MYRRHA Accelerator eXperiment, research & development programme J-L. Biarrotte, CNRS-IN2P3 / IPN Orsay Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 1 1.Introduction 2. European ADS Demonstration: the MYRRHA project 3. The reference ADS-type accelerator 4. The MAX project and beyond 5. Conclusion Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 2 High power proton accelerators Production of intense flux of secondary particles relevant for several domains of fundamental or applied science Muons, neutrinos... for Particle physics Neutrons for condensed matter physics, material physics, irradiation, transmutation of long-lived nuclear wastes... Radioactive ions for Nuclear physics Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 3 Example #1: SPIRAL -2 (GANIL) & EURISOL SPIRAL-2 SPIRAL-2 project @ GANIL (Caen, F) ¾ Physics of exotic nuclei mainly, using the ISOL method ¾ Primary beams: protons, deuterons, heavy ions, up to 200 kW CW ¾ Phase 1 (driver linac) under construction EURISOL project ¾ New generation radioactive ion beam facility (ISOL method) ¾ Primary beams up to 5 MW Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 4 Example #2: SPL project (CERN) SPL project @ CERN ¾ LHC luminosity upgrade ¾ Neutrino physics (π, μ decay, or 6He,18Ne decay) ¾ Compatible with EURISOL ¾ LINAC 4 (160 MeV) under construction Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 5 Example #3: SNS (Oak Ridge, USA) Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 6 Other machines & projects J-PARC facility (Japon) PSI (Switz.) ESS project (Sweden) MYRRHA project (Belgium) FAIR project (Germany) IFMIF project Project-X (USA) Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 7 Main associated challenges These high power machines require an excellent beam transmission to be allowed to operate: beam loss level must be < 10-6 per meter typically Physics of intense hadron beams ¾ Management of space charge effects ¾ Understanding of beam halo generation during transport R&D on new technologies ¾ Accelerating cavities (RFQ, superconducting cavities) ¾ Diagnostics for intense hadron beams ¾ New generation targets (MegaWatt) ¾ High power Radio-Frequency elements Increased demand for flexibility and reliability ¾ Higher & higher beam availability is required ¾ High diversity of primary beam in a single machine (nuclear physics application) ¾ Beam interruptions forbidden (ADS application) Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 8 1. Introduction 2. European ADS Demonstration: the MYRRHA project 3. The reference ADS-type accelerator 4. The MAX project and beyond 5. Conclusion Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 9 ADS (Accelerator Driven Systems) ¾ About 2500 tons of spent fuel are produced every year by the 145 reactors of EU ¾ Partitionning & Transmutation (P&T) strategy: reduce radiotoxicity and volume of long-lived nuclear wastes (Am-241 in particular) before geological storage ¾ ADS sub-critical system: reference solution for a dedicated “transmuter” facility Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 10 ADS in the European & French context → 2010 ¾ (FR) Law « Bataille » n° 91-1381, 30 december 1991 => French roadmap for research on radioactive waste management ¾ (EU) ETWG report on ADS, 2001 ¾ (EU-FP5) PDS-XADS project (2001-2004) ¾ (EU-FP6) EUROTRANS programme (2005-2010) ¾ (FR) Law n°2006-739, 28 june 2006 => Following-up the law « Bataille », with focus on sustainability Article 3 (...) 1. La séparation et la transmutation des éléments radioactifs à vie longue. Les études et recherches correspondantes sont conduites en relation avec celles menées sur les nouvelles générations de réacteurs nucléaires mentionnés à l'article 5 de la loi n° 2005-781 du 13 juillet 2005 de programme fixant les orientations de la politique énergétique ainsi que sur les réacteurs pilotés par accélérateur dédiés à la transmutation des déchets, afin de disposer, en 2012, d'une évaluation des perspectives industrielles de ces filières et de mettre en exploitation un prototype d'installation avant le 31 décembre 2020 ; (...) Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 11 The MYRRHA project MYRRHA Project Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications At Mol (Belgium) Development, construction & commissioning of a new large fast neutron research infrastructure to be operational in 2023 n ADS demonstrator o Fast neutron irradiation facility p Pilot plant for LFR technology Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 12 MYRRHA as an ADS demonstrator Demonstrate the physics and technology of an Accelerator Driven System (ADS) for transmuting long-lived radioactive waste ¾ Demonstrate the ADS concept (coupling accelerator + spallation source + power reactor) ¾ Demonstrate the transmutation (experimental assemblies) Main features of the ADS demo 50-100 MWth power keff around 0.95 600 MeV, 2.5 - 4 mA proton beam Highly-enriched MOX fuel Pb-Bi Eutectic coolant & target Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 13 MYRRHA as a fast spectrum irradiation facility ¾ All European irradiation Research Reactors are about to close within 10-20 years ¾ The RJH (Réacteur Jules Horowitz) project, is presently the only planned MTR (Material Tests Reactor), and provides mainly a thermal spectrum ¾ MYRRHA is the natural fast spectrum complementary facility Main applications of the MYRRHA irradiation facility Test & qualification of innovative fuels and materials for the future Gen. IV fast reactor concepts Production of neutron irradiated silicon to enable technologies for renewable energies (windmills, solar panels, electric cars) Production of radio-isotopes for nuclear medecine (99Mo especially) Fundamental science in general (also using the proton linac by itself !) Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 14 MYRRHA as a Gen.IV demonstration reactor Serve as a technology Pilot Plant for liquid-metal based reactor concepts (Lead Fast Reactors) European commission scope for the development of Gen.IV advanced reactor systems demos (ESNII roadmap) Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 15 MYRRHA in brief MYRRHA is considered as a strategic stone: ¾ for SCK●CEN, as a replacement for the BR2 reactor (shut-down in 2026) ¾ for the European picture of Material Testing Reactors, as a complement to the RJH ¾ For the future of sustainable nuclear energy, as an ADS demonstrator & a strong support to the development of Gen. IV reactors Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 16 MYRRHA official key dates ¾ 1998: first studies ¾ 2002: pre-design “Myrrha Draft 1” (350 MeV cyclotron) ¾ 2002-2004: studied as one of the 3 reactor designs within the PDS-XADS FP5 project (cyclotron turns into linac, fault-tolerance concept is introduced) ¾ 2005: updated design “Myrrha Draft 2” (350 MeV linac) ¾ 2005-2010: studied as the XT-ADS demo within the FP6 IP-EUROTRANS (600 MeV linac conceptual design, R&D activities w/ focus on reliability) ¾ 2010: MYRRHA is on the ESFRI list, and is officially supported by the Belgium government at a 40% level (384M€, w/ 60M€ already engaged) ¾ 2010-2015: Engineering design, licensing process, set-up of the international consortium, w/ support from the FP7 projects CDT, FREYA & MAX ¾ 2016-2019: construction phase ¾ 2020-2023: commissioning and progressive start-up ¾ 2024: full exploitation Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 17 MYRRHA within FP7 CDT Feedbacks from low power experiments (sub-criticity monitoring...) FREYA Reactor design GUINEVERE experiment SCK●CEN SCK●CEN Interactions on facility design, especially reactor/accelerator interface MAX Feedbacks from accelerator operation Accelerator design CNRS Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 18 1. Introduction 2. European ADS Demonstration: the MYRRHA project 3. The reference ADS-type accelerator 4. The MAX project and beyond 5. Conclusion Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 19 Proton beam energy / intensity requirements Current / Energy / Sub-Criticity for a 80 MWtherm ADS demo n (simulation by ANSALDO) o 3 10 Power density deposited in LBE Accelerator cost p q Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 20 Proton beam specifications MYRRHA High power CW accelerators Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 21 Proton beam specifications 3 10 Extreme reliability level ! High power CW accelerators Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 22 Reliability: impact on accelerator design Beam trips longer than 3 sec to avoid thermal stresses & fatigue on the ADS target, reactor & fuel assemblies (and to provide good plant availability) => Present specification = less than 10 beam trips per 3 month operation cycle Reliability guidelines have to be followed during the ADS accelerator design: ¾ Strong component design (“overdesign”) - Perfect beam optics to ensure a low-loss machine - Operation margin between operation points and technological limitations - Systematic R&D needed for all components ¾ Redundancy in critical areas for reliability - Typically: injector (doubled), RF amplifiers (solid-state technology)… ¾ Fault-tolerance where possible - The superconducting linac is designed as modular as possible with fault-tolerance capabilities - New generation RF control system are required to implement fault-tolerance Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 23 Generic scheme of the European ADS accelerator Modular & upgradeable – Maximized electrical efficiency – Optimized for reliability Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 24 Reliability – from the reactor side Present specifications inspired from the PHENIX reactor (fast, Na liquid metal) ¾ PHENIX spec. (20 years operation) - Fast stops (210s) : < 600 (200 effective) - Emergency stops (SCRAM 0.7s) : < 200 (100 effective) - Total => 10 stops / 3 months effective ¾ PHENIX maintenance showed that a few elements (heat exchangers) didn’t tolerate thermal transients → CAUTION !! Simulations performed to assess the number of admissible thermal shocks lead to very different results, o.o.m. => 1000 stops / 3 months → OPTIMISM ! ¾ U.S study (AAA project) ¾ AREVA analysis for XT-ADS ¾ JAEA study (ADS 800 MWth) ¾ SCK*CEN study for MYRRHA Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 25 Reliability – from the reactor side DOE white paper on ADS (September 2010) It seems that a compromise is still to establish in the ADS community...! Some more or less “fuzzy” points => - data of irradiated steel T91 & 316L, - impact of oxyde layer errosion/corrosion by LBE on cladding embrittlement, - strategy for LBE cooling management during trips, - needed time for start-up procedures after a trip (1 day?) - ... Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 26 Reliability – from the accelerator side Most of nowadays accelerators are not optimised for reliability ¾ MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) in the order of a few hours typically (main parameter is usually Availability) J. Galambos (SNS) - HB2008 Spec JAEA... Spec EUROTRANS ¾ JAEA / SCK*CEN reliability spec. more or less compatible with state-of-the art ¾ EUROTRANS / PHENIX spec. 2 orders of magnitude more severe We (accelerator community) can not reasonably promise EUROTRANStype reliability spec. before at least a few years of commissioning & tuning of the MYYRHA machine L. Hardy (ESRF) - EPAC2008 A very high progression margin is existing ¾ Since a few years, the accelerator community is more and more sensitive to reliability/availability aspects (e.g. dedicated workshops) ¾ ESRF facility reaches MTBF > 40 h since 2000 ¾ EUROTRANS reliability analysis showed that the goal is not unrealistic if the 3 reliability « golden rules » are applied Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 27 The MYRRHA linear accelerator Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 28 The MYRRHA linear accelerator Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 29 The 17 MeV injector: present design ¾ ECR proton source : 5 mA, 50 kV max ¾ RFQ « Radio-Frequency Quadrupole », 352 MHz (or 176 MHz) ¾ « Booster » w/ copper (*2) & superconducting (*4) CH cavities up to 17 MeV ¾ Very efficient solution at these low energies ( >1 MeV/m energy gain) ¾ A 2nd redundant injector is foreseen in case of failure Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 30 On-going R&D → Source & RFQ R&D on the SILHI source (CEA) ¾ Good reliability since 10 years → 100mA ¾ Able to produce sharp beam interruptions of 200μs for sub-criticity monitoring R&D on the IPHI RFQ (CEA, CNRS) ¾ Very challenging (100 mA) : mechanical tolerances, brazing procedures, cooling... ¾ Last RFQ sections are (still...) under fabrication, but the main critical points have been overpassed ¾ Once the IPHI injector commissioned (2011-2012), the long reliability run test will be performed (3 MeV operation, 30 mA CW during 2 months), as promised during EUROTRANS R&D on the MYRRHA RFQ (IAP, SCK●CEN) ¾ Comparative study: 352 MHz Vs 176 MHz, 4-vane Vs 4-rod & choice of the concept in 2012 ¾ Detailed design of the MYRRHA RFQ should follow & construction before 2015 (SCK●CEN) Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 31 On-going R&D → CH cavities booster R&D on superconducting CH cavities (IAP) ¾ 19-gap prototype (1st of its kind) built & successfully tested @4K (→ 7 MV/m) ¾ Design & construction of a new cavity suited to beam operation is on-going, that should be tested with high RF power & ultimately with beam at GSI (2014) R&D on copper CH cavities (IAP) ¾ Test of a prototype at nominal RF power ¾ Design of the MYRRHA CH copper cavity foreseen until 2013 Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 32 The main 17 - 600 MeV LINAC: present design ¾ « Spoke »-type superconducting cavities * 63 (352 MHz, family #1) ¾ Elliptical superconducting cavities * 94 (704 MHz, families #2 et #3 ) ¾ Total length: 215 metres ¾ Modular accelerating structures independently powered ¾ Capability of on-line fault-tolerance ¾ Comfortable margin on operating point Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 33 On-going R&D → « Spoke » superconducting cavities ¾ Development of 2 « Spoke » prototypes @350MHz with associated ancillaries (CNRS) Coupler RF amp ¾ Test in vertical & horizontal cryostat at the nominal RF power 10 kW (2009) ¾ Detailed design of a MYRRHA spoke module is foreseen until 2014 Cavity Tuning system Cryostat & cold box Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. RF control 34 On-going R&D → Elliptical superconducting cavities ¾ Design & construction of an ADS prototype cryomodule @700MHz (CNRS, INFN) ¾ Commissioning on-going (RF source 80 kW ok, 1er cryogenic test in July 2010) ¾ Will be used (2011-2014) as a test bench for reliability-oriented experiments (especially to assess fault-recovery procedures performance) Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 35 On-going R&D → Fault recovery systems ¾ Developpement of simulation codes to analyse the beam transient behaviour during RF failures (CEA, CNRS) Failed cavity position ¾ A reference scenario has been settled for the on-line recovery procedure of such failures Baseline fast fault-recovery scenario - RF fault is detected via suited dedicated diagnostics and interlocks - Fast beam shut-down is triggered (o). - New correcting field and phase setpoints (previously stored in the LLRF boards’ memory) are updated (p). - The failed cavity is quickly detuned to avoid the beam loading effect. - Once steady-state is reached, beam re-injection is triggered (r). ¾ Development of a new generation digital LLRF system (Low-Level RF) able to deal with such procedures ¾Tests are planned using the prototypical ADS cryomodule Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 36 Final beam line to reactor Beam line under final design (CNRS, CDT project) ¾ Triple achromatic deviation w/ telescopic properties ¾ Remote-handling in the reactor hall ¾ 2.4 MW beam dump ¾ Beam scanning on target ¾ Beam instrumentation Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. Beam power distribution on target 37 Upstream studies ¾ Design consolidation → MAX project (2011 – 2014) ¾ Beam dynamics STE simulations w/ error studies ¾ More relevant reliability analyses ¾ Cost update (MYRRHA = about 1 B€, accelerator = about 250 M€) Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 38 1. Introduction 2. L’ADS européen : le projet MYRRHA 3. L’accélérateur ADS de référence 4. The MAX project and beyond 5. Conclusion Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 39 MAX project summary ¾ Project name & duration 9 MAX ) “Myrrha Accelerator eXperiment, research & development programme” 9 3 years & coordinated by CNRS (J-L. Biarrotte) ) 2011 – 2012 – 2013 (start date: February 1st, 2011) ¾ Goal of the project 9 Pursue the R&D related to ADS-type accelerators, that request a “beyond the state-of-the-art” reliability level ) Follow up of FP5 PDS-XADS & FP6 EUROTRANS-DM1 activities (MYRRHA was called XTXT-ADS) 9 Fine-tune the design of the driving accelerator for the MYRRHA system ) To initiate a possible MYRRHA detailed engineering design & subsequent construction phase starting at the end of the MAX project ) As a complement to the CDT project (MYRRHA is called FASTEF = FastFast-spectrum transmutation Exp. Facility) ¾ Key data 9 Call identifier: FP7-FISSION-2010 ) Collaborative Project – Small/medium-scale Focused (CP-FP) 9 Project cost: 4.9 M€ total cost – 2.9 M€ EU contribution ) With a total personnel involvement of about 300 p.m. from 11 partners Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 40 MAX - WP1 summary ¾ WP1: Global accelerator design (Dirk Vandeplassche, SCK●CEN) 9 Task 1.1: Analysis of the XT-ADS accelerator design & detailed work programme ) (CNRS, SCK●CEN, D1.1 @+3) 9 Task 1.2: Design fine-tuning and beam simulation codes benchmarking ) (CNRS, CEA, IAP), D1.2 @+21) 9 Task 1.3: Preliminary buildings and infrastructures definition ) (EA, ACS, SCK•CEN, D1.3 @+30) 9 Task 1.4: Advanced beam dynamics simulations ) (CEA, CNRS, IAP, D1.4 @+30) 9 Task 1.5: MAX final report: analysis of the MYRRHA accelerator consolidated design, conclusions and recommendations ) (SCK•CEN, CNRS, EA, IAP, INFN, D1.5* @+36) Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 41 MAX - WP2 summary ¾ WP2: Injector developments (Horst Klein, IAP) 9 Task 2.1: 352 MHz Vs 176 MHz injector comparison & choice ) (IAP, CNRS, SCK•CEN, D2.1 @+12) 9 Task 2.2: RF test of a superconducting CH-cavity in its horizontal cryomodule ) (IAP, D2.2 @+21) 9 Task 2.3: Design of a room-temperature CH-cavity for MYRRHA ) (IAP, D2.3 @+30) 9 Task 2.4: Design of the MYRRHA RFQ & associated short-section test ) (IAP, SCK•CEN, KUL, D2.4* @+36) Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 42 MAX – WP3 summary ¾ WP3: Main linac developments (Paolo Pierini, INFN) 9 Task 3.1: Reliability-oriented experiments with a fully-equipped 700 MHz prototypical cryomodule ) (CNRS, CEA, EA, INFN, SCK•CEN, D3.1 @+30) 9 Task 3.2: Experimental evaluation of ADEX control on a 700 MHz prototypical cryomodule ) (ADEX, CNRS, INFN, D3.2 @+30) 9 Task 3.3: Engineering design of a MYRRHA-like spoke cryomodule ) (CNRS, EA, INFN, SCK•CEN, D3.3* @+36) Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 43 MAX – WP4 summary ¾ WP4: System optimisation (Pedro Fernandez, EA) 9 Task 4.1: Analysis of the optimal temperature of the MYRRHA superconducting linac ) (ACS, CNRS, IAP, INFN, D4.1 @+12) 9 Task 4.2: Reliability model of an existing accelerator ) (EA, ACS, CNRS, D4.2 @+21) 9 Task 4.3: Lessons learnt from the GUINEVERE accelerator-coupled experiment ) (CNRS, SCK•CEN, D4.3 @+30) 9 Task 4.4: Preliminary reliability study of the MYRRHA accelerator ) (EA, ACS, ADEX, CNRS, FE-UCP, IAP, INFN, SCK•CEN, D4.4* @+36) 9 Task 4.5: Expertise on the MYRRHA linac 700 MHz RF system and associated R&D ) (TED, CNRS, D4.5* @+36) Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 44 MAX – WP5 & WP6 9 Global management 9 Periodic EU reports 9 Web-site 9 9 9 Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. PhD training Regular seminars 1 or 2 school(s) 45 MAX – Timing & Milestones 9 5 Milestones 9 2 Design Reviews Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 46 Parallel R&D at SCK●CEN In parallel to MAX, SCK●CEN is planning to build a demonstrator of the MYRRHA injector (source + RFQ, 2015) Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 47 Typical roadmap towards MYRRHA From the decision to build MYRRHA, at least 10 years of construction & commissioning are needed before some kind of routine operation Example n°1: SNS facility - 1997: Conceptual Design Report - 3 years of Detailed Design phase - End 2000: Start of construction phase - 2006: first beam from injector - 2010: first 1 MW beam on spallation target Example n°2: SPIRAL2 facility - 2001: Conceptual Design Report - 2005: Detailed Design report - 2006: Start of construction phase Manpower: > 100 m.y per year - 2012: first beam planned from injector - Mainly from accelerator labs (availability ??) - 201?: first 200kW beam on target - 10 times the MAX effort Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 48 1. Introduction 2. L’ADS européen : le projet MYRRHA 3. L’accélérateur ADS de référence 4. The MAX project and beyond 5. Conclusion Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 49 Conclusions ¾ MYRRHA = new large multi-purpose fast neutron research infrastructure, to be operational in 2023 (let’s be optimistic !) ¾ At the end of FP7 projets (CDT, FREYA, MAX), the goal is to reach a sufficient level of design to be able to launch a construction phase for MYRRHA (in 2015 or 2016) ¾ Three kee points to be aware of about the accelerator part: 1. High R&D efforts will be done within MAX, but some risky topics are not fully covered and should be looked at in parallel (SC CH booster design, high-energy long cryomodule design & production plan, control system aspects...) 2. An accelerator team of at least 100 persons will have to be settled for the construction phase, probably via a consortium of the major European acc. labs 3. There is a quite high probability that the present required reliability level will not be reached during the first years of life of the machine Jean-Luc Biarrotte, IAP Seminar, Frankfurt, February 4th, 2011. 50