Ritesh Kolte - Stanford University

Ritesh Kolte
350 Serra Mall, Packard 201
Stanford, CA 94305
- Information Theory, Wireless Communication
- Machine Learning, Optimization, Statistical Inference
- Signal Processing
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
PhD candidate in Electrical Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Ayfer Özgür
April 2012 onwards
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
MS in Electrical Engineering
Sep 2010 - Mar 2012
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
B.Tech and M.Tech in Electrical Engineering
Jul 2005 - Jun 2010
Recipient of Stanford Graduate Fellowship from Fall 2012
Ranked 3rd in the EE PhD Qualifying Exams 2011-12
Received Outstanding Student Teaching Award 2012-13, Electrical Engg., Stanford University
Ranked 135th (∼99.9 percentile) in IIT-JEE Main Exam 2005
Placed in the National top 1% for Indian National Physics Olympiad 2005
Awarded the Tata Teleservices IITB Centre of Excellence in Telecommunications Fellowship 2009
Ranked 6th in India in the National Science Olympiad 2005
Ritesh Kolte, Ayfer Özgür and Haim Permuter, “Cooperative Binning for Semideterministic Channels”, submitted, shorter version presented at ISIT 2015
Ritesh Kolte, Ayfer Özgür and Haim Permuter, “Multicoding Schemes for Interference Channels”,
submitted, shorter versions presented at CISS 2014 (invited) and ISIT 2014
Ritesh Kolte, Ayfer Özgür and Abbas El Gamal, “Capacity Approximations for Gaussian Relay
Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory September 2015, shorter versions presented
at IZS 2014 and ITW 2013
Ritesh Kolte, Ayfer Özgür and Suhas Diggavi, “When are dynamic relaying strategies necessary
in half-duplex wireless networks?”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory April 2015, shorter
version presented at ISIT 2013
Ritesh Kolte, Urs Niesen and Piyush Gupta, “Energy-Efficient Communication over an Unsynchronized Gaussian Diamond Network”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory December 2014,
shorter version presented at ISIT 2014
Ritesh Kolte, Ayfer Özgür, “Fast near-optimal subnetwork selection in layered relay networks”, Allerton Conference 2014
Manish Sharma, Ritesh Kolte, Pushkar Patwardhan, Vikram Gadre, “Time-Frequency Localization
Optimized Biorthogonal Wavelets”, SPCOM 2010
Ritesh Kolte, Pushkar Patwardhan, Vikram Gadre, “A Class of Time-Frequency product optimized
Biorthogonal Wavelet Filter Banks”, NCC 2010
Ritesh Kolte, Himanshu Asnani, Mustafa Arisoylu, “Method and System for Packet Redundancy
Removal”, Patent Application Filed
Reviewer for
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Communications, Wireless Communications
Ericsson, San Jose, CA
Jun - Sep 2014
Developed algorithms for (i) server load balancing in an SDN setup and (ii) redundancy elimination
in network traffic
Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ
Jun - Aug 2013
Proved that cooperative communication gains can be obtained in the absence of synchronization in
a wireless relay network
Qualcomm CDMA Technologies, San Diego, CA
Jun - Sep 2011
Studied DSP filter architectures; Developed and tested fixed-point libraries for multi-stage IIR filtering and equalization
Course Assistant for the following courses
- Principles of Cooperation in Wireless Networks, Spring 2011-12, Stanford University
- Introduction to Digital Communication, Winter 2012-13, Stanford University
- Digital Signal Processing and its Applications, Spring 2009-10, IIT Bombay
- Wavelets, Fall 2009-10, IIT Bombay
- Signals and Systems, Spring 2009-10, IIT Bombay
Courses at
Machine Learning, Optimization and Algorithmic Paradigms, Convex Optimization -I,II, Randomized
Algorithms, Statistical Signal Processing, Algorithms (and Data Structures), Dynamic Programming
and Stochastic Control, Theory of Probability, Network Information Theory, Universal Schemes in
Information Theory, Linear Dynamical Systems, Image Processing, Computational Genomics
courses at
IIT Bombay
Digital and Analog Communication, Wireless Communication, Communication Networks, Digital
Signal Processing, Wavelets, Linear Algebra, Control Systems
Wireless Networks and Information Theory
Advisor: Prof. Ayfer Özgür, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
Apr 2012 (i) Half-Duplex Relaying, (ii) Improved Capacity Approximations, (iii) Schemes for Interference Channels, (iv) Efficient Subnetwork Selection, (v) Cooperative Schemes for Multiuser Channels
Analyzing Gene Expression in mouse model of Lymphoma
Advisor: Prof. David Dill, Computer Science, Stanford University
Jan 2011 - Mar 2012
Formulated a novel optimization problem to determine which stage of cell development cancerous
cells are most likely stuck in
Design of Wavelets - Time-Frequency Localization
Advisor: Prof. V.M.Gadre, Electrical Engg., IIT Bombay, India
May 2009 - May 2010
Developed filter-bank based methods to obtain time-frequency resolved wavelets
Acoustic modeling of the galleries in Chavin de Huantar
Advisor: Prof. Jonathan Abel, CCRMA, Stanford University
Sep - Nov 2010
Developed and simulated a digital model to study the acoustics of the underground galleries at an
ancient archaeological site in Peru (Chavin de Huantar)
C, C++, Python, Matlab, R