & Robin Brabant, eds. (2009),
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Lilley, M.B. and J. Firestone, Wind Power, Wildlife, and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act: A Way
Forward, Environmental Law, 38(4): 1167-1214 (2008),,
background reading
Bear, D., "NEPA at 19: A Primer on an 'Old' Law with Solutions to New Problems," 19 ELR
10060-69 (1989), , background reading
European Commission 2003. External Costs: Research results on socio-environmental
damages due to electricity and transport,, background
NRC, Committee on Health, Environmental, and Other External Costs and Benefits of Energy
Production and Consumption, Hidden Costs of Energy: Unpriced Consequences of Energy
Production and Use (2010),, background
(8) Public Opinion and Siting Considerations
Krueger, A., G. Parsons, and J. Firestone, Preferences for Offshore Wind Power
Development: A Choice Experiment Approach, in press Land Economics, 87(2), 2010.
Firestone, J., W. Kempton, and A. Krueger, Public Acceptance of Offshore Wind Power
Projects in the United States, Wind Energy, DOI: 10.1002/we.316, 12(2): 183-202 (2009)
Lilley, Meredith Blaydes, Jeremy Firestone and Willett Kempton, The Effect of Wind Power
Installations on Coastal Tourism, Energies, 3, 1-22; 2010, doi:10.3390/en30100012010.
Thompson, Robert, 2005. Reporting Offshore Wind Power: Are Newspapers Facilitating
Informed Debate? Coastal Management, 33:247–262, 2005
DOI:10.1080/08920750590951947 optional
(9) Wind Resources
Manwell et al, Chapter 2
Elliott, 1991. An Assessment of the Available Windy Land Area and Wind Energy Potential in
the Contiguous United States, pp.
Lackner et al., A new method for improved hub height mean wind speed estimates using
Elliott, D.L. ; Schwartz, M.N., Wind energy potential in the United States, 1993, PNL-SA-23109; CONF-9306204—3
Lars Landberg, Lisbeth Myllerup, Ole Rathmann, Erik Lundtang Petersen, Bo Hoffmann
Jørgensen, Jake Badger, Niels Gylling Mortensen, Wind Resource Estimation—An Overview,
Wind Energy, 6, 3, 261-271, 2003. DOI: 10.1002/we.94
(10) Wind Resource Assessment
Archer and Jacobson, (accepted for publication, preprint as of March 2005) "Evaluation of
Global Wind Power"To appear in J. Geophys. Res.-Atm.
Dhanju, Amardeep, Phillip Whitaker, Willett Kempton (2008), Assessing offshore wind
resources: An accessible methodology (proof) Renewable Energy 33(1): 55- 64.
David W. Keith, Joseph F. DeCarolis, David C. Denkenberger, Donald H. Lenschow, Sergey
L. Malyshev, Stephen Pacala, and Philip J. Rasch, 2004, "The influence of large-scale wind
power on global climate" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, November 16,
2004 vol. 101 no. 46 16115 - 16120. (backup copy is on this site.)
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(11) Wind Stability and Predictability
Anna Hilden, 2008: “Predictability and the Value of Wind Energy”, WindTech International,
March 2008, p. 35-37.
James Oswald, Mike Raine, Hezlin Ashraf-Ball, 2008: Will British weather provide reliable
electricity?, Energy Policy, 36, 3202-3215.
Lew et al., 2012: “The Value of Wind Power Forecasting”
(12) High-level wind resources
Bryan Roberts, David Shepard, Ken Caldeira, Elizabeth Cannon et al, 2007, “Harnessing
High-Altitude Wind Power” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 22 (1) March 2007, pp
Cristina L. Archer and Ken Caldeira, 2009, “Global assessment of high-altitude wind power”
Energies 2009, 2,
Joby Energy, “Making Windmills Fly“ Unpublished powerpoint presentation, July 2009
(13) Practical power output for coastal states
Dhanju, Amardeep, Phillip Whitaker, Willett Kempton (2008), Assessing offshore wind
resources: An accessible methodology (proof) Renewable Energy 33(1): 55- 64.
doi:10.1016/j.renene.2007.03.006 Review
Kempton, Archer, Garvine, Dhanju and Jacobson, 2007, Large CO2 reductions via offshore
wind power matched to inherent storage in energy end-uses. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34,
L02817, doi:10.1029/2006GL028016.
“Cody Orders Study of Offshore Windmills”, (with Gov Cody’s Executive Order #12, 22
December 2004). Press release, Office of NJ Acting Governor Richard J. Cody, 23 Dec
Kempton & Firestone, 2005, “Comments on Blue Ribbon Panel Interim Report on Offshore
Wind Power”. Submitted to NJ Blue Ribbon Panel, 13 Feb 2005. [Note the state-relevant
calculations labeled 1 and 2.]
Blue Ribbon Panel on Development of Wind Turbine Facilities in Coastal Waters. INTERIM
REPORT, November 2005. [The Kempton and Firestone letter was commenting on this.
The most serious problems were fixed in the final report, available online.] Optional reading.
Pimenta, Felipe, Willett Kempton, and Richard Garvine, 2008 "Combining meteorological
stations and satellite data to evaluate the offshore wind power resource of Southeastern
Brazil" Renewable Energy, 33 (11), 2375–2387 doi:10.1016/j.renene.2008.01.012 Optional
(14) Wind Resource Exercise
(15) Distributed wind sites and smoothing; transmission
Edward Kahn, 1979, The reliability of Distributed Wind Generators. Electric Power Systems
Research 2: 1 – 14. [The first study of this effect.]
Cristina L. Archer and Mark Z. Jacobson, 2007: Supplying Baseload Power and Reducing
Transmission Requirements By Interconnecting Wind Farms. Journal of Applied Meteorology
and Climatology, 46, 1702 - 1717.
Oswald J, Raine M, Ashraf-Ball H, 2008: Will British weather provide reliable electricity?
Energy Policy 36:3202–3215. [Note that this study finds less smoothing effect than others.]
Willett Kempton, Felipe M. Pimenta, Dana E. Veron, and Brian A. Colle, 2010, Electric power
from offshore wind via synoptic-scale interconnection, Proceedings of the National Academy
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of Sciences. 7240–7245 (April 20, 2010) vol. 107, no. 16: 7240–7245.
Gregor Geibel, 2000. On the Benefits of Distributed Wind Energy in Europe..Vom
Fachbereich Physik der Carl von Ossietzky Universitåt Oldenburg (PhD Thesis). Focus on
Chapters 6 and 7. On class web site, also at (optional
(16) Storage
Cavallo, Alfred J. 1995. "High-capacity factor wind energy systems." Journal of Solar Energy
Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 11, 137-143.
Dhanju, Kempton, and Pearre, 2010, Using Responsive Heat Storage to Level Offshore
Wind. Submitted for publication
Lund, Henrik and W. Kempton, 2008, Integration of renewable energy into the transport and
electricity sectors through V2G. Energy Policy 36 (9): 3578-3587.
Verheij, Frits and Mereille Schreurs, 2008, “Ready-to-use Power: Electricity Storage and
Offshore Wind Energy” Windtech International, January/Feb 2008, pp 22-25. (Centralized
sea level pumped hydro, plus flow batteries on distribution system)
W. Kempton and J. Tomic, 2005 "Vehicle to Grid Implementation: From stabilizing the grid to
supporting large-scale renewable energy". J. Power Sources Volume 144, Issue 1, 1 June
2005, Pages 280-294. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2004.12.022. Optional reading.
(17) UD Wind Turbine
US DOE Environmental Assessment of UD Lewes Campus Wind Energy Project, pp. (note
final EA not yet issued, but expected before October 28)
• (view turbine website)
(18) UD Wind Turbine visit
(19) Gear Box and Wear Issues (guest, Prof. David Burris)
(20) Continental Shelf Geology
Knebel, H. J., 1981, "Processes controlling the characteristics of the surficial sand sheet, U.S.
Atlantic outer continental shelf." Marine Geology, 42, 349-368.
Tove Feld, 2006, “Geotechnical Analysis Requirements: Soil Investigations for Offshore
Wind Turbine Projects”, Windtech International, March 2006, 22 – 25.
(21) Vibrations and Towers (guest, DeAnna Sewell)
Petersen et al., 2010: Evaluate The Effect of Turbine Period of Vibration Requirements on
Structural Design Parameters:Technical Report M10PC00066-8, BOEMRE
(22) Corrosion and the Marine Environment (guest, Prof. Steve Dexter)
(23) The Danish Wind Industry
W. Kempton and Chresten Træbolt, “Meeting Denmark’s Renewable Energy Goals with
Offshore Wind and Storage in Electric Vehicles.” Presented at: American Wind Energy
Association Offshore Wind Power Conference and Exhibition, October 2011, Baltimore, MD.
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[A bit awkward to read, as it is poster format. But has a summary of Denmark’s wind power
goals and some ideas for meeting them.]
Henrik Lund, Frede Hvelplund, Poul Alberg Østergaard, et al, 2010, “Danish Wind Power
Export and Cost” Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University (ISBN 97887-91830-40-2) [Rebutting an earlier analysis of Danish wind power, this addresses power
sales via transmission and the price impact of wind power in Denmark.]
(24) The Economics of Offshore Wind (guest, Andrew Levitt)
David Milborrow, 2009, “No Consensus on Offshore Costs” Windpower Monthly Magazine,
September 2009, pages7-9. [A simplified introduction to the ideas used in Levitt et al.
Recommend reading this first.]
Andrew C. Levitt, Willett Kempton, Aaron P. Smith, Walt Musial, Jeremy Firestone, 2011,
“Pricing offshore wind power” Energy Policy 39 (2011) 6408–6421. [The components of cost
of offshore wind and how to calculate it.]
(25) Student Presentations
(26) Student Presentations
(27) Wrap-up
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