-SQA-SCOTTISH QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY HIGHER NATIONAL UNIT SPECIFICATION GENERAL INFORMATION -Unit Number- 8540197 -Superclass- XM -Title- COMMUNICATION DEMODULATION PRINCIPLES: MODULATION AND -----------------------------------------DESCRIPTIONGENERAL COMPETENCE FOR UNIT: Interpreting the principle methods by which a carrier signal may be modulated and demodulated. OUTCOMES 1. interpret the principles of amplitude modulation and demodulation; 2. interpret the principles of angle modulation and demodulation; 3. interpret the principles of uncoded and coded pulse modulation techniques; 4. interpret the principles of digital data modulation and demodulation. CREDIT VALUE: 2 HN Credits ACCESS STATEMENT: Access to this unit is at the discretion of the centre. However, it would be beneficial if the candidate possessed HN Unit: 8540187 Telecommunication Fundamentals 2460877 Single Phase AC Networks or similar qualifications or experience. ----------------------------------------For further information contact: Committee and Administration Unit, SQA, Hanover House, 24 Douglas Street, Glasgow G2 7NQ. Additional copies of this unit may be purchased from SQA (Sales and Despatch section). At the time of publication, the cost is £1.50 (minimum order £5.00). Unit No. 8540197 Continuation HIGHER NATIONAL UNIT SPECIFICATION STATEMENT OF STANDARDS UNIT NUMBER: 8540197 UNIT TITLE: COMMUNICATION PRINCIPLES: MODULATION AND DEMODULATION Acceptable performance in this unit will be the satisfactory achievement of the standards set out in this part of the specification. All sections of the statement of standards are mandatory and cannot be altered without reference to SQA. OUTCOME 1. INTERPRET THE PRINCIPLES OF AMPLITUDE MODULATION AND DEMODULATION PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Calculation of bandwidth occupied by amplitude modulation signal types is correct. Description of the effect of over and under modulation upon the performance of the system is correct. Calculation of power in an amplitude modulated signal is correct. Description of the operation of amplitude modulator circuits is correct. Description of the operation of amplitude demodulator circuits is correct. Report on the performance of a demodulator circuit is concise and accurate. RANGE STATEMENT Amplitude modulation signal types: double sideband full carrier; single sideband full carrier; single sideband suppressed carrier. Calculation of power for various modulation factors: carrier; sideband; average; peak envelope. Performance: circuit action; effects of noise. EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS Written and graphical evidence of the candidate’s ability to interpret principles of amplitude modulation and demodulation as detailed in performance criteria (a) (c). 2 Unit No. 8540197 Continuation Production of a report of a demodulator circuit as detailed in performance criteria (d) - (f). OUTCOME 2. INTERPRET THE PRINCIPLES OF ANGLE MODULATION AND DEMODULATION PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Explanation of the meaning of angle modulation parameters is clear and precise. Calculation of bandwidth of a sinusoidal frequency modulated signal by use of Carson’s Rule and Bessel Tables, modulation index range between 0.25 and 8.65, is correct. Graphical representation of the frequency component of an angle modulated signal is drawn correctly. Description of the operation of angle modulator and demodulator circuits employing current technology is correct. Report on the performance of an angle demodulator circuit is concise and accurate. RANGE STATEMENT Angle modulation parameters: peak deviation; modulation index; deviation ratio. Performance: circuit action; effects of noise. EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS Calculations, written and graphical evidence of the candidate’s ability to interpret principles of angle modulation and demodulation as detailed in performance criteria (a) - (c). Production of a report of a demodulator circuit as detailed in performance criteria (d) and (e). 3 Unit No. 8540197 Continuation OUTCOME 3. INTERPRET THE PRINCIPLES OF UNCODED AND CODED PULSE MODULATION TECHNIQUES PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Statement of the criterion for the minimum sampling rate is correct. Explanation of the basic properties of pulse modulation is clear and precise. Description of specific methods of uncoded pulse modulation is correct. Description of the basic principles of pulse coded modulation (PCM) is correct. Report on the performance of a PCM system is concise and accurate. Description of the basic principles of delta modulation is correct. RANGE STATEMENT Basic properties: frequency spectrum; bandwidth; bias distortion; intersymbol interference. Specific methods: pulse width modulation; pulse position modulation; pulse amplitude modulation. Basic principles of PCM: quantisation noise. sampling; quantisation by linear pulse encoding; Delta modulation: difference signal; positive pulses; negative pulses. EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS Written and graphical evidence to show the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of pulse modulation techniques and ability to produce a report on the performance of a pulse demodulation system as detailed in performance criteria (a) - (f). 4 Unit No. 8540197 Continuation OUTCOME 4. INTERPRET THE PRINCIPLES OF DIGITAL DATA MODULATION AND DEMODULATION PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (a) (b) Description of elementary forms of digital data modulation and demodulation techniques is correct. Report on the performance of an elementary digital data demodulator receiver using phase locked loop technology is complete and accurate. RANGE STATEMENT Elementary forms: amplitude shift keying; phase shift keying; frequency shift keying. EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS Written and/or graphical evidence to show the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of digital data modulation and demodulation principles and produce a report on an elementary digital data demodulator receiver. MERIT To gain a pass in this unit, a candidate must meet the standards set out in the outcomes, performance criteria, range statements and evidence requirements. To achieve a merit in this unit, a candidate must demonstrate a superior or more sophisticated level of performance. This may be demonstrated by: (i) (ii) analytical skills; logical presentation of work. ----------------------------------------- ASSESSMENT In order to achieve this unit, candidates are required to present sufficient evidence that they have met all the performance criteria for each outcome within the range specified. Details of these requirements are given for each outcome. The assessment instruments used should follow the general guidance offered by the SQA assessment model and an integrative approach to assessment is encouraged. (See references at the end of support notes). 5 Unit No. 8540197 Continuation Accurate records should be made of the assessment instruments used showing how evidence is generated for each outcome and giving marking schemes and/or checklists, etc. Records of candidates’ achievements should be kept. These records will be available for external verification. SPECIAL NEEDS Proposals to modify outcomes, range statements or agreed assessment arrangements should be discussed in the first place with the external verifier. Copyright SQA 1997 Please note that this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes provided that: (i) (ii) no profit is derived from the reproduction; if reproduced in part, the source is acknowledged. 6 Unit No. 8540197 Continuation HIGHER NATIONAL UNIT SPECIFICATION SUPPORT NOTES UNIT NUMBER: 8540197 UNIT TITLE: COMMUNICATION PRINCIPLES: MODULATION AND DEMODULATION SUPPORT NOTES: This part of the unit specification is offered as guidance. None of the sections of the support notes is mandatory. NOTIONAL DESIGN LENGTH: SQA allocates a notional design length to a unit on the basis of time estimated for achievement of the stated standards by a candidate whose starting point is as described in the access statement. The notional design length for this unit is 80 hours. The use of notional design length for programme design and timetabling is advisory only. PURPOSE The purpose of this unit is to provide an understanding of carrier signal modulation for candidates who will be specialising in radio frequency engineering and/or telecommunication engineering. CONTENT/CONTEXT To modulate means to regulate or adjust, and specifically in the case of radio communications it means to regulate some parameter of a high frequency carrier wave by means of the lower frequency message signal. As a result of this process, the modulated carrier conveys complete information about the message signal which might be recovered by suitable processing techniques. This unit is designed to: (a) (b) develop competence in describing the main methods by which a carrier signal is modulated; contain underpinning knowledge to support HN Units specialising in radio frequency engineering and or telecommunication engineering. Corresponding to outcomes 1 and 2: It is recommended that: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) for calculation purposes, one modulating signal (low frequency) is used, being a single sine or cosine wave; bessel tables or graphs be used. the use of frequency spectrum diagrams be used; the laboratory exercise be performed by each candidate; speech bandwidth of (300-3400)Hz be used. 7 Unit No. 8540197 Continuation Corresponding to outcome 4: It is recommended that a report on the performance of an elementary frequency shift keying receiver, with aid of block diagram, is produced. APPROACHES TO GENERATING EVIDENCE This unit should be taught within a practical environment where access to the following sub-assemblies: amplitude demodulation circuit, angle demodulation circuit, pulse coded demodulation system and test apparatus should be readily available. Report on an elementary frequency shift keying receiver block diagram using phase locked loop. ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES Outcome 1 could be assessed using structured questions for performance criteria (a), (b) and (c). The descriptions in performance criteria (d) and (e) could be integrated into the report for (f). Outcome 2 could be assessed using structured questions for performance criteria (a), (b) and (c). The description in performance criterion (d) could be integrated into the report for (e). Outcome 3 could be assessed using a report for performance criterion (e) and integrating the remaining performance criteria into the report. Outcome 4 could be assessed using a report for performance criterion (b) and integrating the remaining performance criteria into the report. PROGRESSION This unit may lead on to any of the following HN units: 8540317 Radio Communication Circuits 8540207 Satellite Communication Technology 8540217 Television Broadcasting Systems 8540227 Radio Broadcasting Systems REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Guide to unit writing. For a fuller discussion on assessment issues, please refer to SQA’s Guide to Assessment. Information for centres on SQA’s operating procedures is contained in SQA’s Guide to Procedures. For details of other SQA publications, please consult SQA’s publications list. 8 Unit No. 8540197 Continuation Copyright SQA 1997 Please note that this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes provided that: (i) (ii) no profit is derived from the reproduction; if reproduced in part, the source is acknowledged. 9